1997/10/20 02:44
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #527
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 527
Today's Topics:
Re: specialness
Re: Swami Sri Yukteswarji Giri
Re: On Light and Dark
Re: The Path of kindness
Re: Guru
Re: Warnings
Re: specialness
Re: On Light and Dark (LONG)
Re: Warnings
malaise fever
Re: Warnings
Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 23:54:47 +0100
From: "Jason S. White" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
To: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
CC: Kundalini <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
Spirit-Mind-Body <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>,
Self Knowledge List <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>
Subject: Re: specialness
Message-ID: <344A8FB7.E1642A77ATnospambluewin.ch>
F. Drew Leyda wrote:
> **********
> *************************
> > I feel that it is not so much of a problem that the ego notices these
> events,
> > but that the ego gets excited and latches on when it thinks things are
> > extraordinary. They are different from everyday experience, true, but
> everyday
> > experience is also extraordinary. Think of the processes involved, the
> > sophistication of, say, being able to see a door and recognize it as a
> door.
> > How does consciousness make this possible. That is extraordinary.
> >
> > Jason.
> **********
> ***************************
> This is a very powerful thought. The first thought it invokes from me is
> that Enlightenment is not something that needs to be found, it is something
> we already have and just needs to be noticed. My second thought is that you
> have already noticed it.
> P.S. I was a breach birth baby and often get the cart before the horse.
> Would you say energy travels from the Earth up through the body to the Sky
> or from the Sky down through the body to the Earth ?
> Drew
Um. I would not really say either. Are those the only two choices I have? I
might say that energy moves in any of a number of directions, not limited to up
and down, and for reasons that are beyond the scope of our perception. But I'm
no expert.
You think I have already noticed Enlightenment? Perhaps. Perhaps not. For me
noticing that everyday perception is extraordinary is not something that means a
grand achievement or attainment of a goal. It is simply an extraordinarily
ordinary aspect of awareness which in itself is grand enough!
Why does a breach birth baby often get the cart before the horse?
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 17:12:19 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Tummo
Message-Id: <199710192212.PAA02682ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>
>From Larry E. Arnold's book, "ABLAZE! The Mysterious Fires of
Spontaneous Human Combustion."
PAGE 177: Testimony and evidence attest that both tummo and Kundalini
can generate inordinate heat in a person. Are tummo and Kundalini
synonymous, then? I think not.
I think tummo's heat is induced by consciously accelerating the flow of
prana in parts of or throughout one's body at the cellular level,
whereas Kundalini is the discharge along the cerebrospinal column of a
bioenergy with much greater potentiality.
Tummo can be a byproduct of Kundalini. Kundalini, however, is certainly
not a byproduct of tummo. Kundalini is more specific, more powerful,
more visually and spiritually illuminating than tummo.
"Gopi Krishna's children told me that when the heat was intense, their
father's cheeks glowed like charcoal. Now, they were NOT speaking
metaphorically," Gene Kieffer, a confidant of the Krishna family wrote
to me. "Also, they said that for a period of time, Gopi Krishna was
consuming more than 200 pounds of sugarcane a day; that he was eating
as much food in one day as 30 working men would consume in one month.
We know that assimilating such prodigious amounts of food requires
tremendous heat.
In 1979 I had the chance to ask him. He reiterated that the "living
electricity" of Kundalini is the fundamental bioenergy of life and
re-emphasised the extreme dangers it poses --- 'equivalent to letting a
child play with Three Mile Island's nuclear reactor control panel.'"
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 17:31:43 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Guru
Message-Id: <199710192231.PAA04901ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>
Muktananda, "Play of Consciousness" p.18:
"There are many gurus in the world. Everyone becomes a guru. Wherever
you go there are nothing but gurus --- so many that people have become
fed up with all their conflicting teachings. Wherever a guru appears,
he starts up a new sect. He has never been anybody's disciple but he
claims to be everybody's guru. There are countless teachings, countless
sects. It has become a way of earning a living, a business that doesn't
involve any hard work. But this is not how it should be.
