1997/10/18 18:56
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #525
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 525
Today's Topics:
The Path of kindness
remove my name
On Light and Dark (LONG)
Lessons from the Soul - #32
Re: Unidentified subject!
Re: On Light and Dark (LONG)
RE: The Path of kindness
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 11:26:00 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The Path of kindness
Message-Id: <199710181626.JAA10734ATnospammailtod-2.alma.webtv.net>
If in truth you have a kind heart, ask not.
Supreme Good Fortune. Truly kindness will be recognized as your Virtue.
True kindness soes not count upon merit and gratitude but acts from
inner necessity. And such a truly kind heart finds itself rewarded in
being recognized, and thus the beneficent influences will spread
Here the place of the heart chakra is reached. The impulse that spreads
from this source is the most important of all. It is of particular
concern that the influence be constant and good; then, in spite of the
great susceptibility of the human heart, there will be no cause for
remorse. When the quiet power of a man's own character are at work, the
effects produced are right. All those who are receptive to the
vibrations of such a spirit will then be influenced.
Influence over others should not express itself as a conscious and
willed effort to manipulate them. Through practicing such conscious
excitement, one becomes wrought up and is exhausted by the eternal
stress and strain.
A man brings about increase by producing in himself the conditions for
it, that is, through receptivity to and love of the good. Thus the
thing which he strives for comes of itself, with the inevitability of
natural law. Where increase is thus in harmony with the greatest laws
of the universe, it cannot be prevented by any constellation of
In the time of gathering together, we should make no arbitrary choice of
the way. There are secret forces at work, leading together those who
belong together.
Where inner relationships exist, no great preparations or formalities
are necessary.
Krishna plays His flute in the shade.
The gopis respond.
This refers to the involuntary influences of a man's inner being upon
persons of kindred spirit. This is the echo awakened in men through
spiritual attraction. Whenever a feeling is voice with truth and
frankness, whenever a deed is the clear expression of sentiment, a
mysterious and far-reaching influence is exerted. At first it acts opn
those who are inwardly receptive. But the circle grows larger and
larger. The root of all influence lies in one's inner being: given
true and vigorous expression in word and deed, its effect is great.
This effect is simply a reflection of something which eminates from the
heart chakra. Any eliberate intention of producing an effect would only
destroy the possibility of producing it.
I am an uneducated, very simple human being who lives a very mundane
life. When I was young, my own guru told me:
Teachers teach best, that which they most need to learn.
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 13:52:29 -0500 (CDT)
From: shotzee2ATnospamix.netcom.com (Helen D Lein)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: remove my name
Message-Id: <199710181852.NAA09537ATnospamdfw-ix15.ix.netcom.com>
Please remove my name from the mailing list.
Thank you.
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 09:12:07 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: On Light and Dark (LONG)
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971018090919.5840D-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
This is a channeled message.. which seems to be something some of you may
find very profound. I did.
Subject: Re: [ELM] Archangel Metatron--channelled by Kathleen Murray
This is an interesting channeling that comes in the wake of Roger's
recent messages about his contact with Lucifer.
Channelling by Metatron, through Kathleen Murray
25Th May 1997 Rhynie
Channelled by Kathleen Murray
It is I, Archangel Metatron. I have great pleasure in being here, in
being able to communicate through this one. It is I who have been
working through you recently - touching into the souls of many to
allow them understanding of the vast-ness and greatness of the
Universes. Of all the forces of light and dark; for the source of
creation creates within the polarities of Light and dark. It has
always been so, and always will be so. I may appear to you in
different forms, though you will know me when I come. If you wish to
communicate with me directly, if you feel this is on your path, then
call in a being that you are familiar with. I am coming through to
this one via Ashtar. I can come through to you through Ashtar, or
through Sananda, through Merlin, through any of the Ascended Masters
that you know. The polarities of Light and dark need understanding
without judgement, they need understanding without any of the control
systems that have been established on your planet - to separate. I
cannot come to you to share my wisdom unless you are ready to release
the control systems to recognise the programming that is in your
being, that has been here seeded to bring wholeness at this time.
And now I talk to you all; about receiving without judgement, of
realizing the whole, the light and the dark that is always within the
whole. And that darkness has nothing to do with evil. It is a
polarity of creation. The darkness is here for embracing, as much as
the light is in your being. In your journey in this lifetime it is to
embrace all aspects of your shadow that holds fear as opposed to the
joys in the great abyss. When we speak of darkness, we do not speak
of fear. Darkness is an energy of creation. A potent essential part
of creation as much as the Light. Fear is not this. Fear is part of
the control, which is there to prevent growth into being whole. So we
make this definition very clearly that darkness is not fear.
