Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/10/16 02:37
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #519

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 519

Today's Topics:
  Re: 4th Ray
  channeling info
  Re: Channelling
  Re: Channeling [K.I.S.S.]
  Re: Tickled with Kundalini?
  Re: Seven Habits
  Kundalini and Neurophysiology
  kundalini and neurophysiology
  Re: me
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 16:47:34 -0400
From: "Nancy Eckert" <watrfallATnospamniagara.com>
To: <FIuteATnospamprodigy.net>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: 4th Ray
Message-Id: <199710152049.QAA13231ATnospamchardonnay.niagara.com>

HIya Flute,

I found a refrence to the 4th ray in The Complete Ascension Manual by
Joshua David Stone.
I guess depending on how you read it, it can be kind of negative and
although I do not subscribe to focusing on the negative, I will include the
entire chapter here... just for your refrence.
Please trake what you need, in love, and disgard the rest.

Watrfall in spirit

 'The Fourth Ray... harmony through conflict
This ray has been called the 'ray of struggle'. As with all of the rays it
has a lower and higher aspect. When this ray is governed by the higher
self, harmony occurs. When this ray is governed by the lower self then
conflict and havoc ensue.

The fourth ray is connected to the emotional body and the solar plexus
chakra. It is very connected with the physical existence. The fourth ray
has a very relfective quality which, in a sense, forces one to look at what
one hasn't finished or completed yet. In this sense it reacts rather like a
The colour of this ray is emerald green. This ray is also very connected
with the arts. Some of the most beautiful art, music and sclupture on this
planet has been created by people of the higher aspect of this ray. Mozart,
Leonardo Da Vinci etc...

The danger of this ray is the possibility of getting too entangled in the
emotional body, which most people have tended to do. This is why the fourth
ray works well with the first ray of will or with the 3rd or fifth ray,
which are morre mental in nature. The fourth ray type of person needs these
for balance.

Djwhal Khul has also told us that this ray seems to have an equal balance
of the qualities described in the East as Rajas (activity) and tamas
(inertia) The average person lives in mortal combat between those two
energies until soul infusion and soul merger are achieved. Examples of this
type are Vincent Van Gogh and Pablo Picaso. They had great artisitc ability
but weren't balanced with the mental, emotional and soul aspects which
caused greatness on one level but great torment on another.
The fourth ray person often lives on a emotiional rollercoaster until
evenness of mind and equality can be achieved. The study of the
Bhagavad-Gita woud provide a good teaching model for the fourth ray person.

Since the fourth ray people are so connected to the earth and aesthetics,
they often have a hard time meditating and getting up into the spiritual
area. They are focused on a lot of physical activities such as hiking etc.
this is fine as long as balanced with the proper heavenly and spiritual

One of the dangers of the fourth ray people is that they can tend to be
manipulative. They often like everyone to experience the same focus in life
that they have. It is essential for 4th ray types to to deditcate their
lives to their spiritual path. If not they can tend to be manic depressive.
The method of approach on the spiritual path will be through self control
wihich leads to evennes of mind and equilibrium
of the warring forces of their nnature.

The special vritues of the 4th ray type are strong sffections, sympathy,
physical courage, generosity, and quickenss of intellect and perception.
The vices are self centeredness, worryinng, inaccuracy, lack of moral
courage, strong passions, indolence and extravagance. The Virtues to be
qcquired are serenity, confidence, self-control, purity, unselfishness,
accuracy and mental and moral balance.'

