1997/10/14 20:29
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #516
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 516
Today's Topics:
Re: The Lower Self
Re: Panoramic Perception and God
Re: Tummo
Zythnonicaon Speaks Thusly
Re: Panoramic Perception and God
Re: Tummo
Re: Channeling
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 16:03:08 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: kundalini-l-dATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net, keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com
Subject: Tummo
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Mr Namaste writes:
Thank you Kurt for your clarifications about tummo. Now I am curious
about a few things. Her name escapes me right now, but there is a very
famous Catholic Saint who exhibited simply MASSIVE heat, particularly on
her death bed. To what would you attribute this --- how would you
explain this "non-taught", apparently spontaeously manifested tummo via
this nun's "christian-bhakti" devotional practice?
Kurt responds:
I believe in my FAQ I list devotion as one of the ``indirect'' methods of
raising kundalini.
Mr. Namaste continues:
I guess my question
has to do with WHY is it traditionally presumed that this must be
taught, or learned, yet even in western history we can find some
examples of its spontaneous manifestation?
Kurt replies:
Who's presuming? I think most presume that spontaneous kundalini awakenings
are fairly common.
Mr. Namaste asks:
Secondly, in your research, have you come across any medical illnesses
which mimic tummo by demonstrating such extremes of (physical) heat?
Kurt replies:
That's a great question. The hypothalmus is involved in temperature
regulation and in other kundalini phenomenon but I don't know much about
pathologies of the hypothalamus. I'd be interested to learn.
Mr. Namaste asks:
Precisely why is tummo POWERFUL when combined with sadhana, yet means
little without spiritual practice? I'm curious how it rises from
nonentity-status unto SPECIAL POWER. (Let me apologize beforehand if
this is indeed an excrutiatingly ignorant question.) (i do realize that
just about anything is "non-powerful", without sadhana ---- but since
this is a "given", as it were, I am curious if this tummo is used for
things other than drying out terry cloth towels.)
Kurt replies:
Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, as passed on by the Tibetans, talks about a
``subtle-body-wind-mind'' and a ``very subtle-body-wind-mind''. In their
system our body, our wind (prana/lung - sometimes translated as vital force
or even as bio-energetic motility- perhaps related to pneuma) and our mind
(sems/citta - perhaps consciousness) are all tied up together. So the
interesting point here is that they distinguish the effects on the
subtle-body and the very-subtle body. To really effect the core of the
mind, the way we view the world and the way we view other people we need to
effect the very-subtle mind. Transforming the subtle body with tummo is
valuable but ultimately you have to transform the
very-subtle-body-wind-mind complex and to do that, in their system, you
need renunciation, bodhicitta and proper view .
I'm not clear myself as to whether kundalini when penetrating the heart,
brows and crown cakras will naturally transform our mind. I'm betting that
it will but I do believe that individuals can have kundalini activity in
all cakras without transforming the inner recesses of their
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 18:20:55 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: me
Message-ID: <1335269461-78606510ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Gloria wrote:
>HI, I don't think you have introduced yourself, can you give us some
Ouch! I feel as if I am back in high school and have made the fatal mistake
of sitting at the "cool" table. I have not formally introduced myself
1. This email account is not secure, and saying too much about myself could
have consequences for my continued gainful employment.
2. I have no advanced degrees, no "expertise" in anything related to this
list, no web page to advertise, and no books to sell. My "background" is
lower middle class middle America.
3. The only thing about "me and my ego"
(remember that movie "The Point" and the song "Me and My Arrow"? But I
that anyone would be interested in is the story of my experiences related
to K. I will do that as soon as I get a different email address and
different ISP (see number one above).
If this information is insufficient, you are free to consider me the
"bastard child" of the list, and delete all my posts unread.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 18:20:54 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The Lower Self
Message-ID: <1335269462-78606440ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Ruth wrote:
>Nice work! How good it is to be on a list where people are working on
>How many people in your daily life do you meet doing this?