When you find yourself unaware of being able to distinguish between
the magic of the great abyss, which incorporates all the dream time,
the collective consciousness of the dream field in all realities, and
of the darkness inside yourself which you may not wish to look at,
then call on us and we guide you through your looking, that you may be
prepared to look at, and face your own fears held within the darkness
of your being. And to take away those own fears like the veils of
illusion that they are - so that you may see the light clearly and the
dark clearly. It is time to embrace all.
For in the Ascension process we ascend into the light and we also
ascend into the dark. We ascend into wholeness and we ascend into the
knowing of Source, and that light. As soon as we reach that level of
Source, and our being can be and contact and remain in contact with
the Source of creation. Then all at once our journey embraces the
whole of the light and the dark together. Within the being space of
the source of creation, the doorways to the darkness lie. And they
lie for exploration for all of you who are the journeyers, the
When you are ready your I am presence will guide you. And call in
ourselves - Archangel Metatron that you may first of all experience
being at one with Source, to be able to embrace the darkness within
you as well as the light. Have no fear of darkness that is our
message to you today. Why have fear of darkness? Ask yourself.
Where do your fears lie, where do your fears lie of evil? You will
find they only lie inside yourself, for that is where they can only
lie. Fears and programming placed within the sub-conscious of
humanity in its journey of evolution. Fears and programming placed
in humanity by counterparts of yourselves from different stellar
systems to enable the progress of evolution. As well as by those who
have interacted with humanity who have not been concerned with the
progress of humanity. These are the places where your deepest fears
lie. And we say that now face them, face them with all the help that
is here, all the assistance that is here.
We wish to see all the light workers in the world able to be workers
for the dark as well, for through their light work they can contact
the being of themselves that lies at Source, that can see without
judgement the darkness that is in the universes, the multi-verses, the
whole of existence. It is for now for those pioneers, through their
meditations to become workers of such power of knowing in their hearts
who already live in their lives by the principles of unconditional
Love and unconditional Trust. Unconditional trust is needed to be in
your being. It needs to be in your being that you may feel safe and
secure as a multi-dimensional being to look at darkness in yourself,
in all its aspects. To see how constructive and how much part of
creation this darkness is, and to be able to look into this darkness
without fear.
It is the same as being able to look into the light without any fear,
and we realise that many of you have dedicated your lives to being
light workers. This has given you the strength and the courage and
the ability to contact your own guidance, your I am presence, and to
live your lives through with your I am presence and your guidance.
Yet now we offer you this challenge - can you embrace the dark as well
as the light? I Archangel Metatron encourage you to do so. I
encourage you to be a pioneer. I encourage you to transform yourself
into a light worker of the multi-verses, a light worker, a dark
worker. I encourage you to transform yourself into a light worker of
the universes. There is no difference when there is no judgement.
I realise that this challenge an opportunity to see your fears. My
colleague who stands by my side is Archangel Michael, who will always
assist you when you feel fearful. Together we work as a team. And
together we will work with you as a team, on taking the judgement out
of darkness, and allowing yourself to be in the whole of Creation to
have a knowing-ness of the whole of Creation, stripping away the
illusions of fear in your growth into light, and your growth into
darkness. We salute you with your courage to take on this
challenge. And we leave you in our Love. It is I, Archangel Metatron
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 16:43:28 -0600
From: John Otis <sacredwindATnospamusa.net>
To: sacredwindATnospamusa.net
Subject: Lessons from the Soul - #32
Message-ID: <34493B90.3880ATnospamusa.net>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------546CDE482D"
Greetings from the Hill of Light,
The air is crisp, the days full of autumn smells ans sounds, the sky is
blue, the sun is warm - a wonderful time of the year for us in the
northern hemishpere. The pace of life, however, seems to be
consistently busy and increasing in intensity. There is much being
given to each of us to experience, to accomplish, to understand, and to
know. The awakening to soul consciousness calls for a very energetic
pattern of application of that which we know. In the midst of the 'eye'
of the abundant activity is the peace and quiet of simply 'knowing the
Truth' and being that Truth of the Real You.
We feel this activity moment by moment here at The Eye of the Sacred
Wind. We have just been offered four books to publish in addition to
our own book that is currently going through final rewrite. We know
that the funds to self-publish these works will manifest soon. The pace
of life is busy but imbued with peace, harmony, and infinite Love.
