1997/08/12 13:36
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #394
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 394
Today's Topics:
THINK tank-K-Kundalini chat link XYZ
Re: being "touched"
K awakened today
responses to "quality of life"
Re: quality of life
Re: Kundalini Resource List
new web page (slightly off subject)
they're back
Transcomunicacao Instrumental
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 23:07:12
From: kNOTof_IMPORTence <wakemupATnospameskimo.com> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: THINK tank-K-Kundalini chat link XYZ
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
<TITLE> THINK tank-K-Kundalini chat link :X paths Y story-telling Z magic
link </TITLE>
((^this is what I do when left alone for too long.^))
(^don't worry, 99% of this is ascii.
(^can be read even if using a staight ascii-text browser.
(^ I've moved the sub/pre\story to the bottom:
(^ that part relates to how uncertain I've become of who/what is "really
(^ look for the 000000000000000000 for the "true beginning(s)"
(^of this rant. The point of this first section, is to show how K effects me.
*GhostAnnouncer*: *** You are in "Life - TH1NKtank". ***
wakEMup: (^ hithere.. sorry
2ArmsAkimbo: hello
wakEMup: (^ sorry.. i need to stop an immer...
2ArmsAkimbo: ah
wakEMup: (^ ok.. I'm back..
(^SO! what brings you to a thinktank?
2ArmsAkimbo: that name sounded interesting
wakEMup: (^ because of the tank?
*GhostAnnouncer*: TheGuest has entered the room.
2ArmsAkimbo: no, the think part
wakEMup: (^ oh.. the TH1NK? go0DD!
(^ "hithere"... space as you see fit.
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
wakEMup: (^ three thinks in one space.. hmnnnn.
(^ hiThere, hitHere...
TheGuest: she's here...
ok what are we thinking about?
wakEMup: (^ hi_tHere...
(^ tHere.
(^ wHere is it?
TheGuest: hawaii
wakEMup: (^ that's one thought..
(^ can we compress typing yet still communicate?
2ArmsAkimbo: y
TheGuest: r we talking about shorthand ?
2ArmsAkimbo: n
wakEMup: (^ exACTly, y=yes, -two extra keysmacks.
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
((^wakEMup:((^to self^))((^or was that.."whY/Yes"..he.she.it.^))
TheGuest: okeydokey
wakEMup: (^ aRgUeE?
(^ no.. no shorthand... AFTermaThAughts.
TheGuest: the thought after the though?
wakEMup: (^ thought+Aught= thAught= re-thinking y0ur shoulds.
TheGuest: or not even doing our shoulds
wakEMup: (^ dern keyboard. worse than an electric ouiji board..
2ArmsAkimbo: herherher
TheGuest: i guess that is the female version of hehehe
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
TheGuest: or i
wakEMup: (^ thAoght. semantic play creates new links.
2ArmsAkimbo: yes
TheGuest: over my head wakem
wakEMup: (^ hee.he.she.IT!= full forced giggle, yes.
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed, indeed
TheGuest: <~~~~~ country gal brought up on cornbread & milk
wakEMup: (^ I've lived in Bayard Nebraska at one time... so?
TheGuest: so
2ArmsAkimbo: so
wakEMup: (^ Guest(s), y0ur head(s) may need to SINK to swim.
TheGuest: it's below the surface now
wakEMup: (^ fluid motion of thought waves
(^ can get unstuck to formulate newer creativity links...
2ArmsAkimbo: yes, I know this... the point being?
TheGuest: or.... to shorten the cycle, merely use perception
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
wakEMup: (^ if eWE'd just quit trying to remember where we
(^"came" from, and started searching for a path...
TheGuest: the path is where you are now
no need to search
*GhostAnnouncer*: OneEcho1 has entered the room.
wakEMup: (^ hithere, 1,one..won...
*GhostAnnouncer*: OneEcho1 has left the room.
2ArmsAkimbo: your points being...
wakEMup: (^ "search" may be too strong a word, yes.
TheGuest: no point. just showing my great wisdom LOL
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed indeed
2ArmsAkimbo: having established this, what next?
wakEMup: (^ in deed is better than out done, yes?
