Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/10/12 18:01
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #511

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 511

Today's Topics:
  Re: Gurdjieff's concept of the kundabuffer
  Re: The food we eat.
  Re: Relief at last
  The Lower Self
  Re: The Lower Self
  Re: question regarding ringing in the ears
  Re: The Realm of Joy
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 20:25:56 +0500 (GMT+0500)
From: Sunil R Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
To: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Gurdjieff's concept of the kundabuffer
Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.91.971012200941.30246B-100000ATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Sat, 11 Oct 1997, M wrote:

> At 05:17 PM 10/11/97 +0500, Sunil R Peswani wrote:
> > The heat emitted will be proportional to the square of difference
> >in this relative speeds of light.
> > The real saints of India had always like to move to Himalayas in
> >ancient India.
> > This does not apply to saints of Devotion and love type. They go
> >in Moksh by the method of bliss and merging. They do not also feel the heat.
> > Out pouring of heat is only on the path of Bodhisattva or Adept
> >or Master who later merge in Buddha of the era.
> >ram
> ram, I do not understand the last two paragraphs. For instance, what is
> Moksh? What is a real saint. Thanks in advance. M

 All life is climbing up the hill of evolution. If we make a hill
as high as a height of distant star from earth and if human life is as
small as an ant. So each of us human beings is climbing this mountain of
evolution and this mountain is covered with d ense forests. And hence we
cannot climb straigt as the top is invisible and the path is unmarked and
 In order for us to climb this mountain we require strength. Even
remaining stationary at any point of mountain of evolution requires
strength. And our strength is our ego. We take birth increasing the size
of our ego and then we die. In death we fall b ack to base of the mountain
that we climbed in that life. But by falling we carry the experience of
problems in climbing as well as the knowledge of increasing the size of
our ego in seed form.
 In next birth due to this knowledge we are able to climb up a
little higher due to this knowledge and increased strength of our ego.
 This climbing of mountain always requires effort and also is cause
of pain. As all of life climbs we devolop fear , jealousy, hatred etc. for
co-travellers if we do not know them.
 This made us form groups in the shape of religion or nations or
societies. This made the climbing a little higher due to cooperation of a
group but brought on greater chaos due to waring among groups.
 At some stage knowledge that hatred fear etc. among us harms our
progress. So this life starts shedding negative emotions of hate fear etc.
and positive emotions of love cooperation are developed. This makes the
human life climb a little higher.

 Search for climbing higher continued in different direction after

  At some stage of life a seeker after truth comes to know a secret
of transcending of ego . He comes to know that if he changes the basics of
ego he gets greater strength , he can climb higher and faster in each and
every birth before falling down in death.

 This secret brought out the stages of MOKSH and NIRVANA and the
existence of Gods and Goddesses.

 When a group of travellers are climbing up the mountain of
evolution together, some person developed love or devotion towards some
other person. Let us give an example of a married couple. They are very
close together among the group. One of the member of this group say the
wife becomes weak and wants to let go this life. The husband loves her too
much to let her go. His thought ( part of ego) goes towards her and sustain
her for onward journey. This brings in the knowledge of sharing this ego

 One part of this secret is thought (part of ego) transfer. This
understanding is not easy. It is like two travellers in a forest and they
are very hungry. No food is available . one of the travellers offers to
cut his healthiest and strongest part of body to satisfy the hunger so
that both can travel further. This offer of sacrifice has to be genuine.
His existing life has to loose strength to give strength to his
partner.If the partners are in gratitude towards each other a permanent
bond of memory in the seed forms for sharing in future lives.

 Some of these travellers who were experienced had acquired this
knowledge due to repeated births and increased ego used the simple type
egoes by creating devotion or love in their partners by some skill that
they had acquired. They can create love and devotion by offering to solve
your immediate problems or to offer you the shining jems and diomonds and
take your healthy ego in exchange.

 This created Devi Devtas or gods and goddesses. These smaller gods
may come across some secret siddhis and powers. If you pray for material
wealth , you are ready for exchange. The strength that gods acquire will
allow the god to remain high up in the mountain for longer times. But
these gods cannot leave this spot of siddhi or power to climb higher
because if they leave this spot of siddhi, they have nothing to exchange
and time will bring them to rebirth. They can only increase the duration
of their stay. As soon as this exchange stops, they have to come down for

 Some of the gods offered the help of these siddhis to the coming
travellers as camp sites. They took ego from one traveller down below
offering him wealth (answers to prayers) getting in exchange the ego. They
will then pass on this ego strength to one traveller going still higher
up instead of using the ego for self.