May these Lessons touch the inner you in a way that accelerates the
awakening process to an ever greater degree.
Blessings of abundant Love and Light,
John and Cheryl
>From the Land of Enchantment
>From the Land of Enchantment
We come in the consciousness of Oneness knowing the truth
that all is connected and all is One. This is the only
truth of existence; however, there appear to be many
divisions of this One truth and many assumed points of
reality that are seen to be true for the moment which indeed
they are. But the only eternal truth, that which resides
within the consciousness of the soul, is the truth of
Oneness, the truth of connectedness, the truth that
permeates all creation, the truth that all of existence is
an emanation of the Love and Light of the consciousness of
This is an era, this is a time that has been pre-ordained, a
time when all that is not consistent with this One truth is
cast out,. This is a time when all perceptions need to be
grounded in this One truth. Any perceptions, any
preconceived notions or old paradigms of action or thinking
need to simply be dissolved, discarded, and eliminated from
the applied consciousness of the soul so that the singular
truth of existence can be made manifest in every thought,
every word, and every deed.
It is a time, as might be said, to clean house, to put away
those things that are no longer necessary, to move into the
central room of consciousness where all is swept clean and
there is simply the purity of Love and Light being
demonstrated, being made manifest, being the total
expression of consciousness in all moments of every day.
So you see, this is a time when such cleansing and
purification is being motivated through the many avenues of
expression that are being offered to the awakening souls
inhabiting Earth. Listen carefully to that which is given.
Feel deeply that which is offered and align completely with
that which emanates the Love and Light of the consciousness
of creation. All else is but a passing fancy and has no
substance of its own.
This is a time to erase and to eliminate all that is not
focused on the presentation of the Love and Light that you
are. This is a time of rapid acceleration and evolution of
consciousness as souls are drawn into the truth, the
singular truth of existence. So embrace all that is
occurring. See clearly that which is penetrating into the
applied consciousness of the soul as it is emanating from
the very center of consciousness. Feel the momentum.
Willingly let go of all that is not consistent with or not
the emanating pattern of the Love and Light from within.
There is no alternative. It is simply a process of
consciousness unfolding, consciousness being realized,
consciousness being fully manifest, consciousness being
aligned with the singular truth of the consciousness of the
soul. It could not be said more clearly. Listen, feel,
apply, release and let the Love and Light of the
consciousness of creation be your only point of reference.
Let that same Love and Light be the complete statement of
your existence. That is all there is. Let it be so.
We are again collectively together as one. How could it be
otherwise, for how could you ever be separated from the real
you? You are always who you are. In the pattern of
experiencing certain outer conditions, you sometimes assume
an identity that is somewhat limited and then you say that
that limited identity is who you are; but you find certain
points along your experience that seem to remind you that
there is more, that there is something beyond that limited
identity. So you look within and you begin to remember and
begin to associate with the eternal qualities of the soul
that have always been present, will always be present, and
are the statement of existence of the eternal real you.
It is important of course to remember this statement of being
that you are. That is the whole point of each and every
experience. As you walk through your current chosen pathway,
recognize along the way the signposts that are offered,
recognize the connecting links that are presented, and feel
the thread of awakening that has been passing through each
and every experience for many lifetimes. It is because of
this connected pattern of experience that you recognize and
sense certain depths of remembrance and identify with certain
patterns of expression that you experience. When this
occurs, it is important to remember and to stop and feel what
is being offered, to sense the connecting points, and to
remember why this experience is again being offered.
It is in remembering the points along the way that you weave
the tapestry of remembering. As this tapestry becomes more
connected and woven more tightly, you find that it completely
surrounds and encompasses all that you are, and you find that
the tapestry is the complete statement of who you are.
So take each point along the way and weave it into the
awakening and remembering that is taking place. Feel the
connecting points and let the tapestry of awakening take form
and you will remember, you will recognize the complete
statement of being that is being presented moment by moment.
There are many experiences that each soul has had as
repetitive passages through three dimensional experience. As
there is a remembrance of these experiences and as there is a
remembrance of the purpose for these experiences, then the
understanding grows and matures and flowers, and the tapestry
of awakening becomes ever more tightly woven.
So take each experience not for what it appears to be, but
for what it reminds you of in terms of the purpose for not
only the current experience, but previous experiences that
have brought you to this point of remembering. It is like a
progressive and increasingly important and impressive
procedure where you first see a portion of what is being
offered and then in the next cycle with another experience,
you add to that which has been offered and you see a little
more. And you keep adding and adding and adding to the
experience and remembering more and more. There then comes a
point when the experience becomes you and you become the
experience, and you know the purpose, you remember your
identity, and you feel completely connected to all creation.