2ArmsAkimbo: yes
2ArmsAkimbo: continue
X PATH CREATE ion + Y 4 Z net link ?
wakEMup: (^ y0ur path(s).
2ArmsAkimbo: yes
wakEMup: (^ USe them
2ArmsAkimbo: perhaps
wakEMup: (^ to find...
TheGuest: or go one step further - no paths at all'
wakEMup: (^ each OTH urls.
TheGuest: you are already there
wakEMup: (^ tHere. yes.
2ArmsAkimbo: always a path
TheGuest: not really - always a dream
maybe a dream tho is a path
2ArmsAkimbo: I disagree
TheGuest: ok - help me
wakEMup: (^ you ever walk through the woods, Guest?
TheGuest: yep
wakEMup: (^ one that has nothin(k)g but brambles?
(^ no trail?
TheGuest: ok i'm with you
wakEMup: (^ no trial?
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
wakEMup: (^ have you ever taken a machete,
(^ and MADE a path to your neighbor's back fencepost?
TheGuest: ok
wakEMup: (^ if eWE(the sheep mentality plural)..
(^ want to go anywhere,
(^ we tend to look for a shepherd to lead us.
*GhostAnnouncer*: GemVoice has entered the room.
GemVoice: HEY
wakEMup: (^ "hithere", GemVoice.. space as you sees it.
TheGuest: hi gem
wakEMup: (^ the problem is,
GemVoice: WHAT
wakEMup: (^ most shepherds are actually butchers
(^ on off flock fleecing season.
wakEMup: (^ sorry, Gem... you walked in on a rant.
(^ no need to shout.
TheGuest: ok i'm still with u
wakEMup: (^ so. I want to become....
(^ a shepherd of lone vegetarian wolves
(^ in sheeps' homespun yarn/tales.
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
((^wakEMup:((^to self^))((^Yes...DEAFinitely "whY"...^))
*GhostAnnouncer*: GemVoice has left the room.
wakEMup: (^ for teaching story telling skills on the web..
(^in order to link old traditional ethics searchings...
(^with net tech abilities.
2ArmsAkimbo: good idea
*GhostAnnouncer*: AnotherBody has entered the room.
TheGuest: hey Body
AnotherBody: hey
wakEMup: (^ we have to quit being so dang proud
(^ of who/what/where/ we WERE..
TheGuest: ok so what does that have to do with paths?
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
TheGuest: where they do not exist
2ArmsAkimbo: sigh
wakEMup: (^ paths are old traversed roads.
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
TheGuest: with the weeds torn down
2ArmsAkimbo: sigh
TheGuest: ok
wakEMup: (^ when you live on a farm,
(^ you see the need to change paths sometimes,
(^ to let the undergrowth grow back.
wakEMup: (^ So? eWE pick out a new patch of weeds to grind..
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
TheGuest: are we talking truth or illusion tho?
*GhostAnnouncer*: LUVChar has entered the room.
*GhostAnnouncer*: LUVChar has left the room.
wakEFul: (^ LUVChar, hithere.
wakEMup: (^ dern space key
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
wakEMup: (^ rotating crops... ever heard of it?
(^ giving nutrients BACK to mudra (h)EARTH.
TheGuest: ok yes
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
*GhostAnnouncer*: SageStatesMan has entered the room.
wakEMup: (^ we sometimes get so hung up on==>
(^ "already HAVE my path, thanks...
(^ trying to cut down on killin' thing, yup. "...
(^that we forget to give the old dogma a rest...
(^and play with the PUPPIES!
2ArmsAkimbo: hehehehe
yes, that is important
TheGuest: i'm with you on the path thing,
but it is still part of the illusion
wakEMup: (^ I MAKE illusions for a livelihood, G,...
TheGuest: hey me too
2ArmsAkimbo: it would seem so
wakEMup: (^ without illusion, magic would be BORING!
