Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/12/16 11:11
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #835

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 835

Today's Topics:
  RE: Bible slamming [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
  Re: Dreaming & Bugs [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
  Short Rant: Young people today! [ DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com> ]
  Re: Short Rant: Young people today! [ "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.or ]
  RE: Bible slam dunking. [ GSDonne <gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au> ]
  Re: Short Rant: Young people today! [ freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net> ]
  More than one God (was Bible bashing [ onarresATnospaminreach.com ]
  RE: Bible slam dunking. [ Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.co ]
  sooo...ya don't beleive.. [ freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net> ]
  RE: Bible slamming [ Gloria Lee <glorybeATnospamintrepid.net> ]
  Re: HRTZEN: Initiation Dream [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 09:27:23 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: RE: Bible slamming
Message-ID: <1329858053-20001887ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Ruth wrote:

>If this were your father would you like
>him? AND if he is your father, where has your mother been all this time?

These are questions I have struggled with too.
Jesus, now he is very easy to love. No problem there. What's not to like?

The old man however, presents a few difficulties. Seems a bit unstable, for
one thing. Prone to jealous rages, and smiting whole races who disagree
with him. And then when we have trouble "getting it," he kills the one
lovable member of the family, in a gruesome manner, and then wants us to be
happy about it!

And where the heck IS mom? An unfit hussie who is out partying, while dad
smites us with impunity? Or so ineffectual and passive that she hides in
the closet while dad scorches us with lightning bolts for missing sunday
school and spilling seeds on the ground ;) ? Or worse, does she sit beside
him and giggle behind her fan?

Richard W. said:

>grouchy old psychotic deitity

I was going to use the "p" word but thought it might be over the top. "He
said it, dad, I didn't!" (crouching and covering my head with my hands)

>Kids in spiritual kindergarten are
>unlikely to be kind to each other. Just like real kids in the real thing,
>who are far more likely to whack each other over the head with their toys

Brilliantly said. I worked for 6 mo. in a kindergarten classroom. I like
the analogy. Helps to remind me not to expect so much from people, and to
realize where a lot of them are coming from.

>True enough. But it doesn't hurt to cow-tip a few sacred cows every so

I'm there with ya, bro! Meet me at the gate to the cow pasture at midnight!

ouch! ouch! sorry, only joking dad!
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 09:27:39 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Dreaming & Bugs
Message-ID: <1329858025-20002890ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

M wrote:

>ability to remember my dreams was too. . . particularly if I slept a long
>time or managed to sweat while sleeping.

Me too! I have puzzled at hearing that some people have "night sweats" that
really bother them. I have always found them pleasant. Restful sleep and
productive dreaming at the same time. Maybe about once a month I actually
sleep about 5 or 6 hours in a row without having to get up. It is so
refreshing. If this potential for good sleep comes around on a work day,
and the alarm interrupts it, it really pisses me off. People who can sleep
a straight 8 hours or more without awakening don't realize how lucky they

>Recently I have been undergoing a metal detox and feel so many of these
>symptoms have come back stronger all over again - - - including the loss of
>my dreams. It makes me so sad. I feel I loose a big part of my spirituality
>and lots of my celelstial guidance along with the dreams. I hope the detox
>will ultimately bring them back full force.

I was on a medication once that put me in what I called "black sleep." It
was like anesthetic. There were no dreams that I could remember, and it was
like I hadn't slept at all, in a psychological sense, even though my body
had rested. Very disorienting, and I would wake in a bad mood, even worse
than my typical morning crankiness. I also felt a loss of contact with my
spirituality. I quit taking the medication, and went back to my usual
tossing and turning, where my body may suffer, but my mind has the space to
work out its kinks. I even remember that the first dream I had after that
was an unpleasant one about a whale shark, but it was okay! I was so
grateful just to be dreaming again.

As for you, I am sure your body will heal itself in time, and your dreams
will return. Hang in there.


P.S. Maybe those bugs are absorbing the toxins for you. They could be your
icky little buddies.
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 10:48:28 EST
From: DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Short Rant: Young people today!
Message-ID: <e800f1b2.3496a2ceATnospamaol.com>

You young people today have it so easy.
Whenever your reality gets rearranged
by some strange kundalini experience,
all you have to do is log into the Internet
and you can discuss it freely with hundreds of people
and get all kinds of help and advice.

