Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/08/13 02:11
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #395

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 395

Today's Topics:
  YIKES! triple dump! it'll NEVER happen again! I'mSORRY!
  Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
  Messengers and reincarnation
  New List member
  drive-through-get-it-quick kundalini awakening
  Drugs, sex and kundalini
  Re: drive-through-get-it-quick kundalini awakening
  Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
  Re: question
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 13:33:04
From: brEYEnPR0stir <wakemupATnospameskimo.com> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: YIKES! triple dump! it'll NEVER happen again! I'mSORRY!
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

  List Mystress softens the blow...
  You are one of those odd ones whose posts come directly to List Mystress,
the computer thinks you are not on the member list, even tho it sends you
mail.. go figure.. anyway, no sweat, coz I forward them to the list.
Perhaps you have noticed your posts arrive back with (by way of Mystress
Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>) in the from: field.
  Now you know why. My only suggestion for a cure for this state is to send
about 3 more subscribe requests to the computer to remind it of your
existence.. maintenance addresses below..
  My computer was hiding under dropcloths for 3 days painting this place,
and as soon as the dust had been removed enough for computer hygiene last
night, I went online and forwarded a whack of member's posts that had
accumulated in my mailbox. They arrived sometime this morning, I guess..
the system was slow last night, I was online for hours after the posts were
sent but they never showed. Usually it takes only a few minutes.
  I didn't take time to read them, if it was a member name I recognized...
I was more concerned with getting them sent off, as they had been delayed
for days.. so I never noticed the duplication. I usually delete them as
soon as they have been redirected, read them when they show up again as
list mail.
  I am going to be away from the computer again 3 days this weekend, and
labour day weekend, and I am looking for a volunteer who will be online at
those times, who will accept and redirect posts from members like yourself
who are stuck incommunicado without me. Either that or bring cellphone and
laptop with me, sailing and to outdoor pagan retreat.. to keep up with list
mail.. could do it, I s'pose..
(^ I just sent a new copy of a send that hadn't come back,
(^and as they were sent, the originals hit me.

(^cut them up for field dirt.

(^complaining is as much a compliment as cheering,
(^and is most likely more useful than the shocked silence
(^ that comes from hearing something to astounding for words.

>man doesKN0T descend from M0Nkeys....
>.man dozen dish end fr0m B1RDS....
> mendishunt thisend fr0hm F1SH...
>mandizint D'send frum M1CR'0rg.anISMS
>andthe r'FR1Gerater andtheFRYing PAN ! (fry1NG pan...)
>(L1GHT 1S N0T awav.....)
>DARwin wasWRONG ! DARW1N was WR0NG !
>darW0N wasWR0NG !
>Andyou'd BESTthr0w a11 yourl BO0KS awayz.
>..Y0U'D best thr0W ALL th0se b00ks aWAAYee...'
> ==excerpt from "Get It Straight"
> Dan Bern(revised in 1995)
> then prespleckt B1 (brEYEnd)
>traumatileyes urlself:
> http://www.eskimo.com/~wakemup

page 1800-797-2106

    If you need more info, feel free to write to me at
 Love and electric blue K. fire, List Mystress.
   Website <http://www.execpc.com/~libra/kund/kundgate.html>
   in europe <http://www.telebyte.nl/~frans/kundalini/>

To leave the list send a post with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject header to
<KUNDALINI-L-D-REQUESTATnospamEXECPC.COM> for the List Digest.
    The posting address for both lists is <KUNDALINI-LATnospamEXECPC.COM>
    PLEASE!! Don't send text or image attachments to this address.

    List Archives from 26/12/96 thru Reference.COM
If you do *NOT* want your post archived include <X-No-Archive: yes>
 as an email header or as the first line of your message.
Send Kundalini Cybrary recommendations directly to ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 21:26:09 -0400 (EDT)
From: PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <970812212509_429967939ATnospamemout01.mail.aol.com>

In a message dated 97-08-12 11:32:34 EDT, Nancy writed:

<< In regards to your message of the book "The Messangers"...
 ...Do you have any idea what he meant when he said you were possessed by a
 spaceship? Was he saying you were abducted? Was he joking? Did he just not
 understand what you were talking about? Just curious.>>

Yes, he was joking. However, he did tell me that he had received a number of
letters from people who had experienced similar events to my first kundalini
episode. My suspicion is that increased methods of communcations throughout
much of the world may be contributing to the vastly growing numbers of people
who are experiencing kundalini activation.