> From: FIute <FIuteATnospamprodigy.net>
> To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
> Subject: 4th Ray
> Date: Monday, October 13, 1997 9:20 PM
> Can anyone tell me about the fourth Ray. I met a Yoga at the Expo and
> he told me I was the 4th Ray. I know its Babaji and Sri Yutesware... but
> what else.. I haven't read it.. (pout.. i was told to meditate) I have
> channeled Sri Yutesware it was wild and strangely peaceful..So there
> must be more
> Love,
> flute
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 15:55:08 -0500
From: FIute <FIuteATnospamprodigy.net>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Channelling
Message-ID: <34452DAC.34C4ATnospamprodigy.net>

I have been told about Channelling and I really reject the thought of
some famous person talking to another.. BUT... This thing that happened
to me was too strange. I was doing a guided meditation with a group of
people.. (I am empathic- (feels things) and suddenly there seemed to be
a face over the top of mine. I could feel cheek bones higher than mine,
a large face.... Something I first felt as a sneer on the left side of
my lip. So I just said.."Welcome to the guides that have joined us".
and I felt the lip change into a smile.. and I thought.. whew.. it was a
smile.. I just didn't recognize it.. I called the presence MokiHana..(a
flower lei) because I didn't have a clue as to what it was. Mokihana was
a silly nickname I use to call one of the guys in Hawaii when I lived
there. The presence stayed and seemed to be with me the entire next
day.. I went back to the shop and spoke with my Reiki Master who is also
Kyriaban. I described what I felt, and she pulled the book "Autobiograhy
of a Yoga" off the shelf She opened the pages to a man with long white
hair and a beard, large face, high cheekbones. It didn't seem quite
right, so I told her.. this one has a sneer.. and lo and behold.. she
turned to another picture of the same man, with a sneer kin of smile
and.... a Flower Lei around his neck. I was floored. I was amazed and
didn't realize before this time that in India they often wear flowers in
a lei type of thing. This man was known for wearing them all the time.
I didn't have a clue as to who he was.. she said Sri Yuteswar. He only
appeared to me that time.. but there have been a number of strange
coincendences that relate back to him. Recently I met a yoga at the
Whole Life Expo who told me I was the 4th Ray.. AND I found that has
something to do with Babaji and Sri Yutesware.. fasinating. But to say I
sit and channel thoughts from him.. I'd say "NO".. but there was
something that happened.
AND.. I am not afraid of this. The fear of spirits ghosts etc are the
fears of the physical realm. I decided long time ago as a child that I
remain open and receiving..Understanding and waiting for information..
(I hate to miss anything)We all are one in the other dimnsion.. Why
should there be anything to fear. The demons are within the mind of the
individual. And Fear sets them moving.. Fear is the demon and the enemy,
as it always has been, preventing people from trying to understand. Fear
kept people from questioning the sanity of the Massacure at Wounded Knee
or the Crusades that decided that everyone could not believe differently
unless the Church said so. And the Inquisition?? What brain thought that
up! Not one without fear..
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 17:46:25 -0400
From: "Nancy Eckert" <watrfallATnospamniagara.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: channeling info
Message-Id: <199710152144.RAA21525ATnospamchardonnay.niagara.com>

Hello all,

I know that this is a little off topic but since the thread has been
started I hope you won't mind if I put my 2 cents in also:)
I thought I'd post some information to the list by my friend, Cliff
Preston, who has been channeling for 25 years. He is a Trance channel like
Edgar Cayce, which is supposed to be the most dangerous type of channeling
because he's totally out of it and the group of entities called 'The Echo'
talk through him.
But this kind of channeling has been wonderful for himself and anyone who
comes in contact with the Echo. He has often said that learning to channel
has been the most important thing to help him with his spiritual
development. He has helped many people over the years, myself included and
taught many others to channel in this way also.
Recently he has started to be trained, by spirit, to do a thing called
mobile channeling. Which I experienced him doing a few weeks ago... very
neat, but hard to get used to as spirit looks through his eyes at you,
especially when his eyes don't focus :) Oh and read with the understanding
that the echo has a really good sense of humour and makes a few jokes now
and then:)
But I must tell you that the session was awesome.

