Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/10/31 17:25
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #723

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 723

Today's Topics:
  Re: twittering bird [ UweJohannATnospamaol.com ]
  Slow Turtle [ turtleATnospamici.net (Turtle Woman) ]
  Re: Kriyas and tantra (was Re: What [ "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospamresearch ]
  Happy Halloween [ "mtmindATnospamusa.net" <mtmindATnospamusa.net> ]
  does God get crabby? [ hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Ba ]
  Re: Kriyas, detachment, oneness, etc [ BedawnedATnospamaol.com ]
  (Fwd) The Dimensions - A Cosmology [ Sean Nomura <snomuraATnospammail.arc.nasa. ]
  Alguien escribe en castellano? [ Carlos Alberto Russomanno <bcomputo ]
  Re: Vibrations/K [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
  Re: Kriyas and tantra (was Re: What [ Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.co ]
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 09:02:55 -0500 (EST)
From: UweJohannATnospamaol.com
To: BedawnedATnospamaol.com
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: twittering bird
Message-ID: <971031085959_1480354412ATnospammrin42.mail.aol.com>

Hello Melissa,

thank you very for our reply and the poem
which ends;
     Offering him a bright dignity and hope
     that he dreams of carrying home
     to Germany to flood
     every dark corner--

     Exorcizing the shadow.

Dear Melissa, it affects me, really.
I belief there are shadows because the light is shining on us and now we can
watch our and others shadows.
But everyone has to show consideration for the other that the own shadow
doesn't take the others light. We can't Exorcize the shadows, but we can
approach to the light and our shadows will decrease. And if there is no being
more outside of the light, than there will be no shadow anymore.
The Master, who activated my chakras for the healing-work talked about it on
a courese, that it will be in ca. years........

Up to this time we always have to be on one's guard (watchful?), a lot to do
....watching the fly in my office..... there came one thought.....
Just imagine...... I was your mother, brother, sister, father, neighbor,
lover, enemy, friend, pet, the flea on your feed, the fly on your s...., your
food, for generations, millions of years ........ if it is right, what I read
about the circle/wheel of live.
Is it important where one came from?

a lot of love and light,
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 11:00:30 -0400
From: turtleATnospamici.net (Turtle Woman)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Slow Turtle
Message-Id: <v01540b00b07fa256b48cATnospam[]>

was it some one on this list that told the story about Slow Turtle the
medicine man???????

John Peters?????

He if so than you would want to know that he died this week funeral
arangements are being formulated.

   \----/ love and hugs,
 <(------|=> Turtle Woman
   /----\ "those who know me think i am beautiful, those who
      don't, don't know me!!!!!" (jcazimero)

>Feeling. She waits in the bridal chamber for her own true love whos name
>is desire.
>Desire travels afar. He will do anything for his own true love who's name
>is feeling.
And today the great Yertle, that }{ "Always be ready to help a turtle
 Marvelous he,Is King of the Mud. }{ in need, you"ll never know when it
That is all he can see.And the turtles,}{ is your turn to get under-foot"
 of course... all the turtles are free }{ DonaldB2
As turtles and, maybe, all creatures }{
 should be. }{
    }{ \----/
 - Dr. Seuss }{ <=|------)>
    }{ /----\
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 12:58:36 -0500
From: "Harsh K. Luthar" <hlutharATnospamresearch1.bryant.edu>
To: BedawnedATnospamaol.com
CC: anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com, keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com,
 kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com
Subject: Re: Kriyas and tantra (was Re: What to expect ...)
Message-ID: <345A1C4C.1BAATnospamacad.bryant.edu>

BedawnedATnospamaol.com wrote:
> Dear Anandajyoti;
> You wrote:
> <<I believe this is the starting point. To know and practice detachment,

I was delighted to read Melissa's question. Only a true seeker can raise
such a point. The whole notion of detachment is predicated on the
assumption that there is something to be detached from. This undermines
the notion of non-duality. If dualism is sought to be rejected as a
philosophy, it only reinforces dualism. In order to reject something,
there must be the rejecter and that which is rejected. But if one can
remain silent and still, all concepts vanish and reality is experienced
as it is. It is only the inner core of your being. What is required is
self-awareness and practice.

