1997/10/18 09:28
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #524
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 524
Today's Topics:
Re: Evolution?
Help please re: Meditation on the Twin Hearts
Re: Meditation on the Twin Hearts
To Flute (& To Whoms It So Concerns) very LONG --- simply DELETE
Re: HRTZEN: life as endless loop
Re: Energy
Re: joke (not funny)
Re: Unlimited
Re: specialness
Re: Meditation on the Twin Hearts
Re: Exquisite
Re: specialness
Re: specialness
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 20:14:34 -0700
From: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
To: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Evolution?
Message-ID: <34482997.6789ATnospamsmartt.com>
Ruth Trimble wrote:
> Hi This message came from Sunil Peswami: I have some rejoinders...
> >>>>
> All life is climbing up the hill of evolution. If we make a hill
> as high as a height of distant star from earth and if human life is as
> small as an ant. So each of us human beings is climbing this mountain of
> evolution and this mountain is covered with d ense forests. And hence we
> cannot ....... and the path is unmarked and > crooked.>>
Ruth Wrote:
> Sorry I do not buy this image any more. I used to. It has been "sold" to
> us for so long by so many "religions" but the TRUTH is that we are perfect
> at every moment.. we are fully realised and the true essence every second
> of our existence. ..........
> or ego to the outside. When the awareness is correctly placed the truth is
> found. This is Advaita. The truth is available to everyone at every
> single moment in time. There is NO SEARCH - there is NO EFFORT - there is
> no need to despair or struggle or be worried about EVOLUTION. Evolution is
> about the planet, about time and space, about genetics and about species.
> It is not about the awareness which is eternally present.
> I think it is time that this old thinking which has kept man tied and
> bound in illusions of "spiritual progress" be shot down and examined for
> what it is... There is no heirarchy about it.. and there is absolutely not effort involved.
There is a humility perhaps.. that enables the experience of truth to
> enter... but if you follow the teachings of Advaita.. even this is not
> required. It can be found through the mind.. using the mind to find wht is
> not OF the mind. Step beyond the mind.. then you are THAT.. and it is with
> you enternally, has been eternally, and always will be. It is that which
> is so truly YOU that you wonder how you overlooked it. There is no
> seeking necessary for this.
> The reason I believe so many teachers force
> their disciples to search and struggle is because of the nature of the
> human (particularly male) mind which does not accept or believe in the
> simple... somehow women seem more able to get this according to Osho and
> many others. The truth of who you are is at every moment breathing as you
> and living as you.. and that is the God and goal that you seek. So all
> that is required is to be still and know this. It seems to simple.. and
> yet it is true. All this broohaha about searching and sacrifice.. well I
> think it was necessary for the past.. but today folks, you are being
> handed your god-realization on a plate.. for you have help coming from
> everywhere to get you to wake up to the truth. The angels are practically
> dragging some of you along and kicking you and stuffing you with light and
> saying "WAKE UP." They are kicking out your bad friends, and finding you
> new jobs and sending things to you so you can get along faster.
> Never before has there been so much help for you to get this NOW...
> So these ancient ways.. the ways of the Indian Gurus's and even the Buddha
> were fine for the past.. but I say they are too slow and outdated.. the
> universe is singing a new harmony for us. We are God's new experiment and
> his chosen ones.. just turn inside and BE.
> Well I guess I will get off the old soap box...
> That's my sermon for this Sunday...
> Ruth--otherwise recognised in the galaxy as Nuith..Goddess of the Night
> Sky!
Hello Ruth!
Such a beautiful and erudite expression of your ubderstanding just
stopped my fingers and my mind to snip parts, in order to edit.
I think that would do no justice in the veracity of your sharingand
It is so true, that as many perspectives are there, so there are the
numbers of paths each can undertake or choose to follow.
As you pointed out in Advaita-You Are It. Know it, meditate on it,
Realize it and also live from that understanding, in Love, Harmony,and
With the mind , know the mind, and then break through the barriers of
duality and BE IT. This is Yoga. Any Yoga.
