Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/10/19 15:03
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #526

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 526

Today's Topics:
  RE: specialness
  Re: specialness
  Mail address error
  Re: Swami Sri Yukteswarji Giri
  Re: tantra sex
  Re: Evolution?
  Re: specialness
  list members foto gallery
  RE: Guru
  please help with my dreams...
  Heat shouldn't burn
  Nancy's question
  the boxer
  Re: On Light and Dark (LONG)
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 11:09:11 +1000
From: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
To: "'anandajyoti'" <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>,
 "F. Drew Leyda"
Cc: "zymphtATnospambluewin.ch" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>,
 Self Knowledge List
Subject: RE: specialness
Message-ID: <01BCDC85.DED392E0ATnospampppclient5.canberra.edu.au>

-----Original Message-----
From: anandajyoti [SMTP:anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com]

  The whole creation is special. All movements are relative to the observer.

[] Query what about the Supreme Consciousness as observer - is that relative? Nature functions withinii Consciousness.

Though the Creative Principle is nature, it functions within the scope of Consciousness - the Supreme Cognition. The Cognitive Principle is the invisible witnessing entity; witnessing the entire universe--both Macrocosm and microcosm. Macrocosm is the psychic counterpart of the Supreme Cognition and microcosmos the direct psychic counterpart of the unit cognition and the indirect psychic counterpart of the Supreme Cognition.

What is the primordial cause of this creation. Human beings have been trying to discover this ultimate cause in various ways. Primitive human beings had an undeveloped intellect. To them rainfall, the dawn and rice were the symbols of gods and goddesses. Matter was of paramount importance in their lives. It was only afterwards that human beings realised that Consciousness is the Supreme cause of creation.

Is nature the ultimate cause? The answer is no. Prakrti - the Supreme Operative Principle, functions according to the limited freedom it has been granted by Purus'a - the Supreme Cognitive Faculty. Purus'a is the Transcendental Entity; Prakrti is merely the immanent power of Purusa. Shaktih sa shivasya shaktih. The style in which Purusa functions is called nature. Nature cannot act independently and thus cannot be regarded as the absolute cause of creation.
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 19:43:50 -0800
From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
CC: zymphtATnospambluewin.ch, Kundalini <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
 Spirit-Mind-Body <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>,
 Self Knowledge List <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>
Subject: Re: specialness
Message-ID: <344981DE.1336ATnospamptialaska.net>

> >jason: I feel that it is not so much of a problem that the ego notices these
> events,
> > but that the ego gets excited and latches on when it thinks things are
> > extraordinary. They are different from everyday experience, true, but
> everyday
> > experience is also extraordinary. Think of the processes involved, the
> > sophistication of, say, being able to see a door and recognize it as a
> door.
> > How does consciousness make this possible. That is extraordinary.
>fdl: This is a very powerful thought. The first thought it invokes from me is
> that Enlightenment is not something that needs to be found, it is something
> we already have and just needs to be noticed. My second thought is that you
> have already noticed it.
> P.S. I was a breach birth baby and often get the cart before the horse.
> Would you say energy travels from the Earth up through the body to the Sky
> or from the Sky down through the body to the Earth ?

v: both! ideally; an 'ac-dc' electrical current is running as an endless
valerie cooper
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 18:01:56 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Mail address error
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971018175645.11221A-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi I am sending this to the list as the person Stephanie seems to have an
address error. If you are a real person Stephanie on our list, this is for
Sent to :

Hi Stephanie:
I just got to your post and your despair.
Write me and I will see if I can help calm the K. down. I have been able
to do this for others. It is probably just stuck somewhere. Needs to be
calmed down and soothed a bit. We are all being activated. My awakening
in 1979 was like yours.. everyone thought I was nuts.. could not sleep,
seeing things all night long etc...it does pass. Keep a diary, go about
your day as best you can, chant and do a mantra all day longand
know that it will calm down. Eat a lotof grounding food.. roots, potatoes,
meat and keep busy with large motor activities.. running, tennis. cleaning
the floor things that involve sweeping, large active movements. There is
hope. Have patience and trust that it will end soon.
Good luck: You are NOT alone!

