1997/10/13 22:29
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #514
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 514
Today's Topics:
Re: Grounded
An Introduction
RE: /Taoist Yoga/``energy'' etc.
Re: Evolution?
nadis and meridians
Taoist and Tibetan Yogas
Tummo (psychic heat)
4th Ray
Re: Channeling
Re: humble pie
Need an explanation
Re: Channeling
Re: An Introduction
life as endless loop
remove my name
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 17:24:26 -0400
From: Veronique Unger <veroungerATnospamearthlink.net>
To: acarreATnospamconcentric.net
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Grounded
Message-ID: <3442918A.207FABE0ATnospamearthlink.net>
acarre wrote:
> MrNamaste wrote:
> > I could not imagine NOT spending a part of my day/night outside. I
> > walk
> > barefoot through the grass daily...................my family played
> > with
> > the leaves just yesterday ........................... and I am known
> > to
> > splash through puddles..........
> I was lucky enough to see all my weekends of my childhood, and all the
> summers, spent in the nature, near a lake surrounded by mountains. I
> was
> king there, animals and the deep canadian forest where my friends all
> day long. My father was the sky, my mother the Goddess of nature.
> Humans
> where my companions for eating.
> Living in a big city, i cannot stay long without going back to this
> small kingdom. No concept there, no visualization, the surrounding are
> then living archetypes.
> Antoine
A while back I traveled to Montana and to Glaciers National Park, what
a majestic place it was. I felt breathless and so overwhelmed by so much
beauty. You are right Antoine, nature is there at it's best...And your
beautiful country, Canada is for sure another example of it.
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 17:41:01 -0400 (EDT)
From: BedawnedATnospamaol.com
To: lodpressATnospamintercomm.com, MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: An Introduction
Message-ID: <971013173710_-428332859ATnospamemout10.mail.aol.com>
Hi, all;
I'm not really sure which address I should be sending to. I only subscribed
to the kundalini list today. Hopefully, I got the right e-address.
Now for an introduction. My name is Melissa. Recently, I found the name for
this powerful, illuminating, and devastating experience, kundalini. I've
been researching background material for Hermann Hesse' book, Siddhartha,
(for a literary group) and stumbled onto the word and definition of kundalini
in the Portable Jung and another book, Signs and Symbols.
A word! Finally. I didn't fit into conventional Western psychological
diagnostics. I knew that. I've just held fast to Jungian thought and
thanked the gods for Santyana's notion that the difference between a lunatic
and a mystic is that the lunatic thinks he's a rose while the mystic
recognizes it's a metaphor no matter how thorny and aromatic he feels!
That experience aside, my life is magnificently mundane. I begin teaching
philosophy this winter at the local college. I do freelance writing. Read
voraciously. Enjoy the four children I've had the privilege of bearing and
try to teach them uprightness while they teach me patience, joy, and
endurance. I have a twelve year marriage I'm working desperately to hold
together as my kundalini experience has left it in virtual shambles.
Enough about me. I hope all of you will introduce yourselves to me. How
many are on this list anyway?
Howdy, Melissa
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 14:53:59 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com
Subject: RE: /Taoist Yoga/``energy'' etc.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Kurt wrote
:<Personally I feel that practices like the microcosmic orbits are good
>``warm-ups'' but I believe that Taoist yoga must have had more ``powerful''
>practices. This practice cleanses the channels but does not induce the
>kundalini or drops/bindu/thigle to enter the channels. The Taoist
>alchemical text discuss building up the steam at the navel cakra. I don't
>think that simply practicing any of the dozens of Qi Gong practices I have
>learned is ever going to accomplish that.>
David Tompkins replied:
>>From my practise I would say that the purpose of the microcosmic orbit is
to renew vital energy to its optimal level, that as something distinct from
inducing kundalini. I find now for example that on some level my breath
determines the limits of my reality. When I stretch, my breath (into the
lower tan t'ien) will carry me as far as I want to go. If I don't
concentrate I won't go very far, but if I breath through the limits in my
mind I can and do go further. It's this, I believe, that the microcosmic
orbit does. As for kundalini, I don't know but, there are many other kinds
of breathing utilized. The immortal breath comes from the feet, up the
spine to the crown, and down the front channel to the lower tan t'ien. In
my practise we do these a little different. For example, the immortal
breath (I've never asked if it's this, I'm making an assumption) we begin
in the lower tan t'ien, take the light down to the feet, up the spine, out
the arms, up to the crown, and down the front to the lower tan t'ien again.
