1997/12/15 21:24
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #833
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 833
Today's Topics:
Re: God and I [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
Ouch [ tgxxxATnospamjuno.com (tg langston) ]
Re: Listen....... [ TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH) ]
Re: Kundalini and Science [ indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com> ]
Re: God and I [ "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant.e ]
Please send healing energy to Raymon [ iri <iriATnospamivyrealty.com> ]
Re: Kundalini and Science [ "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant.e ]
Re: Please send healing energy to Ra [ LH5110 <LH5110ATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: God and I [ DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com> ]
Secrecy (was Re: Kundalini and Scien [ Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com> ]
Re: Ouch [ M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net> ]
Re: Kundalini and Science [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
Re: Unidentified subject! [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
Circulation of the Light [ Solar Lion <gtaATnospamcwnet.com> ]
Re: HRTZEN: Initiation Dream [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 14:45:11 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: God and I
Message-ID: <1329925372-15951733ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Susane Macrae wrote:
>Those who are reflectively inclined advance by knowing God
>Those whose emotions are strong do better to concentrate on loving God
>The actively inclined make time by serving God
>while experimenters become good meditators
>My stance is of the reflectively inclined. My aim is to KNOW God.
Me too, must be why I can so often relate to your posts.
>Just thinking about some of the recent posts, maybe some of our
>differences can be explained by the differing temperaments and their
>inclinations. Someone who works on just loving God may find it hard to
>reconcile with the person who aims to know God and visa versa?
I agree. Very insightful. I have actively done volunteer work, and now I am
trying to gain the courage to be more experimental and learn to meditate,
do yoga, etc.
I have the most difficulty relating to those who are able to concentrate on
loving God. Or is it that they have trouble relating to me :) ?
(I see loving God as separate from faith, by the way.)
I'm like: "How can I love someone/thing when I don't know what it is I am
Especially when we have such mixed messages in the bible of love and fear.
How can someone who wants us to fear him also expect love from us? Wouldn't
that be an oxymoron? Love/Fear = Jumbo Shrimp (or Military Intelligence,
take ya pick) Hmmmm.... reminds me of my earthly father. Not an appealing
idea, thank you very much.
(really trying to slow down on the posts, but I'm on a roll :)
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 16:45:06 -0500
From: tgxxxATnospamjuno.com (tg langston)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Ouch
Message-ID: <19971215.164709.8726.6.tgxxxATnospamjuno.com>
Hellooo List...
After all this time as a subscriber here, my K has been dormant. So I
could only talk of past experiences, and as a layman.
Now we have risen once again, thanks to a wonderful friend that had been
working with me on this. And I am in deep pain. A burning in my spine
from my bra line up to my neck, back & forth, and sometimes the whole
way. It itches in the spots sometimes. The burning is about the size
of an egg. Sometimes an actual egg-size lump comes up on the back of my
neck, easily seen by someone else - comes & goes. I thought K was
*invisible*. So maybe we are talking about some physical ailment instead
that I am trying to put off on K?? The pain also goes to a spot below
my right shoulder. Right now I have pain from my mid-back to my neck to
that right shoulder spot (which seems to affect my right arm too). This
has been going on a week. Pain pills (from my son's broken arm) only
helps for an hour or two and I'm sick of taking them, but the pain is
soooo bad, it makes me feel like crying. I'm a real wimp when it comes
to physical pain. The burning pain from mid-back to mid shoulders has
been going on about 5 weeks or so. I could handle it until it recently
came into the neck and shoulder.
I really thought it was K as when I meditate, I can sometimes bring the
energy/ burning up into my head, feel it rising, up to approx my ears,
where my ears actually burn. But the physical manifestation of that
lump baffled me into thinking maybe it was something else. (the lump is
not there today, but was yesterday). I have not been lifting anything
to cause a muscle spasm, nor does it even feel like a spasm. (altho i
guess it could be).
Looking for solutions, or an offer of a jacuzzi would be greatly
*It's been lovely, but I have to scream now*
http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html <~~~~~~ on the web now!
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 16:43:16, -0500
From: TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Listen.......
Message-Id: <199712152143.QAA14146ATnospammime4.prodigy.com>
Part II
Lisa stated:
"It was this incredible urge to have sex, yet feeling so frustrated
after, even though the sex was tremendously physically pleasurable."
I know exactly what you mean Lisa, and in effect that is what it is!
But, this energy can be used for better useage....that's why you
were disappointed after sex, it wasn't ment for that purpose. Spirit
works in many ways.........
I feel this sensation is to be used to clear the path up the spine
Kundalini Awakening or for advanced workers, to raise the energy
level... even more so.
