Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/08/22 12:23
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #408

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 408

Today's Topics:
  pratahara or dhyana?
  Heart Surgery
  Re: heart surgery
  Re: Try This (From SpiritWeg.Org)
  Always receiving
  Skeptic's question
  Re: Enlightment
  Re: Enlightment
  Re: Skeptic's question
  Full moon, lunar eclipse on 31th August
  RE: Subtle Sound
  Re: Enlightment
  beyond the obvious
  Re: ionizer question
  Re: Drugs, sex and kundalini
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 20:36:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Daforce2ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: pratahara or dhyana?
Message-ID: <970821203429_1951049740ATnospamemout10.mail.aol.com>

   ive been working with concentration techniques for over 3 years. i reach a
were it feels like my senses withdraw the only thing im left aware of is the
of my concentration and me.but i dont know if this is pratahara or dhyana.in
you are said to join to the object of concentration.i have never felt this
mystery state i reach,well i have allways compared it to dunking your head
water.that sort of feels like it kinda.anyway the question i want to ask you
does this sound like pratahara or dhyana?one last thing, one time i was
concentrating on a triangle.i reached this mystery state and my attention
and for a second after i dropped the image,in front of me was a light in the
of the triangle... a partial materalization,maybe.is this sort of thing
supposed to happen in pratahara?and is this the way objects materalize?
i dint want to post this because its slightly of subject.so as a last resort
ill hit the
send button.
thanks to everyone in advance.
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 15:13:03 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
cc: kundalini-l-dATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Heart Surgery
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.970821150722.23972A-100000ATnospamuhunix3>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi Maceo RE Your Surgery question:
I had surgery last summer and I had a psychic healer do a special clearing
for me to hve the surgery BEFORE and AFTER. I went to her about 2 days
before the surgery and she "opened" the body web ??? I am not sure of the
terms. Then as soon as I could get back over to visit her after the
surgery I went and she closed it again and sealed up areas that might hve
been left open. I recovered very very fast and have had not a twinge of
problem from two major surgeries. Halelujah
Now my sister had toe surgery and the toe looks perfect and to all intents
and purposes it was a raving success. However she is in agony. When I took
a peek (psychically) at her toe I saw all the subtle body cut and mangled
like one of those Picasso paintings.. and could see that there was no
etheric flow around the toe. I tried to help psychically, but am not sure
if I had any success. I would therefore advise you to get a psychic
healer (not a psychic) to do a clearing before and after... and I
would recommend someone who knows the Barabar Brennan methods.
Good luck! RUTH

The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. The soul
unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals. [Kahlil Gibran]
Ruth Trimble email:<trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 18:19:16 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: "Maceo (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)" <maceoATnospampi.net>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: heart surgery
Message-ID: <33FC7894.2AB9ATnospamintercomm.com>

Maceo (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent ) wrote:
> I have been watching the list for a few weeks now and this is my first
> posting. I find a lot of articles very interesting. I can't wait to check my
> mailbox everyday.
> I am practising Yoga for 24 years now (I started at my 14 th), last year I
> did Reiki 1. "K" means everything to me, I cannot recall the moment I first
> became aware of Kundalini probably because I was rather young and it woke up
> very naturaly and mild. I regard it as a close friend with lots of respect,
> not as a toy to play with. "K" has been very good to me and is growing
> everyday
> I need some advice on the following. My wife has to have major heart-surgery
> within a few months. We have a lot of confidence in this event, but also a
> lot of questions. What kind of effect does that have on her chakras and
> energy flows, what can we expect? How can I help her? Is there anyone who
> has some experience with this?
> Love to hear from you
> Greetings from "Heatwave Holland"
> Maceo

 I would see it as nothing more then any other event taking you into
detachment. Your job is to align with God's Will and move on faith that
this is a natural step on your path. By reducing any fear and anxiety
you enter into it knowing that it is already being taken care of.
Obviously her guardian angel is watching after her and perhaps it is to
better serve the spiritual awakening if there is a problem there. Just
really step out on faith and know that God is with you. Gloria
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 17:32:46
From: NasalamATnospamaol.com (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Try This (From SpiritWeg.Org)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


In a message dated 97-08-21 17:43:29 EDT, you write:

>Awakening The Christ Chakra - stimulating the Unified Heart
>channeled by John Payne
>Greetings! This is Omni.
> <snip>
>In essence, the Christ Chakra is not new, you are merely awakening it
>from a long slumber! My blessings dear ones. Call upon my energy to
>assist you or to give you extra energy in times of need.
>John Payne (omni-johnATnospambox.nl)

I'm somewhat confused by this message and I don't mean to be offensive in my
response since I am new here and am not familiar with you or work channeling
work, but the idea of the Christ chakra is hardly new at all. I've been
personally teaching that for about 30 years, and the Order of Melchizedek has
been teaching it a few thousand years longer than that.


