1997/12/02 19:11
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #783
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 783
Today's Topics:
Re: tantric schools (was Urddhavaret [ "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospamresearch ]
Kundalini Meditation [ TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH) ]
Re: Janpa's curiosity [ Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com> ]
Re: Janpa's curiosity [ "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.or ]
energy knot that won't budge [ TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH) ]
Re: Curiosity and more curiosity [ Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net> ]
No harm taken.... [ Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> ]
Intro from Pam [ Pam Myers <pmyersATnospammail.coin.missour ]
RE: No harm taken.... [ Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.co ]
Re: 2nd chakra--Negative not necessa [ MeadowartATnospamaol.com ]
Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource [ MeadowartATnospamaol.com ]
Re: No harm taken.... [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 16:43:42 -0500
From: "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospamresearch1.bryant.edu>
To: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
CC: "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospambryant.edu>, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: tantric schools (was Urddhavareta)
Message-ID: <3484810E.1D0DATnospamacad.bryant.edu>
Dear Kurt,
Thank you for your long post. I can't help but smile. You are obviously
a prolific writer and a sharp thinker. I respect your skepticism and
admire your scholarship. To set the record straight, I speak from my own
experience and not from borrowed knowledge. My state is the ordinary
state and I am an ordinary person. The Self is known to everyone but
due to distraction is not recognized. Kevala Nirvikalpa Samadhi of Jnana
Yoga reveals the nature of the Self because the mind is merged in its
Source and all thoughts, dreams and visions vanish leaving only the
Self-Existent Principle of Self-Awareness. In Sahaj Samadhi the
Recognition is continuous in all states (including those of deep sleep,
sleep with dreams, Superconscious states, etc.). Practice of different
Samadhis on the path weaken the latent tendencies so that the Truth of
the Self can manifest spontaneously at some point. What is that Truth?
It is only who You are.
Kurt Keutzer wrote:
> At 02:29 PM 12/2/97 -0500, you wrote:
> >Kurt: I hope the following helps.
> >
> >In the Yogic and Tantric cultures The Samaya School is known as the
> >"Right Handed Path" while the Kaula School is referred to as the "Left
> >handed path." The practices associated with the two paths are
> >historically established and tend to differ.
> Sounds good to me.
> >
> >Book knowledge may be useful and does not preclude an interest in
> >practice. Practice is, however, more important in understanding the
> >subtle truths of the Mind and the Kundalini Shakti.
> Ditto.
> >
> >When the Kundalini is awakened (and it may be awakened by a single
> >method or a combination of methods) it seems to shoot up with a huge
> >force due to blockages in the Sushmana. If conduct with regards to
> >sensuality, food and sleep is regulated, all the granthis are broken in
> >due time. The flow of Kundalini then becomes smooth. Different Samadhis
> >and Superconscious states are normal at this stage. The experience of
> >such states makes one aware of different aspects of life (celestial and
> >otherwise) but does not resolve the fundamental mystery of existence. In
> >higher stages Kundalini Yoga merges with Jnana Yoga and leads to
> >enlightenment.
> >From my perspective this is a view that represents a moderning co-opting of
> the kundalini yogas by Jnana Yoga. The co-opting by Raja Yoga is another
> variant. In this approach kundalini yoga is seen as a preparation for
> higher yogas. (I don't mean to put words in your mouth but this is how the
> story usually goes.) Matsyendranath, Gorakshanath and other advocates of
> the path of kundalini yoga exposited a complete system of realization
> without recourse to Jnana or Raja yoga. This is not to say that the
> embedding of kundalini yogas into other philosophical frameworks cannot
> result in a powerful system. The Shri Vidya tradition is one successful
> example and contemporary Tibetan Buddhism is another.
> >
> >To associate Kevala Nirvikalpa Samadhi with the breaking of Granthis is
> >considered an error in Jnana Yoga.
> I think it's comments like this that begin to get us onto slippery
> territory. It's not that what you're saying is unprecedented it's that I
> don't know where you're coming from (i.e. from what tradition you are
> speaking) when you say it.
> Breaking of the granthis is a
> >necessary but not a sufficient condition for Kevala Nirvikalpa Samadhi.