Why, in my day, when Harsha and I were your age,
we had to walk eight miles in knee deep snow,
climb mountains and cross deserts,
and ride all day on a bicycle to find a friend;
we had to write in longhand and lick postage stamps.
Mostly, we had to suffer in silence by ourselves,
because those who talked up were locked up
and given electro-shock treatment.
To share spiritual experiences,
we had to wait on divine grace
for some spiritually awakened person to contact us in the spirit
or for the gift of being able to reach out ourselves in the spirit.

But you young people today:
All you have to do is push a button.

Click: bye bye, little rant. *<|:-}))>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 09:51:10 -0600 (CST)
From: "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.org>
To: DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Short Rant: Young people today!
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.971216095050.1779A-100000ATnospamwinc0>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


You forgot the ending line!

"And thats the way it was and We Liked it!"

On Tue, 16 Dec 1997, DonBBenson wrote:

> You young people today have it so easy.
> Whenever your reality gets rearranged
> by some strange kundalini experience,
> all you have to do is log into the Internet
> and you can discuss it freely with hundreds of people
> and get all kinds of help and advice.
> Why, in my day, when Harsha and I were your age,
> we had to walk eight miles in knee deep snow,
> climb mountains and cross deserts,
> and ride all day on a bicycle to find a friend;
> we had to write in longhand and lick postage stamps.
> Mostly, we had to suffer in silence by ourselves,
> because those who talked up were locked up
> and given electro-shock treatment.
> To share spiritual experiences,
> we had to wait on divine grace
> for some spiritually awakened person to contact us in the spirit
> or for the gift of being able to reach out ourselves in the spirit.
> But you young people today:
> All you have to do is push a button.
> Click: bye bye, little rant. *<|:-}))>

--debora a. orf
"do not permit the events of your daily life to bind you, but never
 withdraw yourself from them"--Zen saying
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 00:00:16 +0800
From: GSDonne <gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: RE: Bible slam dunking.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 09:27 AM 12/16/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Ruth wrote:
>>If this were your father would you like
>>him? AND if he is your father, where has your mother been all this time?
>These are questions I have struggled with too.
>Jesus, now he is very easy to love. No problem there. What's not to like?
>The old man however, presents a few difficulties. Seems a bit unstable, for
>one thing. Prone to jealous rages, and smiting whole races who disagree
>with him. And then when we have trouble "getting it," he kills the one
>lovable member of the family, in a gruesome manner, and then wants us to be
>happy about it!
I was thinking on this just today. Has anyone done a psychological
profile on the
'I am the Lord Thy God- Old Man Jehovah".
Seems Im not the only one thinking He's a paranoid psychotic. (unqualified
opinion only)
It would make a good topic for a Masters in psychology for someone.
      I did read somewhere, (reference advailable on request, but Im not
going to find it now) that the Ark of the Covenant was an interdimensional
Maybe, just maybe, the priests in the Holy of holies in the temple werent
really communicating with 'God- The One, etc and all that' but some astral
entities that felt like playing power games with a gulible and pliant race?
Pple in this day and age hear 'God' talking to them and promptly go out and
kill a few innocent pple.
The Isralites heard 'God' talking to them and went out into the
promised land and slew thousands, men, women and children and took over
their land. (Note that this is the same God that gave them the fifth
commandment, "Thou shall not kill".)And also, "Thou shall not covert thy
neighbours goods". (But their land is ok, as long as they are not Jewish.)
One could draw parallels with modern day Palestine here. They are still
claiming 'The Promised Land", obeying an ancient Jehovah, but using guns and
missiles instead of swords.
 Then along comes Jesus with his 'love thy ememies', 'In so much as
you have done this to the least of my creatures you have done so to me',
"God is love" (or was that from the 60's?),etc.
All in total contrast to the fire and brimstone vengefulness of the 'smite
them hip and thigh' Father God.
Classic Freudian senario, ("Totem and Taboo") of the Son taking over the
power from the aging father. Except that the father happens to be God. Or is
 How do the pple who believe that every word in the bible comes from
God, and therefore must be right and true, reconcile these apparant
contrasts in the nature and behaviour of God?? If the bible is correct and
true in its depiction of God and His behaviour, then Old Jehovah comes over
as a raging psychotic. Can this Jehovah be the same God of love that Jesus
tries to show to pple in his teachings and parables?
When it comes down to it, is he really asking us to accept this
vengeful murdering Jehovah as the Creator of all, or is he trying to show us
a deeper, broader, more loving concept of God which bypasses and supercedes
the 'Jehovah' entity?



