1997/12/20 18:56
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #847
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 847
Today's Topics:
Re: Miscellaneous [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
Andromeda [ Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> ]
Re: kundalini [ Sarah Cartes <svcATnospaminfonet.com.py> ]
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 17:09:10 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>
CC: heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Miscellaneous
Message-ID: <349BEDA5.6C53ATnospamintercomm.com>
Gene Kieffer wrote:
> Therefore, I am simply copying what I wrote to him--unnamed--and if
> you think it has any relevance to your K-list members, please pass it
> on.
> ----------------------------------
> Here, then, is my letter of Dec. 17, to the Buddhist:
> Dear Friend,
> Considering what you have written, we can now see yet another reason
> why a scientific investigation of Kundalini would be beneficial to all
> concerned. In my many decades of tracking this phenomenon, I have come
> across a wide variance of opinions as to the efficacy of practices and
> and the results they produce.
> If one has a strong interest--curiosity--in our point of view, the
> HUMAN EVOLUTION, gives a fairly thorough explanation of what happens and
> why. And then, of course, there are more books. The point is that
> achieving Illumination is more difficult and fraught with more hazards
> than training for and actually walking on the moon.
> If Enlightenment, i.e., achieving spiritual genius, were relatively
> easy, there would be hundreds of Illuminated men and women in the
> United States. But so far as I am aware, not a single man or woman
> has laid claim to such a state of consciousness over the past many
> decades. Disciples of famous gurus, such as Swami Muktananda, are
> quick to point to their Masters as Enlightened, but a study of their
> lives, their rise and fall, their sins, crimes, passions and behavior,
> all of which have been widely reported in the press and not once con-
> tradicted, would lead us to believe that there has not been none.
> Be that as it may, when we consider what Illumination entails, it
> is not difficult to imagine what must be accomplished by God or the
> Divine Presence in order to transform an ordinary human being into
> a genius in a single lifetime. The brain and nervous system must be
> completely overhauled from within. The prana--Chi, Life-Energy, etc.,--
> which is Super Intelligent, must set about to invade every cell of the
> body and brain and raise it to a higher level of performance.
> It is now widely recognized that the brain of a genius is not the
> same as the brain of an ordinary person. Imagine, then, what would
> be required to transform an ordinary person into a spiritual genius,
> which is one step higher on the ladder of evolution than that of a
> genius. In the future, men and women who undergo such a transformation
> will become polymaths, able to write and speak in many languages, paint,
> compose music, become great physicists, etc.
> It has been said that if a dog were to awaken from sleep and find
> itself in possession of the brain of a human being, it would almost
> certainly go crazy. Suddenly it would be aware of not only being in
> the home of its master, but in the city of Danbury, but more than
> that, it would be in the county of such and such, in the state of
> Connecticut, in the country of the United States, on the American
> Continent, on the planet Earth, in the Solar System of the Milky
> Way Galaxy. We could go on and on, but this is an accurate analogy
> of what happens when a man or woman suddenly achieves Cosmic Consciousness.
> It is such a tremendous leap in awareness that no one has ever been able
> to describe it. The common term is "Neti, Neti," meaning it isn't like
> this, nor is it like that. It is indescrible.
> Whenever a person describes his or her visionary experiences, we can
> be certain that it is not Cosmic Consciousness. Why? Because Cosmic
> Consciousness cannot be described. Yes, Gopi Krishna was able to describe
> a great deal of what happened to him physically and emotionally. His
> autobiography, KUNDALINI, THE EVOLUTIONARY ENERGY IN MAN, or the expanded
> edition, LIVING WITH KUNDALINI, are now considered classics because of
> his detailed descriptions of the Higher States of Consciosness, but still,
> he could only express what he felt and observed.
> Just as it is essentially for a pilot of a boat or plane to know
> precisely where he is attempting to go--his destination--so is it even
> more important for the meditator to know as much as possible what he is
> attempting to achieve. The first thing we are taught when we begin a
> spiritual practice is that we must be wary of falling into self-delusion.
> I am continually confronted by people who have visionary experiences.
> Invariably they are caused by self-hypnosis. We chant mantras in order
> to by-pass the objective mind, and often we then fall prey to delusionary
> states which we take to be marks of success in our spiritual journey.
> Therefore, it is important to read the autobiographies of men and women
> who have been accepted by highly respected and learned men and women as
> those who have achieved genuine Enlightenment or Cosmic Consciousness.