Uriel Andros
Nasalam - A Spiritual Community for the New Age
  ***List Mystress notes: John Payne is not on the list, he actually runs a
small list of his own, sending out soul chanellings. "Lessons from the Soul".
  The kundalini list itself was subscribed to John's list by my
predecessor, and the list filters send the subscription directly to me.
Ocasionally a chanelling resonates enough that I feel it needs to be
redirected to the list. This was one of those.
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 04:11:30 -0300
From: Newton <newtonATnospamnetpar.com.br>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Always receiving
Message-ID: <33FD3BA2.7574ATnospamnetpar.com.br>

stampmanATnospamix.netcom.com wrote:
> On 07/01/97 11:46:03 Kurt wrote:
> >... the opinion ... any volitional exercise
> >aimed at awakening kundalini was potentially dangerous
> >... unbalanced awakenings of kundalini ... no correllation between the
> >practice and the result ... I ... wonder if the sensitivity and
> >prediposition of the individual is not much more significant than the
> >practice employed. ... there are no inherenly dangerous practices?
> >Kurt
> >
> This has been my opinion for some time now (no study, education,
> erudition from outside sources on the subject ...). Just the view
> from the inside (one year + of a spontaneous awakening).
> Others have agreed with this observation which is borne out by
> the exact observations you have made; to which I add a most important
> one and that is the fact that under the tutelage of 'masters' very
> RUDE awakenings ALSO happen ... Ram Dass writes of a case at
> one of his ashrams that got so bad he was physically attacked.
> Of course, the stock answer is that the presence of the 'master'
> is needed in just such cases to 'guide' the unfortunate through the
> maze of misery. Again, my OPINION is that ANYone who is in ANY distress
> is likely to seek and benefit from 'assistance'; especially if it is
> from an 'acceptable' source that fits well with their belief system...
> regardless if it is Rabbi, Priest, counsellor, Yogi, or psychiatrist. But,
> and here is the rub ... no matter how well-intentioned, how deeply
> 'trained' the 'assistor' the vulnerability of the 'assistee' is the
> REAL danger; to both the counsellor and the counselled.
> More OPINION; kundalini awakenings happen to all walks of people,
> in all ages, in all cultures, with and without 'practices', with and
> without 'sages'. They are also commonly mimicked by the gullible, the
> accepting, the hopeful, and the truly good seeking to be 'better'. My
> OPINION is that there is no more a way to force a genuine kundalini
> awakening than there is to force puberty on a person.
> Just an observation of mine is that a child is born into this
> world with their senses open like a bottomless pit; accepting sight,
> touch, sound, and the world beyond sense of their mother's love and
> then pain, desire, and the ability to control the external starts to
> set up carefully constructed walls and blocks and dams within. This
> is the natural course of 'maturing'.
> Then (who knows why, despite the volumes written) a kundalini
> awakening occurs and all of these block get washed over and one steps
> back to the time when they were laying helplessly, uncaring, as the
> sensory input of the universe gushes into their consciousness. The
> blocks are never destroyed, but their presence are made known and
> the options start to become available to make ones higher consciousness
> a gatekeeper over them. The witness behind the witness.
> Dan-RF
> (I still don't believe the association between k-awakening and electrical
> problems (coincidence probably). However, my computer has crashed here
> at home three times now in the past several weeks, eating my email,
> address book, saved mail, etc. My computer at work now crashes several
> times a day (even went to another machine and the same thing started
> happening at that one!!!!!). It must be a bad time of year for computers
> .... sunspots probably =-).
Satisfied ?? Please, unsubscribe-me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 00:03:40
From: Bliss <readyATnospamdircon.co.uk> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Skeptic's question
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

A question from my (young, skeptical, non-kundalini, but very
intelligent) boyfriend:

'So all of these people are feeling this same thing.... but so what? Is
everyone just acknowledging that it exists, or are they trying to say it
suggests something else?
What does it mean? "

As I can't answer for the whole of the list, I was wondering what the
general consensus was?

love Bliss x
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 13:10:54 +0500 (GMT+0500)
From: "S.R.Peswani" <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
To: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Enlightment
Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.91.970822130225.1234D-100000ATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

> Stop thinking with your head.. use your heart, your belly, your penis..
> anything but your head. Your head has gotten itself stuck in a trap of
> limiting beliefs, and it needs the rest of your being to pull it out.