The males in society, are more linear and left brain inclined, and
women, are naturally inclined towards right brain activity. And both
operate with both halves, many a time. The challenge , I believe, comes
for many to integrtae the two. For , even from studies on the brain , it
has been found that that there are nerves to the tune of 4 million or
so,which are there to connect the right and the left brain. No wonder,
up to very recently, only 10% of brain capacity has been used for most
of our functional existence.
In the new milleneum this , I feel is going to happen that more and more
people will be able to connect the halves and become more knowledgable,
productive, emphatic,and loving to manifest a harmony in the whole
world, which has never has been experienced before.
The collective consciousness is changing at a rapid pace, and individual
consciousness are being influenced to acknowledge and accept the changes
coming. But a lot more has to evolve in the collective,related to
economics, politics, social participation, before that Supramental
integration flowers to its capacity.
Even Jesus said: "Be still and know that you are God."
The other manifestation I , personally am expecting to see in my life
time is a lessening of the divisive forces in order to have a better
social conditions than those existing now.
I agree with your view that Old Teachings were good for the period when
it came. But on the same token I also believe that Truth Itself never
changes. The way we look at it, the angle of our understanding are in
continous flux. With expanding information we need to be open and
willing to change for the better, whatever we individually perceive
that "better" is.
Even the smallest atom is a neccesity for the Whole to exist.
I loved your informative dissertation in this post on "Evolution",
so the Ninth Goddess Of the Galaxy, No worry, Be happy.
In Love Life & Light,
http://www.geocities.com/Athens Forum/6782
P.S I have posted my article on Kundalini Yoga , as indicated a couple
of weeks ago. Its up and running.
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 23:36:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: SKidder333ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Help please re: Meditation on the Twin Hearts
Message-ID: <971017233511_1633480739ATnospamemout01.mail.aol.com>
At the '95 KRN Conference following his presentation on pranic healing, Del
Pe led a Meditation on the Twin Hearts The next morning, as if to give
physical evidence to this newcomer that it had indeed been a powerful
experience, I awoke with an oval dark spot in the middle of my forehead.
Since then, I have found the meditation in one of Choa Kok Sui's books on
pranic healing. I would like to share this meditation with others; however,
both men caution those with heart ailments as well as those under 18 from
practicing it. Do any of you have words of advice/caution/your experience
with it? Thank you....Love in the Spirit, Sylvia
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 20:56:23 -0700
From: ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>
To: Kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Meditation on the Twin Hearts
Message-Id: <>
Hi Sylvia and list members,
I've never used the Meditation on the Twin Hearts, however
I do have it on file and it does contain the following warning:
>Warning: Do not do this meditation if you have any heart ailment,
>blood pressure problems, are pregnant or below eighteen years old.
>The energy is powerful enough to affect the preceding people with
>some degree of discomfort and tension.
If anyone would like a copy of the meditaiton by email
feel free to write me off-list
In service to the process of awakening,
* ori^ *
* <mailto: oriATnospameskimo.com> *
* http://www.eskimo.com/~ori/ori.html *
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 22:49:58 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: FIuteATnospamprodigy.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com
Subject: To Flute (& To Whoms It So Concerns) very LONG --- simply DELETE
Message-Id: <199710180349.UAA06668ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>
Dear Flute,
I have been at your website many many times, for as an "empath" (as you
term it) myself, I have in my experience assisted in many various
healings, so I could not help but be instantly attracted to something
called, "Healing Across the Internet."
However, there are so many names I've learned recently that I can't keep
them straight, so no, I did not associate Mike Beaver with your site.
However, thank you for pointing out to me your address --- the webtv
monitor shows flute no matter which font it is in, there is always an
Actually, the very first time I ever saw a posting of yours, I
immediately went to your website such is my great interest in healing.
I also then went through the archives and read almost all of your
postings. In my opinion you are a very advanced lady, and I admire your
skills and capacities in organizing and facilitating so many worthwhile
It does not surprise me at all that you are in contact with such a
divine person as Sri Yukteswar. Incidentally, thank you --- I haven't
read Yogananda's autobiography in years and years, which of course I had
to do when I finally understood what your question was. You realize
that I really noticed your first posting about Sri Yukteswar......... I
went a second time back to the archives and read you some more --- you
are a very good writer for your words are "words-of-power" in that they
HEAL. In your first posting about Sri Yukteswar ----- which I read
(ahem) MANY times........... I was frankly very worried for you ---- it
was both the words you used (specific terms) but more it was the FEEL.
