1997/12/23 05:51
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #855
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 855
Today's Topics:
Re: Urdhava-retas [ "Rick Puravs" <ric51ATnospamgeorge.lhi.net ]
[CHAT] Serotonin [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
RE: Urdhvaretas,New Age, Gopi Krishn [ Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley ]
Endless BS from listATnospampaganmusic.com [ Tantrika <hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net> ]
RE: Urddhvareta/website [ Radhakrishnan B <brkATnospamcri.co.in> ]
Witches Brew [ Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> ]
Re: 48 Hours -Skeptic HEaven [ Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.c ]
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 23:05:36 -0500
From: "Rick Puravs" <ric51ATnospamgeorge.lhi.net>
To: "Gene Kieffer" <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Urdhava-retas
Message-ID: <01bd0f58$05e256a0$LocalHostATnospamhp-customer>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Dear Gene,
You wrote.........
>Dear Rick,
> I thank you very much for your comments. Every one of your questions
>deserves a complete answer, and I would very much like to furnish those
>answers. At the moment, I have 16 email letters to reply to this
>morning, and I also promised to mail out more than 60 books today--all
>complimentary, by the way--so I will only touch briefly on your questions.
> First off, I began promoting Kundalini research full time in 1970 at
>the specific request of Gopi Krishna. We established the Kundalini
>Research Foundation in New York in that same year and obtained tax-
>exempt status in 1970 also. Since then we have created more than
>50 different pamphlets, etc., and mailed them to many, many thousands
>of scientists and scholars both in the U.S. and abroad.
> This week alone we are sending out 2,000 books, entitled THE
>SHAPE OF EVENTS TO COME. All free. I should not say this week, because
>it is Christmas, and we will only be typing the addresses, etc., but
>will mail the books right after the first of the year. We will send
>one to you if you wish. There is no charge.
> Our foundation does only two things: 1. Promote the concept of
>scientifically verifying the existence of Kundalini, and 2., correspond
>with individuals who write to us.
> We have a modest web site you can visit if you wish: It is
> As for funding, 99.5% of all the funds spend by the K.R.F. over the
>past 28 years were contributed by Gene Kieffer personally. Mr. Kieffer
>was in the advertising/public relations business in Des Moines, Iowa,
>until he had a kundalini experience on December 20, 1968. After that
>experience, he left his agency and moved to New York City, taking his
>wife and four children, two of which were in high school, and two
>in college. His K-experience, like that of so many thousands of
>others, especially nowadays, made him believe that he had some kind of
>a mission. He had never heard of Kundalini. All he knew is that he
>"saw the light," so to speak and that he was being called upon to
>"do something." Being an advertising man, he did the only thing he
>knew how to do. He purchased anti-war ads in the New York Times, the
>Washington Post, the Des Moines Register, and wenk broke. Altogher, he
>spent $50,000 in the months of December and January (1968-69).
> When he finally came to his senses, some months later, he found that
>he and his family were broke, he had burned his bridges behind him, and
>he was stuck in New York City with no job, nothing, and yet he still
>had his family to support. One year later, on New Years Eve, he met
>Gopi Krishna in a dream. That was 1969. He has worked for Gopi Krishna
>full time ever since. All of what I have written is easily verified.
>Nobody doubts it anyway. As founder of the K. R. F., I have written
>more than 15,000 letters (mostly by old-fashioned typewriter) to people
>who have written to the K. R. F. for information about Kundalini.
> You are right, Urdhava-retas is an interesting phenomenon. We've
>published many pamphlets about it and have mailed them to many thousands
>of individuals, scientists, scholars, etc. The only thing that limits
>our activities is that Gene Kieffer has no money. When he was in the
>ad business back in Des Moines, he did well, owned a Bonanza, Porsche,
>Lincoln, big house, etc. But after he "went on his mission," he lost
>all that and never recovered financially. But that is a old story told
>by thousands of Kundalini kids all over the U.S. Most Kundalini people
>are broke, or at least those who have contacted the K.R.F. It seems to
>go with the job.