I agree with you, that "The Messengers" offers a view of Christ that differs
in many ways from most Christian doctrine. Nick, AKA St. Paul, says that
Christ believed in reincarnation, but not astrology. He told me in person
that reincarnation was part of the Catholic church doctrine until changed by
a papal bull (sometime in the 3rd to 6th centuries, I forget when exactly) in
an effort to increase church control. Does anyone know anything about this?

Anyway, the Christ described in "The Messengers" is 100% compatible with
every insight kundalini has led me to.

Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 19:00:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Messengers and reincarnation
Message-Id: <199708130200.TAA05240ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 09:26 PM 8/12/97 -0400, PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com wrote:
>I agree with you, that "The Messengers" offers a view of Christ that differs
>in many ways from most Christian doctrine. Nick, AKA St. Paul, says that
>Christ believed in reincarnation, but not astrology. He told me in person
>that reincarnation was part of the Catholic church doctrine until changed by
>a papal bull (sometime in the 3rd to 6th centuries, I forget when exactly) in
>an effort to increase church control. Does anyone know anything about this?

I wrote a paper about it when I got a grant from the federal government back
in '91. It was an NEH grant to study medieval confessional literature and
the paper was the product. It would take longer than I have right now to
dig it up, but I can say your friend is right. Try looking up the histoy of
Origen, an early church philosopher. Digging fairly deep I think we find
they voted against reincarnation theory by a narrow margin 200 yrs after
he's gone...not sure though.

How quickly that medieval confessional lit detail stuff slips the mind.
Must be K induced . . . (yawn and giggle)

Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 19:39:32
From: "Sergio Lucio Maria" <sergiomariaATnospamcidadanet.org.br> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: landscapes
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

___Galeria Ser, Luz e Mar___
____Sergio Lucio Maria______

  The great about art is the creation. The power to create your visions and
dreams. This is great to healing yourself.
  Now I am work with expression and with dream. I am make only a dharma
place. It`s incredible incluse your personal love to all people.
  Since I make this my work will being very confort to me.
  The more important is the fact I can save my body to bad energy.
  I really finishing all bad energy with new order in my life.
  Only creation do fast and more evolution in us. And in isolate we can
make us work more with the landscapes. We can find the dharma with
imagination looking to new empty mind.
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 19:38:57
From: jaxx <jaxxATnospamihug.co.nz> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: New List member
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


   I have been lurking and reading others mailouts for a couple of weeks now
and feel its time to jump in now.

   My name is Jacqueline. I am on my own with two young children, and I am
training to be a therapist. I have been interested in esoteric matters for
a while since I had an OBE in a meditation class about 3 years ago, so my
first thing I did when I got connected a few months ago was to cruise all
the spiritual sites... hence being on this list.
   I havent experienced Kundalini as I am aware of being blocked in some of
my chakras (esp. the sacral one), but I do occasionally see auras and more
recently experienced the strange phenomena of seeing glowing blue blobs of
light in my home.
   My main focus in life at the moment whilst doing my training is to clear
myself of my blocks and past issues so I may be more effective in my
counceling work and in my everyday life.
   If anyone out there has any good exercises for opening out and
strengthing the root and sacral chakras I would be most interested...
Thank you...

Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 19:40:01
From: phillialATnospamucrwcu.rwc.uc.edu (Anita Phillips) (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: drive-through-get-it-quick kundalini awakening
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi k-ites,

I took myself to a psychic fair this weekend. One of the booths was for
sahaja yoga, so I talked to these folks. They put on a documentary video
of their spiritual leader who told a tale of kundalini awakening. One of
the four people in charge of the booth then proceeded to ask me if I wanted
to have my kundalini "awakened," so I said "sure" (chuckling to myself)
because I wanted to see what they had in mind and also because I thought I
might get a cheap thrill out of it (shameless hussy!). They had me do a
30-second "meditation"--lots of crowd noises in the background!--and then I
think they "waved" their hands around/over me. I was asked if I felt
anything--which I didn't--coming from them!

My impression from these folks and from their literature is that they are
watering down, diminishing expectations of what kundalini is. Really, is
it so easy to raise kundalini? It seemed to me that they were pawning off
Twinkies as Wedding Cake! I thought kundalini was either awakened--or
not--like being pregnant--or not! From what I've read, there are various
kinds of awakenings--and that the getting there can take a circuitous
path--but that when it happens, IT HAPPENS! My point to all this is that I
have a strong feeling that this group--and maybe others?--may be trying to
do to kundalini what most established religions have done to
G_d/G_ddess/G_ddit, i.e., scoop the story, coopt the glory--dilute the
concept, democratize it, sell the watered down version as Lydia Pinkham's
Tonic to those in need, etc.

