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1997/12/04 06:16
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #789

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 789

Today's Topics:
  Re: The 'I' and virtue and vice [ Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.c ]
  Re: Alignment of Planets [ Richard Wentk <richardATnospamskydancer.co ]
  Re: Doctrine (was RE: Multi-orgasmic [ "Kirk Anderson" <d242kaosATnospamgte.net> ]
  Re: comment on DA FREE John [ DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com> ]
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 22:39:18 +1100 (EDT)
From: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com,
 "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: The 'I' and virtue and vice
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.95.971204223545.17192G-100000ATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Mon, 1 Dec 1997, Harsh K. Luthar wrote:
> Indeed. Even the great Hatha Yoga classics (Hatha Yoga Pradipika and
> Siva Samhita) clearly state that the awakened Kundalini "binds a fool
> but leads to liberation for the wise).
> Dieter Dambiec wrote:.....
> > It is that which much be achieved. The awakening of the kundalinii is a
> > movement towards that alone - pure consciousness. People get sidetracked..........

Feeling philosophical tonight (these are feelings of worth also) so ...
Human beings have a fully reflected consciousness which makes them capable
of independent action and also of distinguishing between good and bad.
Good and bad is a relative idea, but nevertheless must be determined.

The object of the creation is to liberate every unit and in this make
human being emancipated in the same way as the Creator is already, ie
beyond any limitation and thus Infinite Consciousness. It is with this
intention that in the last stage of the evolutionary movement from crude
to subtle, human beings representing a few units appear with a fully
reflected unit consciousness.

The influence of staticity, materialism and instinct on unit consciousness
decreases with its advance towards subtlety. As part of the movement of
creation the unit consciousness in human beings is not like that of
animals. In the phase of creation where the movement is from crude to
subtle, it is found that consciousness of human beings expands. It wants
to move far away from temporary afflictions and pleasures towards the
scope of immeasurable happiness which is to be found in the conception and
realisation of the Infinite - which is not a barren nothingness but rather
as Love Divine Itself.

As this movement of the creation from crude to subtle is ongoing then in
effect human consciousness is subjugated to this aspect of the Law of
Creation, ie expand it must or it has to revert to staticity, inertia,
materialism and a life of instinct without rationality, higher human
sentiment or intuition. In this subjugated position to the Law of Creation
if any conscious
entity acts in such a way so as to revert to a non-expansive position or
mentality, then it is the nature of the Law of Creation that what one
thinks so one becomes - in effect to punish accordingly. As a result of
'punishment' the further evolutionary movement of unit consciousness
towards subtleness is badly affected - unless the punishment has been
completely experienced. That is, unless the reaction to any action has
been experienced - then having exhausted that 'karma' the mind again seeks
to expand. From this there is no escape and no room for maintaining a
life of mental and spiritual immobility.

Upon experiencing the reactions to one's actions unit consciousness can
again proceed further towards subtlety. When unit consciousness expands
and enlarges the reflection of consciousness, it increases its speed
towards subtleness. It would then be possible for unit consciousness to
get back to complete subtlety quickly. Therefore, good deeds are those
which enlarge the reflection
of consciousness without leading one to go against the laws of Creation,
ie which lead one to subtle understanding, internal reflection and
self-realisation. While it is true that good deeds also lead to reactions
which must be experienced, the important point is that in the doing of
good deeds one's mind expands - it does not contract towards crudity,
materialism or self-centredness. In the course of that journey or those
actions one begins to eliminate even the reactions to good deeds by seeing
in the doer of the deed, the deed itself and the person to whom the deed
is done the reflection of God or the Cosmic Ideal (this is called
Madhuvidya or 'honey knowledge'). In that way the ideation of the mind is
that God is doing everything and is everything (the doer, the deed and the
done). Therefore the impact on the mind of the deed is realisation of God
rather than the reaction of the deed.