Of course in the immortal breath one does not breath air externally. This
occurs within a larger framework of meditation and exercise and, I don't
believe is meant to be used outside of it. There are others though, and I
haven't found their parallel in Charles Luk's book Taoist Yoga, but I'm not
finished yet.
Kurt replies:
That all sounds great - but I think that as long as the emphasis is on
simply sweeping energy along then,unless your system is already very pure,
it is not going to unlock the energies of the navel cakra (tan tien), the
root cakra (hui yen) or the crown (bai hua) [forgive me if I got them
juxtaposed] . In kundalini yogas there are different techniques for more
forcefully unlocking the energies at these spots. I hve not encountered
these in Qi Gong, but I do believe that they must exist in the Taoist
Internal alchemy.
David continues:
>I'm not convinced altogether that the taoists died off.
I hope they didn't.
Kind Regards, Kurt
PS: Sorry, have never been to Saskatchewan
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 18:36:10 -0400
From: SpiritDeeATnospamwebtv.net (DEE B)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Evolution?
Message-Id: <199710132236.PAA02729ATnospammailtod-113.bryant.webtv.net>
Dear Ruth,
I really enjoyed reading Sunday's posting about evolution. We do have so
much help, angels all around. There's only struggle and sacrifice if we
choose for there to be. Thanks again for the reminder.
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 15:32:00 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com
Subject: nadis and meridians
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Elle says:..
>Taoist yoga deals with a different "bandwidth" of vibrational energy than
>kundalini yoga. Taoist yoga deals with the channels of energy mediated by
>the acupunture-meridian system. Kundalini yoga deals with the nadis sytem.
>We have both systems within us. The meridian system consists of a deep and
>a superficial system. The deep system called the Internal Duct System.
>Another set of meridian tubules was called the Intra-External Duct system.
>They form an independent network around the internal organs. The External
>Duct system runs alongside the outer surface of the walls of blood and
>lymphatic vessels and emerges in the layers of skin and at that point are
>called the Superficial Duct system. All of the ducts are interconnected and
>appear to interconnect with all cell nuclei of the tissues. There are
>corpuscles which correspond to the acupuncture points. This system conducts
>the nutritive energy called ch'i. The meridean system creates an interface
>between the etheric and physical body and the meridian system is itself the
>very first link between the etheric and manifesting physical body. The
>meridians are the doorway between the physical and etheric bodies. They not
>only carry hormones and nucleotides to cell tissue but also a special
>electrolytic fluid which conducts certain types of subtle energies (ch'i)
>from the external environment to the deeper organ structures.
>The nadis system is a different system.The principle of matter of different
>frequencies applies to even higher frequency matter than the etheric body.
>Bodies of higher energetic frequencies are interconnected in dynamic
>equalibrium with the physical. There is a human frequency spectrum, each
>octave of which manifests as a different type of body enfolded within.
>Using the analogy of octaves of music, we also find octaves of
>electromagnetic energy. Gurdieff taught the octave theory.After the etheric
>with its meridian system interface we have the astral which uses the nadis
>system as its interface. The chakras (which conduct energy through all
>levels & bodies) are connected to each other and the physical-cellular
>structure by fine threads of subtle energetic matter we call nadis. The
>meridians have a physical counter-part in the meridian duct system. The
>nadis seem to parallel the nervous system and carry a fluid-like life-force
>energy-etheric channels of energy but are purely consisting of subtle
>energy and no physical matter. The close association with the nervous
>system causes the nadis to affect the nature and quality of nerve
>transmission in the brain and its networks. Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, a
>Japanese researcher, has discovered evidence of both systems
Terminology may be part of the problem here. The terms I am familiar with
are: the 12 ordinary meridians and the 8 extra-ordinary meridians. Among
the 8 extraordinary meridians the du meridian seems to me to correlate with
the sushumna nadi or central channel of the Indian nadi system. The opening
of the lower,middle and upper tan-tiens seem to me to be precisely
correlated with opening of the navel, heart and crown cakras respectively.