Everytime one realizes something of the truth, there is a dance in the
heart. The heart is the only testimony for the truth. (Osho)
Ruth Trimble email:<trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 00:08:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: CSmith108ATnospamaol.com
To: FIuteATnospamprodigy.net
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Swami Sri Yukteswarji Giri
Message-ID: <971019000720_-1527780717ATnospamemout05.mail.aol.com>


    I am a devotee of Babaji, Sri Yukteswar's guru. Baba is the teacher of
the teachers. So it would seem that you are now being called to start your
teaching, or at the very least to begin to acknowledge that that is who you
are and what you have come to do on this planet in this lifetime. You might
take a moment and breathe that in and see what that means to you. You have
been very blessed, dearest one.

   I have been to Babaji's ashrams in India and also spent time at the ones
in the U.S. There are also several books out about Babaji. If you would
like more info, please let me know.

    Love and Blessings, Christine
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 00:13:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: CSmith108ATnospamaol.com
To: avrams6ATnospamvega.unitbv.ro
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: tantra sex
Message-ID: <971019001302_202886685ATnospamemout02.mail.aol.com>


    Also, the http://www.tantra.com has some articles you can download.
 There is a wonderful book out from the States called Sexual Energy Ecstasy
by David Ramsdale and his wife. I call it the Divine Mother Bible of Sex.
 It is really wonderful.

   Good Luck!

   Love and Blessings, Christine
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 18:41:33 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Evolution?
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971018182117.11221C-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Dear Indra:
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it.
>>In the new milleneum this , I feel is going to happen that more and more
people will be able to connect the halves and become more knowledgable,
productive, emphatic,and loving to manifest a harmony in the whole
world, which has never has been experienced before.
I agree with you..harmonious is the key.. synthesis and union....
I think you meant to spell "emphatic" as "empathic" am I right?

>>>The collective consciousness is changing at a rapid pace, and
consciousness are being influenced to acknowledge and accept the changes
coming. But a lot more has to evolve in the collective,related to
economics, politics, social participation, before that Supramental
integration flowers to its capacity.
Even Jesus said: "Be still and know that you are God."
I like that statement. Thank you for putting that little piece into the
equation. It seems perhaps that we have been swinging the pendulum far
far to the male side for a long time. About the economics.. I have a
friend who is very conscious who is excited about a new form of economic
wealth that returns profits to the planet. You can find out more about it
 at wwww.fa2nz.com which is the australian/New Zealand site. The US one
is about to start. This might completely restructure the economic values
of the the world. It is happening. The political structure seems to be
also very shakey...I wonder if people everywhere are now going to tolerate
what they have tolerated in the past. We must wait and see.
I am hopeful. There does seem to be a moment or two of the wonder of a
harmonious future appearing now and then...and just that glimpse is
wonderful. I often try to create in my imagination an image of the world
I would like to inhabit an then I send energy into it by adding little
details. In doing this I hope to create it.
Aloha...and Thanks Indra... Ruth
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 01:48:45 -0400
From: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
Cc: <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>, "Kundalini" <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
 "Spirit-Mind-Body" <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>,
 "Self Knowledge List" <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>
Subject: Re: specialness
Message-Id: <9710190838.AA18634ATnospamns.valunet.com>

> > Would you say energy travels from the Earth up through the body to the
> > or from the Sky down through the body to the Earth ?
> v: both! ideally; an 'ac-dc' electrical current is running as an endless
> loop...
> *********************
> valerie cooper

That is sort of the way I feel. When I stand in a sunny spot to meditate I
feel the Sun's energy running a long the outside of my body to the ground
and I also feel the Earth's energy coming up through my feet and shooting
out the top of my head like a fountain.

