1997/10/22 13:41
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #535
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 535
Today's Topics:
RE: channeling
Re: Pardon my English-NOT!!!
Re: specialness
RE: Pardon my English-NOT!!!
Re: Pardon my English-NOT!!!
Relation to kundalini?!? {was: Pardon my English-NOT)
RE: Pardon my English-NOT!!!
Pardon my Celt then
Re: specialness
Re: specialness
Re: Enlightened Ego?
The gaining of knowledge comes from many a source
Tolerable Tolerance
Re: specialness
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 23:21:21 +1000
From: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: channeling
Message-ID: <01BCDF46.A8B3ED40ATnospampppclient8.canberra.edu.au>
-----Original Message-----
From: anandajyoti [SMTP:anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 1997 5:44 AM
To: Dieter Dambiec
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: channeling
The ideas arising out of the followers of Buddha, were already present in the Indian society, through Hinduism.
[>] The Vedas have been the source of a great many religious dogma.
Most of the people in the Vedic age drank excessive amounts of fermented juice, called somarasa, and ate meat, including beef. After the advent of Shiva, in the time of the Yajurveda, people were encouraged to rear cows to produce milk and to discontinue eating meat. Nevertheless, many people in the Vaedic age were alcoholics, and even those who performed religious rituals had great difficulty carrying out their duties properly. Consequently, a custom was introduced which made it compulsory for priests to wear a deer skin across their shoulders, called upavita. This clearly identified the priest so that he would not be served alcohol while conducting religious ceremonies. Gradually, over the course of time, the deer skin was transformed into a thread. Today this thread is the symbol of the Brahmin caste in Hindu society.
The Vedas are full of racial sentiments. For example, the Aryans are described as white and are considered superior to the other races. They are termed deities or Sura. The non-Aryans are described as black and are considered inferior to the Aryans. They are termed demons, Danavas or Asuras. The Vedas are full of inequities. Any attempt the establish equality based on the Vedas will be totally false and misleading.
In the past many unpsychological ideas were imposed on the toiling masses and women. If we examine Indian history, we can see that exploited people took the shelter of Jainism and Buddhism, and later of Islam. This occurred because they did not want to live in an oppressive Vedic atmosphere, because they felt suffocated in such an environment.
Today some people advocate Vedic revolution, but how can there be a revolution based on the Vedas when the Vedas themselves are full of dogma?
In the Vedic age, people were oppressed and felt suffocated by the imposition of dogma. They got their first experience of freedom during the life of Buddha, because he was the first to start a crusade against Vedic dogma. This was the reason why Buddhism was accepted by the masses immediately and spread rapidly.
In the Vedic era, the Aryans used to steal food grains and animals from the non-Aryans to perform their sacrifices and rituals (yajinas). In retaliation, groups of non-Aryans used to attack the Aryans to recover their possessions while they were performing their rituals. These attacks were grossly distorted in the Vedas, which gives the impression that the Aryans were good while the non-Aryans were evil. In fact, the non-Aryans were forced to attack the Aryans to recover their food to ensure their survival. Did the non-Aryans do anything bad? No, they did the right thing.
The Vedas contain various slokas (verses) which advise people not to show malice to others, and not be cruel or unjust. For example, ma'himsi means not to show malice to others, while samgacchadvam means let all people move together. These slokas are proof that malice and inequality existed amongst different groups of people in those days, otherwise what was the need of propagating such ideas?
Those who advocate Vedic revolution or values today (eg Hare Krsna) want to return the to the ancient past. There is no concept of revolution in the Vedas. Rather, the teachings of the Vedas imply counterrevolution because they support injustice and racism. The teachings of Buddha and Jain contained the first revolutionary ideas because they opposed Vedic inequality, although the teachings of Buddha are more rational than those of Mahaviira Jain.
