1997/08/29 05:13
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #416
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 416
Today's Topics:
Re: meditation
Re: White Powder of Gold
Re: Aura Balancing Tapes
Cary Grant, A Seagull and Einstien.
An apology..
Fantasy and Reality
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 19:39:08 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Message-ID: <3406364B.27C7ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------1C4A5F2B57AF"
Lobster playground . . .
Message-ID: <3405C9E2.2F56ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 11:56:34 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Win95; I; 16bit)
To: genius-LATnospamnewciv.org
References: <>
Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:
> > However on the spiritual path we must develop
> > discrimination and wisdom. A person who shows and
> > displays some ability and is also delusional and
> > undergoing transitional stages can be potentially
> > damaging towards other peoples progress.
> And here is where discrimination begins and wisdom heads out of the door..
> When we think we know what another soul "needs" to experience to
> progress.. and begin judging the path of another. When we begin judging the
> beliefs of others as "delusional".. that is how teachers come to be burnt
> and crucified..
Discrimination (discrimination meaning to make a choice) is a part of
wisdom. The ability to use the mind rationally does not mean one can not
be intuitive. If we accept the teaching, thoughts, words of any passing
person, spirit or whim will we be surprised if we are misled? Maybe not
but I think Truth desires us to actively know with our mind body and
Soul that what she says is true and Real - that is how we Trust and Know
her. When we begin to develop a little wisdom we share it with others if
we are able. It would be both stange and sad if they in their turn did
not question and attempt to discriminate between what is true in what we
say and what is still our ego.
> Delusion begins when we begin to think our negative opinions could be
> more powerful that Goddess ability to lead her children through any
> darkness or illusion.
> When we think we need to "save" people from what other people think..
> instead of accepting the perfection of everything, and allowing others to
> follow Goddess in thier own way.
It may amuse people to think people should follow Goddess in their own
way. If the manifestation is Kali and the cult is "thugee", should this
be allowed? Where the teaching attempts to interfere with others lives
or thoughts to their detriment is this allowable? Of course not, it is
in our interests to counter silly thinking before it gets out of hand.
The assumption that there is no such thing as wisdom, that any advice,
or suggestion is ego does not concur with most peoples experience.
The worship of Kali can also be balanced and productive, it is a
question of genuine growth as opposed to allowing imbalance and saying
"It is the goddess".
Negative opinions are putting something down to the detriment of that
person. Positive support of someones delusions is also negative.
> > People will follow and respect people with limited
> > realisation or who are prone to fantasy and the result
> > can be anything from dependence to group psychosis.
> Ah, a warning for the poor deluded sheep... thankyou for your concern
> for our sanity.. is this the kind of wisdom one gets from pretending to be
> a lobster?
We all have a tendency to follow. Yes I am concerned with peoples sanity
and well being and I hope as genuine people they will be for mine.
> It is my experience, that the genuinely successful communication of
> unconditional love without judgement, all by itself is sufficient to raise
> the vibration of the beloved soaring well beyond their limiting fantasies,
> and fearful diversions.
Yes I would accept that.
> > To say everything is part of the One is true but we do
> > not advocate or support anything and everything.
> The soul chooses out of it's own free will to create, the experiences of
> the life's path. One does not need to walk the path of another, to give
> unconditional love to the other that is the mirror of the One Self. All
> things outside are a manifestation of the universe inside, and must be
> given love and acceptance, even if they are to be released in favor of a
> different choice.
> In the end, that which we support becomes an attachment to release with
> love, also.
Yes I would accept that too.
> > People who support each others delusions can be seen
> > everywhere in the New age Circus. I'll support your
> > delusions if you support mine. This is the game playing
> > of children. It is amusing to play but is not the Way of
> > Wisdom.
> So your personal Us- and - them scenario is focused on new agers as the
> villains..