>Tom Bradley wrote:
><But the phenomenon that kundalini training tackles seems to exist, and has
>found a different expression in Taoist Yoga. One thing I've noticed is
>that there's a greater emphasis in that tradition on the health benefits of
>ki circulation. Also, the circulation is not confined to the spine - it
>goes through channels in the trunk, arms and legs (do these correspond to
>the nadis, and is there a broader movement of kundalini in the body, and
>what is the connection between prana and kundalini?). Prolonged practice
>of Taoist ki circulation leads to the ki permeating the entire body (it's
>supposed to feel like millions of tiny fish swimming in your skin). The
>source for this material is Taoist Yoga, and Secrets of Chinese Meditation,
>both written by Lu Kuan Yu (Charles Luk).>
Contemporary Qi (Chinese) and ki (Japanese) practice has focused more on
health benefits. I see that as more a difference in application than a
fundamental difference in the underlying theory.
Kind Regards, Kurt
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 15:51:47 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com
Subject: Taoist and Tibetan Yogas
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Elle D'Coda wrote
>The system i found, that goes the deepest is a tibetan doctrine. They
>call it Psychic heat, and is the equivalent of K awakening in some ways.
I'd agree with you that the Tibetans have the largest body of knowledge on
this topic of tummo (gTum mo) or psychic heat. It is deeply nested in the
rest of their practice so it requires, in my exposure, a great deal of
preliminaries to have access to it.
>The emphasis is put on breath, you have to come each pore of your skin
>breath, in and out. and your consciousness must become "big" enough to
>visualize on each pore the faces of deities with different colors. They
>you star lighting up the fire, that wont come out as surge, but will go
>from the nadis to the accupunture-meridian system to the cells, and so
>on, the execs will come out as heath by the skin pores.
>For Tibetans that technique is the only one that can help to judge the
>level of enlightenment of someone. No one can no hoe enlighten someone
>is. But if someone can pass through the initiation of Spcychic fire,
>than he must of attained a certain level of enlightenment for that.
As I have been taught it, mastery of tummo is considered a yogic attainment
but as one Tibetan teacher conveyed to me ``tummo without bodhicitta (the
aspiration to attain enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings) is
useless''. In itself it has is viewed as having no particular value but
when merged with renunciation, bodhicitta and correct view of reality (yand
dag pa'i lta ba) then it is considered to be very very powerful.
>The initiation is simple, and if passed, the tibetan can where the white
>thin robe, than he wears even in winter.
>Here is the initiation:
>On a cold night of winter, in the himalayas, they go to a frozen lake.
>The one to be initiated sits naked on the snow (not on the lake :-)).
>All nigh long, people dip towels in the lake, and let them freeze. They
>but them on the initiated skin, and from his psychic heat, he must dry
>them, in a certain laps of time. They continue like this until the
>sunrise. At the sunrise the snow around the initiated must also have
>melted around a 2 meter radius and to a certain dept. Only then can he
>where this very symbolic white robe.
For a view of this from the performer's side read Chagdud Tulku's
biography. To put this a little bit in context. He tells the story of after
a tummo retreat they all had to run around in the freezing cold with their
white robes and he was afraid he might humiliate himself. I can only think
of a few contemporary practitioners who have anything like the ability
projected in some of these western writings. Dr. Herbert Benson studied
tummo yogis and the best was able to raise his external body temperature
about 10 degrees. I think that is about as good as it gets.
>The only writings i found of this is in
>Tibetan Yoga and Secrets Doctrines, Oxford University press. W. Y.
Glenn Mullin has recently published a couple great books with Snow Lion.
