Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/11/09 11:12
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #740

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 740

Today's Topics:
  RE: Karma was: Re: Re: Thoughts. [ Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.c ]
  RE: Karma was: Re: Re: Thoughts. [ Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.c ]
  RE: Thoughts [ Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.c ]
  RE: Thoughts free will [ Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.c ]
  RE: subtle to crude - crude to subtl [ Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.c ]
  dantes?/Angelique-Help anyone?? [ Gloria <glorybeATnospamintrepid.net> ]
  Re: dantes?/Angelique-Help anyone?? [ jeannegATnospamicon.net (Jeanne Garner) ]
  unsubsribe [ James <scaATnospam414.com> ]
  Re: dantes?/Angelique-Help anyone?? [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
  Re: Third eye chakra [ takeuchiATnospamcgl.ucsf.EDU ]
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 21:51:39 +1100
From: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Cc: "kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: RE: Karma was: Re: Re: Thoughts.
Message-ID: <01BCED69.F0DA0420ATnospampppclient6.canberra.edu.au>

-----Original Message-----
From: Debora A. Orf [SMTP:dorf01ATnospammail.win.org]
[>] ... its not the same 'person' every
time. Its the unextinguished karma from previous actions.

[>] Indeed, it may not even be person. What is to prevent degradation to a lower species?

If indulging in mean thoughts and actions only begets mean vibrations in the mental plate of the mind, would not the result be to take rebirth in lower species in order to suffer those mean-vibrations or lower desires?. Then the adjustment to another human physical and psychic body may not be a possibility after death?

Nevertheless, no matter what you are at present or what you may possibly be in future, is not the sensible conclusion to not digress from the ideal of the Great on any account. Can one afford to stray even a step away from the path of realization of the Absolute Bliss - is not that the only path?

If one accepts the process of rebirth is it not logical to conclude that at death the material body disintegrates due to the inadequacy of energy. When this occurs the reactive potentials for expression (arising due to previous actions) lose their physical base and drift in the Macrocosmic flow. Later they are reborn as separate psychic waves (of course be associated to particular embryo etc etc as per facts of life). Those mental reactive momenta in potential form needing expression. Indeed if the mind has degraded to such a crude material level what is to say that it will even find its future expression in animate life. Why not in inanimate form. In fact why not in animal form for millions of millions of years if the degree of crudity and 'sin' has become so great due to actions in the present life?

Mental patterns are associated with mind which is associated with the I-feeling. Human beings have such I-feeling. So as long as the I-feeling exists there is the possibility of rebirth. Would that no a logical conclusion? But when the waves of vitality and the psychic waves become parallel with the state of Cosmic pause no more rebirth is required to perpetuate the I-feeling.

Inspiration and the thought of universal welfare are inseparable and essential for such realization. Consequently, the spiritually inspired mind in its life/body should apply its power on the material world so that everything can be used benevolently for human progress. Thus service to humanity is an essential prerequisite to spiritual life?
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 21:19:29 +1100
From: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Cc: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: Karma was: Re: Re: Thoughts.
Message-ID: <01BCED69.EEA87E20ATnospampppclient6.canberra.edu.au>

-----Original Message-----
From: Debora A. Orf [SMTP:dorf01ATnospammail.win.org]
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 1997 3:02 AM

What is reborn is best described as habits. Habit energy. I call it the
mindstream/lifestream. Its not unchanging, its not the same 'person' every
time. Its the unextinguished karma from previous actions.

 As the unit consciousness sows, so s/he reaps. The quantity of reactions to be served or gone through by the unit is equal to that of the total acts previously done or performed. This unserved totality of the original deeds is called Destiny. The reactive seed of this very Destiny is called reaction in its potentiality (sam'ska'ra - colloquially 'karma') in the language of philosophy. That is why in this observable world the sam'ska'ra-ridden unit consciousness cannot go outside the influence of Destiny. Destiny keeps him/her in its grip so strongly (or viciously) that s/he thinks as though this very Destiny is the controller of his/her fate, as though it has already kept her/his path of progress forestalled and fixed or checkmated.

