Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/10/15 09:00
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #517

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 517

Today's Topics:
  loving, forgiving, and serving
  Re: me
  Re: Prison
  re: channelling warnings
  The Fabulous K. list Digest!
  Re: Channeling
  Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
  what it is
  Re: Channeling [K.I.S.S.]
  Re: Questions to the list
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 23:39:15 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, jan.watsonATnospamsympatico.ca
Subject: loving, forgiving, and serving
Message-ID: <34446513.2C67ATnospamdial.pipex.com>

Seed meditations:

Murshid says:

"The deeper your prayers echo in your own consciousness, the more audible they
are to God."

"Nobody appears inferior to us when our heart is kindled with kindness, and
our eyes are open to the vision of God."

"By loving, forgiving, and serving, it is possible for your whole life to
become one single vision of the sublime beauty of God."

"It is when man has lost the idea of separateness and feels himself at one
with all creation, that his eyes are opened and he sees the cause of all

"The creator is hidden in his creation."

And from Pir Vilayat:

"Pir o Murshid says the objective of the whole of existence is the awakening
of the divine consciousness, the consciousness of the universe, which is
hidden in matter."

"We must remember that the way out of the vicious cycle is not by the pursuit
of freedom, although that might be the first conclusion we come to. Certainly
freedom plays a role, but the way out of the circle in which we are caught is
love - caring for others." ...... and ..... "Instead of saying "Well, right,
love is the way out of the circle," we need to ask ourselves what are our
motivations in our relationships with people."

"All that we know of the universe are simply clues to the reality of which the
cosmos is the manifestation, not only in the physical and psychological
environment, but also in our very personality. According to the Sufis these
clues are the devices whereby God reveals his/her reality experientially."

"The key to personal creativity is rather than looking for God 'up there', to
discover God emerging from within oneself."

And Others:

"Noone knows what is within himself until it is unveiled to him instant by
instant." Ibn Arabi

Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 19:59:20 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: me
Message-ID: <3443C107.4FF9ATnospamintercomm.com>

amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us wrote:
> Gloria wrote:
> >HI, I don't think you have introduced yourself, can you give us some
> >background?
> Ouch! I feel as if I am back in high school and have made the fatal mistake
> of sitting at the "cool" table. I have not formally introduced myself
> because:

 No problem, I hadn't thought about you being at work or whatever.I
understand where your coming from. Share what comes to you.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 10:13:47 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
CC: Spirit-Mind-Body <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>,
 Sacred Wind <sacredwindATnospamusa.net>,
 Self Knowledge List <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>,
 Kundalini <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Prison
Message-ID: <344337CB.2A8CATnospamintercomm.com>

F. Drew Leyda wrote:
> I bet you guys would have never guessed that I am in prison.
> Yes, I am a Prisoner .
> But I am also the Guard, the Warden, and the Bars.
> I am the Cell and Judge.
> Heck, I am even the Crime.
> I look out my window and see the Blue Jays flitting about and I am free.
> My, Oh, My !
> *
> *
> Drew
> " So Far : So Good "

Everyone is in prison one way or the other, welcome. Gloria


Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 22:04:38 +0000
From: Nancy <NancyATnospamwtp.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: re: channelling warnings
Message-ID: <3443EC6D.1ECAATnospamwtp.net>

A couple of nights ago I read Mr. Namaste's warning for people to avoid
angels, channeling, etc. I also read Indra's perspective on the
relationship between channellers and the spirit channelled.

I don't disagree with either of these assessments. I look at these
issues from a different perspective.

I consider all relationships a reflection of me. So whether I'm relating
to some disembodied spirit or a live human being, it's all coming from
"me." (I'm using "me" to signify the complete oneness of it all.) I am
the ugliness. I am the beauty. I am the human. I am the spirit.

I don't believe that we're seperate in essence. There is only one. So if
I want to call that wise source I tap into "Zarcon of the Ages" or
"Tinkerbell" or "The Serpent" it doesn't matter. I like to think of that
wise source as angels whispering in my ears. Does it matter if there are
really angels doing this?

So one's perspective on "entities" depends from which level your viewing
it from.

(Then again, maybe some crazed spirit is attaching itself to me and
forcing me to type this...)

Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 10:05:35 +0500 (GMT+0500)
From: Sunil R Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
To: kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Maitreya
Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.91.971015095936.26487A-100000ATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

 Someone suggested following site

Ram read the site and read the messages of Lord Maitreya.
Damn Good
Are not ram's inner voice and Lord Maitreya same?
Awareness, awareness , awareness

Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 19:37:47
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The Fabulous K. list Digest!
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

      ATnospamD-%-- ATnospamD-%-- ATnospamD-%-- ATnospamD-%-- ATnospamD-%--
   A friendly suggestion from your Fabulous List Mystress:

  Tired of millions of K. list posts overflowing your mailbox every day?
  Wish there was a way you could sift through for the tasty bits without
recieving so much mail?

  Well, here it is! The Fabulous K. list Digest!
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    If you need more info, feel free to write to me at
 Love and electric blue K. fire, List Mystress.
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Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 23:31:49
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Channeling
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

 >>tgxxx wrote:
>> I would MUCH rather hear ....................... has received and
>> learned in THEIR own words, their own experience. I would love to hear
it! Teach them that. And to quit hiding behind your skirts/pants,
>> pretending to be some
>> xxxtg
>> I am of the moment

  I agree with you, speaking from the heart, of your own human experience
is the most interesting reading.. yet, we are as real to each other as we
choose to be... regardless of handles. Most folks are moving in the
cyberspace under assumed names, text only invisibility, hiding pretending
to be seafood.. or reptile... and there is the silent majority, lurkers
absorbing the information of the posts, but offering no appearance in return.
  Probably more than half my writing is "channeled". I simply stick it all
under the same handle, (A. Serpent Mystery) coz the handle itself
represents the eternal K, energy of All that is.. my soul has been very
clear that it is nameless in it's ineffability, but I am not planning to
become a symbol.. as the artist formerly known as..
  Folks inna K. experience are in orbit: my sense of self wanders some
interesting extremes, in the path of my evolution, (Have you noticed? LOL!)
and I think this has been the experience of most folks. We all get to feel,
at some point, that we are Jesus for a week, so to speak.
  Zarcon will get the courage to speak from his "physical" voice when Z. is
ready to do so. I will wait, it's orbit will come round from focus of
uniqueness to focus on commonality, in it's own time.
  I trust Goddess knows what She is doing, in providing the lessons the
human is experiencing in being "of the Ages" for a while..

  Are the experiences imagination? It is easier on the rational to think
so: but in the case of Kundalites, I think more often it is not.
  An example: I have wanted to be able to astral travel since I was a
teenager. I have always considered myself unable to do so, yet many
listmembers and personal friends have had the experience of my astral self
visiting them.
  This puzzled me, and I asked Goddess for more information: The result,
after co-incidents had had time to create clarity?
  I had been discounting my experiences of being "elsewhere", in my
imagination, as only imagination, when in fact those were genuine astral
travelling experiences, all along. I thought astral travelling had to be
much more complicated than it really is.
  Nope, it's totally simple: Time space doesn't really exist, beyond the
physical.. so where your consciousness goes, there you are. (your astral
  My experience of channeling was similar.. I decided I wanted to channel,
and read some books about it.. and then came to a cosciousness
ego-trashing point of recognizing that the myriad of voices that had been
speaking in my mind all my life were Goddess, angels, aliens, altenate
selves.. swinging from crisis of trying to find "self" among them,
impossible, hopeless, and ecstacy literally glowing of being All of them at
once. Wow!

At 18:31 13/10/97 -0700, indra wrote:

>Hello List!
 He said you can get all you want on this earth, but there is
>catch to it. The method involved being with a spirit through special
>meditations, and making the spirit virtually your servant. Any question
>you mentally asked would be answered by the spirit in your ears. Through
>which one could dollars pouring inas this would have made the person a
>Superman in a sense.