Why have Buddhism and Jainism not stood the test of time? Both these religions suffer from two main defects which have undermined their popularity. Gaotam Buddha failed to propound any clear idea about God and the ultimate goal of human life, and he did not try to build a human society based on his teachings. Mahaviira Jain, first of all, gave too much stress to nirgrantha vada or going about naked. Primitive people did not wear clothes, but they began to cover their bodies due to changing climatic conditions. After they grew accustomed to covering their bodies, they began to feel ashamed if they went about without clothes. Hence, Mahaviira's philosophy of nirgrantha vada never gained mass support. Secondly, he placed too much emphasis on forgiveness and mercy. He taught people to forgive their worst enemies, even if they were as deadly as scorpions and snakes. As a result of this teaching, people lost the will to fight against the enemies of society. So, although the teachings of Buddha and Mahaviira Jain were not based on dogma and did not deliberately mislead people, they failed in the course of time because they were not sufficiently comprehensive and well-balanced. (PR Sarkar)
We cannot teach or change anyone but ourselves, through our interactions, exchanges with others and own experience and the understanding of it.
[>] That is politically unreal - a priestly outcome to thwart the growth of society, the Brahmins would be satisfied with the analysis. Krsna in his role as revolutionary leader would not be satisfied. A sociological approach is required.
The resultant cumulative flow of innumerable individuals is termed the social or collective flow, the latter's trough and crest is shorter that the trough and crest of the individual flows. And this shortness of the collective wave-length hastens either an evolution or a revolution.
Manifestative movement acquires momentum from its previous state of manifestative pause. The mildness or severity of the movement depends on both the length of the period of pause and the inherent strength of the structure. A long period of inertness may be termed death only when an old structure is unable to assimilate the vital force of manifestative pause. In this case a newer structure becomes necessary for the manifestative movement of the state of pause.
This new structure may be either a newer form of the old one or an altogether different form. Whatever there is a state of manifestation following a state of inertness, changes are bound to occur within the structure. But that structure can only be called new when the unit mind or the collective mind cannot perceive the distinct change between the old and new forms.
During the previous state of pause, one structure meets with death due to suppression or destruction by another structure. Such deaths occur both in individuals and in society. When a unit or society devours or suppresses another, the necessary assimilation of conflicting waves and the resultant clashes cause its wavelength to become shorter in length, leading to the possibility of structural death. In this process of assimilation, if there is the possibility of vibrational adjustment, the individual and collective structures have a greater chance of acquiring more inherent vitality. .
*** Brahmins and preachers of caste system want to retain the status quo. True spiritualists would see the underlying energy as above described and want to change not only themselves but society as well.
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 15:39:28 +0100
From: "Hugh Stabler" <hughATnospamdtc.rankxerox.co.uk>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Pardon my English-NOT!!!
Message-ID: <01bcdef8$4d1e0540$2c00cb0dATnospamsurrender>
Content-Type: text/plain;
I'm disappointed to encounter racist generalisations like this on this mailing list.
If I want to read this sort of stuff along with the other egocentric drivel which seems
to form a large part of the traffic on this list I can use USENET. Hence I am
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 08:06:09 -0700
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: specialness
Message-ID: <344E1661.5A27ATnospamblarg.net>
Dieter Dambiec, "religious warfare" is of little concern to me. After
reading your posts I come away with one portion which you write:
>It is clear and simple. It conveys the idea that human
>beings should not be worried under any circumstances. Supreme >Consciousness is always with everyone. If one has love for God the door >of liberation or salvation for human beings will immediately open.
Do you beleive this? Is this for everyone? or is it only for those who
believe that "Krs'n'a" is the only avenue to the so-called salvation.
I thank you for the insight of the history however.
Freda ~ BE-IS-AM
ICQ # 4323543
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 00:40:16 -0000
From: David Tompkins <gurudaveATnospamsoback.kornet.nm.kr>
To: "'Hugh Stabler'" <hughATnospamdtc.rankxerox.co.uk>
Cc: "'Kundalini list'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: Pardon my English-NOT!!!