But his Destiny cannot be the absolute factor, because if you do not exist, if you do not act, the Destiny cannot be formed. The Destiny which is dependent upon your doership for its self-existence, cannot have the all-controllership.

Is this cosmic creation accidental? No, In fact there is no such thing as accident. Behind every event that takes place in the universe there is, in all cases, the principle of causality, i.e., there is no effect without a cause. What we take for an accident is nothing but an incident. The incident, whose preceding cause we cannot see or understand properly or whose cause takes effect in a fickle of time, we call accident. In reality the word, accident, is meaningless and so to call this universe an accidental creation is nothing but a wishy-washy twaddle.

[>] Whenever human beings try to attain liberation, they are hindered by the binding shackles of their reactive momenta. Dragged forward by these reactive momenta against their wishes, they are forced to suffer the reactions of their misdeeds. They have no choice : this is the only way they free themselves of the influence of their past actions. They are mere instruments ' unable to act independently. The reactive momenta are sometimes compared with an ocean. The only way to traverse this vast ocean - and thus progress along the spiritual path - is to 'cleanse' the mind of its reactive momenta.

What is the internal state of the spiritual aspirants (sadhakas) who attain that stance? Passion of desire is of two kinds: consequential and original. The seat of expression of both these is the heart. When the mental propensities reach the stage of cessation through spiritual practices (sadhana) all the desires of the heart, whether original or consequential, disappear. The reactive momenta of those who have reached this stage, even once, no matter what course their reactive momenta take, have only one passion left: passion for union with Brahma (God - Infinite Consciousness) . Love alone remains their only longing. At that stage sadhakas attain deathlessness right in this mortal world. They see nothing but Brahma. For the eyes of those in whom a singular longing for union with Brahma has awakened this mundane world appears as the Abode of Brahma - everything is S/He, everything is S/He.
      What happens in such a state? The the microcosmic force which is called kulakundalinii (coiled serpentine), pierces through the six cakras and reaches the lotus of the sahasrara cakra (7th), and thus becomes one with Him/Her. There are fifty vrttis (propensities) in the human body situated in the different glands of each cakra. As the kulakundalinii passes through a particular gland, the vrttis connected with it cease to function. In the absence of the vrttis, after the six cakras are pierced, the kundalinii, or fundamental negative force of the unit body, merges in the Supreme Force of Shiva or Cosmic Consciousness. In that state the sadhakas merge their entire entities in the Ocean of Divine Nectar, even while remaining in the mortal world. This is the essence, the last word of all scriptures and philosophies. (extracts from Anandamurtiji)

Then there is no rebirth ...
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 23:45:26 +1100
From: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: Thoughts
Message-ID: <01BCED69.F4B6C920ATnospampppclient6.canberra.edu.au>

-----Original Message-----
From: BedawnedATnospamaol.com [SMTP:BedawnedATnospamaol.com]

This seems like a question of mercy and justice. The person who treats the
genuine suffering of others as a spectator sport in the name of some sort of
cosmic justice being exacted needs a swift kick.

[>] Agree entirely. Geez the world is trying to get rid of the caste system not reinvent it.

Spiritualists move towards the God and to do this is every one's birth-right. Nobody can be debarred from doing so on the pretext of inferior caste, color, education or poverty due to so called application of the law of karma.

There cannot be any complex in the arena of spirituality and that includes socially stigmatised concepts. To consider suffering a spectator sport and thus create caste or other systems is the result of a defective social order which injects an inferiority complex in the mind.

Even if the father is a great scholar, surely the uneducated child will go to him and ask for whatever he requires because he or she has affection for the father.

In the field of spirituality there cannot be any complexes, but there are complexes due to social defects. It is a spiritual duty to rectify the social order and not accept it as some kind of karmic claptrap. If we fail, there may not be good spiritualists in the future. Even those who have the potentiality to become good spiritualists may not progress. People will be like a flower that dies before it blossoms due to defective social orders centering around absurd notions of cosmic justice being meeted out through poverty or the like.

