1997/08/10 11:43
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #389
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 389
Today's Topics:
Re: Kundalini and menopause
Lessons from the Soul - #24
Re: Risposta: All the language BS
Re: being "touched"
Re: being "touched"
Re: Kundalini and menopause
Re: Kundalini and menopause
Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
bonsai and MRI
Goodbye... Farewell... AufWiedersehen... Adieu....
Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Re:Magnetism + Consciousness
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 1997 17:49:46
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and menopause
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi Dee:
I have the same questions myself.
> What effects does menopause have on the kundalini? Does anyone know of
> alternative hormone replacements? I have tried taking Premarin for about
> 1 year but did not feel like my pre-hysterectomy self.
> All insights into this are appreciated.
I am not using the doctor's prescription of Estrace since she told me it
was about 2 lbs of Tofu a day - in plant estrogen. I tried it for 3 days.
I went into major distress.. emotionally.. weeping at the most
inappropriate times. If I were you on Premarin I would get off gradually
and never go back. It is the pee of horses! My friend had major allergic
reactions to it and almost died about 4 times before they figured out it
was the hormone. It is NOT - repeat NOT made for humans. All my
naturopathic friends shudder at the concept.
I recently did the liver cleanse that I posted. and it cleaned out my back
up supply of estrogen. Then I started to get hot flashes etc. So I went
to a naturopathic doctor and she gave me the following regimen... none of
which includes estrogen. If I want estrogen I eat oatmeal, tofu and
This was tested for MY system. If you go to a naturopath the dr. will test
you for what fits yoursystem. If you have read anything about progesterone
(Dr. Lee is the best read on this) it says you do not need extra estrogen,
but more Progesterone. Another way to get what you need is DHEA which is
a precursor hormone.. and the body uses it as needed . It is for men or
women. Studies show that DHEA declines with age and the men who died the
soones were the ones with least of it in their bodies. The more DHEA the
longer life!
My prescription is as follows; 24 drops of Wild Yam extract
per day in water. ProGest oil under tongue per day (5 drops) (You can get
the cream but I prefer the oil as it is measureable)
DHEA 1 tablets a per day (morn and eve)(I cut down to 1 now as it was
keeping me awake at night)
Balance Fibro.. is a woman's product with balanced hormones, minerals etc.
Ginseng (American) 1/2 dropper a day.
Zinc... Estroliv... a special product to assist absorption of estrogen in
the liver for women.
With this I take CoQEnzyme 10 for the heart, Pycnogenol antioxidant,
Vit. C, Vitamin B. complex, minerals, Beta Carotene, Vit. E, and so forth
Try also Boron and selenium.
It is a lot more work than taking a little pill. But I do not have
paroxyms of tears with these products, and have found a fairly even
balance so far if I remember to take everything.
I also have to take a thyroid glandular product.. but this seems more to
do with my genes that the K.
I think that I have to keep a very clean diet with K. and really watch
what i put into my mouth.
I hope it helps... Ruth
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 1997 17:47:38
From: John Otis <sacredwindATnospamusa.net> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Lessons from the Soul - #24
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Greetings from the Hill of Light,
As you know, we live in the mountains of northern New Mexico. We are in
the process of developing the Sacred Wind Teaching and Light Center.
Some of our development plans are outlined on our web site if that is of
interest. A more complete packet with a sketch of the Center and an
outline of the trail system we are building is available if you send us
your snail mail address!!
Each of the six trails and the six meditation/contemplation areas are
named in accordance with the energy of one of the twelve Attributes of
the Soul. It is for this reason that where we live and work has been
named the Hill of Light. Light resonates to eleven, and is indeed one
of the key Attributes of the Soul. To find out more about the
Attributes, again you can visit our web site.
Trail building has been steady but occasionally interupted by our August
monsoon rains. Nevertheless, progress is being made! Hopefully the
Center will be built early next summer after the snow melts (we're at
8,500 feet!) and we'll have a grand opening. In the meantime, if anyone
is in the Taos, New Mexico area and would like some refreshing exercise,
you're invited to help build some trails!!! Just give us a call.
The following Lessons are particularly applicable to this
transformational time we are in. May the inner meaning resonate with
you as Oneness is celebrated!
Blessings of Love and Light,
John and Cheryl
>From the Land of Enchantment
Do you feel what might be called the breath of angels, as
you would call them, gently caressing your consciousness
bringing you ever closer to the realization of who you are?
