1997/07/07 22:55
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #306
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 306
Today's Topics:
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Re: Shri Mataji - Good News for Kundalini.....
Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #297
missed-diagnosed k
Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Re: referred here..
Re: Questions - round two
Re: My spleen went BANG!
esp and music in the peruvian mts.
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
FEEDING KUNDALINI, hair, eyesight, etc.
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:24:20
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Practices
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
YOur letter:
> What I believe Swami Muktananada was refering to were the varieties of
> Shaktipat (outlined in Abhinavagupta's Tantraloka). My question is with
> respect to the variety of practices and their effect on practitioners. The
> two topics are related, but because in the reception of shaktipat there is
> no forceful practice, I don't think the topics are identical.
So are we talking of practices to awaken K. or practices after K. is
awakened? I would say that to discuss the latter is irrelevant.. K is its
own practice and has its own intelligence. It can be persuaded to relax a
little from time to time... but in my experience, it was a process much
like how you grow a body in 15 years... it happens as nature.
As for the miriad ways of awakening the K. indeed there are as many as
your imagination... as I think history would show. Quite common is
childbirth for women...for example. However, my interest lies in asking
if there is an implant or programmed trigger in people to wake it up when
certain circumstances arise in their lives! Is it connected to the
planetary awakening? I don't see how it can, since it has been happening
for many centuries of verified data from India at least.
Anyone any theories?
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:21:57
From: Detlev Peikert <dettyATnospamaol.com> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I recently had a very powerful Kundalini awakening. the most powerful
experiences occurred while I was trying to sleep. Now my experience is on
of strong energy movements in my back my head and throughout my body.
Unpleasant and not blissful. I stopped meditating for a few days to see if
the symptoms would abate but they have not. Now, everytime I try to go to
sleep at night I am unable to even though I feel very tired. The sensations
in my body become increasingly intense and much heat is generated. I feel
like I am burning up inside and I have to urinate frequently ( probably
because I need to drink a lot of water).
Is there anything I can do to smooth this out, to balance the energy and
most urgently of all, to get some sleep.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:21:12
From: zolloATnospammgmt1.wharton.upenn.edu (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Shri Mataji - Good News for Kundalini.....
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Yogi Tom wrote,
> namaskar oh yogis
> just returned from a wonderful meeting for Shri Mataji, founder of
> Sahaja Yoga - hundreds of people doing chakra exercises and forgiving
> everyone and taking off their shoes to go barefoot and let Mother Earth
> cleanse their bodies......
> this woman is the best, she is The Mother
> she has set up centres in 65 countries, all centred on the Mother Power
> here is a little something to inspire the great evolutionary urge...
> "...the Age of the Holy Spirit in which the ordinary man and woman will
> achieve the highest kind of awareness and participate in the most ideal
> form of social organisation by virtue of the indwelling divine power,
> which in Sahaja Yoga is called the Kundalini, the Divine Mother energy,
> the Adi Shakti within."
> Sahaja Yoga emphasises the prime importance of EQUILIBRIUM
> one of the speakers spoke about the need for peace on the BLUE PEARL of
> this planet....
> another one foretold the day when the whole planet would be peopled by
> Sahaja Yogis - people who have raised kundalini to the sahasrara.....
> and this at the Royal Albert Hall in London where I once heard the Three
> Degrees give a concert, and Roxy Music.......
Well, it looks like our friend Tom got really excited about his new
discovery. It was wonderful for me to read these lines and would
like to share with all the K-enthusiasts on this list why I believe
that Tom's discovey can represent the answer to ALL (let me repeat,
ALL) the questions about kundalini that I have been reading about
since the foundation of this list in June last year. I have always
refrained from providing an answer to all the posts about how to
raise, control, use K energy, why there are pains and all the
uncountable sorts of phenomena that have been connected in this list
to kundalini energy. Why ? Because it would not have served any
purpose ! Spiritual awakening and growth is an EXPERIENCE, and
cannot be neither substituted nor approximated by any written
description, any sermon, any enthusiastic tale of how life is at a
higher level of awareness.