What you and your spouse may try is rising the Kundalina as one....
this I refer to as spiritual love....raising each others energy I
will be a beautiful spiritual experience....
As mentioned my current marriage is ending....not our friendship
though...we simply are on different paths...another dying experience
creating a new life new beginning for both of us.....<s>
Anyway.....I do hope you and your husband work together spiritually.
If not you may wish to start, said through experience. If not you
find yourself in the same situation that I am in now...but everything
happens for a reason! <S>
And now....I say good-bye to all of you for a while at least. I have
many old habits to deal with and release. The past four months have
been stressful. My Dad passed Sept. 17 then my ex-wife, #1, passed
unexpectantly Oct. 11, then Mom passed Oct. 29, and now separating
from my wife......no don't feel sorry.
Living and dying are a part of life, and something we all do many
during our current lifetime. Be strong my friends and learn to listen
your feelings they are there to help and teach us where we have been
and where we are going....it is our own choice which path is taken..
God bless all of you and remember, God is with you now you only need
to be aware and see and feel within your heart.... Letting go I am
finding is not always easy. The ego brings many old emotions
to experiences.......each one must be looked at to be changed....new
actions being taken.... Unconditional Love
see ya when the mess is over! <s> Namaste'
The price of giving is receiving.
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 13:47:58 -0800
From: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
To: "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>
CC: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>,
Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>,
"heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com" <heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com>,
"kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
Susanne Macrae <smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au>,
Gloria Joy Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>,
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Science
Message-ID: <3495A589.FB0658FEATnospamgeocities.com>
Harsh K. Luthar wrote:
But to the extent that a division of "US" and "THEM" (those not having the
secret techniques) exists, it creates the potential for misunderstanding. As
long as one remains focused on the techniques and tools of Kundalini Yoga,
one lives in diversity. Self-Recognition, being beyond the reach of all
methods, and beyond all secret paths and traditions, puts an end to all
diversity. One then knows the "Open Secret and the meaning of I am that I am
become obvious.
> Harsh
I think many traditions, want to keep the Universal Truths as sort of a
secret method, probably to attract followers and make the issue for monetary
benefit, instead of freewill offering.
Correct me If I am wrong in my understanding.
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 17:50:37 -0500
From: "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>
To: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com,
"heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com" <heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com>
Subject: Re: God and I
Message-Id: <3495B43D.DABATnospamacad.bryant.edu>
> Susane Macrae wrote:
> >Those who are reflectively inclined advance by knowing God
> >Those whose emotions are strong do better to concentrate on loving God
> >The actively inclined make time by serving God
> >while experimenters become good meditators
> >My stance is of the reflectively inclined. My aim is to KNOW God.
Quite right. And to Know God is to Love God. And if one Loves God enough
One will Know God! There is even an old song from the 60s (one of the
oldies) which goes...To know know know him (her) is to love love love
him (her) and I do. Yes I do!:-))
The compassionate and totally funny Harsha
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 16:05:29 -0800
From: iri <iriATnospamivyrealty.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Please send healing energy to Raymond
Message-Id: <199712161207.GAA21830ATnospamsmtp1>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Raymond has had a bad heart for many years. He was wait-listed for surgery
and finally today received a phone call from his doctor telling him to go to
the hospital for surgery on Wednesday. He is having a bypass at the ripe old
age of 45. If everything goes right he will be released from the hospital in
time for the holiday season.
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 20:33:52 -0500
From: "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>
To: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
Cc: "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>,
anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>,
Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>,
"heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com" <heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com>,
"kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
Susanne Macrae <smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au>,
Gloria Joy Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>,
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Science
Message-Id: <3495DA80.1E27ATnospamacad.bryant.edu>
indra wrote:
> Harsh K. Luthar wrote:
> >snipped<
> But to the extent that a division of "US" and "THEM" (those not having the
> secret techniques) exists, it creates the potential for misunderstanding. As
> long as one remains focused on the techniques and tools of Kundalini Yoga,
> one lives in diversity. Self-Recognition, being beyond the reach of all
> methods, and beyond all secret paths and traditions, puts an end to all
> diversity. One then knows the "Open Secret" and the meaning of I am that I am
> become obvious.
> > Harsh
> I think many traditions, want to keep the Universal Truths as sort of a
> secret method, probably to attract followers and make the issue for monetary
> benefit, instead of freewill offering.
> Correct me If I am wrong in my understanding.