"A true Guru awakens the inner shakti of a disciple and makes him revel
in bliss of the Self. This is what the Guru really is: he is the one
who awakens the inner shakti, who sets the divine Shakti in motion in
man's body, who gives instructions in yoga, who bestows the ecstacy of
knowledge and the joy of divine love, who teaches detachment in action
and grants liberation in this very lifetime. That supreme Guru is
identical with Shiva. ...He is a descendant in the line of guruhood
that began with Shiva, the primordial Guru. He is worthy of being
worshipped by all. He makes the light blaze in the body of his
disciple, gives him blessing and grace... Such a Guru is great and
exalted; he cannot be understood by the ordinary intellect.
Lilian Silburn explains, "The indescribable transmission from master to
disciple takes place from heart to heart, from body to body. Since in
reality there is only one Consciousness --- the infinite realm of
illumination --- one can understand how the master's illumined
consciousness is able to penetrate the disciple's obscured consciousness
in order to enlighten it."
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 09:08:09 +0930
From: Susanne Macrae <smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Warnings
Message-ID: <344A99E0.7BC3ATnospamcamtech.net.au>
Dear list members,
Posts on this list recently have dealt with warnings about certain
practices. Many writers on K also issue dire warnings. Nobody mentions
what will happen if these warnings are ignored.
Just curious, has anybody got first hand knowledge of destruction or
death or some other dire happening because of a specific practice.
Love, sue
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 17:39:03 -0700
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: CSmith108ATnospamaol.com
CC: FIuteATnospamprodigy.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Swami Sri Yukteswarji Giri
Message-ID: <344AA821.A3519F35ATnospamgeocities.com>
CSmith108ATnospamaol.com wrote:
> Flute,
> I am a devotee of Babaji, Sri Yukteswar's guru. Baba is the teacher of
> the teachers. So it would seem that you are now being called to start your
> teaching, or at the very least to begin to acknowledge that that is who you
> are and what you have come to do on this planet in this lifetime. You might
> take a moment and breathe that in and see what that means to you. You have
> been very blessed, dearest one.
> I have been to Babaji's ashrams in India and also spent time at the ones
> in the U.S. There are also several books out about Babaji. If you would
> like more info, please let me know.
> Love and Blessings, Christine
Dear List !
I just read this post, but would like throw some more light on the personage of
The Babaji referred in Paramahamsa's book and those of his disciples,are not the
same Babaji which many sites have on Babaji, on the net.
There is one site from Montreal, in Canada, which also alludes to Babaji and
there have been some book on this Babaji on the market..
In India any elderly person, who reflect a loving father type personality, in
community of Yogis, Tantriks, Kriya Yogis or any specific temple preacher, are
called Babaji, as a mark of veneration.
This term Babaji in no way connects all Babaji, to be the same person of the
Babaji, who was Lahiri Mahasayas Guru, Sri Yukteshwar's Param Guru.
I hope people in the West don't get all the Babji's out there mixed up as the
same person, bu virtue of being called a Babaji.
In Love Life & Light,
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 13:52:45 +1300
From: jaxx <jaxxATnospamihug.co.nz>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: On Light and Dark
Message-Id: <199710200052.NAA05970ATnospamxyu.ihug.co.nz>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>This is a channeled message.. which seems to be something some of you may
>find very profound. I did.
>And now I talk to you all; about receiving without judgement, of
>realizing the whole, the light and the dark that is always within the
>whole. And that darkness has nothing to do with evil. It is a
>polarity of creation. The darkness is here for embracing, as much as
>the light is in your being. In your journey in this lifetime it is to
>embrace all aspects of your shadow that holds fear as opposed to the
>joys in the great abyss. When we speak of darkness, we do not speak
>of fear. Darkness is an energy of creation. A potent essential part
>of creation as much as the Light. Fear is not this. Fear is part of
>the control, which is there to prevent growth into being whole. So we
>make this definition very clearly that darkness is not fear.