I wondered if you were "okay." Seriously. I was very worried. So I
just watched the posts, hoping one of your real friends might mention
something about that Absolutely Extraordinary posting of yours. Nobody
did. How could I as a complete stranger appoach YOU?
I did not know how to approach you. If it had been the very FIRST time
I'd ever read you --- it would have been easy. I would have simply
inquired, "I'm very interested about this channelling experience of
yours. Please tell me more about it. I am very curious.) However, you
can imagine the VERY good impression I had of you from feeling your
posts in the archives. This is not a compliment -- this is simply a
fact, and it applies to all whose lives are based on love and service.
I right now have, I think, 28 e-mails waiting to be responded to. Some
of them are from people who are trying to cajole and manipulate and
guilt-trip me into giving you a public apology. Your friends love you
very much and you are deeply admired by many. When you answered one of
my private e-mails you stated you didn't understand to what I was
referring and that maybe you missed the post. I do not know you well
enough to know if this is your way of being sarcastic ----- for you see,
as a true Healer it would be hard for you to generate the appropriate
energy to be coaligned with what's called "sarcasm" or "bitter" or
"false modesty" or "one-upmanship" --- this isn't because you may not
feel any of these simply typical normal human feelings --- it's because
as a Healer your energy has been purified through years of Service.
Ah, Flute (--- incidentally, in my youth I adored pictures of Krishna
with his Flute) ---- what can I say? (Plenty, actually.) Had any
individual directly addressed me and said, "I believe you owe her an
apology," straight forward, forthwith ---- instead of the tactics they
attempted to apply and the unique psychic charges that accompanied their
demands...........Well, then I would have written you and said, "I have
been notified that I owe you an apology."
However, the subterfuge employed on your behalf made it mandatory for me
to instead write you and simply say, "Please feel free to e-mail me
whenever you choose so that we can discuss this issue of 'apology'."
I have read quite a few of your posts about how you LOVE to use the
Internet --- the healing energy travels so swiftly (OM GURU OM GURU OM
GURU) and I would like to tell you that I received a magnificent healing
because of your REMARKABLE POST. What should I have done? Written you,
a Perfect Stranger, and said, "My Friend Flute, take a look at your
words. I believe you're insane."
For the fact of the matter is that when I spent several hours examining
your REMARKABLE POST comparing it to all of your other posts -----
My Dear ::::::: (OM GURU) I concluded that you were possessed.
Even I, a perfect stranger, couldn't believe that you believed that you
had "channelled" Swami Sri Yukteswar ------ a point you made most clear
yourself, when you wrote your SECOND REMARKABLE POST. Someday, Flute I
someday to tell you a very Remarkable Story which I have chosen to
entitle, "Kali and the Thuggee." If you had ANY idea of the Divine
Healing that materialized due to you ---- I assure you, it'll knock your
socks off!!!!!! And since Energy Transmissions over the Internet are of
such a great interest and a part of your Life's Work, I think this
one'll simply amaze you.
You are a very amazing Healer ---- the thought comes to mind:
Those who can DO
Those who can't, teach
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 21:03:43 -0700
From: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
To: madammumATnospamptialaska.net
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com
Subject: Re: HRTZEN: life as endless loop
Message-ID: <34483518.749EATnospamsmartt.com>
valerian wrote:
> dear kundalini & heartzen lists,
> i shared this with the krishnamurti list, which seem less ......intellectually oriented forums to share it within.
> when i was in my 20's - i did a couple year stint working in the
> woods around the Gifford-Pinchot & Mt. Hood National Forests.
> one nice morning between contracts at the home of a friend in
> Packwood, WA, at the foot of Mt. Rainier, i was doing my daily yoga
> routine under a tree. i had taken off my glasses & was inwardly
> foccussed.
> i had had some previous experience with bouts of uncontrollable
> shaking, dizziness, & falling down. some people would claim "too much
> blood to the head", & one wise lady yoga teacher claimed it was my
> astral body trying to leave, & the best thing to do was to stare at my
> hands until it passed. i did not know what to believe.
