1997/12/07 01:18
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #800
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 800
Today's Topics:
Re: revelation [ LilEli <LilEliATnospamaol.com> ]
Re: Council of Constantinople and re [ anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities. ]
Re: Krsna & banana skins [ TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH) ]
Re: Depression Month [ anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities. ]
Re: soul mates and Karma [ TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH) ]
Practical Wisdom [ Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> ]
Re: Krsna & banana skins [ Jesa Macbeth <jesamacATnospampobox.com> ]
Re: From Pillar Of Celestial Fire (f [ anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities. ]
Re: Krsna & banana skins [ "Kirk Anderson" <d242kaosATnospamgte.net> ]
Re: upper versus lower/all chakras [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
Re: Doctrine [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
Re: Internet Message [ anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities. ]
Re: Hungry Kitty [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
Re: Internet Message [ TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH) ]
Re: Soul Mates [ M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net> ]
Re: Be here NOW [ M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net> ]
Re: Soul Mates [ Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> ]
Re: Soul Mates [ anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities. ]
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 20:30:46 EST
From: LilEli <LilEliATnospamaol.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamEXECPC.COM
Subject: Re: revelation
Message-ID: <8a691511.3489fc4bATnospamaol.com>
In a message dated 97-12-06 15:02:30 EST, sharon writes:
<< For years, I have felt that our expectations of one another are the most
damaging thing in interpersonal relationships---a parent's expectations of
a child, a child's of the parents; the expectations of a spouse or lover,
or a friend or neighbor. For years, I have worked on this trait in myself,
and slowly I seemed to make progress. <snip> Perhaps we hinder people
just as much by expecting negative patterns to continue as by holding
them to the impossible goals we often set by expecting positive change.
Trying to set my expectations to neutral.... >>
Hi Sharon...Lisa here..
Glad I'm not alone on the shower thing! I receive much clarity in the shower.
I always have. It is an awesome refuge for my soul to stand in the water
and think without parameters.
I too have some people and relationships around me that aren't all they
could be. And I too have given up on expecting people to be more than
they presently are. But along with this I have also accepted that this is how
it is now, but with that acceptance I send off to these people from my heart,
love and healing so that they too may find peace, love, warmth, and charity
within. So in this way I feel I am not holding these people in negative
but accept them as they are now, and pray for the universe to guide them in
whatever else they may need personally. I don't know if this qualifies as
neutral or not, but it comforts me in that I feel even though physically I
cannot always reach out to these people, at least on a spiritual level I am
sending them all the love I can muster to do with as they see fit.
Don't know if that expressed accurately what's in my heart...perhaps another
shower would clarify the words !
Much love to you...
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 17:31:57 -0800
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: shawebbATnospamyhc.edu, DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com>
Subject: Re: Council of Constantinople and reincarnation
Message-ID: <3489FC8C.C54ATnospamgeocities.com>
DonBBenson wrote:
> In a message dated 97-12-05 06:26:26 EST, shawebbATnospamyhc.edu writes:
> << From The Anathemas Against Origen (5th Ecumenical Council of
> Constantinople, 553 AD.)
> "If anyone asserts the fabulous pre-existence of souls, and shall assert
> the monstrous restoration which follows from it: let him be anathema."
> >>
The doctrine of reincarnation is a pack of lies designed
> to muddy the waters and obscure the facts regarding life and death;
> resurrection and judgment; heaven and hell.
You have provided
> evidence of their mighty struggles to distinguish truth from error. But where
> is your evidence that God ever taught or approved the teaching of
> reincarnation?
Anandajyoti writes:
I hear what you two have stated. Quite interesting!
The doctrines which said about the Anathema, and reincarnation, both
the statements were from people, of the flesh and blood. On the same
logic, do I or anyone to believe, that there is a God. People said Jesus
was the lord.Buddhists say the Buddha is the Boddhisatva, the Hindus say
Kali or Krishna or anything else for that matter is God.
Saying either or or,does not make it so. Have anyone seen God and come
back and said, that this or that is God, and this or that is the Devil,
or the serpent.Same logic applied towards reincarnation would also lead
nowhere, as to its veracity.