Do you feel the momentum of opening to greater realities
that are just beyond the limitations of your embodied
experience? Do you feel the release of the patterns of
attachment that have held you in bondage to the limited,
created three dimensional world? Do you feel the inner
impulse to move ever more closely to the center of your
being? Do you feel the companionship of universal
consciousness that massages and caresses your every thought,
your every feeling, gently nudging you toward expanded
awareness? Do you feel the presence of other aspects of
energy, of other entities, of other points of consciousness
that surround you? Do you feel a window opening to that
which you might call your pathway to destiny?
All of these are in fact a reality for there is a continuous
process unfolding bringing the point of consciousness you
are into alignment with the singular consciousness of
creation. The consciousness you are has, but for a moment
in eternity, been separated from that which is the Source,
separated not in ultimate reality but in the temporary
illusion of created reality. So the pathway is before you.
The pathway is within you. It is a continuous process.
Each point of consciousness expresses what it knows and, as
it expresses what it knows, it expands and absorbs more of
what can be known and moves ever closer to simply knowing
the truth of all creation.
The waves of consciousness go out from the very center of
all, from the very consciousness of creation, and merge and
blend with all levels or dimensions of existence. And
within each of these areas of focus, the continuous process
of moving, of experiencing, and then returning takes place
as these points of consciousness merge and assist one
another. It is like the metal you call mercury that when
separated by an impact, appears to have many pieces, but the
infinite urge is to reassemble into a unified whole. Each
piece attracts the other. There is an identification and an
understanding and an agreement to merge recognizing the
Oneness of each point of consciousness. Merging with the
whole becomes the only reality. So as points of
consciousness merge, as there is a recognition, as there is
an attachment not to the separateness but to the wholeness,
then the pathway of return becomes expanded and is followed.
All points of consciousness return to knowing the unity of
wholeness and merge and blend with and are consciously one
with the very center of all.
As this is occurring, other waves of consciousness are going
out and forming nodules of individualized expression,
individualized points of consciousness through the world of
creative energy. They have experiences, they begin to
remember, they merge and again return. It is a continuous
process. So you see, all is based upon the flow of energy,
and what is that energy? It is Love. It is Light. It is
sound. It is that simple.
All of the words, all of the concepts, all of that which is
part of the various points of manifestation along the
continuum of this flow of energy are but condensed versions,
condensed presentations of Love, Light, and Sound. These
condensed aspects of the flow of energy are called Life.
Life is the energy flow of Love manifesting. See how it
works? It is quite simple.
So as the window opens and the infinite pathway of return
expands before your awareness, know that that is the only
pathway you are on, returning to the point of infinite
consciousness called the consciousness of creation. There
are many what you might call, entities, or dimensional
experiences that are beyond your immediate three dimensional
grasp that are surrounding you, calling you, and assisting
in every step along the way waiting for the awakening to
occur and the merging to take place so all that can move
together as one returning to the consciousness of unity, of
Open your awareness to this assistance, to this beckoning
that surrounds you and is within you. Feel the caress of
consciousness that nudges you along the way and nurtures
each thought and feeling, calling you ever homeward. Feel
the process. Merge with the process. Blend with the
traffic for there is much occurring at this very moment. It
is like a growing swell of momentum that is carrying
billions of points of consciousness toward an intersection
where all merge and all are One.
Feel this process occurring. I AM simply I AM. I AM the
Light, I AM the Love, I AM the sound, I AM the Life Force.
I AM the creative essence of all.
ONE: 70719
We come together at this moment in eternity from the
perspective of Oneness. There is an impression that is
being transmitted, a statement that is being made. There is
what you call a message being received; but do you know
where that statement, that message, is really coming from?
Ponder that for a moment for it is very true that in the
Consciousness of Oneness, that which comes to the surface of
externalized awareness from that center of Oneness where all
creation exists, where the infinite and divine intelligence
of the universe exists, there is that motivating energy and
power that radiates from that center of Love and Light
within the consciousness of the soul.
