1997/12/17 00:17
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #838
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 838
Today's Topics:
Re: Kundalini & Science [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
Re: Short Rant: Young people today! [ "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com> ]
Re: Kundalini & Science [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #802 [ SpiritDeeATnospamwebtv.net (DEE B) ]
Re: sooo...ya don't beleive.. [ tgxxxATnospamjuno.com (tg langston) ]
Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #802 [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
Re: In Touch With Eternity! [ Bohemial <BohemialATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: Revelation (DonBB) [ DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: Fw: Freemasons [ Bohemial <BohemialATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: Kundalini-Awakening tips searche [ Bohemial <BohemialATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: Kundalini and Science [ "Susan Carlson" <divine_goddessATnospamhot ]
Attention: Absent List Mystress.. [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistres ]
RE: God and I [ "Susan Carlson" <divine_goddessATnospamhot ]
Re: Kundalini & Science (Sorry Long) [ anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities. ]
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 19:58:24 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>
CC: Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>, smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au,
heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini & Science
Message-ID: <3496CF4F.4289ATnospamintercomm.com>
Harsh K. Luthar wrote:
> > Gene Kieffer wrote:
> > >
> > > Dear Gloria and Sue,
> > >Snip...
> > >> > Gopi Krishna's firm conviction, after observing his own physiological........Snip
> The compassionate but extremely funny Harsha (soon to become somewhat
> controversial because of the following post) can't stay silent on this
> anymore.
Oh my, I do guess there could be some thoughts here, I have encouraged
this conversation so I would like to get in and discuss this somewhat.
Harsh are you using the name Harsha for a particular reason? Or is it an
outright put down to Gene?
> Harsha:
> Harsha says: Gopi Krishna had a unique Kundalini experience and went
> through powerful psychological traumas but has very little to offer to
> the spiritual aspirant.
> > >
> > > 1. It would have to be a spontaneous, full awakening. We must
> > > emphasize the word "FULL" or forceful awakening.
> But Harsha says clearly that: There is a huge difference between "FULL"
> and "FORCEFUL." An initial Kundalini awakening may be very "Forceful"
> but is rarely "Full." Gopi Krishna did not experience a "Full" Kundalini
> just one aspect of the Kundalini Power.
What makes you assume this, did you know him personally?
> > >Gene wrote:
> > > > > For the past thirty (30) years, the Kundalini Research Foundation has
> > > been "preaching" this doctrine of Urdhava-retas with very little results in
> > > terms of acceptance. The reason why there is little acceptance, especially
> > > among members of the K. R. N. (Kundalini Research Network) has to do more
> > > with politics and religion rather than science.
> Harsha says: The concept of Urdhava-retas predates Gopi Krishna by
> several thousand years. Every advanced student of Yoga knows about it
> and knew about it long before Gopi Krishna came on the scene and started
> his Crusade.
There is a negative energy here, what do you mean by crusade? Do you
not see this as worth while effort? Do you disagree with the stand on
'evolutionary process and progress'?
> > > The New Age Movement is guru-driven. Think about this for a moment.
> > > The gurus do the thinking, the disciples do the listening. What the guru
> > > says is everything. If the guru doesn't want the disciple to know about
> > > Urdhava-retas, then the disciple will forever remain in the dark.
> Harsha Says: To my knowledge no one has ever been kept in the dark.These
> terms are part of the common vocabulary of India
> Gene:
> > > Most New Age people have a very difficult time accepting the fact that
> > > Kundalini has always been a jealously guarded secret.
> Harsha says: Hardly!
> > > The teachings that have been withheld, not by Gopi Krishna but by
> the
> > > New Age writers, teachers, etc., are those concerning Urdhava-retas, the
> > > reversal of the reproductive system.
> Harsha says again: These concepts have been in the public domain of
> thousands of years. Gopi Krishna did not invent them. Gopi Krisha's
> experience was rather limited. The fact that he did not have much
> guidance led him to become a crusader about a phenomena that he felt he
> was uniquely experiencing.
