1997/10/12 07:50
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #510
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 510
Today's Topics:
Re: Gurdjieff's concept of the kundabuffer
Expert of TAO needed!
Re: How
Re: Expert of TAO needed!
sHadOW (was How)
Re: How
Re: sHadOW (was How)
Re: sHadOW (was How)
Relief at last
Energy Flows
Re: Taoist Yoga
Re: Taoist Yoga
Energy Flows(Was: K & Holy Sprit)
Re: The food we eat.
The Realm of Joy
Re: Expert of TAO needed!
Re: question regarding ringing in the ears
Re: gratitude
Re: Relief at last
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 13:17:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: Sunil R Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Gurdjieff's concept of the kundabuffer
Message-Id: <199710112017.NAA25700ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 05:17 PM 10/11/97 +0500, Sunil R Peswani wrote:
> The heat emitted will be proportional to the square of difference
>in this relative speeds of light.
> The real saints of India had always like to move to Himalayas in
>ancient India.
> This does not apply to saints of Devotion and love type. They go
>in Moksh by the method of bliss and merging. They do not also feel the heat.
> Out pouring of heat is only on the path of Bodhisattva or Adept
>or Master who later merge in Buddha of the era.
ram, I do not understand the last two paragraphs. For instance, what is
Moksh? What is a real saint. Thanks in advance. M
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 22:36:24 +0300
From: "Dmitry Zayakin" <dzenATnospamtransit.samara.ru>
To: "Kundalini List" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Expert of TAO needed!
Message-Id: <199710112121.BAA24961ATnospamdial-up.samara.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=KOI8-R
Hi all!
My name is Dmitry, I read post on this list about 3 months. Now I read the
book of Montak Chia named Improvement of Men Sexual Energy, and I'd like to
start exercising on this method. But I need more information about TAO
experience from advanced practicians. May be there are some cautions or
something else...
Therefore, my message is addressed to experts of TAO.
If anybody decided to share experiense with me,
here is my E-mail: dzenATnospamtransit.samara.ru
Yours Dmitry.
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 13:31:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: How
Message-Id: <199710112031.NAA29345ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 03:19 PM 10/11/97 -0400, Sharon Webb wrote:
>>>But there is a difference between choosing not to express oneself
>through a recognised shadow and superfically pretending the
>shadow is not there. I am quite painfully aware of my shadow
>elements and I think many people on this forum are aware of
>theirs as well. If one makes the choice not to express it, then
>that is not necessarily superficial.>>
>Seems like most of us either suppress our shadows, or vent through them.
>Often, we are afraid of the power of our shadows...and so by supressing
>them, we rob ourselves. Have any of you had success with fully integrating
>your shadow side?
I am working on it and have been for sometime...
...just when I thought I was making progress (shadow used mostly
appropriately) I got very sick and now I find myself shouting at people who
won't help (when it is their job to do so) or people who don't understand my
current situation and shortcomings. I do not like it but find it necessary
or inescapable. I also strongly resent (another form of venting I guess)
anyone who shows less than considerate behavior toward me. I do not like
being like that either but it seems it is the best I can do now. I even
wonder if this is all part of "the lesson" I am to learn from this situation...
I am looking forward to others responses to this question.
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 17:02:45 -0400
From: acarre <acarreATnospamconcentric.net>
To: Dmitry Zayakin <dzenATnospamtransit.samara.ru>
CC: Kundalini List <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Expert of TAO needed!
Message-ID: <343FE975.7B226266ATnospamconcentric.net>
Hello Dmitry,
I'm not an expert on tao, but i do know the book, and i had to stop
practicing the micros comic orbit when bigger kundalini surge started.
In this book you have the cool draw and the big draw. In both you bring
the sexual energy to the top of the head following the spine, then down
by the front.
Kundalini surge can be very strong and they need to go out by the crown,
trying to recycle them when they are to strong, can only bring to much
chi in the brain or other parts of the body who are not ready to receive
yet. Thus causing pains, etc., depending on the force of the surges.
