1997/10/06 22:40
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #497
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 497
Today's Topics:
Re: Ulee's Gold?
bee sting
Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
Re: Ulee's Gold?
Re: favorite charities
RE: Uniqueness Vs. Equality
Head energy and "middle chakras" (was First time Post)
Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
The glory of the list world!
Growing with Kundalini
Re: Ulee's Gold?
Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
Re: favorite charities
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 11:18:35 -0700
From: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
To: acarreATnospamconcentric.net
CC: tg xxx <imtgATnospamjuno.com>, trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Ulee's Gold?
Message-ID: <34392B7B.616ATnospamsmartt.com>
acarre wrote:
> tg xxx wrote:
> > Angelique wrote...<<<<Cool guy.. when the arthritis in his shoulder
> > acts up, he grabs a beeand stings himself there with it.. the arthritis pain goes away for about 10 days.
> >
> > Ruth questioned... <<
what do you suppose happens to the arthritis.. is the
> > sting a kind of numbing agent? Curious.>>
> >
> > And I, in all of my great wisdom, replied....
> > Nahhh..... the reason it works good is the bee sting hurts SO bad that you forget all about the arthritis.... then when the sting stops
hurting> > (takes about 10 days), 'ere it comes again....
> >
Kinda like Kundalini -- it hurts sooo bad to be here that we go on
....BIG search for whatever it is we are searching for. So we activate
this K thang to forget about the pain of being here..... (and then when
the K settles down and if we forget once again, we begin searching one
acarre wrote :)). The circulation of blodd in the muscle is alsmot
stopped after
> 10 minutes, reason of the pain, and the only way to bring energy for the
> cells there is by a very focussed attention, that pain developpe with
> time. This bring more energy in the body, healing Light...
> energise the body or cure faster a lot off other kinds off wounds one
> can have.
> In the same way the bee could act for arthritis. Where attention is
> energy flows, and pain is good way to get our attention.
usuality it's cured in less than 3 days if well done.
Better than antibiotic, no?
The feeling of pain from a physical condition activates certain neurons
in the brain. The brain tries to activate other neurons which starts
manufacture of pain killers. But most of the time our physical body
being out of shape that not enough of natural pain killer production
occurs. Recent researches on arthritis has proven also that
it becomes so due to infections in joints, which are now treated with a
mix of antibiotics on a longer term. Plasma cultures indicate the method
of treatment in modern medicine.
When the bee stings, obviously the severity of the pain is intense than
the arthitic pain. The brain now has to work in two channels to activate
the specific neurons to counteract it.
The methods of good acupuncture does the same thing. It stimulates the
specific areas of the brain to make the glands release the chemicals in
the body to counteract the pain or disease. This can also also be
effected through concentration as acarre suggested in his post.
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 15:47:10 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: bee sting
Message-Id: <199710062047.NAA08869ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>
The most recent information I read months ago about bee venom and
arthritis is that the venom stimulates the immune system -- serving,
therefore to deactivate part of the infection existent in the joints.
When joint fluid is withdrawn, laboratory analysis typically proves it
to be bacteriologically sterile. However, some major researchers
believe that there indeed, exist viral particles (i.e., viral fragments)
in the joints -- because the joint fluid, itself, when withdrawn from an
arthritic joint, is frequently green in colour, denoting infection.
There is also some work being done on the use of bee stings in so far as
theipositive impact uon a FEW individuals with multiple schlerosis.
If interested I advise you to do a web search. I have no medical
education nor personal experience in this and am simply repeating some
of what I briefly scanned in the popular press and other mass media.