> >> > Once Urdhava-retas occurs, the subject can then blossom into a genius,
> > > a poet, a world-teacher. That is really what Kundalini is all about.
> > > But this knowledge is being withheld for political and religious reasons.
> I guess that explains the emergence of the compassionate and musically
> inclined but not musically gifted Harsha.
> Be well.
Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 20:31:05 -0800
From: "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: "DonBBenson" <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com>, <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Short Rant: Young people today!
Message-Id: <01bd0aa4$98ab0120$LocalHostATnospamdefault.valunet.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;
From: DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com>
>Why, in my day, when Harsha and I were your age,
>we had to walk eight miles in knee deep snow
Yea. It was a hard world back then. I hope you and Harsha wore your helmets.
" So Far; So Good "
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 20:07:34 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>
CC: Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>, smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au,
heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini & Science
Message-ID: <3496D175.4F2DATnospamintercomm.com>
Harsh K. Luthar wrote:
> Gloria Greco wrote:
> >
> > >
> > Gene Kieffer wrote:
> > >
> > >
> Harsha says: The concept of Urdhava-retas predates Gopi Krishna by
> several thousand years. Every advanced student of Yoga knows about it
> and knew about it long before Gopi Krishna came on the scene and started
> his Crusade.
Hi Harsha,
Can you suggest some books, publishers, etc with this information, I'm
interested in reading more on it. I am experiencing it and would love to
get more information about it. Has it been translated into English? Or
is it something passed through communication on a one to one? Gloria
> > >
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 23:18:06 -0500
From: SpiritDeeATnospamwebtv.net (DEE B)
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #802
Message-Id: <199712170418.UAA18253ATnospammailtod-111.bryant.webtv.net>
Hi all,
This is off topic but my daughter had her right kidney removed 2 months
ago due to cancer and now the left one is not functioning properly. Her
doctor recommends a transplant, she got a second opinion and he agreed
with her doctor. They say she doesn't have to have it done right away,
she's not on dialysis but would be eventually, going to make
an appointment with an accupuncturist, am thinking maybe he or she could
stimulate the kidney into working properly.
I live in the Charleston, SC area, there's not a lot of alternative
medicine here, was surprised to see 3 accupuncturists listed. Does
anyone have any ideas on what could help her? I'd appreciate your info.
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 22:54:55 -0500
From: tgxxxATnospamjuno.com (tg langston)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: sooo...ya don't beleive..
Message-ID: <19971216.233914.5014.12.tgxxxATnospamjuno.com>
V. wrote: <<Does Santa have any symbiotic relationship to the baby
Yes Val, he does! They teach the same thing -- giving and receiving,
love, the CHRISTmas spirit -- but I think most importantly, the presents.
I see no difference between our own emotions for the problems and joys in
our life and a child's frustrations and excitement at the desire for
opening their gifts, and for Christmas to be here for Santa to bring his
Many times throughout the year, we are given a gift, a *present* moment,
and we want to open it now! Like for instance, this pain I'm going
through now -- I see as a most wonderful present (moment), and darnit! I
want to open it right now! To see what is inside of it, to see what the
*present* holds. And just like the child at Christmastime, we must wait
for the right day to come. The child sometimes gets mad and angry, or
frustrated, because they can't open the present! Waiting for Christmas
to come can cause an anxious child to suffer! (ok... now that I see I
am anxious, maybe I can let go of this suffering)
We are seeing life's big and little problems through the eyes of a child
before Christmastime. We are only frustrated or suffering because we
cannot open and see our what is in the *present* yet. Know it! Feel
it! Let your frustrations go and allow all good things to come to pass.
If we allowed every day, every moment, every situation, no matter how
good or bad, to be as the days before Christmas (seen thru the eyes of
the child), and recognized it for what it truly is -- It's a gift! a
present (moment).... and we cannot see what is inside the present yet.