But then, how much does it matter? If folks will accept Twinkies sold to
them as Wedding Cake--maybe it's ok. Guess that's the way of the world.
Why should I be surprised that it's any different with Kundalini?
Still...it bothers me!

(And still...I'm thinking about Lobster's, "The Car!" Maybe Lobster would
repost it?)

Anita P., *:)
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 19:40:31
From: Bliss <readyATnospamdircon.co.uk> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Drugs, sex and kundalini
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Having been observing the list conversations for a few weeks now, I
thought it was about time I ventured to ask what everyone's view is on
drug usage and sex in connection with their kundalini experiences?

My kundalini awakening came whilst taking a shower the night after a
rather heavy lsd trip. I was shocked, terrified, completely defenceless,
yet absolutely empowered. I thought it was never going to stop and
worried for my mental safety ( I had no idea what was going on...
explained it for many months later as 'experiencing my soul', 'meeting
my id', 'feeling a white light force'). It happened again the next time
I tripped, whilst I was making love, and soon became the very reason why
I would take a trip or smoke some grass... to make love and experience
this amazing thing.

The trouble, I suppose is... although I am aware of its presence in
everyday life, and if I concentrate, I can 'bring it up', I can hardly
ever experience it at its full whack like I do when even only slightly
under the influence of drugs (it only takes literally two drags on a
joint for the full thing to go off, without any concentration from me).

I have experienced a 'full body kundalini orgasm' (does this make sense?
It does to me..) only once when not under the influence of anything.
(This was recently, in my sleep, as my young lover was asleep too, and
yet we had started making love without either of us being conscious of
what we were doing... I was awakened by my coming, as was he..)
So I know it can happen without drugs, and I'd much prefer it that way.

Does drug taking invalidate the experience...? An experience is an
experience after all...
I read somewhere that it can damage the 'natural' ways of experiencing
it, but I'm suspicious of that one... What about the sexual aspect of
it... for me, kundalini and sex are inextricably linked, although I can
see how the energy can be channelled, but I use sex to 'whip up the
energy into a frenzy...(!), so then when I come it feels like the
universe has exploded. Is it wrong to use the energy for personal
pleasure in this way?

Ohhhhh... so many questions...! I'm young though (twenty five) and have
only just discovered that this whole thing I've been feeling for the
past four or five years is experienced by all of you people too, it's
very reassuring...! My boyfriend is much younger than me, and doesn't
quite know what the hell is going on, sometimes he gets a little

I look forward to any comments, opinions, suggestions or advice.

Thank you!
love, Bliss x x x
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 19:54:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: phillialATnospamucrwcu.rwc.uc.edu (Anita Phillips)
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: drive-through-get-it-quick kundalini awakening
Message-Id: <199708130254.TAA20241ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 07:40 PM 8/12/97, Anita Phillips wrote:

>I took myself to a psychic fair this weekend. One of the booths was for
>My impression from these folks and from their literature is that they are
>watering down, diminishing expectations of what kundalini is. Really, is
>it so easy to raise kundalini? It seemed to me that they were pawning off
>Twinkies as Wedding Cake!

>Still...it bothers me!

>Anita P., *:)

I think I'd be even more upset if I hadn't fallen in love with the
Twinkies/wedding cake metaphor!! I love it! May I please borrow it? Just
until my feeble mind forgets it or commits it to paper to be enjoyed all
over again some other time. Indeed!

Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 23:06:27 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: reincarnation
Message-Id: <199708130316.XAA14407ATnospamhoboken>


The references to reincarnation were removed by the Council of
Constantinople. I believe that was in the 3rd century, but I wouldn't
swear---and I'm too lazy just now to look it up.

A new Fractalscape gallery was posted to this site on August 3rd:
USA Today Hot Site; Cosmic Site of the Night; Cool Central Site of the
Day; ENC Digital Dozen for June '97; Enchantment Award; ArtSearch
Featured Site
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 02:31:53 -0400
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <33F154D9.7734ATnospammail.snet.net>

PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com wrote:

> He told me in person
> that reincarnation was part of the Catholic church doctrine until changed by
> a papal bull (sometime in the 3rd to 6th centuries, I forget when exactly) in
> an effort to increase church control.