> The reason why we have zeroed in on Urdhava-retas is because it separates
>the men from the boys,as they say. I must repeat that I am an old hand in
>this business. I have talked to hundreds upon hundreds of individuals
>who have had the K experience, so in order to try to come to some
>understanding of the phenomenon, we singled out the most prominent
>"symptom" of Kundalini, which as you well know is the upward flow of the
>seminal essence. In the 1970s this was much more widely discussed, but
>somehow it got lost in the shuffle during the 1980s, and in the 1990s, it
>more or less got left behind entirely.
> I just tossed it out on Gloria's K-list the other day to see what kind
>of a response I might get. I learned from Dr. Luther that Urdhava-reteas
>was exceedingly common and very well known by virtually everybody and that
>there were so many, many books, etc., about Urdhava-retas that I was kind
>of taken aback. But I wished more than anything to learn the names of
>all those books on Urdhava-retas that Dr. Luther spoke about, because
>I am a book reader and collector. My library is quite extensive, really.
>And I spend a lot of time in libraries. It's just my nature.
> So if you would be so kind as to pass along some of your knowledge
>of Urdhava-retas--it need not have been published--we would be grateful
>to have it. Chances are we already have the books, but maybe not. I'll
>no doubt be getting a list from Dr. Luther shortly, also.
>With all best wishes for the Holidays,
>Gene Kieffer
I find similarities between Urdhava-retas and certain Tantric practices, esp
those involving the central channel, drops, and winds......drops being very
much related to the essence of blood and sperm.....there are a number of
books available on this and i would suggest something by Geshe Kelsang
Gyatso such as "Tantric Grounds and Paths" or "Clear Light of Bliss" as a
good place to start.....also there would seem to be a relationship with Taoist
Yoga, such as in the works of Mantak Chia. My focus until recently has been
on Tibetan and Tantric Buddhism. Since my Kundalini awakening i have been expanding into various aspects of Yoga, Hindu/Vedantic traditions,
Kashmir Shaivism, etc., but my knowledge of the literature is neither comprehensive or extensive, so i do not have much to offer you as far as
sources on Urdhava-retas. I read these things mainly in the search for
information which i can use to expand and support my practice.
elsewhere you wrote......
> We, this little band of brave K-listers, have the power to over-
> ride the charlatans and pretenders, the New Age writers and dispensers
> of pablum, whose only wish is to bamboozle the public with the
> "conversations with God" and there innane "course in miracles," etc.
> Why should we be held at bay? The Internet is our only outlet because
> the publishing industry has no interest in anything except money, and
> they think the public is too ignorant and unintelligent to know the
> difference between what is real and what is imagined
I might agree with you somewhat on your judgement of "New Age writers", though i try to keep an open mind and continue to read some of this material
as it comes to my attention. I have not found what i would consider to be a
great deal of substance in a lot of this literature, but my perspective on this
is influenced by the fact that i am searching for things i can apply. What is
important to realize is that we all start from where we are, and we are at all
places at once.
There has been a wealth of literature published in the past 30 years or so.
Check out publishers such as Wisdom, Snow Lion, Shambhala , SUNY (State University of New York Press), Weiser, & Dharma ,and many smaller
publishers. Much of this is scholarly work bringing to light (at least to Western
readers)the heart of profound traditions.
You also wrote elsewhere.......
. From my point of view, there has been a wall of silence
> surrounding Kundalini. Yes, I know very well what the gurus say to
> their own kind. But I am not in the least interested in gurus.
> What I want is for the general public to be brought into these
> discussions. They are not apes. They are intelligent human beings
> whose stake in the survival of the race is just as great as any
> guru's.
It would seem that with this sort of an attitude you are cutting yourself off from
what you are seeking. I am not going to try to be an apologist for guru's. No
doubt there have been and are some unworthy pretenders among the lot.
