Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/07/07 15:29
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #305

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 305

Today's Topics:
  Re: Relevant?
  RE: The LAKE !!!!
  Re: First
  Re: Taoists
  Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #297
  Re: The LAKE !!!!
  Re: Turiya: The Fourth State
  Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #297
  RE: K.List Family Album
  Questions - round two
  Re: Fat 101
  personal contact
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
  referred here..
  Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #297
  My spleen went BANG!
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 09:42:00 -0400
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Relevant?
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 09:43 PM 7/6/97 -0700, you wrote:

holy clowns

I thought this of interest for several reasons.
1. The image of a man talking to a spider in order to teach flys is

The public imagines the guru is fine and he is not
because he is evolving too and too busy catching
flies to bother with the public because he needs
to be a guru.

2. The web of attachment that is being elucidated
the web of attachment means god's web of gods
being stuck to perform the function of guru and
3. The concept of deception, trickery and false behaviour being utilised
the concept of the holy clown the medicine man who
heals and helps the evolving one withthe wild
holy spirit rising up and makeing sure the rebirth
is a safe one by doing ridiculus acts in the spirit
and in the physical any thing goes to make sure
the shamanic trip the trip to cosmic conscious ness
and god is a safe one. it can be humiliating for
the guru and the disciple but anything goes to
deliver the newborn in safety.... this is the rule
above all things, and in old cultures the clown is
avoided and taken care of by the group of disciples
because he is crazily sane..

by exponents of the Truth. It is not unusual for genuine teachers to get
students "jumping through hoops" in order to further the development of
the would be illuminate.
amen, this is the truth would ye but know it.......
I would want it to happen to you, but it did
to Carlos Castaneda....

4. Never trust a Sufi.
or a follower of cc because cc is me and you and
you and you......... and you could be in training
to be a Holy clown like you know who.....

>Saadi reports one quite characteristic example of conduct-teaching, from
>the life of Hatim al-Asamm: `The Deaf'. Some didacticians, he says, hold
>that Hatim of Balkh was deaf: do not believe it. One day he saw a fly
>caught in a web and spoke to it, for the edification of those present,
>saying that it hadn't been deceived by something attractive and
>desirable, but had only managed to get itself caught.
>But this analogy of the human condition was further given point by the
>audience when they realised that Hatim's attention had been attracted to
>the buzzing of the fly, which other people could hardly hear: and yet it
>was he who was supposed to be deaf.
>Hatim explained that he was not deaf at all. He pretended that he could
>not hear because then he would not be expected to listen to praise or
>opposition intended to influence him. If people thought him deaf, those
>who surrounded him would say what they really thought about him.
>An interesting difference between Sufis and others is that, like
>sociologists and other scientists carrying out tests, Sufis are able to
>pretend - to deceive, as some will always have it - while the convention
>is that people should never pretend to be what they are not: in this
>case, of course, to be deaf. But the Sufi always points out that while
>he may pretend to a purpose, to point out a fact, the ordinary person
>will pretend because he wants people to accept and respect him. His
>pretence, therefore, is far worse and far less productive, except of
>deception and self-deception.
>from Learning How to Learn
>Idries Shah
>I thought this of interest for several reasons.
>1. The image of a man talking to a spider in order to teach flys is
>2. The web of attachment that is being elucidated
>3. The concept of deception, trickery and false behaviour being utilised
>by exponents of the Truth. It is not unusual for genuine teachers to get
>students "jumping through hoops" in order to further the development of
>the would be illuminate.
>4. Never trust a Sufi.
>Most Kind Regards
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 15:41:45 +-100
From: Matthew King <mkingATnospamaxe.rcuk.cca.rockwell.com>
To: "'kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: The LAKE !!!!
Message-ID: <01BC8AEC.4A9624C0ATnospamearn.rcuk.cca.rockwell.com>

Hello everyone, reading the extract from Shadow's post below made me want to know : Is there any way to contact, through other people or otherwise, the dead. In particular my relatives. If the below concept holds true, I would assume there is not. Are the psychics who claim to be able to contact the dead mistaken, or are there certain conditions under which you are not returned to the lake, hence the explanation for ghosts. Or do ghosts not exist. I have no experience of them, and so cannot say either way. I would appreciate any comments or theories. The main incentive for wanting to speak to the dead is that I love my family, very very much, and indeed, some of my friends. When they die, which for my parents will be sooner rather than later, I would like to be able to contact them, providing I myself am still alive. Perhaps this is not possible, but I would be interested in what you all think.

