Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/10/15 13:56
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #518

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 518

Today's Topics:
  RE: Gurdjieff's concept of the kundabuffer, plus PS
  Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #516 and #517
  Erm, excuse me but I'm new here.....
  Tickled with Kundalini?
  Mystical Experience
  Ego potshots
  Re: Questions to the list
  Re: Erm, excuse me but I'm new here.....
  Re: Channeling [K.I.S.S.]
  clear vision
  Re: Channeling [K.I.S.S.]
  Re: Tickled with Kundalini?
  Re: Channeling [K.I.S.S.]
  Re: Channeling [K.I.S.S.]
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 15:59:19 +-100
From: Tom Bradley <tombATnospamPhoneLink.COM>
To: "'kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: Gurdjieff's concept of the kundabuffer, plus PS
Message-ID: <01BCD983.4D320C40ATnospamtomb.dev.PhoneLink.COM>


 The great thing about this newsgroup is that had you not pointed these things out I would have continued to operate in a vacuum and get the two mixed up, so thanks for explaining it. The octave theory of higher frequencies of vibration seems to ite in with the subtle bodies. On numerous occasions I've had experiences that could be interpreted as astral or etheric projection, and what always seems to happen when I come out of the state is that I'm flat on my back, totally paralyzed as far as moving my arms and legs go, and experiencing a very powerful, almost painful vibration, like being electrocuted. I think this is what's called astral catalepsy. Maybe it rings a few bells... I'm most interested in what you've written about the Japanese researcher's findings - can you refer me to any publications or online resources?


P.S. How do you rate these point locator acupuncture devices - are they effective?

From: Elle D'Coda[SMTP:dcodaATnospamtherapist.net]
Sent: 10 October 1997 02:05
To: Tom Bradley; 'kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com'
Subject: Re: Gurdjieff's concept of the kundabuffer

>Taoist yoga deals with a different "bandwidth" of vibrational energy than
kundalini yoga. Taoist yoga deals with the channels of energy mediated by
the acupunture-meridian system. Kundalini yoga deals with the nadis sytem.
We have both systems within us.

>The nadis system is a different system.The principle of matter of different
frequencies applies to even higher frequency matter than the etheric body.
Bodies of higher energetic frequencies are interconnected in dynamic
equalibrium with the physical. There is a human frequency spectrum, each
octave of which manifests as a different type of body enfolded within.
Using the analogy of octaves of music, we also find octaves of
electromagnetic energy. Gurdieff taught the octave theory.After the etheric
with its meridian system interface we have the astral which uses the nadis
system as its interface. ..The close association with the nervous
system causes the nadis to affect the nature and quality of nerve
transmission in the brain and its networks. Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, a
Japanese researcher, has discovered evidence of both systems
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 09:35:33 -0700
From: iri <iriATnospamivyrealty.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #516 and #517
Message-Id: <199710151635.JAA23442ATnospamwoohoo.erc.bc.ca>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear K-Listers:

Firstly, David thank you for your comparison of Steven Covey and Kundalini.
To-date yours is the only response I have seen. Hopefully there will be more
responses to my Questions to the List.
Secondly, Dear K-Listers, In my humble opinion, I believe that taking
potshot at a person/entity does not speaks well of any person. It, also,
serves no purpose except perhaps one of self-serving ego. By putting one
party down, do you not raise yourself up in your own eyes? Does this speak
of the Kundalini experience and practice? Pardon my ignorance, please inform
me of my error if infact I have made one. I have joined this list to learn
from its members that have collectively and possibly individually more
knowledge and experience than I. So please consider me a student. Any
student, as we all know ,asks questions that to others seem simplistic and
also asks questions that to others are complex. At this stage I do not know
enough to ask the complex questions.

As always, I look forward to reading that which you choose to share and for
that I thank you.