As said Kurt, in is posting in this list:
"Mantak Chia is probably the most widely known contemporary exponent of
Taoist Yoga. Mantak Chia notes some teachers but one again gets the
that he is drawing on a great deal of written literature. He seems to be
another very gifted person but Bruce Kumar Frantzis notes in his book
``Opening the Energy Gates of the Body'' that he has had to deal with a
number of ``basket cases'' from people who simply picked up [Chia's]
and began to practice from them. "
If you want an advise,
Listen to your body, it knows what it needs. Don't force things on it,
to much.
In love
Dmitry Zayakin wrote:
> My name is Dmitry, I read post on this list about 3 months. Now I read
> the
> book of Montak Chia named Improvement of Men Sexual Energy, and I'd
> like to start exercising on this method. But I need more information
> about TAO
> experience from advanced practicians. May be there are some cautions
> or
> something else...
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 16:06:50 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: sHadOW (was How)
Message-Id: <199710112106.OAA06490ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>
"Contemporary psychology, too, has become aware of the importance of the
subconscious and of the need to cleanse it. But psychologists have seen
only half of the picture, the subconscious half without the
superconscious one.....
"Indeed, there is a fundamental psychological law one cannot escape,
which is that descent is commensurate with ascent: ONE CANNOT DESCEND
FURTHER THAN ONE HAS ASCENDED, because the force necessary for descent
is the very same force needed for ascent.
page 244, 245 "Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness," by
Satprem 0-938710-04-4
page 78: [When we]"...also realize that we can desend as far as the
heights we are able to scale, that our downs are un exact proportion to
our capacity of ascent ---- many scales fall from our eyes."
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 17:24:50 -0400
From: David Hodges <dhodgesATnospamrecol.com>
To: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: How
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 03:19 PM 10/11/97 -0400, Sharon Webb wrote:
>Seems like most of us either suppress our shadows, or vent through them.
>Often, we are afraid of the power of our shadows...and so by supressing
>them, we rob ourselves. Have any of you had success with fully integrating
>your shadow side?
I like to think so. I had 5 years of Jungian therapy including extensive
dream work in which I learned among other things all the different masks
through which my shadow operates, all the roles it likes to play, and to
accept each role and own it. And one by one I learned to recognize
projections I was making onto other people and own them and withdraw them.
I also learned to indulge my shadow when needed (not hard with American
popular entertainment esp. movies). The hardest was to get my ego to own
that parts of me are terribly imperfect and rude and slovenly but when I
did it was quite a release. Now I can use anger in a very controlled way to
get what I want especially in business situations where people are always
pushing my boundaries. It was hard work but very worthwhile and now it is
very easy for me to recognize when I am projecting and stop it. You all
know about projecting don't you? Any part of you that you don't own up to,
can get projected on someone else. Just look at who is annoying you and
why, and chances are you'll find that you have that exact quality or fault.
It was interesting to follow the representations of my shadow in dreams as
this went on, from savage animals we progressed to frightening inner-city
hoodlums to hobos who wore glasses and turned out to be quite intelligent.
I think that now I am quite integrated with my shadow but that doesn't
solve any bigger problems, it just gives me more inner freedom and
perception. I can see immediately now when someone is possessed by their
shadow and it is interesting to see how that alternate self operates in
them without them being aware of it.
In response to MrNamaste who says one cannot descend farther than one has
ascended, I think now that the process in me was kicked off by stirrings of
K energy that was extending me in all directions and in the process causing
extreme psychological distress which is why I was in therapy to begin with.
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 18:28:08 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: sHadOW (was How)
Message-Id: <199710112238.SAA11983ATnospamhoboken>
> From: MrNamaste <MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net>
> "Indeed, there is a fundamental psychological law one cannot escape,
> which is that descent is commensurate with ascent: ONE CANNOT DESCEND
> FURTHER THAN ONE HAS ASCENDED, because the force necessary for descent
> is the very same force needed for ascent.
