Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/10/08 18:45
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #502

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 502

Today's Topics:
  [Fwd: Re: Kundalini & the Holy Spirit]
  Re: Unidentified subject!
  zarcon's language......etc.
  Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
  Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
  Light worker
  FAQ's and more
  Now is a good time!
  Re: Unidentified subject!
  Kundalini Joy Spot
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 10:19:55 -0700
From: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: [Fwd: Re: Kundalini & the Holy Spirit]
Message-ID: <343BC0A2.CDBATnospamsmartt.com>
Content-Type: message/rfc822

Content-Disposition: inline

Message-ID: <343BBFD7.1616ATnospamsmartt.com>
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 10:16:08 -0700
From: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.03Gold (Win95; I)

To: tg xxx <imtgATnospamjuno.com>
CC: peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in
Subject: Re: Kundalini & the Holy Spirit
References: <Pine.OSF.3.91.970903103959.13567A-100000ATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in> <19971008.091752.10862.16.imtgATnospamjuno.com>

tg xxx wrote:
> >
> > E X P E R I E N C E D .................r a m.
> <<I am rather surprised to find that a few choose to define everything
> from the standpoint of ego....>> (snipped)
> Good Morning Sunshine!
> I just received your wonderful letter to me and will answer it today,
> but I wanted to write you first regarding Ram. Hopefully, this is not
> coming across as a defense, but more of an understanding. This is my
> intentions.
> Ram is a sweetheart, much like you. He has been posting quite a bit for
> many months, altho he has been in lurking stage for awhile. I have kept
> most all of his past posts, which are usually telling us about the yogic
> (?) terms - you know, like kalapas, moksch, kriyas, etc. etc., among
> other things - they are very interesting!
> Because of his many past postings and seeing his humbleness in many of
> them, when I read what he wrote - E X P E R I E N C E D - I knew right
> away that he was saying that he experienced this himself and was speaking
> from experience, rather than making an ego statement. I believe that if
> you, too, had read Ram's postings since the beginning, you would have
> seen it this way too. In fact, I know you would.
> Anyway, I hope this helps you to understand a bit more. These people who
> I have come to know and love here on the list are very dear to me, as you
> too are becoming in my heart also..... And should anyone every
> misinterpret you, I would do the same.
> I hope you see that I am not trying to jump on you and make you upset,
> but to correct a misinterpretation that I see from my perception.
> Love,
> xxxtg
> ps... did you know there is a Kundalini Archives that you can search for
> prior postings by anyone on the list, either by author or subject?
> Here's the URL # for it in case you didn't know about it:
> http://www.reference.com/cgi-bin/pn/listarch?list=KUNDALINI-LATnospamexecpc.com
> This is great to have if you are wanting to know if a particular subject
> has been discussed via the list.
> http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html <~~~~ on the web now!

Hello xxxtg!

Thanks very much for your information.If I have offended Ram or anyone,
I apologize sincerely,in fact that ego part in my post was actually
the reflection of my own ego. I am glad that you pointed it out.
Still learning and experiencing.


Ram !
I read your latter post on the words. Please accept my sincere
apologies for my expression of my ego. Well. I now realize that it was
my ego which protruded outward, and I , the I within, could not control,
because of my unawareness at the time.My intention was and is not to
offend. My apologies go to you , really heartfelt.
This is another realization, When we mistakes, the Shakti comes through
people like xxxtg , as I find in this instance. I choose to acknowledge
and accept the correction.

In Love Life and Light,

Date: Wed, 8 Oct 97 13:17:52 EDT
From: Leonya <haskinATnospamcadsys.ENET.dec.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, grahamdATnospamnms.otc.com.au
Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
Message-Id: <9710081717.AA18607ATnospamus7rmc.bb.dec.com>

> But the "you" doesn't exist as you have said:
> "The idea that you or anyone else actually exists as an individual is
> merely an appearance in the mind."