There should not be any complex because every one is the child of the Divine.
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 23:46:04 +1100
From: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
To: "'kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: Thoughts free will
Message-ID: <01BCED69.F67BF8C0ATnospampppclient6.canberra.edu.au>

>> <<SW- This notion seems to preclude free will, doesn't it? And if we
>> out free will, then it seems to follow that any lesson "learned" was
>> predetermined; therefore, nothing was learned at all. >>
>> It depends how "free" we really are. All are pre-determinedly blessed

[>] Note: See posting on notions of 'Destiny' just sent for further reasoning on this matter also.

One has to conclude that in the mundane sphere some actions depend on the unit will and some on the Cosmic Will. Human beings move according to their individual wills but the wind blows according to the Cosmic Will. All unit wills are of course within the Cosmic Will - and given that situation there is no contradiction in that. It is obvious that each person has a will of a type to decide what they are going to do - but as that is part of the Cosmic Creation anyway how can the unit will be outside It? The point is to fully merge in the Cosmic Will and thereby exhaust all one's karma (or more technically correct one reactive momenta in potential form caused by past actions).

Actually, most of the actions which human beings supposedly perform by their own will are directly guided by the Cosmic Will. Some actions are performed by the indirect human will, such as the beating of the heart. When the indirect will ceases to function one's individual sam'ska'ras ( reactions in potentiality ) have been fully exhausted (ie there is no 'karma' colloquially speaking).

Most people who commit suicide do not have the direct will to survive. However, their indirect will remains partially active, sustained by the desire to be free of the untold sorrows, miseries and humiliations of this life. Deep within they cherish an indirect desire to acquire a new, dignified life in another world after death. This desire is the work of the indirect will. Their indirect will seeks a way to escape the ignominy of humiliation and build a new and better life in the future. Their will did something in the past for which they must undergo their present humiliation.

The Macrocosmic Will is etemally active behind the creation.

An action which is done independently is an original action. Suppose one has a desire to go to California and then actually goes there. This is an original action because to go or not to go to California depends entirely on one's will. But an action which one is obliged to perform or undergo mechanically under pressure of circumstances or karmic reaction is just a reaction to the original action. In these actions it is the indirect will and not the direct will which functions. The original deed which was performed by the direct is later expressed as a reaction by the indirect will. Your indirect will forces you to become a tool to restore the equilibrium in the universe which was lost due to your original action.

In this situation individuals have no free will, but are slaves to the dictates of the indirect will. .

>> cursed by the genetic contributions of our parents. No one is completely
>> free.
To me.. this sounds like simply..instead of blaming the *others* who do
this to me.. I now blame myself...the next question is supposed to be
what??? like , so what??
[>] Question of blame become irrelevant surely because whether there are good reactions or bad reactions all these things have to be expressed anyway. Blame is a type of denial in that one knows the reactions have to be undergone but thinks 'why me'.

How does this *help you* to believe you chose to
[>] It doesn't. All actions, whether crude, physical, extroversial or subtle are sure to remain with the individual in the potential form of seeds of reaction. These potential reactions, with the help of indirect will, get expressed in the external world. It is simply a fact of life. There is no question of liking it or lumping it. The only thing that matters is that one develops love for the Supreme, then conceptions of virtue and vice have no relevance as transcendence with Love is achieved and achievable through the practice of proper spiritual practices. Given that all of us are somewhat imperfect - of course a wee bit of Grace may be required.

Intelligent people look upon this universe with an attitude of equanimity and act for the welfare of all so that their mental propensities are propelled towards greater attraction for the Divine Consciousness.
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 22:49:17 +1100
From: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Cc: "'kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: subtle to crude - crude to subtle
Message-ID: <01BCED69.F2B79DC0ATnospampppclient6.canberra.edu.au>

-----Original Message-----
From: anandajyoti [SMTP:anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com]

Anandajyoti.> Purusha does not transform from subtle to crudity or vice versa.