Ivy Realty Inc. "A Down to Earth Company"
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Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 17:34:38 +0100
From: "Krystyna Haywood" <krystynaATnospamclara.net>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Erm, excuse me but I'm new here.....
Message-Id: <199710151648.RAA09514ATnospamhermes.clara.net>

Hiya all

For the benefit of my somewhat small knowledge in this area, I have a great
interest interest in spiritualism, however, would someone kindly and
briefly explain what 'Kundalini's is, and what is meant by the kundalini

Thank you.


"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
Proverb by Henry Ford


> From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
> To: korobeATnospamsveka.oulu.fi
> Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
> Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
> Date: 15 October 1997 08:40
> Alex Korobe wrote:
> >
> > I have the following question. After a rather long period of
> > the lower back pain, connected with some disk disorder, seems
> > my kundalini has reduced noticeably. What exercises, asanas etc. are
> > helpful in the restoration of kundalini? Thanks. Alex Kor.
> v: i have found when still in *general pain* in the back, just standing
> & hanging from the waist & letting gravity draw the weight of upper
> torso towards floor is a very apt back stretch. sitting on floor &
> touching (towards) toes, gently without force is another; put right foot
> on left thigh & stretch towards left toes; then reverse to the right
> toes, then spread legs & hang in the middle, letting gravity draw down &
> just release tension.
> these forward bends are supposed to be balanced by reverse back bends
> for approx 3X as long. Lay on floor face up with legs outstretched, arch
> the back with use of arms to raise to the top of head-type full arch.
> points of contact : top of head & hips; legs lay flat & spine is arched
> convex from floor, arms return to sides. stay that way as long as
> comfortable. this is a good one for breathing deeper beyond the upper
> lungs.
> these are a few i do regular, as i work my way back to being able to do
> a full 'plow'. take it *easy* is the key...no brain/no pain!
> " a (wo)man is only as young as his(her) spine..." the yogis say!
> *********************
> valerie cooper
> http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7982/index.html
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 16:13:06 +-100
From: Tom Bradley <tombATnospamphonelink.com>
To: "'kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Mindfulness
Message-ID: <01BCD985.39A4A320ATnospamtomb.dev.PhoneLink.COM>

Hello Antoine,

 Thank you for your insights and your sound advice. I see that you draw on several traditions but you adopt an approach that is unique and individual. One of the things that interests me about the 8 channel psychic circulation is that the routes for the energy flow are easily learnt. I think I'll start that practice without first creating a heat in the abdomen, but I will also practice exercises that develop that heat. Then, at a later date, I can send the heat down the channels. I mentioned in an earlier post that I was thinking of using post-hypnotic suggestion (to keep the flow going even when I'm about my daily tasks) and also acupuncture (to dislodge energy blockages). Then what I hope to do is integrate this practice with my own interpretation of Gurdjieffian self-remembering and the Buddhist practice of mindfulness. I would like hear about any approaches people have to embodying an ongoing spiritual awareness, outside of meditation time.

All the best,

From: acarre[SMTP:acarreATnospamconcentric.net]
Sent: 10 October 1997 22:42
To: Tom Bradley
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Taoist Yoga

Hello Tom,

You said:
"One thing I can ask right now is if the clearing of the eight psychic
channels can be undertaken in parallel with beginning Taoist Yoga, or
does it depend on first developing the heat in the tan t'ien?"

>From my experience, from going, from going from the chakras system of
Tibet, to that of India, to that of Buddhist kung fu (that uses the
taoist system for chakras mixed with the Buddhist one) and then back a
again to a new system of my own more based on the david start, from all
that I must say it's not an easy task. Your identify being build on the
center of your energy system, changing that center of place will put
your identity in crises for a while. But you grow stronger in the
process, more malleable. Your shield to the world will become weaker
during the process, your sensibility to others grow, and you'll wonder
where to store you energy.

It's not an easy process, but if you want to learn, and let be your body
as it is, without any systems in it, but your body being the system.
Then I would say go for it, we can only learn from that.