My, Oh, My !
What a dance.

Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 00:35:51 -0700
From: ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>
To: Kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Guru
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Listmembers,

I am unfamiliar with the term Satguru.

>grace of God and Satguru.

Can anyone explain how this differs from guru?

>From Kundalini Yoga tradition (from the perspective of a novice)
I know of "Sat Nam" -- May truth be thy name
and "guru" -- dispeller of darkness

Satguru-- Truth of the guru?

Inner or outer guru?

I have a sense of listening to the inner guru--
the inner body/soul wisdom which illuminates the path
and have had teachers along the way and most recently
I have felt myself to be an apprentice to the universal
energies and it is as if I am handed from one to another
for learnings of various intensities and levels.

When it is said the kundalini must be guided by a guru
I wonder if it is as simple as listening deeply to that
ancient wisdom of the body/soul.

The broader piece I'm looking at is what is a guru
and why would I or another follow a guru when we can
listen to our own deep inner wisdom?

And yet I know there are times when:
an instructor is invaluable...
a guide is needed for the path...

How does one find a guru?
How do you know if you've found a guru?
How does one become a guru?

Opening to deepen my own understanding of this which is
calling me to experience it.

In service to the process of awakening,

* ori^ *
* <mailto: oriATnospameskimo.com> *
* http://www.eskimo.com/~ori/ori.html *
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 13:44:16 +0000
From: fransATnospamtelebyte.nl
To: KUNDALINI-LATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: list members foto gallery
Message-Id: <199710191146.NAA24973ATnospamdegas.telebyte.nl>

Hello All, i think it's time to do some PR again for our foto-album.
Have a look at:
where some of us have their pictures, and i still would like some
more volunteers. If you would like to be seen there too send me a
picture. (not to the list ofcourse, but to fransATnospamtelebyte.nl)
Or point me the way if you have one on the web. Or send me a 'real'
photograph! Always thrilling to get unvirtual mail with a foreingn
stamp on it. frans.
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 22:16:24 +1000
From: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
To: Kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: Guru
Message-ID: <01BCDCDF.609C3940ATnospampppclient5.canberra.edu.au>

I am unfamiliar with the term Satguru.

>grace of God and Satguru.

Can anyone explain how this differs from guru? [>] Some points below (excuse the reliance on male gender terminology).

[>] Brahma (God) can be realized even through having a wee bit of grace of God or that of a great man. Take a very intelligent boy for instance. If his teacher does not teach him how to read and write, he will not be able to be a learned man, in spite of his having the potentials for becoming one. Similarly, all men have the ability or potentiality of spiritual development or of establishing themselves in the Brahmic bearing, but for want of a worthy guide it cannot take a practical shape. That is why a spiritual Preceptor or Sadguru is necessary - his grace is indispensable. His grace is but God's grace, for God is the ocean of grace.
In the spiritual world also, the sadhaka, while ideating on the Supreme will certainly pass through the different stages of realisation without necessarily being aware of it. When the all-merciful Taraka Brahma physically comes to Earth in the form of a Sadguru He helps the deserving sadhakas to attain this type of samadhi. Even when He is physically absent in this world He helps the deserving persons to attain this samadhi through other gurus.

 The one who leads a spiritual aspirant from the darkness of ignorance to the effulgence of spiritual realization is the Guru. In this sense Brahma alone can qualify as the Guru of the spiritual aspirant When does one find such a genuine Guru? "Mukty'akaunksa'ya Sadguru pra'ptih" - when the human mind becomes restless for the attainment of freedom from the bondage of ma'ya' then Parama Brahma, in the form of a Sadguru, appears before the seeker and helps in his or her spiritual progress by imparting diiks'a (initiation). So, in spiritual sphere the role of sadguru and the importance of initiation should be properly understood by spiritual aspirants.