May all good things come to you.

Harsh K. Luthar
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 09:45:40 -0500
From: "mtmindATnospamusa.net" <mtmindATnospamusa.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Happy Halloween
Message-Id: <>

 Well it is my favorite time of year again, and as usual my energy is
completely changed from a month ago. This happens every year and my energy
sky rockets.
 I was just thinking, wouldn't it be better to untie a knot, than to pierce
 Happy Halloween!!!

  ()() ()
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John Halonen
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 09:12:12 -0600 (CST)
From: hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: does God get crabby?
Message-Id: <199710311512.JAA03012ATnospamdfw-ix15.ix.netcom.com>

I've just returned from a rather gruelling trip that has left me
thin-skinned, cranky and emotional from high energy surges. The first
part of the trip included a visit to my late mom's house where I was
"directed" to some photographs I did not know existed that were
extremely comforting, although the experience was a little unnerving.
Then I flew into the blizzard in Denver and spent a day and a half
sleeping on the floor of the Hertz rent-a-car facility and eating
potato chips out of a vending machine. The Hertz people were saints
and I think the rest of us pretty much rose to the best we were capable
of. I tried to offer all of this up to God, of course, but the
subsequent emotionality has been so difficult I wonder if it is a kind
of whiplash, and then I've wondered if the PMS-like symptoms aren't
just a manifestation of ego but in fact have some cosmic corollary.
Are trees crabby when they CRACK loudly in the woods in early Spring?

Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 16:07:42 -0500 (EST)
From: BedawnedATnospamaol.com
To: anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com, heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com,
Subject: Re: Kriyas, detachment, oneness, etc.
Message-ID: <971031160741_-1862975550ATnospammrin47>

Dear Anandajyoti;

Thank you for your response. Your movie screen analogy proved useful. Let
me see if I have things clear...

<<I must first try look within myself and find out , what is the concept of
love mean to me. Is it by which I feel accepted, recognized. Or I love so and
so because is
>nice to me, does me little favors, pays me compliments, gives me gifts and
me to parties? Can I love the other person with the lists of these
"becauses"? This my Guru had told me.>>

It sounds like you're talking about love as an end rather than a means. Love
flows from an individual for the sake of loving itself and not as a way of
obtaining some sort of gratification. Yes?

<<Love is a feeling of closeness, of nearness . If I define love in this way,
then when the closeness or nearness is not present, we fall out of love., we
have lost the love because at this point I have lost the gratification which
that closeness or nearness gave me.
Next question comes to mind, is the closeness really love? Is this closeness
nearness so fragile, that one or two incidents, one displeasing action, one
non-gratifying act, everything falls apart and the love bird flies away
through the window.
With such an idea of I enter a relationship toady , and few months , few
years down the road, these yardsticks of love , get monotonous, and I walk
out of the relationship.
Is this Love?>>

So, good love or pure love is an unconditional thing. If a person is going
to be in the business of loving (and what person can escape this), then
happiness, peace, virtue are contingent upon whether love is given freely,
*detached* from self-serving motives

<<I would try to explain through an example, the idea of illusion.>>

Thanks...this is exactly how my thinking works. Ideas without example are
empty. Examples without ideas are blind.

<<the film to show you the talking, laughing, walking, dancing, crying
sleeping, happy or sad, murderous or sinner, actors who played their roles in
the movie. So illusions are like those pictures on the movie screen. The
movie screen remains unaffected throughout, it does not change. That is your

And when you say "SELF" you mean my atman? my most inner essence? If this
is the case, would you say my "self" is incapable of changing, progressing,
maturing, increasing in virtue? Or would you say my "self" has a sort of
godly quality that is incapable of progress or change because it has as a
feature of the thing that it is a tap into all the potential goods or ills it
can be?

The movie, is that an analogy for life around me? Or is it only the
illusions that are part of that life?