[>] The movement of the unit consciousness is form the crude to the subtle. The nature of all spiritual practices are for this purpose. What other ultimate purpose can they serve? Propelled by the influence of Introversive Force or Force of Macrocosmic attraction towards Brahma (God), the unit consciousness activates the centripetal or introversive momentum towards God through spiritual practices. But at the same time it will not do to give up material needs in relation to the practical world (here one only needs to learn non-attachment).

The plethora of objectivities surrounding us is only the creation of the psychic conation of the Supreme Consciousness. 'Before' creation S/He was the Singular Entity. When S/He wished to be many the extroversive (Saincara) - subtle to crude - and introversive (Pratisaincara) - crude to sublte - flow of creation started under the crudifying influence of Prakrti ('Creative Force') - the emanent principle of Parama Purus'a (Supreme Consciousness).

The variegated expressions of the universe are nothing but the diversified manifestation of that Supreme One. The inanimate world; the animate world of plants, animals, and human beings; the mind, vitality, and intellect are all expressions of the same Supreme Entity.

Everything has consciousness. Mind or consciousness is expressed even in so-called
inanimate objects as rocks, sand or mud, but is essentially dormant. Consciousness in whatever form is necessary to perceives and sustain that intrinsic oneness in all of creation.

As the Singular Self is the rudimental cause of all diversities; that is, the essence of all physical and metaphysical diversities is the Supreme One it is the noumenal cause of this phenomenal world.

The 'birth'/manifestation of a single iota of unit consciousness in this universe germinates from the Causal Soul. During the time of extroversion the Causal Soul has the germinating potentials of the seed and so 'coming from' that Supreme Subtlely means a movement away from subtlety to crudity so that unit consciousness can manifest itself through expressions. The last stage of introversion is just the reverse - the unit consciousness desires to return to its source. In other words, it is owing to the lack of germinating possibility that it is returning to the Original Entity (from crude to subtle).

Of course in this all is very intimately united so that Supreme Consciousness is also intimately associated with the manifest and unmanifest as the witness of everything. What form a unit consciousness first takes its expression would be different each of the many infinite times, but obviously a human consciousness does not suddenly arrive. This would go completely against evolution and of course must be illogical as there were no human beings before - such human beings having evolved from lower species. So from the germination of unit consciousness it must evolve from simple expressive form eg from sand to virus to protozoic structure to metazoic to plant, animal, and human as the highest form of life (as humans possess conscience and rationality and their psychic structure is more advanced than any life form). But for the unit consciousness to take an expressive form it must germinate from the most subtle and attain a crudified expressive form. The reverse is when the unit consciousness is so evolved that it reverts to seek back it most subtle home and Ultimate Shelter.

In the manisestation of Creation there are so many infinite expressions of unit consciousness. It is the 'analytical' extroversive phase (subtle to crude) - the phase of manifestation in which the Singular Purus'a appears to be transformed into many by Prakrti. The greater the influence of Prakrti, the greater the number of pluralities, and the greater the degree of crudification. But when creation reaches the nadir point of crudification, Purus'a starts decreasing the latitude He granted to Prakrti and withdraws everything unto 'Himself' - unit consciousness then wishes to seek back its home and Divine shelter - it can only be a movement to subtely. This is the phase of Introversive Evolution of mind. Creation now proceeds from plurality towards Supreme Singularity, towards the Supreme Cognitive Faculty. This is the path of synthesis (oneness).
Date: Sun, 09 Nov 1997 11:46:57 -0500
From: Gloria <glorybeATnospamintrepid.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: dantes?/Angelique-Help anyone??
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>At 12:58 AM 11/8/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>Angelique wrote:
>>> Precisely so: it time and space do not exist, then how can there be any
>>>thought of "progress?" There is no here or there to get to. All of eternity
>>>is in the Now. The Universe has already ended, you are already reunited
>>>with Creator, and have never been separate. All paths must lead to Goddess,
>>>coz Goddess is All that is, and so how can we not go to Her?