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
TheGuest: indeed
*GhostAnnouncer*: SageStatesMan has left the room.
wakEMup: (^ ...have you ever seen a magician
(^ who's so tired of his own act,
(^ that he starts slipping up
(^ on his own slight of hand thinKgs while on stage?
TheGuest: yep.... or it could be he didn't practice enuf
2ArmsAkimbo: sigh
wakEMup: (^ ..it's at THAT point... that..
(^ teaching new "wannahbe" magicians, may be a good carreer c.
TheGuest: you make me laugh rm with all that sighing at my ignorance
wakEMup: (^ change move.
(^ teach others to practice! YUMMMM!!!
2ArmsAkimbo: Guest, we both are aware of your level of ignorance
TheGuest: thank you - i'm happy you acknowledged it
2ArmsAkimbo: I disagree, didn't say you were "wrong"
TheGuest: ok wakem i'm with you so far
i disagree, i didn't say you said i was wrong
wakEMup: (^ I aRgUeE compLEXtly!!!!
2ArmsAkimbo: sigh
TheGuest: cough
wakEMup: (^ age, RUE, agree, argue, all at once. yup.
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
TheGuest: indeed
wakEMup: (^ undung/
2ArmsAkimbo: lol
wakEMup: (^ igag..whY/Yes.
wakEMup: (^ to remember that nobody, (not even myself)
(^ can ever NOT be confused....
(^ (at least a little)..
2ArmsAkimbo: hehehe
wakEMup: (^ I push these wor(L)ds around..
(^ just to make sure I remember..
wakEMup: (^ to practice..
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
wakEMup: (^ my
wakEMup: (^ TYPING!
2ArmsAkimbo: lol
wakEMup: (^ ah, well, thanks for the stop by..
(^I gottah go eat.
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
2ArmsAkimbo: thank you for the rant
TheGuest: take care -
*GhostAnnouncer*: TheGuest has left the room.
2ArmsAkimbo: hummm
wakEMup: (^ play ... don't take thinking,
(^ nor searching too seriously...
2ArmsAkimbo: I don't
wakEMup: (^ but do it anyway.
2ArmsAkimbo: indeed
wakEMup: (^ bye
*GhostAnnouncer*: AnotherBody has left the room.
((^the "true" beginning(s)
*GhostAnnouncer*: *** You are in "Life - TH1NKtank". ***
((^time passes^))...
Wakemup((^*GhostBOT request*:search VOID for allies...
*GhostBOT*: *(?)got none.cont.search?*
Wakemup((^*GhostBOT request*:search 2VOID Y
*GhostAnnouncer*: *** You are in "Life - TH1NKtank". ***
((^time passes^))...((^all is white noise..^))
Wakemup0r1: (^...sigh...
*GhostBOT*:re:quest VOID *(!)got one.send what?*
WakendUP: ((^ sigh..^))BOTsend seti:! (^ can we talk?
*GhostBOT*: *(...)receiving. *
GuestIMP: > sure! howzit goin?
WakendUP: (^ well,.. other than having a new batch
(^of Xena to de-wire,
(^I'm flying around on a throat chakra blitz.
(^ I'm all choked UP, even!
GuestIMP: > LOL... what the heck is xena?
WakendUP: (^Xena is a dumb TVshow.
GuestIMP: > LOL - ohhhh that Xena!
> is she any good? never watched it...
WakendUP: (^ I wouldn't know about Xena..
(^ I just do old greek god(s) body movements.
(^heh. I don't even have a TV to watch. jest make.
(^IMP... why do you think I type this way?
(^because I enJOY it?..
GuestIMP: > LOL... yes i do. either that, or you are really manic...
WakendUP: (^ I think it's from working around computers for so long,
(^ that I ended up having my Kundalini awakening
(^ while I was TYPING.
GuestIMP: > oh no! did it really? mine should reawaken soon, then.
> i'm at this damn machine so long!
> heck i had an OOBE while driving the car -
> went thru a tunnel & everything.
WakendUP: (^ K-link.. thru net surf.. is it possible if it's plausible?
GuestIMP: > heck everything is possible & plausible
((^ WakendUP:..musing/wool gathering.^)) (^.........
