1997/10/14 16:15
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #515
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 515
Today's Topics:
RE: /Taoist Yoga/``energy'' etc.
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
New Paradigms and other things
Fwd: Re: Ringing in the ears
Panoramic Perception and God
Re: remove my name
4th Ray
RE: Remove my name
Re: life as endless loop
Re: remove my name
Re: Prison
Re: life as endless loop
Re: HRTZEN: life as endless loop
Questions to the list
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Re: Channeling
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 14:29:51 -0000
From: David Tompkins <gurudaveATnospamsoback.kornet.nm.kr>
To: "'Kundalini list'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: /Taoist Yoga/``energy'' etc.
Message-ID: <01BCD8AD.A6813A40ATnospamGURUDAVE>
Kurt wrote:
<That all sounds great - but I think that as long as the emphasis is on
simply sweeping energy along then,unless your system is already very pure,
it is not going to unlock the energies of the navel cakra (tan tien), the
root cakra (hui yen) or the crown (bai hua) [forgive me if I got them
juxtaposed] . In kundalini yogas there are different techniques for more
forcefully unlocking the energies at these spots.>
Dear Kurt:
That is exactly what taoist yoga does, in so far as I know it. You sweep all the energy down into its proper seat, and everything happens from there quite naturally--depending upon your intent.
Peace and love,
The Ox.
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 19:43:42 -1000 (HST)
From: stephanie phillips <heleniusATnospamaol.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199710140543.TAA15696ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>
I have had it with this awakening stuff. Put me back to sleep, PLEASE!
I cannot tolerate such rapid rates of perception shifts, all kinds of strange stuff from the new senses, increased precognition and telepathy of some sort and the energy only levels out into peace for a breath of air and then i'm back in the new intensity...It just keeps escalating. I had a massage last week and had to fight leaving my body. It was if I was a hot air balloon. I didn't ask for this. I didn't look for this. I was just a niave mystic chic in love with God. It has been 9 months now. I just wanted to vent. My husband thinks i'm insane or having a breakdown. I know I am sane. I just feel like the only one. This is hard work. I had no idea the dark night was so long. Hanging on....
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 15:47:51 -0000
From: David Tompkins <gurudaveATnospamsoback.kornet.nm.kr>
To: "'Kundalini list'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: New Paradigms and other things
Message-ID: <01BCD8B8.89400EB0ATnospamGURUDAVE>
Has anyone checked this out. *****Maitreya has come, and is coming*****
Fantastic.... I'm skeptical in the sense that this is all just stuff on the computer, and yet this all is the way inside of me. So...so be it.
Peace and love,
The Ox.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 07:19:22 -0400
From: LIGHHTNINGRODATnospamwebtv.net (debbie Robinson)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Fwd: Re: Ringing in the ears
Message-Id: <199710141119.EAA04323ATnospammailtod-2.alma.webtv.net>
Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY=WebTV-Mail-1185758552-1228
Message-ID: <34431A67.7341ATnospambest.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 00:08:23 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
Reply-To: morganaATnospambest.com
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Win95; I)
To: debbie Robinson <LIGHHTNINGRODATnospamwebtv.net>
Subject: Re: Ringing in the ears
References: <199710121618.JAA29580ATnospammailtod-2.alma.webtv.net>
debbie Robinson wrote:
> Hi Morgana, I noticed your reply to Iri
> on Saturday (k-list) and wanted to ask a question or two. I've been on
> the list for several months and have appreciated many of your posts!
> Can you comment on the "white noise" some of us experience? Or the
> different frequency sounds? Sometimes it's a bit like the sound of an
> old radio picking up different
> far-off stations. At other times, a frequency zooms in and is audible
> above
> a conversation for a minute or two.
> Lastly, the past few days, there is a
> brief drumming feeling in my ear accompanied by a similar vibration down
> my right leg. Then a surge of energy.
> I don't usually note all the small unexplained phenomena but this one
> has got me wondering. Many thanks.