 Graham, you seem to be unwilling to see words as metaphors - you take
them very literally without allowing for a possibility that the same
word may be used to point to different things, depending on context
in which it is used. Such "flat thinking" leads to perception of
the multitude of contradictions in most mystical texts. Admittingly,
I think it should be the responsibility of the writer to master
language to such a degree as to carry a message across to the reader
in a most clear, unambiguous, noncontradictory way (if thats the
writer's intention in the first place, of course). Unfortunately
many people in search of Nirvana forsake language and linguistic
thinking as unnecessary or even as obstruction to that goal, and
when they later try to relate their mystical experiences to others,
they usually fail because to get such messages across effectively
the greatest possible mastery of language and logic is required. However,
if you are really sincere in your attempts to learn something from those
who are familiar with various mystical experiences, it is also your
responsibility as a reader to try to see beyond the linguistic
shortcomings of a message, and to do that you must be able to see
words as just metaphors ("the finger is not the moon") instead of
claiming the messenger to be an idiot or a liar. Most thoughts on
mysticism attempt to convey concepts of more than one level of
meaning, looking at the world from more than just one perspective.
To not recognize this is to exhibit what I call "flat thinking."
Allow me to try to illustrate my point through the example from your

 In your discussion with Colin, there are two perspectives at play:
the perspective of the individual mind and its separate material existence,
and the perspective of the all-encompassing Mind (which can neither
exist nor not exist in the material sense, since it is all-encompassing
and "existence" implies something separate and limited). From the
perspective of the individual mind, existence of "you" and "I" is very
real, but from perspective of the all-encompassing Mind, any "existence"
is kind of like an illusion or appearance. Mystical revelation usually
refers to a realization of the "all-encompassing Mind" (this concept in
itself is a long stretching metaphor), and from perspective of that
realization, existence of you or anyone else is but an appearance. In
relating the viewpoint of the Mind, one inevitably has to incorporate
at least two levels of meaning into the message (the Mind's and the mind's),
which can result in such apparent contradiction as "I know that I do not
exist", which nevertheless may have a great deal of experiential knowledge
behind it.

 I sincerely hope that you will find what I said helpful. I think that I am
very far from being a master of language, logic, or mysticism; nevertheless
I hope that you'll be able to use your logic and intuition to extract
something useful from I have said - after all, a most important part of
communication lies in the abilities of the receiver.

 Thank you,
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 10:37:27 PDT
From: "zarcon pitom" <zarconpitomATnospamhotmail.com>
To: KUNDALINI-LATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: zarcon's language......etc.
Message-ID: <19971008173728.9238.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Hello all, let me start by wishing all of you without exception Lots of
Love and Light

seems at times i have trouble communicating in proper english......not
always do i allow my physical adequate time to retype a message so that
it is clear and concise.....it is an exhausting experience for my
physical to allow me to share my thoughts.....awakened and not so
awakened....even this message will make it tired......so please pardon
my oft broken english.....as my physical becomes more used to me and
accepts my presence so to will ease the communication from the
non-physical realm to the physical realm.....My physical has been
exhausted for the last two days and has required nearly 50% more sleep
than is usual.....Communication efforts through the physical in prior
days were very demanding.....most probably after this day has elapsed
the physical will also be tired.....as time goes by, it will be easier
and eventually all communication from me through my physical will be
like this one.....until that becomes a regular phenomena though, this
level of communication may be sporadic.....and the broken
language.....the essence will be more common.....

Most of you accept my physical's process of dealing with the
non-physical realm
But Crustacean has communicated in a less than favorable vein

.....pity the confused, pity the bitter.....help them open their
minds.....help them learn.....for they have suffered

Tomorrow is the 7th night that i have communicated to you through my

sorry Crustacean.....for some reason known to you the term physical
offends you.....interestingly no-one else has expressed a like sentiment
Dont be ambivalent, accusatory,antagonistic,apoplectic,diametrically
opposed, discombobulated,flabbergasted, obnoxious,verbose to
obfuscate,officious, perscipatious,persnicity,presumptory, vindictive,
or xenophobic.....that'll do for a start.....be nice.....Crustacean, May
you only know pleasantries since you have already known the other

give me the year when the reality of extraterrestrial visitation is
openly acknowledged by the governments of the world.