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 14:13:49 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: lodpressATnospamintercomm.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Earlier Gloria said:
>I would say cosmic energy is of a higher frequency and clear light is
>very powerful, kundalini on the individual level is not as intense even
>though it may seem so since it is working with matter in the body, but
>still it is evolution. The universal energy is directly from godhead and
>therefore very powerful. One is better and another less so, one has one
>job the other another. Kundalini is connected to the universal in that
>it is a step in the process. Gloria
I've been letting this sit - while continuing to think about it. I am
inclined to believe that kundalini and cosmic energy-clear light-holy
spirit are not really different - they are just situated differently in the
human body. Sometimes I think that the myth of the prometheus is the story
of how prometheus ``stole'' the kundalini from the gods and brougth it to
humankind. Sitting inside us it gives a freedom and independence from the
cosmic will. But the ultimate destiny is to return the kundalini to the
gods through its ascension.
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 18:02:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: SKidder333ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Ulee's Gold?
Message-ID: <971006180031_-1963747947ATnospamemout04.mail.aol.com>
Many untreated and worse yet mistreated sports injuries from my youth have
resulted in significant arthritis. It's well known amongst sufferers that
bee stings can be helpful. Twice I've been stung by a bee and felt overall
body (where ever the arthritis exists) relief; and yes, it seemed to last for
about 10 days. Still not brave or foolish enough to contact a bee keeper!
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 09:03:47 +1000 (EST)
From: Graham.DumpletonATnospamnms.otc.com.au (Graham Dumpleton)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: favorite charities
Message-Id: <199710062303.JAA01769ATnospambaldric.pad.otc.com.au>
Content-Type: text
> Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> > If there is "self interest" in such actions, are you really advancing
> > your "personal evolution".
> > ...
Indra Wrote:
> In conclusion: it is the silent motive within us which is prompts us
> to act, and when the motive is not in harmony with our outward action,
> in spite of the fact that the outward action may benefit someone or
> something, does not preclude the fact that some good is being done.
In one sense, to be in harmony means to be in agreement. But what if
someones motive for killing someone was because they were in the way of
them getting something they wanted. The resultant action is in agreement
with or in accord with the motive. The motive can't just be compared
relative to the resulting action, but to some absolute. The only unchaning
absolute there is is God. Evaluating the motive against worldly morality
just isn't enough, as worldly morality is more often than not tied to what
is acceptable by society. What is acceptable to society is always in a
constant state of flux. At present, it is socially acceptable to take drugs
and people do so because they mistakenly believe that it will bring them
happiness. The happiness is short lived though and so they keep going back
for more. This applies not only to drugs, but to all actions where we
pursue some material benefit or satisfaction for our physical body. Such
actions will only ever give us fleeting happiness. The only action which
can provide us with constant happiness is the love of God. Thus to love God
and undertake actions for him and in his service will always give you more
happiness than any actions intended to bring happiness to yourself or
others which is based on our material existance.
Graham Dumpleton (grahamdATnospamnms.otc.com.au)
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 00:34:16 +0100
From: Paul Fallon <pawlATnospamfirstnet.co.uk>
To: "'Ed Arrons'" <eeaATnospamaug.com>,
Subject: RE: Uniqueness Vs. Equality
Message-ID: <01BCD2B8.F186F3E0ATnospamjota1.legend.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Great question. I can't separate them out in my mind. Equality of opportunity. Universality in everything, everyone, everywhere. A sense of belonging. Starting to see the selves inside ourselves. Realising unique oneness through the celebration of our differences.
Or was it the other war around? I guess the divine thread runs through it either way.
When we live in multicultural communities, where no one culture predominates, this question becomes extremely interesting. We need opportunities to explore and celebrate our own - often distinct, second-generation - cultures before we can understand, respect and celebrate the vitality of other cultures. Without this opportunity for coming to terms, blandness, alienation. With it, vitality, wealth in diversity.
This is not end: not beginning of end, perhaps end of beginning.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Arrons [SMTP:eeaATnospamaug.com]
Sent: Monday, October 06, 1997 4:18 AM
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Uniqueness Vs. Equality
Dare we know our own uniqueness so deeply to see the equality in all.
