1997/10/05 19:46
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #495
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 495
Today's Topics:
Lessons from the Soul - #31
RE: favorite charities
Re: favorite charities
behaviour modification and eating questions
A Pale Blue Sky
Re: starry starry night
Re: First time Post
Re: NEW best seller (before it's even published)
Re: Only the superficial do not judge by appearances (Oscar Wilde)
Re: First time Post
Re: First time Post
Re: behaviour modification and eating questions
Re: favorite charities
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 1997 08:36:03 -0600
From: John Otis <sacredwindATnospamusa.net>
To: sacredwindATnospamusa.net
Subject: Lessons from the Soul - #31
Message-ID: <3437A5D3.28FBATnospamusa.net>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------5C735B4F26E"
Greetings from the land of the Sacred Wind,
It is a beautiful fall morning. The aspen trees are shimmering in their
autumn cloak preparing to carpet the forest floor with a cascade of
golden petals. The cloudless blue sky frames the skyline of panoramic
wilderness as the hills and mountains stretch into the infinite
landscape of the universe. What a wonderful moment to share with you
the Lessons from the Soul we were guided to send this week.
We are constantly reminded of how perfect and complete each moment is.
As we write our book of experience, our book of life, we realize that
the book can be very simple. All is contained within this very moment.
I AM simply I AM. As this eternal truth is realized, each step is taken
in absolute peace and harmony, with focus and purpose known from within
to be true. There are no expectations, only eternal realizations.
We discover that we are to walk this and every day with purity of
intent, purity of motivation, and purity of application. May this be a
day full of blessings for each of you as you walk in peace.
Blessings of Love and Light,
John and Cheryl
(Again, if for any reason you wish to be removed from the Sacred Wind
list, just let us know!! Thanks!)
>From the Land of Enchantment
Have you ever noticed how in the process of centering, in
the process of merging with the inner core of Oneness, that
the mind and the outer senses at times keep, to a measure, a
slim tentacle or grasp that restrains the movement inward.
This is part of the process that all souls go through in
coming into the truth of their Oneness with all things. It
is from this externalized grip that the resistance, the
illusion, the false gods, the idols, and the patterns of
expectation originate, take root, and are sustained.
Expectation is a concept and a word that is often used for
the process of anticipating and projecting an outcome from
certain activities, certain impulses, and certain movement
in and through the worldly experience. Has it ever occurred
to you that in the pure Consciousness of Oneness there is no
expectation of anything? You see, expectation of an outcome
is related to these outer forms of control, outer forms of
reference points that bring the process one is moving
through into some foregone and projected conclusion based
upon the outer response, outer understandings, limited
perceptions, and desire to hold on from the mental,
emotional, and physical point of view to the world and
environment that is being created.
Expectation is another one of those tentacles that grip the
consciousness of the evolving soul, mold it into a form, and
limit its movement and perception as the consciousness moves
in and through the created experience. From the soul
perspective, there is nothing to have expectations about for
there is simply the pure statement of Love being expressed.
There is the pure statement of truth revealed as the One.
There is a simple statement of harmony where all is seen
from the point of inner perspective. There is only the pure
intelligence of the consciousness of creation being made
manifest. So you see, in the pure statement of Soul
Consciousness, all of the Attributes of the Soul are
expressed in total union as One. So there is nothing to
expect for what is, simply is.
We would only suggest that as you as a soul move in and
through the created experience, simply be who you really
are. Let the world be what it is. Expect nothing. Simply
move with the flow of Spirit. Move with the flow of the
energy of Love and Light. Experience the connectedness and
oneness of all life energy. Move in and through each moment
of every experience simply seeing the singular truth of your
existence in and as and part of the entire experience.
There is nothing more. Why expect a vision or anticipate an
outcome that is limiting and restrictive? Why not simply be
the totality of the consciousness of creation that you
already are. Simple, isn't it? Be who you are.