Funny. That's about the same time when the catholic church

decided to turn Mary into a virgin.
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 01:41:42
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: question
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 16:17 07/08/97 -0400, PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 97-08-07 14:43:08 EDT, you write:
><< Since my k came spontaneously, I don't have the background that many of
> do. I suppose a lot of you will think this is a stupid question, but I'd
> really appreciate an answer. Some of you have indicated that the k ran for
> many years. What happens? Does it run until you're fully "awakened" and
> then stop? Or what? And where does that leave you if/when it stops?
> >>
>Dear Sharon,
Also new to kundalini and also awakened "spontaneously," I asked the same
>questions you ask.
  Me three.. at age 12, near as I can figure.. but there are some psychic
experiences from even younger that make me wonder.. but using the elegantly
structured vocabulary of Kudalini as explanation is relatively recent.

>I was told that these "surges" of cruder energy we now
>experience eventually become integrated into a constant flow of finer energy
>as our consciousness rises to a state of sustained awareness.

  Big stuff. and questions asked most often,.. let me see if I can explain
it more fully..as I understand and experience it.
 Your spirit knows that you are God-dess. You ego thinks that you are a
limited human subject to 3-d realities, and one of the ways it maintains
this illusion of not God-dess is by holding fear and illusions of
separation in the body.
  Kundalini's task is to translate the Spirit's experience of being
God-dess into the human experience. Knowing absolutely that Thou art
God-dess, and acting like it, with all the bliss, wisdom and miracles.
  To get from here to there, K. clears out the fears, attachmants and stuck
energy that's blocking the energy of spirit, which you experience as power
surges and emotional events.
  It brings them up as issues and insights, burns them away as heat and
tingling.. and all the old ego-oriented fear/separation is gradually
cleared out, gone, and you live with a sense of the divinity of all things,
that doesn't go away.
  The body goes from being under control of the ego, manifesting
limitations, to being a direct manifestation of spirit, manifesting
miracles. For spirit to fully occupy that space, it needs to persuade ego
to step aside, to give up the deeply held fears.

  It is like you are building a house, with Spirit. Spirit is in charge,
has the blueprints, but is generous in allowing breaks, etc.
  To begin with, you will be guided doing big stuff, major power,
bulldozers and cement trucks, big holes torn in the property and
foundations laid. Huge loads of timber and building supplies incoming, and
progress is very visible. You can see it happening, but it is such major
work, there are lots of days spent resting. Waiting for the right weather.
  Then the frame structure is up, and we can begin to see how the house
will be, but it is not livable shelter yet. The internal walls start to go
up, and there is a period of judgementalism as we sort out what each room
is for. Plumbing and heating being installed and tested and retested,
flushed repeatedly... electrical surges as the power is tested and wired..
uncomfortable and startling, but necessary.
  The closer the house gets to being completed, the smaller the visible
activity, and the more time you spend working on it. Then you are spending
more time in the house.. but you are polishing hardwood and installing
shelves.. painting and adding trim. Progress is nearly constant, but not
nearly so noticeable.. Moving furniture in is sometimes the biggest
activity.. some heavy things that you have chosen.. it's a studious period,
and choosy. The judgementalism is tempered with the comfort that others may
decorate as they please, but your house is you.
  Then you are living there, with spirit, and the work in a home never
ceases, but carpets get vacuumed with a sense of gratitude and joy, at
having a beautiful home with carpets and spirit for company as you work.
  Spirit sends you out for groceries sometimes, errands, but the alarms and
sprinkler systems are in, the earthquake proofing.. protected by it's joy..
you know the house is there to come home to, which is the difference
between vacations and homelessness. Awakened and not.
  "Work" becomes inviting friends in to share the comfort of your home, and
connecting them with spirit so they can build a home of their own.
  Occasionally Spirit might decide an airplane falling into the roof, or
something is a nice surprise, a reason to redecorate.. more big influxes of
creation/destruction energy as the fallen airplane is dealt with.. and
spirit is there to make you laugh with joy as the favorite room is
demolished to make a new room so amazing you cannot even imagine.. you will
live in the house for the rest of your life, and the more you allow spirit
to make decisions, the more beauty, love, pleasure, inspiration.. your
house will radiate like a lighthouse beacon, and the things that you desire
will come to your door looking for you, and you will invite them in without
apology for imperfections in the home that recieves them.
  You will be utterly fearless, and without limitations, safe in the
knowledge that Spirit can fix a fallen airplane into a room even more
beautiful.. and will, every time.
 So in the beginning there are the bulldozers and cement trucks, and at the
end only the odd dishes to wash, with the odd falling airplane. The moments
of divine grace are no longer fleeting.. you live there.
>told that we are at the same time creating an energy body with consciousness
>independent of the physical body, as part of the human evolutionary process.
>I'm beginning to think that the biggest challenge to learning about kundalini
>is that most of those who have been through the process successfully do not
>speak about it.