No Angelique. There is much good in the New Age Movement. It is focussed
on those who peddle twaddle as profound and occupy peoples time with
irrelevant teachings. If you think everything is important and
significant for peoples growth then that is fine. Sometimes people want
to move ahead. Peoples experience of Kundalini is very different and for
some confusing and frightening, for others joyful. The K list allows
them to express and explore what has happened and what is happening. A
natural result of K awakening is a developing spirituality. My concern
is that a person moves forward in a healthy and secure way. My hope is
that they are - as has always happened - supported in their growth. My
hope is they will remain open to dialogue and develop the ability to
recognise what is real and of value. Those who are interested in areas
pertinent to K have always been welcome.
> I find contemplative irony, in that the infant science called psychiatry
> which you claim would label me delusional, agrees with me as to the primary
> sources of human misery.
Who even mentioned psychiatry? We are discussing internal processes. I
think, I feel, I intutively know that a person declaring themself "the
second oldest soul in the universe" might do well to reconsider.
> > Wisdom plays a harder game and yet still swims in
> > the Ocean. When a child says something wise we listen and
> > gain from this, when the child says, "I am Superman or
> > Wonder Woman", we smile.
> We smile, thinking ourselves superior in our wisdom, as ego blinds us to
> the gift we have lost: forgetting that the power of the I AM statement will
> make the experience of Superman a reality for the child, enabling the child
> to access the experience of Great power, and attendant lessons in it's wise
> use for the common good, necessary for growth into caring adulthood.
> I AM Mystress Angelique Serpent...
> >People who need or claim status,
> > who talk about their "spiritual" experiences and
> > abilities, may eventually realise the futility of such
> > actions.
> It is my hope and desire that Lobster's reasons for his own shelled
> reticence will not stop the flow of emails about member's spiritual
> experiences and newly discovered abilities, and their personal feelings
> about their progress on their individual paths of awakening. Serving the
> individual's need for such expressions, so that they may be released or
> supported, or at least shared and heard, is the PURPOSE of the K-list.
> If you are finding it futile, Lobster, you know how to unsubscribe. I
> give you love and blessings on your search for a less futile use of your
> time and energy.
mmm . . .
I expect people to make up their own minds what is useful for them.
People have a variety of motives and some people *must* talk about what
they experience as this is neccessary for them. K puts up a lot of
delusions and this needs to be pointed out occasionally.
> > As adults and if we are attempting to travel the path of
> > Shakti, Wisdom, Love etc. we must similarly learn to be
> > open to wisdom and closed to nonsense.
> Ego thinks that it knows what is wisdom.. so that it may play it's game
> of separation and exclusion.. yet spirit can take the nonsense of a Zen
> Koan, and in a burst of trancendence find an answer of wisdom that if
> expressed in words, will again sound like nonsense.. spiritual truths often
> sound like nonsense, until the mind has opened to understanding.
Yes spiritual truth sometimes sound like nonsense and so does nonsense
sometimes sound like what it is and we need to develop the wisdom to
know which is which.
> >To point out
> > others fantasies in this best way open to us is a test of
> > our own compassion.
> To presume to judge that the experience of another as fantasy is the path
> of arrogance.
> To help another as best one can to fulfill a safe, loving and deeply
> cherished fantasy so that it may be expressed and learned from is an act of
> great compassion.
> Ask anyone at the "Make a Wish" foundation for sick children..
I do not wish to equate you with sick children. If you think it is an
act of compassion to allow adults their fantasies - fine. If people
truly wish to travel the path of truth they are going to have to give up
> >The inclination is to get personal
> > satisfaction or stimulation from this process.
> This natural instinct is wisdom speaking: if you are not getting some
> personal satisfaction, then you are probably playing a martyr's game,
> another manifestation of ego.
> This is very, very important, and easy to lose sight of, thankyou,
> Lobster..
> If you are giving without any expectation of return, you are sending the
> universe a message that you think your energy is worthless.
> At the very least, expect to be paid back in Good Karma. You create out
> of your expectations. Be up-front about them, clear, positive, and flexible!