The Consciousness of Oneness is dominant. The Consciousness
of Oneness is all pervasive, all invading. There is no
escaping the reality of the Consciousness of Oneness. There
is only the avoiding of recognizing and merging with the
Consciousness of Oneness by expecting something else that is
limited. Let go of your expectations. Be who you are.
You are I AM, the Love, the Light, and the Life of the
GEN: 70629
Isn't it always interesting that certain topics or certain
subjects, certain points of focus seem to be presented as
though it is simply opening another chapter in a book. In a
way, that is what is happening for the book of life, the
book of experience, the book of manifestation is viewed from
the soul perspective, one page at a time. As each page is
read, understood, internalized, and absorbed or integrated
into the emerging and awakening consciousness of the soul,
then the page is turned and the next concept, the next
expression of creative energy is offered.
There is always a book within each and every soul that is
being read and is being presented to the environment and to
the world in which the soul resides. With each page of the
book there is an understanding that is gleaned and it is
like one of those books where you can choose which way you
want to go. You can choose what the next page will be and
as you so do, your reality is created and you move through
the experience of that which you have created until it is
time to turn the page and to move into the next statement of
expression that you as a soul choose to make. You are
always choosing and creating your own reality.
This is sometimes difficult for the embodied soul to
understand for there is a tendency to say that the
conditions of life, other souls involved in one's experience
have made certain things happen, have caused certain events
to occur, have brought certain emotional content into the
pattern that is being experienced. It must always be
remembered however that each and every event, each and every
condition, each and every step along the pathway of
expression of a soul is chosen by and created by the soul.
So in essence, you are both reading as well as creating your
own book of experience, your own book of perception, your
own book of evolving consciousness. As this is understood,
it becomes more clear what is meant by the term of freedom,
by the term of choice. You have the freedom to make
whatever choices for your book that you want to. There are
no rules that say you have to choose certain patterns of
behavior or others, or that you have to choose certain
emotional statements or possibly others. There are no rules
that say you have to create in only one manner. That is the
beauty of what is called freedom.
Creation occurs as the consciousness of the soul, as the
consciousness of the universe expands and experiences that
which is created. Each soul is a statement of the
consciousness of creation in action. Each soul chooses that
portion of the created experience that it will participate
in and will bring into the next page of the book that is
unfolding. Each event, as unusual or difficult as it may
appear from the human experience, is part of the book that
is being written and that which is being selected and chosen
by the soul to observe and to participate in.
So as you observe the created environment around you, know
that you only need to respond to, you only need to become
aware of the choices you are making for the book you are
writing. Others will write their own book and that is as it
should be. So choose and select that which is consistent
with the emerging consciousness of the soul. Eventually all
souls will write the book of Oneness, but there are many
paths to discovering and experiencing and to knowing this
truth of Oneness.
It is not important to observe or to judge the book being
written by others. It is only important to know the
foundation and truth upon which your book is being written.
It is for this reason that we have presented and discussed
the Attributes of the Soul. It is for this reason that we
have provided the formula of creation -- of Love, Light, and
Life. As these elements of eternal reality are integrated
into the pages of the book that is being written, the final
chapter will become more and more apparent and the book will
reach its point of completion. The consciousness of Oneness
will be a living reality.
You are embraced in the Love and Light of creation. You are
the totality of the consciousness of Oneness. Write your
book from that perspective and know the truth of all
We are I AM the Love, the Light, and the Life of creation.
ONE: 70619
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 1997 16:23:18 +0100
From: Paul Fallon <pawlATnospamfirstnet.co.uk>
To: "'M'" <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>, "'k-list'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: favorite charities
Message-ID: <01BCD1AB.0466F3C0ATnospamjarama15.legend.co.uk>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Paul, What a wonderful endeavor!!! If I had (or created as you did)
something so close to home and tangible I would not be scattering my
donations here and there as I do. This is giving me ideas and could help
others too. Couldn't we post this to the list too?