Courage and perseverance
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 13:06:54 -0400
From: "Duncan, Mark" <duncanmATnospamemh22.eustis.army.mil>
To: "'Kundalini List'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Tickled with Kundalini?
Message-ID: <c=US%a=_%p=ORGANIZATION%l=ATSC08-971015170654Z-1326ATnospamatsc08.emh22.eustis.army.mil>

I keep having a sensation that the top tip on the end of
my nose is being tickled with a hair or feather. I keep
checking for a hair or piece of dust, but nothing is there.
Does this have a meaning? Or is this a K symptom? Or
is this spirit or trying to get my attention? If it is, how do I
tell it, "Now that you have got my attention, what can I do
for you?"

Thanks. If the is too far off subject, send the responses directly
to me at the email address below.

Mark C. Duncan
Network Engineer
Information Technology Solutions, Inc.
Building 2787, Ft. Eustis, VA
757.878.0071 ext. 297
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 11:59:31 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Mystical Experience
Message-Id: <199710151659.JAA17205ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>

page 115-116: Michael Persinger, a professor at Laurentian
University in Ontario, Canada, has researched the neurophysiology of
religious feelings and proposed that spiritual experiences come from
altered electrical activity in the brain....According to Persinger,
religious and mystical experiences are "the NORMAL consequences of
spontaneous ... stimulation of temporal lobe structures," which causes
brain structures that are ordinarily unrelated to fire in tandem.....In
Persinger's view, religious experiences are are our explanation for
'microseizures', or: temporal lobe transients.

page 110- 111: Temporal lobe epilepsy is often misdiagnosed not only as
schizophrenia but also as mood disorders, according to John Kuehnle, a
psychiatrist, who noted TLE's widespread misdiagnosis has "unbelievable
implications for psychiatry." Kuehlne estimated that 5 percent of
people with affective disorders, such as depression, manic-depressive
illness, and mania "actually have TLE."....Similarly, he added, fifteen
to twenty percent of so-called schizophrenics, including many of the
'chronic residual schizophrenics' on the back wards of state hospitals
who don't respond to standard treatment for psychoses, are actually
temporal lobe epileptics."

The above quotes are from the book: "SEIZED: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy as
a Medical, Historical, and Artistic Phenomenon"
by Eva LaPlante (0-06-016673-8)

In Volume 5 of ARCHAEUS, entitled: Cyberbiological Studies of the
Imaginal Component in the UFO Contact Experience,on page 161, Professor
Persinger discusses "Normal People and Temporal Lobe Experiences."
According to him...............

"These clinically normal individuals more frequently report "feeling the
presence of a Being or close contact with a universal consciousness
during the early morning hours," lifting sensations or vibrations before
falling asleep, "an experience of a smell from childhood just before I
fell down," depersonalization, and intense bouts of MEANINGFULNESS
between 2:00 am and 3:00 am......Strong positive correlations exist
between temporal lobe symptoms and exotic beliefs (time-traveling) or
psi experiences such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition.
People who report temporal lobe signs display an unusual proclivity for
reading or writing prose or poetry and are prone to generate and
remember vivid visual imagery, especially that concerning childhood

Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 14:25:23 -0400
From: David Hodges <dhodgesATnospamrecol.com>
To: iri <iriATnospamivyrealty.com>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Ego potshots
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 09:35 AM 10/15/97 -0700, iri wrote:
>Secondly, Dear K-Listers, In my humble opinion, I believe that taking
>potshot at a person/entity does not speaks well of any person. It, also,
>serves no purpose except perhaps one of self-serving ego. By putting one
>party down, do you not raise yourself up in your own eyes? Does this speak
>of the Kundalini experience and practice? Pardon my ignorance, please inform
>me of my error if infact I have made one.