> Ananadajyoti
> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/6782
You are right Anandajyoti-or Indra (which do you prefer?). Also many of
the so called "Gurus" and "Spiritual masters" are plainly lacking
anything but the most superficial spiritual insight and knowledge. Some
of them struggle with serious emotional and psychological issues, need
to be constantly on a power trip and are not balanced. It is no wonder
that traditional yogic orthodoxy responded so negatively to the attacks
of Krishnamurti and later Rajneesh (Osho). Despite the limitations and
weaknesses of these two critics, they were powerful voices in pointing
out the hypocrisy of Gurus and Masters in spiritual traditions who
"sell" Universal Truths, and make disciples dependent upon them.
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 19:59:21 EST
From: LH5110 <LH5110ATnospamaol.com>
To: iriATnospamivyrealty.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Please send healing energy to Raymond
Message-ID: <8084be0b.3495d26bATnospamaol.com>
I went through by-pass at age 45 and am again scheduled for it on Feb 10 which
will be 13 years later. Tell Raymond prepare himself through meditation and
the knowing that everything will be fine. The Great Spirit still has a
purpose for him walking this Earth and all will be well. If everyone on
this list would send love and light he will have a speedy recovery.
Love and Light
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 20:57:43 EST
From: DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com>
To: smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: God and I
Message-ID: <661d9c79.3495e01aATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 97-12-14 23:22:28 EST, smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au writes:
<< My stance is of the reflectively inclined. My aim is to KNOW God.
To know, know, know Him
Is to love, love, love Him
And I do
Yes I do
Woo ooo ooo.
Jesus said,
If you love me,
you will keep my commandments:
Love one another.
Feed my sheep,
Whoever would be first in the kingdom of God
must be the servant of all.
--Johnny B. Good
P.S. I wrote the forgoing remarks before seeing Harsha's response. The fact
that we both remembered this song merely indicates that we are both *of a
certain age.* One may surmise as well that we are both academic types who love
the idea that a popular song of pre-Hippy Western culture managed to
effectively bridge some of the supposedly exclusive personality types and
cognitive categories of Western culture, while some students of Kundalini and
Eastern wisdom still don't get it. :-) Also his recent esoteric discussion
of the three granthis and the second heart seemed far more familiar to me than
it should have been from my limited experience. I seem to remember his
showing me these things in the spirit back in the mid 1960s when I was a
student at Goddard College in Vermont. So maybe Harsh and I are still on the
same wavelength. DBB 8:50 PM Monday
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 18:38:06 -0800
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>, "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>
Cc: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>,
"heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com" <heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com>,
"kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
Susanne Macrae <smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au>,
Gloria Joy Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>,
Subject: Secrecy (was Re: Kundalini and Science) (long, sorry)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 01:47 PM 12/15/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Harsh K. Luthar wrote:
>But to the extent that a division of "US" and "THEM" (those not having the
>secret techniques) exists, it creates the potential for misunderstanding. As
>long as one remains focused on the techniques and tools of Kundalini Yoga,
>one lives in diversity. Self-Recognition, being beyond the reach of all
>methods, and beyond all secret paths and traditions, puts an end to all
>diversity. One then knows the "Open Secret and the meaning of I am that I am
>become obvious.
>> Harsh
>I think many traditions, want to keep the Universal Truths as sort of a
>secret method, probably to attract followers and make the issue for monetary
>benefit, instead of freewill offering.
> Correct me If I am wrong in my understanding.
I think that there is merit in what each of you say. Many of us may have
seen this phenomenon. Perhaps it is worth considering the other side though
I think that there are a number of legitimate reasons for secrecy in
techniques. The most obvious is the potential for danger. There are many
people who are suffering long terms complications of practicing yogic and
qi gong techniques that they learned from a book. This indicates to me that
the techniques should not have been published.
Historically there have been good sociological reasons for secrecy. Some
rites have in the past and continue today to incur the wrath of any society
that focuses more on order than on individual development.
A subtler reason for secrecy is psychological. There is a power in secrecy,
although perhaps it is only a placebo effect, . Even it is only a placebo
effect it is still real. I am concerned that in an era in which sex is
omnipresent that it is getting more and more difficult for tantrism to have
any real effect. To put it another way, the images that may have been
powerful in an earlier era are loosing their impact in our current era.
Open publication of tantric rites only further weakens their effect.
Finally, there is a ``mystical'' aspect to secrecy that is even harder to
substantiate. The Tibetan tantrics hold that a key element of maintaining
the efficacy and power of their tantric techniques is maintaining one's
commitment to secrecy. If one does so then further protection is provided
by the lineage teachers as well as by a host of unseen beings including
``dharma protectors''. One may question the validity of this assertion but
it is striking that Tibetans were able to keep tantric traditions intact
extending about 1000 years. I am not aware (which may only be my ignorance)
of Shaiva tantric traditions in which the lineage is clearly substantiated
for 1000 years. I'd be encouraged to hear of them.