In my daily life? I see very little evidence of it.
>according to Hawaiian Huna, the only path to the higher self
>for the middle self or conscious mind. For example.. I will repeat a
>diagram given me by Karin Hannigan... perhaps one of the all time experts
>on the lower self.
> Higher Self ------> <----- Lower Self <----> Middle Self // /
"Ya gotta get in to get out.." -from a song by Genesis ("Carpet Crawlers"?)
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 16:20:39 -0700
From: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
To: Ed Arrons <eeaATnospamaug.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Panoramic Perception and God
Message-ID: <3443FE47.5C71ATnospamsmartt.com>
Ed Arrons wrote:
> To view all things in existence as part of an interconnected Oneness,
> and that we are all part of that Oneness is a reflection of 'Panoramic
> Perception'. But the concept of 'God', as conceived by many, does not
> necessarily coincide with that perception; God is seen as a separate
> part of that Oneness.
> Others identify God with that Oneness and, according to that view, an
> atheist with Panoramic Perception would have a clear view of 'God',
> unnamed as such. It could be that those atheists simply don't recognize
> that a separate entity called 'God' exists, thinking that to believe in God
> means seeing such a separate entity, and that everyone who believes in
> God necessarily sees God that way.
> I wonder what an atheist might think of this?
Indra> I have an atheist friend, who is pragmatic, truthful,
conscientious,good communicator, loving. He has his anger, pain,
suffering, also.
The day I first met him was at a public meeting three years ago, he sat
beside me.
The invocator at the meeting and elderly gentleman, very loving also,
declared the meeting open with a spiritual invocation.
This atheist beside me spoke to me during the break. He said , he was an
atheist. I respected that. Then he told how he became an atheist.
His words: " I was ten years old at the time, born and brought accroding
to catholic tradition, and I was a choir boy at the Church.
One sunday, our group had just finished the choir and the priest
followed with his sermon to the congregation. At that time there was a
knock at the side door of the alter. I went to the door opened it, and
found a haggardly looking old man, in torn clothes, say to me that if he
could some bread for he had eaten the last several days.
I felt very sad, and I knew there was lots of food in the Church that
So I went to the priest, told him about this person and what he wanted.
The priest went to the door and shoved that person off, saying it was
neither the time nor the place for that person to beg for food.
My friend heard this and cried. From that day he stopped going to the
church, became non practicing in any spiritual way, and professed
himself to be an atheist. According to him, he does not believe in any
God. He blieves in truthfulness, honesty, love, communication, helping
others whenever he can, outspoken with appropriate expression through
speech. "
I had replied to him, asking if he believed in himself. To which his
answer was affirmative. So I added: "Then you cannot be an atheist.
I would have believed you being an atheist if you said that you did not
believe in yourself".
Just another humane/human perspective and points to ponder for the list
In Love, Life and Light
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 18:33:21 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Tummo
Message-Id: <199710142333.QAA01383ATnospammailtod-2.alma.webtv.net>
Kurt! Thank you SO much for this informative response !!! You have
answered so much. I will have to really examine this. And I thank you
for the time you have spent putting this
important information into conversational tone with words I can
understand --- yikes! I simply am NOT an "intellectual" --- so, the
scholarly tomes where answers frequently do reside --- well, they
frequently remain "closed books" to me, in more ways than one.
Incidentally --- my use of the word "presume" was NOT in reference to
you --- where this word came from is that I seem to see the exact same
paragraph everywhere, in so many sources. One....very non-informative
paragraph. It did however occur to me that with your great research on
this subject, you could enlighten some of the dark areas --- and help
expand that archetypal one ol' paragraph. You did. Thank you!