We are just going to have to wait just like the child waits at
I see Christmas as symbolic of what our life should be about, not just
once a year, but all year round. Does the symbolism of Jesus Christ mean
we should only be very very good, hopeful, faithful, generous, loving and
kind, only once a year? Christmas was meant to be lived every day, every
moment. Jesus gives the *present* (moment) to bring trust and faith to
what we cannot see, until the *day* comes. Santa does the same with his
Val asks....<< I mean does he have to give him a *cut* in all the profits
Oh boy, I am really feeling rather metaphorical tonight.... Santa
receives no profits - hey, he does it just for the love of giving
presents. Jesus receives no prophets (future) either. He does it just
for the love of giving the present (moment).
So as I climb off my soapbox, I give you how I see the relationship
between Santa and Jesus. Amen
Merry Christmas!
*I came, I saw, I did a little posting*
http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html <~~~~~~ on the web now!
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 20:41:43 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: DEE B <SpiritDeeATnospamwebtv.net>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #802
Message-ID: <3496D974.62BDATnospamintercomm.com>
DEE B wrote:
> I live in the Charleston, SC area, there's not a lot of alternative
> medicine here, was surprised to see 3 accupuncturists listed. Does
> anyone have any ideas on what could help her? I'd appreciate your info.
> Thanks.
> Love,
> Dee
Hi Dee, A good friend of mine went through the transplat with her
daughter and she is doing fine. We send our love, light and support to
your whole family. Acupuncture is wonderful, but trusting and working
with Divine Will is what will give you peace of mind. Gloria
Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 23:48:35 EST
From: Bohemial <BohemialATnospamaol.com>
To: 930359ATnospamaloe.ulima.edu.pe, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: BohemialATnospamaol.com
Subject: Re: In Touch With Eternity!
Message-ID: <26d59188.349759a6ATnospamaol.com>
Yo cool guy,
I was thinking about what you said -- the connection with Kundlini and DNA.
Do think kundalini emergence could change DNA to PERHAPS 46+2 chromosomes
from our 44+2 currently ? 46+2 being Christ consciousness DNA.
Now, when I see the Yin and Yang I'll also think of the Ida and Pingala in the
Sushuma emerging.
Thanks for helping me see a more clear picture of chinese philosophy.
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 23:45:12 EST
From: DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com>
To: destinyATnospamcyberramp.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Revelation (DonBB)
Message-ID: <9051c922.349758daATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 97-12-16 21:50:03 EST, destinyATnospamcyberramp.net writes:
<< Don....
I took quite a bit of time to answer your inquiries concerning Christianity
in precise verbage. To this day you have not responded either to the list
or to me concerning the relevant issues I carefully presented to you; even
though I cc'd you privately.
I feel that your non-response is an indication of either your ignorance or
your tactics to avoid direct common sense confrontation. So be it.
What I relayed to you is truth; if you have a differing opinion I am
awaiting your response.
With Light and Love,
John bill beaudine >>
Dear Brother Preacher Beaudine,
Just when my own brief and unsuccessful preaching career on the K-list
came to an end, the Lord sent forth a younger man to take up the torch from my
faltering hand and carry it on to new heights of Christian spirituality. I am
speechless with gratitude, my brother. Please do not expect me to differ with
you in any way when you are relaying truth and preaching the word.
While I greatly appreciated your taking the time and effort to put forth
such a detailed statement of spiritual truth and reality, I have hesitated to
openly support and agree with you out of concern that many people, who could
be won over by your preaching if they thought you were attacking me, might
become deeply suspicious of you if they thought I agreed with you in any way.
But now you have forced me to express my true feelings of enthusiasm for your
preaching. I hope this doesn't hurt you too bad. May God bless you, my
brother. Don
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 00:06:21 EST
From: Bohemial <BohemialATnospamaol.com>
To: d242kaosATnospamgte.net, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: BohemialATnospamaol.com
Subject: Re: Fw: Freemasons
Message-ID: <2fdd6690.34975dcfATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 97-12-13 03:28:46 EST, d242kaosATnospamgte.net writes:
Hello ,
I was very interested in finding out if any body has any idea as to the
between the sacred 3--4--5 right triangle, kundalini yoga, and sacred
Even if the former cannot be adressed by anyone on the Kundalini List, I would
be interested in discussing SACRED GEOMETRY with anyone who has a
similar interest. Don't be shy.
