1997/12/09 16:40
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #807
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 807
Today's Topics:
Re: Krsna & banana skins [ amyjATnospamhaag.LA.ColoState.EDU (Amy Joh ]
A Chip Question? [ "Tom S" <t_shermanATnospamhotmail.com> (by ]
Re: A Chip Question? [ amyjATnospamhaag.LA.ColoState.EDU (Amy Joh ]
Re: Thirty Three [ "Susan Carlson" <divine_goddessATnospamhot ]
Re: Need Advice: Strange Stuff [ Teresa <TGarlandATnospamVIPMail.com> ]
LONG: Re: Bondage by Karma or Freedo [ "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.or ]
List Mystress.... [ "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.or ]
rushes and crashes. [ "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.or ]
re: rushes and crashes [ hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Ba ]
Free Tantric Numerology Readings [ Sean Nomura <snomuraATnospammail.arc.nasa. ]
3 Piercings (was Re: Enlightenment) [ Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com> ]
Re: Bliss [ Druout <DruoutATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: Emotional Plague [ veroungerATnospamearthlink.net ]
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 10:56:10 -0700
From: amyjATnospamhaag.LA.ColoState.EDU (Amy Johnson)
To: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Krsna & banana skins
Message-Id: <9712091756.AA25091ATnospamLA.ColoState.EDU>
Content-Md5: IDwxv8VsgULNQuMO9xSghA==
I noticed in the list of comments that someone wanted to hear more accounts of
awakening. I spoke of mine briefly and somewhat hurriedly in my original
message on the net, but I'm not sure it got sent. I hope this more thorough
account will be helpful to someone even if it is redundant.
I grew up attending services with a Lutheran congregation in a small (pop. 5000)
town. Those of you who know something about Lutherans might like to know that
the congregation belonged to the Evangelical Lutheran Church Association Synod,
the most 'liberal' of the Lutheran Synods. I received much spiritual
information there, but it often seemed it had a different meaning for me than
for the other people in the congregation. I currently still attend a Lutheran
church, even more liberal than the last (welcoming people of all sexual
orientations, which is unusual for Lutherans), but wonder if the time is coming
for me to find additional if not some sort of a replacement for the spiritual
nourishment I receive there. That notion has increased over the past few days
with my awakening.
Over the past few years I have pursued knowledge of the many different beliefs
of our life and existence: atheism, agnosticism, Buddhism, Yoga, Taoism,
Judaism, Arianism, Christian mysticism, and Kundalini. I especially enjoy
finding ways in which these overlap. Recently I have gotten more in touch with
spirituality and my purpose in life. Reading the a more modern source of
spiritual knowledge, Celestine Prophesy, helped me with that. I have been
studying Landscape Architecture, and I feel confident that part of my mission in
life is to help people get in touch with their environments and finding a
healthy interaction for the two. Talking to a spiritual counselor about this
led me to pursue Feng Shui, which has renewed my excitement in Landscape
Architecture. All these steps led me, I believe, to my awakening.
Along the way I have spoken to a friend who had reached such an awakening. He
gave me some web site addresses to help me with some of my questions. When the
time was right, I found a grounding visualization unlike any visualization I had
tried before. It happened that on that same day, he had performed raike on me.
The two somehow ignited the energy in me. So far it is mostly a physical
sensation, mostly pleasant. I am trying to stay grounded and stay in touch with
God and the spirits. I would like to increase communication with them
eventually, so that they may guide my everyday life.
I would enjoy any questions or comments you all might have for me.
Amy Caryn
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 11:30:44
From: "Tom S" <t_shermanATnospamhotmail.com> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: A Chip Question?
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dear Kundalini list, Anonymous please
This list provides alot of great information, Thank you.
I was wondering if anyone would know about an information device that
will be implanted in the skin of the human body in the future.There has
been some information from UFO,NewAge,and Biblical accounts on this.Is
there anything positive on this or the typical negativity.
"Thank you"-Anonymous
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Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 12:33:55 -0700
From: amyjATnospamhaag.LA.ColoState.EDU (Amy Johnson)
To: t_shermanATnospamhotmail.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: A Chip Question?
Message-Id: <9712091933.AA25320ATnospamLA.ColoState.EDU>
Content-Md5: AJWzh4Nr+JdzLRQuo96rCQ==
Dear Kundalini list, Anonymous please
This list provides alot of great information, Thank you.
I was wondering if anyone would know about an information device that
will be implanted in the skin of the human body in the future.There has
been some information from UFO,NewAge,and Biblical accounts on this.Is
there anything positive on this or the typical negativity.
