Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/10/16 13:22
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #520

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 520

Today's Topics:
  [Fwd: Re: Ego potshots]
  Re: Tummo
  Re: Mindfulness
  Re: Mindfulness
  Re: Mindfulness
  Re: specialness
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
  4th Ray
  Re: Question
  ("PRIVATE") Gurdjieff and the Kundabuffer
  Re: Question
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 21:38:50 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, jan.watsonATnospamsympatico.ca
Subject: [Fwd: Re: Ego potshots]
Message-ID: <34459A5A.345DATnospamdial.pipex.com>
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Message-ID: <34459A22.56ACATnospamdial.pipex.com>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 21:37:54 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.02 (Win95; I; 16bit)

To: David Hodges <dhodgesATnospamrecol.com>
Subject: Re: Ego potshots
References: <>

David Hodges wrote:
> If you identify with someone's ego and
> assume they are being picked on, look again, it might be your
> identification, nothing more.
> Another possibility is that you are reading 'potshots' into what is just
> written discussion that is open to misinterpretation. If people are rough
> on each other, remember, most of us here are big people and can look after
> ourselves.

Imagine that! People wish to think of kundalini as a form of evolution and yet expect to
be treated like children.
It comes down to motivation. Can this persons intent be understood? If people argue for
the sake of being right or to belittle others are they human? How rough has K been on
some of you? And where does she come if not from the Spirit? Each person must do what is
the greatest kindness they can. It is not kind to nurture peoples delusions if the
underlying Reality is better. If you are not sure, then be kind in terms that are
conventionally understood . . .

---- Here is something from Linda Sherman on another list
- just received permission to repost ---- I think it is well said --------

Ariana's thoughts stir some thoughts in me. I feel that I have to be very careful
about compassion. Have you ever listened to someone's "victim" story and and your
heart is touched and you drop what you are doing and work to help them, but after
a while you find your helping energy is being blocked by them, and you start to feel
confused, then angry at them. "Why am I more interested in solving the problem than
they are?" It seems they didn't really want to solve the problem. They wanted
atttention, or maybe to get close to you.
This requires acute awareness at every step. If there is not equal participation
in a defined goal, I may need to communicate clearly and take my energy elsewhere,
or else I begin to feel like the agressor. Be careful of fixing, having someone
elses answers, as it disempowers them. It is important to me to make sure compassion
is love and not pity, not a one-up position (the ego). Saving a person weakens them,
makes them more dependent. Supporting their inner knowing, strength, power to create
is healing. I prefer to teach someone to do something than to do it for them. I
feel our growth in life is from dependent to independent to co-creative. Co-creativity
is the real joy, with mutual respect, love and unity. We are equal in spirit.

Linda Sherman

Most Kind Regards

Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 10:55:19 +0000
From: Bliss <readyATnospamdircon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Ngawa
Message-ID: <3445F296.5112ATnospamdircon.co.uk>

Hello list...

I was wondering if anyone has any response to the word/name: 'Ngawa'
(May not be spelt this way, could be Ungawa, or similar).

I did a bit of searching on the net and found some curious meanings: it
is a place in Tibet, and is also a Swahili word. I didn't find out much
more than that.

Briefly: this word has had a very personal and deep-rooted connection
for me,
since I was very very young. It was never 'given' or 'told' to me, but
was very much part of (what I now see as) my spirituality when I was a
small child.

Anyone else....?
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 06:06:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Tummo
Message-ID: <971016031235_442411230ATnospamemout10.mail.aol.com>

In a message dated 97-10-15 06:04:11 EDT, you write:

<< I'm not clear myself as to whether kundalini when penetrating the heart,
 brows and crown cakras will naturally transform our mind. I'm betting that
 it will but I do believe that individuals can have kundalini activity in
 all cakras without transforming the inner recesses of their
 heart-mind-consciousness. >>

Kurt, here's one published opinion on your question. It's from "A Path with
Heart," by Jack Kornfield, ISBN0553372114. In the chapter called, "The
Spiritual Roller Coaster: Kundalini and Other Side Effects," he includes
kundalini as a "side effect" of spiritual practice along with raptures,
kriyas, altered states (colored lights, visions, sounds, vibrations, heat,
etc.) His opinion is that these experiences are a guarantee of nothing. He