Thank you Ruth for posting this...
For the past year I have been working with a healer who embraces equally the
dark energy and the light energy. I was first sceptical and wary as I
equated dark with evil. I have found that dark (feminine/yin) energy to be
very <<hmmm... how do I descibe it>> restful yet restoration, kinda like
waking up in the middle of the night yet fully refreshed, eyes full of
wonder and a smile on my face.
I have preconceptions about 'things' that lurk in the dark... but I am
finally starting to get over them. There does need to be a balance... but I
feel in a light (masculine) energy based place that a swing over to the dark
(even for a short period of time) would do wonders. I find myself wondering
if many light workers can let go of the fear to truly immerce themselves in
this wonderful abundance source of energy.
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 17:50:10 -0700
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
CC: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: The Path of kindness
Message-ID: <344AAABB.747DD6DCATnospamgeocities.com>
Dieter Dambiec wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: MrNamaste [SMTP:MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net]
> Sent: Sunday, 19 October 1997 2:26
> Krishna plays His flute in the shade.
> The gopis respond.
> Krs'n'a of Vraja. To Him everything is sweet; every atom or molecule of this mundane world is sweet. He has been attracting all the atoms and molecules, all the ions of this world towards Himself by playing on His flute, by radiating His charming smile. Had any one of these atoms and molecules, any one Of the expressions, from a lowly blade of grass to Brahma, the creator of the world, been false, then His flute playing also would have been false, for His divine call is directed to those mundane objects.
> Krs'n'a of Vraja. He attracted to Himself all beings by playing His flute. For Him no-one was down-trodden, no one was fallen, no one was neglected. All were equal to Him; His call was meant for all. The sound of the flute of Lord Krs'n'a has been reverberating throughout eternity. One who contemplates Krs'n'a can immediately hear this sound ( as those of you who practice spiritual sa'dhana' [meditation] may have realized). Now if peoples' minds become engrossed in the mundane world and remain oblivious of Krs'n'a, then they cannot hear that divine sound.
> Anandmuriti
Anandamurti ! I don't know who this Aanandamurti is. I knew a Anandamurti,
in the Purulia Distric of Bengal way back in early sixties. His actual name was
, I dont, recollect his first name right at this moment, bu I am positive his last
name was Sarker. Is this Anandamurti the same as the Anandamurti, I knew.
The fklute of Krishna as mentioned her needs to be taken as an allegory, a symbolism. The flute of Krishna, is within us all. Those who wish to enter the temple of their own silence, can hear it. It is the Inner voice which speaks to us in Silence. It is immaterial whether one calls it Krishna's Flute, or The voice of The Jesus within, or Buddha's call. Its all the same. Spiritual messages, from all cultures carry the essence of the same Truth. Only those who wish to limit themselves to this or that, let them be.
In Love, Life & Light,
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 19:10:39 -0700
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>
CC: Kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Guru
Message-ID: <344ABD94.CB854C66ATnospamgeocities.com>
ori^ wrote:
> Dear Listmembers,
> I am unfamiliar with the term Satguru.
> >grace of God and Satguru.
> Can anyone explain how this differs from guru?
Anandajyoti>Guru in its meaning of this word itself means dispeller of
darkness (ignorance)
conversely, agency or medium which enlightens.
Even in the old times, Sage Astavakra took eighteen animals as Guru,
before accepting a human one. He got his enlightenment initially from
observing and learning from the animals in Nature.
In the modern day world, if we need to know any secular subject in
normal courses of study, we enroll in a school or college, university
and follow the curriculum there. So also in the matters spiritual we
need teachers, who would enlighten in matters spiritual. But there have
been many Gurus, who put a limitation, that when one accepts the
relationship the person must stick to it.
I don't personally agree with this imposition of limitations. A person
doing that to me , I would consider is trying to limit my growth and
development. So I would not accept a Guru like that. I was fortunate in
a sense that in course of my having more than one guru, none of them
tried to limit me in any way. There were no chains to bind me more.
