Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/12/10 20:38
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #813

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 813

Today's Topics:
  Re: Enlightenment [ Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net> ]
  RE: Hostility and aggression in disc [ destinyATnospamcyberramp.net ]
  Re:Reincarnation [ Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net> ]
  Re: Expectations [ Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net> ]
  Intolerance [ SKidder333 <SKidder333ATnospamaol.com> ]
  Re: 3 Piercings (was Re: Enlightenme [ Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com> ]
  Re: 3 Piercings (was Re: Enlightenme [ Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com> ]
  [Fwd: *Lord Matraiya*(RANT warning), [ Delirium <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com> ]
  Re: awakenings due to abuse [ Blythe <merlinATnospampnn.com> ]
  Re:Intolerance [ Susanne Macrae <smacraeATnospamcamtech.net ]
  Re:Reincarnation [ amyjATnospamhaag.LA.ColoState.EDU (Amy Joh ]
  Twin Flames [ Nancy <NancyATnospamwtp.net> ]
  Re: 3 Piercings (was Re: Enlightenme [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
  Re: 3 Piercings (was Re: Enlightenme [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
  RE: Hostility and aggression in disc [ Gloria Lee <glorybeATnospamintrepid.net> ]
  Re: Hostility and aggression in disc [ "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com> ]
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 18:12:25 -0600
From: Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net>
To: Susan Carlson <divine_goddessATnospamhotmail.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Enlightenment
Message-ID: <348F2FE9.6102ATnospamgte.net>

Susan Carlson wrote:
> I might suggest though...you might make some
> categories...Eastern teaching....Western(white
> people stuff) teaching (maybe a visitation by
> John Wayne)..... Goddessbased...
> African...Morgana based:"enlightenment is a
> cultural myth" school of thought.

Why ? isn't a truth is a truth is a truth ???....or "A rose by any other
> Your question would be a great post to alot of
> lists...and make a cool little book.

It would indeed... < s >
> A caveat to the reader is (IMHO) if they have to
> ask...they arent.

My first contribution : If you are sitting in a chair, typing a response
to an e-mail... you ain't. * wicked grin *
> Blessings,
> Susan



Love and Light unto your Path...THERE IS ONLY ONE OF US...Athena
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 18:23:39 -0600
From: destinyATnospamcyberramp.net
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: RE: Hostility and aggression in discussion
Message-Id: <v03110700b0b4e1945a46ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


>I guess at heart I want to be a peacemaker.


>- Mike

The Spirit speaks. I shut up, I listen and I'm grateful; for having you on
the List and for you being in this world.

Love and Light to All....

John bill beaudine
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 18:36:20 -0600
From: Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net>
To: Roberto Gonzales del Valle <rgvgATnospamhotmail.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re:Reincarnation
Message-ID: <348F3584.3BD5ATnospamgte.net>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Roberto Gonzales del Valle wrote:
> Hi:
> Greetings.
> I have a quiestion for you wonderful people: Is reincarnation as it`s
> been taught to us or is it just the energy of everything that encarnates
> again and again bbeen us nothing but vehicles for that energy?
> I mean, aren´t we all Jesus, Rimabud, Mozart and Lennon at the same
> time, living again, completeinng the strain? Or do we each other
> reincarnate again and againg to gain experience. I go for the energy
> encarnating in us, and i think we are only vehicles for that energy
> which has a larger plan for us, larger and prettier than we will ever
> imagine.
> My best wishes for you. Please, respond.
> Roberto.
> Lima-Perú.

Well said Roberto... We are one instrument in a symphony orchestra...
the music is the energy..weaving its magic through each of our
lives...today I feel like the violin... tomorrow a tuba ?
> ______________________
Love and Light unto your Path...THERE IS ONLY ONE OF US...Athena
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 18:27:33 -0600
From: Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net>
To: "Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D." <hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com>
CC: veroungerATnospamearthlink.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Expectations
Message-ID: <348F3375.4E3DATnospamgte.net>

Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D. wrote:
I speak from experience when I tell you that sometimes it can take this
> catastrophic loss before we can properly redirect the desire where it
> was meant to go. THEN the human love we find can really become holy
> because we are not **expecting** our partners or ourselves to be god.

Thanks Holly, I have been saying a long time that *expectations* is what
destroys a relationship...Nobody, but nobody can ever live up to our
expectations...and our hopes will always be dashed...

Learning to love Unconditionally... I think is the answer...