Your letters make me and my family laugh and what a belly laugh.>

> This "fall from grace" you both experienced was not a punishment, nothing
> you did wrong.. it was an act of love. Stop punishing yourselves for
> imagined failures, everything is just as it should be, you negotiated this.
> Out of love, for those left behind in 3d. Of course you are processing
> other people's karma.. you have volunteered to do it, total planetary
> ascension is only a few centures away. Your graced bit was simply an
> orientation period, so you are motivated by a partial understanding of what
> the ascension will be like.. you absorbed far more informaton during that
> period than you are consciously aware of.
> Lotsa folks awakening, but few attain realization and move on, simply
> because at the moment, we need every earth - experienced lightbringer to be
> well grounded here on the planet.
> It's not a race anymore, it's a migration. Nobody gets too far ahead
> before they are sent to the back to help the slower ones catch up.
> Don't worry, you are still enlightened.
> You are not being given anything you cannot handle, you are simply
> weakening yourself with fears and limiting beiefs and making what you do
> have much harder to deal with.
> Blessings, Serpent.
 Thanks for this confidence you have in me . It is going to be a
lot of help . You are a Goddess.
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 01:09:03
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: "S.R.Peswani" <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Enlightment
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 13:10 22/08/97 +0500, S.R.Peswani wrote:

>Your letters make me and my family laugh and what a belly laugh.>
  Yaa.. The Buddah Belly laugh, the body's recognition of Truth.
  It's a ride to a higher dimension.
  Keep laughing, you won't need to meditate.
> Thanks for this confidence you have in me . It is going to be a
>lot of help . You are a Goddess.
  Wow. Thank you!
  I am going through some pretty intense stuff myself right now, what with
discovering myself to be the second oldest soul in creation, next to God..
eternally reborn.
  I really cannot take in the fullness of what that means, ...yet. ;)
  My ego still ocassionally rears up again and tries to give me stories
about Kundalini Psychosis delusions of Granduer... but I have recieved too
many wonderful confirmations to pay much heed.. your support and the faith
that listmembers have expressed is definitely helping to keep me centered.
 Blessings, Serpent.
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 11:20:29 +0300
From: "Giedrius" <balbgiedATnospampit.ktu.lt>
To: "Bliss (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)" <readyATnospamdircon.co.uk>
Cc: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Skeptic's question
Message-Id: <199708220821.LAA15348ATnospampit.ktu.lt >
Content-Type: text/plain;

Peace for you,

>'So all of these people are feeling this same thing.... but so what? Is
>everyone just acknowledging that it exists, or are they trying to say it
>suggests something else?
>What does it mean? "
>As I can't answer for the whole of the list, I was wondering what the
>general consensus was?
Kundalini experience is one of the highest form of spiritual achievement.
Kundalini is the power, which gives you extranatural powers, seeing vs.
believing, healing etc.
It could be arosen not only by yourself, but via process of kundalini
awakening or shaktipat, via having sharing sessions with those who
experience arosal, and identifying yourself with that process.
So it is trully significant to share and have sharing.
Also in the letters it happen to be some greetings, energetic attachments
and so on. These influence reader as well on simply perceptual as in subtle
You can run your awakening only yourself lonely, but in a group there is
something more than just a number of souls, spirits, flesh. There exists a
sinergy, the spirit of the group
 thrives among members. It is like the spirit of the church, ashram or
monastery. It resides here.

----===<Blue light>===----


      | Giedrius BALBIERIS aka Gabrielis |
      | Senior Research assistant, |
      | Computer Software dept. |
    / ) Kaunas University of Technology ( \
   / /| e-mail: balbgiedATnospampit.ktu.lt, balbierATnospamsoften.ktu.lt |\ \
 _( ( | WWW: http://www.soften.ktu.lt/~balbier | ) )_
(((\ \|__/-)__________(-\__|/ /)))
(\\\\ \_/ / \ \_/ ////)
 \ / \ /
  \ / \ /
   \ _/ \_ /
  /___/ \___\
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 11:26:39 +0300
From: "Giedrius" <balbgiedATnospampit.ktu.lt>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Full moon, lunar eclipse on 31th August
Message-Id: <199708220828.LAA15428ATnospampit.ktu.lt >
Content-Type: text/plain;

 Namaste, dear friends,

This week has been somewhat special: we had had a full moon.
Its' energy was immensely strong, sometimes hard to handle.
I was wondering why it was so...
It happens that one week before there was a Balaramas' (the Spiritual Rama)
birthday and this saturday is Krisnas birthday. So that is why this week so
On 31th of August we are having lunar eclipse. There is some budhist saying
that the spiritual practise during that special eclipse time multiplies
hundred times. I wish you will have a good good time.

