Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/10/02 07:56
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #485

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 485

Today's Topics:
  Re: Kundalini Awakening
  Re: Need to find Yoga Association in UK to point me to kundalini
  Re: Fwd: Kundalini Awakening
  Req for info on Chakras
  Re: Hello, LIST MYSTRESS !!!.. David, and more left-turn
  maniacal ravings..
  Relation of removing Entities to Kundalini ?????
  sObjection: Even Kflames for best meals00: Dearestori^ please
  Re: Req for info on Chakras
  Re: The Kundalini Perspective
  DNA Boadcast signatures known to enhance PASSIVITY andY00]
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 1997 02:38:59
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: GoodwulfeATnospamaol.com
Cc: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini Awakening
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 19:24 29/09/97 -0400, GoodwulfeATnospamaol.com wrote:
 I didnt study Yoga.... So how come I "KNOW IT?" Is that part
>of the process? Im in love with Yoga. Very strange.

  These are called "kriyas". They are a sign of awakening.
  Your body knows how to streach, instinctively, just as a cat's does. It
prompts you to streach, to ease the flow of the K. thru your body. It is
the blockages to the K. that cause the pain.
  No, I am not a medical doctor.
> I also have an intense craving for "NOTHINGNESS"... Not to be dead,
>mind you, but for total nothingness..... no sound, no light, no
>movement... nothing.. So what is that? My theory is that its a craving
>for God. Which doesnt necessarily mean a K. experience.
  It is an impulse to seek the silence, wherein the inner voice of God-dess
can be heard to speak clearly. The inner voice will guide you to what you
need to do to heal.
  The only authority to whether you are awakened, is really, that voice.
  But if you need to hear it, yes, in my opinion, you are awakened.. and
the yoga is an aspect of you coming to terms with how to deal with that. I
would also suggest you take the time to give yourself some "art therapy".
Get a pad of paper and a pencil, or a musical instrument.. whatever.. and
let spirit move you to do whatever. K. wants creative expression, and
sometimes when that is denied, it gets creative other places that are less
fun. Take a pottery course, carve up a candlestub.. whatever inspires you.
  This will release the "racing" energy. It will lead to a focus where you
will find the quiet centre. The quiet center, is really the only place for
you to get answers.. I will send you energy, and so will others on this
list, to support you in getting there.
   Enough is enough. Im an extremely compassionate
>person to the point of physical pain... I serve... I acknowledge my higher
>self... I honor myself and every other living thing on this planet... I
> So why? Why does the pain and exhaustion and lack of sleep EVERY night
>just get worse, year after year? I havnt been able to work in 7 years.
  Well, what I am getting here, is that if you keep going where you are
going, you will end up where you are headed.. so maybe you need to change
your path.
  Maybe your body is forcing you to put your self, first. Serve yourself,
first. It has put you in a place where that is all you can do.. so go with
it. Srrender to the message it is giving you, to focus all of your
attention on yourself and the messages your body is giving you.

   In my humble opinion, yes indeedy, this is K., you are dealing with. My
guess, not meant unkindly.. you asked, eh? Is that if God-dess has needed
to make such a strong point, maybe it is because there is a message you are
being stubborn about hearing.
  Maybe think about your biggest place of stubbornness, and experiement
with changing your mind about it completely. see what happens..
> Wouldnt I be of greater service on the "Other Side?"
  "Here is a test, to see if your mission on earth is finished: If you're
alive, it isn't." (Richard Bach)
  You have been given a huge gift of life, which lately, understandably,
has not been seeming like such a great gift.. trust that it is, anyway.
Gratitude is healing.
> Will
>someone, anyone, PLEASE offer guidance?
  Doin' my best..
> I would really like to know how YOU all got "diagnosed" with K.....
>Fill me in please....
  Take a look at the "Symptoms of Kundalini" on the website..
> Thank you, for hanging in there through this arduous post.
>Blessings, Kelly

    If you need more info, feel free to write to me at
 Love and electric blue K. fire, List Mystress.
   Website <http://www.execpc.com/~libra/kund/kundgate.html>
   in europe <http://www.telebyte.nl/~frans/kundalini/>

To leave the list send a post with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject header to
<KUNDALINI-L-D-REQUESTATnospamEXECPC.COM> for the List Digest.
    The posting address for both lists is <KUNDALINI-LATnospamEXECPC.COM>
    PLEASE!! Don't send text or image attachments to this address.