The following is some information taken from a channeling about who the
Echo is, called interview with the Echo in the 80's.

dir: Would you please tell us who you are?
echo: Indeed. We are the echo, as the name echo be presented by that of the
form of the one Clifford. We be that of a spiritual assistance to those in
the physical realm.

dir: Can you tell us then, what you are?
echo: Indeed. Here, we, the echo, be numbered presently that of 10,242 of
discarnate beings. We be in the discarnate or spiritual form here, which be
that, merely, of the thought pattern of that refer 'energy sources'. We of
the echo be fluctuating in numbers and indeed according to that level of
query here.

dir: Why do you speak to us through deep trance?
echo: Indeed. Why not? You are indeed nice people!
  Understanding here: In reality, it that be that of the matter of
assistance to those in the physical realm. Also, here. there be
that of the selfish reasons. It be that of assistance to we, the echo, in
that assisting others we also assist ourselves in growth and
learning format.

dir: In what areas do you hope to assist us?
echo: Indeed. In that area of assistance here, we offer some degree of the
understanding of that refer spirituality. We offer here some degree of the
understanding of 'selves', your reference, 'those in the physical realm',
offer understanding of the working of the physical body and indeed of the
mind of theose involved in the physical.

....(the echo has introduced the spokesperson for the soul group called
echo of that of Golude)

dir: Now I feel as though you don't acutally enter the body, I am assuming
that, from what you have just said. How then do you manipulate the tiny
voice box?
echo: Indeed, understand here: It be that within that refer 'brain
complex' of the animal man, there be areas that may be electrically
stimualted. Here understand: speaking of 'electrically', we do not refer to
that of the 120 volts charges here. Rather this be applied mentally and
that of the electrical impulse be of micro mini voltages. That of those in
existence in the physical have not yet attained the technology here, in the
measurement there of.

There is so much more but too much to post..
hope this explains some..



'Know Thyself'
Carved above the the gate of the Oracle of Delphi

WaterFall in spirit
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 18:33:19 -0400
From: "Nancy Eckert" <watrfallATnospamniagara.com>
To: <FIuteATnospamprodigy.net>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Channelling
Message-Id: <199710152235.SAA28339ATnospamchardonnay.niagara.com>

> AND.. I am not afraid of this. The fear of spirits ghosts etc are the
> fears of the physical realm. I decided long time ago as a child that I
> remain open and receiving..Understanding and waiting for information..
> (I hate to miss anything)We all are one in the other dimnsion.. Why
> should there be anything to fear. The demons are within the mind of the
> individual. And Fear sets them moving.. Fear is the demon and the enemy,
> as it always has been, preventing people from trying to understand. Fear
> kept people from questioning the sanity of the Massacure at Wounded Knee
> or the Crusades that decided that everyone could not believe differently
> unless the Church said so. And the Inquisition?? What brain thought that
> up! Not one without fear..
> Love,
> flute


I'm so glad that you expanded more upon your journey of the twists and
turns around the fourth ray. What a wonderful story and experience.
I agree with you in that we have to understand where fear is coming from
and then gently let it go. I feel that fear is the ego being afraid of it's
own death. In letting go of fear, we let go of a part of the ego's
influence over us.
I feel that this experience is really an absolute gift from most high,
embrace it. I channel and have known many who do, in many forms. When it's
done from the prespective of a lightworker, from the heart, going deep
within, without judgement and with the highest love, it always comes out in
a positive manner.
I think that you have just begun your journey with Sri Yuteswar or possibly
you have done the journey with him many times before :) and this time he's
there to give you and others that come into your knowing a helping hand.

with love

Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 17:21:24 -0700
From: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
To: lodpressATnospamintercomm.com
Cc: madammumATnospamptialaska.net, E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>,
Subject: Re: Channeling [K.I.S.S.]
Message-id: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 12:20 PM 10/15/97 +0100, Gloria Greco wrote:

>>valerian wrote:
>> personally, i have found that simply choosing to NOT believe in
>> demons & *owning* my own atmosphere with that belief, keeps negative
>> influences (aka 'demons') away.
>> i was/am
>> skeptical of 'Seth' & Jane Roberts, the gal by Mt. Rainier who
>> "channels" a disembodied spirit & makes *big bucks* at her retreat with
>> classes & t-shirts & souveniers (& has the 'locals' tearing out their
>> hair with all the publicity & crowds), and even shirley maclaine. I
>> believe we really have to look behind the words & teachings of the
>> "channelled spirit" into the motives of the "channeller".
>Gloria here:
> So much here and it is really escalating, I encourage folks to go
>inside and test every spirit that comes into your space, you will amazed
>when you do what happens.