Message-ID: <01BCDF4C.3F926AC0ATnospamGURUDAVE>
Dear Hugh:
You wrote:<I'm disappointed to encounter racist generalisations like this on this mailing list.
If I want to read this sort of stuff along with the other egocentric drivel which seems
to form a large part of the traffic on this list I can use USENET. Hence I am
It has been a most difficult month on the list. There have been many quarrels, racist generalisations, egocentric drivel, and downright bullshit spat out into the forum. Personally, I am new to the list also having only been here for the past three or four months. However, I don't feel that the present traffic is indicative of its normal character. Until recently it was a very open supportive list that dealt with a broad spectrum of beliefs, and I believe was quite constructive in the way it shared information to broach barriers of all sorts (cultural, social, individual, religious, etc.). If you must leave your decision will of course be respected, however I would ask you to reconsider for two reasons:
1) There is difficulty in every path we walk. One cannot leave behind drivel in seeking the universe, because it always re-presents itself to be transformed. In reawakening the human species and the earth to its true place one must choose ones place of work and development, be patient and undaunted. This forum is a good place to exercise that work as its true nature is openness and transformation. Ignorance and pain is to be expected, but with people like yourself who have a clear purpose for being here such moments of difficulty may remain a transient phenomenon. Transform life right here right now, work towards that transformation with a clear mind, have faith and it will unfold right before your eyes.
I said there were two reasons but after re-examining, the second was too similar to the first. I guess I have only one reason to ask you to reconsider. But I have one more thing to mention. Although I am young, I have seen many people, myself included who have walked away from something problematic at the worst moments. Beyond leaving a sense of incompletion and unfulfillment within the self, this can give birth to a repetitive cycle of not taking responsibility for the shit in ones life and in the world. I'm not suggesting this of you, as I know there is always a time when one must leave; the decision is entirely personal. If possible it is better to leave when one is not rejecting but choosing, or rather being led away.
Anyway, whatever you choose, go with love.
The Ox.
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 11:43:04 -0400 (EDT)
From: BedawnedATnospamaol.com
To: hughATnospamdtc.rankxerox.co.uk, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Pardon my English-NOT!!!
Message-ID: <971022113348_1077893502ATnospammrin40.mail.aol.com>
Hugh, puh-lease!
My note was written in a spirit of banter, not meanness. It sounds like you
were just itchin to unsubscribe to me.
Best to you.
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 08:42:14
From: ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Relation to kundalini?!? {was: Pardon my English-NOT)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dear Melissa and Tom,
I wonder how this topic of conversation is related to kundalini?
Perhaps I'm missing the connection...
or perhaps this topic of conversation could be moved off list?
Thanks for your consideration,
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 17:18:43 +-100
From: Tom Bradley <tombATnospamphonelink.com>
To: "'hughATnospamdtc.rankxerox.co.uk'" <hughATnospamdtc.rankxerox.co.uk>
Cc: "'kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: Pardon my English-NOT!!!
Message-ID: <01BCDF0E.8D97C000ATnospamtomb.dev.PhoneLink.COM>
We live on the same island, and I'm as aware of the nature of this country as you are. This 'poor little me - I'm a victim of racism' might fool other people, but you know as well as I do that the Welsh have more to complain about vis a vis racism than the English. Especially when there are writers like A.A. Gill for the Sunday Times knocking our language and our culture is joke fodder for tiresome bourgeois BBC sitcom hacks. If you feel that you're the object of racism - mistakenly - you're now in a position to empathize with Welsh culture. I do not care to see this racism issue become a thread, and rather than seeking attention on this list on that basis, you would be better advised to come up with a more substantial and relevant contribution.