> >Kevala Nirvikalpa Samadhi is not an achievement or an attainment but
> >simply a Recognition of who you really are. After I opened my eyes from
> >that Samadhi, I simply thought, "Of course, It is only ME! What did I
> >expect?" And I got up and went about my normal routine.
> My understanding is that Nirvikalpa Samadhi means a permanent rootedness in
> the state of samadhi while engaging in all activities. This implies, among
> other things, a wakefulness even in the deepest sleep and a luminosity
> through a very brief and superficial dream state. Is this what you're
> experiencing?
> >
> >In my paper, I have addressed the issue of a partially awakened
> >Kundalini which may be helpful for understanding the phenomena in its
> >totality. This is a highly complex topic to explain because people
> >experience different aspects of the Kundalini depending on their latent
> >physical and psychological tendencies and past practices. Hence the
> >confusion in this field is wholly justified as genuine authorities tend
> >to differ from each other.
> Excellent point. One of the things I/we are trying to accomplish on this
> listserver is serve as something of a clearinghouse for these perspectives.
> People tend to treat their own experience and tradition as the only and
> final authority.
> Therefore, it follows that one should
> >practice until One Sees One Self with One's own Self.
> >
> >I do not know how I can be more detailed than this on e-mail. In the
> >future I will publish in depth the nature of my experiences and perhaps
> >that will be helpful to some.
> There is no doubt that this will be valuable to me and others.
> If you'd like to make it more valuable then you might speak about the
> tradition that you practice, who your teachers are, what classical
> scripture that you consider authorative and by what means you have
> confirmed your enlightenment. You don't have to do this of course and I and
> other will read what you have to say. However, there is someone posting
> every week or so with some ``authorative'' opinion on a topic. Too many
> times I've perservered as to the source of these only to learn the source
> was:``well my father used to have a Swami come over to the house'' or
> ``there was a guy who came to talk at the local bookstore''. So you have
> the opportunity to distinguish yourself from those if you like.
> Somewhat less often, but still regularly, we have posters who are
> Bodhisattvas who have achieved the 7th Bodhisattvabhumi or practitioners
> who have pierced all the granthis or yogis with other levels of high
> attainment. It may all be true but since I know just a little bit about the
> results that attend such attainments and how rare they are I typically
> just put these things in the ``for future consideration'' pile. Now if
> someone came forward with an attainment that bore all the marks specified
> in the oral traditions and in the classical literature and had that
> attainment verified by a living master - now that would be something one
> should really perk up about. Kevala (kaivalya?) nirvikalpa samadhi is a
> great attainment and I sincerely hope this is your living reality. If so I
> believe you have joined a handful of yogins on the earth who have achieved
> this. But because of the rarity of this attainment I hope you will
> understand my skepticism (but not cynicism!).
> Finally, let's be sure not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. While
> I question some of your assertions it is clear that you are working on the
> path and have a real value to bring to this group. I hope that doesn't get
> lost in the shuffle.
> Mangalam
> Kurt
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:36:14, -0500
From: TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Kundalini Meditation
Message-Id: <199712022136.QAB17880ATnospammime4.prodigy.com>
Requesting a rising Kundalini meditation.
Working with the chakras beginning at the Root.........
rising the Kundalini up up up then out the Crown...
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 13:31:14 -0800
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Cc: dorf01ATnospammail.win.org
Subject: Re: Janpa's curiosity
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Janpa writes:
>Curious Georgette here. (ok curious Janpa)
>I'm a student of Tibetan Buddhism. So i'm *sorta* famillier with the 4
>classes of tantras & such things like that. Make that Newbie with a
>capital N.
>my Q is, how do they differ/not differ from Vendantic (cant think of a
>better word) systems of thought that i keep seeing mentioned.
>Do things like atiyoga make sense to those schools?
>From my perspective the exposition of the non-duality of ultimate reality
is the pivotal concept that describes the difference between the Gelugpa
school of Tibetan Buddhism (as reflected in Tsong Khapa's Madhyamaka
Prasangika exemplified in his ``The Lamp Which Clearly Illuminates the
Intention of the Middle Way), the view of the Ati Yoga of the Nyingma
school of Tibetan Buddhism (as reflected, say, in Longchen Rabjampa's
``Treasure of the Dharmadhatu'') and the Advaita Vedanta of Shankaracarya
(as reflected, for example, in his ``Upadeshasahasri'').