      "The value of transcendant states is the great inspiration and
compelling vision that they can bring to our lives. They can provide a
powerful vision of reality beyond our day-to-day consciousness and guide us
to live from this highest truth. The experiences we have of them can, at
times, be profoundly healing and transforming. But their dangers and misuses
are equally great. We can feel ourselves special for having had them; we can
easily get attached to having them; and the drama, the body sensations,
rapture, and visions all can become addictive and actually increase the
craving and suffering in our life. The most pervasive danger of all is the
myth that these experiences will utterly transform us, that from a moment of
'enlightenment' or transcendence, our life will be wholly changed for the
better. This is rarely true, and attachment to these experiences can easily
lead to complacency, hubris, and self-deception."

But on a more encouraging note he says:

     "The dazzling effect of lights and visions, the powerful releases of
rapture are a wonderful sign of the breakdown of the old structures of our
being, body, and mind. However, they do not in themselves produce wisdom."

Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 12:54:46 +0100
From: "Jason S. White" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
To: PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: specialness
Message-ID: <34460085.B57514F6ATnospambluewin.ch>

PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com wrote:

> "The value of transcendant states is the great inspiration and
> compelling vision that they can bring to our lives. They can provide a
> powerful vision of reality beyond our day-to-day consciousness and guide us
> to live from this highest truth. The experiences we have of them can, at
> times, be profoundly healing and transforming. But their dangers and misuses
> are equally great. We can feel ourselves special for having had them; we can
> easily get attached to having them; and the drama, the body sensations,
> rapture, and visions all can become addictive and actually increase the
> craving and suffering in our life.

I was reflecting on this just this morning. I was noticing how in meditation my
mind leaps in to grasp at unusual events - flickering lights, waves of bliss,
etc. As soon as my mind grabs at them, they disappear or I become distracted
from the objective which is to allow my mind to remain still.

This grasping tells me a few things:

1. The events themselves are not the objective precisely, but can distract from
the objective.

2. Relative to everyday life, these events seem extraordinary. My mind or ego
wants to feel as if I am something special and so grabs at them as proof.

3. To go beyond the grasping, I see that these events are part of the experience
of being human and are ordinary, simple and nothing special.

4. Ego is at odds with this because it's feeling of specialness is reduced.

We are all special, unique, beautiful personalities and egos. But at the depth
of being we are essentially the same, completely ordinary, non-unique,
non-special manifestations of spirit.

The magnitude of my delusion is the extent to which my ego insists that I am
somehow different, unique, special, better, worse, more wise, more foolish, more
humble, more powerful, more victimised, etc.

Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 13:42:19 +-100
From: Tom Bradley <tombATnospamphonelink.com>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Mindfulness
Message-ID: <01BCDA39.5646C1C0ATnospamtomb.dev.PhoneLink.COM>

Hi, Jeanne,
 Thanks for the tip! I'll try it out when I finish work. One exercise that creates an all-over heat that I've heard about is this: inhale for a set length of time; then retain the breath for the same length of time; then breath out for the same length of time; then suspend your breathing for the same length of time. It's supposed to create a feeling of a warm glow by triggering cellular breathing.


>>Hi, Tom,

>>Maybe you already know this, but there's probably already heat in the
abdomen (in the hara area), as this is a powerful area. Try this and see if
I'm right: place both your hands, fingers together, over the navel with
fingers pointing downward and the heel of the hands upward. Feel any heat?
You should, even without trying.

 ==-* My stars!
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 15:26:58 +0200
From: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Mindfulness
Message-Id: <C1256532.00495DE2.00ATnospamais.it>

> Thanks for the tip! I'll try it out when I finish work. One exercise
that creates an all-over heat that I've heard >about is this: inhale for a
set length of time; then retain the breath for the same length of time;
then breath out for the >same length of time; then suspend your breathing
for the same length of time. It's supposed to create a feeling of a >warm
glow by triggering cellular breathing.
Very true. Also try in the meditation exercise deep hard heavy breathing.
Keep breathing deep in and out very fast after about 20 mins of relaxation.
Preferrably sit in the favourite meditation posture with straight spine.
very heavily in and out till the lungs are tired and head feels as though
would burst.