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 18:17:00 PDT
From: "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, heimrATnospamcris.com
Subject: Head energy and "middle chakras" (was First time Post)
Message-ID: <19971007011706.10578.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
You wrote:
>I've had problems for many years now with "strange - dizzy-like
feelings" in my head (also accompanied with "pressure" in the head
region) that have caused me to seek advice from many doctors and
psychiatrists - the common diagnosis (since no one could find anything
physically wrong) is anxiety/depression - and I was given many drugs
(prozac, xanax, etc) to help combat the symptoms.
Someone who had been practicing Kundalini for many years had
suggested that I may have some knid of energy release
and that's how I started doing K oriented meditations.
The reiki practitioner felt "lot's of heat" ...(in crown chakra)...
I was also told that all my chakra seem open EXCEPT around the
middle of my body (heart/solar-plexis chakras).
I guess my question is - how do I open the middle chakra's ??? Also,
what does it mean to have such an unusually
opened or "charged" crown chakra???
There is important information missing from your post. When you were
dizzy was it with (or followed by) a headache (even minor)? Was it a
happy dizziness, sort of a good alchol buzz or weak high from grass?
Were you doing anything with electrical equipment, like cell phone or
walkman with earphones (some of us, K-awakening or not are subject to
special effects that impact the brain)?
I am going to assume it was a happy dizziness. If I'm wrong, ignore the
following. Since you've already seen the M.D.s I'll skip the "see a
doctor" disclaimer.
Your friend was probably right, you seem to have an energy release. If
your "middle chakras" are blocked it isn't K, or if it is it is coming
through one of the nadis that won't keep it up in the brain.
It was most likely a build up of and expansion upward of Udana vayu (one
of the components of prana) that dominates in the neck and upward in the
physical body. This can be a lot of fun and a really cheap buzz. If you
have no interest in spiritual growth (defined as the raising of
Kundalini to the crown and its associated enlightenment) just enjoy the
Since it sounds like that enjoying the high is not what you want you
might try the following, it will also help open all the chakras below
the throat.
When you feel the high coming on immediately sit ("easy pose" or
"student's pose" would be best but if sitting cross-legged is a problem
for you sit up straight in a chair with your hands on your knees or in
your lap). Then put on the throat and anal lock (you should be able to
get details from a good yoga book, if you can't find one, let me know
and I'll write it out, I'm already pretty long on this post).
The throat lock keeps Udana out of the head, causing the dizziness to
gradually decrease. The anal lock keep the energy from going lower in
the body (desirable for several reasons). Together they concentrate the
various vayus (pranas) in the body, turning it into a subtle energy
pressure cooker. In time, if you are doing enough of the yamas and
niyamas ("dos" and "don'ts"), this will clean out your nadis and chakras
and therebye allow Kundalini to rise.
If you have any questions be sure to copy me directly. I am playing road
warrior for the next two weeks hence have a slow laptop hookup and will
usually only read messages sent to me directly, I just happened to have
some extra time today.
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 18:32:47 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
Message-ID: <343920BF.5874ATnospamintercomm.com>
Kurt Keutzer wrote:
> Earlier Gloria said:
> Kundalini is connected to the universal in that
> >it is a step in the process. Gloria
> I've been letting this sit - while continuing to think about it. I am
> inclined to believe that kundalini and cosmic energy-clear light-holy
> spirit are not really different - they are just situated differently in the
> human body. Sometimes I think that the myth of the prometheus is the story
> of how prometheus ``stole'' the kundalini from the gods and brougth it to
> humankind. Sitting inside us it gives a freedom and independence from the
> cosmic will. But the ultimate destiny is to return the kundalini to the
> gods through its ascension.
HI Kurt,
Actually I meant to write one is not better then the other, they are
just coming from different places with different frequencies, I was glad
to find in a book called Cosmic Shakti Kundalini by Sadguru Sant
Keshavadas the eternal cosmic or universal is called Maha Kundalini
while in the individual psychic energy is called Kula Kundalini. I was
glad they made a distinction since there is certainly a difference to me
in frequency and power. Maha only comes down from the crown when you are
ready to work with cosmic power while kula is doing the work in the
preparation of this event.I do believe it has to be experienced to be
understood. Gloria
Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
e-mail me at : lodpressATnospamintercomm.com and visit our homepage at:
My homepage is to help individuals learn how to use the internet for
spiritual growth.