So the message, the transmission, the lesson, the impression
that is received is from that very place. That which is
offered is truth. That which is offered is from the
perspective of the consciousness of the real you. This
should be comforting for it can always be known that this
inner realm is there. It is always right where it is in the
center of your being. There are various permutations and
externalized limited perceptions of that which emanates from
this center. There are those attachments to the variety of
impressions that are presented and these attachments then
become crystallized thinking and limited dogma and
misperceptions. It must always be remembered that there is
this center, this uniform Consciousness of Oneness that is
emanating from and simply is the total existence of the real
There is a concept that is related to knowing this very
singular truth. It is a word that has been used in many
contexts, but often in a limited capacity, and it is the
concept or the word, peace. What is peace? In the
externalized conditions of your environment, you can say
perhaps that peace is the absence of conflict. Peace is the
absence of anxiety, worry, and fear. Peace is the absence
of anger and negative emotions as you would call them.
Perhaps this is one perception of peace. But what really is
peace as a quality of existence of the soul?
The peace we are referring to transcends all human endeavor
and activity. The peace we are speaking of is that which is
only found within the center of the consciousness of the
soul. Peace is knowing the truth of your existence. Peace
is being centered and non reactive to the externalized
conditions and environment. Peace is understanding more
than the emotions of the human endeavor. Peace is knowing
the truth of the Source of the emotive power and radiance of
the center of all creation, the emotive radiance of Love and
For you see, when you dwell in the presence of this Love and
Light, when you dwell consciously as one with this Love and
Light, there is absolute peace. Peace is that which comes
from knowing the truth. Peace comes as a statement of
expressing the divine intelligence of the universe. Peace
comes as there is a resonance in all of one's experience
with the purity of application of the truth that is known.
The peace we are speaking of transcends all human notions of
peace, although the outer extremities of experience where
there is reference to peace are certainly an indication of
the greater peace that comes only from within.
If you say there is peace because there is no conflict, is
there truly peace within the consciousness of one's
expression? Or is there the fear and anxiety that perhaps
the conflict will be resumed or has all of the conflict been
resolved and washed in the emanating radiance of the Love of
the universe? Where there is a residual externalized
emotional anxiety or attachment, then true peace is yet to
be aligned with.
So go within, know the truth. Know the Oneness you are with
the Love and Light of the universe. Let this peace which
has been said to be beyond all understanding be your
statement of being each moment of existence. It is truly
the peace that is beyond all understanding for it is the
peace of knowing, knowing the truth. Beyond knowing, it is
being that truth in every point of expression. Know this
peace. Be this peace. Let the emotive radiance of the Love
and Light of the universe be the foundation upon which all
expressions of the creative essence you are take place.
Know peace. Be peace. That is your birthright as a soul.
As you listen to the sounds of creation around you, as you
blend consciously with all forms and aspects of creation
around you, know that that is only possible because you
first are radiating and knowing the truth of the creative
flow of existence within you. This is the statement of
ultimate and infinite peace. You are embraced in the Love
and Light of creation. The peace and harmony of the
creative essence of who you are as a soul is always simply
who you are. Know that truth. Live as peace.
I AM the Love, the Light, and the Life of the universe.
GT: 70611
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 1997 17:57:09
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Risposta: All the language BS
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
You need to unsubscribe from the regular list and resubscribe to the
digest version.. instructions and addresses are below. The digest is always
under 32 k, most days there are 2 of them, early and late, some days more.
Especially if someone is up to mischief sending attachments or portugese..;D
At 13:41 09/08/97 -1000, you wrote:
>Dear Mystress:
>I see you have a Kundalini digest. How can I subscribe to it?
If you need more info, feel free to write to me at
Love and electric blue K. fire, List Mystress.
Website <http://www.execpc.com/~libra/kund/kundgate.html>
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Date: Sat, 09 Aug 1997 17:58:29
From: Rick Sedona <sedonaATnospamixpres.com> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: being "touched"
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Greetings and Namaste' to Everyone!
Forgive my intrusion, I'm new to the list and my name is Rick Sedona. I
would like to commend you Dor for your wisdom, insight and loving
gentleness you gave when responding to Enid's message. I have done a great
deal of studying prior to experiencing my own Kundalini awakening a few
years ago. I would just like to add that three important factors rule the
safe awakening of the Kundalini, these are the attracting vibration of the
Quester, the power invoked from above, the power invoked from below and
their meeting point at the Quester's centre of consciousness. It is these
three factors which place full control of the transforming powers which
are released to the Quester, in his or her own hands.