     'Everyday I thank Jesus that I'm not a Christian.'

Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 08:50:51 -0800
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.org>
CC: DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com>, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Short Rant: Young people today!
Message-ID: <3496B16B.3071ATnospamblarg.net>

My grandmother died a week ago. I began to think of what a grand time
she chose to come into. She entered this illusion before airplanes and
TV, telephones,.... and I think of all the NEW things which she
witnessed in her lifetime. I'd have to say, that the "seedlings"(?) of
my Grandmothers generation,... now those are some manifesting
souls!!!!!! And I am loving the ride on their waves.
With that line of thought on my mind, I think: what kind of wave "my"
generation leaves for the X'ers to ride on? And then,: the X
generation.... these are some creative souls the - tidal wave they leave
will be a fun one...
Stand up and take our bows?
All of those (us) who came before,
who dreamed of today,
who set the thoughts in motion.
[Us again],
and -if - or when we return,
what will be the Manifestations
which we will have set into motion
with our dreams
on this plane?
What illusions
have our delutions set in motion?
...."if two or more join in MY name"...
and POOF - it is manifest?
 - the implications,,,if this is true? like maybe One of those secrets?
thinking on it...... it does have a ring truth to it,
and with communications being as they are now......whoa...look out!!!
Stuff is gonna Blow!!
...that is excitement, not fear...don't want anyone thinking freda's
gone off the deep end, its just a mind boggling thought....
 All the crazy spiritulal entities, able to "join" (with just one more)
crazy spiritual entity and POOF ya got another miricle. YEEEHAWW
there's gonna be some stuff GOING ON!!
ramble?, "with deep convictions"!!

Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 09:18:41 -0800
From: onarresATnospaminreach.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: More than one God (was Bible bashing)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

We speak of an angry god, a compassionate god, and yet I have not read of
anything about the Trimorphic Protennoia (literally, the "Triple-formed
Primal Thought").

>From the Gospel of Phillip: "God created humanity; [but now human beings]
create God. That is the way it is in the world - human beings make gods,
and worship their creation. It would be appropriate for the gods to worship
human beings"

Iraenaeus states "The primal father of the whole, the primal beginning and
the primal imcomprehensible, is called Anthropos... and that this is the
great and abstruse mystery, namely, that the power which is above all
others, and contains all others in its embrace is called Anthropos."

For this reason Jesus called himself "Son of Man" (that is, Son of
Anthropos). The Sethian gnostics, who called the creator Ialdabaoth (a name
apparently derived from mystical Judaism but which here indicates his
inferior status), said that for this reason, when the creator,

Ialdabaoth, becoming arrogant in spirit, boasted himself over all those who
were below him, and explained, "I am father, and God, and above me there is
no other," his mother, hearing him speak thus, cried out against him; "Do
not lie Ialdabaoth; for the father of all, the primal Anthropos, is above
you and so is Anthropos, the son of Anthropos.

In the words of another Valentian, since human beings created the whole
language of religious expression, so in effect, humanity created the divine
world: ...and this (Anthropos) is really he who is God over all.

It would appear there is more than one god/goddess for the gnostic belief
system and the writings discovered in Nag Hammadi, would indicate this as
well. There is a third characterization of the divine mother: as Wisdom.
Here the Greek feminine term for 'wisdom' Sophia. Sophia translates a
Hebrew feminine term, hokmah.

One step further, Wisdom (Sophia) wishing to conceive and violating the
harmonious union of opposites, succeeded in bringing forth the demiurge,
the creator-God of Israel, as her agent.