<<The operator in the projection room does not watch the movie as you do
sitting in
the hall. He may reading his favorite novel, which he enjoys. So, he is like
The operator remains unaffected with what goes on the screen ,once he has
the film rolling. When the movies ends, he reloads it or stashes it away for
another time.>>

"Reloading" is analogous with rebirth? "Stashes it away," a version of
Christian purgatory?

<<The screen on its own is One, without duality or multiplicity. So if you
understand the world in this way , what does it indicate? Is the World drama
duality and illusion or not?
So it depends on how we identify ourselves in this life, do we identify
ourselves with the screen or the changing pictures?>>

I'm having trouble, I think, with the concept of the screen as the Self,
because the screen isn't something that stands indefinitely. Eventually, the
threads get thin, the screen wears, gets holes, needs maintenance. What
maintains it? Is it not a stagnant, and decaying existence without
maintenance, without being augmented for 70 mm viewing? :)

Sincerely, Melissa
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 12:33:25 -0800
From: Sean Nomura <snomuraATnospammail.arc.nasa.gov>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: (Fwd) The Dimensions - A Cosmology
Message-Id: <>

X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by mailgw00.execpc.com id SAA28760

Hello! : )

Below is a cosmology - an explanation behind the structure of the universe
(and beyond). The first time I read it, I had an intellectual orgasm! I
hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did.

Have a Happy Halloween!

Remember to brush your teeth.


______________________ Begin Attached Message ______________________

At 3:24 PM 3/4/96, Starbuilders wrote:

It is helpful to have a picture of how God created the universe and its
structures. For seekers of truth, the more expanded and stable the model,
the more satisfying. Science offers us “factual” cosmologies, while
religions and cultures develop their own myths.

The extraterrestrial model that follows outlines The Source, creation,
duality, other-dimensional beings, and hierarchy within a dimensional
context. There are ten different dimensions in this model; you will notice
that the higher the dimension, the greater the inherent paradoxes.

The Twelfth Dimension - The All That Is (and then some); The Source

It is not possible to envision the Twelfth Dimension. Numerologically, the
number twelve is 1 and 2 joined. It represents the fusion of Unity (1) and
Duality (2). In spiritual terms, it is God. Many ancient cultures have
defined this God as “beyond words,” and rightly so. The Twelfth Dimension
includes and exceeds all infinities. Beyond definition, it is always more
than we can imagine. For instance, you might say, “God is pure,
unconditional Love.” For that statement to be more true, you would need to
add, “and then some.”

In other words, whatever we can say or conceive about this being/state,
there is always something more to it - “and then some.” Ultimately, this is
The Source - The All That Is (and then some). There are no “me´s,” “you´s,”
or “us´s.” It is absurd to say, “I am [this] God,” because at this level
there is no “I” to say it.

The Eleventh Dimension - The Seed and Soil of Universes

Every so often, The Source manifests the “material” to create Universes. We
call this “material” the Eleventh Dimension. However, it is actually two
distinct beings in one. Numerologically, the number eleven is 1 and 1
combined. They are exactly equal, yet different. (If they were not
different, the number would just be 1).

One of these entities is pure yang in nature - the Great Yang. The other is
pure yin - the Great Yin (or The Void). The Great Yang exists everywhere
and always (until The All That Is says, “Come Home.”) Not reasonably, so
does the Great Yin. Both are omnipresent, but a thin “membrane” somehow
separates the two. This membrane insures that the two Forces do not fully
embrace. If this were to happen, they would immediately awaken from their
high dream state and return to the Source. Actually, this does happen. When
it does, a Cosmic Year has ended.

>From a theological (and anthropological) perspective, the Great Yang is God
the Father, the Creator. The Great Yin is God the Mother, the Creator.
Within them is the potential for the co-creation of all spirits, forms, and
universes during that Cosmic Year.

The Making of a Universe

A universe is born when a seed - a particle of the Great Yang - transduces
the thin membrane that separates the Yin and Yang. The seed fuses with a
“particle” of the Yin, creating a zygote that grows very rapidly at first.
Science calls this event “The Big Bang.” Technically, however, it is not an
explosion, but the explosive growth of a living universe.