GuestIMP: > i sure say heck a lot - must be a country gal
*GhostAnnouncer*: 1/4staff has entered the TH1NKtank room.
*GhostAnnouncer*: 1/4staff has left the room.
wakEMup:((!quick to tankroom!)) (^ hithere.
((^..dan bern it. MISSED em.^))
*GhostReminder*:(*IMp from VOID calling..*)
*GhostBOT*: *(...)receiving. *
GuestIMP: > (deep breath).... where are you at?
WakendUP: (^ sigh.. IMP..can we talk in life-TH1NKtank ?
(^ I sometimes get a hit..
GuestIMP: > ??
WakendUP: (^ hit as in someone walks in..
Wakemup0r1: (^ it's an aoHELLo chat room. no one tHere but me..
GuestIMP: > sure - invite me in
WakendUP: (^ it's open..
GuestIMP: > . so how do i get there?
WakendUP: (^ . ok..hold up..
GuestIMP: > got it ,*-+=;____..._____________
(TCP/IP) Lost Connection.
Network Subsystem has failed
due to a timeout or other failure
WakendUP: (^aye, are, gee, ARG!
(^AAAHHHRRrrgargargargllegarglle gigigglegiggle!
next day:
*GhostAnnouncer*: *** You are in "Life - TH1NKtank". ***
((^time passes^))...((^all is white noise..^))
Wakemup0r1: (^...sigh...
Wakemup((^*GhostBOT request*:search VOID for allies...
*GhostAnnouncer*: *(!)got one.send what?*
WakendUP: (^ sorry about the abrupt cut off yesterday.
GuestIMP: > . no prob
WakendUP: (^ funny how telephones being bumped while online
(^can re-direct one's attention to other work to do...
GuestIMP: > that's the truth....
WakendUP: (^ a truth. yes.
GuestIMP: > how are you doing today?
WakendUP: (^ hungry.
GuestIMP: > . me too
WakendUP: (^ I keep forgetting to eat for days.
GuestIMP: > LOL - really? not me!
WakendUP: (^<((stomACHE rumble))> . oops. not again.
(^dan bern body bag....
(^ok oh, kay... I'm commin'..
Wake>:((^^ getting cereal..^^))
*** You are STILL in "Life - TH1NKtank". ***
*GhostAnnouncer*: ArmsAkimbo has entered the room.
WakendUP: (^ ...!!!......
*GhostReminder*: *** You are ALSO in "aVOID -foodmode". ***
*GhostReminder*:(*IMp from VOID calling..*)
*GhostBOT*: *(...)receiving. *
GuestIMP: > so go eat and i won't nag anymore
WakendUP: (^ I got a hit... TH1NKtank watch... I can't leave..
GuestIMP: > . ok....
WakendUP: (^ locate me+join, if you care to
GuestIMP: > . will do...
((^^ THIS IS WHERE THE TH1NKtank GOES. . . go back to top of this send.
WakendUP: (^ thanks.. i got the dern thing all logged..
(^will look at it later. bye!
GuestIMP: >bye luv
WakendUP: (^ mua, XXX000.. yuppers. 'tis sweet. </PRE><BR>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 22:52:43
From: Nancy Kar <watrfallATnospamniagara.com> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: being "touched"
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hello Enid :)
and welcome to the list,
I think that the folks here will really be able to help you. There are
quite a few spiritual lists on the net, but the people associated with
this list are *very* experienced when it comes to spiritual awakening
and all sorts of issues...
so relax you're in very good hands...