> well, this one day this phenomena occurred, & i dutifully stared at
> my hands until they came into focus. but, this time, when i looked up,
> an *incredible* thing occurred! i still do not know what it was, but i
> must always refer back to the experience within the 'measuring stick' of
> human abilities...
> when i looked up - suddenly - i could see EVERY THING rotundly around
> my head on all sides in microscopic detail - & simultaneously - which is
> a physical impossibility, particularly for someone who is legally blind
> without their glasses on.
> i could see every grain of earth & grass strands, with bugs crawling
> between them, simultaneous to seeing birds in far off trees & every leaf
> on every tree & every bird & every bug, & every grain of dirt...
> it was overly *panoramic*, & the feeling was THE ONE IMMENSITY of
> *connectedness* i have ever perceived with my physical senses, in
> addition to whatever else part of my brain which was activated.
> when i *came down* to 'normal perception' once more, i had fallen to
> the lawn in a vertigo vortex & was shaking. when i first stood up to
> recollect my*self* - it was a crystalline clear sunny morning in the
> yard outside the woods, and - for the *life* of me, i had no sense of
> *personal identity* at first. i could not remember my name, where i was
> or why i was there, or what year it was.
> my dog & cat were at the far corner of the yard & eyeing me
> suspiciously...
> i cannot say this is exactly my idea of what Maslow referred to as
> "self-actualizing moments", because it seems one would/should be OTHER
> than *totally FREAKED* within those parameters.
> there were NO drugs of any sort involved, but extremely psychedelic
> on brain processes (or chemicals, or spiritual wampum, or whatever).
> is this a form of kundalini?
> v
> ps (i pray i have not already described this event & mixed up wires with
> memories, in which case i pre-beg forgiveness. the 'department of the
> redundancy dept." strikes again!*lol*)
Hello Valerie!
Good to read your experiences. Kundallini or whatever one may call the
energy or the driving force, has an infinite numbers of way to express.
All of us have different perspective, experiences. The number of paths
to leading to the same goal are many as there are people on this earth.
In my own experiences with "K", I always, check out my physical,, mental
and emotional and spiritual condition at the time, sort of process of
elimination, and arrive at the conclusion, which in most cases is
nothing but the Truth. I also get the mannifestations, verified through
perspectives of others, which allows me to deal with it more of a level
of truth rather than my personalty-self, with which also we have to live
with, in the path.
Oh! thanks for your help in setting up my guest book , and it is set up
now. I did have a problem with the counter in the geocities page, so I
did from scratch again.
In fact I found a couple of entries from Gloria.
Thanks to her.
My article on Kundalini Yoga, is also posted at
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 00:38:08 -0400
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Energy
Message-ID: <34483D30.15EAATnospammail.snet.net>
FIute wrote:
> THe only problem with valid, vivid
> descriptions is that an abstract thought has no words.. sometimes there
> are symbols or pictures, however not words we can write or translate.
Words are symbols. So are pictures are symbols.
So are thoughts.
But all of these things are illusion.
They are, after all, "things".
The symbol is never what it represents.
I suppose those who think otherwise would be just as
fulfilled eating the menu, rather then the meal.
> So
> each individual takes these pictures and knowing of what
> energy/light/being/prana/chi/ti/Ki/Qi is and struggles to give the form
> or description of what is in his/her mind.
Yes. There is so much struggle with form. Form is not the Truth.
A reflection, perhaps of Truth?
Form is always a limit.
Truth is infinite.
To know It directly would have nothing do with a form.
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 01:00:18 -0400
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: joke (not funny)
Message-ID: <34484262.3FF6ATnospammail.snet.net>
MrNamaste wrote:
> What, pray tell, is the difference between an Artic Shaman of 2,500
> years ago and a paranoid shizophrenic of today?
Brings to mind of reading about the lunatic asking the mystic,
"Since we both see the same things why is it I get locked up
and you get revered?"
Mystic reply,"Sage keep his mouth shut."