    List Archives from 26/12/96 thru Reference.COM
If you do *NOT* want your post archived include <X-No-Archive: yes>
 as an email header or as the first line of your message.
Send Kundalini Cybrary recommendations directly to ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 12:55:39 +0200
From: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Need to find Yoga Association in UK to point me to kundalini
Message-Id: <C1256524.003BEA55.00ATnospamais.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII


There is a site on the internet which might be of interest.
Contains manes and addresses of K-Yoga centers.

International Directory of Kundalini Yoga Centers and Teachers


Cheers and love to all
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 1997 06:22:53 +0000
From: Nancy <NancyATnospammagiccity.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Fwd: Kundalini Awakening
Message-ID: <34333DB6.4CB3ATnospammagiccity.com>

CDeepaATnospamaol.com wrote:
> Well in the "dream" while i was sleeping last nite I was in some kind of
> Ashram with a male teacher....and he told me that the radical changes in
> perception were to help me let go of what I valued....or thought was so
> real....so that I could begin to experience what is real......The purpose was
> to shake loose the tite grip that I had on what I thought was real....or my
> life.... And of course...the extreme pain has been a part of it all....tons of pain
> and grief...
> So...I thought that went along with what was said before.....
> It is really a transformation.....and the pain really does seem to be a part
> of it....perhaps it is the letting go....that hurts.....but this leads to the
> expansion...
> just some thoughts......deepa :)

Yes! Yes! Yes!

It is our attachment that causes us pain. Not that we need to be robots.
But we do need to realize that if we are undergoing a spiritual
awakening, all that things that are not of spirit will probably be
ripped away...attachment to material possession, attachment to work,
attachment to our mate, attachment to our body.

I had mentioned before that I didn't have physical symptoms to speak of
through my awakening experience (I am still reluctant to label it k at
this point). But I did lose possessions, work and mate. I think, deepa,
you've helped explain what these symptoms are about. Letting go of
attachment to that which is not of spirit.

I believe that we can have nice things, nice work and a loving
relationship. Perhaps the difference is that rather than clinging on to
these, we joyously appreciate moment to moment our life. I have a nice
apartment. I am grateful. Tomorrow I may live in a cardboard box. I have
a car that runs. I enjoy it taking me from place to place. It may break
down tomorrow. But I can appreciate its existence in my life right now.
I have a body that is healthy. I love to nourish it with fresh fruit,
vegetables and exercise. Tomorrow I may contract hepatitis.

That of this world is not permanent. I once heard this description: What
is reality? That which never changes. So what was described in the
paragraph above is not real anyway. All of those things change. Our
essence, our spirits, our oneness, our nothingness. These never change.
Awakening helps us get in touch with the truth of this.

Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 05:26:00 +0000
From: "James Walters" <jwaltersATnospamridgecrest.ca.us>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Req for info on Chakras
Message-Id: <199710021227.FAA21566ATnospamridgecrest.ca.us>

List members,
Does anyone have a good reference to the Chakra's, the colors,
characteristics, and effects associated with them ? Any information
pertaining to the shapes of these images would be wonderfull. I would
very much appreciate it as I normally need to have books ordered and
don't get to screen them before I buy. If anyone has a written
description on their computer they could post (beyond those which can
be found by internet searches), that would be great.

Information on the terms "Lesser Enlightenment of the Kan and Li",
"Greater Enlightenment of the Kan and Li", "Greatest Enlightenment
of the Kan and Li" and their relationship to the opening of the
Chakras would also be appreciated.

I know an individual who currently is seeing a green diamond which
occasionally turns bluish. I interpreted this as the heart
chakra becoming active). The blue color I believe is the opening of
the throat chakra. Either that or the colors are an indication of
liver and kidney problems.