Happy Holidays,
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 00:19:01 EST
From: Bohemial <BohemialATnospamaol.com>
To: thomas.reinbergerATnospamt-online.de, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: BohemialATnospamaol.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini-Awakening tips searched
Message-ID: <5e33d616.349760c9ATnospamaol.com>
My experience has been rather effortless. Please find and read the following
books for your own health: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia
Sexual Energy and Yoga by Elisabeth
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 22:02:42 PST
From: "Susan Carlson" <divine_goddessATnospamhotmail.com>
To: hlutharATnospambryant.edu
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Science
Message-ID: <19971217060243.11892.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
Dear Harsha,
You wrote:
>Prior to the experience of certain Samadhis, in a very natural way, the
>optical nerves are stimulated and through this the brain and the heart
>and indirectly the breathing is influenced. <snip>
> This is why many of the methods of Kundalini Yoga (for
>example, taught in Hatha Yoga, Kriya Yoga and Laya yoga) in various
>traditions involve putting gentle pressure on the eyes and closing the
>ears in various mudras.
-I was registered nurse who worked in intensive care and step-down units
for over 10 years.
For atrial fibrillation (extremely rapid heartbeats greater than 140
beats a minute for a prolonged period of time) treatment at times was a
non-pharmological technique...massaging the carotid arteries in the
neck. This stimulated the baroreceptors...sites sensitive to pressure
in the arterial walls...to lower the heart rate. When heart rate was
lowered, blood pressure also lowered to decompensate for easier blood
flow ( it was at least hoped so this would happen). *** Do not try this
without supervision...your heart could stop beating and I wont be there
to start it up again..:-)***
Anyway, I was surprised to find out that massaging the eyeballs has the
same effect. Deep pressure can lower heart rate by an baro-electrical
effect. (Who has not loved to rub their eyes after a stressful day?) I
was watching a heart monitor one time and saw a woman totally loose her
ventricular heart electrical pattern while a doctor used one of these
techniques...Made me jump out of my chair and yell down the hall,
'whatever you are doing, STOP IT!'
I think it's fascinating that K/Shakti does this naturally...an
energetic treatment for stressed and tired hearts.
Of course when heart rate is lowered, breathing rate tends to follow in
a relatively healthy person. The process of dynamic homeostasis of the
body/mind and all its systems is fascinating to me still even though I
have left nursing.
I think, K will find a very important place in the field of
psychoneuroimmunology...just my humble opinion.
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Date: Sat, 13 Dec 1997 05:58:41
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Attention: Absent List Mystress..
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hey folks.. I am moving and redecorating and all..
so you've not heard much from me of late..
and probably won't hear much of me for a while..
I was gone for two days and came home to 909 messages!
Waaay too many to read, but archived for later..
Fortunately, the list is mostly run thru an automatic system..
So if you need to unsub, like if you are going away for the holidays,
archive this post: it has unsubbing instructions in the sig.
Happy holidays!
If you need more info, feel free to write to me at
Love and electric blue K. fire, List Mystress.
Website <http://www.execpc.com/~libra/kund/kundgate.htm>
in europe <http://www.telebyte.nl/~frans/kundalini/>
To leave the list send a post with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject header to
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Send Kundalini Cybrary recommendations directly to ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 22:41:28 PST
From: "Susan Carlson" <divine_goddessATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, msticklesATnospamantalys.com
Subject: RE: God and I
Message-ID: <19971217064129.20816.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
Dear Tom,
You wrote:
>The Bible says, "The fear of the Lord is the *beginning* of
>wisdom." It is a starting-place, not a destination. Another
>verse says, "perfect love casts out fear." As love grows,
>fear recedes. I was initially prompted to search for God
>out of fear of what my eternal destiny would be - now, I
>continue to seek to deepen my relationship with Him
>out of a growing love for the one who created me. I won't
>say that fear is totally "cast out", but when fear appears
>I know that I have found an area in my life where love has
>not yet penetrated.