Reactions (Karmaphala) of actions have to be experienced. No one can be
saved from experiencing them; the consequences of one's actions will have
to be borne by them alone. Some persons who with the intention of escaping
this experience of reaction (Karmaphala) try various things, eg by
believing in rituals of offering sacrifice in repentance to escape the
consequences of their action. This belief is not correct as according to
the Law of Cause and Effect every action has to be followed by its
reaction. The mind has to regain its normality by reactions. This is the
law and no one can set it aside.

Following the aspect of the Law of Creation, ie conscious effort to expand
the mind towards subtlety and application of 'honey knowledge', eliminates
the suffering of the consequences of actions (Karmaphala) while enlarging
the density of reflection of consciousness (ie while giving rise to
expansion of mind). This would enable one to get back to the Supreme Rank
very quickly. Actions, which make one follow the laws of Creation (ie to
move towards subtlety and expanded consciousness) and also increase the
density of reflection of consciousness are good deeds. Good deeds are
called Vidyamaya and these are Vaeragya (understanding proper use of
things) and Viveka (discrimination).

Vaeragya is commonly misunderstood to mean retiring from the world and
leading the life of a strict self-denial by practising excessive rigour.
Vaeragya does not mean this. It does not make one a recluse. It only means
to understand the proper use of things and to make their right use (of
course without working under the control of the crude objects of mind
only). For example, alcohol is an intoxicant which is harmful for both
body and the mind and hence the use of alcohol as an intoxicant is to be
given up. Doctors prescribe alcohol in medicine for various diseases and
the intoxicant alcohol then becomes a medicine which relieves the patient
of their suffering. Thus the same alcohol by difference in its use changes
its character from a harmful
intoxicant to useful medicine. The use of alcohol as a medicine is its
proper use and anyone using it for this purpose does not place themself
under the controlling influence of alcohol.

Right use of anything within the idea of Vaeragya does not make one's mind
slave under a constant action for a thing. One becomes indifferent to it.
By developing indifference or
not being constantly attracted by crude things, one's mind becomes subtle.
Mind's movement towards subtlety means decrease in the influence of
crudity and materialism and instinct over it, and that is an advance
towards human emancipation and liberation of mind/self (Mukti).

Discrimination between good and evil is Viveka. To consider the use of
alcohol, as intoxicant can be said to be evil and its use as a medicine to
be good is Viveka. The same thing changing in its use becomes good or evil
through discrimination (Viveka) - only that type of mind can determine the
goodness or evil in a thing or in its uses. Viveka is, therefore,
necessary for following Vaeragya and Vaeragya is a great contributory
factor in achieving spiritual elevation and emancipation of mind/self
(Mukti). Thus Vaeragya and Viveka alone are good deeds or Vidyamaya.

Evil deeds or Avidyamaya are just the opposite of these. Actions which dim
the reflection of consciousness and also lead one to go against the laws
of Creation, ie take one away from elevating the mind can be said to be
evil deeds. Evolution of unit consciousness only means that the reflection
of consciousness becomes clear and more in density because of the mind
becomes more subtle. This would be possible only when the speed of
movement towards subtle is increased, and then alone mind will tend to
become more subtle. The more the mind is absorbed in crude objects the
more unit consciousness is dragged backwards because the reflection of
consciousness becomes dimmer with greater expression of materialism,
dogmatism, inertia, self-centredness. Mind being absorbed in crudeness
remains more under the influence of these things with the result that the
onward march of unit consciousness is halted - self-realisation and
expression and knowledge of Divine Love or the Infinite Self is thwarted.

Then action that which leads one to go against the laws of Creation also
halt the evolutionary march towards subtlety because the consequences of
the punishments inflicted by the Law of Creation (Cause and Effect - what
one thinks/does is what one becomes) have to be suffered before
progressing further and unit consciousness is debarred for that time from
gaining its subtlety. Actions which draw mind to crude objects and lead
one to act against the forward expansion of consciousness are evil or
Avidyamaya. Such influences include longing for earthly objects, anger,
avarice, attraction for self-advantage, pride and envy (6 enemies) as well
as fear, shame, hatred, doubt, attachment to high descent, superiority
complex of culture, vanity, back biting (8 fetters).