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 22:25:02 -0400
From: JGH <jh2owbmATnospammoa.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The glory of the list world!
Message-ID: <34399D7E.DB431CFAATnospamusa.net>
So many lessons can be learned here.
And so many lessons can be learned away from here.
But here is like having a multitude of gurus giving some direction.
And afterwards when I go out in my body it is like a thousand lights
Descend from heaven to light my way.
I send my joy back to each and everyone of you in thanks.
Sometimes when life doesn't seem so easy, think about how all the
problems here get worked out. Not to difficult. People communicate.
Lots of love.
John Halonen
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 22:37:17 -0400
From: imtgATnospamjuno.com (tg xxx)
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Growing with Kundalini
Message-ID: <19971006.223718.10862.11.imtgATnospamjuno.com>
Evening All....
I've noticed prior to and after my K awakening, there has been a
*sort-of* preparation towards a balance and unity among my body, mind,
and spirit. I realize this is no new news to you, but what I've
noticed, is that it is occurring automatically, with the K (or me?)
focusing on, for the most part, one major thing at a time, while
continuing to grow in the other parts that had already begun to grow.
For the last three years I would say, it is not working at it, but just
I've observed this as quite interesting! As I spent a lifetime prior to
this not doing a dang thing to help any of these. I spent my whole
adulthood as a depressed martyr, always searching outside of myself for
Pre-K, when I began my 'search', I found myself working on mental things
--Being aware my thoughts, then cancelling the ol' negative thoughts and
putting a positive thought in place of it.
Next, as I realized what it was I was searching for, I began my spiritual
growth. A Course in Miracles was brought into my life and it made my
heart sing! I began learning about faith, trust, and the importance of
the Holy Spirit in our lives. By the time I had my K awakening, my
spiritual foundation wasn't quite firmed up yet, but I had enough to get
me through the rough times.
Still prior to K, going back to the Mental growth, I later learned the
importance of mantras and affirmations and filling your mind with
thoughts of God. After my K awakening, I saw that neither the mantras
nor affirmations were necessary, so they were eliminated a couple of
years after (please don't yell at me contrarywise - these are JUST my
thoughts & my opinions, for what I have went thru - it isn't the God's
honest truth). Thanks to the group here, in the past 6 months, I
began to just observe my thoughts, whether *good* or *bad* -- no need to
cancel them anymore, no need to put the positive in over the negative.
What I've noticed now, is the meaninglessness of thoughts, and they can
be eliminated with a literal blink of an eye.
A couple of years ago, I began working on my emotional growth. I was
aware this was occurring at the time. I spent 10 months in the
mountains, healing from K, and using God as my support system, rather
than whining to others. It was a major growth period for me emotionally,
as well as spiritually.
Over the past three years, after K, my spiritual growth has grown
gradually and naturally -- easily. My faith and trust are there now,
like never before. I can cast my cares and worries, only to be replaced
with miracles. Where it might have used to take me a couple of months
before I'd remember to cast my cares, it gradually dwindled down each
time, to now, it is almost instantaneous in most cases. I noticed this
with my thoughts too.
I knew several months ago, my physical being was ready to be worked on.
LOL! Saved the hardest for last. Financially, I was petered out, and
knew I had to DO something. That took me a good month or two, before I
let it go, casted my cares, and discovered it was all taken care of.
Now, I'm being faced with working on the physical body. Yuk. Made a
complete mess of myself over the years and ignored it long enough while
pursuing my mental, emotional and spiritual state of mind. Knowing this
is next, I began, once again, casting my cares. I'm not sure where it
will take me, but I'm just here for the ride anyway. I am being led in
certain directions and will follow those routes. This particular growth
area seems a most impossible one from where I stand right now, but I've
turned it over to let it all be decided for me.