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 19:16:24 -0800 (PST)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: tgxxxATnospamjuno.com (tg langston)
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Ouch
Message-Id: <199712160316.TAA13874ATnospammail.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 04:45 PM 12/15/97 -0500, tg langston wrote:
Looking for solutions, or an offer of a jacuzzi would be greatly
*It's been lovely, but I have to scream now*
Oh no, not you! Yikes! I wish this were not happening to you. I'd say
come on over and I'll fire up the dormant jacuzzi but I know you live on the
other side of the US (FLA, righ?)and so one of my prayers and lots of my
good wishes will have to do. Also, I would caution that you not attribute
>>>every<<< symptom to K. Roving lumps would probably astound the
traditional medical community, but the field of alternative therapies might
be helpful...kinesthesiology or accupunture say.
Just this A M I was remembering how I reacted to Gopi Krishna's bio. I
thought he seemed a bit of a wimp and/or hypocondriacal. I also thought his
social agenda was paternalistic, sexist, etc. Just this A M I realised I
probably would draw the same criticisms from many were I to write as
detailed a bio.
I also found one part of Y. Kasen's wonderful book The Farther Shore worthy
of criticism that, once again, were I to have written a detailed account of
certain happenings mine would probably read the same.
I now, belatedly, bless these pioneers...and you too tg!
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 19:19:34 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
CC: "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>,
anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>,
Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>,
"heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com" <heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com>,
"kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
Susanne Macrae <smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au>,
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Science
Message-ID: <349574B5.6055ATnospamintercomm.com>
indra wrote:
> Harsh K. Luthar wrote:
> >snipped<
> But to the extent that a division of "US" and "THEM" (those not having the
> secret techniques) exists, it creates the potential for misunderstanding. As
> long as one remains focused on the techniques and tools of Kundalini Yoga,
> one lives in diversity. Self-Recognition, being beyond the reach of all
> methods, and beyond all secret paths and traditions, puts an end to all
> diversity. One then knows the "Open Secret and the meaning of I am that I am
> become obvious.
> > Harsh
> I think many traditions, want to keep the Universal Truths as sort of a
> secret method, probably to attract followers and make the issue for monetary
> benefit, instead of freewill offering.
> Correct me If I am wrong in my understanding.
> Ananadajyoti
> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/6782
Money is always a red flag to me, spirit work is in no way related to
$$ from where I see it.
Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 19:23:52 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Radhakrishnan B <brkATnospamcri.co.in>
CC: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
Message-ID: <349575B7.384FATnospamintercomm.com>
Radhakrishnan B wrote:
> I do have a small list of sanskrit terms (from www.spiritweb.com). Those
> who need that can mail me so that I can mail the html file to them
> personally instead of mailing to the whole of the list.
> be blessed by the divine
> With Regards,
> B.Radhakrishnan
> CRI India [P] Ltd.,
> 2nd Flr, Temple Towers,
> Nandanam, Madras 600 035. India.
> Ph. : +91 44 434 0520/4163/4538
> mail : brkATnospamcri.co.i
> Cc: Kurt Keutzer; smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au; kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com;
Hi, Interested in your list. Gloria
> heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com; gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com
> Subject: Re: 3 Piercings (was Re: Enlightenment)
> .. too many Sanskrit terms and should be more easily understood. How
> do I
> get that paper on the Kundalini Resource Center run by Bill Peay? I
> wrote him a note but got no response. Does anyone know?
> Harsh
Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 19:35:07 -0800
From: Solar Lion <gtaATnospamcwnet.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Circulation of the Light
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I have copied the following from http://www.wildmantim.com/cc/secret.html
It discusses one notion of rebirth.
"The Circulation of the Light
Based on the Secret of the Golden Flower
"Unless you be born of the water and the Spirit you cannot enter the
of Heaven". The words of my friend Jesus clearly describe the
prerequisite for entering into the Kingdom of Heaven or Cosmic
Consciousness. This view of rebirth is not entirely different from the more
commonly accepted idea of "baptism in the Holy Spirit" for charismatic
Christians. In both cases the
Spirit is acting on the body to "initiate" the person, however this
alchemical meditation is a far better preparatory step than a heap of
unecessary beliefs which tends to over dramatize the situation not to
mention exclude those outside the religious community. Jesus then, speaking
from the Spirit within him, explains further in John 7:38, "He who believes
on me, ( i.e. the Spirit within him) out of his belly shall flow rivers of
living water". Those rivers are the Light or the active principle of the
Tao, the same Light the Chinese taught about centuries ago and today can be
found in the book The Secret of the Golden Flower. This flowing or
"Circulation" process is pure spiritual alchemy. It is simple, safe and
effective and it will lead you to Spiritual Rebirth quickly. From there,
the Spirit, which will thenceforth be a Living Presence inside your body,
takes over and teaches you directly. How that happens is quite an
individual matter and you won't know until you get there. Hope you have a
sense of adventure.