Would someone enlighten me or correct me if I am wrong in my analysis.
I don't think that God ever came to tell us what life is all about
either. So, should we disbelieve that God does not exist? All the holy
scriptures and books are written by man anyway,their concepts and
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 20:33:47, -0500
From: TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH)
To: adrienne45ATnospamhotmail.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Krsna & banana skins
Message-Id: <199712070133.UAA13534ATnospammime4.prodigy.com>
"Hi Tom,
Odd that you should ask about the number 33's meaning. I was
the same thing earlier today when I started re-reading The Lord of
Rings (sorry I didn't underline; don't know how). Frodo, the hero of
the trilogy, is 33 years old when he starts his adventure. Jesus was
also 33 when he died. (Or was it when he started his ministry?) "
When I received my Usui Reiki Master attunement, my Reiki Master
visioned the number 3300. I still wonder why, what it represents?
What is "The Lord of the Rings" about?
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 17:55:55 -0800
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: veroungerATnospamearthlink.net
Subject: Re: Depression Month
Message-ID: <348A022A.5A84ATnospamgeocities.com>
veroungerATnospamearthlink.net wrote:
> I was reading through the kundalini-list and my eyes caught the subject
> about the depression month. I dont think I have in my entire life
> experienced a worsed month. Indeed, I have lost the trust and the
> complicity of the most wonderful person this earth has ever known, I am
> depressed indeed I have lost my soulmate.
> You probably wonder how this can be possible, well it happens, since it has
> just happened to me.
> Recently, through my readings, I had learned that soulmates could have very
> stormy relationships if they were to meet. Ours was the most beautiful
> relationship, but the stormiest too. Our Love was bigger than the universe
> and so strong nothing could have ever destroyed it, except us.
> The fault is all mine, I was impatient, didn't understand the changes my
> soulmate was going through, I was confused, and so attached to him.
> I should have given him time, patience would have been wise, dettached
> myself from him should have been done. If I had open the eyes of my heart,
> maybe he would still care for me today.
> It is too late now, tears roll down my face everyday, I could have killed
> myself for having betrayed him. However, I have to live with it, and try to
> find peace and answers to why, I had to finally found him to loose him
> almost a year later.
> God is Good and I have turned myself entire to "him", to find peace within me.
> I know the healing process will seem to take forever, but it is the route I
> have to follow in order to grow spiritually.
> I am now in the hands of God and I am convinced that he will guide me and
> give me answers to my prayers.
> I know one thing though, my soulmate will never be replaced in my heart. I
> will faithfully love him in silence FOR EVER.
> Sorry for having written so much, but it has helped me ease the pain a little.
> A depressed Soul
> Hello!
Please do not despair. You will come over the storms of your life. They
never continue for ever altho the memories of such does have power to
eat our vitals. Spirituality, is meant to help and strengthen you, to
face all the odds of life, in such a way that all true to heart
relationships, expand. I wish you all the strength of mind body and
sould to help you in all ways, to transcend this period of pain, for
through it alone do we learn to appreciate and accept True Love.
"Who is in my temple, Who is in my temple,
All the doors do open themselves, All the doors do light themselves,
Darkness like a dark bird, Flies , Flies away."
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 20:57:29, -0500
From: TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH)
To: anon-17706ATnospamanon.twwells.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: soul mates and Karma
Message-Id: <199712070157.UAA11596ATnospammime4.prodigy.com>
There is a saying:
The price of giving is receiving.
Once I became aware of this, it totally changed my outlook
on.......Life. Example: You come home from the office. Your
best friend starts yelling at you, doesn't matter about what!
They are upset about something that happen to them, but
they don't let it out of their system until they see you, the
one they love the most.
They are not upset with you....but you being there, the one
they love and trust the most...You get the heat! I think we all
have had this type of situation before.
So, the question is, how do/did you respond?
If you take it as an attack towards you, then you
simply add fuel to the fire. You get upset, they get
even worst and you end up with BIG problems,
confusion, hurt feelings........Etc.
