Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/12/10 17:05
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #812

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 812

Today's Topics:
  Re: Another Private email [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
  Re: From My Heart [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
  RE: The 7 headed beast [ Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.co ]
  Re: Healing Energe to Anchorage [ TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH) ]
  Re: Other answers ? More truths ? [ tgxxxATnospamjuno.com (tg langston) ]
  Don Don Don..enough of this stuff... [ TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH) ]
  Re: Other answers ? More truths ? [ "J.P. Racine" <racinejpATnospamosiris.net> ]
  Hostility and aggression in discussi [ Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.co ]
  Re: From My Heart [ Blythe <merlinATnospampnn.com> ]
  Re: Hostility and aggression in disc [ destinyATnospamcyberramp.net ]
  Pacing [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
  Forty Four [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
  Re: What God? [ freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net> ]
  Re: Enlightenment [ Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net> ]
  RE: Hostility and aggression in disc [ Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.co ]
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 12:32:52 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: onarresATnospaminreach.com
CC: heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com,
Subject: Re: Another Private email
Message-ID: <348E7DE3.52EEATnospamintercomm.com>

onarresATnospaminreach.com wrote:
> Hi Gloria,
> I wanted to sincerely thank you for your posting on the three piercings,
> 'twas wonderful! It was the first long post that I could get through,
> reading word for word in a long time. You have clarified so much for me -
> that in itself was enlightening. I feel that this outpouring of
> information was so well done.

Gloria here;
Glad you could understand and stay with the flow, my writing is more
like just staying with the energy so it will penetrate, so often you
can't even remember what it is, but it does enter deeply, like your
> Dor:
> So now that I have your ear (eyes) once again, and since you've been so
> helpful in the past (with dreams, etc) I would like to pass along my
> experience as well. I must be one of the fortunate ones that experience
> this phenomena of kundalini awakening. Only in the beginning, about a year
> or less into this was I really ever very ill. The beginning was a nightmare
> of libido activity, which calmed down after many months - only to be
> awakened periodically.
> The overall sensations of the K are pretty calm by comparison of what I
> read of others. I know that each night as I retire, I now look forward to
> this feeling of overall happiness despite whatever the day brings, for at
> night I experience such wondrous feelings of contentment - yes, even with
> the bubbles dancing like mad and the energy running around, chills that
> pass from the feet upwards and come to rest under my armpit, first left and
> then right. There was a time when it was only felt on the right side, but
> now it is the left which is predominately affected.
> Lately I have been sleeping so well, that is - since the chill type energy
> has been working, I take it is a healing. For many years I've slept off and
> on, not well, not long, but finally I am getting quality sleep... don't
> know why, but I am. I suppose I am experiencing a kind of peace that I
> haven't had for a long time, and maybe it is the lull before the storm,
> only time will tell.
> Now that you have deciphered many dreams for me in the past I have one
> more. This one may be a good indication that the left and right brain are
> in touch with one another.

 The dream: there is a man and a woman having sex
> (not making love) the man is trying to penetrate so deeply, and the woman
> cooperates. It seems as if the man wants to actually go so deep within that
> he will emerge out the other side of her. Afterwards, he stands back and
> accuses the woman of once being a male, at which she smiles. Funny part - I
> seem to have been the male, and relate to the female as well. I, as usual,
> when meant to remember a dream and work it out, will awaken so that the
> dream will be fresh in my mind and remembered.