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 23:26:32 -0700
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: FluteATnospamprodigy.net
CC: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Unlimited
Message-ID: <34485694.DFB07922ATnospamgeocities.com>
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by mailgw00.execpc.com id LAA17074
FIute wrote:
> Yes, I found some more information saying the 4th Ray relates to the
> heart, the intuition and Creative thinking.. grin..
Indra> In my own experience, staying at the heart is the best possible idea
of maintaining a healthy balance and enjoy the opportunities which the
Universe, is so abundantly showers on us and keeps us bathed in bliss, most
of the time.
> My Website and DBA
> is Creative Minds Unlimited. Coincendences ?? laughing.
Indra>I have not checked your site yet, will find some time tomorrow to
check it.
> I feel that the creative mind has no boundries and that the ego of man
> creates the boundries in order to bring an experience into his realm,
> instead of accepting the realm of the unknown.
Indra> There is also a place for the ego to allow us to work. If left on its
ownwe damage the relationship with our Heart, and the same time reap what we
sow through it. Then blame others for our misfortunes.
On the other, we could use the force given us through the ego to be more
creative and loving, when expressed through the heart. It's a question of
transformation in ourselves and being open to all possibilities, for our
own growth and development.
> The mind of God is
> infinite, the mind of Man is Finite.. Only when man's mind/spirit arises
> into the dimension of the void and is quiet can he/she be close to
> knowing what that abstract thought with no defination might be like.
Indra> That is why silence they say is golden, for it allows us to get in
touch and a loving relationship with ourselves.
> It seems everytime I reach upward into a new level and think I have
> conquered an understanding, I peek upward and there is a new level.
> Indra> The more we think we know, the more we find that we don't
> know.That's the mystery of the Universe, the inifiniteness of its
> existence.
> Waking passions and energy expand the
> reality of Daylight Into creativity.
> Dreams and images of the night cross
> the boundaries of Time And
> imagination.
> The soul is not limited by
> reality,
> only the images of Itself being
> bound.
> Would that all Awareness be unlimited
> and unchained
> Free upon the wind to pass wherever
> destiny leads
> One moment into another, always
> progressing,
> Fading Away the tomorrows into
> yesterdays.
> Leaving the joys and moments
> shared in reality,
> Into remembrances and
> fantasy, Untouched by time
> Fear and its demons,
> always present and demanding,
> created The word REGRET.
> The awareness of Regret being the
> Realization of the LIMITATIONS
> we set.
> ® 7/6/93 Carolyn Maloney
Indra> Wonderful expression of THAT within you and around you.
In Love Life & light,
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 09:59:02 -0400
From: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
Cc: "Kundalini" <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
"Spirit-Mind-Body" <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>,
"Self Knowledge List" <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>
Subject: Re: specialness
Message-Id: <9710181646.AA03998ATnospamns.valunet.com>
> I feel that it is not so much of a problem that the ego notices these
> but that the ego gets excited and latches on when it thinks things are
> extraordinary. They are different from everyday experience, true, but
> experience is also extraordinary. Think of the processes involved, the
> sophistication of, say, being able to see a door and recognize it as a
> How does consciousness make this possible. That is extraordinary.
> Jason.
This is a very powerful thought. The first thought it invokes from me is
that Enlightenment is not something that needs to be found, it is something
we already have and just needs to be noticed. My second thought is that you
have already noticed it.
P.S. I was a breach birth baby and often get the cart before the horse.
Would you say energy travels from the Earth up through the body to the Sky
or from the Sky down through the body to the Earth ?
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 09:23:55 -0500
From: jeannegATnospamicon.net (Jeanne Garner)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Meditation on the Twin Hearts
Message-Id: <199710181423.JAA04845ATnospamns2.icon.net>
>Hi Sylvia and list members,
>I've never used the Meditation on the Twin Hearts, however
>I do have it on file and it does contain the following warning:
>>Warning: Do not do this meditation if you have any heart ailment,
>>blood pressure problems, are pregnant or below eighteen years old.
>>The energy is powerful enough to affect the preceding people with
>>some degree of discomfort and tension.
>If anyone would like a copy of the meditaiton by email
>feel free to write me off-list
I see no harm in posting it here. After all, it's on several web pages.