The first is _Tsong Khapa's Six Yogas of Naropa_ and the second is
_Readings on the Six Yogas of Naropa_. They are really fantastic works and
open up the whole area for English readers for the first time.
>***watch out it's powerful stuff*** No trick to help you in there, only
>to hurt you.
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 20:01:25 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Tummo (psychic heat)
Message-Id: <199710140101.SAA10597ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>
Thank you Kurt for your clarifications about tummo. Now I am curious
about a few things. Her name escapes me right now, but there is a very
famous Catholic Saint who exhibited simply MASSIVE heat, particularly on
her death bed. To what would you attribute this --- how would you
explain this "non-taught", apparently spontaeously manifested tummo via
this nun's "christian-bhakti" devotional practice? I guess my question
has to do with WHY is it traditionally presumed that this must be
taught, or learned, yet even in western history we can find some
examples of its spontaneous manifestation?
Secondly, in your research, have you come across any medical illnesses
which mimic tummo by demonstrating such extremes of (physical) heat?
Precisely why is tummo POWERFUL when combined with sadhana, yet means
little without spiritual practice? I'm curious how it rises from
nonentity-status unto SPECIAL POWER. (Let me apologize beforehand if
this is indeed an excrutiatingly ignorant question.) (i do realize that
just about anything is "non-powerful", without sadhana ---- but since
this is a "given", as it were, I am curious if this tummo is used for
things other than drying out terry cloth towels.)
Thank you.
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 20:20:38 -0500
From: FIute <FIuteATnospamprodigy.net>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: 4th Ray
Message-ID: <3442C8E6.76E4ATnospamprodigy.net>
Can anyone tell me about the fourth Ray. I met a Yoga at the Expo and
he told me I was the 4th Ray. I know its Babaji and Sri Yutesware... but
what else.. I haven't read it.. (pout.. i was told to meditate) I have
channeled Sri Yutesware it was wild and strangely peaceful..So there
must be more
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 18:31:48 -0700
From: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
To: tg xxx <imtgATnospamjuno.com>
CC: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Channeling
Message-ID: <3442CB83.2E64ATnospamsmartt.com>
tg xxx wrote:
> To Zarcon........
>tgxxx wrote:
> No offense intended here, but when I hear channeled info, to me, it just
> reeks of something...... what? superficiality? wanting to be something
> more than you are? spirituality? warnings? They are a dime a dozen on
> every metaphysical street corner. If I wanna read channelings, I'll go
> to http://www.channels-R-us.com.
> I would MUCH rather hear ....................... has received and
> learned in THEIR own words, their own experience. I would love to hear it! Teach them that. And to quit hiding behind your skirts/pants,
> pretending to be some philosophical holy moses from up above teaching us
> silly folk below. I mean, really, like we haven't heard these warnings
> before?? geeezzzzz gimme a break.
> My intentions for this post are to bring YOU out of hiding and to hear
> your interpretations of what Zarcon of the Ages may have to say. You
> could probably teach him a thing or two about living in the moment,
> rather than the future.
> OK, and I'll go look within and see what it is within me.
> People, please help me here see this differently if I am in error. I AM
> willing.
> xxxtg
> I am of the moment
> "I like you but I wouldn't want to see you working with subatomic
> particles."
Hello List!
Just yesterday I saw a similar powerful post from Ruth. Now I hear it
from tgxxx. What a wonderful play of the Divine I feel through this
It is Time for the world to become truthful to oneself first. It needs
no prop to support Itself. Compassion, helping are good words and all
messages pouring in from the Cosmos, never gave me impression to teach
others. The plant when watered and protected from pests has its growth
naturally, What we do is to create the environment for growth. Similar
is the example in real life in the three dimensions, to our children we
can only show the ways of light and share with them our experiences, and
they would learn naturally, with some sense of discipline.Apart from
that we are all learners here and nothing more. That is whole objective
I believe why we are here.
Even Jesus said: "I have come not to destroy but fulfill."