I guess why I'm writing to you is mainly because I sense some fear and
confusion in your letter. Which I recognise from when my life started to
get re-arranged (thank goodness:) by spirit. Sometimes it feels like you
and everything around you is out of control... and at first that is not
a good feeling. But after awhile you kind of get used to getting life go
and letting spirit into guide your life. and then a great trust is
formed when you see that everything is okay and thnigs happen in your
life that you had never dreamed about (well maybe you did :) in your
wildest dreams:)
> Just a bit of background. I am a 50 yr young female who is a chauffeur by
> profession. I was taking a couple and their family to a reaffirmation of
> their wedding vows for their 25th anniversary. We went to a Catholic
> Church. The family invited me to witness this ceremony which I did. I had
> a religious experience which began with the priest's sermon directed to the
> couple but he focused in on me. There was an instant need to leave the
> chapel. I went out to my limo and began prep work. I immediately felt a
> "presence" enter my soul and mind. There was no one visible. I found
> myself having an annimated discussion. I kept looking at the archway which
> is directly attached to the main sanctuary. I kept looking at the clouded
> gray sky. For some reason I had been given an audience with G-d. The
> conversation dealt with my private life and lasted approximately 10
> minutes. The only thing I know the presence did not stem from an
> earthbound soul. Why I wonder.
...because it's time...
God is asking you to come home. Come home to he/she that is inside of
you who has been there for eternity and will be there for you forever.
But now it's the time that you need to
know that he is there. To communicate with him/her and live your life to
the fullest.
Hang on hun... it might be a bumpy ride <grin:>
> The next incident occurred several days ago while I was at my nail tech's
> home. While I was getting pampered the aroma of roses came directly
> between her and I. Now her house is odor free of floral fragrance. I
> brought my hands to my face and there was this strong scent of the roses.
> I found that just before this occurrance happened I would get exceedingly
> warm. The situation prevailed itself for about 2 hours. Now I am familiar
> with the STIGMATA and ROSES which are equated with Christ. Why should this
> happen to me? I was totally thrown but these to happenings.
This happens with me also...
but I associate it more with Mary, mother of Jesus, the earth and the
mother side of God.
The first time I saw Mary was when I was having a difficult delivery
with my first son. I thought we were going to die and no one seemed to
be doing anything to help me. (I was in labour, induced, for 3 days)
When Mary came, floating on a cloud she told me that my children would
be okay because she was looking after them... and I saw 3 little cherib
faces poke out from under her robe. Soon after that they took me in for
a c section and was well.
The first time someone smelled the roses was when I had my first Reiki
initiation. My Reiki master could smell them but I wasn't wearing
perfume. He said it was a good sign:)
Now every once in a while I have someone come up to me with that look on
their face and say what kind of perfume are you wearing? I don't wear
perfume usually and I never can smell the fragrance, myself... so many
times I just smile and ask what it smells like. They say flowers.. roses
and blossoms but nothing like they have ever smelled before.
I tell them that they are blessed, Mary is telling them that they are
going to be okay and that she is watching over them. I think that those
who can smell her roses are being blessed and very special. .. and I
know that for some unknown reason, to me. That day is a very special day
and I am so happy that I was just able to be a part of it:)
> My best
> friend, who is a minister, feels I may have been blessed (touched) by G-D
> and Christ. How could this be? I am Jewish and hold onto my faith as
> wellas to the many paranormal instances that have presented themselves to
> me in the past year. What do you think. Thank you.
I think that she is right...
just one last thing...
God/spirit/love doesn't have a religion :)
WaterFall in spirit
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 23:07:29
From: Royal Allen <Halo9ATnospamgte.net> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: K awakened today
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi everyone, my name is Royal. I've been lurking this list for the past
few weeks just hoping to learn to attain a kundalini awakening, but
today I recieved a call from two [sisters] Reiki masters (I hadn't even
heard of reiki beforehand), who were reffered to me by a distant friend
from another state (one of those brothers-girlfriends-mother friend who
knows so in so). Anyhow, I was really looking for someone who could
help me develop psi ability, but upon mentioning that I wanted to
"awaken my kundalini" they suggested reiki healing. So after a very
informative discussion, I preceeded to lie down for about 45minutes as
they intructed. I accidentally dozed off, but upon awakening I noticed
a burning feeling in my chest (like mild heatburn) and I felt
disoriented (I still do). I called back and they told me that my heart
chakra was blocked, but they opened me up. Can someone suggest the best
way for me to go through the beginning stages? Will it be easier for me
to have an oobe now? Is there anything I can do to [bluntly] heighten
the energy surging through me (which I feel burning in my chest and
lower back). Even though it kinda hurts I know it's helping me. I'd
love any info.