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 12:55:34 EDT
From: Bedawned <BedawnedATnospamaol.com>
To: japserATnospamwin.tue.nl, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Pardon my Celt then
Message-ID: <479c3621.344e2fdeATnospamaol.com>
Hi, Jasper;
<< Great! I'm Dutch, but you're on another island. The differences are to
Are you Dutch descended or living and breathing Netherland wind? I keep Van
Gogh's Starry Night framed largely in my living room. The story of Vincent
and Theo Van Gogh is one of the most moving I have ever encountered. And I
love Vincent's notion that "God is here!" even in the slums of Paris. I love
the life and dignity Van Gogh gave the peasants, the potato eaters, in his
portraits. His reach, his perspective illuminated his connection to universal
goodness, I think anyway.
So perhaps the differences aren't so big. :)
<<Why is it so important to look at ones differences and not at ones
Yes, similiarities tend to be infinite.
<<What has the country where you're from to do with, apart from the start you
made on your own path? The goal is the same.>>
I've heard suggested that karma is not only a feature that individuals work
out, but also clans and countries. My Celtic heritage is something I draw
strength from, whether it be from the legends of Maeve or the Patrick's
Christian monks preserving the greatest legends from Western civilization.
For me, Irish culture and lore sheds light on the paradoxes in my own nature,
because I am at once savage and citizen, barbarian and peace lover. Go
figure. ;)
Yours, Melissa
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 18:45:14 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: specialness
Message-ID: <344EAC2A.7CC7ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:
> Fake it till ya make it, baby!!
Lie until it becomes true? :D
On the Path of Truth, we are on the path of honesty and integrity. This is why I
constantly dissuade people from accepting anything I say as having any form of authority
or worth - unless it equates with their understanding.
The problem with Boddhisatvas, Goddesses and so on is they start to believe their own
publicity. Fine if they are evolved Beings . . . otherwise . . .
Your words which you are claiming to be fake, have no authentic integrity, above and
beyond that of anyone else. I accept that you provide energy for people (shaktiput).
Such low level psychism is quite common.
Every developed person I have met was extraordinary in their ordinariness. Meanwhile
people clustered around the colourful but spiritually useless.
> How powerful can an "I Am" statement be? More effective than an "I wanna
> be" statement, I think.. LOL!
Positive thinking is very worthwhile. Ambition is a worthwhile thing. Why not just term
yourself "Angelique - the Force Behind all manifestation." Amazing - you would actually
consider it. :D
> I am also claiming to be a Boddhisativa (or is it a cannibas sativa?)
> even tho I'm not sure how to spell it. At least I am not alone in that
> one.. Ram said it of me, before me, and oddly enough, a vedic horoscope I
> had cast, recently, says so, too.. huh. Go figure.. at least it explains
> all those awakened past lives memories.
A boddhissatva and a goddess. Buddha be praised. Why don't you just try to develop your
ego to the point were it is strong enough to realise that it is . . .
Well that is your job.
> By the way, I consider you a God also, whether you think yourself one, or
> not. Perhaps someday you will think so yourself .. then my statements will
> make more sense to you. Or not. Whatever pleases you, your Holiness.. I say
> I am Goddess without saying thou art God also, coz how can I speak for you?
> Namaste.
I realise that your conception of diety includes me. However I have a Higher Concept of
Deity. Is this just a question of semantics? Apart from imagination what are your
abilities. You confuse Divinity and humanity. You think psychism is the same as
spirituality. All this is OK, none of us are perfect. There is however an area of
responsibility to those claiming knowledge. You must be judged on your display of this.
Fortunately not claiming any superior power, knowledge or heavenly qualities means I
have nothing to live up to :)
> Sweetie, if you think my list posts are exhibitionistic, imagine what the
> rest of me is like!! Or wait for the video to come out..8P-
> Is it my teachings, or your feelings that are inadverdant? Or both..?
> Inadvertantly I have been teaching Lobster about offering feelings..
> If my teaching is inadverdant, then it is hidden, and therefore occult,
> eh? So what's yer problem?