Paul: I'd be pleased to supply more details off-line if anyone is interested....
Thanks again,
At 12:22 PM 10/5/97 +0100, Paul Fallon wrote:
>My favourite charity is Chel Community Trust. It was set up in 1996 for
the multicultural inner city area of Chapeltown & Harehills in Leeds, UK.
>It is about repositioning the area as a cultural quarter within the city.
Celebrating its diversity as 'the world in a square mile'. Refurbishing
derelict buildings for cultural businesses, cafes, markets, and educational
projects. Investing in local talent through commissions, helping hands for
people with ideas that fit the vision.
>It's the best example I know of a locally-based, dream-led, non-directive,
bottom-up, sustainable charity. Maybe I am biased though: I was one of the
founder members.
>Some success has just come through approval of a £3m bid to create a media
centre encouraging community-based production for young people. A local
not-for-profit company is also donating a substantial part of its surpluses
to support the running costs, so all new funds can be ploughed in to
community benefit. What's needed now is a large £sum held in deposit and
generating interest for a continual supply of acorn funding.
>Yes, this is the charity that I'd be heading for with my winning lottery
>This is not the end: it is not even the beginning of the end. It is
perhaps the end of the beginning.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: M [SMTP:chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net]
>Sent: Sunday, October 05, 1997 1:27 AM
>To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
>Subject: favorite charities
>So, where does the average kundalini person
>(is that an oxymoron? how long will it be one?)
>put their charitible contributions?
>Step right up and get your views counted.
>Inquiring minds want to know!!
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 1997 11:34:43 -0400
From: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Autumn
Message-Id: <9710051821.AA20788ATnospamns.valunet.com>
I see your fear,
I feel my sorrow,
Sad to say,
" Again Tomorrow ? "
F. Drew Leyda
" So Far, So Good "
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 1997 20:51:55 +0100
From: "Jason S. White" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: favorite charities
Message-ID: <3437EFDB.6D4D4F4DATnospambluewin.ch>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------F97D978A0BF601C911626A3B"
M wrote:
> At 12:31 PM 10/5/97 +0100, Jason S. White wrote:
> >> So, where does the average kundalini person
> >> (is that an oxymoron? how long will it be one?)
> >> put their charitible contributions?
> >>
> >> Step right up and get your views counted.
> >> Inquiring minds want to know!!
> >
> >My charitible contributions go to my family, friends and work associates. The
> >people with whom I have direct contact or activity are the people who can
> >benefit most from any charitible action or word I am able to give. If everyone
> >nurtures their own sphere of influence, then - well that covers just about
> >everyone in the world... with plenty of synergy to spare.
> >
> >Enjoy.
> >Zympht.
> I did enjoy this, thanks. How about sharing it with the list as well? They
> could enjoy it too...M
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Date: Sun, 5 Oct 1997 07:13:23 -0700 (PDT)
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To: zymphtATnospambluewin.ch
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
Subject: Re: favorite charities
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 12:31 PM 10/5/97 +0100, Jason S. White wrote:
>> So, where does the average kundalini person
>> (is that an oxymoron? how long will it be one?)
>> put their charitible contributions?
>> Step right up and get your views counted.
>> Inquiring minds want to know!!
>My charitible contributions go to my family, friends and work associates. The
>people with whom I have direct contact or activity are the people who can
>benefit most from any charitible action or word I am able to give. If everyone
>nurtures their own sphere of influence, then - well that covers just about
>everyone in the world... with plenty of synergy to spare.
I did enjoy this, thanks. How about sharing it with the list as well? They
could enjoy it too...M
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 1997 15:16:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bobwood655ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: behaviour modification and eating questions
Message-ID: <971005151441_1430383796ATnospamemout18.mail.aol.com>
What would be a good text to read to learn more about behaviour modification
specifically along the lines of utilizing fear to (strengthen one's
mental/emotional abilities?)