 Till the height of mountain covered was so much that one reached
Brahma plane. At Brahma plane time dilates so much that a person can
remain upto the life of galaxi parlay (too much time). These Brahmic Gods
came so high because of love and devotion of o thers as well as theirs
(exchange of love and devotion thro various births). So only gods of love
and devotion and maitry and gratitude evolved to highest level.

 When a person reaches Brahma level he is supposed to reach MOKSH.
Moksh is freedom of choice for rebirth in human life. Human life is full
of Dukkha (painful). No normal person will opt for human life.

 But it is said that there was on abnormal person in our part of
world. He was abnormal because he was passed on secret of secrets from a
previous Buddha. That secret remained in his seed. He would never remember
this secret either in human life or in life after death. And this secret
made him do things differently from others. Till he in his last birth as
Guatam Buddha got enlightment of NIRVANA type and remebered the secret of
secrets (given to him in last era).

 Initially Guatam Buddha was reluctant to pass on this secret. The
path was so difficult that no normal person could reach NIRVANA. But it is
said that when all gods , goddess of deva and Brahma plane requested him
for their sake, he rethought. He sat for
 seven days seven times (total 49 days) at seven different places nearby
without taking food or water contemplating. (Ram calls this Pragya
meditation). In this meditation he was interlinked with far far away
Universes. He got methods and ideas thro Pragy a meditation for the
answers to purpose and destination of all life and simplified methods to
get to NIRVANA.

 With time this knowledge was passed on By Him to newly created
Buddhic plane. Many souls have benefitted by this help already. Compassion
as practiced by Christ plays a very important role in this secret of
secrets. Neither Guatam started Buddhic religion nor Christ started
christian religion. They only passed on the TRUTHS as they saw them.

 Most of the persons who were in Brahma plane took rebirth by
CHOICE so that they can go over to NIRVANA after BUDDHIC era started.
NIRVANA is merging in Buddha of the era. Each era produces only one Buddha
of one sun. Billions of Buddhas are brought forward from different
stars. Evolution system of all stars is not same. As there are millions of
paths for human evolution different for each person, same way all Buddhas
are different from each other and their evolution path have been varried.

 It is said that Each Buddha for the Universe is like our human
being for earth and Each Buddha has to evolve higher like we evolve to

 _________________SECRET OF SECRETS_________________________

 Every normal person after taking human birth will carry the
knowledge after death in seed form that human life is Dukkha. He would
avoid or delay human birth and a desire for Moksh will be in him. Each
birth he will strengthen this knowledge and crave fo r Moksha more and
more birth after birth. But Guatam Buddha (due to boon of previous era
Buddha) carried the knowledge that Dukkha is welcome. This Knowledge of
Dukkha was so deep that he was never to be daunted by pains of life. He
would dare to take bir th after birth as fast as possible never to enjoy
Deva planes for longer times. In human life he would practice compassion.
If any co-traveller will be with him. And that person cannot go higher
because of some heavy negative ego, would be Buddha will take away that
bad ego on him, so that the co-traveller goes forward. He would suff er
for this co-traveller because of that bad ego. This may end his climb of
that life even.

 But a good thing will be happening with him in two ways. First he
will be gaining wisdom to heal the bad collected ego without much harming
his strength. Second his seed size would grow faster due to repeated
births. Every person was in dukkha in human life. There was abundance of
compassion to be practiced. With skillfulness and wisdom he will take the
bad egoes offered to him, suffer and climb higher and higher.

 Till he reached very near to top of the mountain but not at the
top. From there due to his concentration, determination and help from gods
in 49 days he could receive the purpose of life and way to it. He was not
Buddha at that time but now nothing stood
 in his way of becoming Buddha with time. He utilised the remaining time
of 40 years or so in growing by compassion and to complete his journey to

 For the first time a living human being (Guatam Buddha) could
grant Moksh to anyone who wanted it. Only those Who had advanced ego and
could receive the knowledge from Buddhic plane (created newly due to
Guatam Bkuddha) would consent by CHOICE to accept Moksh from living
Buddha. they were called ARHANTS. They would merge in Guatam Buddha and
achieve NIRVANA.