For Tsong Khapa the ultimate non-duality is a *lack* of true existence - an
emptiness. The most profound truth regarding persons and phenomenon is that
they lack any true existance whatsoever. When you realize that your mind
lacks any true existance as an independent mind then there's ultimately
nothing more to realize about it from Tsong Khapa's perspective. Persons
and phenomenon are non-dual - not in the sense of being one - but in the
sense of not being inherently different. This emptiness does not imply any
other mode of being of ultimate reality. I'd recommend Jeffrey Hopkin's
``Emptiness Yoga'' for a better understanding.
Like Tsong Khapa, one of the great Nyingma thinkers Longchen Rabjampa (I'm
on thinner ice here) follows the Madhyamaka school. The difference is that
he believes that the absence of true existance *does* imply another mode of
existance. As I understand it this other implied nature of existance is the
non-duality of ``rigpa'' or the empty clarity of mind. When you realize
that your mind lacks independent inherent existence then you also realize
that it *has* a nature of clarity and emptiness. To the best of my
understanding this rigpa is permanent - but it is not unchanging. It does
change from moment to moment but it's fundamental nature is constant. From
a Buddhist perspective it must change because otherwise it would be
independent of all other phenomenon and Buddha taught that everything that
exists is interdependent. I'd recommend Choskyi Nyima's the``Union of
Dzogchen and Mahamudra'' for this topic.
For Shankara the non-duality is a *unity* of Self as Brahman. It is
permanent and does not change. All else (all hint of duality) is an
illusion due to maya. Shankara's works are all in translation. Shankara
refuted the Buddhist view of Vijnanavada (none of the the above) in his
Whew. I can't believe I did that. You might take your question to
>Does one, like we do, have to take special vows and follow your guru's
Actually it was responding to this point that got me interested in your
post but now I've exhausted myself :-)
I can't decide whether it is the monastic aspect or the Tantric aspect of
Tibetan Buddhism that really caused the emphasis on vows. In any case there
are lots of vows as you know. In all my experiences with Indian yogis I've
never been given a vow of any sort.
>At one time i heard the 4 types of non-buddhist yogas as Hatha, Bhakti,
>Raja and Karma. or breath, love, 'will' and action. Shouldn't say
>non-buddhist, maybe 'tradtional'. Forgive me, i know not completly of what
>i speak :).
There are lots of non-Buddhist yogas and lots of ways of organizing them.
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 16:09:29 -0600 (CST)
From: "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.org>
To: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Janpa's curiosity
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.971202155819.16597A-100000ATnospamwinc0>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
On Tue, 2 Dec 1997, Kurt Keutzer wrote:
Hey cool for answering!
yours truly studies Dzogchen in a Nyingma lineage. (HH Dudjom Rinpoche's)
<snip stuff for space>
One comment tho,
> Like Tsong Khapa, one of the great Nyingma thinkers Longchen Rabjampa (I'm
> on thinner ice here) follows the Madhyamaka school. The difference is that
> he believes that the absence of true existance *does* imply another mode of
> existance. As I understand it this other implied nature of existance is the
> non-duality of ``rigpa'' or the empty clarity of mind.
More like luminously clear. "empty' is a troublesome translation for
sunyata. I've heard the translation 'limitless' to fit the word more.
i associate Longchen Rabjampa with Dzogchen too. His book "The practise of
>When you realize
> that your mind lacks independent inherent existence then you also realize
> that it *has* a nature of clarity and emptiness. To the best of my
> understanding this rigpa is permanent - but it is not unchanging. It does
> change from moment to moment but it's fundamental nature is constant. From
> a Buddhist perspective it must change because otherwise it would be
> independent of all other phenomenon and Buddha taught that everything that
> exists is interdependent. I'd recommend Choskyi Nyima's the``Union of
> Dzogchen and Mahamudra'' for this topic.
rigpa is a hard one to define. but that seems consistent with what i've
been hearing so far.
> For Shankara the non-duality is a *unity* of Self as Brahman. It is
> permanent and does not change. All else (all hint of duality) is an
> illusion due to maya. Shankara's works are all in translation. Shankara
> refuted the Buddhist view of Vijnanavada (none of the the above) in his
> writings.