Take care,

Matt K

2) When we die, our souls (spirit, mind or whatever) return to the
Where it mixes with others and from that mix, new lives will be born.
this means is- after you die, you are very unlikely to reincarnate as
baby. But, you may find your presence in several babies. The good news
you will not be punished for your sins etc. There won't be any one you
receive the punishment.)
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 11:08:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: DChern1123ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: First
Message-ID: <970707110846_323988849ATnospamemout13.mail.aol.com>

Yes you need a lot of gentle asanas and alternate nostril pranayama (ten
minutes each time) Something good is happening
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 11:35:37 -0400 (EDT)
From: DChern1123ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Taoists
Message-ID: <970707113535_340766333ATnospamemout06.mail.aol.com>

I'v'e read the books and I think that the k energy is much more intense
and spontaneous than what I was able to generate with the circulation of
energy Mantak teaches. I however believe that the taoist exercises (very
tedious) might be responsible for giving rise to the k in me altho I was
experiencing k energy for years previously but not as intensely. This is a
minefield my friend and youre better off meditating and taking it easy.
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 08:38:08 PDT
From: "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com
Subject: Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #297
Message-Id: <199707071538.IAA02386ATnospamf11.hotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Replying to:
>Date: Tue, 01 Jul 1997 11:46:03 -0700
>From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
>Subject: (Forceful) Exercises Dangerous
>For some time I have accepted the opinion that any volitional
>exercise aimed at awakening kundalini was potentially dangerous and
>the more forceful the exercise was the more likely it would result in
>an unbalanced awakening.
>The hierarchy that I have presumed is:
>Least dangerous - perhaps ``safe'': Mantric meditations and breathing
>exercises which simply circulate the breath through the body.
>Moderate: Visualization exercises focussed on navel or heart cakras.
>More dangerous: Exercises which entail breath retention such as
>kumbhaka pranayama
>Quite dangerous: Exercises such as Hatha Yoga's mahavedha exercise,
>also used by some Tibetan Buddhists, in which one forcefully drops
>or bounces the body on the ground.

(This one can crack (no pun intended) a bone or break your tail bone,
and that ain't good at all!)

>Now the question: If you follow the cases of unbalanced awakenings of
>kundalini I have found no correllation between the practice and the
>result - in other words many have had unpleasant awakenings from mild
>practices such as Transcendental Meditation but I know only a few who
>have had difficult awakening through any kind of breathing exercise.
>So I'm beginning to wonder if the sensitivity and prediposition of
>the individual is not much more significant than the practice
>employed. In other words, could it be the case that there are
>individuals with a predisposition to an unbalanced awakening but
>there are no inherenly dangerous practices.
>Any comments?


People get cancer and heart attacks all the time doesn't matter if they
smoke or not. Clearly the logic is clear, light up and puff away! It is
foolish to not smoke if you want to: keep your weight down, look cool,
have a deep sexy voice, etc.

That last paragraph is an application of the logic you applied to
Kundalini applied to a common physical problem. I think it is easier to
see in terms of cancer and poor health. The logic is no less false in
either case.

People who do nothing at all to awaken K. get seriously bad awakenings
every day (some get good ones too). If you want to play with fire, go
ahead it's your life (actually lives, these things carry over). Ignoring
the wisdom of the ages because it seems old is never a good idea.

Myself, while I have a fullsized ego, I realize I am not wiser than all
the masters that have gone before and left their wisdom to guide the
way. A safe, and hence more apt to be a healthy, awakening makes a
successful completion more likely as well as making the journey a lot
more pleasant.

Namaste, from one of those safe and happy fellows,


Get Private Web-Based Email Free http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 12:37:35 -0400
From: imtgATnospamjuno.com (tg xxx)
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: The LAKE !!!!
Message-ID: <19970707.124012.11182.5.imtgATnospamjuno.com>

Matt K said....

>The main incentive for wanting to speak to the dead is that I love my
>=>family, very very much, and indeed, some of my friends. When they
>die, =>which for my parents will be sooner rather than later, I would
like to
>=>be able to contact them, providing I myself am still alive. Perhaps =
>this is not possible, but I would be interested in what you all think.

You asked what we think.... hmmmm brave man.... i think, therefore i am,
if you want to live in the future and provide for yourself and your
contacts with the *dead*, then i'm sure someone will come upon some
information for you. speak now or forever hold your peace. tell your
parents & friends what you want them to know now so you won't wish you
left anything unsaid (well just in case you cannot contact the dead in
the future).... hey live now. the future is now.



