1997/09/29 16:25
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #476
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 476
Today's Topics:
Re: Beware Evan--A Lobster is loose, and Joe's Truths
Kundalini Awakening
Re: The Kundalini Perspective
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Light at the end of the tunnel
Re: Light at the end of the tunnel
Re: drenched in sweat.
Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
A Meditation...
Re: Soul Journey
Re: k-conference idea.
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 12:53:54
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: J P Flarity <joeATnospamflarity.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Beware Evan--A Lobster is loose, and Joe's Truths
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
<X-No-Archive: yes>
At 21:22 27/09/97 -0700, J P Flarity wrote:
>Dear K list members:
>I humbly apologize for forcing you to witness a bit of self realization
>than you may have found uncomfortable.
Uncomfortable?? I ROTFLMAO!!
I have never ever seen such a thing from humble Joe before.. most
I was fascinated.
What was it you said about my last Lobster-bake?? Such amazing
contradictory statements!! "immensely enlightening and inspirational. "
I see the appeal. Seeing you setting claws on someone
for a change instead of me, all bent outa shape trying to scratch..
cheered me up enormously.
(Ya know, I have quite a few very kinky sadistic uses for tobasco sauce,
one of my clients had his bottle at the ready for me when I arrived for a
session, recently..)
Thankyou so much for showing up!!! You really took a risk with that
post, and I am not sure if you appreciate it.. you seem ashamed of
expressing human fears.. wot? Why?
It was perfect, as are all things..
Ya know, I have been saying, sometimes the best thing you can do for
somebody is slap 'em upside da head.. I see you finally get it!! Coz in the
mirror of existence, usually you get to grow 3x threefold for the healing
whacks back. Sacrey but quick, ohboy, eh?
And this incredible thread you have started.. folks releasing all kinds
of fears, and finding common experiences to take comfort in. Coming round
to a place of trust again.. Blessed Be!
To make a point of information.. I found Evan's post, going thru my
inbox.. I have deleted the original.. but it was pretty old.. about a
month?? More?
Forwarded it to the list, anyways.. who am I to censor?
Better late than never.. Today the spam filters came off, I am no
longer guarding the gates, and now alla posts will go through without my
intervention needed. Whew!!
(Spend a moment to image the list Angelically guarded spam-free..
invisible to those tho whould be interested in it for inappropriate
advertising purposes, a lighthouse to those who need it for thier spiritual
growth.. for the good of all and harm to none, so mote it be. Amen. Magic
is stronger than technology..)
I checked, he is still on the list.. but interesting that not a single
post of this thread is from him, except the original question, eh?
Hello, Evan.. won't you get a surprise when you check your mailbox??
Yet that stray lost post has started so much discussion, that I suspect
has proven a gold mine to alla the other lurkers.. I have not made a list
count, lately, but we number over 300, and only a small percentage of
folks, are posting.
A lot more have been drawn out by this thread.. more folks "showing up".
What I am finding really intresting, is that most folks having the
difficulty with the K., till they really learn to surrender to it.. and the
folks having the easiest time, have a very playful attitude.. folks having
the hardest time, are stuffed full of warnings, and "Don't go there's" ..
I have found this whole thread unexpectedly rich.. and compellingly
validating.. coz I teach folks to surrender under intense circumstances,
then awaken.. and teach them to surrender to the voice within, and really
enjoy it, pain and all.. it's all just attitudes, creating events.
>And the answer came in an instant: This is something that Lobster might
>say <...>
>I feel betrayed by one that was a tremendous inspiration. It is as
>simple as that. I need no rational.
Yup. he has gotten boring.. too bad, cosmic laughter is the voice of spirit.
Therefore, I shall do my best to keep laughing, and hope it becomes
Seems to be working.. comedy is a fine healing art..
>And this list, which has been so important for the last year, has lost
>its resonance. It has actually become discordant to my thinking. I
>know that it is time to move on.
Well, I tend not to try to persuade folks to stay, when they have made up
their minds to leave.. I just usually wish them "Happy Trails", and let 'em
go.. that whole game of folks trying to keep other folks off their path
doesn't work for me.. don't dissuade 'em if they have their minds made up..