"Thank you"-Anonymous
I have heard good and bad about this. I have heard they are using some kind of
scanning device implanted in animals for market convenience (to be used the way
they scan food at the store) and supposedly humans are next (the use might be
different, something more like your own implanted credit card). I have also
heard social security numbers could be recorded that way in the future. In
reference with these rumors, I have heard you should not accept them because
they are the mark of the beast, thought of as Satan, spoken about in the Bible
book, Revelations. From another source, however, I have heard that the book of
revelation is a metaphor for the experience of Kundalini awakening, not the end
of the world, and in this case the "Beast" is no more or less than your heart.
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 12:11:04 PST
From: "Susan Carlson" <divine_goddessATnospamhotmail.com>
To: DonBBensonATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, reasonsATnospamreasons.org
Subject: Re: Thirty Three
Message-ID: <19971209201105.11607.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
Dear Don,
You write:
>Wow, Susan, that's beautiful - about how the Holy Spirit came to you
and began
>moving in you and through you as a gentle subtle breeze. Hellelujah!
Again Don, I repeat my question of you...why *are* you on this list?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Although your response to me privately gave an 'eastern' mystical bent
to your reason for being here with us, I felt you were being
deliberately evasive on your agenda. It's ok to have differing agendas
Don, but being secretive about them inhibits trust and the ability to
share deep, personal experiences by some people who may be inhibited
because of not feeling they are in a 'safe' place.
The k list is, for some people, the only sanctuary they have to share
about the tremendous and transformative events that are happening in
their lives. I definately feel protective of those who are just
Be aware of who you are dealing with here, me. I have been in the
trenches of hard core evanglism and i am familiar with 'all' its tactics
and methodology...even with dealing with an apostate such as myself.
> I am glad
>to know you want to be with God.
Correction: not be with....I am with.
Some others on the K-list are sending mixed
>From your paradigm they may seem mixed messgages. And that is your
subjective opinion. My experience from being on this list for almost a
year is otherwise.
>and it is impossible for a sinner to enter the kingdom of heaven, <but
>God all things are possible.
except save those who are already in hell...an impotent God. That God
is way too small and limited for the God i have an everyday moment by
moment experience with.
>Third, now that the issue of hell has been resolved for you personally
on a
>subjective basis, I wonder if you may be ready to consider the subject
So my experience with the Spirit of God was subjective...hmmmm. Of
course it would be from your perpective cause you know all the Truth.
One of the hardest things for a christian to do is resolve the attribute
of God's love with God's justice. Books and books of apologia have been
written on that.
And the book you have recommended for me to read is from a christian
publishing house. Not the best indicator for an objective position.
What I know, from my own experience within fundamental
christianity...be subjective when it serves the cause of winning
souls...be objective when it comes to the cause of winning souls.
All that matters is the salvation of souls, by whatever means.
'Be all things to all men'... I believe the apostle Paul said that, cant
remember now.
I remember being in bible college being taught how to test inner
feelings and impressions. We were told to ask ourselves 4 questions:
Is it scriptural?
Is it right?
Is it providential? (an open door)
Is it reasonable i.e. in harmony with spritually enlightened
According to christian fundamentalism, hell is scriptural and apologia
is not written for a christian who believes in the divinely inspired,
infallible word of God.
So this opens up a whole can of worms...gives you so much ammo to come
gunning for me because its obvious I no longer hold the bible to be the
infallible word of God.
Of course, there is the thought 'once saved always saved', kind of like
a divine insurance policy. So I will make it to heaven, albeit by the
skin of my teeth and without any hope of extra rewards.
Then of course...I could have been a very insincere 5 year old when my
sunday school teacher told us about the story of Jesus and i was
thinking in my heart, 'just kidding, God.'
I had 'good intentions' of not being pulled into this area of debate, I
really do believe the k list in not meant to be a place of
proselytizing, but for fundies all locations and individuals are 'fair
game'. Most people, who are not fundies, do not understand the game plan
for soul winning...'I will do anything at any price to win souls for
Jesus. If i can do one thing, no matter what that one thing is, to keep
one soul out of hell, then my life has been worthwhile'.
It's a subtle form of predation but predation it is. If you are a wolf
in sheep's clothing then it is important to point you out as a predator.
If you are not...then i willingly and humbly apologize.
So I ask you again Don, why *are* you on this list?