Then stop...... and the feeling then is of complete release from the
of the current body. The consciousness expands infinitely without limit and
complete fearlessness and peace reigns.

Warning :

This exercise is only for persons who meditate regularly. Do not try this
if you have not the habit of regular meditation.

Cheers and love to all
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 14:27:40 +-100
From: Tom Bradley <tombATnospamphonelink.com>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Mindfulness
Message-ID: <01BCDA3F.A93D6860ATnospamtomb.dev.PhoneLink.COM>

Thanks Ashanka,

 I'll bear the warning in mind. I've come across a breathing and visualisation technique in the kundalini tradition back home which develops heat in the solar plexus, so I'll transcribe it and put it on the list in the next 24 hours.

If you know of exercises like it, let me know!

> Thanks for the tip! I'll try it out when I finish work. One exercise
that creates an all-over heat that I've heard >about is this: inhale for a
set length of time; then retain the breath for the same length of time;
then breath out for the >same length of time; then suspend your breathing
for the same length of time. It's supposed to create a feeling of a >warm
glow by triggering cellular breathing.
>>Very true. Also try in the meditation exercise deep hard heavy breathing.
Keep breathing deep in and out very fast after about 20 mins of relaxation.
Preferrably sit in the favourite meditation posture with straight spine.
very heavily in and out till the lungs are tired and head feels as though
would burst.

>>Then stop...... and the feeling then is of complete release from the
of the current body. The consciousness expands infinitely without limit and
complete fearlessness and peace reigns.

>>Warning :

This exercise is only for persons who meditate regularly. Do not try this
if you have not the habit of regular meditation.

Cheers and love to all
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 07:59:35 -0700
From: Sean Nomura <snomuraATnospammail.arc.nasa.gov>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Question
Message-Id: <>

Hey there :-)

A couple of days ago I re-experienced a 'phenomena' that I had experienced
only once before, about 6 years ago. I was laying on my bed on my back and
looking up towards the ceiling. There is no doubt that I was wide awake. As
I looked up I saw whitish-greyish, transluscent 'silhouettes' of what
appeared to be people. These 'people' weren't stationary, but in movement.
Next, I stared directly at the ceiling and saw a myriad of golden lights,
'dancing' in beautiful patterns across the ceiling.
Does anyone have any idea as to what this is?

Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 10:04:38 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Tummo
Message-Id: <199710161504.IAA06023ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>

On page 201 Yogananda writes:

Fortunately for his disciples, Sri Yukteswar burned many of their sins
in the fire of his severe fever in Kashmir. The metaphysical method of
physical transfer of disease is known to highly advanced yogis. A
strong man may assist a weak one by helping the latter to carry a heavy
load; a spiritual superman is able to minimize the physical and mental
troubles of his disciples by assuming a part of their karmic burdens.
....a master willingly sacrifices a portion of his bodily wealth to
lighten the misery of his disciples.

By a secret yogic method, the saint unites his mind and astral vehicle
with those of a suffering individual; the disease is conveyed wholly or
in part, to the yogi's fleshly form.

A guru's work in this world is to alleviate the sorrows of mankind,
whether through spiritual means or intellectual counsel or will power or
physical transfer of disease.

On rare occasions, however, a master who wishes to quicken greatly his
disciples' evolution may then voluntarily work out on his own body a
large measure of their undesirable karma.

from: "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda

Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 10:22:20 -0500
From: jeannegATnospamicon.net (Jeanne Garner)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: specialness
Message-Id: <199710161522.KAA07678ATnospamns2.icon.net>

Dear Jason-Zympht and all,

>I was reflecting on this just this morning. I was noticing how in
meditation my

Yes, I was reflecting on this too--these recent posts have been really

>mind leaps in to grasp at unusual events - flickering lights, waves of bliss,
>etc. As soon as my mind grabs at them, they disappear or I become distracted
>from the objective which is to allow my mind to remain still.

Usually, this is what I notice also.