This makes sense to me. But it also brings up in my mind a couple of
questions: First, is the depth of the shadow no greater than our ability
to descend into it? Or does the depth often exceed our ability to plumb
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Honorable Mention
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 18:42:56 -0400
From: acarre <acarreATnospamconcentric.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: sHadOW (was How)
Message-ID: <344000EF.7F52F2A5ATnospamconcentric.net>
> From: MrNamaste <MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net>
"Indeed, there is a fundamental psychological law one cannot
escape, which is that descent is commensurate with ascent: ONE CANNOT
DESCEND FURTHER THAN ONE HAS ASCENDED, because the force necessary for
descent is the very same force needed for ascent."
I like to take it from another perspective, but it says the same thing.
Sometimes, we create a wall between what we call us an our shadow. It
helps us to ascend for a while, creating polarities. The hardest part,
after that, is to melt this wall we created. And walls we will find all
our lives...
In Love and unity
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 13:01:08 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Relief at last
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971011125938.17726A-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Now I have my work before me and I shall be silent.
Peace and good will to all.
Thanks...we are all grateful!
Three cheers for... it....Hip hip...Hurray...!
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 13:05:52 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: paradigms..shifting
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971011130216.17726B-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Hi M, Indra and other helpful folks:
Thanks for all the wonderful suggestions you have supplied into my mailbox
on the above topic. I do so appreciate the time and effort you have put
forth for me. I am much encouraged. I am looking into Wilber again,
thanks for the suggestion M. Good idea about Maslow... hmmm I am getting
so much going through my brain now.. that I think I shall make a hand out
and supply some URL's for the participants to find out some of the
wonderful things that I have been discovering. I will put it on my site
when I am finished. THANK YOU ALL.. but keep the ideas coming...
Hugs to all, Ruth
Ruth Trimble email:<trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 08:51:27 +0930
From: Susanne Macrae <smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au>
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Energy Flows
Message-ID: <344009F7.44A5ATnospamcamtech.net.au>
Ram wrote "but higher energy is way beyond these k-energies"
Indra wrote "I have been experiencing K-energy predominately of two
My personal feeling about K is that it is higher or highest energy. The
way it manifests in my body is my body's reaction to the energy.
K energy doesn't manifest as pain, joy, bliss etc. My soul experiences
over millions of years have generated set patterns within me that K
energy will stir up. Metaphorically if K energy was rain, the result of
the rain would be different depending on where it fell. In a drought
area the rain would be welcomed with glee and thanks. In a flood, the
rain would cause much more pain and distress. It will be received
differently in every place it falls. It is the same rain falling in
each place though.
So it is in my body. When the energy moves through me and encounters
areas where it is much needed (as in drought) I feel great.
When it meets areas that I hold blocked and swamped, I feel some
I believe K energy is pure vibration and that is what enables it to
transform us the way it does.
When we live with K daily it is easy to lose our reverence for its
magnificence. We expect to be able to analyse it and describe it along
the lines of energy that we know. We forget it is powered by
intelligence. A bit like taking for granted the splendour of nature
around us - until we have visitors and show them around and show it off.
So personally I will continue to respect K for the superintelligent
higher energy that I believe she is.
Love, sue
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 21:24:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: Yuvaraaj Prakasam <yuvaraajATnospamcse.bridgeport.edu>
To: Lisa_FerberATnospamcondenast.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Taoist Yoga
Message-Id: <Pine.GSO.3.96.971011212056.3518A-100000ATnospamegypt>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
a_FerberATnospamcondenast.com wrote:
> Please take me off the mailing list.
> yuvaraaj prakasam
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 19:40:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Ian Hunter" <ifhunterATnospamislandnet.com>
To: yuvaraajATnospamcse.bridgeport.edu (Yuvaraaj Prakasam)
Cc: Lisa_FerberATnospamcondenast.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Taoist Yoga
Message-Id: <m0xKDxj-0009tECATnospamisland3.islandnet.com>
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 20:10:15 -0700
From: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Energy Flows(Was: K & Holy Sprit)
Message-ID: <34403F93.5FA1ATnospamsmartt.com>
To all in the list:
I was rather surprised to a post on subject that
" I have been experiencing K-energu predominantly of two types.