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Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 15:35:02 -0500
From: Teresa <TGarlandATnospamVIPMail.com>
To: LilEli <LilEliATnospamaol.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, glorybeATnospamintrepid.net
Subject: Re: Need Advice: Strange Stuff
Message-ID: <348DAB75.448E7E52ATnospamVIPMail.com>
> To which Gloria LEE (not Greco)
> << The most important issue about death dreams is actually that they
> MOST often signal rebirth and new life is coming to you. <SNIP>
> Obviously you are already re-evaluating your issues with the male/female
> dynamic and hence the appearance of *male hands and a jumbled face* may
> indicate a need to sort this out. Every female has a male kind of identity
> in shadow side..and the type of man you *see* or seek often represents what
> is really YOU.
Lisa recounted dream with male/female sides of herself in battle.
> At the time leading up to the dream I had been pretty much a left brain sorta
> person. But the K was leading me toward new avenues opening me to the
> universe, my heart,and my intuition. And obviously, the "old" me wasn't too
> happy about it and set about to destroy the other. So in reality, there was a
> battle going on in my mind, beautifully orchestrated through the characters
> in my dream. And I definitely agree, that we all have both male and
> female aspects to our personality that don't always see things the
> same way !!!
Teresa here:Thank you both for that insight. Yes indeed, I am a left brain
person, with a male/female battle going on inside of me that is enormous. The
battle concerns male/female aspects of myself (I am an androgynous person in
many different ways) I am also working through external male/female issues. (I
am working through of a lot of anger toward men). In fact, through this, my
chief advocate has been Kali, the destroyer of "men". Another bit of cosmic
humor, there.
> Lisa: As for your hands looking older and male to you... I sometimes have
> this happen to me in a normal waking state.
What a story! Thanks for that. Since the man's hands in my mind's eye were
fat, stubby, and very hairy, I can only hope that it doesn't happen to me -- or
perhaps it would help me with my vanity!
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 14:46:37 -0600 (CST)
From: "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.org>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: LONG: Re: Bondage by Karma or Freedom by Christ?
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.971209142447.1969A-100000ATnospamwinc0>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
DonBBenson wrote:orious freedom in Jesus Christ?
> What do you think - those of you who believe in evolution, reincarnation,
> karma, and astrology - about Empress Theodora? Must she work on herself for
> many lifetimes to lift herself above the primordial slime, violent impulses,
> and sexual cravings of her evolutionary origins? Is the crucifixion, death,
> burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ not sufficient to set her free from
> death and torment, by the love of God through faith?
empress who?
don, i dont get your motives.
i suppose its a cross paradign problem.
this question of yours seems to allow only the answer that you see within
your paradign. in your paradign there is only one little narrow way out of
samsara. so it appears from this direction.
other paths acknowleges the skillful means in all paths.
i suppose closer to my paradign would be Harsha, since our paths kinda
came out of the vendantic tradition.
what is liberation? it is freedom from suffering. the buddhist approach is
to eliminate craving and delusion through training the mind, cultivating
compassion, and other such things.
christianity's bhakti approach is sound, imo, if one comes to embody that
which is christ, or love, then one is one with god. Maybe it isnt bhakti,
but it looks like it from here.
this reminds me of the time a christian asked me what i felt about
creationism. i answered, that question is coming from your judeo-christian
worldview, which i do not share, altho i can grasp, and it seems
simplistic. cause and effect are scientifically provable. the crazy sort
of backwards logic used to present creationism seems a hopelessly doomed
better to live ones life now, to share with your neighbors now, to love
your children now, to observe and defeat the germs of our present illness.
may you find freedom from suffering. i have a feeling you may suffer when
your paradign's approach that says that we should all be 'this way' or
'that way' doesn't happen. you will feel we are all condemned or
something. i dont want you to suffer this. your christ can have many faces
and many strange ways. they should be something to rejoice in.
but if i've said that which brings anger or resentment, i apologize now.
you can delete this letter and i will not be angry that that was done.
with maitri,
--janpa tsomo
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 14:50:40 -0600 (CST)
From: "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.org>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: List Mystress....
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.971209145007.1969B-100000ATnospamwinc0>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Whatcha up to?
haven't heard from you in a while :)
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 15:12:54 -0600 (CST)
From: "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.org>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: rushes and crashes.
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.971209150048.1969C-100000ATnospamwinc0>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Hi :)
been on the edge of blissfull rush the last few days. while its very nice,
i find i dont trust it, fearing the crash that may come next.
i tried Mystress's grounding technique & lo & behold if it wasnt similar
to something i did already know. just never applied before to 'grounding'.
this morning i noticed my heart center is flaring again. this is cool, but
it makes me close to tears sometimes, elated the next.
my teacher went back to India the beginning of the month. part of the
problem is pretty simple--i miss him!
my husband has been pretty supportive. it was his suggestion that i go get
a massage, which helped some. poor guy has the problem of his wife being a
yogini who sometimes gets really involved in stuff to the point she's
never home. (honey...we're doing this really cool sadhana! i gotta go...)
knew it was bad when my teacher told me to stay home more....
anyone else run into this sort of problem? balancing home & spiritual
practise..trying to make the two into the same thing?