Dear Gloria and K-listers,

Survival and propagation of the species has been made possible and greatly
enhanced by the desire to be lovable and accepted by the group. Thus, each
member of the species has built-in motivational systems which induce a
desire to be valued, nurtured, and worthy of inclusion within the group
social structure. The "fittest" and most valued of our species, ie. the most
lovable, have, over the eons, demonstrated the benefit of knowledge and
intelligence. This has been going on for such a long time that the human
brain has developed a module in its left (dominant) hemisphere that
neuroscience researchers have called "the interpreter." One prominent
neuroscientist (Black, 1992) states "The interpreter does not tolerate
ambiguity, discontinuity, or chance. Rather, this (superordinate) module
constantly invents hypotheses to account for the ceaseless barrage of
internal and external information. As we have seen, a faulty theory is far
preferred to no theory at all. The line, if any, between insightful
invention and fabrication does not seem to exist for the interpreter" (p. 162).

Further exacerbating this situation is the extensive development of
defensive scripts people use to avoid the pain which arises from
organization of personality around negative affect, weak self-structure, and
low self-esteem. Vulnerably to experiences of shame motivates people to
avoid the appearance of being defective at all costs. Certainly criticism is
intolerable. It triggers a cascade of conscious and unconscious comparisons
to the self-ideal that usually results in discharge or release of the most
familiar defense strategies available to the person. Ignorance is felt to be
a deficit which is likewise to be avoided at all costs. Thus, in addition to
fabricating explanations with whatever facts are available, no matter how
sparse, individuals must also insist their explanations are right. As
individuals acquire complex belief systems, such as religion, these become
so value-laden that they are considered inviolable truth and absolute
knowledge, even in the face of gross contradictions.

Spirituality is also a domain where one may easily convince themselves to be
in possession of special powers and privileged status. All manner of claims
can be made without independent verification. The cost of this sort of
self-delusion is a farther distancing by the false-self, the
ego-driven-self, from the true Self where self-acceptance and real self-love
are to be found. To the extent an individual is convinced of his delusions
and/or is able to create a following, his pathology is increased. This
self-appointed spiritual leadership also takes a toll of spiritual
corruption on those who he is able to beguile into the service of his ego.

Sincerely Seeking,
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 15:41:03
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Tickled with Kundalini?
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

    Every signal that your body sends you has meaning.. your body's
knowledge is measured a trillion times greater than your brain's capacity,
spirit's knowing is infinite. The tickling is a message, and you know that
already, by your questions..
  What does the message mean?
  My first thought on reading it, was a course I took, on personal
responsibility. They used the metaphor of the pointing finger that has the
other 3 curled fingers pointed back at you.. to llustrate that anything we
say of another is thrice true of ourselves. They suggested, when upset with
the actions and behavior of another, we point our fingers on our own nose,
and contemplate our response-ability, in creating our lives with our
  I also got the expression being "led by the nose", and I think that may
be more accurate.
  Maybe you are Pinnochio, and it is telling you when you are lying to
  What resonates? A nose for trouble? Often the truth will be found in the
expressions you use, being manifested by your body's attempts to communicate.
  Maybe you are channeling an anteater? :)