Intuitional practice (Sadhana) has to be learnt from a Great Preceptor (Sadguru) and emancipation is obtained by following that system. Nothing can be achieved by merely depending on the preceptor without carrying out intuitional practice (Sadhana). Everyone will have to carry out intuitional practice. Emancipa tion is not possible without it. Some have the erroneous impression that the would attain emancipation due to the kindness of the preceptor. It is true that liberation is not possible with out the Great Preceptor's kindness. Yet the impression that it can be obtained without effort is a mistaken idea. One will have to deserve his kindness and then alone it will bestowed. It cannot be thrust on an undeserving disciple. To deserve his kindness one has to follow the method taught by him with devotion and faith and not to rest content on the assumption that the Great preceptor would bestow everything even without any effort on the part of the disciple. Others have the impression that since they are disciples of Great Preceptor and since he has come for elevating the fallen, he would take them as a cowherd col lects all his grazing cattle before he leaves the pasture at dusk. This is not a correct comparison. The purpose of a great preceptor coming into this world is not to graze his disciples like cattle. The great preceptor comes to liberate men like Himself, to change men into God. Men will hence have to make an earnest effort for carrying out Sadhana (intuitional practice) as mere idle dependence on the preceptor cannot obtain emancipation.
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 10:43:58 -0400
From: "Nancy Eckert" <watrfallATnospamniagara.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: please help with my dreams...
Message-Id: <199710191441.KAA29016ATnospamchardonnay.niagara.com>

Hello everyone,
I had two really strong dreams last night and I think that I may understand
what they are about but would really be interested in what all of you have
to say about them.
I am going to court this week to finalize my divorce...

The first one was..
I was staying with a friend who lived by lake Ontario. There was a bench in
the yard that looked over the lake and if you sat in it and meditated you
would find peace. So I sat in the bench and relaxed.. A seagull and a hawk
came out of the lake and flew close over my head. They were so beautiful
and I felt their freedom. Then animals started coming out of the lake in
groups horses, sheep, deer, antelope and more they were all so beautiful
and they all came up to me and I watched them go by. I think it was bison
that came next and I had to get up off the bench because they looked like
they might walk right into the bench, so I let them go by.
Then there was a great noise barking and shrieking.. my friend came running
over and grabbed me off the bench, yelling the dogs!! They came running out
of the lake, they looked like they were part jackyl hungry and mean. She
pulled me over in front of the neighbours house to be safe and the dogs
surrounded her house but we forgot, in the confusion, about my two siamese
cats that were playing in front of the house (both of my cats Bear and
Cougar have passed over for about 5 years now),
When we went over to see if there was any damage, we found my two cats had
been killed by the dogs.
She said that the dogs appear every two and a half months, she was sorry
but didn't realize that it would happen when I was sitting there.

Second one was..
I was livng with my two sons on an island, it was all fenced... it looked
like a military instalation. We had finished our stay there and were ready
to move on. The ships came to take ourselves and belongings to the
mainland. There was a bit of a celebration of sorts and then we all got on
the ship. As we were leaving the island something happened, two ships
crashed and all of the large containers fell off the ship.
I thought, oh great I bet it's our stuff. Sure enough half of our
belongings emptied into the ocean. We all jumped off the ship into the
ocean to see if we could recover anything but the only things that I could
find were things that floated. A few clothes and my large collection of
angel figurines (I don't really have a collection of angel figurines in
real life). Some people thought I was stealing because they didn't believe
that all of the angels were really mine. I found my youngest son and we
went to find his toys but they were all lost. We did find a lady who said
that we could register to get free Christmas toys but we had to do it then
because it was Nov. 14... the last day to register. The dream ended by me
standing there looking around thninking ... geeze this is weird :)

Thanks in advance!