Okay, does this ring true to anyone? An angry God of Israel- but what about
Anthropos? Is Anthropos the loving, kind and generous God whom we all think
about? I leave it to you!

One more thought on this: Besides defining God in opposite ways, gnostic
and orthodox Christians diagnosed the human condition very differently. The
orthodox followed traditional Jewish teaching that what separates humanity
from God, besides the essential dissimilarity, is human sin. The New
Testament term for sin, hamartia, comes from the sport of archery,
literally, it means "missing the mark."

love dor
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 12:18:34 -0500
From: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: RE: Bible slam dunking.
Message-ID: <B982B2DC7C0ED111804600805F850AB21B90F7ATnospamEX-DENVER-U1>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Boy o boy, where to start?

 >I did read somewhere, (reference advailable on
 > request, but Im not going to find it now) that the
 > Ark of the Covenant was an interdimensional
 > communicator.

Erich von Daniken put forth this idea in one of his books,
based on the gold-layered construction of the ark and a
half-remembered Bible reference to sparks around the ark
when God spoke (unfortunately for von Daniken, there is
no such statement in the Bible). If the ark was built
according to the plan laid out in Exodus, it could not have
been "electrically charged" in the sense von Daniken
presumed, since the gold layering was continuous and
would have put the entire surface of the ark (both inside
and out) at a single voltage; any alleged communications
device would need to have been separate from the rest of
the ark.

The 5th commandment - "Thou shalt not kill" - has long
been recognized to be better translated "Thou shalt not
commit murder", with the connotation that this did not
include (a) military action, (b) capital punishment, or (c)
self-defense. A New Testament verse refers to the state
having the power of "the sword", covering (a) and (b).

As to the Old Testament God being genocidal at slight
provocation, remember that God waited several hundred
years between His first mention of the land of Canaan
and the takeover by the Israelites, waiting until the sins
of the Canaanites had reached some critical measure.
The Bible portrays a God whose holiness and justice
are counterbalanced by love and mercy; thus we see
examples of both. He loves us; He cannot abide sin;
thus a continual tension and the reason for Jesus'
sacrifice (in which, BTW, Jesus was a volunteer). He
often gave nations multiple chances to repent (usually
accompanied by many prophets, who were as often as
not murdered by their listeners).

We can argue all day as to whether the "wrath of God"
and the "love of God" are contradictory concepts. Some
say yes; I say no. A lot of the problem will be in our
definitions of love, wrath, holiness, justice, etc. How can
God simultaneously maintain the demands of holiness,
justice, mercy, and love? To a large extent, I don't know.
But, to be blunt, no other explanation of what God might
be has resonated with my heart, mind and spirit as has
the descriptions in the Bible. Everything else has seemed
to be "missing" some vital piece, to be one-dimensional
in some way. And that's after spending many years
looking and hoping I'd find something "better" (i.e., less
demanding) than the Biblical representation. I found
several, but none "rang true." And in the final analysis,
I don't care a whit about covenient, or comforting, or
fulfilling, or conventional, or traditional, if it's not Truth.

My 7 cents (put in a bit more than two there :-).