Where as if you simply realized that they were not mad AT YOU
and simply allowed them to get it off their chest then you have
not accepted their action as an attack towards you and the
fire is released and gone..... No hurts feeling but a better
relationship because you were aware of the situation!
When someone is abussive, overly aggressive, hurts others,
and destroys trust.......Aren't they also sending US a message
that something is wrong, AND they may even love you the most
of all......which allows them to release their anger.
No reason or excuse for abuse of any kind? Well, if someone had
tell this persons parents, and probably their parents also, that
maybe this statement would be correct.
The price of giving is receiving.... Think of this...it just may
you realize that it actually effects everything we do.
Much Love
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 16:30:33 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
cc: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Practical Wisdom
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971206162710.3026A-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Hi Freda .... you asked...
> So, Ruth...
> Having found such wisdom for yourself, I would expect that when you say:
> > I have since found the courage to do this for my daughter in her
> adventures into life..
> that you did as your teacher did and sent her back to her situation with
> with the message, "You can handle it!"
> --
WEll that was the point of it... and it ain't easy when it is your kid!
Second to that, I teach her what I know.. and rather than do it for her
now I say, "Well you try it and if that doesn't work, let's talk again."
She is very independent.. and getting More so.. and we are becoming better
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 18:40:16 -0800
From: Jesa Macbeth <jesamacATnospampobox.com>
To: TDVW36AATnospamPRODIGY.COM ( THOMAS SMITH), adrienne45ATnospamhotmail.com,
Subject: Re: Krsna & banana skins
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 08:33 PM 12/6/97 -0500, someone wrote:
>Hi Tom
>Odd that you should ask about the number 33's meaning. I was
>wondering the same thing earlier today ...
Tom wrote:
>When I received my Usui Reiki Master attunement, my Reiki Master
>visioned the number 3300. I still wonder why, what it represents?
In western numerology the double numbers (11, 22, 33, 44, etc.) are called
master numbers. They seem not to mean that we are masters, but that we are
being called to attempt to master the particular qualities of the specific
numbers. A 33 (to grossly over-simplify) usually indicates learning,
developing, and/or expressing unconditional love. If we have the number 33
in our numerological chart, it usually means that we will face many
situations and tests to help us develop that capacity.
"0"s are often thought to add intensity. By the by, the name "Thomas" is a
22 and "Smith" is a 6, the primary vibration of which 33 is an upper level.
Oh, my! Have fun!
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 18:58:11 -0800
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
CC: TomWinans <tomwinansATnospamearthlink.net>
Subject: Re: From Pillar Of Celestial Fire (fwd)
Message-ID: <348A10C2.71B8ATnospamgeocities.com>
TomWinans wrote:
> Dear K Friends,
> And here is a comment that I made of this post on that
> other mailing list.
> >The coming flood of celestial fire represents a very real phenomenon
> >that will have important implications for every aspect of our lives.
> >To properly understand this phenomenon and its implications, we need
> >to examine the interaction between subtle energy and ordinary atomic
> >matter.
> Anandajyoti>
This flood as prophecized in the bible is the flood of human emotions,
its craving to find love, the true love, whether within or
without.Materialsm has failed to satiate the hunger of the soul. The
brimstones and the hellish fires are our doubts and guilt, which marauds
us all the while. One who will accept that Divinity within, will be
saved. How?
Through inner reflection, in knowing who you are, what you are, why are
you here, within your heart.
I , myself have no doubt of the awareness of all coming to unite on the
need for this inner realizations. There are innumerable people who are
making use of the fear complex and predicting the end of the world. What
is the world, but your own perceptions, beliefs, understanding of it,
the way you choose to.So, we should not be fearful of the aramgedon, but
prepare ourselves, for ourselves, inwardly from strength to strength,
and the glories of the Lord will manifest on all, rich and poor, the
saint and the sinner, all alike.
Spiritualoze your thoughts, speech and action, and you will find it out
for yourselves.