> Whew. I can't believe I did that. You might take your question to
> alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan
poor newsgroup! lately its been stuck in a silly sectarian argument or
> >
> >Does one, like we do, have to take special vows and follow your guru's
> >advice.
> Actually it was responding to this point that got me interested in your
> post but now I've exhausted myself :-)
take a break!
> I can't decide whether it is the monastic aspect or the Tantric aspect of
> Tibetan Buddhism that really caused the emphasis on vows. In any case there
> are lots of vows as you know. In all my experiences with Indian yogis I've
> never been given a vow of any sort.
i'd hazard its both. Certain initiations require that one be ready
morally and mentally and all other factors one can think of. So they
require that one take the Bodhisattva's vow or other vows, some of which
are never revealed except between guru & disciple. Kinda like if you want
to be like so & so Buddha or Bodhisattva, you gotta agree to act like
them too .
> There are lots of non-Buddhist yogas and lots of ways of organizing them.
So i am learning :)
its fun :)
maitri, (what does mangalam mean)>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 17:11:19, -0500
From: TDVW36AATnospamprodigy.com ( THOMAS SMITH)
To: dorf01ATnospammail.win.org, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: energy knot that won't budge
Message-Id: <199712022211.RAA14372ATnospammime4.prodigy.com>
You may seek a Reiki Master to assist you with your
energy knot that wont budge. Reiki works wonders
with blockages at all levels plus clearing chakras also!
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 16:52:34 -0600
From: Athena <starwindATnospamgte.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01ATnospammail.win.org>
Subject: Re: Curiosity and more curiosity
Message-ID: <34849132.651ATnospamgte.net>
Debora A. Orf wrote:
> without getting too far into things that are secrets, is someone able to
> answer in a general way?
Secrets ??? is this list about secrets ???
I just suscribed today, and am wondering if I am on the right list....
I have NOT studied Eastern mystecism, beyond a few popular books...
I have not done YOGA... beyond a few months, as exersise , recommended
by my chiropractor, when I was getting over an automobile accident that
re-injured my spine...
I < think > I know what kundilini is, defined it thus to a student of
mine who was asking me about *weird* energy... :
>From a western mysical perspective, as I understand it, it is the
life-force/spirit-essence of our beingness... part of is is represented
by the chi < the part that keeps ya alive and going > the rest is the
*coiled serpent* at the base of your spine... which peacefully sleeps,
until awakened.
It can be awakened *accidentally* as in *playing* < my word for when
neither one knows what they're doing, but flying by the seat of their
pants >.. with others, < as in energy exchanges , usually with the
opposite sex > ... the *feeling* is not unlike an intense spiritual
Or it can be opened purposefully... as when we reach deep within,
through meditation, and a burning desire to devote our life to the
spiritual, which we were meant to do in this incarnation...in order to
*ascend* to the next level of reality...
There is a lot of *stuff* happening luv, .... in the whole of human
conciousness... try to focus on learning *discernment* ... best advise I
can give you... is biblical... : " ... with all your getting, get
Since I am not schooled in the Eastern traditions, does that mean I have
no *kundilini * ???
.... that it will not awaken...
.... that I cannot attain Enlightenment ???
< nor can the other several Billion alive on the planet today, who are
*not* schooled in the Eastern Tradition ... but are experiencing *weird*
energy and need direction > ???????
Would someone kindly point me to a list where I can learn more about
this ??? That refer to books written about this subject by people that
are at least pronouncable to the western toungue ???
Thank you...
ps.. hope this is understood tounge-in-cheek *grin*
Love and Light unto your Path...THERE IS ONLY ONE OF US...Athena
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 13:38:15 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: No harm taken....
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971202132026.18077c-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Hi Dieter and Gloria re this:
better apology is due from me regarding my silly comments to Ruth
Trimble. > I should have thought more about what I was writing and am
sorry for any > harm caused to her. I should have thought carefully
before putting words > to 'paper' and to remember to see the reflection of
our loving Creator in > all forms. Also, I of course only hurt myself by
making such comments. So > I truly apologise to Ruth and to anyone else
for not thinking twice about > what I was writing.