"I post, therefore I am."

http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgshome.html <~~~~ on the web now
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 11:07:41 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: FIuteATnospamprodigy.net
CC: Nancy Kar <nkarATnospamfreenet.npiec.on.ca>,
 "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Turiya: The Fourth State
Message-ID: <33C0BFEB.28E5ATnospamintercomm.com>

FIute wrote:
> Nancy Kar wrote:
> >
> > I found this very interesting and familiar, Ruth.
> >
> > About 10 yrs. ago I was having these episodes of waking from
> > my sleep, being totally paralysed, except I could open my eyes.
> > I saw swirling colours moving around the room and heard a really
> > loud buzzing sound. My husband at the time slept through it all,,
> > everytime it happened. All I felt at the time was intense fear, even
> > terror. I found that if I closed my eyes and
> > relaxed my mind I could go back to sleep and wake normally.

 I'm Gloria.. This is not anything other then classic out of body
awareness. You are always experiencing the dream state, but this is
more conscious of the actual complete separation. It is just a part of
the awakening. There is nothing wrong, in fact it is a step on the path.
Your husband can't hear it or experience it because it isn't physical
but spitirutal. The buzzing is just from being out of the body. If you
pass out you hear the same sound. Remove the negative thought form and
erase the need to name it into an illness. Don't try to explain this
kind of thing to a doctor that has to find a physical cause. When you
are no longer projecting thoughts or fear it will settle into the actual
clear experience with great teachings coming down. I've experenced this
most of my life and worked with people grounding this, believe me it is
a blessing.
> > At this time also, I was waking up to find myself OBE and wandering
> > the streets, at night in spirit:).. not a good thing:) Again, your panic is distorting, of course you are out of body that is what it does, the teaching is learning how to move through the astral into higher dimensions. It has to start from where you are.
 If you need help with this let me know. You have a lot of letting go of
thought, fear, panic, misplaced concepts... When you meditate you are
opening yourself to learn spiritually. The main place this takes place
beside your disciplined quiet time is sleep... I wrote a book on
detachment because of his very thing. You have to open your eyes and
deal with your thoughts and fears. If you are interested I will mail it,
let me know. Gloria

> >.
> >
> >
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 13:50:09 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>, Joseph Miller <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com
Subject: Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #297
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

53 AM 7/7/97 -1000, Ruth Trimble wrote:
>HI Joseph
>To your letter:
Actually this was my (Kurt's) comment:
>So I'm beginning to wonder if the sensitivity and prediposition of
>>the individual is not much more significant than the practice
>>employed. In other words, could it be the case that there are
>>individuals with a predisposition to an unbalanced awakening but
>>there are no inherenly dangerous practices.
Ruth replies:
>I would reiterate what I wastold by Muktananda, that you are correct in
>assuming it is the type of individual. He said there were 27 levels of K.
>awakening and each was determined by the individual temperament of the the
>aspirant. The more unconscious and hidden from the truth...the more
>dramatic the turn around.

What I believe Swami Muktananada was refering to were the varieties of
Shaktipat (outlined in Abhinavagupta's Tantraloka). My question is with
respect to the variety of practices and their effect on practitioners. The
two topics are related, but because in the reception of shaktipat there is
no forceful practice, I don't think the topics are identical.
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 1997 22:04:47 +0100
From: Paul Fallon <pawlATnospamfirstnet.co.uk>
To: "'PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com'" <PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com>,
Subject: RE: K.List Family Album
Message-ID: <01BC8B23.21D11CC0ATnospamjota5.legend.co.uk>

Could someone write the address / provide a link to the family album. I've lost it and can't seem to get there with search engine... Also, where send snaps?

This is not the end: it is not even the beginning of the end. It is perhaps the end of the beginning.

-----Original Message-----
From: PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com [SMTP:PEGLUMPKINATnospamaol.com]
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 1997 10:55 PM
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: K.List Family Album

In a message dated 97-07-04 08:06:07 EDT, you write:

<< Did anyone besides me, .. notice an odd, almost familial resemblence
 between most members? >>

Before I figured out how to view the k list photos...

Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 14:52:58 -0700
From: Kurt Keutzer <keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, keutzerATnospamsynopsys.com
Subject: Questions - round two
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

The responses to my original question on the dangerousness of forceful
practices has led me to draw out a number of related questions that were
implicit in my original post.

Question 1: Is there such a thing as an unbalanced awakening of kundalini
or is there only an awakening of kundalini as perceived by a limited ego?