More in regards to the modification being utilized by an employer (as well as
the religious community/Presbyterian).
Also-I sometimes have intense cravings for spicy foods especially those that
seem to be vinegar based or with hot pepper spice.
Any ideas as to why I might?
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 1997 15:46:51 -0400
From: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: A Pale Blue Sky
Message-Id: <9710052233.AA24461ATnospamns.valunet.com>
Trees of red and green,
A pale blue sky,
To be reborn,
You must, of course,
First die.
" So Far : So Good "
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 1997 12:19:29 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: madammumATnospamptialaska.net
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: starry starry night
Message-ID: <343777C0.51CEATnospamintercomm.com>
valerian wrote:
>> v: ooooooo ya!
> otherwise dark, dank, moldy old growth rainforest island pays off
> this time of year with the golden-rosy glow of crystalline autumn,
> bluest skies reflecting off the waters, the little boats like toys &
> eagles eating the spawned out salmon, & - like 'Brigadoon' everybody is
> either long gone or leaving...
> heaven!
> remind me this time next month when it is only a little light btwn about
> noon & 3pm, dark & wet & frozen all over in the pre-Xmas climactic
> countdown times under the wide spectrum grow light praying for
> deliverance...
> hell!
> *lol*
HI, It does sound incredible there, thanks for sharing.Gloria
Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
My homepage is to help individuals learn how to use the internet for
spiritual growth.
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 1997 12:30:47 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: heimrATnospamcris.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: First time Post
Message-ID: <34377A66.2200ATnospamintercomm.com>
heimr wrote:
> I was also told that all my chakra seem open EXCEPT around the
> middle of my body (heart/solar-plexis chakras).
> I guess my question is - how do I open the middle chakra's ??? Also,
> what does it mean to have such an unusually
> opened or "charged" crown chakra???
> Thanks in advance,
> rich
It isn't unusual to have slight openings on several chakra's and
nothing in others. My look into this brings up basic things about
grounding and foundation. What kind of mediation are you doing? And,
where are you right now in your life, this means do things flow fairly
easy without problems, emotional, mental etc. When you were given these
pills for depression were you in a state of conflict inside and out.
Remember your outside life mirrors your inside life, so look at that
first. Then if you are satisfied that your in fairly good balance then
the focus can easily go away from established medicine into your
spiritual quest.
What do you know of the solar plexus center and also the heart center?
What meditation are you doing? And what is your relationship with your
creator? Are you comfortable with going within and building a
relationship with God? Is your focus on self or on Divine Will? Gloria
Enter The Silence to Know God ... and... accept life as the teacher.
Gloria Joy Greco
My homepage is to help individuals learn how to use the internet for
spiritual growth.
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 1997 15:48:57 -0500
From: James <scaATnospam414.com>
To: MrNamaste <MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net>
CC: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, indraATnospamsmartt.com
Subject: Re: NEW best seller (before it's even published)
Message-ID: <3437FD39.386FATnospam414.com>
don't e-mail me again!
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 1997 15:49:18 -0500
From: James <scaATnospam414.com>
To: madammumATnospamptialaska.net
CC: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Only the superficial do not judge by appearances (Oscar Wilde)
Message-ID: <3437FD4E.24BATnospam414.com>
don't e-mail me again!
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 1997 15:49:36 -0500
From: James <scaATnospam414.com>
To: lodpressATnospamintercomm.com
CC: heimrATnospamcris.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: First time Post
Message-ID: <3437FD60.1C21ATnospam414.com>
don't e-mail me agian!
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 1997 12:57:03 -0800
From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: scaATnospam414.com
CC: lodpressATnospamintercomm.com, heimrATnospamcris.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: First time Post
Message-ID: <3437FF18.186BATnospamptialaska.net>
James wrote:
> don't e-mail me agian!
is this your imitation of the dwarf 'grumpy'?