It is a progressive, expansive statement of the infinite and
eternal real you.
Take each step not as individualized, segmented, and
separated steps, but take each step as part of the connecting
of the dots bringing the tapestry of awakening into reality,
to where it encompasses all consciousness, the consciousness
of Oneness, the awareness that you have of the real and
eternal you. The real you is the complete tapestry that is
being woven. The real you is the essence of the creative
impulse. The real you is who you are.
AWKNG: 70714
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 16:29:05 -0700
From: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
To: zarcon pitom <zarconpitomATnospamhotmail.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
Message-id: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 01:31 PM 10/17/97 -0700, zarcon pitom wrote:
>Some of you think that Zarcon can not
>communicate properly
Dear Zarcon, I think you communcate quite well. I see a great deal of
strength and courage in what you have written thus far. Your positive
attitude reflects a great deal of resiliency in you. As Lobster has
suggested, I have prayed for you, and I am sure many others are praying as well.
>I have taken the time to write a small part of my story and zarcon can
communicate it to you. I have more to tell
I will be glad to hear what you have to say when you are ready to tell more.
>Wishing you all joy, happiness without evil and find the path to
Thank you Zarcon.
I send you love and wish joy and happiness for you.
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 18:46:10 -0700
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: On Light and Dark (LONG)
Message-ID: <3449665D.9CE49270ATnospamgeocities.com>
Ruth Trimble wrote:
> This is a channeled message.. which seems to be something some of you may
> find very profound. I did.
> *****
> Subject: Re: [ELM] Archangel Metatron--channelled by Kathleen Murray
> This is an interesting channeling that comes in the wake of Roger's
> recent messages about his contact with Lucifer.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Channelling by Metatron, through Kathleen Murray
> 25Th May 1997 Rhynie
> Channelled by Kathleen Murray
> It is I, Archangel Metatron. I have great pleasure in being here, in
> being able to communicate through this one. It is I who have been
> working through you recently - touching into the souls of many to
> allow them understanding of the vast-ness and greatness of the
> Universes. Of all the forces of light and dark; for the source of
> creation creates within the polarities of Light and dark. It has
> always been so, and always will be so. I may appear to you in
> different forms, though you will know me when I come. If you wish to
> communicate with me directly, if you feel this is on your path, then
> call in a being that you are familiar with. I am coming through to
> this one via Ashtar. I can come through to you through Ashtar, or
> through Sananda, through Merlin, through any of the Ascended Masters
> that you know. The polarities of Light and dark need understanding
> without judgement, they need understanding without any of the control
> systems that have been established on your planet - to separate. I
> cannot come to you to share my wisdom unless you are ready to release
> the control systems to recognise the programming that is in your
> being, that has been here seeded to bring wholeness at this time.
> And now I talk to you all; about receiving without judgement, of
> realizing the whole, the light and the dark that is always within the
> whole. And that darkness has nothing to do with evil. It is a
> polarity of creation. The darkness is here for embracing, as much as
> the light is in your being. In your journey in this lifetime it is to
> embrace all aspects of your shadow that holds fear as opposed to the
> joys in the great abyss. When we speak of darkness, we do not speak
> of fear. Darkness is an energy of creation. A potent essential part
> of creation as much as the Light. Fear is not this. Fear is part of
> the control, which is there to prevent growth into being whole. So we
> make this definition very clearly that darkness is not fear.
> When you find yourself unaware of being able to distinguish between
> the magic of the great abyss, which incorporates all the dream time,
> the collective consciousness of the dream field in all realities, and
> of the darkness inside yourself which you may not wish to look at,
> then call on us and we guide you through your looking, that you may be
> prepared to look at, and face your own fears held within the darkness
> of your being. And to take away those own fears like the veils of
> illusion that they are - so that you may see the light clearly and the
> dark clearly. It is time to embrace all.
> For in the Ascension process we ascend into the light and we also
> ascend into the dark. We ascend into wholeness and we ascend into the
> knowing of Source, and that light. As soon as we reach that level of
> Source, and our being can be and contact and remain in contact with
> the Source of creation. Then all at once our journey embraces the
> whole of the light and the dark together. Within the being space of
> the source of creation, the doorways to the darkness lie. And they
> lie for exploration for all of you who are the journeyers, the
> adventurers.