> Debbie
You may be experiencing a physical change in your body, as energy clears
there is often an "expansion" where tightness has existed. Many people
are tighter on one side of the body. A slight change in your breath
pattern, a release of energy, and the very bones of your skull can
shift. Your right side may have been tight, as it released you could
feel increased energy flow.
The sacral pump is very important to kundalini. The lower back pumps
lymphatic fluid up the spine to the brain and then down the front of the
body. If the body is tense these pumps don't work as well. A thrusting
movement up with the hips while bringing the chin toward the chest, then
pressing the lower back against a hard surface (floor) while raising the
chin...10-15 minutes of thrusting/pressing activates the pump.
(ps- I wouldn't post a private mail, but others on the list may want
this information, if you would want to post it.)
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 07:26:40 -0400
From: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Panoramic Perception and God
Message-Id: <199710141126.HAA21975ATnospamsandia.aug.com>
To view all things in existence as part of an interconnected Oneness,
and that we are all part of that Oneness is a reflection of 'Panoramic
Perception'. But the concept of 'God', as conceived by many, does not
necessarily coincide with that perception; God is seen as a separate
part of that Oneness.
Others identify God with that Oneness and, according to that view, an
atheist with Panoramic Perception would have a clear view of 'God',
unnamed as such. It could be that those atheists simply don't recognize
that a separate entity called 'God' exists, thinking that to believe in God
means seeing such a separate entity, and that everyone who believes in
God necessarily sees God that way.
I wonder what an atheist might think of this?
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 09:12:58 -0400
From: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: "Spirit-Mind-Body" <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>
Cc: "Sacred Wind" <sacredwindATnospamusa.net>,
"Self Knowledge List" <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>,
"Kundalini" <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Prison
Message-Id: <9710141604.AA00757ATnospamns.valunet.com>
I bet you guys would have never guessed that I am in prison.
Yes, I am a Prisoner .
But I am also the Guard, the Warden, and the Bars.
I am the Cell and Judge.
Heck, I am even the Crime.
I look out my window and see the Blue Jays flitting about and I am free.
My, Oh, My !
" So Far : So Good "
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 97 10:47:53 -0500
From: "Barbara Palombi"<palombibATnospamgvsu.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: remove my name
Message-Id: <9710148768.AA876840622ATnospamgvsu.edu>
Please delete my name also.
______________________________ Reply Separator _
Subject: remove my name
Author: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com> at Internet
Date: 10/14/97 12:00 PM
Please delete my name.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 10:29:19 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: 4th Ray
Message-Id: <199710141529.IAA25477ATnospammailtod-2.alma.webtv.net>
Hello Flute. I do not know of this Fourth Ray of which you inquire.
However, I do hope that you and others will seriously read Indra's
recent posting on Channelling. In this phenomenon there is very much
more than meets the eye. Some of this channelling stuff is very
dangerous as Indra has so well recently pointed out.
But most of it is nothing dangerous for it simply all exists within the
imagination of the beholder.
This is also the case with many symptoms of the "so-called" Kundalini
Awakening. Many of the problems we encounter here come from the
interpretations we place on the phenomenon, or of accepting other
people's interpretations of our symptoms. Although Kundalini Shakti
manifests here on the physical plane in our bodies She is not, so to
speak, "truly" "OF/FROM" the physical plane, so physical
interpretations and definitions will ALWAYS be wanting in regards to
Her. As real kundalini is essentially a QUIET thing whose sound is
resoundingly deafeningly SILENT ---- as opposed to kundalini which is
filtered through the lens of ego and imagination --- it is wise and
helpful to remember that many of the crises, pains and other trauma we
go through --- are actually because we have attempted to clothe shakti
kundalini in words. (Such a thing is not really within the realm of
human possibility ---- this is the meaning behind the term ineffable.)
When you have a very important spiritiual question, ponder it deeply
within yourself. Seek your answers from the depths of yourSelf. If you
encounter difficulties there, think again on your question -- in a
spirit of serious intellectual deliberation, and with sole "Soul
Intent." If you believe you truly cannot answer it yourSelf, then seek
assistance from a person you trust and believe is "advanced",
"close-to-God", or really "Spiritual", (i,e., someone whom you
determine be wise. This is the way to go about having serious
spiritual dilemmas resolved.