My working hypothesis: I believe that the classical literature (e.g.
Abhinavagupta's Tantraloka) does indicate there are unbalanced (literally
demonic) awakenings of kundalini. My experience has been that teachers of
kundalini and siddha mahayoga have been very reticent to discuss this. It
has also been personally difficult for me to raise this question as it is
perceived as simply academic (i.e. if I'm not having problems why do I care?)

Question 2: What is the origin of these unbalanced awakenings?

Working hypotheses: Unbalanced awakenings may be due to:

a) Improper initiation. This may be due to deficiencies in the student,
teacher or both.

b) Karmic propensities in the student which manifest as a predisposition to
unbalanced energy movement.

c) Improper practice.

In the past I thought that c) improper practice was the most common cause
of an unbalanced awakening but I am tending to believe that predispositions
among individuals are more commonly the cause.

I do believe that ALL THREE can be causes of imbalance. For example, I do
believe that improper practice can also be a source of mental and physical
problems in general and imbalanced awakening in particular. For example
someone was recommending Mantak Chia's practices in this newsgroup. I don't
know much about them myself but Bruce Kumar Frantzis in his book _Opening
the Energy Gates of the Body_ notes that he has had to deal with a number
of pathological cases from people who carried practices similar to those
described in Chia's books to extremes. [I don't think that he mentions
Chia's books by name though.] Incidentally, Bruce Kumar Frantzis is himself
a 25 year veteran of kundalini yoga practice.

My question was less about absolutes than about what is the most common
cause. The only way to resolve a question like this is to draw on a broad
range of data. I was interested in the direct experience of people in the
group. In particular I was interested in people's exposure to unbalanced
awakenings and whether they could determine what the source was.

Question 3: When imbalanced awakenings occur is the result permanent or

Working hypothesis: Everything is transitory but I do believe that the
results of an imbalanced awakening could last an entire lifetime and
perhaps multiple lifetimes.

The question of teachers/gurus came up which raises the familiar questions:

Question 4: What is the role of the guru in the practice of kundalini yoga
(by which I mean particularly those techniques (e.g. Hatha Yoga, Laya Yoga,
Kriya Yoga) which use effort)?

Working hypothesis: It is obvious that the teacher has a valuable role in
actually demonstrating the proper practice of the techniques of kundalini
yoga. It is also obvious that many teachers have a special sensitivity to
energy movement and can prescribe techniques to balance movement or can
directly intervene in the energy movement of the student to balance it.

My question is more with regard to the role of ``blessings''. I have
personally met and heard a few teachers of kundalini yoga and siddha
mahayoga claim, in so many words, that no students in their lineage had
ever had ``problems'' due to an unbalanced awakening. The implicit notion
here, and one that Tom Ashton alluded to, is that there is a blessing in
the lineage that actually protects the student from imbalances. I tend to
believe this as well but I don't understand it. I also know that in these
lineages that there are people who received initiations in these lineages
who have unbalanced awakenings - even if they may not be called formal
students of the lineage. I think the essence of my own question is: If the
movements of goddess kundalini herself can produce an imbalance (see
question 1) then how can the blessings of a human lineage work to maintain
or repair the balance?

I look forward to hearing other's thoughts on these questions. I think it
will be easy to poke holes in my wording and phrasing of some of these
thoughts. I would appreciate it if all who responded answered with the same
sincerity with which these questions are posed.

Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 10:04:06
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Fat 101
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Re the Fat issue.. I did a liver cleanse the other day from Hulda Clark's
book A cure for All Diseases... and out came many disgusting things.. some
of which looked like little triangular white plastic chips. I was told
that these are certain types of fats that just clog up the liver as they
have been artificially heated and turned into plastic...YIKES! If anyone
wants the recipe for the liver cleanse I will forward it. It is going the
rounds of all my friends right now!
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 10:56:04
From: "alex" <alex-glATnospamusa.net> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: personal contact
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

  This person is not on the list.. please respond to them directly..List

Hi! (ðÒÉ×ÅÔ!)
I am Nataly. I am from Ekaterinburg, Russia.
I wont to correspond with somebody.
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 11:02:52
From: allen linam <skyATnospamsat.net> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