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 1997 14:04:54
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: Bobwood655ATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: behaviour modification and eating questions
Message-Id: <>
At 15:16 05/10/97 -0400, Bobwood655ATnospamaol.com wrote:
>What would be a good text to read to learn more about behaviour modification
>specifically along the lines of utilizing fear to (strengthen one's
>mental/emotional abilities?)
Tony Robbins, "Personal Power"
>Also-I sometimes have intense cravings for spicy foods especially those that
>seem to be vinegar based or with hot pepper spice.
>Any ideas as to why I might?
Those foods stimulate your digestive system and circulation to cleanse
The vinegar tends to acidify the blood, to kill bacteria and rebalance
calcium levels.. calcium levels are important for regulating moods and
reactions to stress.
There is a popular beverage among folks into fasting, called the "Master
It consists of 1 cup hot water, to which has been added fresh lemon
juice, from 1/2 lemon ..maple syrup (to taste, for it's mineral content)
and cayenne pepper. (as much as you enjoy)
Usually it is sipped slowly.. a firey beverage that will drain all 8
sinus cavities.. and it has a similar effect clearing mucous in the body.
My naturopath's technique is to have folks take nothing except master
cleaner for the first few hours after awakening every morning. Forever. A
mini- cleansing fast to start your day. His name is Dr. John Matson, and he
has written a book:"Eating Alive".
A similar beverage is hot water, honey and 1/8 part or less,
unpastuerized apple cider vinegar. This will cool some K. flares, of the
hot itchy variety, and is a good home remedy for mild food poisoning. Apple
cider vinegar is a popular folk remedy for arthritis. Sip it slowly, but
don't leave it sitting around for hours. The Mother of Vinegar bacteria in
the vinegar will go to work on the sugar in the honey, and the calcium in
the honey will precipitate out as a white residue on the bottom. Bleah.
More interesting to boost the calcium by tossing an eggshell into it.
Add the eyeball of a newt, too, if you can find one that doesn't mind
helping make newt eyeball soup.. (kidding, of course.)
Bee picky in buying honey.. bees range far and wide, and some honey has
found to have unusually high lead levels. Flowers growing near hiways and
cities get contaminated by car exhaust emmission.
Here's a left turn:
I have a friend who is a beekeeper. He makes about half his money renting
his hives out to farmers who need crops pollinated. Major crop failures
have been traced to the rampant demise of the wild bee population. Recently
there has been a major epedemic that as hit beekeepers hard, but destroyed
wild bees.
Cool guy.. when the arthritis in his shoulder acts up, he grabs a bee and
stings himself there with it.. the arthritis pain goes away for about 10 days.
Blessings, Mystress.
Date: Sun, 05 Oct 1997 16:20:18
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: favorite charities
Message-Id: <>
At 17:26 04/10/97 -0700, M wrote:
>Mine are anything to do with eyes and eysight, <..>
>I just love visual beauty,,,paintings, nature, faces, etc.)
Yeah, cornea transplants and such, good, I am very visual too.
I read a stat projection that suggested we can expect epedemic old age
blindness in the future, from the cumulative effect of higher UV levels..
Yikes! Thank Goddess for my extended wear UV blocking contact lenses, and
the nearsightedness that causes me to wear them.
Some charties, I think, become self perpetuating beyond the causes they
serve.. I think the cancer societies are among these.. there are many folks
pretty invested in a cure for cancer not being found. An example of this,
is a cancer society I won't name, fundraising by selling 6" red lollipos
containing huge amount of a known carcinogenic red dye.
Tracy Ullman did a hilarious sketch of a Fundraising lady having a huge
temper tantrum when the sick children's cause she has planned a big
fundraising event for, must be cauncelled because a cure has been found.
>I also favor feed-the-children type charities
Oy, I am Very cynical about those ones, especially the missionary ones.
Give the food, steal the culture.. not to mention some of the "misuse of
funds" scandals around some of them, with only a tiny percentage of the
money going to the cause..