Being a martyr is a form of satisfaction. "If you are giving without any
expectation of return" - you are expressing genuine genorosity and that
is certainly not worthless.
Thank you for all your other comments
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 16:31:52
From: Knarf <framosATnospamdigmo.org> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: meditation
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 02:33 PM 8/28/97 -0500, Nothing Is wrote:
> It seems that everytime I start a month long period or so of
>heavier meditating(zazen/insight) everyday, that I become more
>unfriendly, internally confused and directionless. Could this be a
>symptom of the ego fighting back? Now I feel more guilty of the less
>virtuous karma I've been generating in the process to actually
>trying to better myself. Has anyone experienced the same ordeal?
Meditation should never be required. When first starting this path it is
neccessary to have a regular schedule, twicw a day-30 minute periods of
stilling the mind, but at some point this schedule becomes a restraint. You
have probably progressed to walking meditation. You probably not need to
"sit" again.
The poor oled master told his students " Sitting endlessly is foolish.
Dancing with the wind, we see no Buddhas or no path."
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 17:10:17 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: "Duncan, Mark (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)" <duncanmATnospamemh22.eustis.army.mil>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: White Powder of Gold
Message-ID: <34061369.418FATnospambest.com>
Duncan, Mark (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent ) wrote:
> Sorry for taking so long to get back on this subject. I read slow.
> After reading ALL of the information "Superconductivity and Modern
> Alchemy", I was real excited. I understand chemistry and physics so it
> all seemed plausable. Then I went to the site
> http://monatomic.earth.com/ .and kept on reading. I came crashing down
> when I read http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/1996/091996/feature2-1.html .
> It seems that I am very gullable. I try not to believe anything to keep
> from believing in lies and illusions. I am so confused about
> everything. If I can't see it and prove it, I have a hard time
> integrating it. Now I have trouble identifing the real truth even when
> it hits me in the face.
Hi, I thought that I has read everything on Huson and his powder, your
article was news to me also.
This article reeks of "yellow journalism", it's always an easy,
sensational story , "medicine gone bad".
I've looked at everything and this is what I've decided:
1. leave Hudson alone, if his factory does create power cells we'll hear
about it on the news soon enough.
2. Leave the powder alone...it contains heavy metals which could be
dangerous if ingested
3. There is a plant, chamae rose, which grows in the soil. Plants can
transform heavy metals so that they can be assimilated in our bodies.
I've heard persistant rumours for years that the southwestern american
indians could cure aids with a tea, this is supposed to be the material
they brew the tea out of. This may be safe...BUT even chapparel, a
powerful anti-viral, can be contaminated with bacteria and can cause
liver and kidney damage.
This herb may be worth a trial...I muscle test myself (kinesiology) on
anything I try. Actually, I have some friends who will try just about
anything. If they're still healthy after three months on one of their
"trials" then I gingerly try small amounts.
People in general have a strange idea of risk. Many who are afraid to
fly in an airline jet will scoff at wearing a seatbelt.
Big question, as always...is the potential gain worth the potential
risk AND do you know all of the risk factors?
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 18:54:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: ldmcclATnospameurekanet.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Aura Balancing Tapes
Message-Id: <199708290154.SAA12965ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
OK, what's pricey? and where do you get them? Sounds True? Other?
At 11:53 AM 8/28/97 -0400, L. D. McClanahan, Ph.D. wrote:
> Several have chatted about various symptoms related to probable
>Kundalini issues, e.g., dizziness & dying & gratitude, etc. Recently I
>purchased the rather pricy tapes by Dr. Valerie V. Hunt, author of
>Infinite Mind. Her 5 tapes help balance the different chakras. One can
>assume that various physical and emotional symptoms with K rising should
>be helped by using those tapes. They use music noted by aura readers to
>balance different aspects of the human energy field.