Let's say that someone has discovered a new exotic fruit (guava,
for example) and wants to share the experience with his friends. No
matter how hard he tries, he will bever be able to communicate the
flavor, the smell and the joy that he felt while tasting the guava.
The only thing he can do, realistically, is to invite his friends to
go out and try it for themselves, experience it. Then they will be
able to talk and compare their impressions etc.
Tom, you have started to experience the guava. You cannot imagine
how happy I am for you. Please, do not stop there. In a matter of 3
or 4 weeks (sometimes even faster, if you are highly evolved) you
will learn how to raise your kundalini at will, establish it above
the sahasrara, use it to clear your own chakras and nadis, and to
raise anyone else's kindalini and clear their subtle system. That's
right, you are embarking upon a fascinating voyage to discover all
the spiritual subtleties of your own being and of the collective
conscousness, enjoy it !
You have been given a Divine Gift, Tom, for which you have not paid
and you will never pay anything (you are also not allowed to charge
anything when you give it to others, remember). This gift is your
own birth right, Shri Mataji (The Mother, as you rightfully refer to
Her) is only the catalyst for this en-mass awakening movement. She
is the only person in the history of humanity who can provide
Self-realization through kundalini awakening to thousands of people
simultaneously. Each and everyone has the tangible proof of this
spiritual breakthrough as they can perceive the Kundalini, the Cool
Breeze of the Holy Ghost, the Ruh, the Tao or however you want to
call Her, springing out of the sahasrara and from the palms of the
However on the list is interested to learn more about this, please
check out the web site
or send me a message. There are centers in 65 countries all over the
world, and I believe I can indicate the most convenient location for
In love and respect,
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:34:28 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com
Subject: Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #297
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Kurt said:
>>Now the question: If you follow the cases of unbalanced awakenings of
>>kundalini I have found no correllation between the practice and the
>>result - in other words many have had unpleasant awakenings from mild
>>practices such as Transcendental Meditation but I know only a few who
>>have had difficult awakening through any kind of breathing exercise.
>>So I'm beginning to wonder if the sensitivity and prediposition of
>>the individual is not much more significant than the practice
>>employed. In other words, could it be the case that there are
>>individuals with a predisposition to an unbalanced awakening but
>>there are no inherenly dangerous practices.
Joseph Miller replied:
>People get cancer and heart attacks all the time doesn't matter if they
>smoke or not. Clearly the logic is clear, light up and puff away! It is
>foolish to not smoke if you want to: keep your weight down, look cool,
>have a deep sexy voice, etc.
>That last paragraph is an application of the logic you applied to
>Kundalini applied to a common physical problem. I think it is easier to
>see in terms of cancer and poor health. The logic is no less false in
>either case.
Kurt replies:
It appears to me that the reasoning is different. In the case of smoking we
have a great volume of evidence that shows high correlation between smoking
tobacco and occurrence of cancer. In the case of imbalanced kundalini
awakening and forceful practices we have some classical literature,
contemporary teachers and various anecdotes showing correlation between
types of practice and imbalance. Moreoever, the classical literature and
contemporary teachers periodically contradict each other.
For example I gave the following as an example of a very dangerous exercise:
>Quite dangerous: Exercises such as Hatha Yoga's mahavedha exercise,
>also used by some Tibetan Buddhists, in which one forcefully drops
>or bounces the body on the ground.
To which Joseph Miller responded:
(This one can crack (no pun intended) a bone or break your tail bone,
and that ain't good at all!)
To which Kurt replies: Nevertheless this practice is noted in the Hatha
Yoga Pradipika and practiced by many Tibetan Buddhist practitioners today.
So when you say: ``Ignoring the wisdom of the ages because it seems old is
never a good idea.'' What constitutes ``the wisdom of the ages''? I don't
think the debate regarding kundalini practices was any less active one
thousand years ago than it is today and I don't see any way to resolve some
of these issues than to listen to different perspectives on what works and
what doesn't.