The Tenth Dimension - The Truth; The Universe and Its Parameters

The Tenth Dimension is a conscious entity - a Universe. It is not, however,
a universe of form. (Form begins at the Ninth Dimension.) Through the eyes
of form, a universe is born, develops, matures, and dies. This cycle marks
a Cosmic Day. Numerologically, the combination of the 1 and 0 represents
the union of The Something and The Nothing.

This dimension is like the outer shell of the Universe. Beyond it is The
Void. From an Eleventh Dimensional perspective, we can see billions of
these effulgent shells blazing in the Nothingness of The Void. (The
Nothingness of The Void is not the same as “outer space,” the latter being
confined to the Third Dimension.) Within this shell are progressively
smaller shells, representing a dimension. The hard center is matter, the
Third Dimension.

We can gain an understanding of the Catholic Church´s model of the Mystery
of The Trinity, if we examine it from a tenth- and eleventh-dimensional
perspective. (The Mystery of The Trinity is that there are “three Gods in
One” - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.)

In brief, God number one, The Father, is the Great Yang of the Eleventh
Dimension, God number two is Christ Himself, an individualized
consciousness of the Tenth Dimension. Jesus said, “The Father and I are
one.” Indeed, tenth-dimensional beings are, in essence, pure mixtures of
the Great Yin and Yang. God number three, The Holy Spirit, is the unified
field of consciousness of the Tenth Dimension. (The Christ is just one of
the billions upon billions of beings who comprise this dimension/entity.)
So, there it is - three Gods in One.

Like “cosmic DNA,” the Universe contains the entire blueprint of what is to
unfold during its lifetime. The “DNA” has both passive and active aspects.
Passively, it is the Divine Plan, the “What Will Be.” Actively, it is the
Force of Evolution; it propels the Divine Plan to completion.

We call tenth-dimensional awareness “Cosmic” or “Christ Consciousness.” The
Christ is a Tenth Dimensional being who had projected His consciousness
into a human form. It is not a metaphor when He said, “I am the Truth, the
Light, and the Way.” The Tenth Dimension *is* the Living Truth. It is the
Light that is in all things. It is the Way, back to the Creators.

All beings - all points of consciousness - have a tenth-dimensional aspect.
The Tenth Dimension is where our spirit comes into existence. From here, we
can project our consciousness into any form in the universe. (Like a
cascade of consciousness, we can project our awareness into, say, a
seventh-dimensional form. From there, we can project into, say, a
third-dimensional form.)

The Ninth Dimension - The Creation of Form and Hierarchies

The Ninth Dimension is where the homogenized consciousness of the Tenth
Dimension arrange themselves into planetary, stellar, galactic, universal,
and dimensional consciousness. It is the transition from formless to form.
As ninth-dimensional entities, we could say, “I am going to take form as a
planet.” Then we do it. As a planetary (stellar, universal, etc.)
consciousness, our form goes through evolutionary stages.

On third-dimensional planets, there is what we call “inorganic matter.”
Inorganic matter does, however, act as the vehicle (body) of the Planetary
Consciousness. This body generates gravity, which is actually the
third-dimensional manifestation of a ninth-dimensional life force.

Hierarchy is evident in all of nature. From a humble blade of grass to the
night sky strewn with shimmering stars, some forms appear more spectacular
and vital than others. It is here that the Powers That Be - our
ninth-dimensional aspects - set up the hierarchical structure.

There is hierarchy of dependency as well. Humanity needs the Earth to
develop and survive, but the converse is not true. Similarly, the Earth
depends upon the Sun for its life, but the Sun can live without the Earth.

The Eighth Dimension - Group Souls (Oceans of Light)

A Group Soul is a collection of entities that work together as one unit. To
illustrate, imagine that every cell in your body is a conscious entity.
There are liver, heart, brain, and blood cell “entities.” Each is unique
and has a function, yet they are one body. There is similar to the function
of a Group Soul. (Actually, Group Souls are even more integrated than the
cells of our body; they are more like drops of water in an ocean,
communicating by sharing real-life holograms.)