Except you haven't left yet, .. and it is several days later.. and I am
kinda sweet on you, Guru Joe.. strong sweet silent cowboy type fella.. tee
hee.. and so wonderfully wise and patient.. till Evan came along, anyway..
How funny!!
You are probably one of the wisest sanest happiest heads on the list, and
you will be missed by more than me!
So since you are still here, ...mebbie it is that you don't really wanna
leave, you were just feeling sour grapes embarrassment for showing up
human, and you are hanging around looking for reasons why not??
Hey, guess what, we forgive you for being human, quicker than you do..
I give you what you want.. as best I can tell.. I dunno what you need..
I do suspect that the microcosm of the list environment, is mirroring
some stuff in yer 3d world you also wanna run away from.
So here they are, some reasons to stay ..
#1 reason, Serpent's truth:
There are no greener pastures.
Where ever you go, there you are, creating your reality around you.
Hey, Joe.. you know what it takes to make the grass green, eh? Ha ha!!
... ask your cows, they will tell you..
(the information I am getting from them
in my head after typing that question,
is a whole other post, powerfully profound..
wow.. another reason..
how you inspire, and get inspiration returned, here..)
and what greenery you created here, with your first flame!! Blessed be!!
Can you trust yourself, more, now??
Trust your creative darkness, to spark light?
Stay, and make it a greener place.
>So I will leave the list with my own musings, that I perceive to be the
>God breaths with each of us and delights in every yawn. I see a glimpse
>of the powerful co-creator we have within us. If it were not so, your
>body would fail in an instant. Worlds may expand into being or collapse
>into a point at the direction of your desire.
Do you really want to collapse us into a point, or Do you really want to
stay and offer to water and fertilize the new world??
>Holding yourself as unequal is filling yourself with duality. Be empty
>and have everything.
Has the list lost resonance, or have you lost resonance with the list?
Do you deny the mirror we represent as unworthy?
Has the list gotten repetitive?
Of course it is.. any school teacher will tell you, each year, the
cirriculum is exactly the same.. the difference is the individuality of the
students responding to it.. watching them learn and grow, and growing from
their learning.. learning from their growing.. I have thought sometimes, of
stopping writing my own stuff for a while, and just reposting archive
responses to the same topics, from when they have come up before. The list
is really that circular, repetitive, and so what?
Fact is, how to handle K. can be summed up as simply and beautifully, as
you have summarrized it here, but that is not the point, eh?
(So beautifully, I could not bear to snip it..)
The point is the diversity of soul's experiences, being spirit having a
human experience. There, is the beauty.
How many ways we find, to express the same/individual experiences.
>The right way is comfortable and easy. Your soul makes it this way.
>Don't strain against it unless you like to lose. It will laugh as if
>you were a child holding its breath in order to get an extra scoop of
>chocolate ice cream (childish?).
It will laugh, and before your breath gives out, you will find yourself
gasping for air, swimming in ice cream.. prayers answered.
> No one else knows your way with any
>better authority. Don't waste energy correcting the diversity of paths
>unless specifically told to do so (then its not a waste).
Ummm.. yup.. I held off from persuasion till I saw it was perhaps wanted??
>Your soul is rooted in eternity. How long do you have? Listen to it
>now--whispering in your dreams.
>You have a body and limited concentrated awareness surrounding it. Your
>ego grew and duality was created slowly with it. There is a place
>beyond good/evil. You do not have to die to experience it. I highly
>recommend that you keep an open mind and take a look.
>The purpose of life: What else would God do? See even your tears as
>wonderful gifts. Hold a slug as if it were a gorgeous flower.
>(child-like?) And every flower that you hold is God kissing you and
>We are all together
>We are all together
>There was never a time when this was not so
>Your childlike wonder and laughter is the end.
>with the greatest love from your childish and childlike cow farmer,
Well, there, at the end, is the best and only reason for anything.