> Enlightenment is no longer a precise word. It has come to be accepted
> as anyone who has more or less awakened to religious or spiritual truths
> and sentiments. Werner Erhard (EST) convinced hundreds of thousands of
> young men and women two decades ago that taking his weekend intensives
> invariably resulted in ones achieving enlightenment. But actually, these
> people were coached into believing something that wasn't true.
> It really does not matter what ones religious predisposition might be
> when it comes to Kundalini. Kundalini is a physical/spiritual organ implanted
> in every human being. Proper preperation can definitely improve ones chances
> of awakening Kundalini in a benign way so as to greatly lessen any possible
> detrimental effects. It was common in India in the past that disciples
> were first required to spend five years purifying themselves both mentally
> and physically, to never tell a falsehood, to render selfless service,etc.
> Then, after five years, the guru would allow the disciple to begin certain
> meditation practices.
> Today, false gurus from India start the untutored and ill-prepared
> public on meditation on their first visit to their ashrams. This is usually
> done for money. Many of the gurus from India have contempt for Americans and
> care nothing for their souls. But that's another story.
> What I have tried to do here is to present Enlightenment in a little
> different light, that it is both a spiritual achievement and a physical
> achievement. The other day as an experiment, I told a chat group on
> the Internet to try to think of the best way science could set about
> to verify the existence of Kundalini.
> Some in the group said it was impossible, that Kundalini was spiritual
> and could never be verified. Few if any had ever thought that Kundalini
> could lead to genius. Then one in the group asked me for my views.
> I said that the best and easiest way to verify the existence of
> Kundalini was by observing the phenomenon of Urdhava-retas in one in whom
> the Power had just been awakened in a forceful and full manner. I said
> that the K.R.F. has been "preaching" this for thirty years, but so far
> as we knew, not a single New Age writer has ever mentioned Urdhava-retas.
> Two days later, one in the group said that he had been waiting quitely
> for such a statement to be made. Urdhava-retas is no secret, he said.
> "It has been known in India for thousands of years. Every advanced student
> of Yoga is told about Urdhava-retas, etc."
> I then said that all this was true, that every advanced student of Yoga
> is told about Urdhava-retas, and that in India it has been well known
> for thousands of years. Then I added. I will say something else: This
> man who has just said that Urdhava-retas is well known should now
> enlighten us by telling the group the name of one New Age writer, one
> book, or one publisher, so that all of us can read about it for ourselves.
> I then went on to say that this man would not be able to give the name
> of a single book New Age book nor a single New Age author.
> Two days later, this same man came back on the Internet with a short
> note that he had awakened Kundalini at the age of 6 and that he had
> seen his future and his past. End of message. He did not offer the
> name of a single writer or book that expounded on Urdhava-retas. But
> he did seem to allude to the fact that he was from India.
> All I wish to say is that Urdhava-retas is not common. In all the
> years that I've been corresponding with people about Kundalini, only
> a few dozen have reported their experiences in this regard. The problem
> is that when a person is not prepared for a forceful awakening, he or
> she may be so driven by erotic desire as to indulge in sex to an
> inordinate degree and thus risk insanity. You see, the brain then
> demands the "nourishment" of the reproductive essences, and when the
> person masturbates or has sexual intercourse, these essences are
> not available.
> If psychiatrists would study the sexual behavior of schizophrenics and
> manic-depressives committed to mental institutions, they would learn
> a lot. But so far as I know, they have not done this.
> I have interviewed a number of schizophrenics and manic-depressives,
> all of whom were at one time in mental institutions, and every one said
> that they had never been quizzed about their sexual behavior. All of
> them admitted to having masturbated to an inordinate degree. I do not
> say that masturbation causes schizophrenia. It does not! I merely
> point out that schizophrenics often deplete their reserves of sexual
> energy, which contributes to their mental problem.
> Now you may ask, what does schizophrenia have to do with Enlightenment.
> A lot. An enlightened person sees effulgent lights, hears celestial music,
> sees heavenly scenes, etc., because the nerve energy feeding the brain is
> pure. A schizophrenic hears maddening noise, sees agonizing light, and
> terrifying scenes. The reason is because the latter's nerve energy is
> impure. We talk about sins causing a blotch on the soul. Now think in
> terms of "sins" being weaknesses and impurities in the blood, etc., and
> you will begin to see how old-fashioned religious notions take on new
> meaning when applied to Kundalini and Enlightenment.