Sat guru, the ever existing, the Pure Guru resides in all of us , His
presence is everywhere. That is what a Satguru means. Many call the
human gurus as satgurus, probably out of reverence, which does not
impart that Infinite Power or Glory to them. Each of us have a different
idea of Divinity. That is why many a time I say, Your idea of God is not
the same as my idea of God, so don't try to impose on me.
The person even in the human form is able to impart me freedom and
encouragement of personal growth, I would revere that person as my
But this is purely on a personal basis, mind you.
Paramahamsa Ramakrishna spoke about grace very simply:
"The grace of the Divine is always blowing, unfurl the sails, and let
your boat take advantage of the winds of grace, to take you your
intended destination quickly.
> >From Kundalini Yoga tradition (from the perspective of a novice)
> I know of "Sat Nam" -- May truth be thy name
> and "guru" -- dispeller of darkness
> Sat Nam is a word used in the Sikh Tradition, not Kundalini Yoga. Sat
> Nam is the invocation of the Divine, through the words of Guru Nanak
> and Guru Govind Singh, the 12th Guru, If I remember correctly.
> Satguru-- Truth of the guru?
> Inner or outer guru?
> Anandajyoti>
Inner and outer guru: Inner Guru is our own Self and the outer Guru is
the one who shows the way, only the way to Light. The outer guru cannot
take me to the destined goal.
> I have a sense of listening to the inner guru--
> the inner body/soul wisdom which illuminates the path
> and have had teachers along the way and most recently
> I have felt myself to be an apprentice to the universal
> energies and it is as if I am handed from one to another
> for learnings of various intensities and levels.
> Anandajyoti>
This is okay, as long as one permits oneself the walk of the talk
through avenues of learning and experience, to arrive at the desired
> When it is said the kundalini must be guided by a guru
> I wonder if it is as simple as listening deeply to that
> ancient wisdom of the body/soul.
The Kundalini process is very good and potentially equally powerful
force of destruction. Physically, emotionally and mentally.There are
many manifestation in the practices of the Kundalini, so it is better to
have a appropriate teacher or guru, who can be trusted to give answers
truthfully, to the practitioner, to avoid the pitfalls and also to guide
in the appropriate direction. For each of us are unique. We should not
forget that.
> The broader piece I'm looking at is what is a guru
> and why would I or another follow a guru when we can
> listen to our own deep inner wisdom?
This totally depended on the individual. If one is confident, and
absolutely sure
of following the inner guidance and go through the experiences on one's
own, then so be it. There is nothing wrong in that.
> And yet I know there are times when:
> an instructor is invaluable...
> a guide is needed for the path...
> How does one find a guru?
In nature we find when seeds are planted in the tilled fields, in the
right season,
then the farmer has done his part. Rest is on the fertility of the land,
the winds, the weather and the rest. if all agencies ar appropriate, the
harvest is there.
If the inner yearning is genuinely strong and sincere, that is enough to
the right guru in one's life. There are lots of tests to check our
experiences in such finds.
> How do you know if you've found a guru?
Anandajyoti>It is like finding your true lover, who will be there with
in times of plenty, in drought, and seasons of bad weather to the point
of annihilation.
> How does one become a guru?
Anandajyoti>To become the leader, one must become a follower first. Rest
In Love Life & light,
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 18:55:39 -0800
From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Warnings
Message-ID: <344AC816.74BEATnospamptialaska.net>
>susan: Posts on this list recently have dealt with warnings about certain
> practices. Many writers on K also issue dire warnings. Nobody mentions
> what will happen if these warnings are ignored.