Dear Dieter.. I did not actually READ your letter.. it was therefore
entirely written to everyone BUT me it seems! I have gone back through my
mail and cannot find it! I got other people writing to me to ask me if I
was offended by it.. could not be.. I did not see it!!! I am just so busy
lately! It is quite droll really! I might have had some
fun with it, but since I did not even see what glorious insults you threw
at me... I never got to have the enjoyment of it!++*^&^%%
This reminds me of the story of my guru. He used to be insulted by English
boys in his youth,but because hedid not know the language he never got
upset. Later when he learned the language he realized the insults.. and he
came to understand that it made NO difference.. So just assume that I was
deaf and blind to them.. and indeed they have bomeranged back to you as
all things actually do. So there is a lesson in how the universe works
for sure.
>>> Gloria here;
It takes a big person with true inner connection to apologize, it
is all a part of the dance, and I'm sure Ruth will take it that way. Life
is the teacher, and indeed some times the buttons gets pushed without you
even knowing it. All is well, that is all that needs to be said. Gloria >
Indeed.. not only Dieter got buttons pushed since someone.. I think it was
Mike... thought I was attacking Christians! OH LOL! What fun we have with
our egos and our minds... It is such a comedy! But I appreciate that
Deiter is molified and able to say sorry.. but really it is indeed to
yourself so hug yourself and have a giggle.. like I do!#
I am a bit of a rascally angel if you did not already detect.. my
personality is such that when I see an ego parading before me, I delight
in taking pokes with my little dagger.. the dagger that cuts egos to
pieces! Then I sit back and watch all the stuff come pouring out like
Pandora's box... all the puny ego thoughts and ideas about "WHO I AM"
and "WHO ARE YOU TO BOTHER ME?" type of stuff... ANd it is so funny REALLY
funny when you have another way of seeing the universe.
Have a good day.. and watch out for those egos and my little dagger!ATnospam##
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 18:31:36 -0600 (CST)
From: Pam Myers <pmyersATnospammail.coin.missouri.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Intro from Pam
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.971202182041.8715B-100000ATnospamcoinc0>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Hi all,
I have just been on this list a day or two. Finding it interesting but
must say I'm not so well versed in Eastern religions and some here.
I started Hatha Yoga 25 years ago (did not practice to well through
pregnancies mind you :) ) and have been doing Reiki for several months.
Have had some signs of Kundalini rising I believe and was having panic
attacks but once I realized what was happening and breathed through the
blockage in my chest --it was much better. I also employed the services of
a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. They do various
techniques with the aura--that really helped me!
I have had some feeling of energy flowing up the spine and shakes like
there is an earthquake but it has been manageable.
I just started a program at the School of Metaphysics.
Well that is my story :)
Pam Myers: pmyersATnospammail.coin.missouri.edu
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 19:32:21 -0500
From: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>
To: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: RE: No harm taken....
Message-ID: <B982B2DC7C0ED111804600805F850AB2180B4DATnospamEX-DENVER-U1>
Content-Type: text/plain
>Indeed.. not only Dieter got buttons pushed
>since someone.. I think it was Mike... thought
>I was attacking Christians!
Ruth, actually I didn't think you were attacking Christians -
it's just that your comment about "religious dogma" and its
relationship with some men's view of women got me to
thinking about some of my feelings on the subject - I figured
you were speaking "in general" and not specifically about
any given group. My "reply" was not as much a reply as a
use of your comment as a lead-in to my (hopefully related)
thought - I wasn't really thinking about how anyone would
view the relationship between the posts.
Indeed, one of the things I love about this group is that I
don't need to "walk on eggshells" - I may choose words
carefully because I want to achieve clarity on a point, but
don't need to do so to avoid inciting a riot. I wish this was
generally true - I'm also active on several lists dealing with
scientific and environmental issues, and the "clash of egos"
occurs frequently on them, with far more heat than light
being generated. It's sad when people are more attached to
*being* "right" than to *learning* what's right. Sometimes I'd
like to drag a few of them over here to see if they could learn
from the interplay between you and Dieter, or Flute and
Lobster, about how to disagree without being disagreeable
(pure fantasy, I know, but I indulge in it from time to time :-).