And when you receive the answer from the individual from whom you sought
advice --- then you MUST act upon this advice. You must test his answer
thoroughly, all the way to the depths of your Being, if necessary. Do
not inquire for a second answer before you have seriously tested the
first answer. If the first answer does not resolve anything, THEN after
serious self-examination --- go ask another person. But treat this
entire process as though it is Holy and Divine and Sacred ----- and then
the answers you receive will indeed come from these realms.
So, dear Flute --- in regards to this question, I heartily recommend
that you follow the initial advice given to you, to wit: MEDITATE.
If you meditate earnestly on the 4th Ray, I am very sure you will learn
what it is. And since you feel an affinity towards Blessed Swami Sri
Yukteswarji and his paramguru Mahavatar Babaji, I strongly suggest that
you try to establish a firm linkage to them. But I mean in a serious
vein with all the respect due to such a Sacred vibratory frequency. I
am sure that were you to concentrate on Sri Yukteswar from the depths of
your Being in devout meditation that He will answer in full all of your
curiousity about this 4th Ray which you say a yogi told you were at the
Expo you exhibited at.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 11:41:56 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Prison
Message-Id: <199710141641.JAA20336ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>
"Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness" by Satprem
Chapter 11 of this book deals with Sri Aurobindo's experiences in the
Alipore jail.
Here is Sri Aurobindo in his own words:
"When I was arrested and hurried to the Lal Bazar police station I was
shaken in faith for a while, for I could not look into the heart of His
intention. Therfore I faltered for a moment and cried out in my heart
to Him, "What is this that has happened to me?......... I should have
Thy protection. Why then am I here and on such a charge?" Then I grew
calm and waited, I was taken from Lal Barzar to Alipore and was placed
for a month in a solitary cell apart from men. There I waited day and
night for the voice of God within me, to know what He had to say to me,
to learn what I had to do....
I remembered then that a month before my arrest, a call had come to me
to put aside all activity, to go into seclusion and to look into myself,
so that I might enter into closer communion with Him. I was weak and
could not accept the call. My work was very dear to me and in the pride
of my heart I thought that unless I was there it would suffer or even
fail and cease; therefore I would not leave it. It seemed to me that He
spoke again and said to me,
"The bonds you had not the strength to break, I have broken for you,
because it is not my will nor was it ever my intention that you should
continue. I have another thing for you to do, and it is for that that I
have brought you here, to teach you what you would not learn yourself
and to train you for my work."
[ This "work" was to realize Cosmic Consciousness, or Oneness, and to
explore the planes of consciousness above the ordinary mind....... It
was in the courtyard of Alipore that this new change of consciousness
took place, during the exercise period:]
I looked at the jail that secluded me from men and it was no longer by
its high walls that I was imprisoned; ---- no, it was Vasudeva who
surrounded me. I walked underneath the branches of the tree in front of
my cell but it was not the tree, I knew it was Vasudeva, it was Sri
Krishna whom I saw standing there and holding over me his shade. I
looked at the bars of my cell, the very grating that did duty for a door
and again I saw it was Vasudeva. It was Naryana who was guarding and
standing sentry over me. Or I lay on the coarse blankets that were given
me for a couch and felt the arms of Sri Krishna around me, the arms of
my Friend and Lover..... ....... I looked at the prisoners in the jail,
the thieves, the murderers, the swindlers, and as I looked at them I saw
it was Vasudeva, it was Narayana whom I found in these darkened souls
and misused bodies."
[ This experience would never leave Sri Aurobindo again. During the six
months the trial lasted, with its 200 odd witnesses and 4000 pieces of
evidence, Sri Aurobindo was locked everyday in an iron cage in the
middle of the courtroom, but it was no longer a hostile crowd or judges
that he saw....]