There are also guru's who embody lineages, traditions that go back centuries, perhaps thousands of years. They transmit knowledge that is only
recently being recorded in books, and experience that can not be put in a
book. Find a worthy guru and she/he is but an instrument of the divine.
Gene, it seems clear that you have done worthy work for a long time. I can
appreciate your antiwar efforts , having devoted a lot of energy myself to
opposing the war in those days. In the spirit of starting where you were and
going from there, you have done quite well, and after all these years, you still
have your direction and your purpose. It may be helpful to reflect on the process you have undergone, and what has been worked in your life. Consider the source of the power you have experienced. A sense of surrender and humbleness may help open all the remaining doors, both inner
and outer, and you will then find what you are seeking.
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 22:27:26 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: [CHAT] Serotonin
Message-ID: <1329292854-17334346ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Susanne Macrae wrote:
>... when there are an excess of positive ions
>in the atmosphere (such as on cloudy days) that the inhalation of these
>high levels of positive ions increases serotonin production.
> Neil
>may be normally a low producer of serotonin and so thrives when the
>production is "upped" by the weather.
Yes! That must be it. My sisters and I have discussed the possibility that
we have a genetic heritage that causes us to be naturally low in serotonin.
Serotonin has been described as the "zen" chemical. Must be why I haven't
learned to meditate yet. I have a "monkey mind" that is easily bored.
Boredom causes me a near physical pain. My best friend says that she is
able to "zone out" in boring circumstances. She must have a high serotonin
content. If she tries to read before bed she falls asleep, while I will
stay awake all night if I don't force myself to put the book down.
I will go nearly coo-coo in a doctor's waiting room, etc. without something
to read. In dire straights I will read *anything*, even those "do not
remove under penalty of law" furniture labels, or my checking account
I know I have a problem, but if it's chemcially based, what to do? I have
heard there is a book somewhere that lists foods naturally high in
serotonin, but I don't know if that is a solution, or not.
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 20:28:13 -0800
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>
To: "'Tantrika'" <hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net>,
Cc: Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>,
Subject: RE: Urdhvaretas,New Age, Gopi Krishna etc.
Message-ID: <01BD0F18.20E719D0.keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>
Urdhva means upward or above
Retas means the subtle male or white essence. Some have made retas to be
equivalent to semen, but Swami Shivom Tirth, for example, would not agree
with this. Retas is more subtle than semen. Also, women have retas but do
not have semen. Retas is discussed at in some detail in my kundalini-yogas
FAQ located at the Kundalini Gateway
http://www.execpc.com/~libra/kund/kundgate.html among other places.
Urdhvaretas is a state in which the *retas* is constantly moving upward. In
other words the subtle white sexual energy (it's easier to say retas isn't
it?) moves continually upward and does not drop out. Urdhvaretas is not
simply a state of celibacy, as I believe anandajyoti noted as well, it is a
state in which the movement of retas is *spontaneously* upward.
In general you can find a bunch of Sanskrit terms at:
unfortunately, they are sometimes idiosyncratically spelled.
Kind Regards, Kurt
-----Original Message-----
From: Tantrika [SMTP:hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net]
Sent: Monday, December 22, 1997 7:53 PM
To: keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu; 'anandajyoti'; lodpressATnospamintercomm.com
Cc: Gene Kieffer; heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com; kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Urdhvaretas,New Age, Gopi Krishna etc.
I'll be rude here and CC: everyone...
What the heck is Urdhvaretas??????
How many times must I ask?
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 21:53:47 -0800
From: Tantrika <hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Endless BS from listATnospampaganmusic.com
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I've just gotten about 25 email bounces from that address. Please don't
include me there, i don't know who is doing it, but it is REALLY annoying.