The "we are not alone" concept is openly discussed and is a forgone
conclusion.....is it necessary to say what masses of population
throughout the world generally are willing to accept as truth? perhaps
the answer to the question is that it has happened insofar as space
exploration is searching for life on other planets.....i.e. Mars
exploration and beyond.....
this is an acknowledgement of the possiblity by government.....a baby
step towards a public pronouncement..... essentially and indirectly the
announcment has been made.....for if life did not exist elsewhere why
invest the resources to find what does not exist.....is this so far from
a pronouncement that we have been visited? governments are people and
people are frightened of something more powerful, unknown and superior
to themselves in tewchnological development.....the technology will
improve and the pronouncement of we have been visited and we are
learning to visit will be made.....the governement needs only to resolve
the fuel factor then it shall state what you ask..... you must know or
have heard of Area 51 and other similar areas....the study and learn and
are getting close to discovering the fuel source.....the announcement is
forthcoming.....i feel that it is currentl inappropriate to state a
date.....i shall think on this some more and decide when to state the
date.....but not today nor next month.

My physical is tired.....can not drain it.....must stop.....will
communicate more later

Lots of Love to all and Most Especially To Crustacean
Namaste Ashtu

i am of the ages

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 10:59:02 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: lodpressATnospamintercomm.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 07:19 PM 10/7/97 +0100, Gloria Greco wrote:
>Kurt Keutzer wrote:
>> Gloria writes:
>> >HI Kurt,
>> >Actually I meant to write one is not better then the other, they are
>> >just coming from different places with different frequencies, I was glad
>> >to find in a book called Cosmic Shakti Kundalini by Sadguru Sant
>> >Keshavadas the eternal cosmic or universal is called Maha Kundalini
>> >while in the individual psychic energy is called Kula Kundalini. I was
>> >glad they made a distinction since there is certainly a difference to me
>> >in frequency and power. Maha only comes down from the crown when you are
>> >ready to work with cosmic power while kula is doing the work in the
>> >preparation of this event.I do believe it has to be experienced to be
>> >understood. Gloria
Kurt says:

>> I presume we're all writing from our experience here but 1) I feel my
>> experience is only one leg of the tripod - the others being direction from
>> (more) realized teachers and from the classical literature.

Kurt emphasizes his earlier point:
So were I to
>> draw only on my own experience I would say that the rising of the kundalini
>> - obliterating my identity at the heart and leading me to a complete sense
>> of universal unity at the crown was a far more profound experience
>> (albeit temporary)than the blissful drip of the holy spirit from above.

Kurt reiterates:
So my general point was that we all have our experiences but even in
liberated beings (and I cretainly am not one) one's experience does not
necessarily encompass the range of all possible human experience. So first
we need to appeal to teachers and to the written literature to broaden our
experience. Even then, Eastern teacher are accustomed to presenting their
approach as the be-all and end-all and each piece of literature tends to do
the same. So if we really want to build a comprehensive picture then we
have to presume that our experience is just a part of the puzzle and then
others and other traditions may offer different pieces of the puzzle as we
go along.

So when you say:
> Here is where we are hitting the snag, you are assuming the Holy Spirit
>coming down from the crown is a blissful drip,

Kurt replies:
NO. I do not assume that. I only point out that if I were only to draw only
on my own experience, supported by some teachers and some literature, then
that would be my conclusion.