"When the case opened....I was followed by the same insight. He said to
me, "When you were cast into jail, did not your heart fail and did not
you cry out to me, where is Thy protection? Look now at the Magistrate,
look now at the Prosecuting Counsel." I looked and it was not the
magistrate whom I saw, it was Vasudeva, it was Naryana who was sitting
there on the bench. I looked at the Prosecuting Counsel and it was not
the Counsel for the Prosecution that I saw, it was Sri Krishna who sat
there and smiled. "Now do you fear?" He said, "I am in all men and
overrule their actions and their words."
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 11:49:54 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: RE: Remove my name
Message-Id: <199710141649.JAA20837ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>
When you subscribed to this K-List, you were sent instructions how to
desubscribe. Such an e-mail is always automated whenever you join any
mailing list. If you wish to desubscribe here, you must sent an e-mail
to a different address -- and be sure to leave the body of the e-mail
(address) TO: kundalini-l-requestATnospamexecpc.com
SUBJECT: unsubscribe
Feel free to e-mail me privately if you need any further assistance.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 10:17:19 -0700
From: Sean Nomura <snomuraATnospammail.arc.nasa.gov>
To: madammumATnospamptialaska.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: life as endless loop
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 08:59 PM 10/13/97 -0800, you wrote:
> when i looked up - suddenly - i could see EVERY THING rotundly around
>my head on all sides in microscopic detail - & simultaneously - which is
>a physical impossibility, particularly for someone who is legally blind
>without their glasses on.
> i could see every grain of earth & grass strands, with bugs crawling
>between them, simultaneous to seeing birds in far off trees & every leaf
>on every tree & every bird & every bug, & every grain of dirt...
> it was overly *panoramic*, & the feeling was THE ONE IMMENSITY of
>*connectedness* i have ever perceived with my physical senses, in
>addition to whatever else part of my brain which was activated.
> is this a form of kundalini?
Hello Valerie-
This reminds me about something I read in a book called The Fourth
Dimension. It addressed what the 'world' would look like to a two
dimensional being, a three dimensional being, and finally, a fourth
dimensional being. In three dimensions, when we look at a human body, we
see a the two-dimensional outside layer of the body, and the various third
dimensional of 'patterns' of depth.
If we were able to see in four dimensions, however, we would not only view
the third dimensional elements, but also we could 'see' all of the inside
structures (cells, heart, kidneys, veins, arteries, etc.) simultaneously.
If I were to venture a guess as to what happened, this is what I think it
could be. In a three dimensional world, we use two eyes. However, if we
wanted to 'view' in four dimensions we would need a third element - a Third
Eye. In a book called Working With The Chakras, it states that through the
third eye we can see the 'true perception of beauty', as it allows us to
view through 'sacred architecture': 2 eyes - 66 1/3 % and a 3rd eye - 33 1/3 %
It also states an opened Third Eye is the reward for a certain level of
spiritual development, and this can be a dangerous thing unless the person
possesses a strong ego-structure. (This was a warning against anyone who
thought they might want to open it 'prematurely').
I don't think it was Kundalini, but fourth dimensional perception through
an opened Third-Eye.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 13:34:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: CBrunk5617ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: remove my name
Message-ID: <971014133426_1045742039ATnospamemout01.mail.aol.com>
Please remove my name,
Curtis Brunk
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 14:24:57 -0400
From: acarre <acarreATnospamconcentric.net>
To: MrNamaste <MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Prison
Message-ID: <3443B8F8.40A65794ATnospamconcentric.net>
Hello Namaste,
Shri Aurobindo had a bid impact on my life, and i still meditate with a
man who has known him and Satprem for a while.
MrNamaste wrote:
> "Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness" by Satprem
> (0-938710-04-4)
> Chapter 11 of this book deals with Sri Aurobindo's experiences in the
> Alipore jail.
> Here is Sri Aurobindo in his own words:
> [ This "work" was to realize Cosmic Consciousness, or Oneness, and to
> explore the planes of consciousness above the ordinary mind....... It
> was in the courtyard of Alipore that this new change of consciousness
> took place, during the exercise period:]
Practicing integral yoga, this part of Shri Aurobindo experience
interest me very much, for i don't believe in individual salvation, we
are all tied as one. But i do fell the need, alon my path, to explore
"the planes of consciousness above the ordinary mind" more. If you have
any reference on this subject, by Mother, Shri Aurobindo or Satprem, I
would appreciate the references.