  Really? Sometimes it seems like everybody whose ever had an awakening has
written a book about it. Few have Kundalini in the title, but I have read
lots of books on spiritual awakenings, that I recognize as k., that didn't
mention the K. word at all. If I had written my own biography a few years
previous, it would also have described some spiritual openings that I now
use the vocabulary of Kundalini to describe, but I did not have that
vocabulary then.

> Maybe this is partly because spiritual development is
>ultimately a solitary and singular path for each of us, and because so much
>of spiritual learning is incomprehensible until you know it. And even when
>you know it, you cannot necessarily describe it. Maybe that's the reason for
>that expression: "Those who tell don't know, and those who know don't tell."
  There is also the idea that enlightened folks who go around saying that
they are enlightened and talk about how to get there are somehow suspect..
we enlightened ones are all supposed to be sooooo humble.. and it doesn't
wash with me.. Goddess does not require me to prostrate myself before Her,
She would rather be my ecstatic creative companion.
  Hiding a light under a bucket is a dumb idea, unless the light is keeping
you awake, causing stares, or bruising tomatoes mercilessly..:D
  It kind of reminds me about how people are around money.. If you are
rich, it is considered rude to talk about how much money you have, because
those who don't have as much will be jealous, and those who have as much
will think you are trying to compete, and those who have more will look
down on you for boasting.. (unless you are talking to the taxman..)
  Yet, I like to celebrate my abundance with sharing, as an affirmation of
> So, none of us gabbing on the internet will have absolute answers for you
>but will be a tool for learning. And when people claim to have absolute
>answers for you, remember that their reality may very well be true for them,
>but you will create your own.
  Hmm.. absolute answers are absolute:
  Goddess loves you unconditionally.
  Things always work out for the best.
  Our lives are divinely guided.

  Experiences and choices are different for individuals.
  Yet we all mirror each other, and cannot even see qualities in others
that are not somehow mirrored in ourselves.
  I AM All. So art thou.
  Inside reflects outside reflects inside, as above so below..
  more absolute answers..
  but as you say, one cannot encompass the meaning fully by reading the

  Part of the reason for silence on my part, sometimes, is faith that
everyone is really having exactly the experiences they most need, to grow.
  That things always really do work out for the best..
  Faith in that idea creates a focus on gratitude and blessings that has
tremendous power to shift events.. into silver linings.. but telling that
truth to someone who is frightened by events, or grieving, is not helpful
to them.
   Not until they have been lifted up enough, away from the vibration of
fear space and back into love and trust, to be able to apply the words to
the understanding of the experience to profitable result.
    Till then telling someone in crisis that they "always get what they
believe they deserve most", or "what goes around comes around" or "it must
be your Karma".. will probably send them into a tailspin of negative self-
judgement, and likely they will decide you must really hate them, so say
such an awful thing.. when the intent was affirmation of the perfection of
spirit's plan.
  Yet it is my truth, and I know that safe in the arms of Goddess K, there
is really nothing to fear but fear itself, we are all spirit having human
experiences, crisis is only excitement/change/fear noise, and the universe
is unfolding as it should.
  Not needing to fix everything, the universe is already perfect, and
nothing needs fixing. Letting people have their experiences, but giving
help when requested directly. Or when spirit moves to speak, for the
creative joy of communicating my truths to the expansion of another. For
the creative joy of creating.. that is why I keep incarnating.
  There is one thing that we do for each other on this list that is very
valuable: we are salesmen to each other's egos, we help each other to
persuade our ego with it's fears, to step aside in favor of spirit's
guidance. We give each other the reasons and explanations that our logical
ego needs, to buy into the idea that it is better off not to be in charge
anymore. We give each other the sales routines to get ego to accept that
"everything happens for the best", when it is insisting on perceptions of
errors and fear.
 Bless us! -Angelique.
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 01:52:38
From: Griffin229ATnospamaol.com (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: checklist
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I have been lurking for a few days, and I think it's time to jump in...with a
First some data.
36 years old. Male. Been involved with various mystical traditions most of my

Recent developments. Extreme telekinesis. When angered electronics fail, or
in the case of light bulbs blow out, often with the instrument being affected
related to what angered me. I have had several intense seizures, cramping and
temperature drops, and pain in the lower back.

Am I beginning to experience an unintentional Kundalini raising?


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