> Some may consider this "spam." I get nothing for this testimonial, but
>my aura reader quickly noted my 3rd eye fully open and my top chakra
>fuller after I came in last Friday. She did not know what I had done
>until I told her.
> Interesting sensation. L.D.
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 01:02:53
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Cary Grant, A Seagull and Einstien.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Cary Grant, in his autobiography, tells a very moving story about himself.
A young and not very successful actor, he was a nobody who dreamed of
being the best leading man Hollywood had ever seen. He spent a lot of time
thinking about the ultimate Gentleman, a Man who would be admired by men
and women alike, and how such a person would act, dress, speak, and behave
in every situation.
He contructed an idealized archetype in his mind, crafted the charachter
of the perfect hero, and when the role was ready, he stepped into it and
brought it to life for the cameras. The rest is Hollywood history. He
became synonymous with the idea of the perfect Gentleman.
For years he was idolized as the Perfect male hero, and it made him very
He felt like a fake. He was only acting, pretending. "Cary Grant" was an
idealized heroic sized image no-one could ever possibly live up to, least
of all him. It was an invention, a role only, a thing separate from his
real human fallible self, and he felt completely unworthy of the adoration
of his fans. However, letting them down seemed worse: he felt like the best
thing he could do would be to try to live up to their faith in him, to be
the role model he had been acclaimed as... at least try to continue to
provide for them the image they so loved... even tho he felt such a thing
was impossible for any mortal.
Inadequate, he would do his best, anyway, to live up to the ideal he had
For most of his life, Cary Grant hid the deep feelings of inadequacy he
felt, till one day in his 50's, watching one of his old movies with one of
his grandchildren and reflecting back on his life, he came to a stunning
He wasn't faking it anymore. He had grown into his role.
He realized that being a perfect gentleman, kind, patient, loving, caring
and fulled with grace, had become second nature to him a long time ago, he
had stopped acting and had truly Become Cary Grant. He had become the
archetype of the perfect gentleman he had always dreamt of being. He could
finally really say, I AM Cary Grant, and feel it was truth. He felt filled
with a great sense of peace, and fullfillment that stayed with him until
the end.
Once there was a little 12 year old girl, who hardly had any friends. Tho
she did not understand why she was always getting negative reactions from
her peers, it pained her. She wanted to be one of them, and didn't know how
or why she kept being different when she wanted to be the same..
She was mostly shy and quiet, and one day when the popular girls were
hanging around talking with the unusually cool teacher after school.
Wanting to be close to them, she took a book off of the teacher's desk and
began to read nearby, so as to be near, yet not attract the popular girls'
The book she picked up was called Jonathan Livingston Seagull. It was so
fascinating she soon forgot to listen to the girls, forgot the teacher, the
room, everything but the fascinating story unfolding of a bird who seemed
to be having exactly the same experience of ostracism and rejection that
she was. Amazing.
The bird was showing the little girl a way out that was different than
any she had ever considered before. The bird in the story focused on
following it's bliss, had a happy if lonely life, then turned into white
light and ASCENDED!!!
Without any mention of sin and hell and penance. .. !?!?!!
The girl said goodbye and left when the teacher did, the teacher and the
other students commented that she looked strange, but in a friendly way.
She shrugged and said it was a good book..
Her nose did not leave the book, she walked home reading and sat down
under a tree reading in the backyard until the book ended.
Then she continued to sit with the book awhile longer.
The Seagull in the book went to a higher dimension and learned a lot
about unconditional love and reality, then came back glowing white light to
train the other seagulls who wanted to learn, to fly up to higher
dimensions of unconditional love.
Not to fix them or make them "better", or because they needed him to
save them, or to be a hero, simply because the bird, remembering it's
loneliness, wanted to share the peace and love it had found with any who
might be seeking it also, and teaching about unconditional love seemed the
best way to learn even more about unconditional love, itself. The seagull
understood, that all beings everywhere are already a perfect manifestation
of What Is, whether they know it or not.