>Duncan, Mark wrote:
>> I keep having a sensation that the top tip on the end of
>> my nose is being tickled with a hair or feather. I keep
>> checking for a hair or piece of dust, but nothing is there.
>> Does this have a meaning? Or is this a K symptom? Or
>> is this spirit or trying to get my attention? If it is, how do I
>> tell it, "Now that you have got my attention, what can I do
>> for you?"
At 13:10 15/10/97 +0100, Gloria Greco wrote:
 This is why detachment is so important, I can't tell you
>enough what it means to live with kundalini in full manifesting, you
>simply must understand the nature of the movement and be connected to
>divine will, which means you observe what is going on inside and outside
>like it is happening to someone else.
  UM.. yes and yes and no.. as usual, eh, Gloria? :)
 I survived my own most tumultuous K, awakening years that way.. I didn't
know what was going on, blamed it on other things, and simply endured,
disassociating as best I could.
  It worked, I survived.. but the symptoms sometimes lingered a long
while, because I was not getting the message. I didn't realize there was
one! LOL! You are thinking to ask, this is good.. and because you have
asked, there will be an answer.
  Each time your nose itches, step outside of yourself, as Gloria says, and
be observant of what you are doing in that moment. Find the link between
the itch and your actions or thoughts.
  Or, conversely, dive into the itch and focus on it with your whole
attention, waiting in the silence of your focus, for the higher guidance of
meaning. It is demanding your attention, surrender and give it your whole
attention, see what you notice. You are in a body for a good reason, and
whatever the body is doing, it is being supportive of you, the best it
knows how. A trillion times better than you!

  I find a book by Louise Hay to be very helpful.. it is a version of "You
can heal your life". It has a rainbow heart onna cover. She links physical
symptoms with emotional attitudes and parts of the body.. leg problems are
associated with fears and difficulties in moving forward, a stiff neck is
rigid opinions, inflexible attitudes.. etc.
  Learning detachment sometimes takes time: I find the easiest way for
western minds to get in touch with the voice of K. is thru self hypnosis..
available conveniently on audio tape. It will guide you in learning to "go
deep" and have conversations with parts of yourself that know more than
your conscious mind does. Or hire a good hypnotherapist from a spiritually
oriented magazine. Many are familiar with K.
 Blessings, Mystress.

Mystress Angelique Serpent,
  Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
      :D ;) :0 :) ;P :0 ;) :D :0 :) ;P :0 ;) :)
    Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at
   different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.
   -- Clive James
 Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 20:10:55 +0000
From: Nancy <NancyATnospamwtp.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Seven Habits
Message-ID: <34452343.2B23ATnospamwtp.net>

Sounds like you have the making of your OWN book. I like this!

Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 19:12:19 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net
Subject: Kundalini and Neurophysiology
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Mr. Namaste writes:
>page 115-116: Michael Persinger, a professor at Laurentian
>University in Ontario, Canada, has researched the neurophysiology of
>religious feelings and proposed that spiritual experiences come from
>altered electrical activity in the brain....According to Persinger,
>religious and mystical experiences are "the NORMAL consequences of
>spontaneous ... stimulation of temporal lobe structures," which causes
>brain structures that are ordinarily unrelated to fire in tandem.....In
>Persinger's view, religious experiences are are our explanation for
>'microseizures', or: temporal lobe transients.
>page 110- 111: Temporal lobe epilepsy is often misdiagnosed not only as
>schizophrenia but also as mood disorders, according to John Kuehnle, a
>psychiatrist, who noted TLE's widespread misdiagnosis has "unbelievable
>implications for psychiatry." Kuehlne estimated that 5 percent of
>people with affective disorders, such as depression, manic-depressive
>illness, and mania "actually have TLE."....Similarly, he added, fifteen
>to twenty percent of so-called schizophrenics, including many of the
>'chronic residual schizophrenics' on the back wards of state hospitals
>who don't respond to standard treatment for psychoses, are actually
>temporal lobe epileptics."
>The above quotes are from the book: "SEIZED: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy as
>a Medical, Historical, and Artistic Phenomenon"
>by Eva LaPlante (0-06-016673-8)

Noticeably absent from this list have been discussions of the
neurophysiology of the kundalini phenomenon. Mr. Namaste has provided some
pointers to valuable new information in what I think is one of the
important leads in understanding the kundalini phenomenon. The only other
comparable reference I have found is on the topic of ``kindling'' and
meditation. I believe that this phenomenon is the only physiological model
that I know that explains the kriya activity. Thanks for excavating these
references MrNamaste. I rushed off to order the book cited above but it is
out of print. The author's name is Eve LaPlante by the way(important for
name searches).