I've also seen that the next upcoming movie in my life will be the
creative part of me.
One other thing before you nod off to sleep, I noticed I used to learn
things, where now, I am moreso unlearning things. And much easier than
Thank you for listening or deleting or falling asleep, whichever came
"You've got to be willing to give up good to get great. " -Kenny
http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html <~~~~ on the web now!
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 20:21:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: imtgATnospamjuno.com (tg xxx)
Cc: trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Ulee's Gold?
Message-Id: <199710070321.UAA02557ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 02:09 AM 10/6/97 -0400, tg xxx wrote:
>Nahhh..... the reason it works good is the bee sting hurts SO bad that
>you forget all about the arthritis.... then when the sting stops hurting
>(takes about 10 days), 'ere it comes again....
>Kinda like Kundalini -- it hurts sooo bad to be here that we go on this
>BIG search for whatever it is we are searching for. So we activate this
>K thang to forget about the pain of being here..... (and then when the K
>settles down and if we forget once again, we begin searching one mo'
>oh never mind. it's late and I gotta go to bed.
>(another theory down the drain)
Darn good theory actually. I like em both...arthritis and K. Did y'all
know most Alzheimer's patients forget to have arthritis any more??? Really!
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 14:07:37 +1000 (EST)
From: Graham.DumpletonATnospamnms.otc.com.au (Graham Dumpleton)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
Message-Id: <199710070407.OAA05385ATnospambaldric.pad.otc.com.au>
Content-Type: text
> Kurt Keutzer wrote:
> > Earlier Gloria said:
> > Kundalini is connected to the universal in that
> > >it is a step in the process. Gloria
> >
> > I've been letting this sit - while continuing to think about it. I am
> > inclined to believe that kundalini and cosmic energy-clear light-holy
> > spirit are not really different - they are just situated differently in the
> > human body. ....
> HI Kurt,
> Actually I meant to write one is not better then the other, they are
> just coming from different places with different frequencies, ... Gloria
The way I see it, "energy is energy". When I have a friend do energy work
on me, they will usually always ask "how did that feel?". I will inevitably
shrug my shoulders and say something like "it felt like it does when you
run energy through me". Some may be thinking but to be able to tell the
difference is important. I can feel differences in what I experience, but to
me, to try and label one energy as being distinct from another isn't really
important. As Gloria pointed at, it is only something which you can relate
to through your own experience, so what does it mean to try and label it as
you can never really compare it someone elses experience. It is hard enough
to relate to it yourself when you experience it a second time.
It is sort of similar to how there are all these different names for God.
It doesn't matter which name you use, "God is God". So I would say that
"energy is energy" and since it all derives from God what does it really
matter. That one gets bound to one name or another seems to me to be an
artifact of our material existence where we try identify everything. You
don't need to look far in the New Age movement see the division which
arises because of the artificial labels. Take Reiki for instance, my
impression from reading and personal experience is that underlying the
initiation is something akin to raising the Kundalini energy. Similarly
with Pentacostals and Taoism, they would also appear to be working with
Kundalini energy. Other groups will profess they work with some totally
different energy. What happens though, instead of such disparate groups
seeing the similarilty in what they are doing, no matter what energy they
might use, they hide behind their artificial labels as a way of saying that
we are different, we are better.
In the rare cases when I will do energy work on others, I simple express
tha faith that the energy I work with is that which is appropriate and for
the highest good of whoever it is working on. I don't try and work with
specific energies because who is to say that I am developed enough in my
being to even be able to use or sustain such energies even if I could
relate to it well enough to call upon it. I just trust that what I get
given to use is what is right.