The outcast girl emapthised so completely with the outcast seagull, and
the utter perfection of the seagull's path, and with the sheer power of
imagination, that empathy became a prayer, a committment to following the
Gull's path, to finding the light, and bringing the light to any who might
seek it.
She wanted to BE that glowing seagull, be that wise, that loving, more
than anything.
She had absolute faith, finally, that it was real, it was possible, and
she could do it. She knew the story had been invented by a writer, but that
did not matter to the resonance of the truth she had found in the parable.
She clearly understood, that she was truly a limitless being of love and
Goddess heard, and answered, by awakening the light in the child, that
very day.
(Shaktipat by word, I honor Richard Bach as my Shaktipat Master.)
Albert Einstien discovered the theroy of realtivity in a visionary trance,
in which he clearly imagined himself to be a photon travelling at the
speed of light.
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 04:53:49
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: An apology..
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hello All:
It has come to my attention that there has been a side effect from my
choosing to post, the way I have about my recent experiences from the
perspective of being In the experience. (besides the enormous bandwidth)
It seems that inadverdantly by example, I have caused some members to be
genuinely afraid for their own sanity in the hands of Goddess.
That was not, ever my intent, and I want to immediately reassure anyone
who might be feeling this way. Your mind is completely safe in the arms of
Goddess K.
She may take you places, but She will Always bring you home safe after,
I also want to write to reassure those who were genuinely concerned for
me: I am deliberately "touching down" from the experience, still ongoing,
to show that I can.
Fear not! Scary Angels say that a lot..
I have kept consciousness of Unity and the illusion of time and space in
mind even While surfing the evocative and educational experiences of being
the oldest soul next to Goddess.. and cooking dinner, too.. Embracing the
paradoxes.. I simply didn't say so..
Partly because I write about that stuff, so I "took it as read" that I
could be in K. raving mode and be aware of it, and still function, yet
plunge fully into the experience presented, anyway.
I have been seeking such a deep connection with the primal K Serpent
wisdom for a long time, and my mood was celebratory.
admittedly tho, I had a bit of a secret agenda for putting it out as
dramatically as I did.. after the KS thing, it was clear to me that some
listmembers were afraid of being accused of being crazy if they are open
about their stuff on the list. I found the idea that the list would not be
supportive and understanding of those in raving K. mode, very distressing.
I hadda know, it weren't so!! I was willing for my image to take a dive
to find out. I am very sorry if I frightened anyone.. I simply
presented the truth of the experience of the moment, as a novice might,
without adding the balance of my fully awakened perspective that makes a
little clearer the difference between "Delusional psychosis" and "Mystical
Experience". Well, the post was pretty long already..
I like to think of the list as a safe space.. and it really is. Hardly
anyone agreed with me, which I expected, yet most folks disagreed
supportively without accusations. Beautiful. Marvellous. Wonderful.
In subtext, my question was:
"I am going through an opening that is bringing huge gifts and
information but appears almost textbook psychosis, as MANY K. OPENINGS DO.
Is this list really a safe space to talk about expriences that would seem
insane to one who has not experienced such odd things, and get
understanding support?
Reconfirming my highest ideals about this group was more important to
me than how I might appear in my quest to do so.. and using my own "stuff"
to find out was simply convenient miltipilicity of purpose.. Goddess
She does, She Does, and this list responded to reconfirm my ideals, and
surpass them, I humbly admit.. a multiplicity of lessons. I had expected
more negative responses than I recieved.. and so was not holding my own
highest ideals even while attempting to manifest them. Thankyou, Goddess.
My own training continues, I am blessed.
I truly wanted support and advice anyway, I wasn't "crying wolf" (an
apology offered to the members who were genuinely concerned for me..
Thankyou for your love.. I AM moved. You have helped.)