Gloria continues:
from my experience it
>comes down with so much power when it meets up with kundalini that you
>would think you would die for sure. There is no description of it, and
>it to continues to enter just as kundalini continues to climb and work.
>This is how the regeneration is done and why some folks don't stay in
>the body to long. What most people speak of in churches as the baptism
>of the Holy Spirit is not what I'm referring to although that is a part
>of it just as a kundalini release is a part of the awakening process.
>When it actually creates and finishes its path through the nerve pathway
>it is absolute power.
> Holy Spirit fire is the Ain Sof Ore of the Jewish/hebrew tradition and
>it sits at the 8th chakra above the head once that chakra has form as is
>prepared to go into action in harmony with the seven in the body. This
>is where the distinction of power is, I'm speaking of working with it as
>you work with kundalini. At this point kundalini is a mild dragon in
>comparison, Ain Sof Ore is divine will manifest. Or the Malu Kundalini
>of the eastern thought. It represents divine cosmic power instead of
>individual. Gloria
>ternet for spiritual growth.

I really appreciate you sharing your experience -in and of itself it is
beautiful, invaluable and profound. Moreover, if you are in contact with
living exponents of Kabbalistic traditions and able to penetrate the
Kabbalistic writings then you are well situated to bring in this authority.
Otherwise you are moving off the solid shore of personal experience onto
the thin ice of speculation. Not being Jewish the only thing that I have
been able to learn from Kabbalistic masters is that I am not going to learn
anything about their tradition without converting to Judaism and studying
seriously with them. So I tend to lay off interpreting from that tradition.
I am also unacquainted with any notion of Malu kundalini in any eastern

So this is a long-winded way of saying that while I respect the uniqueness
of your experience I think that your characterization of kundalini as
``mild dragon'' is as limited as my characterization of the white
bodhicitta-holy spirit as ``a blissful drip''. I can appreciate that you
have a personal ``wiring''that allows you a deeper experience of the
descent from above. I would be gratified if you would acknowledge that: 1)
some of us have a wiring that gives us a more profound experience of the
ascent of kundalini. 2)both of these energies have a common basis and are
fundamentally equal. Each has relatively inferior or superior
manifestations but united at the heart or the crown there is no value in
describing the superiority of one over the other.

Kind Regards,
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 13:05:40 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
Message-ID: <343B770F.3F3BATnospamintercomm.com>

> So this is a long-winded way of saying that while I respect the uniqueness
> of your experience I think that your characterization of kundalini as
> ``mild dragon'' is as limited as my characterization of the white
> bodhicitta-holy spirit as ``a blissful drip''. I can appreciate that you
> have a personal ``wiring''that allows you a deeper experience of the
> descent from above. I would be gratified if you would acknowledge that: 1)
> some of us have a wiring that gives us a more profound experience of the
> ascent of kundalini. 2)both of these energies have a common basis and are
> fundamentally equal. Each has relatively inferior or superior
> manifestations but united at the heart or the crown there is no value in
> describing the superiority of one over the other.

 I don't think it means anything until you have the experience and I'm
not saying that kundalini is a little dragon at all, each aspect is
divine power entering into the human condition to create itself as
reflection of human consciousness. Lets not get caught in word games.
> Kind Regards,
> Kurt


Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
 e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepage at:
My homepage is to help individuals learn how to use the internet for
spiritual growth.
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 06:44:17 +0930 (CST)
From: Allan Kelly <monadATnospammicrotronics.com.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Light worker
Message-Id: <199710082114.GAA03413ATnospamorca.microtronics.com.au>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Greetings Groovers,
     I'm in Aust trying to start a Light
workers newsletter. Could you please direct me to a place on the internet
where I can get hold of the latest info related to Light work and
information related to group light work activities that every light worker
around the world can join in with.