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 13:31:12 +0530
From: Radhakrishnan B <brkATnospamcri.co.in>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: Urddhvareta/website
Message-ID: <8170B9EA932AD11188300080C851C8CE23728FATnospamKABUTHAM>
Content-Type: text/plain;
That was quite a very nice, straight forward article... I entirely agree
with you on this and that's why many here are vegetarians... Not that
Non-veg. is bad but it is due to being Veg. that we have a very
fantastic history.
With Regards,
Impel Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,
2nd Flr, Temple Towers,
Nandanam, Madras 600 035. India.
Ph. : +91 44 434 0520/4163/4538
mail : brkATnospamcri.co.in
"One should try to see One Self with One's own Self"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dieter Dambiec [SMTP:d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au]
> Sent: Friday, November 28, 1997 9:43 PM
> To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
> Cc: 'kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com'
> Subject: RE: Urddhvareta/website
> Frankly, sex is not a big deal - the inner motives for our actions is
> what
> counts.
> Of course, there is no use in denying anything - but that does not
> mean one
> goes
> around doing whatever one likes. Self-indulgence in sexual matters is
> even
> more dangerous.
> It is simply a matter of getting things in perspective and having the
> practical means/processes of achieving the perspective.
> Well, lets look at the practical side a bit. If the body becomes
> deficient in sexual secretions (eg semen) due to wasteful external
> discharge all the glands lose their vitality. It is the sexual
> secretions
> and fluids (of which semen is the end result) which help the glands
> stay
> strong and healthy. Some of the important glands need this more than
> others, and therefore any deficiency is more detrimental to them due
> to
> excess release of sexual secretions. The thyroid gland of the throat
> is
> one such gland. Studies have also shown a link between postrate
> cancer and
> excess sexual activity due to loss of vital sexual secretions needed
> for
> maintenance of glands, that loss arising from excess sexual activity.
> Internal organs can become weak through extreme self-indulgence of a
> sexual
> nature. As a result of the attrition of important sexual secretions,
> the
> body loses its vitality (skin colour can loose its luminence as well).
> In fact the vital fluid ('shukra' in sanskrit) has three stages. In
> males: lymph, spermatozoa and seminal fluid. In females: lymph, ova
> and
> fluids released on sexual excitment or menstruation.
> The lymph stage nourishes the brain and the glands. Lack of
> self-restraint
> can cause too much lymph to be converted into the later stages, thus
> depriving the brain and glands. So for good health the maintenance of
> lymph
> is critical and which nourishes relevant glands which in turn are
> associated with the requisite chakras which in turn are part of the
> psychic
> structure of the human consciousness and that in turn is linked to
> spritual
> development and awareness.
> Therefore, too much loss of sexual secretions (at all stages of
> development) makes the brain weak and memory short and courage and
> spiritedness are lost.
> Studies have shown that intellectuals usually indulge in far less
> sexual
> activity than others because their minds are not stuck in the 2nd
> chakra.
> This 'transcendence' of a type is perfectly natural.
> For spiritual progress/thought/realisation preservation of sexual
> secretions does need attention. Lymph and semen are necessary for the
> nourishment of nerve cells and nerve fibres. Hence preservation of
> these is
> essential for developing firmness of mind and intellectual sharpness.
> Lymph is food for the brain and I believe is also related to good and
> healthy blood. In the absence of
> lymph, or in case of its impaired functioning, the entire constitution
> may
> be impaired, the body may become susceptible to disease, and mental
> and
> spiritual meditation/practices/ideation may be impaired.
> The lymph forces through lymphatic vessels which run side by side with
> the
> arteries. The glands through which lymphatic vessels pass are the
> lymphatic
> glands. The function of the lymph is to purify the blood and maintain
> beauty and glory of the body; and by getting into the glands it
> enables
> proper secretion of hormones. For the proper development of innate
> qualities adequate amount of lymph is necessary. The lymph rises up
> and
> gets into the brain thus strengthening it. For the intellectuals
> adequate
> amount of lymph is necessary. Deficiency or defect in the lymph cause
> some
> diseases in the organ where deficiency has occurred.