> Just curious, has anybody got first hand knowledge of destruction or
> death or some other dire happening because of a specific practice.
i started studying wicca independently in my early 20's. right away, my
dreams were imbued by terrorist evil spirits flaunting their
*power* & testing my levels of *fear*, my attic was haunted by an evil
spirit who walked back & forth & up & down the attic stairs quite
audibly & actually *raped* me at one point, & a young guy i knew, (who
was a roommate of my ex-boyfriend, whom i had thrown him & his twin
brother out, & they all moved around the block) went OUT OF HIS WAY to
get hit by a truck when riding his motorcycle past my house & died on my
lawn when i was not home. also, the COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINER turned out
to be an old friend of mine, who i called a few weeks later to ask over,
so - he was able to describe the grisley details of his death to me...
now, i am older & wiser, & i refuse to believe these things are even
possible anymore!
works for me!
all love & light,
valerie cooper
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 22:53:14 -0400
From: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
Cc: "Kundalini" <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
"Spirit-Mind-Body" <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>,
"Self Knowledge List" <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>
Subject: Re: specialness
Message-Id: <9710200541.AA04403ATnospamns.valunet.com>
> Why does a breach birth baby often get the cart before the horse?
> Jason.
We think that is the way it should be.
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 17:03:11 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: "Jason S. White" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: On Light and Dark (LONG)
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971019165551.204A-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Dear Jason: When I read your post on Darkness and Light.. I appreciated
why I continue to enjoy this list. It is full of souls who live in a
multidimensional universe. I am proud to be part ofit.
>> But I agree with the message. Darkness is an aspect of being that is
real. To say "I am of the Light but I am not of the Darkness" is
delusional. Perhaps there is a massive pendulum swing towards the Light
right now. If we are to maintain balance we have to stop the pendulum and
BE STILL. Light is so comfortable and cozy and beautiful. How can we
stray from this and face up to our fears of darkness? That is up to the
individual, but it should be perhaps very slowly, carefully and in safe
surroundings. In my experience, releasing yearnings for light is relieving
in the same way as releasing fears of darkness. Perhaps it is that each
experience of light forebodes the darkness, and every experience of
darkness foreshadows the light. >> I had never thought of it that way
before. Thanks for the insight. I learned in some of my wild ventures into
the universe that only in the space between poles /polarities was I truly
at peace. I learned 18 years ago about zero in the truest meaning of the
word. I tried to tell others, but who could listen then. Now I hear this
message everywhere.. it is when the dark and light merge that there is
utter silence. I also have found that there is a great beauty,
sensuality, promise, lasciviousness and orgasm in darkness...that cannot
be found in light. I think all of it should be our experience, not just
the light and bright. Yes they are the two poles..as I think Mystress
already said.. the goddess and the god.. Shiva and Parvati... Mother and
Father. All are the One. Blessings, Ruth
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 23:07:17 -0400
From: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: "Self Knowledge List" <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>
Cc: "Spirit-Mind-Body" <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>,
"Kundalini" <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Delusion
Message-Id: <9710200556.AA04699ATnospamns.valunet.com>
> The magnitude of my delusion is the extent to which my ego insists that I
> somehow different, unique, special, better, worse, more wise, more
foolish, more
> humble, more powerful, more victimized, etc.
> Jason.
Very Nice
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 23:09:54 -0400
From: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: "Kundalini" <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Cc: "Spirit-Mind-Body" <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>,
"Self Knowledge List" <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>
Subject: Cobra
Message-Id: <9710200557.AB04699ATnospamns.valunet.com>
Can someone please refresh my memory about how to do and the effects of the
Yoga Posture called the Cobra ?
" So Far : So Good "
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 00:01:14 -0400
From: imtgATnospamjuno.com (tg xxx)
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Warnings
Message-ID: <19971020.000134.3766.33.imtgATnospamjuno.com>
You will see the light.
You will see the dark.
You will see the differences
between the two.
And then you will realize
that they are all the same.
Next will come the confusion
that maybe they are not the same.
Are they?
Light & Dark -
Like opposite sides of a coin.
But they are both
part of the coin, and
without both sides
would there not be
a true coin.
(With only one side,
you have a *whoops* mis-print)
This mis-print is now
more valuable than
the true two-sided coin....