- Mike

> -----Original Message-----
> From: GSDonne [SMTP:gsdonneATnospamiinet.net.au]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 1997 9:00 AM
> To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
> Subject: RE: Bible slam dunking.
> At 09:27 AM 12/16/97 -0600, you wrote:
> >Ruth wrote:
> >
> >>If this were your father would you like
> >>him? AND if he is your father, where has your mother been all this
> time?
> >
> >These are questions I have struggled with too.
> >Jesus, now he is very easy to love. No problem there. What's not to
> like?
> >
> >The old man however, presents a few difficulties. Seems a bit
> unstable, for
> >one thing. Prone to jealous rages, and smiting whole races who
> disagree
> >with him. And then when we have trouble "getting it," he kills the
> one
> >lovable member of the family, in a gruesome manner, and then wants us
> to be
> >happy about it!
> >
> I was thinking on this just today. Has anyone done a
> psychological
> profile on the
> 'I am the Lord Thy God- Old Man Jehovah".
> Seems Im not the only one thinking He's a paranoid psychotic.
> (unqualified
> opinion only)
> It would make a good topic for a Masters in psychology for someone.
> I did read somewhere, (reference advailable on request, but Im
> not
> going to find it now) that the Ark of the Covenant was an
> interdimensional
> communicator.
> Maybe, just maybe, the priests in the Holy of holies in the temple
> werent
> really communicating with 'God- The One, etc and all that' but some
> astral
> entities that felt like playing power games with a gulible and pliant
> race?
> Pple in this day and age hear 'God' talking to them and promptly go
> out and
> kill a few innocent pple.
> The Isralites heard 'God' talking to them and went out into the
> promised land and slew thousands, men, women and children and took
> over
> their land. (Note that this is the same God that gave them the fifth
> commandment, "Thou shall not kill".)And also, "Thou shall not covert
> thy
> neighbours goods". (But their land is ok, as long as they are not
> Jewish.)
> One could draw parallels with modern day Palestine here. They are
> still
> claiming 'The Promised Land", obeying an ancient Jehovah, but using
> guns and
> missiles instead of swords.
> Then along comes Jesus with his 'love thy ememies', 'In so
> much as
> you have done this to the least of my creatures you have done so to
> me',
> "God is love" (or was that from the 60's?),etc.
> All in total contrast to the fire and brimstone vengefulness of the
> 'smite
> them hip and thigh' Father God.
> Classic Freudian senario, ("Totem and Taboo") of the Son taking over
> the
> power from the aging father. Except that the father happens to be God.
> Or is
> He??
> How do the pple who believe that every word in the bible comes
> from
> God, and therefore must be right and true, reconcile these apparant
> contrasts in the nature and behaviour of God?? If the bible is
> correct and
> true in its depiction of God and His behaviour, then Old Jehovah comes
> over
> as a raging psychotic. Can this Jehovah be the same God of love that
> Jesus
> tries to show to pple in his teachings and parables?
> When it comes down to it, is he really asking us to accept this
> vengeful murdering Jehovah as the Creator of all, or is he trying to
> show us
> a deeper, broader, more loving concept of God which bypasses and
> supercedes
> the 'Jehovah' entity?
> cheers,
> GSDonne
> 'Everyday I thank Jesus that I'm not a Christian.'
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 09:23:23 -0800
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: sooo...ya don't beleive..
Message-ID: <3496B90B.361FATnospamblarg.net>

Yesterday, I went to one of the sites which ori put up on the list
members html pages,
there was a RealPlayer thing [on a link to a link I think?] it offered
chanting & music -
90 some hours of it in the background as you surf the web ---
"cool", I say, and download the thing.
I let it play in the back ground, it gradually blended in
with the other house noises and the whine of my computer.... hours
it was going in the background.
I shut off my connection to my server
and let the RealPlayer keep right on playing,
went about vacuming the room, ......la-la-la-la
and CAUGHT myself "moving" to the chanting as I vacumed the carpet.
It was strange, the thing just crept into my head,
then moved on to the body,
I just let it happen
stayed with it....
the carpet is REALLY clean.
Who was it that said vacuming could be a spititual experience?
didn't beleive it before - changed my mind!

"everything is spiritual, what isn't?" ...Ramtha

Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 12:27:37 -0500
From: Gloria Lee <glorybeATnospamintrepid.net>
To: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: RE: Bible slamming
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 09:27 AM 12/16/97 -0600, you wrote:
>Ruth wrote:
>>If this were your father would you like
>>him? AND if he is your father, where has your mother been all this time?
>Amckeon wrote:
>These are questions I have struggled with too.
>Jesus, now he is very easy to love. No problem there. What's not to like?
>The old man however, presents a few difficulties. Seems a bit unstable, for
>one thing. Prone to jealous rages, and smiting whole races who disagree
>with him. And then when we have trouble "getting it," he kills the one
>lovable member of the family, in a gruesome manner, and then wants us to be
>happy about it!
OKAY..look people..the Jewish race appropriated the One God concept from Egypt
AND then made Him into their own personal tribal God to protect them in
their struggles
with other nations. Instead of looking just for the negative things to
criticize here,
and admittedly there are more than a few, how about considering the many
good lives
who were inspired by the teachings of Jesus?? There are even mystical Jews,
who grew way beyond these "worst case scenarios" from the stories recorded
in the Old Testament.
If YOU were living 5,000 yrs ago..would YOU have known better?? Does anyone
remember or refer to the Song of Solomon... am epitome of "love poetry"
between God and humankind??
I simply feel that your selection of material from the Bible shows a
predispostion to
be looking only for the negative.