> From my understanding the ectoplasmic particles of the unit mind are
> also
> related to subtle sexual secretions and it is in the ectoplasm that
> memories are stored and reactions to actions are dormant waiting to be
> expressed as 'karma' or reactive momenta. The strength of the mind is
> lost
> if there imbalance in sexual practices or they are outwardly only.
> Therefore, restraint is a must for every man and woman interested in
> the
> spiritual.
> But of course sexual secretions may become excess/surplus. In the
> case of
> males (non-indulgent type), this excess is either passed out with the
> urine
> or expelled while dreaming. It is not at all abnormal to have a
> seminal
> discharge three or four times a month. Of course if one does not think
> much
> about sexual matters or lust then the build up of excess semen will
> not
> arise - the body will only create that much as is needed for healthy
> maintenance of its glandular structure and the required lymph that is
> related to it will be in balance. In the case of married persons,
> excess
> semen
> can be released through sexual relations - but 3 or 4 times per month
> is
> plenty enough otherwise there is improper wastage. That is, there
> shouldn't be wastage of sexual secretions beyond the normal surplus.
> Through meditation and spiritual practices the sex drive drops off
> naturally anyway as higher thought and experience become more
> interesting
> and useful. Higher sentiments are also inculcated and so it is not a
> question of denial of sexual activity at all but simply that it
> assumes
> less importance - in fact people are seen as people and as equals and
> this
> becomes paramount.
> If there is no excess sexual secretions then the lower propensities
> don't
> actually get that excited (if at all) and so naturally the mind is led
> to
> towards the higher propensites (eg thoughfulness, hope as around the
> 4th
> chakra - people with developed tendencies in this area will tend to
> have
> less thought on sexual proclivities) and also spiritual knowledge is
> awakened and yearned for (ie ajina chakra).
> People should not taint their sex lives by over-indulgence - there is
> less
> Love and humanity in it - it is merely an addiction. Sexual secretions
> retained internally within the body/glandular structure are vital to
> the
> body, and if absent or somehow impaired or wasted, all the elements of
> the
> body may become impaired and invite attacks of various diseases. Such
> wastage can culminate in debility of the nerve-cells, nerve fibres,
> glands,
> etc. People may become aware of this physical debility caused by
> immoderate loss slowly over time (even belatedly), but as for the
> mental
> and spiritual loss it can be felt right away, ie someone who puts a
> lot of
> time into intellectual/creative or spiritual pursuits and then decides
> to
> sexually indulge all over the place will feel a loss of these
> faculties
> fairly readily. By these faculties it is meant proper
> intellectual/creative pursuits and not crudifying habits.
> Overindulgence in sexual experience I don't think is good for
> spiritually
> inclined/humanitarian persons. In any case sexual experience is nice
> but
> the nicety also depends entirely on the mental thought processes as
> well.
> Otherwise is it just rape in the bedroom?
> Fundamentally there is nothing difficult in being celibate (ie if one
> wants
> to be a monk/nun - rather than a married person) because it is all a
> matter
> of good health, good sentient food, good outlook, good exercise and
> yogic
> postures (one can easily transcend base sexual proclivities through
> proper
> simple yogic postures and diet) and spiritual practices/outlook. But
> if
> one is in
> a marriage/committed relationship sexual activity is fine but it
> shouldn't
> be overindulgent. Overindulgence leads to decline in the strength of
> the
> glandular and nervous structure, loss of good thought processes and
> loss of
> inculculation of higher sentiments and Divine feeling.
> Fasting is useful to keep balance because as a result, the poisonous
> and
> unproductive waste of the body gets destroyed and expelled. It also
> balances out any excess production of spermatozoa/semen which is
> normally
> not needed in any case.