With Love and Light
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 16:09:48 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com
Subject: FAQ's and more
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Since I've mentioned ``MY FAQ's'' in a couple threads I've received a few
requests for pointers to them. I've written 4 articles on kundalini related
topics for the web- Kundalini FAQ, Kundalini Yoga FAQ, Siddha Mahayoga FAQ
and the Siddha Mahayoga Tradition of Swami Shivom Tirth (co-authored with
Narayan Prakash). I presumed most people enter through the gateway - home
of the listserver -where these FAQ's are but evidentally not. Here's the


The FAQ's and a host of other information are sprinkled at:

The FAQ's and other info can also be had at:

I'm always looking for feedback and alternative views from those expressed
in the FAQ's. Given my criticisms of others viewpoints I can imagine people
doubting how genuinely I'm really asking for feedback - some people may
feel ``oh yeah, serve your ideas up so that I can demolish them!!'' I don't
subject others viewpoints to any harsher scrutiny than I subject my own.
Generally, I am neither a kundalini nerd who simply enjoys accumulating
information on kundalini nor am I a realized individual who has had the
ultimate experience, discovered the ultimate truth, or has priveleged
access to a special fount of wisdom. I try to be an honest seeker who seeks
to enhance his internal experience and reconcile that experience with
living masters and the literature of the great traditions.

I'd also like to add that I REALLY enjoy this listserver because I feel
that it has a great deal of vitality - with roots in the shakti energy
itself. I think we are in a golden era of exchange of ideas here.

May all sentient beings find comfort and joy
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 1997 16:55:29 +0730
From: lhorstmaATnospamdirect.ca (Lynn)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Now is a good time!
Message-Id: <v01510102b060f894dcb5ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear List,

Has anyone experienced a feeling of looking from the outside into yourself
and see the old self?
What I saw I did not like and now I am trying to get a grip of things.

4 years ago, my husband, who was my best friend, lover and business
partner of 15 years- passed away of cancer. 7 months of illness and then he
was gone. To say I have been undergoing total personality change is an

I left the country, left our businesses, for 2 years went into
"hybernation". Unfortunately, I was then very much alive and in pain. Death
is alot easy then life for those who is dead! but not for those loved ones
left behind. Since then, I have been learning many lessons ...
For the last 2 years, I am a practitioner of Chi Kong and meditation. Since
then I can smell better, I can feel better, I can see colours clearer, I
have more energy, I laugh at silly things, I have grown more beautiful
inside.I empathise with people, I speak less and very sensitive to
negativism, automatically, I avoid confrontation, however 4 days ago an old
business associates from my late husband surface, we were in total
disagreement on an old project and both refuse to give in, we were very
high strung and were attacking each other "verbally" & was using every
tools that we have on hand to defend and then some. Finally he apologises
even then I feel, the apology did not come from the heart. Now that this
episode is over, I feel very ashamed of my behaviour, I don't feel that I
should be saying all those things, whereas, I should have said right from
the beginning, "here are the deals that you wanted so much, take it and go
in peace!" Instead, I allow myself to be dragged into a war path for 4 days
and in the end, I am saying to him, "take it and go in peace!"

On retrospective, I got a glimpse of my old self and the me that I saw, I
did not like and I take it as a lesson of reminder that now is a good
time, now is a better time, now is a peaceful time and I feel blessed!
Thought I share this with the group.
Blessings to All
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 09:56:53 +1000 (EST)
From: Graham.DumpletonATnospamnms.otc.com.au (Graham Dumpleton)
To: ombabajiATnospamhotmail.com (Colin Jones)
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
Message-Id: <199710082356.JAA06119ATnospambaldric.pad.otc.com.au>
Content-Type: text

 Colin writes:
 > Graham writes:
 > > If you think my arguments are stupid, then perhaps it is because in
 > > part they are mean't to be in order to show the sillyness of trying to
 > > concoct these ways of labeling things in the first place.
 > Dear Graham,
 > I don't think your arguments are silly. They are logical, in a way.
 > But the point is that you keep looking for contradictions. If you took
 > the time to look past the contradictions, which it is impossible to
 > avoid when speaking of these matters, then you might actually experience
 > the Truth of it. But if you don't want to, then fine. But why stop
 > other people from trying? Surely if you are right, they will discover
 > this through their own experience? Surely this is better than relying
 > on your great wisdom? I am not asking for anybody to believe what I
 > wrote. I am simply asking that if they want to, they can try to
 > experience it. That is all.