There is love for you, here in this cyberspace, unconditional love and
acceptance and understanding as best as we humans know to offer it.. "See
even your tears as
wonderful gifts." and your heartfelt flame, gentle as it was,.. a huge gift
to the list.
I will miss the sunlight, of that love of yours, than can hold a slug as
a flower, I will miss the example it represents to me, of a place to grow
I will miss being treated like a flower when I am feeling like a slug..
I'll miss, you, Joe, if you leave..
But, if you realy feel it is time to mosey along, then I release you to
your path with so much love.. and an etheric sending, of a certain
melody.. I think, probaly a movie version from somewhere in my mental
archives, scratchy background static and a single thuddy guitar.. slow
lyrics, a small chorus of voices
(Crackle crackle crackle )
Dum de dum da dum de dum da
Dum de dum da dum de dum da
Happy Traaaaaaiiils to youuuuuu.(Dum de dum da dum de)
Unnnnn- tilllll we meeeeet agaiiiinn. (Dum de dum da dum de dum da )
Happy Traaaaaaiiiils to youuuuuu. (Dum de dum da dum de)
We're Soooooo much moooore than Friennnnnds..!! (Dum de dum da dum de)
(Crackle crackle Fading...)
Happy Traaaaaaiiiiiiiils to youuuuuu.(Dum de dum da dum de....)
Blessings, Serpent.
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 15:02:46 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Kundalini Awakening
Message-Id: <199709292002.NAA09358ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>
I am very pleased that the K - List exists, and wish to take a moment to
thank all those who give so much of their time, attention, money,
thoughts, creativity, and sheer physical drudgery to ensure that this
mailing list is up, online, in smooth functioning order. May all of you
who are providing all of us with this important K - List, be
particularly blessed by Shakti -- may joy and happiness be your constant
companions for the incredible service you provide.
I am surprised by some of the questions re: "Was this a "real"
kundalini Awakening?"
These questions seem to originate from people who done quite abit of
reading about this process.
I salute you all, who feel you control your spiritual path.
I particularly salute those who first made this list possible. The
"real" Kundalini Awakening happens according to the whim and wisdom of
When it happens there will be NO doubt about it. Believe me, I am NOT
joking --- you will know it when it happens --- there is NO deniability
about the real thing. No questions. No doubt about it. Really. I
mean this.
I am very happy that now when a person who has NEVER studied this, has
NEVER heard of the word kundalini, has NEVER been particularly spiritual
--- that person, when the real K- Awakening occurs, for whatever reason
known only to the Skakti/Guru ---- maybe they will not be given shock
treatments -- as I have read about, and actually have met one person in
real time, off line to whom this happened in the 1950s.
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 13:13:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
Cc: tg xxx <imtgATnospamjuno.com>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, <acarreATnospamconcentric.net>
Subject: Re: The Kundalini Perspective
Message-Id: <199709292013.NAA04158ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Thank you Ruth.
This post and the one about your father certainly draw a picture of a woman
who has certainly developed her own will!!! I wish it were all in a movie
so I could put at the top of my video list. (Maybe it will be when you
finish that book!) Thanks again.
Do you agree with the notion Antoine expressed that the depression was in
part due to surpressing the K energies? Did your K awaken, husband leave,
and then the K was shut down almost consciously by you (ego) in response?
That's the progession you describe...I think.
I wonder if we come into the earthly expereince with a fully developed will
that no one supresses if it is truly as useful and precious as the will we
must develop for ourselves in response to adversity....
Years of depression at first sounded so dramatic and sympathy provoking
until I stopped to recall that I certainly had NEVER been this happy before.
Never. Even when I would not have called myself depressed, I was hardly
"happy". I am just now begining to understand happy people (I used to think
they were all phoney) and I am just now becoming intolerant of things that
attack my happiness...that last has turned me into a bit of a bitch (to my
old way of thinking anyway) and constitutes my current major life struggles.