hi, my name is allen,for several years things have been changing for me, i
seem to have entered a new
era in my life,after 27 broken bones and much pain a healer i spoke
to suggested i write to this list, she said that i had shamanistic traits
and broken bomnes were a sign
as well..several things have been happening , and in the past 3 years i
have started to gather different stones
i live far away from most people and have been this way out here in the
quiet..ispoke to the healer and told her of the images and things t
hat were happening to me. she said some things about chakras and so
forth.being cherokee indian i thought it might be a tribal thing going on
in my blood..
she said i was extremely sensitive.. or a sensitive..so i jpoined to learn
 more of these new levels of consciousness i am experiencing..
it seems i can astral project myself as well, i thought it was just my
imagination at first
but then people i'd met told me i had actually described things in there
that really spooked me....i started writing poems about things and places
in dreams..
several people really liked them ..i am trying to understand just
what i am goiing through.i described some of the things i do naturally ,
and found
out they were things that actually had names.. i didn't know that..
so i suppose i need to learn and explore these things as the healer
suggested i do..i also seem to be able to communicate with my animals
 on some weird level... it's hard to explain it all..
so much has happened ...so i came to learn just what is going on with me..

i had a dream of someone calling me wind..
so i go by wind now..
i suppose it's because i can be very strong yet gentle as a breeze..

Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 11:08:18
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi One more little ditty about Gotu Kola... it with Damiana is supposed to
be a great substitute for Ritalin. A friend has tried it.. it works. Just
have to adjust the dose to suit. Too much doesn't work.. too little
doesn't work.. the right dose ... RIGHT ON!
Ruth... PS can you let me know if I appear on the Klist yet? I have been
getting the mail for 4 days, but nothing apparently is showing up on the
list others are getting... mysterious things happen don't they?
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 11:09:18
From: skyATnospamsat.net (~windspirit~) (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: referred here..
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

hi my name is allen,for the past three years especially, i have been
experiencing amazing things,very hard to explain
a woman i met said that i had very strong shamanistic abilities and referred
me to this list.i have started collecting stones in the past 3 years i
didn't quite know why,
at several points there i was in twerrible pain throughout my entire body
and found myself standing outside my body .
that was the first time that happened, eventually it grew to a point where i
thought i was losing my mind completely.
i began to join somehow with people and places and i started feeling things
like never before.
i isolated myself here miles from anyone because i couldn't figure out how
to shut off the sensations i was getting from everything.
everything i touched i was getting images from , everyone i looked at i felt
something or an image came to my mind,
i am totally isolated at this point and just live here 24 hours a day.i
write alot and most of my poems are very different i'd say..i reached out to
a healer for a friend who is suffering very badly.
i'd hoped to find a healer to heal her intense pain...
at that point i was referred to this list..
i am not aware of what is really going on with this list
although i have a feeling it will probably shed some light for me and help
me to define these things that are happening to me......
at one point ,, i know this seems hard to believe..
but i felt like i died. ok so call me a nut..
but at that point somehow i came back..
it was like i merged with everything .....
but now here i am i'm alive and we'll i'm a bit confused about what has been
happening to me.....
i have always meditated .. all my life as far back as i can remember..
but now .. it's different.....
i can actually go places ,, spiritually and come back and explain what i saw
in detail..
i'm cherokee indian .. but not really in a tribe or near a reservation or
anything..i seemed to have missed out on that..
perhaps it's in my blood that this is happening..
who knows..
i came here to learn .....
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:20:20
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #297
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

HI Joseph
To your letter:
So I'm beginning to wonder if the sensitivity and prediposition of
>the individual is not much more significant than the practice
>employed. In other words, could it be the case that there are
>individuals with a predisposition to an unbalanced awakening but
>there are no inherenly dangerous practices.

I would reiterate what I wastold by Muktananda, that you are correct in
assuming it is the type of individual. He said there were 27 levels of K.
awakening and each was determined by the individual temperament of the the
aspirant. The more unconscious and hidden from the truth...the more
dramatic the turn around. In my case.. it was VERY dramatic! I have
always been that type of person too. In many other cases though, it was
very calm and controlled.. sort of like the river at the old state where
it meanders in big loops. My stage was the top of the mountain and the
rushing..deep, water falls jumping off cliffs.
The danger is in knowing who is which type! One really cannot know until
the K. is awakened.
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 1997 15:18:56
From: "Spiral" <spiral-3ATnospamworldnet.att.net> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: My spleen went BANG!
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi All,

The other day I was relaxing on the sofa when suddenly there was an
explosive energy release from my spleen. I mean explosion! Not painful
really, but I think if I had been standing I would have keeled over. For a
few seconds thereafter I felt waves of energy traveling up my left side and
up into my brain. Kind of dizzying. I've read Paulsen (she says the
spleen's function is related to finding peace on the emotional level). Can
anyone provide additional info about the splenic (sp?) chakra? I've had an
enlarged spleen for years. The condition worsened after k. The medics
have always told me it was an expected consequence of another medical
problem I once had.



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