Graham Dumpleton (grahamdATnospamnms.otc.com.au)
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 13:27:29 +1000 (EST)
From: Graham.DumpletonATnospamnms.otc.com.au (Graham Dumpleton)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: favorite charities
Message-Id: <199710070327.NAA04761ATnospambaldric.pad.otc.com.au>
Content-Type: text
> Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> > If there is "self interest" in such actions, are you really advancing
> > your "personal evolution".
> > ...
Indra Wrote:
> In my own way I wish to sum up the above. Karma can be eradicated
> totally from our memory if the motive is not self fulfilling, but self
> expanding.
I had to think about what you said here for a while as it didn't quite sit
right with me. Actually, I rode the train into the city to see if I could
find a book I was interested in.
Anyway, the way I see things is that whenever we have a choice to perform
some action, the decision is an expression of our soul. That is, that we
decide to perform the action, or that we choose one action over another in
some ways says something about who we really are. Now you might say that
sometimes we don't really have a choice, well that is true. We may have
that the bank forecloses on our property loan. That we are thus forced out
onto the street is thus not our choice. What you do about such an event
though is still your choice. Thus even though an event may be beyond our
control, the event can still force you to make some decision. It is
decisions made in such dramatic situations that can often not just give an
indication of the sort of person we are, but can result in the sort of
person we are being changed. Do we in such a circumstance as given
collapse in a heap and demand pity from others and expect them to provide
for us, or do we rebuild our lives and use the situation to change our
priorities in life and head in a new and hopefully better direction as far
as our soul development goes.
Now I use the term "soul development", however, in such circumstances
this is generally the last thing we are thinking about. We are too busy
making what we think is the correct decision under the circumstances to
selfishly think about how this may evolve us as a person. When you talk
about doing something because it is "self expanding", that to me gives the
impression that you are still quite specifically interested in what you
might get out of doing whatever it is you are going to do. That is, you are
doing what you are doing because you want to have more. To me the correct
action, is when you simply act in a situation, whether it be as dramatic as
that above or not, because you feel it is the appropriate thing to do given
the circumstances presented to you at that immediate moment. That is, you
don't sit their and think about what you might get out of it, or how your
happiness may be satisfied, you just do what you need to. Now what you do
may not always be the correct thing to do. The important thing is that you
did it with no expectation that you would get specific rewards out of it.
I am sure that some will be thinking, "but we can't always act that way, we
need to be able to plan our lives so we can support ourselves". To a
degree, to make decisions for this reason is still okay. This is because
you are fulfilling your responsibility to maintain your body, your vehicle
in life, in order that you can survive and thus experience life and learn
what it is you came here to learn. Thus we do still need to plan ahead and
do things and expect a certain outcome. There are limits on this though, if
you abuse the body and don't look after it, or if you purposely try to
lavish great wealth or pleasure on yourself in excess of what is really
needed to be comfortable, then you are bound to bring bad Karma onto
Remember that there are no hard and fast rules about this and in the end we
each go with what we personally feel is right. The above is merely some of
my own personal thoughts on the matter, so accept it with a grain of salt
and make up your own mind.
FYI, below this is all of Indra's message. I only noted it didn't actually
go to the whole list later on and yet I was quoting bits of it possibly
out of context. The message is relevant to the discussion so I hope
reposting is okay.
> Kundalini being energy is neutral in nature just like atomic energy,
> yes one can use it for good or evil results. For those who may not
> believe in Karma or God or any such power,Every Karma produces equal
> and opposite reaction, not only is this established through physics
> but the same law is applicable in the Universe, in the field of
> Causation. In conclusion: it is the silent motive within us which is
> prompts us to act, and when the motive is not in harmony with our
> outward action, in spite of the fact that the outward action may
> benefit someone or something, does not preclude the fact that some
> good is being done. Although this action of the individual will not
> produce the inner LOVE and COMPASSION, for the further development,
> yet on the moral plane of thinking it is good. So, I check my motives
> in such activities. It's an easier way for me.
> In Love Life and Light,
> Indra
Graham Dumpleton (grahamdATnospamnms.otc.com.au)
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