Incidentally, here's a book that may be of interest --- specifically
Chapter 11 entitled,
"Kundalini, Chi and Chakras: The Serpent Fire Within" it's part of a
475 page book called:
"ABLAZE! The Mysterious Fires of Spontaneous Human Combustion"
(0-87131-789-3) by Larry E. Arnold
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 19:12:02 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Zythnonicaon Speaks Thusly
Message-Id: <199710150012.RAA08696ATnospammailtod-2.alma.webtv.net>
I see many people, including myself discussing channelling in these
hollowed posts. I would like to share with what my physical bodymind,
MrNamaste, did upon reading the initial posting by that august entity
Zarcon, he Who is of All the Ages. My bodymind, the physical MrNamaste,
so to speak, stared at the monitor and screamed, "What?! What is
this!!!" There is Zarcon informing me he now has a physical e-mail
address. WOW ---- and I do mean, "Wow!" And then as my own physical
bodymind scrolled further down that remarkable posting of Zarcon (the
Great) of All the Ages, (no less) my very own bodymind who already had a
physical e-mail address exclaimed, "Hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
But there is MORE. (!!!!!) You see, this Zarcon revealed His Name and
my bodymind was VERY impressed to be so hollowed by this revelation of
all the ages, including this one.
So My bodymind looked at The Name, Zarcon Pitcom and said, "That's
snazzy! I better write this famous Entity a letter at his physical
e-mail address."
Dear Zarcon Piety Om,
Thank you for giving me your e-mail address. But where, O Great One of
All the Ages, may I please ask is your very own Om page?
.....and Wonder of WONDERS, my (ME!!) my very own physical bodymind
recieves a very inticate complex, not-so-easy-to-understood, reply from
Zarcon Piety Om, no less. Do you believe it? This all REALLY
happenned. (No joke.) Zarcon Pitom of all the Ages responded to my
physical bodymind's prayerful plea with a (very) important answer.
Zarcon wrote: have no
And then today, I am so pleased to announce that yet another wonder
happened to my very own physical. You may not believe me but this the
real truth. Guess what?
My physical got a fanmail letter from the Great One. Really. (!!!!!!)
It reads:
my senses say you are a fine person
keep well
i am of the ages
p.s. My own physical bodymind is so honored to be so hollowed by Zarcon
Piety Om.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 20:19:04 -0400
From: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: "indra" <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Panoramic Perception and God
Message-Id: <199710150018.UAA07529ATnospamsandia.aug.com>
I sobbed with joy reading your story.
Yes, Indra, one doesn't have to believe in God to receive God's love;
that love is unconditional. And though a non-believer, a person with
goodness can act as God's messenger in the world.
Indra> I have an atheist friend, who is pragmatic, truthful,
conscientious,good communicator, loving. He has his anger, pain,
suffering, also.
The day I first met him was at a public meeting three years ago, he sat
beside me.
The invocator at the meeting and elderly gentleman, very loving also,
declared the meeting open with a spiritual invocation.
This atheist beside me spoke to me during the break. He said , he was an
atheist. I respected that. Then he told how he became an atheist.
His words: " I was ten years old at the time, born and brought accroding
to catholic tradition, and I was a choir boy at the Church.
One sunday, our group had just finished the choir and the priest
followed with his sermon to the congregation. At that time there was a
knock at the side door of the alter. I went to the door opened it, and
found a haggardly looking old man, in torn clothes, say to me that if he
could some bread for he had eaten the last several days.
I felt very sad, and I knew there was lots of food in the Church that
So I went to the priest, told him about this person and what he wanted.
The priest went to the door and shoved that person off, saying it was
neither the time nor the place for that person to beg for food.
My friend heard this and cried. From that day he stopped going to the
church, became non practicing in any spiritual way, and professed
himself to be an atheist. According to him, he does not believe in any
God. He blieves in truthfulness, honesty, love, communication, helping
others whenever he can, outspoken with appropriate expression through
speech. "
I had replied to him, asking if he believed in himself. To which his
answer was affirmative. So I added: "Then you cannot be an atheist.
I would have believed you being an atheist if you said that you did not
believe in yourself".