Namaste, Kurt
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:34:04
From: phillialATnospamucrwcu.rwc.uc.edu (Anita Phillips) (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: missed-diagnosed k
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi K-ites,
As I said before, I'm new and found this list 4 days after blastoff--May
10th. All of you have been a real source of comfort for me. But, I must
say, I'm a little nervous about what's gonna' happen next? Since May 10th,
my body has changed. (And maybe my mind--what's left--or right--or both??)
The same day I found this listserv, I found a yeast infection--no doubt,
from my juices working in overdrive--which went on-and-on-and-on for two
weeks and then some--the juices, not the yeast. Then I got a nasty sinus
infection. Then--what I previously referred to as my "figromyalgia"
started "flaring." During week six, I sort of plateaued. For those six
weeks, I went crazy for buttermilk, cheese, fruit and drums, lots of
drumming--Kodo makes me happy all over! (Some people want to be "piped
out" when they die--me, I want to be "drummed out!") I was suspecting that
my hair had gotten thicker--hard to believe since it's an inch or so in
diameter when pony-tailed--but the person who cuts my hair commented right
away (during week six) that the hair had gotten thicker! (I'm leaving out
all the bliss/merging/no-coordinate-system/wave stuff.) But, I must say,
that in general, my mind/body is feeling stronger and balancing.
Anyway, what I am suspecting more and more about myself is that what I have
been calling "fibromyalgia" has really been kundalini doing her
here-to-fore difficult work. For nearly two years, the only way I could
sleep--when I could do that!--was in a corkscrew position. About 4 months
ago I began sleeping on the floor, along with my old friend,
rolled-bathmat-cum-neck-pillow, and haven't had to corkscrew myself so
much! Then there are these FM "tender points"--places which get very sore
and then spread their soreness systemically. It has been very tricky to
determine beforehand what activities are going to be stressful and which
are not--and one doesn't know for several days after the fact whether one
blew it again and over-exerted! Then there's the FM "mind fog!" (Another
In my life there seem to be many overlapping symtoms between FM and K. (I
notice some people have referred to Chronic Fatigue in their lives.) All
in all, I prefer the kundalini paradigm to the fibromyalgia one. Certainly
seems to fill in more of the blanks of my life! But, I'm still relating to
what all of you have been writing and pondering, revisiting old patterns
and wondering, wondering, wondering....!
Do all of us have oddball body problems and histories of such? Has anybody
on this list travelled from a relatively healthy body straight to bliss and
then remained relatively healthy? (Maybe I'm "subconsciously" looking for
some kind of kundalini bell curve, here? But I am curious as to whether
everyone else has, or has had, strange body pain and symptoms? Is this
pretty much always part of the trip?
Anita P., *:)
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:41:59 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: "Detlev Peikert (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)" <dettyATnospamaol.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <33C10037.1C6CATnospamintercomm.com>
Detlev Peikert (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent ) wrote:
> I recently had a very powerful Kundalini awakening. the most powerful
> experiences occurred while I was trying to sleep. Now my experience is on
> of strong energy movements in my back my head and throughout my body.
> Unpleasant and not blissful. I stopped meditating for a few days to see if
> the symptoms would abate but they have not. Now, everytime I try to go to
> sleep at night I am unable to even though I feel very tired. The sensations
> in my body become increasingly intense and much heat is generated. I feel
> like I am burning up inside and I have to urinate frequently ( probably
> because I need to drink a lot of water).
> Is there anything I can do to smooth this out, to balance the energy and
> most urgently of all, to get some sleep.
> I would appreciate any suggestions.
> Detty
First you need to neutralize the feeling of fear, panic, and transform
that energy into gratitude. The most important aspect here is
realization. What kind of mediation are you doing? You need to get into
your heart center which will take the focus away from the body. All of
the physical responce mechanism come in from the lower centers, by
getting the heart you will be more detached.If you want to check out my
homepage for background let me know. Gloria
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:51:30 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: "~WS~ by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>" <skyATnospamsat.net>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: referred here..