I was offered the training of becoming a channeller. I asked what does
it involve. He said you can get all you want on this earth, but there is
catch to it. The method involved being with a spirit through special
meditations, and making the spirit virtually your servant. Any question
you mentally asked would be answered by the spirit in your ears. Through
which one could dollars pouring inas this would have made the person a
Superman in a sense.
I asked my Guru now tell me what is the catch. He said after you pass
out from this incarnation, your live in lower realms near the earth
plane as a spirit and you become the spirit as a servant to some person
who wishes to be united with you.
I have seen in India, the people who have acquired such spirit
communicating powers, they become emotionally unfit, lose their health,
and finally all the wealth they generate through such practices. This is
what used to call Black Tantra.
After the dialog I just excused myself and followed my path as a normal
human being.
Similar powers can come to many from many yoga practices, but ther it
ends. Spirituality goes out through the window, and what remains are sad
personal experiences.
I did not wish to make all this public, but something inside strongly
urges me to do so. For people who are so inclined, I would let them be,
let them also have their peace, as they perceive it.
In Love, Life and Light,
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 19:05:26 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: humble pie
Message-ID: <344262E6.197CATnospamintercomm.com>
E Jason wrote:
> valerian wrote:
>Gloria here...this is an attempt at light heartedness, we need it from time to time and indeed we want people to be themselves or they won't post. Love to all. Gloria
> I Lobster being of soundless mind and nobody, do hereby bequeath on you Valerie Cooper
> (known as Valerien) an unconditional forgiving for all extra-sharp criticisms.
> Amen (or similar).
> Most Kind Regards
> Lobster (forgiving essential)
Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 23:06:02 -0400
From: Veronique Unger <veroungerATnospamearthlink.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Need an explanation
Message-ID: <3442E19A.92F3A0A5ATnospamearthlink.net>
My name is Veronique and I would like to share with you something that
has happened twice so far in less than 2 weeks. I am sharing a very
special bond with 3 people in my life right now, 2 are my daughters and
the third person is a man, who is also a member of this list.We are all
united by a very strong bond of love. My 2 daughters live with me and my
friend lives several thousand miles away from us. Although distance is
between us our relationship is very strong and our love is very deep.
My friend has been experiencing the kundalini awakening for quite a
while now, and for the past 3 weeks, it seems like the kundalini
awakening has reached me also, through the bond of deep love that him
and I share. We communicate on the internet using email, ICQ and Chat.
Lately however we have been forced to abandon our live chat conversation
for it was causing a huge energy of "love" coming from our hearts, which
got out of control and seemed to have given one of my daughters a very
high fever. This might seem a little far fetched however it has happened
twice already for no apparent reason and this right after our
conversation ended. My friend could feel the energy reaching a very
unsafe level and was concerned for the sake of my daughters. I had
trouble believing him the first time, today I am convinced. This is not
a coincidence!
I am very concerned and a little puzzled about all this, because I have
never experienced anything like it. I believe I am the one who gives her
the fever because of the energy I have inside of me, but I might be
wrong. I would really appreciate immensely if someone could come up with
some kind of explanation or if a similar situation had been experienced
by one of you.
I thank you in advance and appologize for the mistakes that might be
found in this text for I am a French speaker.
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 19:08:37 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: tg xxx <imtgATnospamjuno.com>
CC: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Channeling
Message-ID: <344263A5.57E1ATnospamintercomm.com>
tg xxx wrote:
> To Zarcon........
There is no nice way to say this, go within and share from your higher
knowing, you may say the same thing but it will be taken differently
when you allow it to come through from your knowing. It is really this
part of you that wants expression. Gloria
> My intentions for this post are to bring YOU out of hiding and to hear
> your interpretations of what Zarcon of the Ages may have to say. You
> could probably teach him a thing or two about living in the moment,
> rather than the future.
> OK, now I got that off me chest and I'll go look within and see what it
> is within me.
> People, please help me here see this differently if I am in error. I AM
> willing.
> xxxtg
> I am of the moment
> "I like you but I wouldn't want to see you working with subatomic
> particles."