The six enemies absorb the mind in crudeness and stop its march towards
the subtle. The Supreme Rank for unit consciousness is subtle and anything
which keeps it back from getting to It must be transcended.

The eight fetters confine human thought and makes human mind lose its
capacity of movement. Human beings have to go towards the subtle but by
leaning towards the eight fetters human beings gets absorbed in the crude
things only and their progress towards the subtle is stopped.

To follow Vidyamaya (right use of things and application of conscience)
would be a good deed while to follow Avidyamaya (being bound by lower
tendencies and fetters) would be evil. Vidyamaya gradually leads one to
the subtle and Avidyamaya stops one's progress towards the subtle.
According to the creation human being's movement is towards the subtle and
everyone will have to follow Vidyamaya so that their movement towards the
subtle is accelerated and s/he gets back to the Supreme Rank quickly. One
can choose to move towards the crude, ie materialist gains, hatred,
self-centredness and the like - but as one thinks so one becomes. One can
choose to act with attachment, self-centredness, dogma, etc, but every
thought and action has a vibration and all vibrations affect the psyche of
a person - that vibration becomes the mental tendencies and expression of
the person. What one thinks is what one becomes. Therefore, those who
act in a bad-mannered way are simply instilling in their minds the thought
of bad manners and so in doing their minds are crudified to that level.
Those who think only for money are simply making their minds inclined
towards vibrations of that type and so limit their minds accordingly. The
mind takes the form of one's actions and thoughts.

The purpose of the Qualified Supreme Entity (Saguna Brahma - God manifest
as the Universe) in creating human beings, is to make them follow Its
course towards the subtle so as to take them back to Supreme Rank. That
forms the nature (dharma) of human beings. For getting back to
Supreme Rank, effort for the elevation of unit consciousness is necessary,
and actions should also be in keeping with this Law of Creation.
Date: Thu, 04 Dec 1997 12:09:20 +0000
From: Richard Wentk <richardATnospamskydancer.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Alignment of Planets
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 23:15 03/12/97 -1000, Ruth wrote:

>Dear Tim and Lorri:
>Lorri wrote:
>> However, I also know that this is the time when eight
>> >of the nine planets are all lined up. The news was telling everyone
>> >to catch it now because it won't happen for another hundred years.
>> >I don't think this is a coincidence.
>I had heard the same information being passed around, that this won't
>happen for another 100 years. But this morning on the Today Show, there
>was an interview with Scientist/Astronomer - Dr. Levy of the
>Levy/Shoemaker comet fame about the line up. Dr. Levy said that the
>interesting part of the alignment this week is the time frame. Right
>after sunset for all of this week, you can see Venus, Jupiter, Mars,
>Uranus, and Neptune with the naked eye, you can see the other planets
>with the help of a pretty good telescope. Look in the southwest portion
>of the sky, using the moon as a landmark. The brightest planet to be
>seen in Venus which is a little below and to the left of the moon.

Speaking as someone who moonlights (?) as a semi-professional astrologer,
none of this is really that big a deal. Yes, a lot of the planets are in
the same part of the sky, and it does look very pretty in the evening.
(Although less so from parts of the world in a different timezone to the US.)

But the Sun, Pluto, Saturn and Chiron aren't anywhere near the alignment,
and energetically it's really not that significant. It just makes
birthcharts a little lopsided, is all. Astrology can be pretty damn good at
predicting 'energy weather', and astrologically none of what's happening
now is *that* rare or outstanding.

It is playing hell with my own personal chart, but that's something rather
different. :-)

>> Isn't there supposed to be one with all nine, the sun and the moon (well,
>> maybe not the moon) are supposed to be lined up with the earth? Like in
>> 2004 or 2006 or something? I have heard scientists speculating that any
>> electro-magnetic disruption would send the earth's poles to shift, but none
>> have the balls to say anything outright because of the panic factor.
>> Anyone else hear of this? I can't remember where I heard it, it just stuck
>> in my mind.