I have convinced myself it is ok for me to be happy but now it seems like I
have to convice everyone else I have ever been in contact with >and< even on
occasion those I encounter for the first time >and< then my body (!!!!) is
resisting at times too... Does this sound familiar to you or others? Did
you go through anything like this?? How long might it last? My roster of
friends has changed almost completely in the past year, my family are now
seeing me differently for the most part, so I guess it is in the workplace
(and in the body) that the majority of these struggles are now taking place.
I'd love more input on any or all of this.
PS I attach the original posts because they are not very long and they may
help other readers recall and understand the current dialogue. I get
confused at times without a least a little reference to the earlier posts.
Especially lately...long story I'll save for later.
At 07:21 AM 9/29/97 -1000, Ruth Trimble wrote:
>Hi TG, M and List.
>You ask:
>> >Re: your comments about the depression or Dark Night of the Soul.
>> > I agree it is gruesome. I remember being so depressed that I could not
>> >lift my head off the pillow...all day..
>> Ladies, I would like to know if this was all pre-K, a prelude to K, a stage
>> of K, unrelated, much much before, etc. How do you interpret the dark night
>> in relationship to K? This seems so important...I am not sure why. M
>IT was after K. awakening for me...and where the shock of my ecstacies
>drove my husband to leave and I was faced with dealing with all my
>insecurities and fears totally without support. I had no framework for
>believing in myself and my abilities having been raised to see myself (as
>my mother had) as dependent. It was as if a persona had to die.. this
>conditioned weak being that my environment had manufactured from the
>moment of my birth. The REAL me...which I had been born as, had been so
>thoroughly squashed and subordinated that it took a while for that to
>emerge. But the scared, dependent, helpless, low self-esteem and guilty
>Ruth died in those years of depression. Out of it came a very
>independent, confident, trusting in spirit, free, sensual, ... and many
>other positive aspects of the ME I was before birth. I am not sure how to
>speed it up... I did the healingwith chanting.. and mantras and lots of
>them all day long... it made the process tolerable. My friends remind me
>of the person I was BEFORE K. awakened, and I can hardly believe it was
>the same person.. I was a doormat and an abused wife. After K. I will
>not go near abusiveness and disrespect. So these are my ways of figuring
>out what was going on.
>I see it almost as a kind of blanket that has to be turned over in the
>psyche...always have. It is as if the negative ions are all facing the
>wrong way and have to be turned... ha ha...perhaps a magnet could have
>speeded up the process.
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:44:51 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Bliss
Message-Id: <199709292054.QAA12839ATnospamhoboken>
There is such a propensity for religions to label anything that is not
standard dogma as "occult," that it is no wonder so many people are so
narrow in their spiritual outlook. It comes from fear...from the childhood
thing that maybe there *is* a monster under the bed...and if we look we
might just let it out.
Are you familiar with Huston Smith? He hosted a public broadcasting series
on the world's religion in the U.S. and wrote a book called "The World's
Religions, a Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions." Huston Smith is an old man
now...a lifelong Methodist, who also meditates, chants, and prays to Buddha
and Allah everyday. He has a profound respect for all religions and he is
a very wise man. Perhaps his book might mediate some of the fear here. I
hope so.
Also...a little mental housecleaning might help, too. So many of our ideas
and notions, probably most, in fact, did not originate with us, but instead
came from outside. Most are nothing more than conditioning. Ring the
right bell (or push the right button) and we obediently salivate like
Pavlov's dogs. If we start examing our beliefs beginning with the ones we
hold dear and most true, the ones that we perhaps don't even think of as
beliefs, but instead as "fact," many of them just don't hold up when they
are examined. Then it's easy to decide if we want to keep them or not.
A new fractal gallery was posted to this site on September 10th:
USA Today Hot Site; Cosmic Site of the Night: Cool Central Site of the Day;
ENC Digital Dozen for June '97; Enchantment Award; ArtSearch Featured Site;
NetTech NeatTech: Best of the Web in Educational Technology; Eye Candy
Honorable Mention
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 10:49:21 -1000 (HST)
From: Melissa Barnes <mbarnesATnospamalleg.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199709292049.KAA08259ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>
I want to thank all of you who replied to my question last week about how to handle too much kundalini. I received many good suggestions and have picked out the ones which feel right to me. Part of the problem was that k had brought up some major old fear which needed to be cleared out. I have now done that and am feeling quite a bit better.