Om Namah Shivaya


      | Giedrius BALBIERIS aka Gabrielis |
      | Senior Research assistant, |
      | Computer Software dept. |
    / ) Kaunas University of Technology ( \
   / /| e-mail: balbgiedATnospampit.ktu.lt, balbierATnospamsoften.ktu.lt |\ \
 _( ( | WWW: http://www.soften.ktu.lt/~balbier | ) )_
(((\ \|__/-)__________(-\__|/ /)))
(\\\\ \_/ / \ \_/ ////)
 \ / \ /
  \ / \ /
   \ _/ \_ /
  /___/ \___\
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 04:03:34
From: "Duncan, Mark" <duncanmATnospamemh22.eustis.army.mil> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: RE: Subtle Sound
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Mike Beaver's explanation was interesting.

I have had ringing in the ears for as long as I can remember. The
doctors said that I was hearing the blood flow in my head.
I don't necessary believe that, but it was the only explanation I had.

To me, the sound is extremely high in pitch. I personally think that
the frequency is above 20KHz (medical science states that human hearing
is limited to a upper range of about 16KHz). I can hear the high pitch
of the TV when anyone turns it on or the voltage changes (dark screen to
light screen).
I just thought that I was just a few short of a full deck or as my
parents said a hypochondriac.

I do not like silence. Silence is deafening. The ringing is so loud it
feels as if I couldn't scream over it.

According to mental health professionals, hearing a tune continuously
playing in your mind is a symptom of being neurotic. I confess. I hear
tunes playing too. {:-(

Is this normal for the average person? Is it normal for the average
person undergoing kundalini?
Any additional input would be greatly appreciated.

Love & Light

Mark C. Duncan
Network Engineer
Information Technology Solutions, Inc.
Building 2797, Ft. Eustis, VA
757.878.1580 or 1589
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 13:17:14 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Enlightment
Message-ID: <33FDF3CA.59CEATnospamdial.pipex.com>

Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:

> > Thanks for this confidence you have in me . It is going to be a
> >lot of help . You are a Goddess.
> >ram
> >
> Wow. Thank you!
> I am going through some pretty intense stuff myself right now, what with
> discovering myself to be the second oldest soul in creation, next to God..
> eternally reborn.
> I really cannot take in the fullness of what that means, ...yet. ;)

Try not to do anything rash like create a new universe - ya hear! Also
avoid anyone trying to hold you back - after all Goddess-hood is an
excellent promotion whether deluded or not.
(I have incidentally been depromoted from God-hood - just recently - the
things that happen sheeshhh . . .)

> My ego still ocassionally rears up again and tries to give me stories
> about Kundalini Psychosis delusions of Granduer... but I have recieved too
> many wonderful confirmations to pay much heed.. your support and the faith
> that listmembers have expressed is definitely helping to keep me centered.
> Thankyou.

Well I guess there is little I can offer you . . .
- it is also possible you may be God Almighty - would you like that?
Hey Dan - Angelique is coming your way . . .
Be afraid, very afraid . . .
Just in case "Heaven forbid!" that you are headed for La-La Land, try
and contact Tom Aston who is more an expert on K-Psychosis - mind you
"the second oldest soul" probably knows best . . .

I am very concerned for You Angelique,
Gloria warned you of this but . . .

Probably too late . . .
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 14:00:39 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, sp3664ATnospamwheeler.northland.edu,
 jan.watsonATnospamsympatico.ca, "Garden (the)" <thegardenATnospamworld.std.com>,
 genius-LATnospamnewciv.org, kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Subject: beyond the obvious
Message-ID: <33FDFDF7.3CF3ATnospamdial.pipex.com>

___ based on the comments of Ken McFarland ________

We are seeking to understand a mode of cognition, which is neither
logical and linear (left hemisphere) nor holistic, intuitive, or
(right hemisphere). Further, the knowledge gained through this mode of
cognition is not found in the rigorous or excessive adherence to
forms, as in religion. Nor is it found in the ideological scripts
created to
satisfy the desire to avoid anthropomorphic death or explain the

Assuming that Sufi study parallels psychology to some degree in
wholistic, and transcendent realms, it is logical that there would be
concurrence, validation, and augmentation of principles that are true.