>From personal experience, the only valid way to acquire the skills related
to E-S-P and the development of the higher siddhis (attributes of
perfection, power which are the side effects of attainment), is by
transmutation of the Quester's present perceptive attributes, safeguarded
by the Quester's spiritual integrity and fulfilled in service to Deity, our
Universal Creator, The ONE.
Thank you for this time to share with all of you...
Namaste' sisters and brothers in spirit,
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 1997 20:06:20 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: "Rick Sedona (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)" <sedonaATnospamixpres.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: being "touched"
Message-ID: <33ECBFA9.7C81ATnospamintercomm.com>
I would just like to add that three important factors rule the
> safe awakening of the Kundalini, these are the attracting vibration of the
> Quester, the power invoked from above, the power invoked from below and
> their meeting point at the Quester's centre of consciousness. It is these
> three factors which place full control of the transforming powers which
> are released to the Quester, in his or her own hands.
> >From personal experience, the only valid way to acquire the skills related
> to E-S-P and the development of the higher siddhis (attributes of
> perfection, power which are the side effects of attainment), is by
> transmutation of the Quester's present perceptive attributes, safeguarded
> by the Quester's spiritual integrity and fulfilled in service to Deity, our
> Universal Creator, The ONE.
> Thank you for this time to share with all of you...
> Namaste' sisters and brothers in spirit,
> Rick
Rick, HI, I'm Gloria.
Glad to know you, I agree how very important it is to have God, the
creator, at the center of the picture. It sets the stage for the
awakening. Those who are inclined toward putting God first, will find
themselves well cared for. It just is the ideal focus for attitude of
mind and heart. Gloria
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 1997 20:41:23 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: "DEE B by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>" <SpiritDeeATnospamwebtv.net>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and menopause
Message-ID: <33ED3863.647ATnospambest.com>
DEE B by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:
> What effects does menopause have on the kundalini? Does anyone know of
> alternative hormone replacements? I have tried taking Premarin for about
> 1 year but did not feel like my pre-hysterectomy self.
> All insights into this are appreciated.
> Dee
I prefer the supplementation of DHEA to allow the body to make its' own
hormones. Sometimes supplementation with a NATURAL progesterone cream is
also needed. No estrogens! That is beging for bone loss and possibly
The normal DHEA level in a young man is 35mg per day, 19mg in women.
DHEA is available most commonly in 25 mg. supplements. If it is
micronized, roughly half of that is absorbed by the body. Sunlingual
drops, 5mg are sold over the internet and absorbed completely- these are
preferred. Take it first thing in the morning.
Even after menopause the female body will make 5mg of DHEA until age 60,
so the target is to add 15mg. From this your body will make just the
amount of sex hormones needed, and no more.
Date: Sat, 9 Aug 1997 20:58:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: morganaATnospambest.com
Cc: "DEE B by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>" <SpiritDeeATnospamwebtv.net>,
Subject: Re: Kundalini and menopause
Message-Id: <199708100358.UAA28565ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 08:41 PM 8/9/97 -0700, Morgana Wyze wrote:
>I prefer the supplementation of DHEA to allow the body to make its' own
>hormones. Sometimes supplementation with a NATURAL progesterone cream is
>also needed. No estrogens! That is beging for bone loss and possibly
> The normal DHEA level in a young man is 35mg per day, 19mg in women.
>DHEA is available most commonly in 25 mg. supplements. If it is
>micronized, roughly half of that is absorbed by the body. Sunlingual
>drops, 5mg are sold over the internet and absorbed completely- these are
>preferred. Take it first thing in the morning.
>Even after menopause the female body will make 5mg of DHEA until age 60,
>so the target is to add 15mg. From this your body will make just the
>amount of sex hormones needed, and no more.
I took on the personality of a drill sargent with DHEA (small dosage). It
was not pretty. My secretary in particular was unhappy about it.
One person's reaction.
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 03:09:39 -0400 (EDT)
From: PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <970810030938_1746035132ATnospamemout06.mail.aol.com>
In a message dated 97-08-09 14:10:17 EDT, Nancy writes:
<< I discovered a book yesterday that might interest you. Called "The
Messangers," the story tells of a non-religious business man who begins
receiving messages from angels. He discoveres that he was St. Paul during
Biblical times. This leads him to past life regression sessions. The truth
he shares differs from popular Christian views. >>
I personally know the "business man" who is the subject of "The Messengers."