>This grasping tells me a few things:
>1. The events themselves are not the objective precisely, but can distract from
>the objective.
>2. Relative to everyday life, these events seem extraordinary. My mind or ego
>wants to feel as if I am something special and so grabs at them as proof.

What came to me wasn't so much that the events themselves are ordinary or
nothing special, but that they are a glimpse, the teensiest tiniest glimpse
at that, of the Extraordinary, the majesty of our Universe, our source.
Almost like a teaser: this is what is really there once the "blinders" can
come off, when we're ready to release them. I, per se, am not special, but
the Universe is, in other words.

>3. To go beyond the grasping, I see that these events are part of the

We cannot grasp this, or, for that matter, most "things" in the world. That
would imply we could somehow stop the movement and flow of energy to hold a
thing--when in fact, the truth is, when the energy and flow stops, the
essence goes out of it. It seems to me that we can only see, experience,
love and enjoy the moment for however long it lasts, and be ready to move on
to the next. It's all flow, and we're all flow, and in the flow, part of it
and moving with it.

>of being human and are ordinary, simple and nothing special.
>4. Ego is at odds with this because it's feeling of specialness is reduced.

As you state below, we're already special & unique, aren't we, even without
the pretty light shows? I wonder: would it be helpful to tell our egos
this? That yes, we're special and loveable, so enjoy the "trip" and don't
get in the way of it?

>We are all special, unique, beautiful personalities and egos. But at the depth
>of being we are essentially the same, completely ordinary, non-unique,
>non-special manifestations of spirit.

Thanks to all who have made me stop a moment, ponder, and remember just a
bit. :)

 ==-* My stars!
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 10:50:40 -0400
From: Jon Taylor <gonzodcATnospamtiac.net>
To: tgarlandATnospamvipmail.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: unsubscribe
Message-ID: <344629C0.7E35ATnospamtiac.net>

Teresa Garland wrote:
> I am 3 weeks into a Kundalini experience of highly energetic movement.
> As I sit and meditate, my body starts moving, sometimes violently fast,
> and sometimes for very long periods. The movements can be simple yogic
> postures, repetitive motions or complex erotic dances.
> I have mind's-eye images: one of a snake moving in my body, sometimes
> eating at a chakra (that I assume is blocked) othertimes whipping in and
> out of my body's orifaces, or up and down the main channel. I also
> "see" Kali. She cuts through me with her swords, and occasionally merges
> with me. Once I became Kali, and as her, danced a dance of rage.
> It is difficult for me to rest without having body spasms that run from
> my legs to my head. A friend tried to give me a massage, but my body
> kept bouncing around, and I felt like a mass of live electrical wires.
> It is the same with sex. Although I did have an "internal" orgasm (after
> Kali's dance of rage), my body cannot focus erotic stimulation for any
> period of time, so sexual pleasure is out of the question. (and that's
> okay for now).
> I was told that I am stuck in the male form of power, and need to move
> to the female. Intuitively, that feels true, but as a left brained woman
> in a technical field, I'm at a loss about how to get there.
> I feel awash in energy and power. The Kundalini tells me to move all of
> my body very rapidly in 20 different directions until I fall over. Then
> it tells me to sit up and do it some more. I can control this so that it
> does not overwhelm my life, but I feel I need more guidance than just
> "trust the kundalini". I am not sure that the kundalini will not hurt
> me.
> I plan to try Qikung (excuse the spelling) as a way of releasing the
> energy. (I had a fireworks through the top of the head experience
> with Qikung at a retreat last year, so hope that it will work.) As the
> weeks go by, I am pleased to be going through change, but weary of the
> process.
> Teresa
> a retreat last spring
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 06:10:19 -1000 (HST)
From: Roberto Gonzales del Valle <930359ATnospamALOE.ULIMA.EDU.PE>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199710161610.GAA25401ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>

X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by mailgw01.execpc.com id PAA22329