> be so hard on yourself. Holly

Love and Light unto your Path...THERE IS ONLY ONE OF US...Athena
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 20:09:15 EST
From: SKidder333 <SKidder333ATnospamaol.com>
To: DonBBensonATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Intolerance
Message-ID: <8b3b0113.348f3d3dATnospamaol.com>

Why is it so difficult for you to take what you like and leave the rest?

Every awakened person I have met, and not all were awakened through kundalini
(or at least don't recognize or name it as such), show a remarkable increase
in tolerance and curiosity. Yours seem lacking.

Love in the Spirit, Sylvia
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 16:59:13 -0800
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: lodpressATnospamintercomm.com, "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospamresearch1.bryant.edu>
Cc: smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, hlutharATnospambryant.edu,
 heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com, gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com
Subject: Re: 3 Piercings (was Re: Enlightenment)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Thanks to each of you for your engagement in the dialog. My primary
interest in the discussion is in hearing people's experiences with respect
to prana and kundalini- and how they would contrast their experiences of
kundalini with their experiences of prana.

As prana and kundalini move in the channels and the wheels or cakras then
the discussion of the movement of prana and kundalini is strongly linked
with the discussion of cakras and their ``piercing'' etc.

As I survey the great deal we've all written so far on these and other
subjects I still don't come to a clear idea of where we all stand on these
topics. Giving the investment so far I think it would be worth trying to
summarize our different viewpoints.

To kick things off I'll summarize my own perspective - I'll also
(uncharacteristically) try an Occam's razor appoach and introduce as few
concepts and terms as possible:

Prana - prana is a ``vital energy'' that operates throughout the body.
Prana can be increased in any part of the body, increasing the vitality of
that part, simply through mental attention or through ``breathing through''
that point. The strongest effects of pranic movement occur when it enters
the central channel of the body or sushumna. When this occurs the mind and
body are more deeply vitalized. When the breath and mind together enter the
sushumna - i.e. the mind is completely absorbed there then body
consciousness begins to dissolve but there is still a kind of
subject-object dichotomy. When breath and mind enter the sushumna at the
higher cakras - heart - between the eyes -or at the crown- then deeper
meditative experiences of a wide variety may result - apparently due to the
activation of the nature of the cakras. Notable among these is the sense of
tuning into God's (compassionate!) will at the crown. Sometimes the entry
of prana into the central channel may elicit a more profound (in the sense
of more absorbing) experience - that of the entry of the kundalini into the

Kundalini - when the kundalini awakens but does not enter the sushumna a
variety of unusual experiences may occur. These are similar to those
associated with the movement of prana but they are typically experienced
more intensely. When the kundalini awakens and begins to move in the
sushumna then the mind is merged into a kind of bright liquid
consciousness. There is no subject-object duality but no universal
awareness either. The consciousness is united but still localized somehow.
One does not feel bound to a perceptual framework but one does not feel
universal either. The nature of this consciousness changes as kundalini
moves through the cakras . By the time it penetrates the region between the
eyes and moves onto the crown then that consciousness is fully
universalized. There is nothing in the universe that is other than oneself.

So I hope this is a useful start. I hope that others of you will take the
time to summarize your perspectives. I think it will be good over time to
talk about the nature of the experience of both prana and kundalini at the
different cakras.

Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 17:03:33 -0800
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com
Subject: Re: 3 Piercings (was Re: Enlightenment)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Sue mentions:
`` I have
observed and worked with people experiencing both and consider that the
force of the eruption has more to do with the amount of work kundalini
needs to do in that particular person, than with any other single
factor. ''

I've also thought of the analogy of electricity. The heat generated by
electricity running through a wire has as much to do with the resistance of
the wire as it does the current of the electricity. I have tended to focus
on increasing the current but there is also the factor of diminishing the
resistance. Perhaps ``the force of the eruption'' is neither strictly the
force of the kundalini or the resistance of the individual - but both?
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 19:34:02 +0000
From: Delirium <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: [Fwd: *Lord Matraiya*(RANT warning), Don Benson, etcetera]
Message-ID: <348EEE90.F3DEBA5AATnospamfull-moon.com>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------9C8432BCBF9B56F4779DE26D"

Message-ID: <348EEE3C.EB4FE1B5ATnospamfull-moon.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 19:32:38 +0000
From: Delirium <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com>
Reply-To: deliriumATnospamionet.net
Organization: You gotta be joking, right?
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 (Macintosh; I; PPC)

To: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>
Subject: Re: *Lord Matraiya*(RANT warning), Don Benson, etcetera
References: <B982B2DC7C0ED111804600805F850AB21A0A0EATnospamEX-DENVER-U1>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

Mike Stickles wrote:

> Kathy,
> I can't help but feel some pain at the description you give
> of your experiences in the fundamentalist world. As a
> fundamentalist Christian myself (in the old sense - one who
> adheres to the fundamentals of the faith), I've been trying
> hard to understand the emotional rift that seems to exist
> between fundamentalists and the rest of the world.