This is where the two hit home. spritual practise at this level is 'not
just for thursdays'.
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 15:53:28 -0600 (CST)
From: hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: re: rushes and crashes
Message-Id: <199712092153.PAA28520ATnospamdfw-ix10.ix.netcom.com>
At this point, my home life IS my spiritual path. Nothing gets me to
the emotional grit I need to clean out faster than my relationship with
my mate. With every bit of expansion I achieve in my ability to trust
and take from him, my heart opens to the divine. I spent a lotta years
looking for god everywhere but my kitchen and my bedroom. Live and
learn! Holly
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 14:31:27 -0800
From: Sean Nomura <snomuraATnospammail.arc.nasa.gov>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Free Tantric Numerology Readings
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Ran across this sight while surfing the WWW. Simply go to:
There is also information about the bodies and the meanings of the numbers.
The price is right.
p.s. I have a question... From previous posts I got the impression that
each life path has a corresponding chakra. If this is the case, then where
do life paths 8, 9, 10 (and 11) correspond?
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 14:54:37 -0800
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, hlutharATnospambryant1.bryant.edu, lodpressATnospamintercomm.com,
Subject: 3 Piercings (was Re: Enlightenment)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Kurt Keutzer wrote:
>> There are those who feel that enlightenment occurs precisely from
>the penetration of the three knots (or granthas) and those who do not.
>Those who do not believe that kundalini plays any role in enlightenment
>of less interest here. The most interesting group are those who believe
>that kundalini plays a role in enlightenment but not an ultimate role.
Susan Macrae responds:
>It is my understanding and experience that enlightenment does not occur
>merely from the penetration of the 3 granthis. My belief is that
>Kundalini has the potential to complete a purification process of the
>physical and subtle bodies, of which the piercing of the knots is part.
>When the purification is complete, the energy which is known as the Holy
>Spirit can enter in totality and remain in its full manifestation and
>enlightenment ensues.
Harsh writes:
''When the Kundalini has broken all three granthis and one enters
different Samadhis through the Sahashara, the central practice needed is
that of cultivating an attitude of indifference towards psychic
abilities and various states of consciousness and remaining aware. At
this stage celibacy is very helpful. It allows one to retain the
Kundalini at the Sahashara and stay in Samadhi for a longer period. If
one is completely calm and detached *before* going into meditation and
the Shakti rises spontaneously and reaches the Sahashara, then through
divine grace, it will enter the Amrita Nadi, also called the Para Nadi,
which links the Sahashara with the Hridayam, and Kevala Nirvikalpa
Samadhi will result.''
Gloria writes:
`` It is my experience that kundalini raises the frequency so that the
universal force or Maha kundalini, what we call Holy Spirit then takes
over by uniting with it to take it the rest of the way. One must become
so aware of that inner process that the natural movement is always to
divine will. The Crown Chakra appears to open like a large fan and then
goes into its perfect placement working each lower center almost as
though it was tuning each note of a piano, this is a refined process
working above and below together. This also releases energy into the
brain, brain stem and communicates it directly to other centers.''
Kurt responds:
I think that each posting in itself represents an invaluable perspective
but if we are to come to any consensus or common view I think it might help
to see if we're in agreement on what is implied by kundalini piercing a
cakra. I think one difference of opinion may be based on the difference
between prana piercing a cakra and kundalini piercing a cakra. This gets
back to the debate as to ``what's the difference between prana and
kundalini?'' I cover this in my FAQ and I tend not to quote the FAQ's here
because people can read them whenever they want and don't need me to force
them on them but I do think what I write is relevant here:
``From the subjective standpoint of an individual actually experiencing
the awakening of kundalini I have found three completely different
opinions: <br>
The first opinion is that a pranic awakening is only a prelude to a
full kundalini awakening. Tibetan yogins that I have encountered
consider the activation of prana (Tibetan: rlung) as merely a
prerequisite for the activation of kundalini (Tibetan: gTummo). What's
attractive about this viewpoint is that it explains the difference
between the experience of simply having pleasant sensations in the
spine and the much more powerful experience of having a
``freight-train''-like full kundalini experience.
The second opinion, espoused by Swami Shivom Tirth for example, is that
prana and kundalini are absolutely equivalent and that it is not
meaningful in any way to describe a difference between kundalini rising
and prana rising. When posed with question as to how to distinguish
between pleasant sensations that show some pranic-activity in the spine
and the much more powerful experience Swami Shivom Tirth said that the
difference is not in the nature of the activity but in the
consciousness that observes it. If the consciousness that experiences
the pranic activity is seated within the spine (or more correctly, the
central channel, known as the sushumna), then the experience is felt
much more powerfully.