I just cant resist ... ;)
Proverbs 9:10 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the
knowledge of the holy is understanding.' (KJV)
the phrase'fear of the Lord' is a phrase of old testament piety...it
means reverential trust... quite a bit different energetic feel. Sorta
like the daddy a lot of us wished we had. some scholars also define
fear as respect.
Funny, I know fear not to be real, only love is real and yet there are
times when I feel fear. Where does that belief system come from I ask
myself? My belief system makes fear feel real, with consequences in my
daily life. Strange how I let my belief sytems harm me...kinda like
being squashed by a pink elephant.
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 23:08:16 -0800
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com
CC: lodpressATnospamintercomm.com, "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>,
Gene Kieffer <gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com>, smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au,
Subject: Re: Kundalini & Science (Sorry Long)
Message-ID: <34977A57.8F364F88ATnospamgeocities.com>
Gloria Greco wrote:
> Harsh K. Luthar wrote:
> >
> >
> > > Gene Kieffer wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Dear Gloria and Sue,
> > > >Snip...
> >
> >Gloria:
> Oh my, I do guess there could be some thoughts here, I have encouraged
> this conversation so I would like to get in and discuss this somewhat.
> > Harsha says: Gopi Krishna had a unique Kundalini experience and went
> > through powerful psychological traumas but has very little to offer to
> > the spiritual aspirant.
Anandajyoti> The contents of the subject may have indeed created some illusion.I find it very
interesting of the various perspectives here. There is some sense on
Harsha's saying. The psychological traumas also do occur in many aspirants.
One of my brother disciples, was doing meditation on a corpse, The Sava Sadhana
according to Tantrik rites. He had suffered such a volcanic eruption, during his practice
that the awakened Kundalini in full force, brought about all his past life experiences to the
and he could hardly bear the trauma caused by it. Out of fear or guilt, his tongue came out,
full length, and he experienced extreme burning sensations all over his body.,
Psychologically he was ill prepared, and as a result, he passed out. Then after three days,
he passed out of his body too.
These traumas do offer us the ability to know , what we must guard against in the Kundalini
Practice. It allows us to prepare ourselves, psychologically, emotionally, mentally, to stay in
appropriate balance, to bear the full awakening of the Kundalini.
It is imperative for all of us to get rid of our innermost hidden aspects, and become free from
their traumatic influences , as if eating our vitals. When we prepare ourselves, truthfully
honestly, and clear our mental closet, then the awakened Kundalini, can be beneficial in our
growth and spiritual development.
> > > >Gene wrote:
> > > > > > For the past thirty (30) years, the Kundalini Research Foundation has
> > > > been "preaching" this doctrine of Urdhava-retas with very little results in
> > > > terms of acceptance.
> > Harsha says: The concept of Urdhava-retas predates Gopi Krishna by
> > several thousand years. Every advanced student of Yoga knows about it
> > and knew about it long before Gopi Krishna came on the scene and started
> > his Crusade.
Anandajyoti>I think what Gene wrote is based on the research of the KRN. I would ask how many
of us really want to or desire to be Urddhva Retas? 95 percent or could be more who
desire happiness and pleasures in life through any means available, be it The kundalini,
or Yoga, or any other method. The method is immaterial. It is the objective we wish to fulfill,
what counts.
But there are people who practice to be Urddhva Retas, not for the fun of it, but to know,
what it is all about, and find out how they can apply to it to their daily lives.
In the physical sense, Urddhva Retas is abstention from sexual activity. Buy if the mind is full
of it,
then the physical abstention would do little benefit, to us psychologically or mentally or even
emotionally.. Our pain and pleasures are experienced in our minds. The physical organs are
just the medium of action and sensory or motor impulses in the brain.