 After Guatam Buddha many practiced compassion and became
Boddhisattvas and after leaving their knowledge and forces in Buddhic
plane go to Atmic plane. These forces of Buddhic plane will increse this
force of wisdom so much that this knowledge will becom e common with time.

Persons practicing compassion will suffer intense heats and dukkhas and go
to fifth level and persons practicing love and devotion will attain Moksh
in fourth plane. Persons of fifth level will walk on the path of
Boddhisattvas and each will be cause of salvation to Nirvana for more
than a lakh persons in maximum of seven lives as told by Buddists.

Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 10:54:47 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>, god10ATnospamm3.sprynet.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The food we eat.
Message-ID: <34409E64.3EB9ATnospamintercomm.com>

Gloria Greco wrote:
> indra wrote:
> >
> > god10ATnospamm3.sprynet.com wrote:
> > >
> >
> > > What food, if any, do we eat/drink as we grow in the way
> > > of the Kundalini Snake ?
> Gloria here:
> My experience is one naturally gets into a rhythmn about food and drink
> with moderation as the overall knowledge in focus. But, the key to true
> balance is living in the moment directly in touch with Divine will, in
> this you automatically accept through your flow what comes to you. This
> for me creates the balance inside and in my flow without thought I eat
> and drink what comes to me.
> I do often go long periods of time without food naturally, it just isn't
> on my mind. On the other side of this, I can wake in the middle of the
> night with a vision of a cracker sending me down stairs to put something
> in my stomach.
> The big thing is awareness of balance, and one doesn't have balance
> without keeping that colon clean, spirit helps with this if there is any
> need for cleansing, you listen and go with your inner directions. This
> is the ideal state, but not all are in this communication point so I
> would say this.
> Those having kundalini eruptions small or large are likely to do better
> with small amounts of food and drink through out the day and night if
> necessary. Kundalini takes a great deal of energy from the body and it
> needs balanced nourishment, Gopi Krishna recognized in his hours of toil
> that food helped tremendously. Even now if I wake in the middle of the
> night with a kind of nervous energy that I sense, I know it is time to
> put something in my stomach. On the other hand, I can go long hours
> without anything and are fine. You will find out what your body requires
> by becoming sensitive inside. Gloria
> >
> > Indra> It totally is dependant on personal capacity. Some are very
> > sensitive and some are not sensitive to such issues in matters of
> > Kundalini at all. The capacity is not to be determined at the physical
> > level alone. The needs of the emotional and mental levels of the person
> > needs to be considered.
> > I can give my experience alone: My emotions , or mental states are
> > totally unaffected with regard to food. But I do follow the signals my
> > body send to me and to which I listen. Accordingly I adjust.
> > Each one of us are unique , which calls for uniqueness in the choice of
> > foods or drink. Main criteria in spiritual practice or K-practice is to
> > minimise the toxins intake, bowels to kept clear and unstraining to the
> > system, tepid water showers or baths, foods which keep the body cool,
> > Appropriate rest and sleep, relaxation, and if inclined ,Meditation: the
> > food of the thinking Tank(the mind)
> > >
> > How do we eat/drink ?

Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepages at:
Hope you enjoy them!
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 09:51:54 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: "Jason S. White" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Relief at last
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971012094956.12619G-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

> > Thanks...we are all grateful!
> > Three cheers for... it....Hip hip...Hurray...!
> > *****
> Ruth,
> Peace and good will to you especially
> if I have been unnecessarily burdensome to you.
> May that burden become a tool
> of the realisation of your beauty.
> Love. Jason.

Oh Jason... this was more a tool to the realization of YOUR beauty it
Aloha... Ruth
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 10:48:21 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The Lower Self
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971012102112.12619J-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Well I have been trying to finish an article on the topic of the
subconscious and how important it is to clean out... and David writes of
this >>
The hardest was to get my ego to own
that parts of me are terribly imperfect and rude and slovenly but when I
did it was quite a release. Now I can use anger in a very controlled way
get what I want especially in business situations where people are always
pushing my boundaries. It was hard work but very worthwhile and now it is
very easy for me to recognize when I am projecting and stop it. You all
know about projecting don't you? Any part of you that you don't own up to,
can get projected on someone else. Just look at who is annoying you and
why, and chances are you'll find that you have that exact quality or