As Group Soul members, we can channel into other forms in other dimensions.
For example, an entire rain forest could be the vehicle (body) of a Group

The Seventh Dimension - Living Vortexes

Seventh-dimensional beings come in many forms. Some appear as swirling
ribbons of rainbow-colored energy. Others look like webs of beautiful,
radiant Light. When these mystic, living vortexes project their
consciousness into third- or fourth-dimensional forms, they continue to
“swirl.” They swirl, however, not only vertically (like Earth vortexes),
but horizontally, diagonally, and into the past and future. “Spinning” into
the future allows the retrieval of information from that time. At this
level, we do not live on planets.

Rather, our “atmosphere” is an intense field of colored energy. Although we
look rather still, we are actually very busy. One of our activities is to
explore other dimensions, in service to the Force of Evolution.

The Sixth Dimension - Symbols; Communication

It is tempting to call the Sixth Dimension “The Teaching Dimension.” The
intention, however, of this dimension/entity is not to teach, but rather to
provide information and the means to convey it.

All language, symbols, and models start here. It is where the Universe
pours the archetypal molds. At this level, we find the cast for
astrological and genetic codes. It also houses the Akashic records, the
complete files on everyone and everything.

This intriguing dimension is a honeycomb of dimensions within dimensions
within dimensions. You could probably spend many long lifetimes here and
never for a moment become bored. The inhabitants are astute, quick, and

The Fifth Dimension - Heaven; The Plane of Light; Camaraderie

For most religions, the Fifth Dimension is the highest realm a soul can
reach. Spiritually, it is the last stop downward on the dimensional ladder
before we enter the realms of limitation.

We incarnate here as androgynous stellar beings. Living on stars, we don
luminous Light Bodies. These eternal forms have no need for pain, the
warning signals that physical bodies provide. Therefore, there is no
physical suffering. Neither do we suffer from any form of separation,
because we constantly experience the Oneness of God.

We base our actions entirely on love, never on fear. This is because fear
does not exist at this level. We are unstoppable, living miraculous lives.
Immortality, too, is an experiential given.

Many times in a Near Death Experience, a person will travel up a long
tunnel. The tunnel transverses the darkness (the Fourth Dimension) and ends
in a bright opening of golden or white Light (the Fifth Dimension). This is
the Doorway to Heaven - The Golden Gates. Usually, someone is there to
greet the person, although not always St. Peter.

We travel by the application of Divine Will. The shortest distance between
two points is not a straight line or a curved line. In the Fifth Dimension,
one simply duplicates himself to his destination(s). (We do not fly,
either. Flying only becomes a viable means of transportation on the Third
and Fourth Dimensions.) In addition, we can travel by moving through the
doorway at the center of the star.

In many Ascension stories, the Earth transforms - along with her
inhabitants - into her fifth-dimensional Light Body. She physically shifts
from a dense, material body to one of Light (a star). The fifth-dimensional
manifestation of a star is neither not nor fiery. It is soft.

The Fourth Dimension - The Astral Plane

The Fourth Dimension is a gray, polarized plane, housing the forces of
Light and Darkness. The battle between good and evil starts here. Christ
was sharing a fourth-dimensional perspective when He said, “If you are not
with me, you are against me.”

Forms naturally morph on the Astral plane. For example, a tree can easily
transform into a wolf. Because the illusion of good and evil is manifest
here and because of the extreme mutability of form, distrust and fear
exists. Consequently, strength of Personal Will or Personal Power play
major roles in the protection and control rackets. (“I am a strong and
knowledgeable. I will protect and guide you and give you what you want.
Just do what I say.”)

Magic, time travel, karma, reincarnation, luck, psychic surgery, flying,
mind reading, disembodied spirits, enchantment, and of course, astral
travel, all source from this plane. The God(s) and Goddess(es) of many
religions live here. Hell and purgatory are fourth-dimensional locales, as
well. By embodying the principles of this plane, we enhance the probability
of living a magical life.