'Know Thyself'
Carved above the the gate of the Oracle of Delphi
'Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the
peace of God...
A Course in Miracles

WaterFall in spirit
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 14:45:14 -0400
From: Teresa <TGarlandATnospamvipmail.com>
To: K List <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Heat shouldn't burn
Message-ID: <344A5537.B0B6A123ATnospamVIPMail.com>

I'm new to the list and assume that there is a general awareness of
working with heat safely. But when I saw the recent messages about
heat, and didn't see the warnings, I became concerned.

For those new to practices such as heat generation that send energy up
the spine, you should know that there are both safe and unsafe ways of
doing this. Here are some of the ways I've heard to keep if safe. I AM
NOT A TEACHER, if you are doing a heat practice, you should be working
with a teacher.

1. You want a path for the energy to come back down. If you let a very
strong burst go up, without a downward path, you risk severely damaging
yourself (including insanity). Mantak Chia warns about breaking skull
bones. Beginners can bring the energy down the same way it came up.
One Tibetan teaching brings it down in silver drops (it's beautiful and
blissful). There are other paths down, that seem to vary according to
practices. The one I use goes through the palate. It works well for

2. A Tibetan Geshe told me to not do the heat practice everyday.
First, he said, it could be addictive. Second, he was concerned with

3. I've been told to limit the number of heat loops to about 12 in a

4. I also believe it is unsafe to meditate on the Crown or Eye Chakra
for more than short periods, but since my practices do not include this,
I am not sure -- someone else may want to comment on this.

A good introduction to Tibetan Tantric practice with safe but rewarding
practices is Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's Clear Light of Bliss. I am also
impressed with Mantak Chia's Taoist books.
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 09:20:38 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Nancy's question
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971019090217.8553Z-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi Nancy:
You said :>>
Can you tell me more about your perspective on this? Why are angels
"stuffing" us with light? What is their role in interacting with us? Why
is it important for us to wake up now? How do you believe this works?
I'm very interested in your views.Namaste, Nancy
It is rather figurative Nancy. Their role is to assist us in raising the
light quotient on the planet. We are preparing for a big change in the
"space" field that the planet will inhabit. This will alter our whole
spiritual alignment...well for some. It is sort of like coming to a fork
in the road. Many souls want to be incarnate now as from all I can gather,
having a 3rd dimensional body is a prerequisite to ascension of a certain
type... that is why so many entities hang out and try to get into bodies.

Very soon and it looks as if it could be 2012, there is going to be a big
division of shall we say... those who graduate and those who have to
repeat the lessons not learned correctly. The angels are trying to put as
many souls into the graduating class as possible. That is why some of us
have been given the privilege of kundalini to assist this waking up. I see
the K. as part of the planet coming to her own awakening and we are
literally HER.. because of the K. which flows through us. We are like her
seeds if you like..and we are growing with her as Gaia ascends to the 5th
dimension. Some say we are alreayd at the 4th.. but I am not sure. I know
that being 5th dimension (odd number) is better than being 2nd or 4th.
The 2nd dimension is rocks, crystals, metals, minerals and plants...
I read about this in Barbara Hand Clows series of books... and feel as if
I read my own soul memory in it.

The 3rd and 5th dimensional reality is creative...and the Pleiadeans come
from this level that is how they help us as they relate to us more closely
than the little grey beings and the Orions.. who are 4th dimensional.
Well you don't want to hear about ET's I guess.. but an angel is an ET and
we all believe in them, don't we? Many of the angelics come from
Arcturus. My boyfriend came from there to help out on the planet right
now. They are very advanced, loving and totally helpful to humans. Also
there are beings from Venus called Hathor (see Egyptian pictures of these)
who are also devoted to helping human beings.