This list is an amazing resource, and I have learned quite a bit from reading the posts of the last week. It is good to know that so many others are on this same crazy roller coaster ride.
Love and Light (you see, I've got the lingo down) to all of you.
Melissa Barnes
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 16:19:30 -0500
From: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Light at the end of the tunnel
Message-Id: <199709292119.OAA16066ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>
One of you has asked me, "Is there an end to this?" (Referring to some
of the many & myriad manifestations of full-blown Shakti Kundalini,
particularly in light of how weird it is to be living this in modernday
America.) For any Lurkers who may have pondered this exact same
question, I share the following.
I assure you, the answer is, "Yes."
You will find most helpful a book entitled, "Adventures in
Consciousness" by Satprem who was a western (French) disciple of Sri
Aurobindo. He lived at Pondichasi for many many years. His book is
superb and has more answers for you about your predicament.
I also refer you to Muktananda's remarkable autobiography ---- somewhere
therein (if memory serves me right that this was the precise book where
I learned) he was told that his process would be HARMONIOUS in five
years time.
I simply took it on "faith" that these great spiritual Giants knew of
what they spoke. (Not tht I for one second believedhat what applied to
h hadanything to do with me, mind you.) However, now, six years later,
I can tell you from my own personl experience that indeed they were
There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 14:57:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: MrNamasteATnospamwebtv.net (MrNamaste)
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Light at the end of the tunnel
Message-Id: <199709292157.OAA06325ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 04:19 PM 9/29/97 -0500, MrNamaste wrote:
>One of you has asked me, "Is there an end to this?" (Referring to some
>of the many & myriad manifestations of full-blown Shakti Kundalini,
>particularly in light of how weird it is to be living this in modernday
>America.) For any Lurkers who may have pondered this exact same
>question, I share the following.
>I assure you, the answer is, "Yes."
Best news I've heard in a week!!! Thanks. M
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 15:03:36 -0700
From: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
To: Nancy <NancyATnospamMagicCity.com>
(by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: drenched in sweat.
Message-id: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 05:52 PM 9/28/97 -0700, Nancy wrote:
>dor wrote:
>> you lie awake night after night drenched in sweat.
>Four or five years ago, I had this experience! I had no idea what it was
>and didn't know until today. (I guess I thought I was exercising too
>much or hormones were raging (strange for being in my 20s at the time).
Dear Friends,
Lying awake, drenched n sweat, could be many things. From a physiological
point of view, it is about hormones. When one is sweating in otherwise
comfortable ambient temperatures, ones metabolism is running abnomally high.
This could be from K or it could be from hyperthyroid or other problems. If
this condition persists, see your doctor first and your Guru second.
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 15:24:53 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: lodpressATnospamintercomm.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Kurt asks:
>> I wonder how you see the inter-relatedness of these energies - Holy Spirit
>> and kundalini. As per an earlier post I am trying myself to resolve their
>> precise relationship (I am blessed/cursed with the desire to understand as
>> well as to experience). The best model that I have so far is that in
>> tantric Buddhism. The white bodhicitta (Holy Spirit?) descends from above
>> to meet the red bodhicitta/Candali (kundalini?) at the heart. This union is
>> also reflected in alchemical writings and to a lesser extent in Shaivite
>> Tantrism. The point of my earlier post on this topic - to which I haven't
>> discerned any response in the current deulge of postings - is that it is
>> very tempting to get completely focused on one of these ``currents'' or the
>> other. The Holy Spirit is very fulfilling and the rising kundalini is very
>> powerful and attractive - but only in their union is a fully mature
>> experience realized
>> Kurt
Gloria replies:
>Exactly so, I was just reading a book on Shakti Kundalini and for the
>first time I found it explained in eastern thought. They do call the
>comsic energy Maha Kundalini and the individual psychic energy Kula
I'd be interested to get the title of the book. Ihave heard of the the
Parakundalini/Pranakundalini division which sounds similar but I have not
seen any concept in Eastern thought that matches the personalism of the
Holy Spirit in Christian culture. White bodhicitta, as I mentioned is the
closest I've found.