The Third Dimension - Where Reality Is Etched in Stone, Sort of

This is the last step of our exploration. The Third Dimension is where
energy congeals into a dark, dense pool of matter. Our ability to
experience beauty down here shows that we live in a loving universe.
Because of the perceptual filters available (courtesy of the Planetary
Consciousness), it is possible for our consciousness to identify with
matter. We can, therefore, become dense ourselves. Because the universe
allows the illusion of Free Will on the Third and Fourth Dimensions, we can
act like saints or demons, or usually, somewhere in between.

When we base our actions exclusively on third-dimensional principles, we
live in a material world. Here, our reality is “easy to prove” in “logical
ways.” This is because it is natural that we believe our pictures of
reality *are* reality. This etches our *lives* in stone, rather than
sketching them in Light.


As we explore dimensional realms, we discover exciting, new information
about them. We live in a rich universe, filled with everything we can
imagine. Imagine yourself in this universe, living a miraculous life.

In Oneness

Evin Almana
Starbuilders *The blind need eyes, not light.” Salih of Merv

_______________________ End Attached Message _______________________
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 18:48:34 -0800
From: Carlos Alberto Russomanno <bcomputoATnospamsatlink.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Alguien escribe en castellano?
Message-ID: <345A9882.6139ATnospamsatlink.com>

Me gustaria saber si en la lista hay gente que escribe en castellano.
Espero que si...
Yo vivo en Argentina. Practico meditacion y voy aprendiendo
progresivamente. Desearia intercambiar opiniones con personas que tambien
tengan este interes.
Yo diria que la meditacion, que la busqueda trascendente, no es "un
interes"; mas bien es una necesidad, a veces tan intensa como el agua
fresca en el verano.
Espero ansiosamente una respuesta!

Carlos Alberto Russomanno
E-mail: bcomputoATnospamsatlink.com
Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 15:39:18 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Daniel James Giszczak <danjgATnospamengin.umich.edu>
CC: onarresATnospaminreach.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Vibrations/K
Message-ID: <3459ED94.621ATnospamintercomm.com>

Daniel James Giszczak wrote:
> > it is and was... and then let it go. You don't want to carry it, ma She told me she never channels negative
> things. I'm assuming she didn't get negative impressions during the
> twenty readings she did before I saw her. As soon as I looked at her, I
> got a massive influx of painful energy and a cover like a glove seemed to
> cover my head.

Gloria :
 Obviously she is not as balanced as she thinks, all it takes is getting
involved for having a reaction to something and it all comes in. Just
lower ones vibration through any involvement and it comes through, so
that is why you learn detachment, which means you are the observer and
not the experiencer. My book actually takes the reader through the
vibrations of negative and positive vibrations, as you go from one
frequency to the next as the observer, awareness of the process comes
along with it. If you are interested I need snail mail and $16.50 in the
US, higher for out of the US according to postaage. Gloria


Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 15:21:25 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: BedawnedATnospamaol.com
CC: anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com, keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com,
 kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com
Subject: Re: Kriyas and tantra (was Re: What to expect ...)
Message-ID: <3459E964.6D46ATnospamintercomm.com>

BedawnedATnospamaol.com wrote:
> Dear Anandajyoti;
> Melissa here;
> Perhaps you can clear something up for my Westernized brain. How can one
> practice "detachment" and love at the same time when detachment and love are
> notions inherently opposed to one another. How can one love if one is
> detached?
> A similiar paradox (I mean, who knows, it may be a mere semantical problem
> that I haven't perceived yet and not paradoxical at all) gnaws me in the
> Unknown Teachings of Lao Tsu as well. If dualism is to be rejected as a
> illusion, how is it possible or why is it necessary to understand and
> practice virtue. How can virtue be perceived or known or even exist IF there
> isn't a condition of non-virtue; yet! he says there is no such duality.
> Gloria responce:
The only true and pure love comes from the detached consciousness since
it allows the energy of Divine Will to manifest as love without thought
or emotion from the instrument. The love that Christ had for humanity
for instance, was so far removed from the normal awareness that it was
not understood, but 2000 years later we understand the nature of
selfless giving and see it as a great sacrifice for the human soul. That
was pure love.


Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
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