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 22:14:46 -0500
From: "Kirk Anderson" <d242kaosATnospamgte.net>
To: " THOMAS SMITH" <TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com>,
"List Posts Kundalini" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Krsna & banana skins
Message-ID: <01bd02be$454a9740$LocalHostATnospamtms>
Content-Type: text/plain;
Thomas wrote:
What is "The Lord of the Rings" about?
This is the cycle of fantasy created by JRR Tolkien towards the beginning of
this century. It seems to be one of the greatest works of fantasy fiction
yet, and has inspired a great number of people with its magical beauty and
warmth. A very very good read, if you've the time!
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 21:31:46 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: upper versus lower/all chakras
Message-ID: <1330678551-6768065ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Tom wrote:
>..spending most of my 40 years in my head...
Blythe wrote:
>...and for similar reasons, I've spent most of my life anywhere but in my body.
Amckeon replies:
I can relate! That is probably why a certain post pushed my buttons. I just
pretty recently learned to enjoy those lower chakras (thanks to my second
husband), and am not quite ready to "transcend" them, if you know what I
mean (and I think you do). And I agree with both of you. Balance and full
expression, of all the parts of me, feels right for now.
Thanks for being there,
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 21:31:51 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Doctrine
Message-ID: <1330678546-6768359ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Mike Stickles wrote:
>It could be a variation on cross-time remote viewing...
Thanks for a possible explanation I can use, both in talking with
Fundamentalist Christians who think belief in reincarnation is Satanic, AND
in dealing with certain literal/simple-minded New Agers who think they
"know" why someone is suffering.
And I also like it for its Science Fictional (or factual) qualities ;).
This phenomenon doesn't have to have anything to do with religious dogma
(woof woof!) at all, perhaps it just IS, like electricity and
gravity/relativity, and...
speculatively yours,
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 19:32:22 -0800
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.comTHOMAS SMITH" <TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com>
Subject: Re: Internet Message
Message-ID: <348A18C1.4773ATnospamgeocities.com>
> ahhhhhhhh
> stated:
> When we touch a silk cloth, we feel its softness, when we touch a
> piece
> of rock, we feel it hardness or coarse/smoothness.
> =============
> Next time hold a rock or better yet sit on a rock......at first you
> will
> feel its coolness....it is hard to sit on, right? ahhhhh but sit and
> quiet the mind.......get in touch with the rock......become one with
> the rock.....then and only then will you truly feel the rock.
> Than, you will realized that a rock is alive also......as is the
> Mother
> Earth.... <s> and so are your true feelings....but you must quiet
> the
> mind and listen first........
> Namaste'
> Tom
Thanks Tom,
I also say ahhhhhhhh ! Interesting. (LOL)
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 22:06:23 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Hungry Kitty
Message-ID: <1330676474-6893011ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
James wrote:
>So I suppose that pets being attracted to energy is common for this group?
Cats love me, which is weird because I am allergic to them. I will be in a
room with ten other people and I will be the one the cat approaches to rub
up against and purr, and then jump into my lap and look at me.
I did have a wonderful cat when I was a child. He was a common domestic
tiger cat, but rather large and quite intelligent. I taught him to "sit
up", not to "beg" like one might with a dog, but so I could look him in the
eye while he sat in my lap. He could balance on his feet and tail while
holding his arms straight out in front. I've never seen another cat do
this. He would also come running when I called his name.
I was walking along carrying him one day at a summer campground when this
young couple approached me and told me what a beautiful cat he was (they
had seen him running around), and would I be willing to sell him! Something
special that shined through his lowly genetic heritage, that not only I
could see, I guess.
One day my youngest sister was tormenting him, and he raked her face with
his claws. He must have been sorely frustrated before he resorted to this.
(Take note, Dante ;P). Needless to say, my parents had him destroyed.
Could be why I'm now allergic, ya think?
The neighbor dog, Molly, comes over to visit me. She actually knocks on the
door with her head! It's quite comical.
While I was in Yellowstone this year, I had a conversation with a prairie dog.
I'd love to meet a meerkat some day. Hey! Nathan Lane (the voice of the
meerkat on "Lion King") just appeared on tv as I was typing this!