You call him "non-religious." However, he is the son of a rabbi and was
raised in the Jewish religion. He married a Catholic friend of mine and was
allowed to be married in a Catholic church. Since he thinks he was the
apostle Paul, he obviously believes in Jesus. He also claims that he fought
in Napoleon's army in one of his seven past lives. He got a million dollar
advance when he sold his book. So, who knows? Paul was quite a businessman,
wasn't he?
Oh, and to further torment our imaginations, this same man also called me,
for the first time in three years, just hours after I had my first kundalini
episode. When I described the experience to him, he said, "Maybe you're
possessed by a space ship."
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 10:16:13 -0500 (CDT)
From: hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: bonsai and MRI
Message-Id: <199708101516.KAA00954ATnospamdfw-ix14.ix.netcom.com>
I pass along 2 curious items. Item #1: a friend of mind had a major
transcendent energy rush through the top of her head during a MRI exam.
Made sense to me in terms of the possible interaction of K with the
electromagnetic field.
Item #2: I knew yesterday that I was probably headed for a fairly
robust K episode which did in fact unfold last night. But yesterday
afternoon I visited the Bonsai exhibit at the National Arboretum where
some of the trees were 300 years old. The energy was so powerful in
the exhibit pavillion I became nauseated and had to leave. Apparently
the curator has to move the plants all the time because they get cranky
with each other. They all pout when he goes on vacation!
Whadya think? Holly
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 16:45:43 +-100
From: Matthew King <mkingATnospamaxe.rcuk.cca.rockwell.com>
To: "'kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Goodbye... Farewell... AufWiedersehen... Adieu....
Message-ID: <01BCA5AC.D98EBEA0ATnospamearn.rcuk.cca.rockwell.com>
Hello everybody! I am writing to bid thee farewell. I will be leaving the Internet soon, and should hopefully return in a few months. I just wanted to say what a pleasure it has been to find you all. I have enjoyed every one of your posts. Most of them I have kept so that if/when I have awakened my Kundalini, I can re-read them with a fuller understanding, and put the great advice to good use. It gladdens my heart to find a group of people with such love in their hearts, you are my kind of people. I know that if my Kundalini is awakened I will have a safe place with you all. I wish you all the best in whatever you are doing, and I can't wait to be back amongst you once more.
Massive amounts of love and respect to you all,
Matt K :)
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 10:01:18 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <33ED835B.3555ATnospamintercomm.com>
PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 97-08-09 14:10:17 EDT, Nancy writes:
> << I discovered a book yesterday that might interest you. Called "The
> Messangers," the story tells of a non-religious business man who begins
> receiving messages from angels. He discoveres that he was St. Paul during
> Biblical times. This leads him to past life regression sessions. The truth
> he shares differs from popular Christian views. >>
> I personally know the "business man" who is the subject of "The Messengers."
> You call him "non-religious." However, he is the son of a rabbi and was
> raised in the Jewish religion. He married a Catholic friend of mine and was
> allowed to be married in a Catholic church. Since he thinks he was the
> apostle Paul, he obviously believes in Jesus. He also claims that he fought
> in Napoleon's army in one of his seven past lives. He got a million dollar
> advance when he sold his book. So, who knows? Paul was quite a businessman,
> wasn't he?
Have you read his book? I heard it advertised on ARt Bell I think.
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 13:42:47 -0400
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re:Magnetism + Consciousness
Message-ID: <33EDFD97.88DATnospammail.snet.net>
Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D. wrote:
> I pass along 2 curious items. Item #1: a friend of mind had a major
> transcendent energy rush through the top of her head during a MRI exam.
> Made sense to me in terms of the possible interaction of K with the
> electromagnetic field.
It is known that electro magnetic storms on the sun affect
emotions on a global basis.
Scientists have been doing studies with regard to applying
electro magnetic stimulation using varying frequencies, pulse
rates, and varying location on the brain with respect to its'
effect on consciousness.
They've found they can activate endorphins to a certain degree.
More interesting, they can cause this state where the person,
(blindfolded and left alone in the room) senses a "presence".
This line of research is in its' infancy, however I believe
useful non-drug states of non-ordinary consciousness will be
discovered. And then of course the government will step in and
illegalize it as they did with LSD and MDMA.
Feel free to submit any questions you might have about what you read here to the Kundalini
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