  This has not been my experience of channeling.. I have tons of "spirit
friends" who speak to me, but I they are darn stubborn in refusing to pick
out lottery tickets. I get back what I have spent, or less. Not more. Nor
will they usually predct the future to any extent, as predicting the future
may interfere with my free will path decisions, by cosmic law. There are an
infinity of alternate futures, tho there are events fixed in timespace by
Goddess, too.
  Nor do I think of them as being in my "service". I enslave humans who are
self aware enough to recognize it as a game: not discarnate entities.
  I look at it as co-workers, a team working on the same project.. total
planetary ascension, K. awakening, the spiritual growth of self and
"other". The pleasure of good company and sharing love.. They are repaid
for any "services" to me by their own evolution. By the energy of my
gratitude and love/ attention.
  Many of the entities which surround me, agreed to do so on behalf of my
higher self, before I incarnated. Some are my "soul team" who have been
with me for many incarnations. I also channel my alternate dimension
selves: different aspects of me, from different times and places.
  I have had some spirits who ask to serve me, to be slaves to my desires..
I see them as being lonely and wanting to assist their own evolution by
assisting mine.
  I accept their service conditionally, not as slavery, but as friends who
may wish to do favors to friends. They are free to be elsewhere are they
choose, to grant my requests or not, as they choose, but any actions
towards me or another in my name or on my behalf must be approved under the
"administration" of my higher self and guardian angels. For the good of all
and harm to none. Ethical chanelling.
  Any beings wishing to communicate with me, must first pass the inspection
and approval of my Guardian Angels, who are charged with not allowing thru
anything that is not in the 'highest good'. I am honored to have beings of
the light, working thru me, speaking to me, just as you might be honored by
a mystical experience of Buddah moving thru you or a vision of a discarnate

>I asked my Guru now tell me what is the catch. He said after you pass
>out from this incarnation, your live in lower realms near the earth
>plane as a spirit and you become the spirit as a servant to some person
>who wishes to be united with you.
>In Love, Life and Light,
   Indra, if evolution comes from the path of service, what is there to fear?
  Only ever fear itself.
  I 'serve' some discarnate entities in this lifetime, too.. mostly by
doing "clearings" of haunted houses and such, sending 'stuck' entities back
into the light with a blast of unconditional love and forgiveness. I also
'serve' some physical entities which wish to be united more closely with
awareness of their own Divine spirit. Sometimes by allowing them to serve
me, in my Goddess aspect of knowingness.
  In meditation, I think of everthing I know as an aspect of myself,
opening up 'self' to include All that Is. From that place, spirits serving
me serving spirits serving others serving me.. are all aspects of the
larger self, of All that Is. Fear must come always from the separation of
"self" and "other".
  I am aware that in serving others I enhance my own evolution, and in
accepting the services of others I enhance their evolution round and round
love is shared. If all is done in the name of Love and Light, in Service to
Goddess' creation, I cannot see how there could be harm. As a child in
church, I remember singing a song called "Make me a channel of Your Peace."
  In closing, I would like to offer part of a "channeling" of my own, that
I recently reposted to the channeling list. <channelingATnospamintuition.org>
  It is from a year ago, but each time I reread it, it fills me anew with
light, and a resonance of truth.

   You Are the amazing miracle of all of your experiences, all of the
events of all of your lives, and the lives of all of the people you have
interacted with in all of your lives, in all of time and space. Time and
space do not exist, therefore you are all of those things right now, in
this moment.
   That is who You Are. Much of that information is inside your body,
stored away in nerve and bone and DNA and the vibration of the molecule
that was once ocean, mountain, meteor, apple, alien, and Goddess.
  When that information opens up and floods your system you are all things,
and you know all things by looking at what is inside of You.
  And when you touch any of those things that were once/always a part of
you they respond with a song of recognition. That song is the love of
family, of oneness and joy in creation.
  You will not be lost, because You as individual entity have never really
existed. You have always been all, you just did not know it because you
convinced yourself you are less, so you could have an experience of being
  In this way, all of the bits of All get to interact with each other, and
experience who in relationship to other. Thus, Goddess gets to know who She
is. All that is, is in relationships: parts of The One experiencing Itself.
  Remember. if time and space do not exist, the Big bang of Creation and
the collapse of apocalypse are in the moment, and are inside of you as
well. The universe of creation has already ended and You are already
reunited with Creator, and have never been separated by creation. Thou art
  You have been playing a game with yourself, pretending you are separate.
To be separate, you needed fear. Fear is the separation.
  Now you are remembering that it is a game.
  You have invested so much in the game, you cannot see past it anymore,
and you don't want to believe it is a game because it will make your
investment seem wasted.
  But the game is in the playing, and you have played it well, you have
bought into it's reality and become totally involved with it. The value in
the game is in the experience of playing that we keep when the game is done.