No scientist in his right mind would say anything like this, balls or no.
Similar alignments have happened in the past (you have to go back a fair
few centuries though) and the poles have remained where they are without so
much as a wobble.

Lots of cultural and social things changed at the time, though. Perhaps
'pole shift' is a metaphor for a more subtle kind of reorientation?

>>>The alignment is scheduled for May 5, 2000, when all of the planets will
>align in a row so to speak. Scientists have many specualtions of what
>will happen at this time, they have looked at ancient history when this
>was reported to have happened before and have found interesting
>synchronicities with Egyptian and Mayan cultures. I have also heard that
>this is when the 10th planet will appear from behind the Sun, but others
>have speculated that the solar eclipse which is coming in February of
>1998 may be the first glimpse of the 10th planet.

There may well be a tenth planet, but there is absolutely no, zilch, nada
suggestion of one to date. And it's not as if people haven't been looking
for one. Hard. If there is one, 'behind the sun' is not the most likely
place for it because of something called orbital mechanics. (Basically it's
not likely to have a stable orbit there.)

The May 5th occurrence doesn't have 'all the planets in a row.' Most will
be spread out over Taurus and Gemini, while Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are
dotted around the rest of zodiac.

There is a somewhat challenging energy connection between the Taurus clump
and Uranus on that date. But I'd be more tempted to read that as financial
and possibly political mayhem rather than anything more dramatic. (Which is
not to say it won't be dramatic enough...) But earthquakes, comets, tidal
waves, the arrival of the Antichrist and mass global ascension? Naaah -
we'll probably just have to convert our cars to run off chicken droppings
or something.

>On the Discovery Channel last week, scientists were more interested in
>discussing the Sun. It seems that the magnetic poles are disappearing.
>Not shifting, but disappearing completely. Perhaps Earth is next to
>follow, As above, so below.

Earth's magnetic field is weakening very slowly, but it's unlikely to flip
for centuries, and perhaps even millenia.

>Scientists have also theorized that the Sun
>is changing structure and moving to a Helium based gas ( I believe
>helium was the gas, don't quote me on this :-)

This is normal for stars. As the hydrogen fuses into helium, the helium
starts fusing into heavier elements.

Eventually the heavier elements start fusing too, and where you get a nova
or a supernova the energies of the explosion are intense enough to create
everything up to and incuding the heavy radioactive elements.

All the atoms in your body were *literally* formed in the heart of a star.
Interesting thought, no? :-)

>Drunvalo speaks of the Earth changes and says that the changes will be
>between Feb of 1998 and the end of 1999.

Well, my own personal doctrine ( ;-) ) is that this Earth changes idea is a
sort of mythological hangover from the more apocalyptic leanings present in
some versions of Christianity. You won't find Taoists, Sufis, or indeed
those on lots of other spiritual paths, taking it even slightly seriously.

It doesn't help that the changes have been predicted by channels and
psychics for - oooohhh - longer than I care to remember. I do think there's
an interesting and intense shift in collective energies happening. Possibly
more people than before are having K. related experiences. (I have no idea
if that's true or not, but it would be interesting to find out.) Far from
being 'alternative', healing work and energy related ideas are now so
widespread they're practically mainstream. They just haven't taken over the
media yet. (Watch this space...)

But I sincerely doubt that large parts of the US are suddenly going to
disappear underwater (well - um - California might, but we know about that
possibility already...) or that Atlantis will rise from the deep heralding
a new age of enlightenment, prosperity, and karmic justice for the evil
people who run McDonalds, Boeing and Microsoft. :-)

Some people, especially those of a more right-brained persuasion, seem to
project inner change processes onto their environment.

I suspect it's the people and not the environment that will be changing in
due course.

>I believe that the feeling that many lightworkers are experiencing is
>the shift of energy that makes up all of us and everything. Some of us
>are more sensitive than others and feel it, others feel it. Many people
>are upset, angry, frustrated, but do not understand why.