> http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html <~~~~ on the web now!
Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 19:29:09 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: BedawnedATnospamaol.com
CC: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: An Introduction
Message-ID: <34426874.1C64ATnospamintercomm.com>
BedawnedATnospamaol.com wrote:
> Now for an introduction. My name is Melissa.
> That experience aside, my life is magnificently mundane. I begin teaching
> philosophy this winter at the local college. I do freelance writing. Read
> voraciously. Enjoy the four children I've had the privilege of bearing and
> try to teach them uprightness while they teach me patience, joy, and
> endurance. I have a twelve year marriage I'm working desperately to hold
> together as my kundalini experience has left it in virtual shambles.
> Enough about me. I hope all of you will introduce yourselves to me. How
> many are on this list anyway?
Hi Melissa,
Happy to meet you and in behalf of the overall group I welcome you to
our continuous conversation. There are probably around 300 on the list
but many don't post that much. I've been a part of it since it started
over a year ago. From time to time you will sense some negative energy
come in, but it generally runs its course and subsides as people refuse
to feed it.
This is a very diverse group, since kundalini doesn't have a particular
type it comes to, we have east and west represented, and a little from
many belief systems. Do feel comfortable sharing, it takes courage to
jump in some times, but like jumping in the lake during that first time
in the summer...you just don't know how cold or warm it is until you let
go and take the plunge. Gloria
Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 20:59:13 -0800
From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: heartzenATnospamlistserv.servtech.com
Subject: life as endless loop
Message-ID: <3442FC12.4AF2ATnospamptialaska.net>
dear kundalini & heartzen lists,
i shared this with the krishnamurti list, but don't believe i have
laid it down for this list yet, which seem less intellectually oriented
forums to share it within.
when i was in my 20's - i did a couple year stint working in the
woods around the Gifford-Pinchot & Mt. Hood National Forests.
one nice morning between contracts at the home of a friend in
Packwood, WA, at the foot of Mt. Rainier, i was doing my daily yoga
routine under a tree. i had taken off my glasses & was inwardly
i had had some previous experience with bouts of uncontrollable
shaking, dizziness, & falling down. some people would claim "too much
blood to the head", & one wise lady yoga teacher claimed it was my
astral body trying to leave, & the best thing to do was to stare at my
hands until it passed. i did not know what to believe.
well, this one day this phenomena occurred, & i dutifully stared at
my hands until they came into focus. but, this time, when i looked up,
an *incredible* thing occurred! i still do not know what it was, but i
must always refer back to the experience within the 'measuring stick' of
human abilities...
when i looked up - suddenly - i could see EVERY THING rotundly around
my head on all sides in microscopic detail - & simultaneously - which is
a physical impossibility, particularly for someone who is legally blind
without their glasses on.
i could see every grain of earth & grass strands, with bugs crawling
between them, simultaneous to seeing birds in far off trees & every leaf
on every tree & every bird & every bug, & every grain of dirt...
it was overly *panoramic*, & the feeling was THE ONE IMMENSITY of
*connectedness* i have ever perceived with my physical senses, in
addition to whatever else part of my brain which was activated.
when i *came down* to 'normal perception' once more, i had fallen to
the lawn in a vertigo vortex & was shaking. when i first stood up to
recollect my*self* - it was a crystalline clear sunny morning in the
yard outside the woods, and - for the *life* of me, i had no sense of
*personal identity* at first. i could not remember my name, where i was
or why i was there, or what year it was.
my dog & cat were at the far corner of the yard & eyeing me
i cannot say this is exactly my idea of what Maslow referred to as
"self-actualizing moments", because it seems one would/should be OTHER
than *totally FREAKED* within those parameters.
there were NO drugs of any sort involved, but extremely psychedelic
on brain processes (or chemicals, or spiritual wampum, or whatever).
is this a form of kundalini?
ps (i pray i have not already described this event & mixed up wires with
memories, in which case i pre-beg forgiveness. the 'department of the
redundancy dept." strikes again!*lol*)
valerie cooper
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 97 03:17:28 UT
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