OK.. my question here is that even if this represents a truth about reality
or I choose to believe it, to experience this eternal now simultaneously
with whatever is your current expererience of reality in the so-called real
world/or the maya of illusion(call it anything)...is THAT then sorta
logically what is happpening/possible..??? since there is no
seperation..just the perception of it?? How does one handle these sudden
shifts of perception?? This is NOT a hypothetical question...I really need
some help with this kind of experience.. see the end of the email for more
about the difficulties.

>>> Perhaps there is none, only the soul experiencing, not for lessons
>>>already learned, but simply for the joy of being, in the infinite
>>>multiplicity of the present moment.
yes, sometimes I experience this...
>>Indeed, but if this is accepted, then there is no way out of a radical
>>acceptence of >all< experience, painful as well as pleasurable, as bliss.
Are you saying this is a logical consequence?? hypothetically true??
Provable?? Experiencable?? Please just explain a bit more..on what basis
does one idea follow from the previous one. Explain how you mean there is
no way out.. you say If this is true, then the next must be true...well ??
IS it true??? This stuff is important...it matters.. you seem so close to
the crux of the question....can *anyone* illuminate this in some
understandable way?? please try to keep it simple as possible...

>>> When we seek an orgasm, or a perfect ripe peach, we do not go looking for
>>>lessons, but experiences. Yet in the fullness of the experience, we may
>>>connect more deeply with Goddess than in the self doubt of introspection,
>>>prayers of penance.*** Why not both?? Or many results from eating the
peach...that *or* is kinda a tip off to dualism...but I see why you brought
up the issue here..in order to get to the cancer below..???
>>You used two examples of things greatly pleasurable, which are easily seen
>>as desireable experiences without needing a "lesson" attached. Is it
>>possible to accept this with things not usually experienced as pleasurable?
>>Could one accept, say, a protracted bout with cancer as, not a lesson, but
>>a perfectly fullfilled experience-in-itself? This would truely be
>>practicing Tantra in a "cremation ground". Not for the squeamish!

>>( good point you make here.. so many experiences that are not for the
squeamish appear to happen to those not accepting them for any reason..let
alone practicing Tantra..so what about them?? help me understand this??

>>> Yet throwing out the search for lessons in favor of the search for
>>>experiences, does not preclude free will. We choose our experiences, many
>>>before birth, co creating each moment. We choose how we feel about our
>>>experiences, which shapes them by our free will.
>>This is surely "how it works", but its not "what it is". Who is doing the
>>choosing? If we all are the Goddess/Divine/whatchmacallit, then that
>>Divinity is doing the choosing, and does not need to "learn" anything. But,
>>in a sense, neither does it need to "experience" anything. It's
>>Heidigger"s "Why is there something rather than nothing?" question. I think
>>perhaps here the trail peters out, the trail of conceptual understanding,
>>that is.

>>( Ha ha.. when did you too almost major in Philosophy??? the trail peters
out indeed.. *why* is perhaps the wrong question to be asking at the end of
the trail?? You sure do have a way of expressing the questions so
well...why do you throw in that perhaps after your surely??? [rhetorical
question?? still wondering??] If you have some answers here, please share
them. It may look perfectly clear to you what you mean, but even to another
philosophy student..just the mention of Heidegger's question hardly seems
sufficiently helpful to understand your point or meaning here well enough
to draw any conclusions from it. It does sound very witty and amusing..
you are obviously very intelligent to write this paragraph...can you *dumb
it down* for the rest of us?? I think I sorta get it...)