Any comments out there on Isaak Bentov's physical model of the kundalini

Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 22:13:00 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: kundalini and neurophysiology
Message-Id: <199710160313.UAA12788ATnospammailtod-2.alma.webtv.net>

Hello Kurt.

There is another book I would like to bring to your attention. The
specific chapters you would find of interest are #6 Brain Chemistry:
The Stairway to Heaven, and #11 The Electromagnetic Spectrum Theory
of Intrusive Phenomenon

There is a particularly interesting discussion of how automobile engines
create an electromagnetic forcefield which can entrain together with all
of the occupants of the car. Scientific researchers wonder if this may,
in part, be responsible for a number of UFO sightings on back country
roads. Also, there is a good analysis of what the concept "archetype"
was actually meant by Carl Jung.

"GRAND ILLUSIONS: The Spectral Reality Underlying Sexual UFO
Abductions, Crashed Saucers, Afterlife Experiences, Sacred Ancient
Sites, and Other Enigmas" Dr. Gregory L. Little

Are you also aware that the revised and expanded edition of Jeffrey
Mishlove's classic work ROOTS OF CONSCIOUSNESS has excellent material
throughout? In fact Kurt, you may wish to contact Mr. Mishlove and ask
for further recommendations. He has ALWAYS been interested in the
physiological aspects of the mystical experience because he does himself
have a seizure disorder. Anyway, his book has several excellent pages
on Michael Persinger.

I also recommend that you do a research at MEDLINE if you are interested
in following all the most recent research.

I have been familiar with Bentov's schema for many many years. However,
for myself, it did not resonate with the actuality of my own
experience.....so I have sought elsewhere.

You also may want to visit your local library and check out books in the
med section written for the general lay audience. You'll find a number
of titles, along the lines of "How to Live With Epilepsy." These books
contain a cornucorpia of interesting tidbits --- such as the fact that
people with temporal lobe epilepsy DESPISE taking any medication to
control their seizures. Why? Because the medication takes away all
their e.s.p., clairvoyance, and other misc. psychic proclivities. There
are many such "striking" stories to read in such works ---- my
favorite being learning that japa meditation or chanting mantras can, in
and of themselves, trigger seizures in the neurologically vulnerable.

In Oliver Sacks book, "Anthropologist From Mars" you will find an
excellent chapter entitled, (I think) "The Last Hippie." There was
a young man who had joined _________ and he was in a ___________Temple,
down south somewhere, and was considered to be ENLIGHTENED. When his
parents heard how he appeared ----- as though in a state of full fledged
SAMADHI, they Knew something was very "wrong" and ran down in terror and
yanked him out and took him to an emergency room where a massive brain
tumor was found. You will find Oliver Sack's discussion of this case to
be very informative.

I had no idea you were interested in any of this.
I will try to notify you in the future if I come across any other true

Thank you for the assistance you have given to me.

Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 23:19:41 -0500 (CDT)
From: hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
To: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: me
Message-Id: <199710160419.XAA10021ATnospamdfw-ix13.ix.netcom.com>

You wrote:
>Ouch! I feel as if I am back in high school and have made the fatal
>of sitting at the "cool" table. I have not formally introduced myself
>1. This email account is not secure, and saying too much about myself
>have consequences for my continued gainful employment.

Uh huh, this can be a problem.

>2. I have no advanced degrees, no "expertise" in anything related to
>list, no web page to advertise, and no books to sell. My "background"
>lower middle class middle America.

If class, advance degrees, web pages and the like start to confer ANY
authority on this list we'd all better pack up and go home.

>If this information is insufficient, you are free to consider me the
>"bastard child" of the list, and delete all my posts unread.

Any amount or type of information is most welcome but not required.
We're all children and none of us is a bastard because we know who our
real parents are for heaven's sake! Holly


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