> When I attended Catholic grade school, the nuns and priests told us that
> masturbation caused insanity. This is not true, of course, but we can be
> certain that during the period from the age of 8 to 25, one should be very
> moderate in the frequency of masturbation. The reason is that in that period
> the brain and nervous system is developing very rapidly and requires
> that the reproductive system not be depleted of its essences. No studies
> have been made, of course, but when they are made, they will show that
> moderation in ones sexual practices, especially in those formative years
> is of the utmost importance.
> Many of the people who have come to us because of difficulties with
> Kundalini never heard of Kundalini before nor had they ever practiced
> any form of meditation or spiritual discipline. One can awaken Kundalini
> in many different ways. Concentration of any kind is the most effective
> lever for activating the power. It all depends on ones predisposition.
> If one is extremely bright, with high I.Q., and the child of parents
> of similar mental qualities, high talent, genius, etc., and in possession
> of other heridtary traits, etc., then there is very likelihood that extreme
> concentration can bring about an awakening.
> When you read about sexual crimes, serial killers, geniuses--like
> Truman Capote, etc.--try to look further into their lives and backgrounds.
> Often you will find evidence to support all that we have said above.
> A genius must be extremely regulated in his lifestyle in order to
> avoid mental distress in later life. This is also true of mystics.
> Read the lives of great mystics and great geniuses and you will find
> so much to corroborate everything that we say about Urdhava-retas and
> mental illness. Example, Isaac Newton never consumated his marriage.
> Why? Because he was a born genius with Urdhava-retas a normal part of
> his life. He simply did not care about having sex. All of his sexual
> energy was being transmuted from early on and being utilized by his
> brain and nervous system. Other geniuses, perhaps even Picasso, may have
> indulged in a lot of sexual activity. This is not a simple thing to
> explain in a single email letter, but I would only say that our sexual
> equipment is what Nature has provided to carry the race onward and
> upward. It serves us in procreation and also in evolution to higher
> states of consciousness.
> When scientific research is done, all this will be borne out and
> humanity will set a new course for a future of infinite spiritual
> and material progress. I hope this has helped to clarify some of
> what we discussed earlier.
> All the best,
> Gene
Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 15:27:26 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: LightWork-L email list <LIGHTWORK-LATnospamMB.PROTREE.COM>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Andromeda
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971220152136.23415B-100000ATnospamuhunix1>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
This is long and it came through a site http://www.brotherblue.org about
Andromedan principles.
>the Andromedan perspective of the Is-ness and what it is:
> o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
> "The worship of the Is-ness is silent and solitary, free from
>all self-seeking. The silence is a necessity, as all speech is
>feeble and imperfect. Therefore, as with your ancestors and
>ours, their spirits in consciousness would ascend time and space
>to the Is-ness, in word-less adoration and feeling. There are
>no priests or saviors authorized to come between a man and our
>Creator. Each experience is personal, different than every
>other, and should not in any way be meddled with or judged.
>Each soul should become conscious of the divinity that is itself.
>There should be no shrines or temples among you except Nature,
>and mankind taking care of Nature. Be a real, natural, human
>being. Your real faith may not be formulated in creeds, as you
>have been taught, but comes from a deeper portion of yourself,
>that you have only forgotten or ignored. Temples were built to
>the "Gods". The Is-ness can be worshipped by honoring yourself.
>You can honor the Is-ness because you truly are one and the
>same. Look at your earth, your ocean and your night sky, and
>the galaxy. This is your church, and you are the "altar" in
>that church, so release yourself from the past limited thinking.
>It only takes a decision. What anyone else thinks does not
>matter. It is important to remember that the Is-ness does not
>place value upon the material fabric of time. This has only
>been created so that we could learn more about ourselves and
>return with our experiences to contribute to the Creation of
>ourselves. The rituals and offerings and sacrifices of other
>symbolic objects only means something to you. The Is-ness is
>only interested in your intent, the path of your heart. So,
>look to the highest happiness and motive for the power of your
>existence. Do not look ill upon those of simplicity or poverty.
>The goal of ones paths, regardless of lifetimes, or lifeforms,
>is not the accumulation of wealth or the enjoyment of luxury.
>It is to discover your true self, that which is apart from the
>Is-ness, and that part that chooses to leave the comfort and
>safety of eternity to fall into the concept of time. To become
>a true human being is the practice and constant embracing of
>your essential self, and from that place of eternity, your
>thoughts, actions and emotions should emanate into the world.
>Human beings should be open, focused, strong and flexible. In
>your world, the three concerns all of you must address
>personally are: Self-Worth, Trust, and Expectation. Your earth
>not only needs healing, but she also needs a responsible and
>worthy companion, and that companion is the masculine. There is
>a great need for the men of your world to become intuitive and
>soul-full. Men must cultivate unconditional love on all levels.