My name is Roberto. I´m 21 years old. Started feeling "something else" quite long ago, sice i was 19. I have an urgent feeling to give love to people around me, thou they´re not always prepared to recieve it. I understand their minds when they talk to me. Somehow i just know what they´re feeling.
I live in Perú, an in September this year went to the rain forrest to take Ayahuasca, and experience the realms of chamanic knowledge. Then i felt that this great urge to let this light out went away beacuse i knew the light is always pusshing it´s way out, it´s us with our aged fight against nature who push it back, I understood the circule of joy in which i feel gay when i make other feel gay and it will make me feel even better an so on forever...
I still eat meet though feel i should not. I was overweight and lost 10 pounds in for months only by eating less because there´s no need to have sanacks all the time. Had a drug issue, (adictided to diazepan, an ansiety pill) which i am still struggling wiith.
Read about Kundalini a while ago and now i´m happy to find you people. Expect to konw about you soon.
A hug to all of you. Love.
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 10:34:39 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: 4th Ray
Message-Id: <199710161534.IAA08143ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>

I hope it will amuse some of you that I have now received two private
e-mails, seriously inquiring of me, "What is this 4th Ray of which you

I am a ponderous, plondering, very slow intellectually sort of person
----- but even someone so grim and saturnine and sober, (and just not a
good person to invite to the party) --- even I who will readily
acknowledge to all and sundry that I indeed am a most pathetic
pathological specimen of humanhood ---- even I am amused by this and I
must concede to the fact that my very own guru has a particularly finely
honed absolutely "terrible" sense of humour.

However, although I do not know the strict actual definition of the
term, "4th Ray". if memory serves me correctly (CAUTION here, floks) I
believe that this is a concept promulgated by the Theosophical Society
and especially by Alice Baily in a number of her works. Anybody who
chooses can explore these works and even determine what ray they
"really" are, so to speak, for there are very many pages and chapters
discussing "The Rays" at great length. However, here I must
interject at once and very seriously add, (quite adamently) that if you
enter the depths of of your heart chakra in very deep silence --- all
this will be answered and a whole lot more, too.

For any sufis out there, and other 4th Chakra fixated devotees, too ---
I would like to share a few words from Confucius:

Life leads the thoughtful man on a path of many windings.
Now the course is checked, now it runs straight again.
Here winged thoughts may pour freely forth in words,
There the heavy burden of knowledge must be shut away in silence.
But when two people are at one in their inmost hearts,
They shatter even the strength of iron or of bronze.
And when two people understand eachother in their inmost hearts,
Their words are sweet and strong, like the fragrance of orchids.
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 11:34:02 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Question
Message-Id: <199710161553.LAA26973ATnospamhoboken>


Your 'phenomena' might have it's genesis in a theta brain-wave state. This
is a hypnotic state that lies just above delta or sleep.

I know you say you were awake and of this you have no doubt. This could
well be true. I can offer this perspective, however: One night I could
not sleep. I kept staring at the ceiling which was illuminated by the full
moon shining through the window. I wanted to sleep desperately, but I felt
not one bit drowsy. Further, I was itching miserably. As I stared up at
the ceiling, I thought quite lucidly, that if it were not for all the hay
hanging from the ceiling, the hay poking through the slats above me, the
hay dropping down on me and causing me to itch...if it were not for this,
then I could sleep.

Sean...I do not live in a barn. :-)

A new fractal gallery was posted to this site on September 10th:
USA Today Hot Site; Cosmic Site of the Night: Cool Central Site of the Day;
ENC Digital Dozen for June '97; Enchantment Award; ArtSearch Featured Site;
NetTech NeatTech: Best of the Web in Educational Technology; Eye Candy
Honorable Mention

> From: Sean Nomura <snomuraATnospammail.arc.nasa.gov>
> To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
> Subject: Question
> Date: Thursday, October 16, 1997 10:59 AM
> Hey there :-)
> A couple of days ago I re-experienced a 'phenomena' that I had
> only once before, about 6 years ago. I was laying on my bed on my back
> looking up towards the ceiling. There is no doubt that I was wide awake.
> I looked up I saw whitish-greyish, transluscent 'silhouettes' of what
> appeared to be people. These 'people' weren't stationary, but in
> Next, I stared directly at the ceiling and saw a myriad of golden lights,
> 'dancing' in beautiful patterns across the ceiling.
> Does anyone have any idea as to what this is?
> Sean
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 11:50:12 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: ("PRIVATE") Gurdjieff and the Kundabuffer
Message-Id: <199710161650.JAA12621ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>

Dear Georgi --- if I may be so intimate as to speak to you on a first
name basis................