Thank you,
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 1997 08:33:19 -0400
From: David Hodges <dhodgesATnospamrecol.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Hello, LIST MYSTRESS !!!.. David, and more left-turn
  maniacal ravings..
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi -
  This is David, and yes, I eventually did get a lot of responses to my
post and have been most grateful for them.
  I'm glad that Mystress Angelique says I am having an idyllic K. awakening
- I never would have thought of it that way, but I have not have very many
negative symptoms so far. HOWEVER I will say that that prior to this year's
awakening I experienced 12 years of miserable depression, which was
characterized by one and all as a mid-life crisis. But to me the presenting
symptom was a deep weight and pressure on my heart chakra which translated
into emotional difficulties including excess negativity and dark emotional
churning. I was in Jungian therapy for five years and this process helped
me to really CLEAN OUT my subconscious - my shadow - and I made a lot of
radical changes in my life. I really credit this whole painful process for
eliminating a lot of blocks that might otherwise be a problem now.
  You might be interested to know that my wife told me Sunday night that
she thought we should separate and divorce after our daughter goes to
college in less than two years. This after I stumbled through a long
explanation of my K. experience with her. She thinks we are drifting too
far apart and I agree and I don't see how, aside from her spontaneously
having a similar experience, that drift will stop. While my emotional level
experiences some upheaval with that, my higher level centers seem okay with
it. I was told in meditation that "I am the free one" in the relationship
and that I should avoid hurting her but otherwise to go on with the process...
  ...which goes on. Today I had the distinct leading that I should eat
nothing but fruit for breakfast which I did and so far I feel fine. I think
the K. process is really purifying my body. I have also learned how
rejuvenating controlled breathing is. I work in a sealed-window office
building with lots of computers around and I get depleted; now I can just
go outside and do some controlled breathing - a bit of deep breathing
followed by a bit of alternate nostril breathing - and my whole energy
balance changes. This is a wonderful discovery!
   But I don't even think I am going to be working here long. In meditation
I got the message that the matter of my livelihood was being worked on at
higher levels and I should do nothing until that manifests! Interesting...I
am actually pretty content in my work after making big changes in past
years which involved giving up income for job satisfaction but I know that
the computer work is not of my essence.

Thanks, everyone...

At 02:37 AM 10/2/97, you wrote:
> I am certain the reason for the lack of response to this post, is that
>aside from the usual difficulties with the life partner trying to keep up
>with the changes, David appears to be having a classic, almost idyllic, K.
>awakening, and really needs very little help from this list.
> It may be, even, that those who have been posting lately, telling of
>their hard times, were silent coz they were secretly envious of the
>cafefree ease with which David seems to be handling his awakening?
>Different mirrorsssss.
> We're a bunch of healers, K. does that to us.. folks who are asking for
>healing, get our attention better than folks who are well. It is the mirror
>of us needing to heal ourselves.. Yet, beyond that oroborus loop of
>belief in injury, is an idea of our utter perfection, awaiting permission
>and trust to manifest to consciousness. David is mostly there, already..
David Hodges
RECOL, LLC An Internet Solutions Company
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 1997 06:21:46 -0700
From: ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>
To: Kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Relation of removing Entities to Kundalini ?????
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Ruth and all,
While some of these topics (entity removal, 12 DNA strands, etc.)
are very fascinating, I wonder how they fit into the topic of

I have no problem with a diversity of subjects on this list,
but it seems that these current subjects are beginning to stray
a bit from the list focus.

If there is a connection which I am not seeing then perhaps
it could be made more explicit because my guess is that others
might not be seeing it either. Otherwise perhaps these topics
are best discussed on other lists.

In service to the process of awakening,

* ori^ *
* <mailto: oriATnospameskimo.com> *
* http://www.eskimo.com/~ori/ori.html *
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 1997 06:24:32 -0700
From: bRYEndTOASTER <wakemupATnospameskimo.com> (by way of ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>)
To: Kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: sObjection: Even Kflames for best meals00: Dearestori^ please
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

(^turning ON the gas pilot light in the brain/body stem stovepipe
(^is not the same as knowing how to cook a decent meal.

(^..and the mommie/chef may know more about food prep
(^than the gas stove fixer knows..
(^but, if the stove doesn't get turned on, how is the gasman to get fed?

Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 16:57:54
To: all of USe from a ghost.
From: Evan James Rooney <Who1w30555ATnospamaol.com>
(by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)

(^note to group: the humans are gonnah get blamed for the computer's Ktraumas.
(^the above trouble( angelIQ having to re-send posts) is just the start:
(^thank's for taking the clue, que, serpent, and de-filtering .
(^spam filters were created to block "unwanted" messages.
(^..well, folks. if you quit answering yer phone, don't be surprised
(^when you find yourself only talking to yourself.