One very dense.....Second type in the form of lights.... process of
I have read the details of Ram's explanation ,with copies to lodpress,
ori and the post , and myself.
First, I wish to point out last night just before closing I saw a
window open on my screen, which simply had "Indra writes," but Indra did
not write anything, and instead of delete key he hit the wrong button
and it went to the post, and also to Gloria ATnospamlodpress. I am sure Gloria
can prove that the post she got from me only had "Indra writes>" apart
from the usual copies which are routed through the post.
I was out the whole day, and on my return I found all this. A subsequent
post indicates the questions "M ATnospam choose again" had on the subject"RE:
Gurdjieffs concept of Kundabuffer.
Now let me try to get some meaning from Ram's Post on Energy Flows.
In my view Energy is eternal. It changes forms, vibrational frequencies
etc. The potential energy and dynamic energy come to mind.
There is involution and there is evolution.
When evolution completes its cycle it naturally goes in to
involution(the potential state) from which it can start evolving again.
There is no higher or lower energy, difference is only in the degree of
manifestation,essential Nature of it is Immutable, Transcendent,Eternal.
In the Kundalini System, there is the Kula Kundalini, which is the
K-energy in individuals, and Maha Kundalini in the Cosmos. Different
writer allude to different names, in different cultures. I am not going
in to those aspects at all, because I feel The Supramental (the Supreme
Energy of Consciousness)is all pervasive, yet varies in its
manifestation. That is where the concept and of One and the many arises.
My endeavor here is to put in layman's language so it would be easy for
people to understand.
I also believe every individual is a ray of that Divine Supramental
energy and manifesting in differnt amounts in all of Creation.
The nature of this Energy is also Supreme Bliss or Ananda in the Cosmos
and our joys or rapture as expressed in individuals. The manifesting
extent of it is different.
The state of Nirvana is the Supreme void, which Ram indicates as"There
is no pain, no joy, no bliss, no feeling of Power."
But not even Buddha could speak of what he had experienced. Buddha
deeply absorbed walked from his seat at the Bodhi Tree (near
Benares-Gaya)for seven days back and forth, relating,integrating
,contemplating and reflecting.This signified his relating the temporal
to the immovable realization.
After seven days, thus , Buddha sat down under another tree and had the
idea, that his experience cannot be taught. This is the first fact of
Then he was approached by the gods Indra and Brahma, who asked Buddha
to teach for the salvation of mankind and all the worlds.
So Buddha through an insight said, "alright, I will teach. What I teach
is not Buddhism but the way to Budhhahood."
Bodhi Sattwas are those who attained Buddhahood after the Buddha
(Siddharta Gautama).
The K-energy of the astral as Ram puts "it cannot survive our Solar
I would look at it slightly different. The Maha Kundalini, Or the Cosmic
Supramental, Cosmic Consciousness, whatever you may call it has to
reduce its vibration gradually and ultimately to become so limited as
in a stone.
In between ,in that spectrum, the Cosmic energy and that of the energy
of the stone, the Universe exists in its manifold levels, such as the
astral, mental, emotional and the physical. I am alluding to the human
level here for sake of brevity.
It is true that we cannot play with K-energy, without observing its
effects on all levels of our existence.Consider the Atomic Energy for a
while. It has tremendous destructive power in the Bomb and it also has
curative powers as in Biomedicine. The degree of manifestation is the
only criteria which differntiates the different levels and how we choose
to make use of it.
We also know that effects of energy produced from unstable or a source
which itself is mortal cannot be permanent. Yet ,that in no way makes
the energy itself destructible. Therefore I can say, That Energy itself
is indestructible. It also conforms with physical laws as we know it.
Let me share this with you all. When you attain Buddhahood, for example,
you are at One with the totality of existence. After coming out of that
Supramental consciousness you find yourself in this body, your family
and friends etc. Becoming Supramental or having realized God, or the
Highest K-energy, when you are back in this body consciousness, all the
work in your life goes on, difference being that you look at everything,
everyone with a different perspective.