Gimme the misprint anytime.
I'll take the light side,
sunny side up,
with some bacon on the side.
* Don't sweat petty things....or pet sweaty things *
>Posts on this list recently have dealt with warnings about certain
>practices. Many writers on K also issue dire warnings. Nobody
>mentions>what will happen if these warnings are ignored.
>Just curious, has anybody got first hand knowledge of destruction or
>death or some other dire happening because of a specific practice.
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 20:46:43 -0800
From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: malaise fever
Message-ID: <344AE20D.1F98ATnospamptialaska.net>
i really don't feel too good about life right now. every time i open up
my heart - somehow i am squashed like a common garden slug. everything i
*know* becomes wrong, & i end up spinning off into a malaise of the
*permanently inadequate to be alive* mindset.
this has ALWAYS been the case. i prefer being alone to being chronically
WRONG & inadequate.
my heart is just fine closed & much healthier than opened to all the
wrong people at the wrong times, for all the wrong purposes.
like a 'measuring stick' - the span of ecstasy finds an equal match in
agony? or - is this my imagination again? i cannot seem to find the
answers fast enough for comfort...
valerie cooper
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 21:41:41 -0700
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: tg xxx <imtgATnospamjuno.com>
CC: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Warnings
Message-ID: <344AE0FF.B765B94DATnospamgeocities.com>
tg xxx wrote:
> You will see the light.
> You will see the dark.
> You will see the differences
> between the two.
> And then you will realize
> that they are all the same.
> Next will come the confusion
> that maybe they are not the same.
> Are they?
> Light & Dark -
> Like opposite sides of a coin.
> But they are both
> part of the coin, and
> without both sides
> would there not be
> a true coin.
> (With only one side,
> you have a *whoops* mis-print)
> UhOh....
> This mis-print is now
> more valuable than
> the true two-sided coin....
> Gimme the misprint anytime.
> I'll take the light side,
> sunny side up,
> with some bacon on the side.
> xxxtg
> * Don't sweat petty things....or pet sweaty things *
> >Posts on this list recently have dealt with warnings about certain
> >practices. Many writers on K also issue dire warnings. Nobody
> >mentions>what will happen if these warnings are ignored.
> >
> >Just curious, has anybody got first hand knowledge of destruction or
> >death or some other dire happening because of a specific practice.
same truth, various faces. Same truth different realizations.
Same truth, we understand what we choose to understand.
Same truth , like the differnt rivers on their way to meet the beloved in
the Ocean.
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 21:22:25 -0800
From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: outside
Message-ID: <344AEA66.6178ATnospamptialaska.net>
somewhere, my deepest impression of *human nature* is akin to the phil
ochs version of "...and i'm sure it doesn't interest anybody outside a
close circle of friends..."
i love god/ess & every part of nature all alone, but seemingly can never
trust another human to be predictably kind.
how does one transfer *agape* to include other homo sapiens?
valerie cooper
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 10:30:51 +0200
From: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: YNGWIEATnospamcwaynet.com.br
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <C1256536.002E1208.00ATnospamais.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
----- Dennis V. wrote ----
Ours is not to question why,
Ours is but to do and die.
Friends, do not please be dellussioned into believing that we are putting
in any amount
of work on behalf of God. We are working for Him, but as for making any
difference in the
the world it is for Him and not for us to decide.
There is a saying in some parts of India -
"Do you mean to teach the architect how to build !?!"
Architect denoting the builder of the Universe, the Supreme Will God.
This world is the curved tail of the dog, straighten it and will curve
keep straightening it and it will keep curving back. All the worlds
emperors, kings, have not made the difference. Only a few men of divine
have made a difference, but their effort was primarily complete self-less
for humankind, not to "make a difference".
Sorry to cut out the excitement and enthusiasm, but our efforts be directed
any results, phyisical, moral or spiritual. Then, with complete detachment
we can
achieve supreme happiness and bliss and union with the Primodal Spirit.
Cheers and love to all
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