> i was in twerrible pain throughout my entire body
> and found myself standing outside my body .
> that was the first time that happened, eventually it grew to a point where i
> thought i was losing my mind completely.
> i began to join somehow with people and places and i started feeling things
> like never before.
> i isolated myself here miles from anyone because i couldn't figure out how
> to shut off the sensations i was getting from everything.
> everything i touched i was getting images from , everyone i looked at i felt
> something or an image came to my mind,
> i am totally isolated at this point and just live here 24 hours a day.
Dear W,
Your experience is not unusual to this list.I'm sure with your Indian
background you are quite prepared by an good attitude about life.
The most important thing is to remove all negative energy around it so
that you can observe yourself the experience. You are not your body so
pull away from it enough to watch the spiritual experience as though it
is happening to someone else. By doing this you separte from the
emotions, thoughts, ideas, etc.
The purpose of life is actuall spiritual, now you are feeling your
light body energy and it is going to change who you are, how you
exprience and see things, and basically your overall consciousness on
life. My homepage is http://users.intercomm.com/larryn
Check out my k awakenging story ane we can talk. Gloria
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:57:19
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Questions - round two
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi Kurt:
Re: the practices of awakening.
The lineages issue is one that I now realize may have more to do with the
past lives issues than that the guru's of a lineage have any special
power. I was aware that I had had many lifetimes with my guru before this
one.. and when introduced to his Guru's ashram in India, I knew I had been
there before - like a familiar home. So I knew that I had been initiated
into that same lineage before this lifetime. Thus I would think that is
how one is balanced..because one picks up the trail again from where one
left off in the previous lives... and thus it is a path already taken so
to speak.
About the balance issues. If you read Gopi Krishna his was imbalance
caused by the shakti (K.) going through the Ida side ( I think it was the
fire one) and not the Pingala side (the two side channels that snake
around the shushumna (spine) like the caduceus rod). When he finally
figured this out and forced the other side to crack open, he was fine from
then on. Would this be bad luck or bad practices?
In my case I got imbalanced when some serious memories (lost will)
returned to me to be brought into consciousness .. memories of my father's
incest with me. I had buried it for 30 years. When it came into my
consciousness... I freaked... I could not face it and I got wobbly and had
to go to a psychiatrist. When I accepted this as truth, I was fine again.
I noticed that the times I got wobbly were when memories came back that
were difficult to accept.
This would be more psychological blocks than as a result of any thing that
the K. is doing that is imbalanced.
The key is that no one can know what all the messes are in the subtle
channels of the body that might create some crisis. It is called spiritual
emergency by the Grof's... there is no way to tell. That is why there is
danger. When some of these memories return, they bring huge reserves of
anguish...lost will (from Right Use of Will books). What has been pushed
out and unloved looks like hell...and feels unbelievable. Some people
will leave and die or go mad rther than accept the unacceptable. Thanks to
my guru's intervention on my behalf I was able to integrate this
horror...but I wonder what would have happened to me without his help!
Ruth /
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 16:01:38
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: My spleen went BANG!
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> anyone provide additional info about the splenic (sp?) chakra? I've had an
> enlarged spleen for years. The condition worsened after k. The medics
> have always told me it was an expected consequence of another medical
> problem I once had.
> Spiral
I will add something I found out from a pranic healer.. that all human
beings have an implant [square] in the spleen. It can now be removed. I
am not sure how it was put there or for what reason, but my theory is that
all implants can be dumped NOW... I have seen them and removed them in
people. They are disk like and have circuits like computer chips. If
you are able to "see" the etheric body, you might look for this and see if
that is the problem. It may be being removed. However, when I do it, the
person feels nothing...and the disk floats away as if it were in outer
Oh btw...one of the boons that one gets from having the K. awakened is
different types of "siddhis" or subtle powers.
Seeing the etheric body with the 3rd eye open is one of these powers..