  The other reason for playing the game is for the pleasure and drama
  The other aspect of the eternity in the present moment, we have always
been playing, and always will...but now we know that's it's a game. That
changes everything.
  Why stop playing? The game is fun, as long as you keep in mind that it's
a game. Come back and play some more!
  Channeling: Beings are lined up around the block to experience our 3d
reality, cos it's cool! And then they go back home and have a slideshow for
the other beings about their visit to 3d.
  Blessings, Mystress.

Mystress Angelique Serpent,
  Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
      :D ;) :0 :) ;P :0 ;) :D :0 :) ;P :0 ;) :)
    Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at
   different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.
   -- Clive James
 Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 23:40:28 -0800
From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: korobeATnospamsveka.oulu.fi
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <34447365.E65ATnospamptialaska.net>

Alex Korobe wrote:
> I have the following question. After a rather long period of
> the lower back pain, connected with some disk disorder, seems
> my kundalini has reduced noticeably. What exercises, asanas etc. are
> helpful in the restoration of kundalini? Thanks. Alex Kor.

v: i have found when still in *general pain* in the back, just standing
& hanging from the waist & letting gravity draw the weight of upper
torso towards floor is a very apt back stretch. sitting on floor &
touching (towards) toes, gently without force is another; put right foot
on left thigh & stretch towards left toes; then reverse to the right
toes, then spread legs & hang in the middle, letting gravity draw down &
just release tension.
   these forward bends are supposed to be balanced by reverse back bends
for approx 3X as long. Lay on floor face up with legs outstretched, arch
the back with use of arms to raise to the top of head-type full arch.
points of contact : top of head & hips; legs lay flat & spine is arched
convex from floor, arms return to sides. stay that way as long as
comfortable. this is a good one for breathing deeper beyond the upper
these are a few i do regular, as i work my way back to being able to do
a full 'plow'. take it *easy* is the key...no brain/no pain!
" a (wo)man is only as young as his(her) spine..." the yogis say!
valerie cooper
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 08:40:30 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: what it is
Message-ID: <3444E3EE.50ECATnospamdial.pipex.com>

amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us wrote:
> Gloria wrote:
> >HI, I don't think you have introduced yourself, can you give us some
> >background?
> Ouch! I feel as if I am back in high school and have made the fatal mistake
> of sitting at the "cool" table. I have not formally introduced myself
> because:

The "cool table" ain't so hot. I have never introduced myself because:

1. If you have to ask - you don't need to know
2. If you need to know about people try National Geographic

However people prefer others to conform to their model of Reality and Behaviour
norms and introductions are a nice courtesy. Here you will find everyone very accepting
and supportive. So those of you who wish to share your story and experiences or who need
guidance and advice, who provide or share are more than welcome. Those who you who are
insane are welcome, those of you who think you may be going insane are more than
welcome. Those who are recovering, curious or just plain sane. The beginner is welcome,
the advanced. The mystic, the dipstick, the Holy - those with the holes filled in.
All welcome. Those who need no labels. Every religion, every background. If you come
across me be careful. I am very careful, in more ways then seven.
So welcome One and All. You are Safe here. You are cared for and Loved - perhaps in ways
that seem strange but that is the motive; the energy that stirs is strange and powerful.
Wonderful and Beyond all Comprehension. Welcome.

> If this information is insufficient, you are free to consider me the
> "bastard child" of the list, and delete all my posts unread.

Yo "bastard child" - Welcome.

Most Kind Regards,
Offering welcome even though not all here
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 01:04:59 -0800
From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Channeling [K.I.S.S.]
Message-ID: <34448726.2A5BATnospamptialaska.net>