 You pretty much know what this is, you are both the male and female
here and there is a very deep penetration of male energy coming through
right now. It sounds like you are male dominant and that your female is
somewhat being suppressed, but not minding it with the smile... does
this fit? Perhaps the way the female is coming out is not supression as
much as a gentle guidance through observation, this is very female which
is passive and gentle. The female is also kundalini and where the male
part wants to control the female just sits back and smiles and says do
what you must, but I'm coming through.
 The one powerful dream where
> I had hair loss, a bruise and volcanic eruption type of holes on the scalp,
> left side, mid-way down at the point where K begins, which you interpreted
> as the interruption of the K.
> Had I not had the dreams of serpents, finding gold coins, seeing birds
> sitting beside the snakes, and heard the voice telling me that a certain
> snake was deadly, but taking no heed to the voice but rather looking at the
> snake and telling him that he wouldn't dare bite, and the snake smiling at
> me, all of these dreams to help me realize (when I finally heard about K)
> that I couldn't deny what was happening to me. As well as the invisible
> hand on the shoulder!
> One other thing that puzzles me. When this K thing started I had the quick
> flashes of what I referred to as 'atomic blasts' of light whenever I closed
> my eyes, after several months, it left and now, much later, I am having the
> light, much more gentle, not so bright, more like a glow that comes in for
> a couple of seconds and then goes. It comes in during or after prayer, and
> I truly look forward to experiencing this. Now I know you once said
> something about the Holy Spirit being the light, now I ask why the
> changeover? Any thoughts on this?

 The blast of light comes in that initial awareness, it is like the
light comes on bright enough to tell you that yes, something remarkable
is happening, then it subsides because you must learn what all of it
means. The gentle glow of light will respond to your chakra that is
primary in your experience, one day you will know each center by light,
color and frequency. You will also know from this experience what center
your working from and how strong the ego/shadow is will also come
through this information. Remember every center is a world to itself, it
applies to a part of the puzzle, everything is only parts until that
whole awareness comes together from the crown. Everything in the
awakening process is about relationship. This word came to me last night
in my night work very strong, it isn't piercing or balance so much as we
discussed in the previous conversation with Kurt and Harsh, it is
relationship. It is very much like the realization of love as frequency,
every part of the human/spiritual evolvement directly relates to love of
other and love of self. When we speak of love of self...I mean God
loving him/herself in you. And in all of that love being exchanged back
and forth, the love will eventually explode into full awareness and
awakening. Love is the key and the universal law that carries all of it
forward. I am much stronger in focusing people into that surrender mode
to God and Divine Will. The opened letters of the lotus is Divine Will
manifest, so when I say surrender to that potential in you, it means you
reach to your highest place through the heart...which is love and in
this relationship. Of God...dropping down to you through the Crown
Chakra, and rebirthing you in the heart through love, this is the
relationship that takes you ever into the many pathways of the human
body, mind, emotions, spirit, soul, all of it needs to connect through
relationship. It is very powerful if you can take it in. Love to all.
> Dor cont:
> I suppose that I really haven't experienced that real full blown activity,
> and maybe it is a blessing. Perhaps it is not meant for this lifetime but
> rather to continue into another... sometime in the future. I don't know,
> and even with what some call psychic awareness, I don't go looking for
> answers, I just allow them to come whenever they do. But I must say that
> often when I sit down to write someone who has been telling me about their
> experiences, the words pour out on paper, one after another, as if it is
> dropping in from the blue. I am not a prolific writer by any means, and
> often speech must be thought out before I open my mouth... in other words,
> so that I don't stick my foot in my mouth.
> What all this has to do with dreams is beyond me, but for some reason, I am
> compelled to write this out, and what that means is still beyond me. So,
> bottom line... what's the interpretation to the sex dream?
> Also, before I sign off, I would like to thank you for so many great posts,
> the answers to all of the of them are equally eye openers. Again thanks,
> love dor


Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 13:03:19 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com>, NancyATnospamwtp.net,
Subject: Re: From My Heart
Message-ID: <348E8504.7458ATnospamintercomm.com>

Gloria Greco wrote:
> Gloria;
> Thanks for sharing, I think we can all relate to your story, or the
> first installment.
> DonBBenson wrote:
> >
> > Okay, Nancy, I'll try. There is such a vast amount of personal experience to
> > sort through and summarize, I hardly know where to begin and where to stop.
> >
> > Some of my earliest memories as a young child involve sitting cross-legged on
> > a sofa with our dachshund Noodles, afternoon sunshine warming us through the
> > window, meditating and basking in the presence of God. Happy days.
> > End of first installment. Have I rambled on too long already? Don
> --

Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 16:10:17 -0500
From: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: RE: The 7 headed beast
Message-ID: <B982B2DC7C0ED111804600805F850AB21A2C9CATnospamEX-DENVER-U1>
Content-Type: text/plain

Most likely the seven heads of the dragon in Revelation
and the seven cobras Ruth referred to are completely
different symbols. The dragon is listed as also having
ten horns, which if I recall correctly (got to start bringing
my Bible when I'm online so I can look this stuff up) are
stated as representing 10 kings. I think heads and horns
in Biblical prophecy are almost always symbols for
political entities, powers or persons - helping locate the
prophecy specifically in time - whereas I feel certain that
the seven cobras have nothing to do with politics or

- Mike

P.S - Ruth - why the big blast against the Bible? I've
never understood the hostility sometimes showed to it.
I know some people have been bludgeoned with it - via
poor interpretation and overzealousness - but why pick
on the book (actually books)?
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 16:24:42, -0500
From: TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Healing Energe to Anchorage
Message-Id: <199712102124.QAA15630ATnospammime4.prodigy.com>

Adrienne stated:

Hi Tom,

I got an answer for 3300 after deep meditation. The "00" stands for
cosmic link to the Divine.

mmmmmm it is difficult to explain how I feel at this moment...
my crown chakra is of the Essense Self at this moment..

This happens often during Reiki Healing sessions..it is
may way of knowing that I am not alone......<s>

When I read that "00" stands for a cosmic link to the Divine..
I knew it was true....

I Am always always in the presense of God....


God Loves You Forever
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 16:56:22 -0500
From: tgxxxATnospamjuno.com (tg langston)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Other answers ? More truths ?
Message-ID: <19971210.165623.17270.2.tgxxxATnospamjuno.com>

>>Is there only ONE *absolute* TRUTH ??? Or is there ONE TRUTH with many
faces ??

I see truth as having many levels.... we've got:

. 'Whatever is your truth, seems to be.' (perceptionally speaking)

. 'The God's honest truth.' (biblically speaking - the *word*)

. 'I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
truth.' (a judicial prank that can be lied to for different reasons
although you swear to do this)

. 'Truth Serum' (no comment for lack of knowledge of the subject except
from what I see in the movies)

. 'Truth, justice, and the pursuit of happiness' (seems to be the most
popular path)

. 'The Absolute Truth' (what is that anyway?) **

. And the Ultimate Truth that there is no Truth (other than what you
think, believe, know, feel, understand, perceive is Truth). (and I
don't even know if that is truth as this is merely another truth/belief I
picked up during one of my K-razy rides). **Is this the Absolute


*Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to
accept God's final word on where your lips end*

http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html <~~~~~~ on the web now!
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 16:47:58, -0500
From: TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Don Don Don..enough of this stuff...
Message-Id: <199712102147.QAA09158ATnospammime4.prodigy.com>

Folks....I have not really paid attention to what has said
that has fueled this "Hate Mail".......ohhhh I feel ugly when
I think "Hate"....... yuck!

If Don IS upsetting any of you then why do you add fuel
to his flame by commenting about it?

The price of giving is receiving folks.....You give he is going
to keep on giving back at you with a smile!!! :>

Hope ya get the message here........unconditional love..

God Loves You Forever
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 17:01:17 -0500
From: "J.P. Racine" <racinejpATnospamosiris.net>
To: tg langston <tgxxxATnospamjuno.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Other answers ? More truths ?
Message-ID: <348F112C.3E49908EATnospamosiris.net>

Truth is the Tao.
It is a mental construct, a property used to
describe perfection.
Truth is also unatainable.
One can only steer in it's direction.

tg langston wrote:

> >>Is there only ONE *absolute* TRUTH ??? Or is there ONE TRUTH with many
> faces ??
> I see truth as having many levels.... we've got:
> . 'Whatever is your truth, seems to be.' (perceptionally speaking)
> . 'The God's honest truth.' (biblically speaking - the *word*)
> . 'I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
> truth.' (a judicial prank that can be lied to for different reasons
> although you swear to do this)
> . 'Truth Serum' (no comment for lack of knowledge of the subject except
> from what I see in the movies)
> . 'Truth, justice, and the pursuit of happiness' (seems to be the most
> popular path)
> . 'The Absolute Truth' (what is that anyway?) **
> . And the Ultimate Truth that there is no Truth (other than what you
> think, believe, know, feel, understand, perceive is Truth). (and I
> don't even know if that is truth as this is merely another truth/belief I
> picked up during one of my K-razy rides). **Is this the Absolute
> Truth??
> xxxtg
> *Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to
> accept God's final word on where your lips end*
> http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html <~~~~~~ on the web now!
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 17:12:42 -0500
From: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Hostility and aggression in discussion
Message-ID: <B982B2DC7C0ED111804600805F850AB21A2CD3ATnospamEX-DENVER-U1>
Content-Type: text/plain

It seems that there is a fair bit of attacking and counter-
attacking going on in some of the discussion recently.

While goading someone into a response may indeed be
helpful in bringing issues to the surface which need to
be resolved, and while high-heat responses may help
start the process of resolving them, I'm personally
inclined to leave that process to professional therapists
who have some idea how to channel the responses into
constructive healing.

A good debate is great fodder for thought - open-minded
people on opposing sides of an issue can learn a lot from
each other in the process of proposing, challenging and
defending points of view. However, in my experience the
degree of open-mindedness present varies inversely with
the level of aggression or "heat." The discussion between
Kurt and Harsh recently has been a good example of a
low-heat debate that can be very informative, both to the
participants and to the rest of us. Both have been open
to the other's insights; both can learn. When we are in an
"attack" or "defense" mode, we are closed and unable to
learn, so the debate becomes pointless.

Let's learn together in love,

- Mike Stickles

P.S. - A personal clarification. While I have responded to
a few messages in the current "hot" debates, I've refrained
from addressing certain issues regarding God, the Bible,
or various doctrines. The reason has not been agreement
or disagreement with any of the participants in the debate
(although I do have some specific positions on the issues).
It is merely that in many cases there seems to be a high
emotional investment in a position by one or both parties,
and I've found that when this is true it doesn't help to jump
in with my own views.
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 14:29:16 -0800 (PST)
From: Blythe <merlinATnospampnn.com>
To: DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: From My Heart
Message-Id: <199712102229.OAA00635ATnospampnn.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Don and all, I've sort of read this/these threads. I appreciated Don's "From
the Heart" sharing. Like Don, I've had up close and personal interactions
with Jesus, and I love him deeply and learn from him. I just don't have
anything to do with Christian organizations, and do not consider myself to
be a Christian. Jesus accepts this in me and has laughed with me about it.
I try to keep my focus on that from which he came. it's simpler.
At the same time, I've been pointed back in my path by any number of loving
Christians, and shared worship speak with them. {My 7th day adventist
neighbor and i found out we both conducted a good bit of our prayrer life
while driving tractors.}
Guess i'm not making a point, just dropping another stone in the pond.
 We are all of value to each other.
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 16:54:02 -0600
From: destinyATnospamcyberramp.net
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Hostility and aggression in discussion
Message-Id: <v03110700b0b4c82b6206ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Mike Stickles, you wrote:

>It seems that there is a fair bit of attacking and counter-
>attacking going on in some of the discussion recently.


>I'm personally inclined to leave that process to professional therapists
>who have some idea how to channel the responses into
>constructive healing.

Professional therapists who have Spirit Awareness and understand how to
channel the responses of those on the K-list into constructive healing.
Now, that is truly a fabulous concept. :-)


>P.S. - A personal clarification. While I have responded to
>a few messages in the current "hot" debates, I've refrained
>from addressing certain issues regarding God, the Bible,
>or various doctrines. The reason has not been agreement
>or disagreement with any of the participants in the debate
>(although I do have some specific positions on the issues).
>It is merely that in many cases there seems to be a high
>emotional investment in a position by one or both parties,
>and I've found that when this is true it doesn't help to jump
>in with my own views.