Siddhis.. are not the reason to awaken K. although many do it with that in
mind. The goal is full self realisation.
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 19:59:42 -0400
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: esp and music in the peruvian mts.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
mazon poem of plutonium love from the old sorcerers dreams of ancient days
of woeful wrongs....
I had this interesting dream last night I saw the deep deep well
of the sorcerer's dreams, and, it was black gold in color,
and, so was the light bodies of spirits passed on , with threads of living
light woven in complicated tapistries, each individually wrapt with love,
by the angels of the ancient traditions, in deep,hidden
caves, of everlasting nigh, beneath, the city of the lizard, up in the
andes mountains, that swells green, in the daytime,covered with mists
of dreams gone by ,neptunian, and looks
like a magical city of Oz, in the moonlight, the luna room
of the prophetus, gives kingsize headaches to
men, everywhere,who sit therein, that's why I like to sleep there
in the nightseason, in the spirit, but, the fact, that it is irradiated,
with spirits of old, makes it seem, like there is beneath it,
strange cannesters of stored plutonuims, made for lovely
death-defying civilizations, dreaming together, in explosively
dangerous love of the phoenix rising up in the clouds of heaven, in
long, long rows, stacked high, who, put them there, I don't
know, just know that the city is glowing like a gloworm
at night, isn't it a strange place to find these things of
modern man,from the past, who knows if there is more of them, everywhere,
no wonder the elder brothers, in the mountains, near,
are concerned that we are there ravishing the jungles in the amazon, who
could believe, just a few years ago, the ancient chiefs of the incas, and
the amazon people had a telepathy, primitive, but, could
hear the air ring with love..and can't care too much about it , for
it would break all our supposidly non-existant hearts,
if I go there, I should tread very very very carefully, forthe snakes and
the sorcerers might bite your toes and steal your energies,
plus, the love and future of our men, and women are too
much, too much , to care about, and, the children everywhere, just don't
know the dangers, latent in deep wells on islands, everywhere, where atomic
runoffs of the radiated kind, is drunk like wine in the vineyards,
of the Gods, and, It makes you think the kundalini light force is
simply death staring at us in the faces, everywhere, there is no
safe place anymore, don't we know it , the indians of the americas,
know it, just the same, and the pain of knowing it, does grow old, we
die of old age ,
so, the fact of the matter is, did it matter, or is it an age old problem,
everywhere in every age, and we find out that
the earth has been radiated since the dinasaurs were wiped out,altogether,
which makes you wonder, then, was there a kingsize star that collided with
us like, a black star ,that is, and was an asteroid, that became and is our
isis-styled moon,named diana, so, you see, the collective conscieousness is
far more scarier
than any collective unconsciousness, that could be eraced by esp,by as-isor
the seeing the truth in the lies of the past and future,
and that is why, we don't want
to share the information, that is collected in god's vineyards, of the
pasts, around the worlds' old honored cultures, it would scare the skirts
and pants off everyone, if you knew, so ,only the ones who have strong
minds and hearts and faith, are allowed to know things that are real and
important, collected in secret societies that run back through the eons,
after all, like it or not, life is all illusion, is it not, not to worry,
just stay involved, with your friends and family, and live the good life,
as soon as you get over the idea of the living dead.... it can be fun, just
wait until you can trip over the rainbow, when I did, I was appalled there
was not much, and then too much there, until
I came back, and realized how flimsy this universe is, did I realize what
you were saying about this reality, being a shadow flickering over the
mirror of Creation, and I swear I never realized how fragile our realities
are, so be careful what you tell who you tell and how you tell another
human being, for you will surly shatter their realities..