> The women the situation is not much different to the above other than
> it
> involves lymph, ova and sexual secretions of a different type to males
> (obviously)
> Essentially, the sexual matter/balance thing has a lot to do with
> plain old
> good physical health. Mentally, though, as in everything, it is wise
> to
> develop good thoughts, respect, compassion, care, etc. And in this
> regard
> I fail to see how a man could treat a woman (and vice versa) as a mere
> sex
> object. Animal instincts are one thing but humans are not animals and
> don't live by instinct - we live out of respect and compassion (and
> even
> our intellectual arguments are only designed to make us think more
> carefully :). Higher inner motives are the best. Naturally given our
> animal origins there will be a bit of that coming out - but it is
> simply a
> matter of not leading your outlook or life by those instincts alone.
> As celibacy - well I don't have anything against people
> being celibate but I don't think it works very well unless they also
> have a
> deep compassion for humanity and in fact dedicate their life to
> serving
> that humanity or to a noble Ideal - otherwise as a closeted
> spiritualist
> naturally they will get frustrated and their mind become imbalanced.
> S/he
> that runs to the cave for enlightenment will never step outside of it
> from
> fear of confronting their own tendencies (meaning they ain't
> transcended
> anything) and will be a total loss to human culture - this is not fair
> to
> anyone. The need for celibacy really only arises in the case of those
> aspiring to be monks/nuns who wish to dedicate their all to service in
> humanity. There are many who have done this and lead well contented
> and
> fruitful lives - it is an admiration to behold.
> And in any case whether married or monkish - it is actually quite a
> nice
> feeling not to be bothered with thos organs down in the second chakra
> area
> -
> but to be not bothered requires channelisation to higher
> thoughts/ideals.
> It is not a question of mere suppression or denial. Good (vegetarian)
> diet, exercise, yogic postures and practical meditation are all vital
> -
> otherwise nothing practical is achieved. In all this there is, of
> course,
> the need for method - method is practicality not mere
> wishful thinking - a bit of science goes a long way (including
> intuitional/spiritual/meditation sciences - practically applied in day
> to
> day life:/
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 01:44:00 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: Tantrika <hummer13ATnospamearthlink.net>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Witches Brew
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971223013216.91B-100000ATnospamuhunix1>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Dear Joy:
Sorry I offended a religion by using the word 'witch'. I was raised on
fairy tales and The Wizard of Oz .. a common cultural icon is the wicked
witch. No attack on you... just language, semantics and what it means to
you is not what it means to me. So what do you call someone who
sits on the sidelines looking innocent, while "she" has others doing her
dirty work?
> it. Most of us live by the Rede "And it harm none, do what you will." I
> do
Glad to hear this.
> are a Hindu. You more than likely have Celtic, or Nothern European
> roots. Do *not* through the baby out with the bathwater. There is
> wisdom in the path of the Celts just as there is within the path of the
> Hindhu/Buddhist interpretation of Tantra.
I have indeed connections with all traditions having been many things in
my experiences on this planet over thousands of years...!
But I have encountered the Not-nice witches and there is simply not
another word to use for them and their particular kind of behavior. Wht do
you suggest? I will gladly adapt.
> ask is that tolerance be shown for the many religious paths on the path
> of the divine Serpent/Mother Goddess and that assumptions aren't made
> about a path because you have no knowledge of it.
My dear no one was attacking your religious path.. it is you who
misunderstood and perhaps you wanted to put out this information to warn
others and to make a point.
> My energy Aphrodite's...
Mine too.. but Aphrodite was into doves..
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 23:29:33 +1100 (EDT)
From: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: 48 Hours -Skeptic HEaven
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.95.971223232852.29057H-100000ATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Something to think about
- Everybody has a photgraphic memory but some don't have film.
- Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo!
- Energiser Bunny arrested. Charged with battery.
- I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out.
- I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.
- Why do psychics have to ask for your name?
- OK, so what's the speed of dark?
- Corduroy pillows: They're making headlines!
- All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.
- I tried sniffing Coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck up my nose.
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