In my humble view to be Urrdhva Retas is taking the roots of lust in our minds and transmuting
in to real love. That expression of love could be impersonal too. So we must in all sincerity,
and look in to the very depths of our conscious and subconscious, in order to have the full
benefits of Kundalini Awakening, in this very life term.
> >Harsha:
> > > > The New Age Movement is guru-driven. Think about this for a moment.
> > > > The gurus do the thinking, the disciples do the listening. What the guru
> > > > says is everything. If the guru doesn't want the disciple to know about
> > > > Urdhava-retas, then the disciple will forever remain in the dark.
> Anandajyoti>
Although I agree to a point what Harsha says here, yet I would think that a spiritualhunger, has
come to the West, in this millennium. And it is quite natural. The West has
experienced the onslaught of all life's amenities, the glorious economic development,
the market economy, the freedom of speech, woman's liberation from the closets,
the material prosperity. But yet many millionaires and billionaires face that hunger,
that something very dear , very deep is missing from their lives. The inner consciousness
of this separation, from something very vital to human nature, is missing from their equation.
They cannot define it themselves, so they go after the Guru's of the New Age, to find that.
There is nothing wrong in here. It is just an experience of going through the spurious
to know the real. Time will also bring that consciousness in the Western world, as more
people become spiritually inclined in the truest sense of it.
The East had done it for thousands of years, but they lacked the physical prosperity,
which the East has turned towards now. But for the Easterners, the base is already prepared,
for the past thousands of years. Here also there is no right or wrong, as to why and
how this happened.Through the dialogs between people from the East and the West, and in mutual
sharingwill dawn the real New age of understanding, love, compassion without any strings.
I wish I live to that time to see , feel it and know it for sure.
Glorious are the ways of the Divine Mother, and the play of her Universal Consciousness,
with the individual, minuscule consciousness of us as individuals.
> > Harsha Says: <snipped>
> > Gene:
> > > > Most New Age people have a very difficult time accepting the fact that
> > > > Kundalini has always been a jealously guarded secret.
Kundalini was a guarded secret for reasons of the physical, psychological and
emotional health of the society. It may as well be that , that was the way it was supposed
to be done, in the old days. If its still guarded then so be it, but for those who are so
inclined, I strongly believe, opportunities would come their way to know more about, whether
first, or second hand. But it will come., may be not through the internet.
> >
> >
> > Harsha says again: These concepts have been in the public domain of
> > thousands of years. Gopi Krishna did not invent them. Gopi Krisha's
> > experience was rather limited. The fact that he did not have much
> > guidance led him to become a crusader about a phenomena that he felt he
> > was uniquely experiencing.
Anandajyoti>Yes , the concepts have been in the public domain, just like the books on the
but how many amongst the six billion people of the planet, look for such information?
It is true that Gopi Krishna did not invent it, but writing of his experiences, has also
allowed the world to know it from his perspective. We cannot deny that credit to
Gopi Krishna, or any other for that matter. Can we? It is also true, that Gopi Krishna never
sought the guidance available even in his time. But that was his choice, I would say.
Yes I agree, that Gopi Krishna's experience of the K phenomena, was not unique but may
have been unique in his perspective. So be it. No trouble of any argument there. He believed
what he believed through his experience. I don't find anything wrong there either.
> >Gene>or Harsha>
> > >> > Once Urdhava-retas occurs, the subject can then blossom into a genius,
> > > > a poet, a world-teacher. That is really what Kundalini is all about.
> > > > But this knowledge is being withheld for political and religious reasons.
> >
> -Anandajyoti>
I agree with Harsha./ Gene here, there are people who are Urddhva reties from birth, some
achieveit some have it thrust upon them. That is the play of the Maha Maya, the Divine Mother.
Acceptance of all, and recognizing each for their part, is the key to harmony amongst all, for we
are all
children of the same Divine.
It reminds me of an old Gaelic song:
"Do you see, what I see, Do you hear what I hear"
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