>The men of your world are too aggressive and full of self-
>imposed loneliness. Please remember that all energy moves in a
>circle, so everything returns -- the love, the anger, the despair.
>We ask you to acknowledge the fact that the love that you
>withhold is the pain that you carry, so let love warm your voice,
>let love be the wonder to children's ears, let imagination
>create a world of unconditional responsibility. It will change
>the order of the old world, so let your emotions give motion to
>the heros that struggle within all of you, for the freedom to
>act, to be, to witness, and to apologize. The responsibility of
>becoming a human being is great, but it is also natural. It is
>prayer in motion. It is your evolution and free will in action.
>It is the flow of life in all things. It is as your world
>should be. All of you are born of your earth, so love it and
>make new life, for your children are always a new beginning.
>Most of you have yet to discover a world you have already
>discovered. Strive to keep open your conscious thoughts (not)
>clogging them with envy and pride. Find time to make time to be
>outdoors in solitude. Allow the magnetic forces of your planet
>to revitalize your nervous systems, for your busy lives
>dissipate these vital spiritual energies. You are also Sages,
>although un-tutored. You all live in two worlds. Two realities.
>Two minds. The first is the spiritual, that of pure spirit,
>which is the only essence of all things. It is here that all
>the reasons for your present existence in your life come from.
>It is also here that you as Sages look for no favors or help.
>There is no worship of the symbolic. It is a place of beingness.
>Is-ness. The place of knowing nothing which is in turn is the
>same place or knowing everything. The elements that make up
>your world, the forces of nature, such as wind, fire, water, air,
>should truly be regarded as spiritual powers manifested into
>the physical realm, because spiritual pervades all of the Is-
>ness and its creations. All creatures possess a soul in some
>varying degree, but it is important to understand that some life
>forms can only hold a small degree of soul, while others can
>hold much more weight and light of the soul. These different
>life forms are not necessarily a soul conscious of itself.
>Learn to have faith in your instincts. Develop trust for your
>own deep inner wisdom. Learn to walk your path of heart, and
>not the illusion of convenience. Please remembers that your
>knowingness, your deep wisdom, is not really a mystery. It is
>the gift of being and awareness you gave yourself upon the
>moment of becoming. Accept the fact that (for) each of you, all
>of us, your distant forgotten relatives, agreed to be here.
>Your outside world reflects your relationship with self. Please
>pay attention. We can't "rescue" you. We have no right to
>intercede in your dream. You must consciously ask and be at
>peace with your decision. In each of your Terran religions
>there is an element of influence over the pure reason of its
>devotees. We would like to offer you the idea that you should
>not cloud you clear thinking and/or logic, and should always
>base your decisions within the scope of your understanding. If
>your knowledge is limited, then study to increase your capacity
>for the knowledge, or the understandings that you seek."
>o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
>-Brother Blue, B:.B:., 330
>Posted by: density4ATnospamcts.com (Blue Resonant Human)
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 22:25:18 -0300
From: Sarah Cartes <svcATnospaminfonet.com.py>
To: smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au
CC: John Lounsberry <berryATnospamcnwl.igs.net>, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: kundalini
Message-ID: <349C6FFC.B8765FD0ATnospaminfonet.com.py>
Sue, that was well put.
John, if you allow me (or not...here goes all the same), please let
me add something else too.....will probably think I'm preaching
but it is not my wish... :-/
Sometimes what seems to be obvious stupidity, can also give us the
ability to learn and even help those who are sharing their experiences
with us. Whatever the circumstance it is a time to learn, and I am
one who thinks that if done with humor, all is better. The more
serious we become, the less of a chance we have to succeed.
I would suggest you just lighten up John, and enjoy life, it ain't
that bad. After all, "we" tricked ourselves into becoming human
beings, didn't we?
Susanne Macrae wrote:
> John Lounsberry wrote:
> >
> > To some of you who look, read, delete,
> > mock, preach, re-
> > send, babel and fill my e-mail with things FULLY-UN-RELATED items!!!
> Try
> > a vow of
> > silence!!
> > I have had most moving awakening take place on August
> 16
> > 1997 at that point
> > I changed, all animosity was burnt out of me
> Methinks John you are still embraced in the energy of the August
> experience. When you find your feet back on the ground again you will
> realise we are ALL seeking. What you find as empty chit chat now may
> one day help. Since you have discovered what is Real, you will know
> that judgement is not.
> With love, sue
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