This is not the total sum of all I can tell you..as there is a certain
amount about the ET thing that many do not want to know.. But one thing I
must say.. the bad ET's will do what they will without asking your
permission.. i.e. the stories of abductions.
 The angels will NEVER do this.. as it violates a sacred law of God that
we should always have free will choice...so the only way an angel can help
you is when you ASK... on my web site at:
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/4106 I have a plea for the Angels
to come.. and they did come. It is no joke, no fancy of the mind.. if you
do not ask, they will not aid you. If you need them.. ASK them to help..
be specific and clear.
Hope you understood my little figure of speech now...
Well that is my sermon this week!
Love Ruth.
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 13:07:34 -0800
From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: the boxer
Message-ID: <344A766B.79C4ATnospamptialaska.net>

*cause 4 pause*
"...still a man she hears what she wants to hear, & disregards the
rest...lye-la-lye, lye-la-lye-lye-lye-la-lye, lie-la-lie, lie-la-lie lie
lie la lie lalalalalie!"
valerie cooper
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 14:53:44 PDT
From: "zarcon pitom" <zarconpitomATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Choices
Message-ID: <19971019215345.8580.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Dear K-Listers:

The Physical expresses choices
The path is known to few but open to all who choose
The day is full of light
and The path to joy is long
take the path dear friends
One night along the road i traveled
Weary from my battles
Awake at last to the truth----of love and light
War has torn me apart
I crave for peace and joy and happiness
To rid myself of death and destruction
Countless lives have been lost before me and those alike
If only there had been another choice, BUT I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO OTHER
All i sought and finally found, is light and goodness all around
make peace with myself and then with others
i offer help, to those still stumbling on the ground
i knew and buried kundalini for i was told this is no geni
your crazy they said its battle fatigue
you'll be fine they said your home they said

the finer i became the more was bottled in
and THEN one day i opened the bottle and out came the geni again

im happy now
i found the light
joy to all, even on halloween night
little witches, goblins, magicians too
know only peace and joy and love
know not the lives ive seen before
be ignorant and blissful, just open the door
dont be told its all a bunch of convoluted dreams
Kundalini is more than at first it seems
Be Well my friends and those i do not yet know
My youth has gone, midlife is here, one day will come the winter of my
no more the springtime will i see, the light is just above the trees
the sky is beautiful all around, the birds chirp and the animals make
the ocean smells are sensous to me
the mountain trails are pleasant scenery

The honeysuckle scent is sweet
I smell it, even on the busiest street
Once more the light is warm and bright
I see it with, both my inner and outer sight
The inner self sees black bits fly away
full of joy i am today

When it becomes my turn, I'll be alone
For twenty or so year----that ive known
Joy is here, the path is right
Kundalini is my delight
My life will have 120 years
This decree has been given to me
Much left to do in my remaining time
For i am young at heart and open in mind
This list has helped a great deal
Maybe i can help you heal
We sit on the sidelines and watch you see
>From the view of self, life can really be fun ny

Lots of Love and Light
Namaste Ashtu and Mangalum

i am of the ages

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 23:51:08 +0100
From: "Jason S. White" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
To: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: On Light and Dark (LONG)
Message-ID: <344A8EDC.12E378DATnospambluewin.ch>

Ruth Trimble wrote:

> This is a channeled message.. which seems to be something some of you may
> find very profound. I did.

<message snipped>

Excellent. Thanks for posting this message.

People are perhaps rightfully phobic about darkness. There is a lot of fear,
pain and difficulty there.

But I agree with the message. Darkness is an aspect of being that is real.
To say "I am of the Light but I am not of the Darkness" is delusional.
Perhaps there is a massive pendulum swing towards the Light right now. If we
are to maintain balance we have to stop the pendulum and BE STILL.

Light is so comfortable and cozy and beautiful. How can we stray from this
and face up to our fears of darkness? That is up to the individual, but it
should be perhaps very slowly, carefully and in safe surroundings.

In my experience, releasing yearnings for light is relieving in the same way
as releasing fears of darkness. Perhaps it is that each experience of light
forebodes the darkness, and every experience of darkness foreshadows the

Two aspects of the same thing predict each other and peace is found in the
release of both. Stillness is found in the center.

Or maybe I am lost in the metaphor.



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