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of my
heart chakra for the remarkable book you once wrote, (which surely my
very own Holy Guardian Angel thrust into my own very stoooooooopid hands
when I was just seventeen), called MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN.

Thank you for writing such a openly accessible book which conveyed so
many deep Truths, (so to speak) to my young self this lifetime --- which
we both know full well was even more ignorant than I find myself to be
in this current moment, a crucial aspect of time which you so sweetly
and thought-provokingly and gently communicated to me was the VERY best
moment of all possible moments. I salute you, O Georgi --- I had a
particularly thick skull and a very confused frenetic mind. However, as
they all always say: In the hands of a Great Master, even a Cosmic
Impossibilty becomes even more than plausible.

Thank you for sucking me into your own sacred vibratory frequency ---
through no fault of my own we both know and certainly not due to any any
any spirituality on my part, nor to any any any knowledge upon my most
miserable angst-filled self-loathing part. From an early time, due only
to the Sweetness of your kind forbearance of my stooopidity and generous
warm forbearance of my utter lack of humility
----- from this most early most dense-filled aspects of me-hood -----
you, O my dear Sublime Georgi ---- well, I guess we, myselfs, might say:
O Georgi ---- Thank you, thank you, thank you (ad infinitum...)

Secondly, I would like to this very Special Occasion to privately thank
you for all your other books which you so painstakenly executed so that
even such a fool as I was and still am could still, nontheless, receive
Great Benefit from your Most August Self --- you who exemplified COURAGE
and were not timid even in the face of this seemingly implausible
impossible infinitude of faces that we both know found great interest in
a number of your concepts, which we both also know is only due to the
grace of God and Satguru.

Yes, Georgi, thank you - thank you - thank you.
You who made CERTAIN that many much other material I read this lifetime
made sense to me - you gave me special linguistic abilities, you who
Spoke so very many many many languages. I am very glad that you
impressed upon my consciousness a certain few little abilities --- and i
didn't even know it, did iiiiiiiiiii?
(Ha, ha. Ho, ho.) And you know, perhaps stoooooodity isn't such a bad
thing after all when one acknowledges it and therefore can appreciate
wholeheartedly the Best, the Most Exquisite, the Bountiful, the Very
Best of Alls Possibles Bests Channels currently incarnate --- he Who
(certainly!) is of ALL the Ages, (even this one!!!!!) (even if he
doesn't know it!)(but i humbly Presume he does) thank you O my very dear
Georgikins you-HOO (!!!!!!) brought me the Delight and Sublime Joy of
reading the words and (even!!!!!!!!!!!!) (need I say?) understanding
some of the Wonderful, Admirable (need I say "humourous") so many of all
of the concepts presented by the One & Only, the Om and Omly the Very
Best Possible Channel of All Possible Channels, he Who (you-hoo) showed
me to be Named in this, my very own lifetime the indubitable Zarcon
Pitom ----"SPELLED: P.
I. T. Om ----- " (otherwise pronounced as piety, for the feint of


Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 17:42:17 +0200
From: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Question
Message-Id: <C1256532.0055EDBA.00ATnospamais.it>

---Sean wrote ---
>A couple of days ago I re-experienced a 'phenomena' that I had experienced
>only once before, about 6 years ago. I was laying on my bed on my back and
>looking up towards the ceiling. There is no doubt that I was wide awake.
>I looked up I saw whitish-greyish, transluscent 'silhouettes' of what
>appeared to be people. These 'people' weren't stationary, but in movement.
>Next, I stared directly at the ceiling and saw a myriad of golden lights,
>'dancing' in beautiful patterns across the ceiling.
>Does anyone have any idea as to what this is?

That is what one "sees" during long periods of meditation as well. There
will be faces, and also clouds of hazy golden light against dark
or even the reverse.

You are begining to "see" within.

If you begin to meditate you will see these every time. These are the
stages. (I do not know if you do meditate as yet though !)

Later on more fantastic visions appear.....

Cheers and love to all


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