and so profoundly it can feel, when one loses their abilities to love, only
death-defiers can do that, love, in an undetached Way , so I pay for it
each day, when a loved one doesn't understand, that I just can't love in an
attached manner, people call
me an angel, because, they feel my supreme detached deep compassion, and it
scares them, to come very near unto me, for I have seen the face of gods, I
am a seraph of the high high heights of the throne of the gods , or a cupid
that dwells in deep deep wells of love, who see
death everyday in the eyes of mankind all around me, because of the
knowlege that I just chanted, so, in the heavens, often , I seek friends
and companions who love to play like gods, and that is why I seek the
companionship, of others like me on the earth, those who died and came
back, who have died to the world of illusion, and maya, and, love to study
old magical sorcerers, doing the same Way of the mystics, who also felt a
hugh love for what they aren't, and what they instinctively felt was
missing, from the start, from the darts of the invadiing forces of the
unloved, the people in power positions that wont get down, who never grew
up and out to the stars and the real gods of eternity, that was the love of
infinity, and the gods that made it, and it's component parts of truth and
beauty, which can be dangerous lures to attract the Ones that are the
sheeps of the lamb, and other mystical peaceful creatures, to feed the
furocious hungry Lions and tigers of the forests of knowledge, but, not
necessarily having the wisdom and loving powers of the heart, who developed
way way too large in the intellect and not the seat of the power of
heavenly dwellers of the eagles of all the religions of devotion to the
higher powers , and that is the danger, and the war of the ethics, goes on
and on and do not fit, the role played by the gods of love,
So, again, I just know that the city is glowing like a gloworm
at night, isn't it a strange place to find these things of
modern man, deep below in the caves and tunnels of love, which
the indians and magi hid in long ago , to hide from the spaniards,
to save their civlizations for a little longer, who knows, if there is more
of them, everywhere, saving their hidden sorcers music and
laguage of knowledge and love, played only in the hearts and minds
of mystics everywhere, only mystic knowers know the truth, for sure.
no wonder the elderbrothers are concerned that we are there
ravishing the jungles in the amazon, who could believe
just a few years ago, the ancient chiefs of the incas and
the amazon people, had a telepathy, primitive, but, sure could
hear the air ring with love..
alt. dreams Castaneda
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 15:50:58 -1000 (HST)
From: Raja <sun1212ATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199707080150.PAA27947ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>
Hello Kundalini folks,
I've been enxperiencing alot of energy flow, particulary the 1st
chakra and the heart. There are times when i can will the chakra
to spin, and it feels great. Also having some problem concentrating
on things. Its an almost continual flow of energy.
I went to a rave dance a couple of days ago... It was great, the energy
was phenomenal... pulsations of light energy pulsating out of the
dance fusion core... I danced moving my arms in swirling patterns, my
objective was to allow the energy to express its self as purely as
possibly, trying not to consciously move the body by my will... I think
I hold a lot of energy in my shoulders, currently they hurt and I feel
sensations of energy flow when my muscles jerk my body forward.... My
feet feel good, feels grounded...
During the dance I had this interesting experience...There was a point
where I wasn't feeling so great...so I got high on pot...sat down and
allowed my body to assume a comfortable posture....I sat with my
head lowered and experienced intense kundalini flow, very intense flow
I could psycically see it look like two laser lights up through
my spine....this flow was in sync with the music dance core energy....
every time I would experience this flow the music would suddenly
feel more alive...
Could it be that as I was being healed by kundalini all around me was
being healed also? Or vice versa, or were we being all healed.
It was a great experience of connectedness....
The rave was called Freedom, and was an outside venue....
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 19:23:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: FEEDING KUNDALINI, hair, eyesight, etc.
Message-Id: <199707080223.TAA05109ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Tom wrote:
>for a while i bought expensive nut oils
>and shakti loved them on salads and sprouted beans...
>then she wanted pure high quality olive oil...
>then she lost all interest in oils altogether....
My diet also changes at her whim and I find it curious-er and curious-er.
Glad to know, always so glad to know, that I am not the only one with these
bizarre symptoms.
Recently glad to have confirmed that my eyesight is improving (doctor so
very surprised !!) and find my hair, always so so straight, is begining to curl
...all by itself.
The wonderful world of K. Always something new.
Anyone else have nose bleeds every morning for months?
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