Live Aid raised a lot of money for Ethiopia, but Bob Geldof got a
knighthood for trying.. and mostly failing.. to actually get the aid to the
starving, because of the rampant civil war in that country. Much of it
ended up being stolen by terrorists and sold to buy weapons.
Nature has moved to "balance" the population in Ethiopia way harshly.. an
AIDS epedemic has left only children and old people alive in that country.
The K. list is my "foster child". :)
>Teach Tolerance has gotten money from me more than once...
Dunno those.. I support SM educational organizations, and some gay rights
groups, coz I believe the Sexual repression is a major cause of low self
esteem .. and folks who feel good about themselves tend to be more
charitable.. feed the horse, the horse will pull the wagon..
>and freedom for women campaigns - pro-choice, etc.
>as well as right-to-die causes.
Yup. Rape crisis centres, battered women's shelters.
>I'd say these last two are from some self interest.
I'd say, self interest is important in choosing charities. Like feeding
the birds for a few months and then stopping, you do the birds no favors to
get them dependent on support which vanishes when you lose interest. Many
charities recognise the self interest factor, and choose to work with that,
instead of trying to manipulate with guilt.
One of my Fav. charities is the Western Canada Wilderness Fund. They work
to protect the remaining areas of old growth forest in BC from big business
logging interests.. chaining themselves to trees, getting arrested, and
stuff. They took an 800 year old huge tree stump from a clearcut, "stumpy"
around the planet to promote awareness of the destruction.
A cool thing they do, is to covertly build hiking paths thru the
wilderness areas they are trying to protect. This is major physical labour
involving building walkways and stuff, so foot traffic won't erode the
delicate rainforest environment. Then they promote the heck out of them..
An isolated area that CanFor, or one of the big companies thinks no one
will notice being clearcut, suddenly has a few hundred folks hiking thru it
weekly, and writing to their elected officials to have it protected as a
park.. and it has been working!!
They also sell these absolutely gorgeous big wall calendars with photos
of the wilderness areas they are working to protect.. I buy about 30 of
them to give to my clents at x-mas. Win/win all round.. even the paper they
are printed on, is recycled.
Very clever of them, to do that.. let the mystical beauty of these
places, speak for itself. Seen one clearcut, seen 'em all. Bloody awful.
If the beat of a butterfly's wings can cause a hurricane across the
world, thru the interconnectedness of all things, then what of the wind of
one of the great forest ancients falling? Even if no-one can hear it above
the chainsaws and heavy tractors?
Acting locally sends ripple effects globally.
For Kundalites, anyway, there is a self interest aspect to charity that
is a given: might as well surrender to it- service serves our personal
evolution. So I devote lot of my time in service to the evolution of
others.. teaching to learn.. sometimes I get paid for it, more often no..,
but I trust good karma pays threefold returns. I am having fun, anyway,
which is another important aspect of successful giving..
So allowing self interest to guide you in choice of charities is not such
a bad thing.
To play with a twist of logic, it is better to give than to recieve
because Karma will repay the giver threefold, great investment.. whereas
the reciever will get only the charity.. which is often accompanied in some
folks by self esteem lowering.. .
To to be really charitable, be the reciever sometimes, and let other
folks get the giver's warmth. Good practice for somedays' old age
helplessness and dependence. We come in depending on the kindness of
others, and most go out the same way.. and we have the illusion of
independence, for some of the middle time.
To be honest, tho.. most folks asking me for a donation, get K. fire, not
cash. The force of the miraculous is more useful than money, and
impossible to corrupt. It is not something that everybody can give in such
abundance, either.. if I use K. fire to cast an etheric "Lighthouse" for a
charity event, for example, then it will likely double the attendance.. if
it is in the highest good of the folks being served by giving and recieving.
Bringing the horses to pull the cart..
Blessings, Mystress.
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