The Sufi goal is to extend the educational process beyond the normal
of human knowledge. This suggests that Sufis believe that human beings
general have unused capacities which can be actualized by way of their
systematic educational regime. This extends the idea of vertical growth
transcendent realms. As with vertical growth in general, the first task
to remediate knowledge, scripts, and personality organization which is
maladaptive or would interfere with the acquisition of the new

The student or learner may bring beliefs and desires to the context that
not congruent with the requirements of the teaching system. The student
actually be seeking relief form current emotional pain or may be looking
"magical" formulas which will effortlessly set his life straight and
his dreams.

Short term fixes or alleviation of immediate problems is often the
nature of
psychotherapy these days. It is my opinion, however, that to the extent
possible, a therapist has a responsibility to at least try to give the
client some direction and motivation for comprehensive personal growth.

If the student is to learn, resistance must give way to effortful study
a willingness to use mental capacities to go beyond the obvious.

___ Ken McFarland _________

Most Kind Regards

Lobster playground . . .
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 10:48:42 -0500
From: FIute <FIuteATnospamprodigy.net>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Sounds
Message-ID: <33FDB4DA.17AAATnospamprodigy.net>

I have been taught that..musical notes are within and without.
the Crown Chakra resonates to the note "B" this is the higher spiritual
Clairvoyance, Visualzation Spiritual Vison, Cosmic Consciouness.
Brow is note of "A"
Throat is note of "G"
Heart is note of "F"
Solar Plexus is note of "E"
Spleen/emotional is note of "D"
and Base Chakra is note of "C"
but.. there is also something calld Minear's disease where there is a
ringing in the ears at all times.. and has to do with the Inner Ear and
the off-balancing. Seems that shell within the inner ear has a proper
level of fluid in it. In the "ear ringing disease" the fluid is
profoundly more than should be. Therefore making the body's sense of
equilibriam off. Observe a circle half filled with water.. it will rest
on end without tipping over and the water will adjust to subdtle
changes.. forward, back..as the gravity pulls.
But if you fill the circle (container) all the way up..
The balance cannot be maintained correctly and the circle container will
fall over so that all the water is reacting to the pull of gravity
equally. This also makes a continous sound in the person's ear. And
sound is a wave in the vibration of the person's energy.
wondering where all that came from.. puzzling..
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 11:31:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: ionizer question
Message-Id: <199708221831.LAA12555ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


I never got to see the answers to my question... if anyone has them and
could send them direct to me I'd be so appreciative. I do not know what's
going on with my subscription^!#?! and my resubscription #$%&!!

Here's the address: <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>

I can't seem to get the list to post anything to me and I can't get the
archives working either. Poor me here in withdrawl land.


PS Thanks Morgana

>M wrote:
>> Thank you Morgana. Full of good info as usual.
>> I did not see this on the K list. Can't seem to get any mail from it. I
>> resubscribed again but nothing. Is anything else going on? Did anyone else
>> respond to my question?
>> Thanks again,
>> M
>I've seen several responses, one from Serpent. I didn't keep them,
>though, my SAVE files are large enough!
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 1997 14:42:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: DouglasMFATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Drugs, sex and kundalini
Message-ID: <970822144047_1085861442ATnospamemout12.mail.aol.com>

hello list people,

I know that i don't always post because most of the time i'd much rather read
about the troubles you are having which often seem much more extreme than
anyhting that is happening to me. It gives me a sense of perspective on
problems that i can hopefully avoid. My problem is that i had previously
used drugs in the very recent past to attain to a myriad of states which i
termed spiritual. Mostly mary jane, with an occasional visit to the fungus
that are among us and lucy in the sky with diamonds. Real MDMA which can
hardly be easily come by these days also produced a similar "closer to god"
feeling. Ever since i have stopped my ingestion of these substaneces i have
found it very hard to get into the proper mindset and ionize my spirit so to
speak. Does anyone have any meditations that could get me back on track
without returning to the crutches and wheelchairs i know that i do not need,
but are a wonderful boost if used in a proper manner.

As per the comment made about indians and their use of hallucinogens...they
consider them to be messengers of power only used to show the spirit what
lies dormant inside us all...but they also respect this and most do not abuse
it. Anyhow if any one can pass on a technique or a good visualization
excercise it would mean alot.

the final peace completes the whole


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