Nice work! How good it is to be on a list where people are working on
themselves. How many people in your daily life do you meet doing this?
Isn't it sad that they do not know how important it is. I
feel that the key to awakening and ascension or evolution if you like, is
clearing that rascally little "child" within-- the lower self in layman
terms, which is stubborn, magical, fearful, dependent, powerful and
unfortnately according to Hawaiian Huna, the only path to the higher self
for the middle self or conscious mind. For example.. I will repeat a
diagram given me by Karin Hannigan... perhaps one of the all time experts
on the lower self.
   Higher Self ------> <----- Lower Self <----> Middle Self // /

Each of these has counterparts in other traditions..
Lower Self in Hawaiian is equivalent to the subconscious
Middle Self is equivalent to the conscious
Higher Self equivalent to the superconscious

The book The Secret Science Behind Miracles by Max F. Long gives a very
interesting account of his discovery of how the Hawaiians would be able to
cure people of illnesses, curses and even death. This book has to my
knowledge inspired quite a few people after reading it... although some of
the information is now out of date, it is still a fascinating text.

Regarding Projection.. I used to have a problem with the men I loved
telling me dirty disgusting male-style jokes and swearing too much. I
would repeatedly tell them, "Stop that. It don't like it." They continued.
I began to wonder about it because I knew that they were in tune with my
inner self because of love. Then while I was in a therapy session, I found
out that my mother had scolded me while quite young for saying cuss words
like my father... and I repressed my interest in cursing. As soon as I
found this out, that it was repressed in me so my boyfriends were
expressing it, they stopped! They have never done it again! They do not
know about my repression, they just did not feel the energy coming from me
to talk that way.. so they felt no need to do it again. Ain't that a wake
up call!
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 17:21:51 -0400
From: David Hodges <dhodgesATnospamrecol.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The Lower Self
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 10:48 AM 10/12/97 -1000, you wrote:
> I
>feel that the key to awakening and ascension or evolution if you like, is
>clearing that rascally little "child" within-- the lower self in layman
>terms, which is stubborn, magical, fearful, dependent, powerful and
>unfortnately according to Hawaiian Huna, the only path to the higher self
>for the middle self or conscious mind. For example.. I will repeat a
>diagram given me by Karin Hannigan... perhaps one of the all time experts
>on the lower self.
> Higher Self ------> <----- Lower Self <----> Middle Self // /

I liked your example of unconvering a projection by dealing with the
problem of guys swearing in your presence. How interesting in your diagram
that the lower self comes between the middle self and the higher self. I
was trying to explain to some teen-agers in a group I was leading how the
way down can be the way up. They don't want to hear about it. Ascension
should be a straight take-off into the stratosphere! Ken Wilber is really
good on this. He talks about how we have to go through the "centaur" stage
where we are half-animal, half human. The other term for this is the
existential. So many peole get caught in the existential with its crises of
meaninglessness and the awfulness of death of the physical self and don't
realize what glimmers on the far side. This is the "valley of the shadow of
death". We must all walk through it!

Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 18:04:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bobwood655ATnospamaol.com
To: morganaATnospambest.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: question regarding ringing in the ears
Message-ID: <971012180346_-493081389ATnospamemout03.mail.aol.com>

I sometimes have this when I am under very heavy stress.
It can last for days.
I also have the white hazy sight/feeling when under high levels of stress.
The hazy feeling reminds me of process Gopi Krishna experienced during his
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 20:15:02 -0400
From: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: The Realm of Joy
Message-Id: <199710130014.UAA12456ATnospamsandia.aug.com>

Transcendence Point", a place or focus in consciousness that lies
precisely between the inner self and the outer world. When a perfect
balance is struck, one finds an opening into the Realm of Joy.

In the great silence can be heard
the great heartbeat of all life.
Move into this space, gently, and with great care
It contains you, becomes you, envelopes you,
releases you.

There are places too delicate even for touch,
Feelings beyond sensation,
Knowing beyond understanding.

To reach into the infinite space between
you and all life-
There is found
What you seek.

Enter the Realm of Joy and let it envelope you. Let each journey to the
Realm of Joy fill you with its radiant energy. Let that energy flow from
you in all your associations with others. Observe how it ignites the spark
of Joy in them. This is the highest act of love you can bring to anyone
and all.

The Joy of Divine Essence is unconditional love.


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