Just another humane/human perspective and points to ponder for the list
In Love, Life and Light
Ed Arrons wrote:
> To view all things in existence as part of an interconnected Oneness,
> and that we are all part of that Oneness is a reflection of 'Panoramic
> Perception'. But the concept of 'God', as conceived by many, does not
> necessarily coincide with that perception; God is seen as a separate
> part of that Oneness.
> Others identify God with that Oneness and, according to that view, an
> atheist with Panoramic Perception would have a clear view of 'God',
> unnamed as such. It could be that those atheists simply don't recognize
> that a separate entity called 'God' exists, thinking that to believe in God
> means seeing such a separate entity, and that everyone who believes in
> God necessarily sees God that way.
> I wonder what an atheist might think of this?
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 20:25:55 -0400
From: acarre <acarreATnospamconcentric.net>
To: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
CC: kundalini-l-dATnospamexecpc.com, MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net
Subject: Re: Tummo
Message-ID: <34440D93.18B855A4ATnospamconcentric.net>
Kurt Keutzer wrote:
> I'm not clear myself as to whether kundalini when penetrating the
> heart,
> brows and crown cakras will naturally transform our mind. I'm betting
> that
> it will but I do believe that individuals can have kundalini activity
> in
> all cakras without transforming the inner recesses of their
> heart-mind-consciousness.
Yes, i think it's possible to have such an activity without transforming
the inner recesses of our hearth-mind-consciousnnes. But i think it the
opening to the infinite flow of energy must be controlled from the
beginning, for the ego to grow with it in order to control it. Some
martial art schools, for war purpose initially, concentrated on
developing those techniques. The symbol they usually use for their
school of thought will have the arms they use pointing upward, in sign
of provocation.
But with time, someone going, along this path, finally have is ego
burned from the energy he tries to control. The life of Milarepa, a
tibetan Mystic, is a good example of the pain, someone bringing such bad
karma on him, as to suffer to return to the path leading to god.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 15:10:01
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
Cc: tg xxx <imtgATnospamjuno.com>, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Channeling
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>tgxxx wrote:
>> I would MUCH rather hear ....................... has received and
>> learned in THEIR own words, their own experience. I would love to hear
it! Teach them that. And to quit hiding behind your skirts/pants,
>> pretending to be some
>> xxxtg
>> I am of the moment
...and what is your real name, tg? I agree with you, speaking from the
heart, of your own human experience is the most interesting reading.. yet,
we are as real to each other as we choose to be... regardless of handles.
Most folks are moving in the cyberspace under assumed names, text only
invisibility, hiding pretending to be seafood.. or reptile... and there is
the silent majority, lurkers absorbing the information of the posts, but
offering no appearance in return.
Probably more than half my writing is "chanelled". I simply stick it all
under the same handle, (A. Serpent Mystery) coz the handle itself
represents the eternal K, energy of All that is.. my soul has been very
clear that it is nameless in it's ineffability, but I am not planning to
become a symbol.. as the artist formerly known as..
Folks inna K. experience are in orbit: my sense of self wanders some
interesting extremes, in the path of my evolution, (Have you noticed? LOL!)
and I think this has been the experience of most folks. We all get to feel,
at some point, that we are Jesus for a week, so to speak.
Zarcon will get the courage to speak from his "physical" voice when Z. is
ready to do so. I will wait, it's orbit will come round from focus of
uniqueness to focus on commonality, in it's own time.
I trust Goddess knows what She is doing, in providing the lessons the
human is experiencing in being "of the Ages" for a while..
Are the experiences imagination? It is easier on the rational to think
so: but in the case of Kundalites, I think more often it is not.
An example: I have wanted to be able to astral travel since I was a
teenager. I have always considered myself unable to do so, yet many
listmembers and personal friends have had the experience of my astral self
visitig them.
This puzzled me, and I asked Goddess for more information: The result,
after co-incidents had had time to create clarity?
I had been discounting my experiences of being "elsewhere", in my
imagination, as only imagination, when in fact those were genuine astral
travelling experiences, all along. I thought astral travelling had to be
more complicated than it really is.
