1997/05/29 10:47
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #256
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 256
Today's Topics:
Re: angels of light and darkness
Sahaja Yoga
electric dreams
Re: electric dreams
Teeths and dreams for all!
Re: Sahaja Yoga
Re: Forgotten/lost/stolen?
RE: Teeths!
Re: Teeths and dreams for all!
Re: Teeths!
RE: angels of light and darkness
Re: <<<<<Synchronicity
help with accepting kundalini
Lobster's quiz
Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 21:20:09 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: angels of light and darkness
Message-ID: <338B41D8.819ATnospamintercomm.com>
E Jason wrote:
> Jason wrote:
> > My recent "plunge" into my old friend Darkness has shown me yet again that lightness can be found through darkness because they are the same. A lesson that, for reasons which are only just becoming clear, I needed to learn twice.
> >
> > But to plunge is perhaps not a wise path as I now realise. A happy medium between lightness and darkness is a peaceful place. I watch their interplay and the creativity manifested by their mixture. I feel a resounding love for this creativity which seems to unfold best with the least interference of my mind's yearning to make activities such as plunging.
I sense you have a need to be accepted no matter what you do or say,
and you test people out to see if they will do that. This is carried
over from your past, since you actually push people away from you when
it takes over.
It always boils back to trusting and letting go of whom you think you
are, so that you can find out who you really are, which is the
unknown... It is always the letting go of that controling, manipulating
energy. That isn't you, that is the shadow. We are seeing you ...the
real you in this post.This being is exposing himself which is hard to
do. This is you in your nakedness, but it is also you in the essence of
highest good, your humility and your love.
You are right, you learn in the exchange, but to create it as a
sideshow or game is very destructive. This use to be ok for you, for who
you were then, now it isn't. You know to much. And, that knowing is who
I and others empower. This is the real love you are looking for, and
this is what is necessary for all of us in this hour.
> > PS. I feel I must expose my ego. It feels so wrapped up in these posts. It wants to say clever things. It wants everyone on the list to think that I am an evolved being. It compels me to feverishly check my email to look for responses. It feels a great need for love and attention. Why does it feel it must expose itself? Just another ploy to draw attention? Do I dare love that too?
You have said more here today then you can ever know. Thank you. Gloria
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 13:54:44 EST
From: "Maurizio Zollo" <zolloATnospammanagement.wharton.upenn.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Sahaja Yoga
Message-ID: <1C94C8764A9DATnospammanagement.wharton.upenn.edu>
Hi everyone !
here is a unique opportunity for all those who are interested in
experiencing (other than just talking about) the awakening of
Kundalini energy and the spontaneous opening of the sahasrara
chakra, the universal joy of yoga.
Sahaja Yoga is a simple, yet powerful method of spiritual ascent
introduced in 1970 by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, formerly a youth
leader in Gandhi's movement to free India from British rule (during
her youth, she lived at the Mahatma's ashram) and now a recognized
authority in world peace and spiritual awakening issues..
Since 1970, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has kept a busy schedule as she
travels around the world teaching the techniques of Sahaja Yoga
meditation. She has demonstrated her capacity to trigger the
awakening of Kundalini at an "en masse" level.
Shri Mataji has never asked for or received any money for any Sahaja
Yoga teachings.
Large numbers of people, without distinction of race, religion,
age or social status have acknowledged the value of her
teachings by establishing Sahaja Yoga centers in over 65
nations. An official guest in the former Soviet Union, she
enabled over 100,000 people to experiment with their
Self-Realization. She regularly speaks to audiences of 10,000
to 20,000 in the former Eastern bloc nations and has filled
Royal Albert Hall in London several times for her conferences on
Sahaja Yoga given there.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has dedicated her life to triggering
the spiritual ascent of mankind through Self Realization,
reclaiming the role of women in the spiritual evolution, and
guiding humanity to correct today's moral dilemmas.
She will be in the US and Canada in June to give the experience to whomever desires it.
She will be in New York (June 10 7:30 PM, Cathedral of St. John the
Divine, 1047 Amsterdam Ave), Los Angeles, Berkeley (San Francisco),
Vancouver and Toronto.
Please call (800) 745-YOGA for details on these public programs
If you want to know about Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji, please check
the Sahaja Yoga home page at:
If you prefer to talk about it more at length, feel free to contact
me at (610) 259-8932 or call the center nearest to you (check the 800
number or the web site).
Enjoy everyone !
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 13:32:27 -0500 (CDT)
From: Nothing Is <holi0007ATnospamitlabs.umn.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: electric dreams
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.970528132928.27009A-100000ATnospampiranha.itlabs.umn.edu>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Ever since shakti has become awake, sometimes I'll wake within a dream of
total chaos. There is nothing "real" in this dream, it is like watching
aurora borealis. Its like a psychedelic illusion show. During this my
physical head feels hot and empty. Weird...
bye, nothing is
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 20:57:41 +0200 (METDST)
From: Stephane Marconi <marconiATnospamschp5.unige.ch>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Teeths!