Don has been providing a outstanding service to some on this list. Whenever
I see the name DonBBenson show up in my Kundalini Box, I just know the fish
hooks that are still in some, but in a state of denial, get yanked to the
inth degree. What Don baby does is shine lights on walls where there should
be bridges. :-)

I love hearing everyone views. Yours, too. So, don't hold back. That's what
a Spiritual list is for. To yank chains, to stir things up... it's how ya
grow and let things go.

Love and Light to all...

John bill beaudine
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 17:27:04 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Pacing
Message-ID: <1330347648-1344693ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Debora A. Orf wrote:

>I felt like I was suffocating and always restless. The mouse in the cage
>pacing back and forth.

I remember the restlessness and having the compulsion to pace too.

I also liked:

>doctrine smoctrine...

Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 17:27:09 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Forty Four
Message-ID: <1330347638-1344996ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Susanne Macrae wrote:

>At 44 (now) I've learnt that the "getting" and "losing" is part of the

Still kind of stuck in illusion, am I. But at 44, I did find this list! So
I'm back on the path, I guess. By the by, if you are 44 you must also have
been born in a Chinese "Snake" year, like myself. Unless your birthday's
yet to come in December....

Happy Wednesday!,
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 15:30:15 -0800
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: What God?
Message-ID: <348F2607.5B1CATnospamblarg.net>

Oh, Pooh Ruth.... what did you have to go and do that for?????
I was reading your post when POW

one of those "moments" took me over....
 suddenly I (am) everything at once. IT in me and ME in it.
Bound together, but experiencing unnumbered others, with an I (am)
each unique. OWR own I (am's) in total freedom, yet unable to
be without the commom "thing." (which I identify as God.)
 All and everything : Bound together, in absolute freedom.
(doesn't make sense to me, but I feel it)
Then, poof, I am back to this reality. back in THIS moment.

 I think Ruth's words tipped off this moment when she writes:
>That is why the heart is the only true source of the truth...

  I have felt this "moment" on so many occasions that I named
 the experience "rubber cement", it is "feeling" which keeps
me attached to IT(?) I think this feeling Is A LOVE of existing.
I think IT IS God.
It drives me to stretch, - to experience existing.
And sometimes, as if to let me know that my stringgy attachment to
the glob has gotten too thin...-it snapps me back!!!
sometimes its more like a gentle tug, with a playful bounce along
the way, IT gets my attention, being tugged back into the
WHOLE like that.
Sure, got it, "I Think" yea, I got the truth now!
then....along comes
TG.... who says:
> . 'The Absolute Truth' (what is that anyway?) **
> . And the Ultimate Truth that there is no Truth (other than what you
> think, believe, know, feel, understand, perceive is Truth). (and I
> don't even know if that is truth as this is merely another truth/belief I
> picked up during one of my K-razy rides). **Is this the Absolute
> Truth??

Gee, thanks TG, :) :0
 Now I'm off again stretchin' that glob....
I guess my point is that ......when I feel the God within Me -
when I am reminded of this, that
I Am/God Is,the whole being the same, (part of the same glob,
so to speak). and I realize, and know for just that sigular instant
that none exists without the other, that it is all the same. THEN,
Its okay., All is well.
and..Knowing that sometimes has to be enough for me.
bounce! :)
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 18:03:52 -0600
From: Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net>
To: tg langston <tgxxxATnospamjuno.com>
CC: smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Enlightenment
Message-ID: <348F2DE8.4D99ATnospamgte.net>

> Thomas Smith wrote:
> <<"The soul speaks to you in feelings. Listen to your feelings.
> Follow your feelings. Honor your feelings.">>
> This was my thoughts exactly, but I have come to discover that what Sue
> wrote below is so much more true for me now.

> Sue wrote:
> <<Feelings are the main avenue of expression for the ego. "Don't trust
> your feelings" is often more appropriate. If I have a feeling that is
> anything but the expression of pure and absolute love, then I know it
> comes from the ego.
> The expression of feelings by the ego is to find gratification not to
> find love.>>

I too am beginning to wonder... and isn't that the first step in wisdom

A brief < true for me > story to illustrate...