Nope, it totally simple: Time space doesn't really exist, beyond the
physical.. so where your consciousness goes, there you are. (your astral
My experience of channeliing was similar.. I decided I wanted to channel,
and read some books about it.. and then came to a cosciousness
ego-trashing point of recognizing that the myriad of voices that had been
speaking in my mind all my life were Goddess, angels, aliens, altenate
selves.. swinging from crisis of trying to find "self" among them,
impossible, and ecstacy literally glowing of being All of them at once. Wow!
At 18:31 13/10/97 -0700, indra wrote:
>Hello List!
He said you can get all you want on this earth, but there is
>catch to it. The method involved being with a spirit through special
>meditations, and making the spirit virtually your servant. Any question
>you mentally asked would be answered by the spirit in your ears. Through
>which one could dollars pouring inas this would have made the person a
>Superman in a sense.
This has not been my experience of channeling.. I have tons of "spirit
friends" who speak to me, but I they are darn stubborn in refusing to pick
out lottery tickets. I get back what I have spent, or less. Not more. Nor
will they usually predct the future to any extent, as predicting the future
may interfere with my free will path decisions, by cosmic law. There are an
infinity of alternate futures, tho there are events fixed in timespace by
Goddess, too.
Nor do I think of them as being in my "service". I enslave humans who are
self aware enough to recognize it as a game: not discarnate entities.
I look at it as co-workers, a team working on the same project.. total
planetary ascension, K. awakening, the spiritual growth of self and
"other". The pleasure of good company and sharing love.. They are repaid
for any "services" to me by their own evolution. By the energy of my
gratitude and love/ attention.
Many of the entities which surround me, agreed to do so on behalf of my
higher self, before I incarnated. Some are my "soul team" who have been
with me for many incarnations. I also channel my alternate dimension
selves: different aspects of me, from different times and places.
I have had some spirits who ask to serve me, to be slaves to my desires..
I see them as being lonely and wanting to assist their own evolution by
assisting mine.
I accept their service conditionally, not as slavery, but as friends who
may wish to do favors to friends. They are free to be elsewhere are they
choose, to grant my requests or not, as they choose, but any actions
towards me or another in my name or on my behalf must be approved under the
"administration" of my higher self and guardian angels. For the good of all
and harm to none. Ethical chanelling.
Any beings wishing to communicate with me, must first pass the inspection
and apprioval of my Guardian Angels, who are charged with not allowing thru
anything that is not in the 'highest good'. I am honored to have beings of
the light, working thru me, speaking to me, just as you might be honored by
a mystical experience of Buddah moving thru you or a vision of a discarnate
>I asked my Guru now tell me what is the catch. He said after you pass
>out from this incarnation, your live in lower realms near the earth
>plane as a spirit and you become the spirit as a servant to some person
>who wishes to be united with you.
>In Love, Life and Light,
Indra, if evolution comes from the path of service, what is there to fear?
Only ever fear itself.
I 'serve' some discarnate entities in this lifetime, too.. mostly by
doing "clearings" of haunted houses and such, sending 'stuck' entities back
into the light with a blast of unconditional love and forgiveness. I also
'serve' some physical entities which wish to be united more closely with
awareness of their own Divine spirit. Sometimes by allowing them to serve
me, in my Goddess aspect of knowingness.
In meditation, I think of everthing I know as an aspect of myself,
opening up 'self' to include All that Is. From that place, spirits serving
me serving spirits serving others serving me.. are all aspects of the
larger self, of All that Is. Fear must come always from the separation of
"self" and "other".
I am aware that in serving others I enhance my own evolution, and in
accepting the services of others I enhance their evolution round and round
love is shared. If all is done in the name of Love and Light, in Service to
Goddess' creation, I cannot see how there could be harm. As a child in
church, I remember singing a song called "Make me a channel of Your Peace."