> > >tg: "I like you but I wouldn't want to see you working with subatomic
> > > particles."
> <snip>
>lobster: My Dear Friends,
> If you are possesed by an Angel or a demon, you are possesed. You have become their
> possesion for a period.
v: what one believes from their *heart* becomes REAL. if one chooses to
believe that one is possessed by another entity, one is working towards
that reality.
   personally, i have found that simply choosing to NOT believe in
demons & *owning* my own atmosphere with that belief, keeps negative
influences (aka 'demons') away.
*actually - last year at this time i sang a different song about it, but
have learned increasingly as a 'survival' modicum.*
   one has to wonder why any *evolved* disembodied entity still sticks
around the earth plane for any reason! i do not trust disembodied spirit
entities that can find nothing better to do than channel their opinions
through willing souls who also have nothing better to do. i was/am
skeptical of 'Seth' & Jane Roberts, the gal by Mt. Rainier who
"channels" a disembodied spirit & makes *big bucks* at her retreat with
classes & t-shirts & souveniers (& has the 'locals' tearing out their
hair with all the publicity & crowds), and even shirley maclaine. I
believe we really have to look behind the words & teachings of the
"channelled spirit" into the motives of the "channeller".
 is it contrived to be a "racket"- is money made from these claims. or
even a sense of *ego*? if anything, these are symbiotic relationships
that - at best- should bear much scrutiny before giving into that
incredible phenomenon of giving up one's *personal power*.
   we *are* what we *believe* we are. it is really that *simple*!
valerie cooper
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 07:33:17 -0400
From: David Hodges <dhodgesATnospamrecol.com>
To: <KUNDALINI-LATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Questions to the list
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 02:04 PM 10/14/97 -0700, iri wrote:
>Dear K-Listers:
>(08) Are the principles of Kundalini similar to other principles (both older
>and newer. (for example the principles espoused by Steven Covey in his books
>on success)

I don't really have the answers to Stan's other questions but this one
about Steven Covey hits a nerve. Covey's "The Seven Habits of Highly
Effective People" is a book that has achieved a lot of currecncy in the
corporate world because it claims to teach people how to be effective in
organizations and groups. I have seen this book assigned as required
reading to employees and I have seen required study groups organized around
the "habits". I always felt that there was some level of coercion in all
this, since the book was at its height of popularity during the
early-to-mid 90's downsizing fad, and it seemed like a way to exact more
performance out of people. In other words: Read the book so you will work
harder for us. To use Foucault's language, this book was "deployed" into
society to subtly deepend levels of coercion and social control.

That is my personal bitterness/bias. I know some people like the book.
Anyway, I would never never never compare it to anything in the spiritual
realm, especially not kundalini. Even to imply, as your question does, that
kundalini has "principles" shows a misunderstanding - kundalini is not a
"way" to be put into practise, it is not a set of moral maxims or
directives, it is not a creation of a man's mind.

So, with that said, here are Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
with their kundalini applications:

1. "Be Proactive"
     Those who experience K learn that an attitude of waiting and
submission and acceptance is far better than trying to force the issue.
2. "Begin with the end in mind"
   K people don't know what the end will be! And they don't know that there
is a beginning, it just is there. And how can you plan for something like
an awakening, anyway?
3. "Put First Things First"
  This one is about prioritization and self-management. K people's
priorities get turned heads-over-heels so what's the point of planning,
4. "Think Win/Win"
  In the spritiual life any thoughts of winners and losers are shown to be
5. "Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood"
  No argument here. K people often understand more about other people than
other people do themselves, anyway, and they despair of ever being
understood themselves, so this one comes naturally.
6. "Synergize"
  This one is about cooperation and effective communication to get things
done. This one seems like common sense except that a person dealing with
Kundalini energy is far better off submitting to it than negotiating with
it or trying to get his or her own personal needs taken care of. Plus the K
person often finds themself in situations (with spouses say) where the
Other Party can't synergize with them at all. I like a little creative
conflict, myself.
7. "Sharpen the Saw"
  This is about self-renewal. This is the place for spiritual stuff. The
point is that having come back from your meditation retreat you are ready
to redouble your efforts at the office. For me and other K people I have
heard of, we'd rather have a little less sharpening done to us, thank you.

The Seven Habits of K people might well be:
1. Don't try to make personal efforts, it will make things worse.
2. Don't bother planning, your whole mind-scape will be different tomorrow
3. Give up having a personal agenda, things are going to get impersonal on
you fast.
4. There are no winners and no losers.
5. Shield youself from being overly vulnerable to other people's energies.
6. Energize!
7. Ground yourself often!

It was about mid-spring, maybe the first week in May.
I was sitting in a lawn chair beside a shallow arm of the lake.
I like the shallow areas because reptiles and insects fascinate me.
On the other side of the lake, about 30 yards away I thought I saw
something move so I got out my binoculars and

Focus, focus, focus.
I think it is a stump.

Focus, focus, focus.
No, it's a raccoon eating something !

Focus, focus, focus.
No, it's a beaver, cutting down a tree !

Focus, focus, focus.
No, it's a stump.

Focus, focus, focus

" So Far : So Good "


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