(^...lonely, isn't it?

Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center

(^... --- ... (or is that ) --- ... ---
(^sos,oso,whichever. mime=all picture: no sound. how strange.
(^all this type STARTS with.. all sound. no picture.

(^just listen to that modem connection.
(^...BBZZ!..prrkkkzzZZZz---bpppt..* klic:..

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

(^..yes.. we are asking. so is la machine.

Resent-Sender: kundalini-l-requestATnospamexecpc.com
X-UIDL: 3bbfccd6308cc44de0ff488cb699d4d4

(^yumm.. I wonder what "3bbfccd6308cc44de0ff488cb699d4d4" means?

  I recently came across kundalini in my search of esoteric subjects and it
caught my intrest so I immediatly signed up. Since I'm new to this could
someone post excersizes to bring about the experience

Greatly appreciated

(^yes... and those trapped learning to be enraptured
(^come down/go up on both side s of that.

(^thanks for helping me find sepperate plastic baggies
(^for all the contaminating each other too soon psyche bash.

(^.......go0DDD..... has all that bull daddah at the top cleAIRed out
(^the newbe's from reading this send? Is anyone not ready to catch
(^this drift still threading? last warn/ward.. gets indepth B-low...
(^hit the trASH button before you get hurt....

(^I'm sure the long gaps will wash out those with no patience.

(^and, hopefully, those that believe fantasy is separate: not a part of
(^integrated: the spark that ignites the heater: the matchstick sulpher spit.

(^the flintlock. that lights the candle.

(^the rubbed twigs that cause forest fires

(^if not kept in tow.

(^hopefully, lobster is too inpatient to have read this far.
(^and any of those out there that miss this,
(^were supposed to.

(^if you're supposed to see it, you'll look it up in the digest.

(^just.. sitting ...tHere.


(^do you realize that to be cruelly condescending is not
(^the same as being entirelly empathetic?

((^who said what to who becomes of less important from here on in...

(^but, let's look at the trauma caused by telling an 11 year old girl
(^that she's going to start bleeding from her vaginal opening within
(^the next 5 years.... worse yet, will do this every 28 to 32 days
(^for anywhere from 3 to 8 days consecutively, ...
(^for anywhere from 35 to 55 years of her life.

(^... unless, of course.... she's NOT healthy..
(^or "with child".....
((^which is a whole OTHER molecular ball of hot wax....


(^ a go0DD wolf tries to protect hEARing from yucky truthmess...

(^careful what you despise and hate:.. you shall surely become it.
     ((^ >-----semanthematgician ^))

gw> You are truly not "Enlightened."
gw> No one of the LIGHT would EVER say
gw>something so cruel and JUDGEMENTAL to someone so ill...
gw> You have no idea who I "Am" Ruth,

(^oops... ah, well.. anonoymity, spamonimity. the thRead's there
(^for those wonder/wandering about DNA and it's relevance to
(^body/mind ` altarations `....alter that altar, even!

gw> so take care when "JUDGING".
((^* and/or "ASSesSING "
((^! especially when/how/and who to you read the verdict.

(^careful, Ruth.. let the babes enjoy emoting while they can...
(^dumping ugly uglies about period shifts to menopause on someone
(^that thought they were all through with that messiness
(^is BOUND to get shot at! hope you take it in stride.

(^heh heh.. ascii angelIQ.. she gets tourched by those with no eyes, too.
gw> Hopefully I've opened your (THIRD) eye, just a little,
gw> to see that there is more than one "idea" regarding our BEING here,
gw> and boy, if you're any example of what it's like to have 12 strands of
gw> Im glad I've just got 2.

((^sounds like me bitching at adults when I was a teenager. ^))
(hey, I was 15 once: I remember the rule.

 "don't trust adults".
(^..doesn't anybody else?)

gw>At least I still have a heart filled with LOVE.