  I hope you don't take this as a potshot at you, but I do disagree with
your premises here. One of the effects that Kundalini awakening has is to
force one out of the personal ego space and into the impersonal Self space.
>From that space one can see when someone else is acting or writing or
speaking from the ego and 'potshots' are sometimes launched to bring
attention to that fact. There has been some discussion on this list about
Gurdjieff; well, he could be absolutely brutal with his students - public
humiliations were not uncommon. If you identify with someone's ego and
assume they are being picked on, look again, it might be your
identification, nothing more.
  Another possibility is that you are reading 'potshots' into what is just
written discussion that is open to misinterpretation. If people are rough
on eachother, remember, most of us here are big people and can look after
  Also, when you say, "Does this speak of the Kundalini experience and
practice" you are implying that Kundalini experience and practice has a
public image that needs to be kept buffed up, when in fact, there is no
such thing, Kundalini is what it is and needs no P.R. No one here is trying
to win converts or attract donations. Kundalini is not a movement or an
organization, it is a phenomenon that happens to people and we are here to
discuss and share and occasionaly argue about it.
  I hope that helps...
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 14:38:24 -0400
From: David Hodges <dhodgesATnospamrecol.com>
To: iri <iriATnospamivyrealty.com>, <KUNDALINI-LATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Questions to the list
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 02:04 PM 10/14/97 -0700, iri wrote:
>(1) How does heat energy manifest itself?
>(2) Why does it manifest itself?
>(3) Why one person and not another?
>(4) Why is heat energy in people not so common? Is it also called magnetic
>healing or is this something different?
>(5) I do not know anything about the word (chant?) HUUUUUUUU although I have
>heard that it is useful. What do you know of it?
>(06) What do you know of Eckankar?
>(07) Why is one person a feeler, another a visionary and yet another a
>And can one person have more than one ability?

Iri (or Stan) -
  Since no one else has answered the rest of your questions, I looked at
them again, and I think maybe the reason you got no answers is the
questions are hard to grasp because they are pretty general . Perhaps you
could clarify what you are looking for. Here are my comments/answers to the
rest of your questions (since I did the Steven Covey one earlier).
>(1) How does heat energy manifest itself?
  As heat! It feels like heat! What are you really asking?
>(2) Why does it manifest itself?
  Because something - a chakra perhaps - is accumulating a lot of energy
and throwing it off as heat.
>(3) Why one person and not another?
  Wish I knew. Some people work hard at stimulating kundalini energy and I
suppose that works. For others (like me) it just seems to be part of what
is happening to them in this lifetime.
>(4) Why is heat energy in people not so common? Is it also called magnetic
>healing or is this something different?
   Is it in fact not so common? I wouldn't know. I don't think it is
magnetic healing. I don't think the heat energy is necessarily linked to
healing, anyway, though it could be. Sometimes heat is just heat.
>(5) I do not know anything about the word (chant?) HUUUUUUUU although I have
>heard that it is useful. What do you know of it?
>(06) What do you know of Eckankar?
   There was someone on this list who knew of Eck. Why not search for a web
site about it?
>(07) Why is one person a feeler, another a visionary and yet another a
   Why not? I mean, the whole principle of the universe is diversity. There
are many many different kinds of expression of spiritual awakening and not
one person has them all. There are many many different systems that deal
with different human types - see Astrology, Enneagram, Jung's system of
typology, etc. etc. etc.
>And can one person have more than one ability?
  Of course.

I don't know if this helped, but somehow I've taken responsibility for
answering you, for now!

Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 14:50:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: MsSheWolfATnospamaol.com
To: krystynaATnospamclara.net, cc:kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Erm, excuse me but I'm new here.....
Message-ID: <971015144721_442311927ATnospamemout09.mail.aol.com>

Hi, a friend of mine wrote this to me when I was new to the list...it is a
good synopsis, but i don't know what the kundalini restoration is...hope the
rest of this helps...if you want an answer to the restoration, you could
write to Ric51ATnospamaol.com He provided me with this information. Good