In closing, I would like to offer part of a "channeling" of my own, that
I recently reposted to the channelling list. <channelingATnospamintuition.org>
It is from a year ago, but each time I reread it, it fills me anew with
light, and a resonance of truth.
You Are the amazing miracle of all of your experiences, all of the
events of all of your lives, and the lives of all of the people you have
interacted with in all of your lives, in all of time and space. Time and
space do not exist, therefore you are all of those things right now, in
this moment.
That is who You Are. Much of that information is inside your body,
stored away in nerve and bone and DNA and the vibration of the molecule
that was once ocean, mountain, meteor, apple, alien, and Goddess.
When that information opens up and floods your system you are all things,
and you know all things by looking at what is inside of You.
And when you touch any of those things that were once/always a part of
you they respond with a song of recognition. That song is the love of
family, of oneness and joy in creation.
You will not be lost, because You as individual entity have never really
existed. You have always been all, you just did not know it because you
convinced yourself you are less, so you could have an experience of being
In this way, all of the bits of All get to interact with each other, and
experience who in relationship to other. Thus, Goddess gets to know who She
is. All that is, is in relationships: parts of The One experiencing Itself.
Remember. if time and space do not exist, the Big bang of Creation and
the collapse of apocalypse are in the moment, and are inside of you as
well. The universe of creation has already ended and You are already
reunited with Creator, and have never been separated by creation. Thou art
You have been playing a game with yourself, pretending you are separate.
To be separate, you needed fear. Fear is the separation.
Now you are remembering that it is a game.
You have invested so much in the game, you cannot see past it anymore,
and you don't want to believe it is a game because it will make your
investment seem wasted.
But the game is in the playing, and you have played it well, you have
bought into it's reality and become totally involved with it. The value in
the game is in the experience of playing that we keep when the game is done.
The other reason for playing the game is for the pleasure and drama
The other aspect of the eternity in the present moment, we have always
been playing, and always will...but now we know that's it's a game. That
changes everything.
Why stop playing? The game is fun, as long as you keep in mind that it's
a game. Come back and play some more!
Channeling: Beings are lined up around the block to experience our 3d
reality, cos it's cool! And then they go back home and have a slideshow for
the other beings about their visit to 3d.
Blessings, Mystress.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 15:51:21 -1000 (HST)
From: Teresa Garland <tgarlandATnospamvipmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199710150151.PAA15405ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>
I am 3 weeks into a Kundalini experience of highly energetic movement.
As I sit and meditate, my body starts moving, sometimes violently fast,
and sometimes for very long periods. The movements can be simple yogic
postures, repetitive motions or complex erotic dances.
I have mind's-eye images: one of a snake moving in my body, sometimes
eating at a chakra (that I assume is blocked) othertimes whipping in and
out of my body's orifaces, or up and down the main channel. I also
"see" Kali. She cuts through me with her swords, and occasionally merges
with me. Once I became Kali, and as her, danced a dance of rage.
It is difficult for me to rest without having body spasms that run from
my legs to my head. A friend tried to give me a massage, but my body
kept bouncing around, and I felt like a mass of live electrical wires.
It is the same with sex. Although I did have an "internal" orgasm (after
Kali's dance of rage), my body cannot focus erotic stimulation for any
period of time, so sexual pleasure is out of the question. (and that's
okay for now).
I was told that I am stuck in the male form of power, and need to move
to the female. Intuitively, that feels true, but as a left brained woman
in a technical field, I'm at a loss about how to get there.
I feel awash in energy and power. The Kundalini tells me to move all of
my body very rapidly in 20 different directions until I fall over. Then
it tells me to sit up and do it some more. I can control this so that it
does not overwhelm my life, but I feel I need more guidance than just
"trust the kundalini". I am not sure that the kundalini will not hurt
I plan to try Qikung (excuse the spelling) as a way of releasing the
energy. (I had a fireworks through the top of the head experience
with Qikung at a retreat last year, so hope that it will work.) As the
weeks go by, I am pleased to be going through change, but weary of the
a retreat last spring
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