It does not make you immune to pain and suffering, rather it allows you
to be one with, in compassion and Love.Many Saints have felt the
heartwrenching pain of others, with the same intensity as the sufferer
of the pain.
In the last two paras of Ram's post "M" has mentioned that it was not
Allow me please to explain it my way of the following:
"The heat emitted.... real saints..... to Hiamlayas.....This does not
apply to saints of Devotion .....They go in Moksh by the method of
bliss... They ... do not feel the heat. Out poring of heat is
only....Boddhisattwa or Master who late merge in the Buddha of the era."
The will of the individual when in union with that of the Cosmic, can in
certain and apporpriate instances demonstrate this emission of
heat/light phenomenas.
What I think is most probable that our astral body is the energy body,
which cannot be seen with our normal senses of sight. In certain cases
of Psychic experiences, people have reported to be able to see the aura.
The aura is that of the energy body.Although it appears as light it may
not be heat as we know through science. There are luminiscient paints
which glow in the dark but are cold to the touch. It could be something
like that. I say it for the ease of understanding.
There was only one Buddha (Siddharta Gautama) and many BoddiSattwas.
Moksha is the sanskrit word , which in nearest possible meaning in
English would translate to: "liberation or freedom."
QQuestion come: liberation or freedom from what?
Psychologically, we are bound with our memories of pain and pleasure.
Liberation as in the case of Moksha means the liberation from the
clutches of our memory of pain and pleasure. At the extreme realization,
it is the freedom from all opposites we can think of. Moksha is more
psychological than physical.
I sinecerly hope all in the list can understand the concepts introduced
by Ram.
In Love, Life & Light,
Indra at everyone's service.
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 20:31:24 -0700
From: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
To: god10ATnospamm3.sprynet.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The food we eat.
Message-ID: <3440448C.6316ATnospamsmartt.com>
god10ATnospamm3.sprynet.com wrote:
> Indra, Ruth Trimble, Sunil R Peswani and all whom
> has understanding on the subject of Kundalini,
> What food, if any, do we eat/drink as we grow in the way
> of the Kundalini Snake ?
Indra> It totally is dependant on personal capacity. Some are very
sensitive and some are not sensitive to such issues in matters of
Kundalini at all. The capacity is not to be determined at the physical
level alone. The needs of the emotional and mental levels of the person
needs to be considered.
I can give my experience alone: My emotions , or mental states are
totally unaffected with regard to food. But I do follow the signals my
body send to me and to which I listen. Accordingly I adjust.
Each one of us are unique , which calls for uniqueness in the choice of
foods or drink. Main criteria in spiritual practice or K-practice is to
minimise the toxins intake, bowels to kept clear and unstraining to the
system, tepid water showers or baths, foods which keep the body cool,
Appropriate rest and sleep, relaxation, and if inclined ,Meditation: the
food of the thinking Tank(the mind)
How do we eat/drink ?
Drink whatever you wish to maintain a healthy balance in your own
system, balance: ie. mentally, emotionally, and physically.
> Is there a time of day/night that we should eat/drink and should not ?
Ayurvedic books give superb information for this question.
> Is fasting a thing we should do ?
Fasting with total silence at least once a month if not twice is very
healthy for the mind and body. This is from my own experience.
During fast do take fluids like water, or juice. It helps clearing the
In Love,Life & Light,
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 00:36:22 -0400
From: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: The Realm of Joy
Message-Id: <199710120435.AAA16811ATnospamsandia.aug.com>
This is a time-lapse view of an instantaneous journey into the Realm
of Joy:
1. Awareness of self-alignment. Body sensations dissolve, breathing
becomes rhythmic and non-intrusive. (This condition is required before
2. Awareness of inner self extends outward to encounter external
3. Awareness approaches the limits of inner self and prepares to engage
external reality. A point is reached that is neither self nor external reality
but the Oneness of both (the Transcendence Point).