Synchronicity is such a hoot.
One day I found a slug on the front step. It was a beautiful irridescent
green. Just a little guy, they don't grow big up here in the cold north, so
he was delicate looking, and in no way "gross." I touched its antenna. They
curled back. I told him he was pretty and I appreciated him coming to
visit. I had never seen a slug before, a snail without a shell... I left
him there and hoped he survived. Days later, I looked under the odd moldy
leaf, but never saw him again.
I don't own any pets right now. No one is home consistently enough to
properly care for one. Maybe if I can ever afford to retire...
Thanks for the opportunity to bore you with my animal stories,
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 22:56:25, -0500
From: TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Internet Message
Message-Id: <199712070356.WAC14166ATnospammime4.prodigy.com>
Anandajyoti. wrote:
I also say ahhhhhhhh ! Interesting. (LOL)
Thank God! We have some laughter here!
Hahahahahaha........Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh :>
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 20:51:56 -0800 (PST)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: fredaATnospamblarg.net
Cc: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com,
Subject: Re: Soul Mates
Message-Id: <199712070451.UAA20664ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 02:26 PM 12/6/97 -0800, freda wrote:
>So, Ruth...
>Having found such wisdom for yourself, I would expect that when you say:
> > I have since found the courage to do this for my daughter in her
>adventures into life..
>that you did as your teacher did and sent her back to her situation with
>with the message, "You can handle it!"
>Freda ~ BE-IS-AM
Probably more like, "Remember when I was involved with so-&-so ? Now I can
see that I felt and thought this and learned this. I remember how you
reacted when we broke up. What do you think about that time now?" kinda
Mothers and daughters can and should have a bit different dynamic than
teachers and students.
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 20:56:27 -0800 (PST)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamEXECPC.COM
Subject: Re: Be here NOW
Message-Id: <199712070456.UAA22504ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 08:57 AM 12/6/97 -1000, Ruth Trimble wrote:
>the age where we find ourselves in
>this multidimensional realm which is our true inheritance...somehow
>snatched from us in the Fall from grace.
>I have news.. GRACE IS BACK!
I love it when the Truth is also a crack up!!
Thanks for the chuckle.
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 20:00:14 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
cc: fredaATnospamblarg.net, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, veroungerATnospamearthlink.net
Subject: Re: Soul Mates
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971206195110.24894B-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Hi M. and others....
> >with the message, "You can handle it!"
> Probably more like, "Remember when I was involved with so-&-so ? Now I can
> see that I felt and thought this and learned this. I remember how you
> reacted when we broke up. What do you think about that time now?" kinda
> dialogue.
> Mothers and daughters can and should have a bit different dynamic than
> teachers and students.
WELL M. since you mention it.. it is a lot like sisters with my daughter
and I...has been since she was born.. I found myself saying "My sister.."
in stead of 'my daughter....' on a thousand occasions... I think she is
from Andromeda.. for many reasons to do with her birth. Very advanced.
She has always felt more like MY teacher since she sees through things..
this X generation is really something! All her friends are extraordinarily
out of sync. with the world they live in now.. as if they are the beings
to inhabit another planet that has not yet arrived, but they already live
on it sort of thing...They seem to be tolerating the world as it is now..
just barely, forthey see see through its shallow values and empty
activities. They are waiting waiting waiting for a more REAL world it
seems to me... any one else see this?
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 23:05:56 -0800
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
CC: "kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.comRuth Trimble" <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
Subject: Re: Soul Mates
Message-ID: <348A4AD1.BA9ATnospamgeocities.com>
Ruth Trimble wrote:
> Hi M. and others....
> I think she is from Andromeda.. *****
Since you mention andromeda, it struck a bell ding ding, in my memories.
When I was twelve an astrolger, very spiritual had made a chart for me
at the time, which I still have, through the ravages of time.
I was told that I was from ANDROMEDA.
Would you please throw some more light on the andromeda phenemenon.
I found that you visited my web page, thank you for your notes there.
I tried to to link to your web page from there, but error messages came
I shall try again.
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