> When you are ready your I am presence will guide you. And call in
> ourselves - Archangel Metatron that you may first of all experience
> being at one with Source, to be able to embrace the darkness within
> you as well as the light. Have no fear of darkness that is our
> message to you today. Why have fear of darkness? Ask yourself.
> Where do your fears lie, where do your fears lie of evil? You will
> find they only lie inside yourself, for that is where they can only
> lie. Fears and programming placed within the sub-conscious of
> humanity in its journey of evolution. Fears and programming placed
> in humanity by counterparts of yourselves from different stellar
> systems to enable the progress of evolution. As well as by those who
> have interacted with humanity who have not been concerned with the
> progress of humanity. These are the places where your deepest fears
> lie. And we say that now face them, face them with all the help that
> is here, all the assistance that is here.
> We wish to see all the light workers in the world able to be workers
> for the dark as well, for through their light work they can contact
> the being of themselves that lies at Source, that can see without
> judgement the darkness that is in the universes, the multi-verses, the
> whole of existence. It is for now for those pioneers, through their
> meditations to become workers of such power of knowing in their hearts
> who already live in their lives by the principles of unconditional
> Love and unconditional Trust. Unconditional trust is needed to be in
> your being. It needs to be in your being that you may feel safe and
> secure as a multi-dimensional being to look at darkness in yourself,
> in all its aspects. To see how constructive and how much part of
> creation this darkness is, and to be able to look into this darkness
> without fear.
> It is the same as being able to look into the light without any fear,
> and we realise that many of you have dedicated your lives to being
> light workers. This has given you the strength and the courage and
> the ability to contact your own guidance, your I am presence, and to
> live your lives through with your I am presence and your guidance.
> Yet now we offer you this challenge - can you embrace the dark as well
> as the light? I Archangel Metatron encourage you to do so. I
> encourage you to be a pioneer. I encourage you to transform yourself
> into a light worker of the multi-verses, a light worker, a dark
> worker. I encourage you to transform yourself into a light worker of
> the universes. There is no difference when there is no judgement.
> I realise that this challenge an opportunity to see your fears. My
> colleague who stands by my side is Archangel Michael, who will always
> assist you when you feel fearful. Together we work as a team. And
> together we will work with you as a team, on taking the judgement out
> of darkness, and allowing yourself to be in the whole of Creation to
> have a knowing-ness of the whole of Creation, stripping away the
> illusions of fear in your growth into light, and your growth into
> darkness. We salute you with your courage to take on this
> challenge. And we leave you in our Love. It is I, Archangel Metatron
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .I have seen all the channeled materials posted on the spiritweb.org
and I have read all of them , as I saved all for future reading.In my
personal opinion, what I found semblence of the messages, only
the way it is said or written, are widely different. I have taken thechaff
from the wheat and found they were all the same ideas, which have been
pronounced, by masters of perfection all around the world in every culture. I
found no difference between these chanelled info and what is already
available through books in the market.
Most on this list may or may not agree with me,but that in no way change the
conceptual ideas contained in these chanelled information, now spreading like
wild fire.
> .
> .
> .
> .
> ***************
Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 11:19:57 +1000
From: Dieter Dambiec <d.dambiecATnospamstudent.canberra.edu.au>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: The Path of kindness
Message-ID: <01BCDC85.E26D3460ATnospampppclient5.canberra.edu.au>
-----Original Message-----
From: MrNamaste [SMTP:MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net]
Sent: Sunday, 19 October 1997 2:26
Krishna plays His flute in the shade.
The gopis respond.
Krs'n'a of Vraja. To Him everything is sweet; every atom or molecule of this mundane world is sweet. He has been attracting all the atoms and molecules, all the ions of this world towards Himself by playing on His flute, by radiating His charming smile. Had any one of these atoms and molecules, any one Of the expressions, from a lowly blade of grass to Brahma, the creator of the world, been false, then His flute playing also would have been false, for His divine call is directed to those mundane objects.
Krs'n'a of Vraja. He attracted to Himself all beings by playing His flute. For Him no-one was down-trodden, no one was fallen, no one was neglected. All were equal to Him; His call was meant for all. The sound of the flute of Lord Krs'n'a has been reverberating throughout eternity. One who contemplates Krs'n'a can immediately hear this sound ( as those of you who practice spiritual sa'dhana' [meditation] may have realized). Now if peoples' minds become engrossed in the mundane world and remain oblivious of Krs'n'a, then they cannot hear that divine sound.
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