I would describe Kundalini as the active, creative, force of the
Universe....the Divine
Consciousness of the Universe. When the human body is created, she comes in
through the top of the head, traveling down the spine and throughout the
body, in
effect giving life to it. She comes to rest at the base of the spine in a
subtle center
of energy (called the first Chakra ... aka the Muladhara Chakra). There she
dormant and is envisioned as a female serpent coiled 3 1/2 times with its
tail in its
mouth). After death she leaves the body. Kundalini can be awakened by various
means, and upon awakening she rises back up through the body, usually in
penetrating the various other chakras, cleansing the subtle channels. As she
this the person may experience what is called "kriyas".....which to an
outside observer may look as if the person experiencing kriyas is having
seizures, or going
into various yoga positions almost spontaniously, among other things. This is
of the process of cleansing......and generally the kriyas become less
frequent, and
ultimately stop, as the process of cleansing procedes. The rising of
Kundalini also
results in increasingly higher states of consciousness. When Kundalini first
awakens, many people describe the experience as if there was a seperate
consciousness within them......as the process goes on this duality would tend
diminish. It is said that once Kundalini is truly awakened that she cannot be
stopped, and that she will guide you as to what you/it needs....as far as
diet, information, experiences, etc.

OK.....now for some other sources.....Swami Muktananda.....Kundalini is the
of the Self, the power of Consciousness.....Kundalini is Shakti, supreme
Mother of the universe. Shakti is the consort of Shiva. She is the active
aspect of the
formless, attributeless Absolute....Enlightened people of knowledge perceive
Her in
all the forms and objects in the universe, and seeing everything as one in
That, they
merge in That. She is the sound vibration of the Absolute, which manifested
the universe. Kundalini is the support of our lives; it is She who makes
everything work
in our bodies. She functions through the mind and senses and provides the
power for all our activities. She is at the root of all the senses of
perception and organs of action. It is she who brings the breath in and out
and makes the heart beat.
Kundalini is the witness of everything, the knower of everything that can be
The awakening of the inner Kundalini is the true beginning of the spiritual
The Shiva Sutras state "She is the willpower of God, the ever-young maiden
Uma." She is called ever-young because She is always playing; Her play is the
creation, sustenance, and dissolution of this world.
Swami Muktananda describes kriyas as....a gross (physical) or subtle (mental,
emotional) purificatory movement initiated by the awakened Kundalini. Kriyas
the body and nervous system so as to allow a seeker to endure the energy of
states of consciousness.

Another source....Ajit Mookerjee...The coiled Kundalini is the female energy
in latent form, not only in every human being but in every atom of the
universe. (She)
is the vast potential of psychic energy, the body's most powerful thermal
current. The
one (ie-Universal/Cosmic) Consciousness is polarized into static (Shiva) and
dynamic (Shakti) aspects for the purpose of manifestation. Kundalini-yoga is
resolution of this duality into unity again.

Swami Chetanananda says....When you work to open yourself (Kundalini/the
of Life) begins to flow more easily through your system. As it flows more
it rearranges your whole internal structure, just as the tide rearranges the
structure of the beach. Then, the universal tide moves in you, and washes
away everything that is extraneous.

I hope this is helpful.

   Love You,
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 12:20:50 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: madammumATnospamptialaska.net
CC: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Channeling [K.I.S.S.]
Message-ID: <3444A70F.B73ATnospamintercomm.com>

valerian wrote:
> > >
> >lobster: My Dear Friends,
> > If you are possesed by an Angel or a demon, you are possesed. You have become their
> > possesion for a period.
> v: what one believes from their *heart* becomes REAL. if one chooses to
> believe that one is possessed by another entity, one is working towards
> that reality.
> personally, i have found that simply choosing to NOT believe in
> demons & *owning* my own atmosphere with that belief, keeps negative
> influences (aka 'demons') away.
> i was/am
> skeptical of 'Seth' & Jane Roberts, the gal by Mt. Rainier who
> "channels" a disembodied spirit & makes *big bucks* at her retreat with
> classes & t-shirts & souveniers (& has the 'locals' tearing out their
> hair with all the publicity & crowds), and even shirley maclaine. I
> believe we really have to look behind the words & teachings of the
> "channelled spirit" into the motives of the "channeller".