As to slaying Jesus..and asking us to be happy about it.. that has to be
the most imaginative interpretation yet of these events. Jesus himself
said he had only to ask,
and the Father would send legions of angels to rescue him. This was said
to clearly indicate Jesus chose and allowed his crucifixion of his own free
will. It was HIS demonstration of "no greater love than to lay down one's
life for his friends" You are,
of course, free to interpret this as you wish. I do not think he needs
defending so much, but it is hard for me to sit by and say nothing. My
love for Jesus did not go away, even when I tried my damndest to be an
atheist in college.

>And where the heck IS mom? An unfit hussie who is out partying, while dad
>smites us with impunity? Or so ineffectual and passive that she hides in
>the closet while dad scorches us with lightning bolts for missing sunday
>school and spilling seeds on the ground ;) ? Or worse, does she sit beside
>him and giggle behind her fan?

G.LEE here... Well, there is some basis for some to consider the Holy
Spirit as the
feminine part of the trinity...however, this masculine bias and
patriarchial system
of running the world was pretty much universal to all cultures...it makes
it all the more amazing that there were women prophets and so many stories
of women's faith even in the old testament. Many of these "faults and
condemnations" laid at the feet of God really are simply the cultural bias
of history. A feminine God would have been a "hard sell"
to those times and cultures which preferred to *see* God as masculine. I
thought we had now grown aware that Spirit includes both. I will not bore
you with the many feminine
metaphors for God that exist even in the Old T. The criticisms that were
made here are really of the way mankind has consistently distorted
truth..lets not add to that by looking still only at the worst examples to
be found...just asking for some balance here..ok??

>Richard W. said:
>>grouchy old psychotic deitity

G.LEE here.. psychosis is a loss of contact with reality..seems to be a lot
of that going around lately..heheh ... however, if God is another name for
that Ultimate Reality..seems unlikely *it* would lose contact with
itself...Now, I myself have some trouble getting along with certain
Christian sects...and I do appreciate a good joke, even at God's expense.
I hope no one reading this will assume I am trying to preach or proselytize -
it does seem that just some balance is needed here. It is indeed difficult
to seperate the ideals from the distortions made by man... were all of
Buddah's followers perfect??
Or is it only politically correct to slam the old Judeo-Christian faith??

>I was going to use the "p" word but thought it might be over the top. "He
>said it, dad, I didn't!" (crouching and covering my head with my hands)
>>Kids in spiritual kindergarten are
>>unlikely to be kind to each other. Just like real kids in the real thing,
>>who are far more likely to whack each other over the head with their toys
>Brilliantly said. I worked for 6 mo. in a kindergarten classroom. I like
>the analogy. Helps to remind me not to expect so much from people, and to
>realize where a lot of them are coming from.
>>True enough. But it doesn't hurt to cow-tip a few sacred cows every so
>I'm there with ya, bro! Meet me at the gate to the cow pasture at midnight!
>ouch! ouch! sorry, only joking dad!
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 10:00:12 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com
Subject: Re: HRTZEN: Initiation Dream
Message-ID: <3496431B.75AFATnospamintercomm.com>

Peswani wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Dec 1997, Gloria Greco wrote:
> > Gene Kieffer asked me to post a question to the list:
> >
> > Is there any way that science could set about to verify the existence of
> > kundalini?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> I have been going thro this process in my meditation, its effects
> are same as arising of smooth kundalini described by various letters on
> this list. At times in deep concentarion at the point of chakra, I have
> jumped the plane clearly feeling the effect of change in space and time
> and being in a different viberation mode.
> ram

Actually, back in the 40's they did test a master with pretty amazing
results, but this is not what he is asking, it is somewhat perhaps
beyond this. He really wants to know what is missing it bringing it to
the attention of the mass's. Gloria


Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
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