Any person who finds value in your expression, whether through amusement, comfort,
support, warning or in some other way will gain. It is the other persons understanding
which is occult - in that if they unravel your motivation, understand your clearly
stated position they will gain a knowing of the spurious. :)
I am very pleased that my postings are causing you amusement :) Though I can be very
offensive if people just react without reflection or non-attachment, I think deep down
you have always accepted that this is not the motivation. That pleases me in a human
rather than god like way . . .
Be Well
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 12:15:09 -0700
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: specialness
Message-ID: <344E50BD.5E13ATnospamblarg.net>
Lobster, you write:
......That pleases me in a human rather than god like way . . .
If you can distinguish the difference beween being pleased as "god" from
being pleased as "human" then the realization that you are indeed god
must not be far off.
That pleases me.
Freda ~ BE-IS-AM
ICQ # 4323543
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 15:31:22 -0400
From: imtgATnospamjuno.com (tg xxx)
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: karma
Message-ID: <19971022.153816.13982.2.imtgATnospamjuno.com>
<<I've heard suggested that karma is not only a feature that individuals
out, but also clans and countries. >>
Speaking of karma.... you can add animals to the list, too -- Got an
email from my daughter, Penny, last week saying that her parakeet died
when it got out of her cage and her cat, Jake, began chasing the bird
around the room. Before Penny could catch either one, the poor little
bird died of a heart attack.
Yesterday I received another email from her, saying that Jake the cat
almost died of a heart attack the day before when a visitor came to her
house and brought his dog with him. Seems the dog chased Jake around the
house relentlessly before they could catch either one. (Jake's fine
now, and the tweety bird had a fine Hawaiian funeral).
**God, grant me the serenity
To accept a post I cannot change,
Courage to walk past the computer without
turning it on when I'm running late for work,
And the wisdom to know the difference between "come
to bed now" meaning "lets have some fun" and "come to bed
NOW" meaning "that computer has got to go"! **
http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html <~~~~ on the web now!
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 13:02:56 -0700
From: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
To: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
Cc: david.bozziATnospamsnet.net, Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Enlightened Ego?
Message-id: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
At 12:33 AM 10/22/97 +0000, Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:
> . . . and the precise mix of each that feels like love, is actually a slightly
>different experience for each person. Our perception of love is as
>individual as we are.
Dearest Angelique,
Is the manipulation and reinforcement
of another's pain and psychopathology
an act of love?
It may "feel right"
to both the giver and reciever
what does that mean?
> I usually do not punish my slaves physically for disobedience.. they
>would prefer that I did,.. and lately I find I am wavering with that
>decision, which is a pretty big issue for me. Scares the poop outa me, in
>fact... my intent is fixed on not doing harm.. and I feel like if I change
>my mind, I am about go strolling inna minefield.
Masochism is reflective
of extreme low self-esteem,
as is sadism.
Both are driven
by self-hate, internalized shame and/or guilt.
It seems to me
that reinforcing these scripts
with any form of negative stimuli or punishment
is doing great harm!
>I wonder what Yukteshwar
>would have done
>with students who begged for the cane..??
He would have loved them,
as I love you Angelique.
He would have given them Rumi:
Would that you could know yourself for a time!
Would that you would see a sign of your own beautiful face!
Then you would not sleep in water and clay like an animal: You would
go to the house of joy of all lovely spirits.
You would travel to your every far corner to make yourself manifest,
for a Hidden Treasure has remained concealed with you!
Were you only this body, you would have no news of the spirit; were
you only this spirit, you would rest happily within it.
Like others you would make do with good and evil, you would manage
with this and thatif, that is, you were only this and that.
Were you only one stew, you would have a single flavor; were you
only one pot, you would boil in just one way.
Were you to be purified of this churning agitation, you would reside
on top of the heavens like those who are pure.
To every image of your own imagination you say, "Oh, my spirit, my
world!" Were these images to disappear, you yourself would be the spirit and
the world .