Gloria here:
 So much here and it is really escalating, I encourage folks to go
inside and test every spirit that comes into your space, you will amazed
when you do what happens.


Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 21:43:03 +0100
From: "Jason S. White" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: clear vision
Message-ID: <34452AD7.BA39F032ATnospambluewin.ch>

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."

-Carl Jung

I love this quote and I thought you all might too.

Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 13:19:30 -0700
From: freda <fredaATnospamblarg.net>
To: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Channeling [K.I.S.S.]
Message-ID: <34452552.2FB2ATnospamblarg.net>

Gloria, you wrote:
>I believe we really have to look behind the words & teachings of the
> "channelled spirit" into the motives of the "channeller".
I have asked myself this question many times over the years and I have
found that if what I hear from a person rings true and works then that
is enough for me. Knowledge, IMHO, is not limited. I am not as
interested in the messenger as I am in the message.
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 13:10:53 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: "Duncan, Mark" <duncanmATnospamemh22.eustis.army.mil>
CC: "'Kundalini List'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Tickled with Kundalini?
Message-ID: <3444B2C7.6C57ATnospamintercomm.com>

Duncan, Mark wrote:
> I keep having a sensation that the top tip on the end of
> my nose is being tickled with a hair or feather. I keep
> checking for a hair or piece of dust, but nothing is there.
> Does this have a meaning? Or is this a K symptom? Or
> is this spirit or trying to get my attention? If it is, how do I
> tell it, "Now that you have got my attention, what can I do
> for you?"

Gloria here:
Mark, kundalini is entering the brain and when it does it creates all
types of sensations from that tickling feeling, to pressure, itching,
you name it? This is why detachment is so important, I can't tell you
enough what it means to live with kundalini in full manifesting, you
simply must understand the nature of the movement and be connected to
divine will, which means you observe what is going on inside and outside
like it is happening to someone else.

When this is place, things just are... you don't label it good or bad,
it is nothing more then you detaching from the five senses so that you
are reborn into higher knowing of what life really is, and how you fit
into it. You are in the process of being reborn and coming to know who
Mark really is???

The thing that kundalini does is make you acutely aware of energy,
movement, letting go, observation, etc. These are tools to best allow
the process to run its course, you will know it when it happens. There
is no mystery with it because every increase that is successful leaves
tools of insight and knowing. Each center relates to a dimension and
each frequency change takes you into life here and now, and the other
side with new awareness. Hope you find some help in this. You can always
write to me directly if it comes to you.
> Thanks. If the is too far off subject, send the responses directly
> to me at the email address below.
> Mark C. Duncan
> Network Engineer
> Information Technology Solutions, Inc.
> Building 2787, Ft. Eustis, VA
> 757.878.0071 ext. 297
> duncanmATnospamemh22.eustis.army.mil


Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 13:22:08 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: fredaATnospamblarg.net
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Channeling [K.I.S.S.]
Message-ID: <3444B56A.1D96ATnospamintercomm.com>

freda wrote:
> Gloria, you wrote:
> >I believe we really have to look behind the words & teachings of the
> > "channelled spirit" into the motives of the "channeller".
> I have asked myself this question many times over the years and I have
> found that if what I hear from a person rings true and works then that
> is enough for me. Knowledge, IMHO, is not limited. I am not as
> interested in the messenger as I am in the message.
> --
> Freda
> http://www.blarg.net/~freda/01rg/hm/frhm.htm

Actually I didn't write that, but I do believe it is a misunderstanding
of how things are being shown to the individual, it is more likely that
person speaking and not a spirit. When it truly is I would test the
spirit. Gloria

Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 13:23:12 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: fredaATnospamblarg.net
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Channeling [K.I.S.S.]
Message-ID: <3444B5AB.6F0FATnospamintercomm.com>

freda wrote:
 I am not as
> interested in the messenger as I am in the message.
> --
> Freda
> http://www.blarg.net/~freda/01rg/hm/frhm.htm

 Why look to the outside when all you have to do is go within.


Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!


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