No beliefs required
This procedure predates Buddhism and is more closely allied with Taoism
though it isn't really that either. Probably one of the most appealing
things about this technique for me as a technically minded person is that
it is based on "how things work" and not on a religious ideology or belief
system. In other words, it is a repeatable and demonstrable procedure, as
any good scientific experiment, and you don't have to believe anything
though after you succeed with it, what you believe will probably change
dramatically. This is your way to a "chink in the door" to get a glimpse
into the True Reality.
One of it's major advantages is that it can be performed by just about
anyone and there are no specific physical requirements. Even persons with
physical disabilities can do this technique easily. A sound and stable
mental and emotional state is necessary. I do not recommend any form of
meditation or spiritual alchemy where there are emotional or mental
For those of you who would like to know more, I would suggest getting a
copy of the book The Secret of the Golden Flower, Wilhelm Translation,
because it will help you understand the process and some of the ideas
behind the practice.
Here is how to do it:
Get into a comfortable position no matter whether you sit up or lie down
or whatever as long as you are comfortable. You don't want to fall asleep,
but if you do you'll probably have terrific dreams!
Pay attention to your breathing but make no attempt to alter it. Just
breathe normally.
Close your eyes and focus your attention on a point directly between your
eyes and slightly upwards. Don't strain.
Think of having a plumb bob ( a straight line ) going from the point
between your eyes directly down to your solar plexus. (The Chinese call
that the "womb" of Spirit because it is where the Spiritual Child is
conceived as a mixture of male and female energies i.e Yin the Water and
Yang the Spirit). Now do you see why it is called "rivers of living water"?
With your imagination, visualize energy i.e the Light entering
at the point between your eyes ( some people call it the third eye) and
traveling down the plumb bob directly to your solar plexus. Then see it
circulating in the solar plexus. As you do this day after day you will
begin to notice that your solar plexus area is getting hot. A good sign.
The Chinese call this "mixing and melting".
If experience is any indication about 30 minutes a day should be
Do it every day, at least once a day. Don't stop or break the practice.
The Chinese say that "after 100 days a point of the true light pole yang
will spontaneously develop" and is thought of as conception. It is exactly
that. As the Apostle Paul said, "It is no longer I who live but Christ
[Spiritual Child] who lives in me..." It is God born in man, the true story
of Christmas. Frankly, when it happens, you are going to feel pregnant.
And of course then perhaps I should note that the 100 days is a more or
less situation. It happened to me in exactly 90 days.
If you would really like to get the straight skinny on Chinese Alchemy try
this place for an extremely in depth bibliography."
Thats all folks. What do you think?
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 19:49:48 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Bud Space <budspaceATnospamhotmail.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: HRTZEN: Initiation Dream
Message-ID: <34957BCA.2B82ATnospamintercomm.com>
Bud Space wrote:
> >>Is there any way that science could set about to verify the existence
> of kundalini?
> >
> >Gloria
> Hello.
> No. To get an indication with an instrument, the instrument and the
> studied phenomena must have almost the same frequency (a resonance
> phenomena, or to be in tune). This is valid in both chemistry and
> physics and other sciences as well. Usually, it is the frequency that
> starts with the movement of the electron that can be measured. Kundalini
> is not dependent on the movement of the electron (?), and do not have
> any frequencis in common with any instruments. (All instruments register
> through eletron movement.) Bodily changes, if there are any in for
> example in the spine, are not scientific proofs of kundalini, as this
> can be explained in other ways.
> If kundalini and the like could be proven scientificly, it would only be
> used by ordinary people to do even more harm on this planet. So we are
> lucky that it can not.
> Stanislav Grof is trying to find out how to differentiate between
> ordinary mental sickness and spiritual emergence (including kundalini)
> as cases with spiritual emergence are very badly treated by psyciatric
> clinics. (But is lacking in funds.)
> Keep posting to the list!
> Yours
> Bud
Hi Bud,
Gene has really brought the study and interest of kundalini out to many
people. But, as far as really getting the interest on a mass level, it
hasn't manifest. So he has asked me to get into a discussion on it with
the list to see what would come out of it.
> ______________________
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Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
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