The third opinion, espoused by the modern hatha yogin, Desikacar, is
that pranic awakening is the true experience to be aimed for and
kundalini is actually an obstruction. Desikacar sees the kundalini as a
block in the central channel and thus the kundalini must be ``killed''
to make way for the prana. This is the most unusual view of the three. ''
With due reverence to Swami Shivom Tirth I subscribe to the first view. So
when I hear that piercing the granthas is not enough I think of a few
possibilities. One is that what one is describing is not a piercing by
kundalini but a piercing by prana. I would certainly agree that while a
pranic piercing is a profound experience it is still not sufficient for
enlightenment. The second possibility is the difference between kundalini
rising through a cakra and a complete piercing of the cakra. I think most
readers of this group must have experienced a lightning-like rising of
kundalini all the way to the crown or sahasrara [sahashara?]. I do think
that this is kundalini rising but I don't think this could be considered a
piercing of the cakras. So what is a piercing? I believe a piercing is when
there is a permanent elimination of the knot at a cakra.
What is to be done after that? Quoting Harsh again
``the central practice needed is
that of cultivating an attitude of indifference towards psychic
abilities and various states of consciousness and remaining aware. At
this stage celibacy is very helpful. It allows one to retain the
Kundalini at the Sahashara [sahasrara?] and stay in Samadhi for a longer
or according to Gloria:
``One must become
so aware of that inner process that the natural movement is always to
divine will.''
In my limited experience, when the *kundalini* rises the mind is naturally
drawn into samadhi. Kundalini has only been at my sahasrara for brief
periods of time but during these times I experienced a total unity with the
entire universe. In these brief periods thoughts were too pitiful and
insignificant to influence the state in any way. Thus there was no issue
of cultivating attitudes. When one's awareness has merged with the entire
universe (or at least that is the subjective experience) then what is the
meaning of cultivating awareness or becoming aware of the divine will? And
since the universe is comprehended by one's own consciousness where would
the Holy Spirit come from and where would it go?
But this is just my experience - no more no less. I don't think there is
anything definitive about it and I hope people don't feel that I am trying
to play a ``my experience is superior to yours'' game. However, I cannot
resolve these other postings with my experience. Yes, I am a kundalini
bigot. Nevertheless, if I am sure about one thing it is that I am not
enlightened so if someone can tell me what I am missing I am very willing
to listen, but what I hear people describing sounds to me like the various
movements of prana.
Harsh says:
``The debates and explanations are endless. There are countless Samadhis
and Superconscious states but only a few reveal the nature of the Self.''
But I think that if we can each speak openly about our experiences then
perhaps we can all come to a more comprehensive view of this profound process.
May all beings find comfort and joy!
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 17:37:47 EST
From: Druout <DruoutATnospamaol.com>
To: keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com, hlutharATnospambryant1.bryant.edu
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Bliss
Message-ID: <4c04fb5.348dc83dATnospamaol.com>
Interesting. You write perhaps it is possible to be stuck in bliss w/o
experiencing cognative realization.
My nightly bliss seems to just that, except for rare glimpses into Satori (why
the term Satori hits my brain and not Samadhi I don't know)
I seem to have accessed the pleasure centers in the brain. Last night I was
swimming in Bliss for what seemed ages. But no cosmic awareness. no unity.
just unbelievable pleasure.
Any ideas??
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 1997 18:35:02 -0500
From: veroungerATnospamearthlink.net
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: tgxxxATnospamjuno.com
Subject: Re: Emotional Plague
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi TG,
In response to Linda about the article that I haven't read, unfortunately,
you basically describe my once boyfriend. One day, he said to me that we
couldn't be together again because he had lost his attachement to me or
anybody else. He loved everything and everybody the same. Couldn't make a
commitment to me anymore nor did he want to share his life with me either.
God was from now on leading his steps.
In a split second all our dreams had been shattered and I was asked to go
on living my life, forgetting about him.
Indeed this is a beautiful thing to be able to live without attachement.
However, for the ones that are still in love, this is a real nightmare.
It has been about three weeks now and I pray God every day to give me the
strengths to go on.
What I don't understand is, if everybody wanted to be detached from one
another, how about family life and babies?
If no one wants to commit anymore, the human race will eventually be
becoming extinct.
However if there is a way to live detached from a person and still commit
to her, I want to hear about it. Has anyone experienced this?
Thank you in advance,
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