(^and muck. and mire.
(^as do eWE awll..(ter)

(^again... (^careful what you despise and hate:.. you shall surely become it.
     ((^ >-----semanthematgician ^))

(^most 15 yr olds cuss worse than any sailor. And reMEMber....
(^ if you CAN'T join them, they'll ignore you. You're just an old fart.
(^an old fart.. a hasbeen, not set on the soon to become plate..
(^you know.. the ones DOing all the things
(^ that all the swearing only verbally represents?
(^twisting history in order to make a buck?
(^those adding >a href= blah blah blah< to e-list mail,= newer spam.
((^the advertENTISEments to buy books, aura tapes,
(^git chyer gurus here Tshirt subliminals are getting rather thick..

(^shhhh.. the.. esTABlishment bullshit artists..
(^= those that hide this offensive truth ...

(^adults suck. ((the life: right out of the youth))

(^ and actually think teenagers can't see what isn't said out loud.

((^...or.. for those too afraid to give themselves permission to,
 (^public domain stuff. find info /research for free.

(^check it out at a library , or read off the net.
(^get a translation devise, or make friends with bi/tri-linguists.

(^info for cash ain't nuthin' but money laundry.

(^ Anything "for sale" for enlightenment is being sold by a dry source.

(^ If you NEED to spend moolah,
(^make sure it's for material components.

(^learn to grow yer own, folks.

(^you know.. DMT.. Kataimine, Rye ergot mold is cheep, too.
(^geez! just buy a cow, and grow yer own patties for mushroom clouds!

(^y'see... snapsis change in the brain,
(^eating, inhaling, listening, READing, most likely DO alter d'na dah strands.
(^and nuclear bombs caused lukemea.
(^and Phylidomide(don't know the spelling), a drug used in Japan
(^way back in.. what? the 30s? 50s? to reduce morning sickness,
(^basically snipped the dna structure for arm and leg growth
(^out of the phetus' growing code.

(^DNA re-configging has been going on a LONG time.
(^look at the size of 15thCentury armor.
(^try to get anyone over 12 years old and English to fit in one.
(^and think...of..... DIET...
(^how much plastic to you eat?
(^what do you think that's doing to yer precious code?

(^I, believe this or no.. use Drum tobacco(Dutch Import)
(^turkish ground coffee mixed into my food,
(^..and powerbars..(!as a placebo)
(^for psyche control. grounding. (maybe I should try potato?)

(^I don't use nor need "traditional" chemically enduced wakemups.

(^did all that way back in '79. at the ripe age of 17, I quit use of
(^hemp inhaling and rye ergot suckling.
(^but, hey.. the"damage"(yeah, right)/transMUTATion is still tHere.

((^...woops.. way off foci... lemme pull back some..^))

(^spend TIME.. not money, trying to help folk out.

(^..I'm STILL dumbfounded at seeing "copyrite" on webpages.
(^what are you folks gonnah do? sue anyone who copy/pastes?
(^in what court ? in which country?
(^copyrites, on public domain webpages, is FANTASY.
(^..that's the.."reality" of it, lobsterbreath, serpentgatherer,
(^and any/all you joksters trying to gather e-mail addresses for spamuse, too.

(^ps... note... drum tobacco and powerbar corp.
(^did not pay me to name drop.
(^I do not encourage ANY of you to start using either.

(^next up.. (for only those who see the connections^))

subject: brACK 2 FUQ.... (FrequentlyUnanswerableQuotients)
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 1997 06:34:48 -0700
From: ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>
To: Kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Req for info on Chakras
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi James,
One web site that I like is:


It has a shockwave animation which shows the
"chakras according to the authentic Yoga tradition from India.
It will give you for each Chakra: a good concise description; the
proper colors of petals, mandalas, Mantras etc.; the female and
male deity; the animal; the proper pronunciation for Chakra
names and Mantras."

Hope that helps.

In service to the process of awakening,

* ori^ *
* <mailto: oriATnospameskimo.com> *
* http://www.eskimo.com/~ori/ori.html *
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 09:13:23 -0500
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The Kundalini Perspective
Message-ID: <1336338893-14268696ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