>To our western consciousness, Holy Spirit would be the Maha Kundalini
>and yes it does drop down just as you described and meets kundalini at
>the heart. The thing is from my experience, kundalini is increasing the
>body/mind frequency so that it will be able to hook up with the cosmic
>which is much more powerful.
That's a GREAT insight - thanks a lot. I often find myself unable to ``face
the light'' that descends from above but warming up the heart through
kundalini first makes the heart more flexible and maleable.
I see it as the provider or tranformer of
>the individual experience which includes the body, so that the clear
>light of Godhead can manifest and finish the job.
I still think that there's a mini-dilemma packed in hear though. Is the
[white descending] light of Godhead really superior (which is the
impression I get from your wording) or is it just the complement to the
[red ascending] of kundalini? This dialog is really helping me resolve my
thinking on the topic - thanks. I guess what I'm learning is that seeing
the white light as compass is not inconsistent with seeing the red light of
kundalini as a purifier.
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 15:48:33 -0700
From: Chuck Davis <roshicorpATnospamROSHI.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: A Meditation...
Message-ID: <yam7211.1682.18354224ATnospammail.earthlink.net>
A Meditation
In a sleep I slept that was no sleep
In a dream I dreamt that was no dream
I met a Teacher that did not teach
A Speaker that did not speak
A forest with no trees
A bird that did not fly
A time that did not pass
A rain that was not wet
A pain that did not hurt
A Love that needed not Love.
In this Presence of no Presence
In this Space of no Space
And in a Sound with no Sound
And I am forever
©1988 Chuck Davis
.-. .-.
/ \ .-. .-. / \
/ \ / \ .-. _ .-. / \ / \
-/--Chuck Davis -------\-----/---\---/-\---/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\--
RoshiCorpATnospamROSHI.com \ / \_/ `-' \ / \ /
\ / `-' `-' \ /
`-' `-'
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 13:04:57 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Soul Journey
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.970929124855.9438F-100000ATnospamuhunix5>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Hi M
In cleaning out my box I find this request of me. Sorry I have about 100
letters to clear out of it in a week.. and missed this one!
> >births...by Joshua David Stone. He has a series of books on ascension.
> >They give practical advice for protection and a great deal of well
> >researched information about what we are all up to here...
> >The first I would recommend is "Soul Psychology" Joshua DAvid Stone.
> >If any one has read his work, I would be glad to have a critique of what
> >you think of his affirmations to the subconscious.. as I find them
> >woefully inadequate...
> >Ruth
> Were other parts of the book worthwhile? Could you give an example of these
> affirmations and maybe a better one? I already ordered the previously
> mentioned book and don't want to go broke buying books <g> M
Well I am reading the series on Ascension by JD Stone.. and I like them
very well... but as I said he has some problems with his manifestation
I like the approach being so practical. He is openly pragmatic about ways
to protect yourself in the spiritual path. He even talks about implants
and how to get them out although the advice is simply to see a psychic
which is the advice I give too. He approaches the subject of the soul in
a somewhat left brain manner with lots of charts and heirarchies showing
different aspects of ascension and for some reason this works
well for me... quite a contrast to the very obscure and complex
descriptions that I have read in the Hindu literature on the same issues.
I would compare his work to the Rosicrucian approach... day to day
spiritual practice and practical advice.
As for the affirmations I must do this in another post...as I am writing
this at work.
HOpe that helps. Ruth
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 18:20:18 -0500
From: "Gordon J. Bakken" <bgb0163ATnospamrs195261.ks.boeing.com>
To: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: k-conference idea.
Message-Id: <343037B2.41C6ATnospamsgmail.ks.boeing.com>
Gloria Greco wrote:
>> I've counted at least 6 responses in favor of the k-conference idea.
> > 1. Where would you want the event? (A couple of suggestions...Orlando or Vancouver.
I vote for Vancouver. Ask M when the weather is nice. Gordon
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