... but I never anticipated my expressions having a negative effect on the
emotional security of other members, by example, my intent was just the
This will probably be my last post on the subject, as I get it that
attention spans for it seem threadbare.. I will gratefully respond in
private to all who wrote.. as things get brought down into words...
I am going off to spend the long weekend with the Pagan community, for
whom such experiences are a blessed doorway into a sacred space, rather
than reason for worry.. (My doorway stands open, I will go back through it
in a moment. It is so amazing I may decide to live there..)
Two last thoughts:
I want to thank especially, those who wrote simply to say they trusted
me, beyond need of knowing of identity or age. Those posts caught me blind,
broadside: they were not expected, and the gift of faith and confidence
they represent moves me far more than words can really describe, ..
except.. when I think of them, I soar.
Such simple expressions of trust, in the unique love language of a
Domina, has the all the unmistakable sweetness of divine unconditional
love. Thankyou, I am so honored, I shall do all my best to be sure your
trust remains well placed.
(The doorway beckons.. I am reminded of soaring flights of late,
meditating on the faith and confidence Goddess must have in Trainer, and if
I begin to get into the expansive gratitude I feel, to be so honored by
Goddess, I'll be thru the door again.. and this post will get 6k longer..:D)
What I find really very completely funny about the whole thing, so much
that I almost don't want to give it away, I want to keep it to myself as a
verrry funny secret joke... ROTFL! ('cept some may find it reassuring..)
WAS that nobody noticed I had actually taken a step DOWN, not up.. I was
really clear on it, coz it really puzzled me.. wot?
I went from claiming to be a Goddess Incarnate, to claiming not to be,
just a really old angel, a slave to Goddess, and serving all of humanity,
and everyone thought my ego was getting BIGGER.. LOL!!
My love for you all is a vast and starry thing... I am so blessed..
Blessings, Angelique.
Mystress Angelique Serpent,
Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
:D ;) :0 :) ;P :0 ;) :D :0 :) ;P :0 ;) :)
Swami Beyondananda on the Golden Rule: "It seems that when
masochists do unto others as they wish to be done unto, they
become sadists," the Swami said. "Consequently, the Golden Rule
has been recalled by the Maker until this design flaw can be fixed."
Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 1997 04:56:08
From: David Tompkins <gurudaveATnospamsoback.kornet.nm.kr> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Fantasy and Reality
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
There are a few Davids on the list; I kinda feel like when I use the name
I'm wearing shoes that are too small. My way of putting reality as I've
come to appreciate it is that I'm the Ox. The ox pulls the plow. It eats
the food it's given and it walks in the direction it's pointed. The ego is
too small to play farmer. I rationalized the farmer from my Baptist
background as the 'Father' that Jesus refered to. It all checked out to be
a parallel kind of relationship. Fascinating thing, it's K. with a
different name.
There's an interesting thing happening on the list these days. Just got
back from a weeks camping on a holy mountain here in Korea. Walked up
barefoot one time, whew what a kick. Sorry my mind wanders some.
The list. Serpent and Lobster. Has anyone read Riane Eisler's "The
Chalice and the Blade"? It's about paradigms in conflict. Two paradigms
that are mutually intolerant of each other.
The Chalice is the feminine. Wisdom is the Serpent that transforms life.
Love is the crucible that gathers life. Power is the coil and the whip
that feeds these.
Wisdom is the fulfillment of one's duty to heaven
Love is the fulfillment of one's duty to humanity
Power is the fulfillment of one's duty to the earth.
Harmony between these three spheres.
The Blade is the masculine. Wisdom and Love are aspects of God. But the
knife has two sides, beware the dark side. Power is the sword of light
which cuts through darkness. Humility is a sheath for the mind.
The book condemns the Blade paradigm, and in as much as it is described,
rightfully so. Most, if not all religions are of this paradigm. But all
religions also have a mystical element (a thorn in the side of the
authorities) which also are of the Other.
The Serpent molts and sheds its skin. So does the Lobster.
Just off the cud.
The Ox.
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