PS: Does age have any affect on k awakening? I'm 20 (if it matters).
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 02:17:56 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: responses to "quality of life"
Message-ID: <33F02A44.6F95ATnospambest.com>
I am loving the responses to my post, "quality of life", there is some
great food for thought and positive energy in this discussion.
Would any lurkers care to join in? This would be a great topic to try
your wings on because we ALL have a lifestyle and personal values. You
need have no esoteric kundalini knowledge for this one.
Anita Phillips wrote, "Do you think a community of k-ites would, in
the long run, exhibit better collective behavior than other groups?"
My opinion is that it would. Most people are not introspective or do
not have perspective on their own behaviors and actions in relation to
others. We all have experienced how difficult and painful this growth
can be. Since we are as individuals committed to a path of spiritual and
personal growth, wouldn't our community reflect this committment? It's
evolution would probably be just as awkward and stumbling as our own
personal growth has been. With the support of others and with the sense
of lightness and humor which we've grown to survive this, I believe that
such a community would eventually be delightful. There is a historical
precedent in the Shaker Community. Those buildings in which they lived
are still full of their energy of love, creativity, and delight.
The most powerful inventions of the human race have always been
social covenants. Slavery, theocracy, monarchy, democracy, socialism,
communism, to name but a few. It's time for a new social revolution, a
new covenant. Perhaps that creative thnker is already here among us.
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 01:26:38 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: quality of life
Message-ID: <33F01E3E.1367ATnospambest.com>
PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com wrote:
. It seems like the magnetic "vortex centers" of the planet that
> are in the US, like Taos, Sedona, and Sun Valley, attract kindred spirits.>>
> And, Sharon, I am also part Cherokee, as are several others on the list.
> Peggy
Thanks for the great replies. I have a caution about "vortexs".
This can be great, but I have seen cancer clusters from Mount Shasta.
True energy vortexes have adverse affects on the body as well as benign.
People like to move to where there are beauty, resources, and "energy".
I've seen people here buy homes in energy fields created by high load
electric lines becuase they felt "energized". I'm certain that you are
aware enough to discern the differences. I've heard that the american
indians used vortex centers as respite and healing areas but never lived
in them, do you know if this is true?
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 01:29:59
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini Resource List
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I want to send bouquets of roses to Ori^ for the compilation of the
Resources list. Admiration, gratitude, and great love balls of blue K. fire
to you!
It is a beginning, and by no means complete.. ( I suspect a truly
complete library would be quite a huge database!.. not necessarily the
objective.. just the best stuff.) but shall be added and addended as the
info flows in.. and I admit, I, too have been a lazy cow and not yet typed
out the info on all of the wonderful books and stuff that I have found
useful or enjoyable on the long and winding path of my awakening.. as a
dedicated bookworm.
I have as excuse, my library being in storage.. but if excuse were horses
then beggars could fly. Perhaps beggars can fly.. but I haven't seen them
do it.
By the way,.. when protecting volunteers I sometimes take on rather
She-bear like qualities.. for anyone who would think to tell Ori^ how to do
her job.. you had best be very polite, and have already made a sizable
contribution to the database. Individuals seeking to dampen Ori^'s gracious
enthusiasm for the task at hand with nitpicking criticism and backseat
driver complaints will discover what "List Mystress She-Bear" is really
like. :) I will enjoy the introduction.. you might not.. so it goes..
I hereby encourage Ori^ to forward me any such posts she recieves as she
finds annoying or offensive, that I might devour the sender for my sadistic
amusement... CHOMP!
Again, thanks to Ori for the offering of the Resource Compilation, and
all of the labours attendant on such a task, not yet complete!!
And a reminder, to myself and the list:
A room has been built, a library to be filled with great works of
Kundalini inspiration that have affected each of us.. it's shelves.
labeled, satnd mostly empty... awating the donations of the members to fill
them and make the library complete.. Not books, or tapes, donated, but the
memories of the best inspiration to be found in books, and tapes, and
websites.. With title and artist, and other identifying info for others who
would seek to be likewise inspired.