I'm certainly having an 'interesting' time along with everyone else. But
long ago I came to the conclusion that no one *really* knows what's going
on. If anyone does they're not telling.

I'm not even sure I don't prefer it that way... ;-)

In general grounding and centering seem to help, as usual. But more so at
times like this than at others.

My - uh - let's call it $22.78. (Plus tax.) :-)

Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 07:33:47 -0500
From: "Kirk Anderson" <d242kaosATnospamgte.net>
To: "Kundalini List Posts" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Doctrine (was RE: Multi-orgasmic)
Message-ID: <01bd00b0$de51f880$eae7ffd0ATnospamtms>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Reincarnation as it is usually
understood is not compatible with Christian doctrine,
so what Ruth would probably see as just a matter of
philosophy would to Don (or me) be a matter of doctrine.

Hey, Mike!

Just curious. This matter of Reincarnation not being compatible with Xtian
doctrine: Where do you get this from? Even in the (severely pared-down,
post 4th century version of the) Bible, there are many explicit referrences
to reincarnation. Just because it is not taught by the mainstream clergy,
etc., I think may be lack of experience, or deferrence to unfounded
authority, on their part. Even karma, I believe, has its Biblical
underpinnings. As ye sow, so shall ye reap, right?

Anyway, as I attest or refute the reality of Reincarnation from my own
experience, I should probably stop muddying the waters. It just seemed to
me that this doctrine bit was a little inconsistent with the (brain-mind)


Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 07:41:17 EST
From: DonBBenson <DonBBensonATnospamaol.com>
To: GALVANMATnospamtelmex.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: CRCrierATnospamaol.com
Subject: Re: comment on DA FREE John
Message-ID: <d8dabafb.3486a4efATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 97-12-02 02:17:16 EST, GALVANMATnospamtelmex.net writes:

<< Could anybody comment on DA FREE John, Adidam?

Yes. The doctrines of this outstanding New Age spiritual leader are mentioned
in the brilliant survey article, "Frequently Asked Questions" by Kurt Keutzer,
which you can find on the Kundalini Resource Center website at the following
address: http://hmt.com/kundalini/index.html#index
Personally, I've never met el hombre, but I remember his name well from my
days among the hippies and transpersonal psychologists. This John was singled
out for special recognition in the current issue of "Crossroads Crier: A
Biblical Newsletter." With the editor's permission to circulate it on the
Internet, I am copying the full text of this brief article for your benefit as


<<LYING WONDERS and strong delusions are among the primary signs of the times
that characterize the end of the age and foretell the second coming of Jesus
Christ. "For false christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs
and wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (Matthew 24:24)
Nowadays, you can find them on the Internet with a few clicks of your mouse.

<<The "False Christ of the Month Award" for November 1997 goes to Avatara Adi
Da (also known as Da Avabhasa and formerly known as Da Free John). Da's
devotees are promulgating his false teachings at <http://www.adidam.org>.
They claim that "Adidam (Free Daism) is the 'true world-religion of Divine
Enlightenment,' based on the Wisdom-Teaching of Adi Da." A testimonial from
the late apostate Episcopalian Alan Watts avers that "he knows what IT's all
about," and Ken Wilbur gives his opinion that Adi Da is a "Spiritual Master
and religious genius of the ultimate degree" whose "teaching

<<In the sixth century B.C. an angel of the Lord warned the prophet Daniel
that a willful king shall arise at the time of the end: "he shall exalt and
magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of
gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished." (Daniel 11:36)
This is the natural aspiration of every false christ in Satan's stable.

<<We shall deal with the Antichrist later. At this point, we just want to
recognize one of his colleagues in the field of religion -- the Distinguished
Dreamer from California, Adi Da! -- with a special poem:


<<O Great Effulgent, Self-Indulgent Da!
What will you do? Where will you go?
when God says, "Ha!"

<<When every knee shall bow
and every tongue confess
the Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father:
What will you do? Where will you go?>>


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