Thank you for your time,
In love,
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 14:25:11 -0400
From: acarre <acarreATnospamconcentric.net>
To: madammumATnospamptialaska.net
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com
Subject: Re: life as endless loop
Message-ID: <3443B906.35DD3E9DATnospamconcentric.net>
Hello Valerian,
It's nice to leave the identification to the intellectual level with
> i had had some previous experience with bouts of uncontrollable
> shaking, dizziness, & falling down. some people would claim "too much
> blood to the head", & one wise lady yoga teacher claimed it was my
> astral body trying to leave, & the best thing to do was to stare at my
> hands until it passed. i did not know what to believe.
>From my perspective, i call this not being grounded. The focus and
identification of awareness being on the element ether more than on the
other elements.
> well, this one day this phenomena occurred, & i dutifully stared at
> my hands until they came into focus. but, this time, when i looked up,
> an *incredible* thing occurred! i still do not know what it was, but i
> must always refer back to the experience within the 'measuring stick'
> of
> human abilities...
> when i looked up - suddenly - i could see EVERY THING rotundly
> around
> my head on all sides in microscopic detail - & simultaneously - which
> is
> a physical impossibility, particularly for someone who is legally
> blind
> without their glasses on.
> i could see every grain of earth & grass strands, with bugs
> crawling
> between them, simultaneous to seeing birds in far off trees & every
> leaf
> on every tree & every bird & every bug, & every grain of dirt...
> it was overly *panoramic*, & the feeling was THE ONE IMMENSITY of
> *connectedness* i have ever perceived with my physical senses, in
> addition to whatever else part of my brain which was activated.
Forget the brain, its only a tool, its not the only place for awareness
to be. Focussing on your hands, while identifying your awareness with a
higher level of vibration (felt as dizziness), brought this deep level
of awareness your where on into your body (physical, ethereal and
astral) in a grounded and centered way.
You said you perceived with your physical sense, i would say you
perceived with your 6th sense, the one at the origin of the five others.
Being grounded by looking at your hands, you where exploring the limits
of each of your sense. It's wonderful thing when the visual vibration
find a link to the sound vibration, and this one to the smell level
vibration, and this one to taste level vibration, and this one to the
touch level vibration.
Isn't it a wonderful thing when awareness grasp all our levels of
perception, instead off jumping from one to the other?....
> there were NO drugs of any sort involved, but extremely psychedelic
> on brain processes (or chemicals, or spiritual wampum, or whatever).
Forget the brain, it's only a tool for your awareness
> is this a form of kundalini?
What do you think is Kundalini?
In love
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 14:10:31 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: channeling
Message-Id: <199710141820.OAA00779ATnospamhoboken>
MrNamaste wrote:
>>Some of this channelling stuff is very
>>dangerous as Indra has so well recently pointed out.
>>But most of it is nothing dangerous for it simply all exists within the
>>imagination of the beholder.
I would agree with this as far as it goes, but...there are ways to test a
true channel, ways to discern a true channel from ego-speak.
He says look within...and this is true and wise advice...but a true channel
*is* the voice from within... And looking within without benefit of
channel is not without hazard, for I believe we must always be aware that
the ego is all too eager to step forward and make inner pronouncements that
we want to believe, pronouncements that exist "within the imagination of
the beholder." These are easy to mistake for the true inner voice because
they tell us what we want to hear.