I have been involved in a very strange *triangle* ,for almost a year
now. Last Thursday, after spending 3 weeks with me, my *love* left to
go back home. After assuring me, he was *not* interested in the other
woman, had no intention of ever seeing her again....he knocked at her
door 5 hours later.. < she lives between his home and mine >

At 5 minutes before he got there, I had a strong *feeling* that he was
on his way to her...I tried to deny this feeling, because he had been so
adamant about it...It got more intense... then at 6:15 pm... I *heard*
him knocking at her door...I immidiately sent her an e-mail,stating the
time, which she later confirmed...part of the *strangeness* of this
triangle, is that she and I are friends..

Our relationship has taught me a lot about the rising K energies in
me...however, those *feelings* were of anger, jeaulousy, hurt and fear
....the exact opposite of Love...

The point of this posting is ...to agree that " The expression of
feelings by the ego is to find gratification not to find love."

 I used to look at feelings, thinking that by not denying and
> them, I was allowing spirit to be released. Personally, I think this is
> one of the first steps toward releasing our own martyrism.

We are sooo good at playing the Victim !

 > The step that I am at now is that spirit *knows* and ego *feels*.
> Whether this is right or wrong, I don't know and will remain open-minded
> for further knowing to come in.

Sounds *right* to me <s>

> Feelings now to me are a red flag to look at and question, ''what is it I
> know is true for where I am right now?'' By going along with my
> feelings, I may find myself crossing boundaries of my moral or ethical
> values and later regretting them.

Been there...done that ... and lived to regret it *grin*
> On another close subject, there seems to be a fine line between intuition
> and feelings. Intuition seems to me to be more of a knowing in your gut.

See *intuition* part of story above...

> -- Can intuitions sometimes be a play of the ego?? And if so,
> what are the clues to distinquishing between the ego and spirit
> intuitions?

Yep...for me its looking like... if there is fear,anger,jeaulousies
involved, its from EGO...

Would love to hear more discussion on this...

Thanks... another piece of the puzzle klicked...


Love and Light unto your Path...THERE IS ONLY ONE OF US...Athena
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 18:53:29 -0500
From: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>
To: destinyATnospamcyberramp.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: RE: Hostility and aggression in discussion
Message-ID: <B982B2DC7C0ED111804600805F850AB21A2D36ATnospamEX-DENVER-U1>
Content-Type: text/plain

 >Don has been providing a outstanding service to some
 >on this list. Whenever I see the name DonBBenson
 >show up in my Kundalini Box, I just know the fish hooks
 >that are still in some, but in a state of denial, get yanked
 >to the inth degree. What Don baby does is shine lights
 >on walls where there should be bridges. :-)

I hope nobody thought I was singling out Don to pick on. My
primary concern is really for those who seem to react to his
posts as if they were having salt rubbed into open wounds.
Of course, maybe that's their way of goading others into a
similar kind of response which goads others into... - you get
the idea - but it doesn't look like it. I want to be sensitive to
those who have raw wounds in their souls.

 >I love hearing everyone views. Yours, too. So, don't hold
 >back. That's what a Spiritual list is for. To yank chains,
 >to stir things up... it's how ya grow and let things go.

Well, it's one way to grow, anyway - I like the low-heat debate
method myself. Perhaps I get overly concerned about the heat
level of a debate, but my experiences with heated discussions
haven't been very pleasant. Psuedo-heated discussions, where
the volume is high but you can see the grins behind the shouts,
are cool, but when all you have to go by is text messages the
grins are hard to see.

I guess at heart I want to be a peacemaker. Sharpening each
other requires some friction, with the resulting heat, but I hate
to see some people melting down from it. My "heat tolerance"
is personally pretty low - when the shouting starts to get pretty
inflammatory I head for the exits - so I'm especially sensitive to
seeing other folks melt down or erupt.

- Mike

P.S. -

 >Professional therapists who have Spirit Awareness and
 >understand how to channel the responses of those on the
 >K-list into constructive healing. Now, that is truly a
 >fabulous concept. :-)

Hey - if you're gonna dream - dream big! :-)


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