I do see beyond your words and understand what you are talking about, I
wouldn't have been brazen enough to take the stand I did if I didn't think
I felt I knew the underlying message (truth) you were trying to get across.
I guess it wouldn't have mattered what you were saying or even if it wasn't
you who said it. What I was making a stand against was the idea that one
belief or another is the only correct answer. So, in a sense it wasn't even
directed at you. If you look around you will see more and more poeple who
will push a particular line and are totally closed off to the idea that
there is more to it than what they believe. The open mindedness or healthly
skepticism which one would think is good for us appears to be too quickly

At different times we have choices about one path or another which we might
take. It would seem that a lot of people are simply hopping on the freeways
representing what is popular or the trendy thing of our time. They get
stuck on these freeways and frankly many probably don't want to get off
because they think it makes life simpler because they do not have to think,
they do not have to descriminate. Well who is to say that there isn't some
accident just around the corner and the traffic on the freeway isn't at a
standstill. They seem to have so committed themselves to believing in one
thing or another that they have closed off all the other immediate choices
they may have and thus to get off the freeway is harder than what it may
otherwise might be.

So perhaps a lunatic running around on the freeway making a lot of noise
might just wake a few people up to at least realise that they have been
closing off to the other possibilities which exist. Some might even start
thinking why I am on this freeway anyway. Think about the infrastructure
which supports our real roads and freeways. It is a colossal investment in
time and money, yet, in this material world, in order to get from point A
to point B it serves a purpose. But in terms of our spiritual path, why do
we need to fall back on our material ways and do the same thing of
trying to construct these huge infrastructures or belief systems which try
to describe how we think the spiritual world is put together.

For the ideas you expressed and probably just about anything else that
someone might put forward as the truth, one can throw up thoughts, ideas
or teachings from scriptures which will contradict which, will give an
alternate viewpoint. How can we ever reconcile all these contradictions.
The real question is do we need to. If we throw away these materialistic
ideas of trying to construct a spiritual road and freeway system to get us
where we need to and instead simply let our spirit and love flow through
the air, might no we have a simpler time of it. Surely this would be better
than letting ourselves be bombared by the huge amounts of information of
the materialistic world which we incesantly try to reconcile and collate to
work out what is truth but yet only serves to mire us further in the maya
or illusion that is this physical plain.

In the bible, Jesus is given as saying someting along the lines of "first
and foremost love my father", ie. love God. The idea being that from
this will flow the gifts and understanding of heaven. So instead of
trying to construct our elaborate belief systems and ritual practices
as a way of elevating our selves to God, this is saying that we simply
love God and in doing so we will attain him and be protected by him.
This is our vehicle to fly through the air and bypass these roads and
freeways, that is, the vehicle is our true felt love for God. Now I'll
be the first to admit that it isn't as simple as that, in as much
as even knowing what it is to love God is hard to grasp. However, if we
simply keep in our mind the goal to know what it means to love God and
desire that connection with God, it moves us forward to the goal. So it is
that we can throw away these materialisic notions of trying to construct
the actual path way and trust that in seeking that path to God through
love that he will show us the way.

Graham Dumpleton (grahamdATnospamnms.otc.com.au)
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 1997 20:40:28 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Kundalini Joy Spot
Message-Id: <199710090140.SAA28434ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>

"The big challenge is how to experience this on the internet."

Has anybody out there experienced this?
Or experimented with experiencing this??

p.s. Ed Aarons -- Can you provide a definitive description of how you
believe that this will change the world? I hope you will participate
further and that this newsthread develops. I have always been
interested in how "any of all this" can seriously impact the world ---
in the sense that Sri Aurobindo referred to many (ad infinitum) times in
Integral Yoga. (So I am not referring to how I impact my world or
others in their world.) I am speaking of far larger ramifications
including (but not exclusive to the depths of) Matter, itself.


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