Enough, for your words have become intellect´s shackle! If not for
words, you would be nothing but tongue, like the Universal Intellect.
Enough, for knowledge is a veil upon knowledgeif you know that you
are the King, why would you remain the interpreter?
Sincerely Seeking,
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 13:11:42 PDT
From: "zarcon pitom" <zarconpitomATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The gaining of knowledge comes from many a source
Message-ID: <19971022201144.16070.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
The gaining of knowledge comes from many a source......If you have never
stubbed your toe.....then you know not what the stubbing of the toe
feels like nor do you know what the sensation of pain feels like that
may follow.....These two things are a type of knowledge in
themselves.....so pain can be a teacher and yes the experience becomes
If i am completely etheral can i feel? if i can not feel i lack the
knowledge of feeling do i not? (and yes some might choose to call this
experience or lack thereof) So there are many different types of
knowledge.....not only that which comes from books or scrolls or sacred
texts alone.
All things are purposeful.....do you not recognize them for what they
contribute? even the arguement that something in particular may
contribute nothing does not recognize that nothing is a contribution of
its own.....What of nothingness?
What of Pain and Suffering? What of Love and Joy? What of so many
pain as a tool.....it is one of many and not more or less important than
another.....for it too may lead to knowledge.....but always remember
there are numerous tools and numerous paths to travel.....the question
becomes which path is right for you.....you alone can determine that
you may choose to discuss the paths before you or you may choose not to
discuss the paths before you, but in the end you choose one of three
do this
do that
do nothing
.....but remember the choice to do nothing is still a choice
I tell you not.....right or wrong.....these are personal
assessments.....review them, revise them if the need arises, contemplate
them, evaluate them, determine them Do not espouse them.....they are
yours..... but not to impose.....
The List Mystress talks of pain.....if it works for her and those she
shares experiences with fine.....it does not mean however that it works
for everyone.....i make no judgement of right or wrong or good or
bad.....for who am i to judge? i am but a seeker of knowledge.....this
is my quest.....what is your quest? We all search.....have you thought
of the process of searching.....it too is one of learning.....a method
to the acquisition of knowledge.....search and learn, this i
do.....search and learn, is this for you?
To all: Namaste Ashtu and Mangalum
i am of the ages
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 16:38:15 -0400
From: Gloria <glorybeATnospamintrepid.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Tolerable Tolerance
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Kids, kids....and now a fuss over name-calling?? Even in this overly PC day
and age, it is easier to forgive anything said with some degree of humor.
We are here to learn, even if only what pushes our buttons still. ** Where
you stumble, there lies your treasure.** So, see? It is ALL gift. Whatever
still irritates you.. there is your teacher for today. How we are all to be
one and yet not the same?? Well, I am giving fair warning..due to a
prolonged convalescence, I expect to join those of us with apparently too
much time on our hands..and you may expect me to annoy you on a more
regular basis. I am still desperately seeking the reincarnation of
MrNamaste and swear never to reveal his true identity..but I must know!!!
Oh please take pity on me...
I vaguely recall some connection with Kundalini.. tho apparently the
interest waxes and wanes on the list...real people living real stories..or
perhaps NOT?? Any sort of open dialogue like this is truly an amazing
gift...different countries, ideas...religions being explored and
explained..I just want to thank all who have given their energy to
contribute..the truth seldom needs defending, anyway..it stands
defenseless, as usual.
Still dazzled by love, Glo
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 16:25:36 -0400
From: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: "E Jason" <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: specialness
Message-Id: <9710222327.AB06581ATnospamns.valunet.com>
>The difference between those who are awake and those who are not is very
simple: The
> 'awake' are not concerned with their mind state (or with the assertion
that they may be
> asleep) but with their relationship to Reality and the possibility of
further awakening.
WARNING: To all my friends out there in cyberland. If you are going to play
with this idea wear your helmet !
It could kick you clear out of this reality.
" So Far : So Good "
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