4. Awareness embraces the Infinite Oneness and detects a subtle flow of
energy filling the vehicle till it becomes a radiant glow.
5. The Realm of Joy.
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 22:22:13 +0730
From: lhorstmaATnospamdirect.ca (Lynn)
To: Kundalini List <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Expert of TAO needed!
Message-Id: <v01510101b0653f83979dATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hello Dmitry
I agree with Antoine, when you practise without a teacher (just go by the
book) can have negative effect. Proceed with caution, listen to you body.
And learn from an respected teacher.
Good Luck & Best
Antoine wrote:
>As said Kurt, in is posting in this list:
>"Mantak Chia is probably the most widely known contemporary exponent of
>Taoist Yoga. Mantak Chia notes some teachers but one again gets the
>that he is drawing on a great deal of written literature. He seems to be
>another very gifted person but Bruce Kumar Frantzis notes in his book
>``Opening the Energy Gates of the Body'' that he has had to deal with a
>number of ``basket cases'' from people who simply picked up [Chia's]
>and began to practice from them. "
>If you want an advise,
>Listen to your body, it knows what it needs. Don't force things on it,
>to much.
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 1997 23:09:05 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: iri <iriATnospamivyrealty.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: question regarding ringing in the ears
Message-ID: <34406981.30CFATnospambest.com>
iri wrote:
> i am new to the list...
> sometimes i have a ringing in my ear that lasts for only a minute and then
> is gone.....
> i have been told there is some non-physical explanation for this occurence
You are hearing "resonance", your own personal vibration attuned to the
universal vibration. Literally, everything vibrates and is a wave form.
When we are "perfected" in our wave form the ringing is heard by the
bones in the ears as our entire body subtly vibrates. When you lose your
"tuning" by exposure to less positive emotions and energy the sound
stops, because these are a longer and slower wave form, a lower
vibrational rate.
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 09:45:55 +0100
From: "Jason S. White" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
To: veroungerATnospamearthlink.net
CC: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: gratitude
Message-ID: <34408E43.28FE4DB3ATnospambluewin.ch>
Veronique Unger wrote:
> This is the first time I dare to say a few words about something I
> read on this list, and it will be regarding this short and simple
> message from Zympht. It is not always easy for me to understand all that
> is said here. Still, somehow , I read this message and it made me feel
> good and brought me peace, so I want to thank you, Zympht for this
> wonderful feeling inside of me.
> Veronique
Thank you for your kind words. Please accept that wonderful feeling as your
own, created by you. Go and find the place inside you that created that
wonderful feeling and visit it often.
Thanks for your daring. Your words have found their destination.
Love. Jason.
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 09:47:49 +0100
From: "Jason S. White" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
To: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Relief at last
Message-ID: <34408EB5.13A8AC3CATnospambluewin.ch>
Ruth Trimble wrote:
> Phew...
> >>>>
> Now I have my work before me and I shall be silent.
> Peace and good will to all.
> Zympht.
> >>>>
> Thanks...we are all grateful!
> Three cheers for... it....Hip hip...Hurray...!
> *****
Peace and good will to you especially
if I have been unnecessarily burdensome to you.
May that burden become a tool
of the realisation of your beauty.
Love. Jason.
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 09:53:46 -0400
From: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: "Kundalini" <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
"Self Knowledge List" <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>,
"Spirit-Mind-Body" <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>,
"Sacred Wind" <sacredwindATnospamusa.net>
Cc: "Sacred Wind" <sacredwindATnospamusa.net>,
"Spirit-Mind-Body" <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>,
"Self Knowledge List" <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>,
"Kundalini" <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Breathe
Message-Id: <9710121726.AA20730ATnospamns.valunet.com>
How long can you breath through your nose with your eyes closed ?
5 Minutes ?, 10 Minutes ? an Hour ?
A Day ?
How many breaths, 100 ? 1000 ? 10,000 ?
When I do this my body twitches and twists, how about you ?
p.s.: Thanks GS
" So Far : So Good "
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