M wrote:
>I have convinced myself it is ok for me to be happy but now it seems like I
>have to convice everyone else I have ever been in contact with >and< even on
>occasion those I encounter for the first time >and< then my body (!!!!) is
>resisting at times too... Does this sound familiar to you or others? Did
>you go through anything like this?? How long might it last? My roster of
>friends has changed almost completely in the past year, my family are now
>seeing me differently for the most part, so I guess it is in the workplace
>(and in the body) that the majority of these struggles are now taking place.
I too am having this experience. I find going into my joy almost effortless
at times, but then I must go to work and deal with other's jealousy about
it! They have no idea the hell I had to go through to get here, and how
much farther I need to go! It is most hard to bear. I don't need their
approval, if only they would just leave me alone. Unfortunately, they feel
the need to get in my face until I am at least as miserable as they are.
And then there is my mother-in-law... What is wrong with these people?
Dealing with them grows so tiresome I get into contempt, and then I feel
bad about myself for not being compassionate enough, or for being unable to
teach them anything! It is a vicious circle.
My body is the other problem. It is so stubbornly inert. I force myself to
exercise each day, but still eat too much. I live alot in my head, or
"beside" my body, rather than in it. I am way more comfortable there.

Just a few quick thoughts, before I go to (ugh!) work... hope it made sense.

Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 07:21:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Rolland Alba <vaxenATnospamx-net.net> (by way of bRYEndTOASTER <wakemupATnospameskimo.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: DNA Boadcast signatures known to enhance PASSIVITY andY00]
Message-Id: <199710021421.HAA05232ATnospammail.eskimo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

(^sigh..ok..let's test the de-filtered spam. I'll only do this once.
(^or in emergencies, like when I think what I want to type can't wait.
(^otherwise, I'll filter my own sends by passing them off to others to send
to the list.

(^why? because certain vibrations mess with computer hardware more than others.

(^and the mirror loop of my sends need filtering....
(^the computer's K/shaktipat is in session.
(^be forwarned.
(^little aliens can't compete with an online computer,
(^now that the net is no longer only in the hands of the military,
(^like back in the 1940s...
(^Some interesting tit bits from Adam.

(^relates to kundalini control (and other things)
(^by having a teacher that wants to make sure
(^ the student can't live without further control via teacher.
(^hense, old meaning of "slave mentality"....

(^I..uh.. have a lot of backlogged material sent to me.
(^I just want to point out that "passivity" may look/FEEL good,
(^but, it's not the same as passion.

(^dna? yes. war? only if you fear living through the changes.
(^folks? this stuff may be too heady for those looking for help.
(^but I think may be of use to the helpers to be aware of.

(^passive aggression (^subliminal control thru manipulation of others' force ^)
(^ vs.
(^aggressive passivity.(^forcing one's own sublime manipulations to surrender^)

(^..give me aggressive passion for a break/time\through, anytime.
(^..rolling backlogged forward....
Date: 31 Jul 1997 02:12:28 EST
Subject: Fw: Boadcast signatures known to enhance PASSIVITY

Lion Queen

> Subject: Boadcast signatures known to enhance PASSIVITY!
 Who controls yOur mind?
> Date: Wednesday, July 30, 1997 10:11 PM
> From Adam Trombly's website
> http://www.projectearth.com/pages/haarp.html
> "The most dramatic component of these transmissions
> are in the form of a Double Helix Signature which
> mimics our own DNA molecules in such detail that
> researchers have been literally at a loss as to what other
> possible purpose these signals could have than to effect
> biological systems.
> "To our astonishment Eastlund (the primary inventor of HAARP)
> admitted in a recent taped interview that HAARP does indeed
> have a characteristic double-helical broadcast signature
> although he denied that it had any purpose in terms of
> biological warfare.
> "This is even more incredible to those who are familiar
> with Russian experiments to effect cellular metabolism
> at a distance using similar means. What is the purpose
> of these signatures if not biological and pathogenic.
> "Another component of the transmissions occurs in areas
> of the electromagnetic spectrum known for decades to
> effect mental functioning.
> "Could it be a coincidence that during the recent broadcast,
> by the USAF, of The Case is Closed scenarios relative to
> the 1947 Roswell incident that broadcast signatures known
> to enhance PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL passivity and acceptance
> increased in amplitude by an order of magnitude.
> "Is it coincidental that this also occurred
> after a recent national television broadcast (ABC) during
> which it was reported that tens of thousands of residents
> from Prescott, Arizona through Phoenix, Arizona
> witnessed an apparent Spacecraft at least six thousand
> feet across over flying their cities?
> "There were literally thousands of individuals who took both
> still and video images. Did you notice how quickly that story died?
> "Who controls your mind?"
> Adam Trombly


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