I think you've mis-labeled yourself (as have others, obviously)..*your*
type of fundamentalism apparently is a lot less hard-edged than that
which I have experienced, and *much* more apparently loving
unconditionally as well...if indeed unconditional love includes
acceptance of the differences between people...now, I realize that *my*
definition of unconditional love may no doubt vary from *others'*
definitions, so it's all in varying tones, degrees, etcetera...but
perhaps you know what I am trying to say here -- that to me
unconditional love means *acceptance without trying to shape or change*
what is...and *that* is where I get hung up on the "hard

> <snippage>... You asked why anyone would want to scare
> children into thinking that there is a hell. For them, it is
> out of a sincere belief that hell exists and a determination
> that their children will not wind up there.

I understand this from first-hand experience...when I was twelve I was
essentially a "Jesus Freak" and my twelve-year-old understanding of the
universe made *me* afraid for others...I thought similarly to these
people who had obviously done a real "good" job of putting the "fear of
God" into me...but as I got older, I realized that this did not make
*any* sense at all to me...and if all I was going to feel was the fear
and pain of thinking that those around me who were "lost" were going to
die and be lost forever then I wanted nothing of this nastiness. My
rejection of such things has lasted until the present day, and now I'm
obviously trying to figure out how to get past that irrational, childish
fear that remains...and this list is turning out to be a pretty terrific
place to work on that...*especially* now that I've "tasted" the universe
as it would seem to truly be...a perfect place...and I want more.

> I am encouraged that you are working towards unconditional
> love. ...<snip>I
> would also encourage you to try to separate the message
> from the messenger. Truth is where you find it, even if brought
> by a knave or a scoundrel. ...<snippage> "He's wrong because he's
> evil/nasty/stupid", or "He's
> right because he's nice/sensitive/smart/an expert". I've learned
> many valuable lessons from people who were belligerent, and
> had to discard advice from good friends because it was flat
> wrong (not just wrong for me, but categorically wrong).

Don't get me wrong here...I, too, value Don Benson's presence here, for
that very reason. I now have a chance to work things out in a relatively
safe environment ...and I'm sure there's a lot I can learn from Don
without having to see eye to eye with his personal religious beliefs.

> ...I just felt I had to make
> some reply because it pains me when people automatically
> raise their hackles when a fundamentalist speaks ...

Once again, Mike, I don't think you can be labeled that narrowly...your
own words about being mystic seem more fitting for you...but don't take
my word for it! <grin>

Thanks for your extremely thoughtful response, Mike, I really appreciate
what I've seen you writing here so far!

--Delirium (Kathy)

Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 17:29:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Blythe <merlinATnospampnn.com>
To: "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.org>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: awakenings due to abuse
Message-Id: <199712110129.RAA05947ATnospampnn.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 02:09 PM 12/10/97 -0600, debora wrote:
>Can anyone relate child abuse incidents to a K experience?

I was also sexually abused. I believe that's where my problems with
clairsentience came from, also my silence as a child {I physically could NOT
 I know that God seemed the only solidity, safety, consistency and real
love, though I was as much yearning for Him/Her as being blissed. Also, I
was more likely to go inside trees, dogs, birds, wind, than into Light. I
could get into them more consistently.
I hadn't thought about whether that explains my big heart center.
Neither my brother nor my sister have heart centers as open, but my brother
was also sexually abused. But then he did turn around and abuse me... Maybe
that closed him down?
All three of us came out better at relating to God/dess than to people.

blessings and moonlight,
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 12:02:03 +1030
From: Susanne Macrae <smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re:Intolerance
Message-ID: <348F4293.628ATnospamcamtech.net.au>

When our buttons are pushed it's usually because the other person is
mirroring something in us we don't like about ourselves.

Love, sue
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 18:54:37 -0700
From: amyjATnospamhaag.LA.ColoState.EDU (Amy Johnson)
To: starwindATnospamgte.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re:Reincarnation
Message-Id: <199712110154.SAA03844ATnospamsteinitz.LA.ColoState.EDU>

Content-Md5: alxqbWMYv5ugzwvaZssm6g==

I believe that our higher selves remain unique individuals, reincarnating
through limited, although many, bodies to fulfill a unique purpose. Your view
of the same energy living in all different bodies sounds similar to the tao
idea. My belief comes from my heart, but has been brought out by great books
such as the 10th Insight and Weiss's Many Lives, Many Masters. I also believe,
however, that we come from the same light, or the Creator, and in that way we
connect and find similarities in everyone.

Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 19:35:20 +0000
From: Nancy <NancyATnospamwtp.net>
To: kundalini-1 <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
CC: The Lesser Half <sassiATnospamworldnet.att.net>
Subject: Twin Flames
Message-ID: <348EEEF4.7C8ATnospamwtp.net>

Hi k-list,

Perhaps a little off topic, but I need to pick your brains. Does anyone
know the origins of the concept of Twin Flames? Does the concept come
from a particular religion? Is it a new age thing? There's not much
information I'm finding on the topic.

Please respond to me privately.

Thanks in advance!

Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 19:17:18 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
CC: "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant1.bryant.edu>, smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au,
 kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, hlutharATnospambryant.edu,
 heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com, gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com
Subject: Re: 3 Piercings (was Re: Enlightenment)
Message-ID: <348EDCAB.6774ATnospamintercomm.com>

Kurt Keutzer wrote:
> Thanks to each of you for your engagement in the dialog. My primary
> interest in the discussion is in hearing people's experiences with respect
> to prana and kundalini- and how they would contrast their experiences of
> kundalini with their experiences of prana.
> As prana and kundalini move in the channels and the wheels or cakras then
> the discussion of the movement of prana and kundalini is strongly linked
> with the discussion of cakras and their ``piercing'' etc.
> As I survey the great deal we've all written so far on these and other
> subjects I still don't come to a clear idea of where we all stand on these
> topics. Giving the investment so far I think it would be worth trying to
> summarize our different viewpoints.
> To kick things off I'll summarize my own perspective - I'll also
> (uncharacteristically) try an Occam's razor appoach and introduce as few
> concepts and terms as possible:
> Prana - prana is a ``vital energy'' that operates throughout the body.
> Prana can be increased in any part of the body, increasing the vitality of
> that part, simply through mental attention or through ``breathing through''
> that point. The strongest effects of pranic movement occur when it enters
> the central channel of the body or sushumna. When this occurs the mind and
> body are more deeply vitalized. When the breath and mind together enter the
> sushumna - i.e. the mind is completely absorbed there then body
> consciousness begins to dissolve but there is still a kind of
> subject-object dichotomy. When breath and mind enter the sushumna at the
> higher cakras - heart - between the eyes -or at the crown- then deeper
> meditative experiences of a wide variety may result - apparently due to the
> activation of the nature of the cakras. Notable among these is the sense of
> tuning into God's (compassionate!) will at the crown. Sometimes the entry
> of prana into the central channel may elicit a more profound (in the sense
> of more absorbing) experience - that of the entry of the kundalini into the
> sushumna.

Ok Kurt: Gloria here:
Agree with your description of kundalini and prana, at least on the
level you have described it.
> Kurt:
> Kundalini - when the kundalini awakens but does not enter the sushumna a
> variety of unusual experiences may occur. These are similar to those
> associated with the movement of prana but they are typically experienced
> more intensely. When the kundalini awakens and begins to move in the
> sushumna then the mind is merged into a kind of bright liquid
> consciousness. There is no subject-object duality but no universal
> awareness either. The consciousness is united but still localized somehow.
> One does not feel bound to a perceptual framework but one does not feel
> universal either. The nature of this consciousness changes as kundalini
> moves through the cakras . By the time it penetrates the region between the
> eyes and moves onto the crown then that consciousness is fully
> universalized. There is nothing in the universe that is other than oneself.
> So I hope this is a useful start. I hope that others of you will take the
> time to summarize your perspectives. I think it will be good over time to
> talk about the nature of the experience of both prana and kundalini at the
> different cakras.

 I am not going to be any help to you because I've never experienced
kundalini by itself, unless in my early childhood. So, everything I have
experienced is from several things manifesting simoltaneously. It didn't
run the course as you describe it.
 I feel that my spiritual/mystical awareness had way surpassed my
kundalini awareness so that when kundalini was brought to my attention,
it was already being regulated by my consciousness spiritually. I have
always knew what was happening to me, and had everything taken care of.
My life has been set up, I can only say it is from grace earned
 What you have asked me to do here is pull a part through thought the
various aspects of the process. I'm sorry, my mind doesn't work that
way, I have trained myself for 52 years to not notice those kinds of
> Mangalam
> Kurt


Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 19:06:42 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
CC: smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com,
 heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com, gkiefferATnospamnetaxis.com
Subject: Re: 3 Piercings (was Re: Enlightenment)
Message-ID: <348EDA30.15B5ATnospamintercomm.com>

Kurt Keutzer wrote:
> Sue mentions:
> `` I have
> observed and worked with people experiencing both and consider that the
> force of the eruption has more to do with the amount of work kundalini
> needs to do in that particular person, than with any other single
> factor. ''
> I've also thought of the analogy of electricity. The heat generated by
> electricity running through a wire has as much to do with the resistance of
> the wire as it does the current of the electricity. I have tended to focus
> on increasing the current but there is also the factor of diminishing the
> resistance. Perhaps ``the force of the eruption'' is neither strictly the
> force of the kundalini or the resistance of the individual - but both?

Gloria responds:
 Sue, I understand what your saying, I only have my experience to rely
on and those individuals that I have worked with over the years. Since
no one has had the experience in the same way that I have, I can only
say what it does during and after the experience in terms of
 Like I said, kundalini was running lightly through out my childhood, in
youth I had many of the psychic gifts and lower gifts but was always
told by Mother Mary to pay no attention to them, and to keep silent.
  Since I had direct help and knew from infancy that my direct
responsiblity was to my spiritual parents, I immediately listened to my
training. Then through music I had the nice gentle movement up and down
the spine, I loved it, I don't ever remember even thinking about it, I
thought it was connected to music. It was wonderful and made me feel
that my body was an instrument just as much as the piano or accordion.
So, I do relate to those gentle flows and the ectasy, then when I went
into my twenties I was told by Mother that I was being transferred to
her Son, my preparation work was finished.
  Then came the direct eye to eye, heart to heart...AWAKE in the middle
of the night. My heart literally was beating through out my body, my
ears felt like they would explode, I don't connect this experience to
kundalini in the least, and didn't as of yet even know what kundalini
was. There was no doubt what this was, it was Christ awakening in me as
Consciousness. The word was Awake. That totally changed me, because he
brought me out of sleep (literally and spiritually) and into what
spiritual reality is. Within days the kundalini explosion happened, this
time it was a touch on the third eye by a being I knew to be the Ancient
of Days...that is the one that put me in the hospital. So, I can tell
you that my life has progressed from easy and flowing with lower gifts,
to serious awareness, and then serious energies releases. That was the
beginning of the major openings, it went on for many years.
 But, important information that goes with this, you don't control it,
whatever is meant to be is how it is going to come through and down. The
energies that were released in me were from spiritual forces cosmically,
again this wasn't kundalini in the traditional sense. This wasn't
something that was from my body that did this, it connected up directly
to God's Will for me in alignment with my spiritual assignment and
purpose. This wasn't something that was progressing say from the base of
my spine up through the crown etc. These manifestations are initiations.
And, after every one I am totally different then before.
 I do feel that the ultimate purpose behind the movement is
consciousness, and the initiations are made according to ones ability to
work with the mystical forces behind life.
 Now, was this off the subject, it is the best I can do.


Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 22:25:05 -0500
From: Gloria Lee <glorybeATnospamintrepid.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: RE: Hostility and aggression in discussion
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

many snips>
>- Mike
>P.S. -
> >Professional therapists who have Spirit Awareness and
> >understand how to channel the responses of those on the
> >K-list into constructive healing. Now, that is truly a
> >fabulous concept. :-)
>Hey - if you're gonna dream - dream big! :-)
>Gloria LEE here

Mike, I like your style!!! Any *real* professional therapist would likely
never dream of
attempting group therapy here on this list...however your post did trigger
a fantasy of inviting Don, Mystress, Ruth, and assorted others all to
dinner. Somehow when you see people..you gotta love em.. After one kinda
bloody day here on the list..I dreamed of a voice saying "the truth cannot
be harmed". Offered me some comfort, anyway.

With regard to fleeing the heat in the kitchen, tho...feel free. Part of
the beauty of NOT having group therapy here...If you wish to deny there is
an elephant in the living room here, you may duck out the delete door. No
compulsory responses required. Now if we all needed to live
together...heheh..bring on the therapists..
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 18:33:41 -0800
From: "F. Drew " <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: "Mike Stickles" <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>, <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Hostility and aggression in discussion
Message-Id: <01bd05dd$33f2bfa0$LocalHostATnospamdefault.valunet.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;

From: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>

>A good debate is great fodder for thought - open-minded
>people on opposing sides of an issue can learn a lot from
>each other in the process of proposing, challenging and
>defending points of view.
I agree. On with the debate.
" So Far; So Good "


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