>>What are we left with? Being yourself, in the sense that you manifest
>>whatever you manifest, whatever you want to manifest, and that its a fluid
>>process, a stream that can change course at will: our will, that is. But
>>the bottom line is: we're all doing just want we want to be doing, always -
>>no exceptions.
ok... Maybe YOU are...but not even in my dreams am I close to *manifesting
whatever I want to manifest*. This, again, may be a logical conclusion to
you..but I and most people I know would have to say this is not their usual
perception of experience...is this like some comforting thought to believe
when my perception of my experience seems kinda *otherwise* (falling short
of what I think or wish I want to manifest??) What are we left with
indeed??? ( I will admit to having a few moments in time that might fit
this description...so what is my problem here???) Again.. help anyone?? If
I seem clueless here, may I assure you simply that this is a sincere
>>> If time and space do not exist, then the moments of choosing, before
>>>birth are also in the power of the present moment. It's never too late to
>>>have a happy childhood.. :)
>>If all "incarnations" are simultaneous, then all choosing affects all of
>>them, simultaneously. Its awesome!
>>okay...IF this, IF that...Having pondered the implications of these last
two statements.. it's awesome! seems an understatement... now IF someone,
anyone can dispose of those 2 pesky IFS....please write to me in some
possibly understandable way. I do have some experience of sudden shifts of
perception in space time reality and perception of eternal now...some
simultaneous, even...but most of the time??? well, not yet. The intensity
of just the idea that *all choosing affects all of them, simultaneously.*
the implications, let alone the experience of this choosing.. I have no
words...really, but will say that perhaps may be the end of the trail, who
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 11:02:57 -0600
From: jeannegATnospamicon.net (Jeanne Garner)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: dantes?/Angelique-Help anyone??
Message-Id: <199711091702.LAA17099ATnospamns2.icon.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>ok... Maybe YOU are...but not even in my dreams am I close to *manifesting
>whatever I want to manifest*.

Yes you are. As one person put it, for every prayer we send out asking for
a wonderful life, there are a thousand that are uttered in opposition to
it--every day. All of us manifest exactly what we want to manifest, every
minute. Your statement, "not even in my dreams am I close to..." is also a
prayer, a wish, and guess what? It's granted, with your full permission and

 ==-* My stars!
Date: Sun, 09 Nov 1997 11:57:31 -0600
From: James <scaATnospam414.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: unsubsribe
Message-ID: <3465F98B.6266ATnospam414.com>

How do i get off this mailing list. I've tryed many times and I keep
getting these stupid e-mails. Tell me how to get off this list.
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 12:55:43 -0500
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: dantes?/Angelique-Help anyone??
Message-Id: <199711091806.NAA19946ATnospamhoboken>


About your question of being in the moment, maybe it might help to think of
it this way: the small ego self swims in the currents of time; the Self
soars far above it.

When the Self emerges its perspective changes, and from its lofty place it
can see at a glance the massive network of what the ego experiences as

When we are deep in meditation we can experience this moment of Self for
then the insistency of ego, and its defensive chatter is stilled. It is
then that we can change our reality.

As Seth said, in Jane Roberts channeled works, "The point of power is in
the moment."

A new fractal gallery was posted to this site on September 10th:
USA Today Hot Site; Cosmic Site of the Night: Cool Central Site of the Day;
ENC Digital Dozen for June '97; Enchantment Award; ArtSearch Featured Site;
NetTech NeatTech: Best of the Web in Educational Technology; Eye Candy
Honorable Mention
Date: Sun, 9 Nov 1997 10:00:35 -0800 (PST)
From: takeuchiATnospamcgl.ucsf.EDU
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Third eye chakra
Message-Id: <199711091800.KAA21536ATnospamsocrates.ucsf.EDU>

>I have noticed a circular pattern between my eyebrows around the size of
>a nickel, slightly reddish in color. Have had sinus congestion, went to
>the doc but the meds (Claritin-d and cephalexin) aren't helping. Am
>wondering if this really is sinus problem or k-energy blockage. I moved


Hello Dee,

It could be energy. If it is energy, then one possible suggestion
would be to try to focus on that region, but in front of the forehead
several inches. It's been my experience that physical problems
occur when strong energy is localized within the physical form.
However, when the energy is focused outside the physical form,
then it calms the body down.

Good luck,


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