Christian and pagan, Hindu and Buddhist, Wiccan and (fill
in desired psycho-spiritual category of your choice), all
discussing things of the spirit in peace and harmony (a
little soft violin background music here, please :-) - after a
discussion of global warming, nuclear power or man's
effect on global biodiversity, I love coming here just for the
spiritual relaxation and a reminder that disagreement and
harmony are not mutually exclusive (OK, I admit it, I also
love the company I get to keep, plus I simply can't resist
a good metaphysical discussion :-).
- Mike
P.S. - Another confession - all my comments about not
"walking on eggshells" notwithstanding, I'm sure you can
see that I hate to allow a misunderstanding to persist, even
if it really doesn't matter, or for that matter even if I'm not
sure there really *is* a misunderstanding. But, as a group
we seem to do pretty well putting up with each other's
eccentricities, so I won't try to "reform" myself - I'll just
keep being me and you'll just keep being you and we'll all
just keep having fun and learning from each other ;-).
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 20:16:57 -0500 (EST)
From: MeadowartATnospamaol.com
To: acarreATnospamconcentric.net, d242kaosATnospamgte.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: 2nd chakra--Negative not necessarily bad
Message-ID: <971202201656_380951584ATnospammrin40.mail.aol.com>
When driving to yoga class, I used to take some time in the car to check in
with how I'd felt throughout the day and what my current emotion was. This
provided a 'baseline' so that I could tell what emotions were 'mine' and
which belonged to those I was practicing with as we moved in silence. It was
a helpful tool for me. That way I wouldn't get thrown by the 'mirrors' you
described in your post. I could stay grounded through it.
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 20:46:52 -0500 (EST)
From: MeadowartATnospamaol.com
To: abradleyATnospamprodigy.net
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <971202204650_1644496944ATnospammrin53.mail.aol.com>
Hi ABradley,
Your post doesn't really say what you mean by 'non functional' or what new
abilities have appeared that you want to cultivate, so I won't even think
about specific recommendations when the generalizations will suffice.
If your energy moved and you have been wrestling with how to manage it, I
WOULD recommend yoga, tai chi, or any of the physical practices that
incorporate energy work. For me, yoga's been the best tool/path/gift to my
life. It gives me a physical practice to cultivate and manage the energy.
Meditation is fantastic too and deepens understanding.
When I've hit challenging times or blocks, I've found that chanting has
been enormously helpful in moving the energy through. For me it's traditional
sanskrit chants. For others it can be hymns or toning. Whatever feels right
for your belief system.
Finding a teacher is such an individual thing, I can only repeat the old
saw (which is true, by the way) that "when the student is ready, the teacher
will appear." If you are really looking for someone to guide you in these new
abilities and practices, your teacher is going to show up. Don't worry. You
won't MISS it! Your whole system will respond when the right teacher shows
up. And don't narrow your thinking to imagining that it has to be a physical
teacher on this plane. Oftentimes teachers show up on the subtle plane in our
meditations. Keep your inner eye peeled.
To work with energy and stay healthy and grounded, I've found following a
'code' helpful. The 10 commandments, the yogic yamas and niyamas...all belief
systems have a framework on which one can fly to the farthest reaches of
superconsciousness and still stay in health and harmony with all of creation
during the exploration.
All the best,
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 18:08:48 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Mike Stickles <msticklesATnospamantalys.com>
CC: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: No harm taken....
Message-ID: <348440A0.7ED7ATnospamintercomm.com>
Mike Stickles wrote:
> P.S. - Another confession - all my comments about not
> "walking on eggshells" notwithstanding, I'm sure you can
> see that I hate to allow a misunderstanding to persist, even
> if it really doesn't matter, or for that matter even if I'm not
> sure there really *is* a misunderstanding. But, as a group
> we seem to do pretty well putting up with each other's
> eccentricities, so I won't try to "reform" myself - I'll just
> keep being me and you'll just keep being you and we'll all
> just keep having fun and learning from each other ;-).
Mike, Hi, this is Gloria:
What is wonderful is to simply move along with the flow knowing that
everything has purpose, and therefore to look for the jewel in even the
most bazaar situations. Life is the teacher and when we appreciate it
for all aspects of creation we are really more human and more God at the
same time.
Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
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