Blessings, List Mystress Angelique.
At 09:06 11/08/97, ori^ wrote:
>Dear Ruth and list members,
>Ruth wrote:
>>There is more left off the Resources list than is on it in my experience.
>Of course there is much more. This Resources list is simply a basic
>compilation of resources suggested by Kundalini list subscribers. <....>
>I was/am a volunteer. The List Mystress asked for volunteers some
>months ago. I sent out two requests on the list asking for titles.
>This is what I have received. Please don't shoot the messenger.<..>
>If you would like to add more to it, make corrections, add dates or
>brief annotations, please write me off-list at oriATnospameskimo.com
Mystress Angelique Serpent,
Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
:D ;) :0 :) ;P :0 ;) :D :0 :) ;P :0 ;) :)
Swami Beyondananda on the Golden Rule: "It seems that when
masochists do unto others as they wish to be done unto, they
become sadists," the Swami said. "Consequently, the Golden Rule
has been recalled by the Maker until this design flaw can be fixed."
Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 12:52:44 -0400
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, elmissionATnospamphoton.net, elmchatATnospamphoton.net
Subject: new web page (slightly off subject)
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Sorry that this is a bit off subject but I am writing this to this list
because I know there are some of you with an interest in UFOs.
I have just created a web page to act as a repository of stories from UFO
experiencers. (It's my first web page, so it may be a little rough around
the edges.) The purpose of the site is to allow people to tell about their
experiences without fear of ridicule.
Your name and e-mail address are by default NOT printed on the page.
However, should you wish to have your name given just let me know.
Even though our list deals with rather "fringe" subjects (according to
mainstream society), UFO abductees and contactees are sometimes reluctant
to talk about their experiences even in a group like this.
If you are interested, check out:
(That's srimpi-and the number nineteen)
I'd appreciate any comments or constructive criticism you have to offer.
Thanks for your time.
In Service to the Light,
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 21:38:16 +0000
From: "frans" <fransATnospamtelebyte.nl>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: they're back
Message-Id: <199708121937.VAA12353ATnospamdegas.telebyte.nl>
Hello All, the pictures are back...http://www.telebyte.nl/~frans/we/
Very hot greetings from Holland, frans
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 13:02:25
From: ASTRANS <astransATnospamhotmail.com> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Transcomunicacao Instrumental
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
ListMystress scratches her head.. is it spam? It looks like spam, but I
dunno for sure.. forward it anyway, maybe someone on the list can tell me
if it is spam.. be pretty ironic for spam to be getting thru with my
assistance coz I can't read it.. at least it's short.. might be off topic,
I dunno.. (shrug)
"O dialogo com os mortos nao deve ser interrompido, pois, na realidade, a
vida nao está limitada pelos horizontes do mundo."
(Papa Joao Paulo II - Sermão. Audiência Geral das quartas-feiras. Basílica
de São Pedro - 1983)
Somos a ASTRANS (Associacao dos Transcomunicadores).
Ficariamos honrados com sua visita a nossa pagina.
O conteudo da pagina versa sobre TCI : Transcomunicacao Instrumental.
Esperamos sua visita e comentarios.
AstransATnospamhotmail.com & astransATnospamrocketmail.com
FE' = Força + Esperança ...
DEUS = O ENCRIADO CRIADOR, pois sempre existiu e esta' sempre criando ...
* Leia mais... Nao se limite... Nao seja apenas culto... Seja ESCLARECIDO!
Feel free to submit any questions you might have about what you read here to the Kundalini
mailing list moderators, and/or the author (if given). Specify if you would like your message forwarded to the list. Please subscribe to the K-list so you can read the responses.
All email addresses on this site have been spam proofed by the addition of ATnospam in place of the symbol.
All posts publicly archived with the permission of the people involved. Reproduction for anything other than personal use is prohibited by international copyright law. ©
This precious archive of experiential wisdom is made available thanks to sponsorship from Fire-Serpent.org.
URL: http://www.kundalini-gateway.org/klist/k1997d/k97d00259.html