A new fractal gallery was posted to this site on September 10th:
USA Today Hot Site; Cosmic Site of the Night: Cool Central Site of the Day;
ENC Digital Dozen for June '97; Enchantment Award; ArtSearch Featured Site;
NetTech NeatTech: Best of the Web in Educational Technology; Eye Candy
Honorable Mention
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 09:31:13 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com
Subject: Re: HRTZEN: life as endless loop
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971014092830.23078C-100000ATnospamuhunix5>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Hi List: Just had to respond to this one:
when i looked up - suddenly - i could see EVERY THING rotundly around
my head on all sides in microscopic detail - & simultaneously - which is
a physical impossibility, particularly for someone who is legally blind
without their glasses on.
i could see every grain of earth & grass strands, with bugs crawling
between them, simultaneous to seeing birds in far off trees & every leaf
on every tree & every bird & every bug, & every grain of dirt...
it was overly *panoramic*, & the feeling was THE ONE IMMENSITY of
*connectedness* i have ever perceived with my physical senses, in
addition to whatever else part of my brain which was activated.>>
Same thing happened to me only a few weeks ago in my therapists... I could
see through walls 360* all around...I could see the stars during middday
like a blanket and I blended into everything. She and I both hd goosebumps
all day after that.. .I became Goddess Nuith.. of the Night Sky spoken of
in Egyptian lore. EVerything was crystal clear in minute detail as if I
were about 200 ft above the ground looking everywhere... It was fabulous.
Thanks for sharing this...
Just allowed me to remember this wonderful experience.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 14:04:28 -0700
From: iri <iriATnospamivyrealty.com>
To: <KUNDALINI-LATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Questions to the list
Message-Id: <199710142103.OAA19981ATnospamwoohoo.erc.bc.ca>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dear K-Listers:
I would like to ask the list members for explanations.
So kind list members, Please provide me with your valuable insights.
Thank You all in advance.
(1) How does heat energy manifest itself?
(2) Why does it manifest itself?
(3) Why one person and not another?
(4) Why is heat energy in people not so common? Is it also called magnetic
healing or is this something different?
(5) I do not know anything about the word (chant?) HUUUUUUUU although I have
heard that it is useful. What do you know of it?
(06) What do you know of Eckankar?
(07) Why is one person a feeler, another a visionary and yet another a healer?
And can one person have more than one ability?
(08) Are the principles of Kundalini similar to other principles (both older
and newer. (for example the principles espoused by Steven Covey in his books
on success)
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 11:13:27 -1000 (HST)
From: Alex Korobe <korobeATnospamsveka.oulu.fi>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199710142113.LAA01249ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>
I have the following question. After a rather long period of
the lower back pain, connected with some disk disorder, seems
my kundalini has reduced noticeably. What exercises, asanas etc. are
helpful in the restoration of kundalini? Thanks. Alex Kor.
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 18:55:43 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Channeling
Message-ID: <3444229F.7D76ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
indra wrote:
> > "I like you but I wouldn't want to see you working with subatomic
> > particles."
> >
> Hello List!
> Just yesterday I saw a similar powerful post from Ruth. Now I hear it
> from tgxxx. What a wonderful play of the Divine I feel through this
> post.
> It is Time for the world to become truthful to oneself first. It needs
> no prop to support Itself. Compassion, helping are good words and all
> messages pouring in from the Cosmos, never gave me impression to teach
> others. The plant when watered and protected from pests has its growth
> naturally, What we do is to create the environment for growth. Similar
> is the example in real life in the three dimensions, to our children we
> can only show the ways of light and share with them our experiences, and
> they would learn naturally, with some sense of discipline.Apart from
> that we are all learners here and nothing more. That is whole objective
> I believe why we are here.
My Dear Friends,
If you are possesed by an Angel or a demon, you are possesed. You have become their
possesion for a period. You may gain from this. You may think you can control it. Good
luck to you. Where do all these things come from? Do they come from God or your
imagination or are they free floating entities?
Personally I trust in God/Goddess and God alone. This is my highest perception or
understanding and I know it is trancended and trancended again. People teach me
constantly from the beginner to the advanced mystic. They teach because I am open to
learning. When people are in a position of learning they may eventually finish
this process - but I doubt it. As fellow travellers we too may learn from the process of
So when someone comes to you with a fancy entourage or impressive name, listen as you
would to a child, with an open heart - you will know Truth. It is simple and clear. It
states the obvious. It does not confuse you with the superflous.
And remember never trust a Lobster.
Most Kind Regards
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