Didn't bookmark them, but if you search on "pranic healing" you'll come up
with several.
==-* My stars!
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 09:42:11 -0500
From: FIute <FIuteATnospamprodigy.net>
To: MrNamaste <MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net>
CC: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Exquisite
Message-ID: <3448CAC3.3F92ATnospamprodigy.net>
YMrNamaste wrote:
> You are also a poet. Sri Aurobindo"s first guru told him --- "This'll
> be simple with you." When Sri Aurobindo asked why, he was told,
> "You're a poet."
Yes.. My poetry came with my Kundalini awakening.. Poetry is the form of
the abstract thought.I look at my poems and wonder who wrote them..
blush.. I am published.. and this one was read on UPI Radio.. ON Sunday
a few years ago.. I am still blushing from your previous post. Don't
give a mortal person such praise.. its the source that should be praised
Streaks of sunlight pour over a darkening Sea
Outlining clouds in molten silver.
While the sun sinks in silent mystery
Behind the horizon.
It's the time of quiet breezes,
Of waves that whisper their
Souls on beaches made of gold.
The solitude, the gentle peace
Wash over me. Facing the setting sun
Taking a deep breath, I lose myself.
I blend into the surrounding quiet,
Whisper in the waves and swirl
Joyously in the breezes; becoming
Part of the natural innocence and
Simplicity that is.
By losing myself in the greater reality,
I understand that life is only how its
The only name reality has is the one we give it.
CAROLYN MALONEY 9/93 copyright all rights reserved
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 08:08:29 -0700
From: anandajyoti <anandajyotiATnospamgeocities.com>
To: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
CC: zymphtATnospambluewin.ch, Kundalini <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
Spirit-Mind-Body <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>,
Self Knowledge List <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>
Subject: Re: specialness
Message-ID: <3448D0EA.64C04453ATnospamgeocities.com>
F. Drew Leyda wrote:
> **********
> *************************
> > I feel that it is not so much of a problem that the ego notices these
> events,
> > but that the ego gets excited and latches on when it thinks things are
> > extraordinary. They are different from everyday experience, true, but
> everyday
> > experience is also extraordinary. Think of the processes involved, the
> > sophistication of, say, being able to see a door and recognize it as a
> door.
> > How does consciousness make this possible. That is extraordinary.
> >
> > Jason.
> **********
> ***************************
> This is a very powerful thought. The first thought it invokes from me is
> that Enlightenment is not something that needs to be found, it is something
> we already have and just needs to be noticed. My second thought is that you
> have already noticed it.
> P.S. I was a breach birth baby and often get the cart before the horse.
> Would you say energy travels from the Earth up through the body to the Sky
> or from the Sky down through the body to the Earth ?
> Drew
The whole creation is special. All movements are relative to the observer.
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 11:57:14 -0400
From: "Rick Puravs" <ric51ATnospamgeorge.lhi.net>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: specialness
Message-Id: <199710181557.LAA14946ATnospamgeorge.lhi.net>
popular song in Michigan.....Summer,1997
is it about drugs or K?
It is by the band "K's Choice" from the CD "Paradise in Me"
and it makes me rush when i hear it
"Not an Addict"
Breathe it in and breath it out
and pass it on, it's almost out
We're so creative, so much more
we're high above but on the floor
It's not a habit, it's cool, I feel alive
If you don't have it you're on the other side
The deeper you stick it in your vein
the deeper the thoughts, there's no more pain
I'm in heaven, I'm a god
I'm everywhere, I feel so hot
It's not a habit, it's cool, i feel alive
If you don't have it you're on the other side
I'm not an addict (maybe that's a lie)
It's over now, I'm cold, alone
I'm just a person on my own
Nothing means a thing to me
(nothing means a thing to me)
(repeat chorus)
Free me, leave me
watch me as I'm going down
Free me, see me
look at me, I'm falling and I'm falling...
(repeat chorus)
A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'universe', limited in time
and space.
He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something seperated from
the rest
---a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a
prison, restricting us
to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons close to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from our prison by widening our circle of
to embrace all humanity and the whole of nature in its beauty.
---Albert Einstein---
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