Message-Id: <Pine.HPP.3.95a.970528203825.5263A-100000ATnospamschp5>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
hi everyone,
for the past year, I have been having these series of dreams where I would
loose my teeths. They would slowly brake as I would chew on some gum;
sometimes my whole jaws would transform themselves into animal-like
features. The first dreams were terrible 'cause I would wake me
up and I really think I was loosing them( which isn't what you'd except
from a 25 years old!). Eventually I got used to it, detached myself. I
wondered what it could mean, without too much results except for the
concept of transformation. Anyway a couple of weeks ago, I had a dream
where a new set of teeth were fitted to me. The new ones were very strong
and hard, white with a golden feeling to them( this is the best
transcript of the feeling and the images). They did'nt really feel as
they were mine( they had just been fitted in!).
It is not the first time,my dreams have involved to form a sort of serie .
I consider this as a secondary matter to k issues,but I am just curious to
have your vues on this matter.
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 15:33:56 -0400
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospamsnet.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: electric dreams
Message-ID: <338C88A4.609ATnospammail.snet.net>
Nothing Is wrote:
> Ever since shakti has become awake, sometimes I'll wake within a dream of
> total chaos. There is nothing "real" in this dream, Its like a psychedelic illusion > show. Weird...
> bye, nothing is
You mean kind of like waking "reality"?
Dream Character
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 22:18:49 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Akasha <thauglaATnospamonline.no>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Teeths and dreams for all!
Message-Id: <199705282018.WAA22500ATnospamonline.no>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>for the past year, I have been having these series of dreams where I would
>loose my teeths. They would slowly brake as I would chew on some gum;
>sometimes my whole jaws would transform themselves into animal-like
>features. The first dreams were terrible 'cause I would wake me
Ahh, there are dreamers here!
If anyone is interested in a dreamproject where the participants try to meet
at a set dreaming destination(as the "Sphinx" or "Stonehenge"), please feel
fre to email me. They did this on the Ixtlan mailing-list with some really
weird results, so why shouldn't there be a kundalini dream world waiting to
be explored?
The dissolving teeths could merely imply that you are sort of "grinding"
your teeth at night. This is a normal thing that, eventually, will (ops)
dissolve your teeth. I've heard various explanations for this nightly
behaviour, though, it might be your psyche trying to tell you that you are
repressing your feelings?
Back from the [dreamworld] (the Limbo of lurking)
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 15:37:53 -0600
From: jeremiahATnospamouter.net (jeremiah cunningham)
To: "Maurizio Zollo" <zolloATnospammanagement.wharton.upenn.edu>,
Subject: Re: Sahaja Yoga
Message-Id: <199705282028.PAA22802ATnospamsmtp.outer.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
My thanks to Maruizio for the post on Sahaja yoga and Shri Mataji ...
This is the authentic and authoratative information that I have
been waiting for regarding Kundalini energy...
Thanks also to the hundreds of wise and silent readers of this
list... If anyone has had experiences with this guru I would appreciate
anything that you could share with me. I live in Austin, Texas.
Jeremiah Cunningham SECRET TEA GARDEN
213 Congress Av. #304 Fine Teas From Around the World
Austin, Texas 78701 Art for gardens - Tea Accessories
512-444-1039 Acccouterments for your personal paradise
jeremiahATnospamouter.net Dedicated to PLEASURE - BEAUTY & HEALTH
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 15:29:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: dorATnospamhlc.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Forgotten/lost/stolen?
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I was wondering the same thing. Letters have to be proof-read... twice,
sentences have a beginning and an end, no middle. Simple words, no longer
simple words. Train-of-thought has gone... out to lunch. Can't sleep, flames
everywhere, crappy in the typing dept. Need a book to look up words to be
spelled, still not right. Forgot what I went for and why. Made lemonade
without lemons. Feet always tingle, Im grounded... I guess. Ah well... maybe
tomorrow it will be different. :-)
love 'n light dor (I think )
LibraKatll wrote:
>Another thing, has anyone seen my memory? I seem to have lost it or possibly
>left it in another dimension. If found, please return it because my family
>thinks I didn't just lose my memory, but instead have lost my mind!!!
> Hmmmm....if anyone sees *that* laying around, too, let me know. ;-)
> Kat
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 23:56:21 +0100
From: Paul Fallon <pawlATnospamfirstnet.co.uk>
To: "'Stephane Marconi'" <marconiATnospamschp5.unige.ch>,
Subject: RE: Teeths!
Message-ID: <01BC6BC2.F3A78200ATnospamjarama3.legend.co.uk>
This is not the end: it is not even the beginning of the end. It is perhaps the end of the beginning.
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephane Marconi [SMTP:marconiATnospamschp5.unige.ch]
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 1997 7:58 PM
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Teeths!
Steph told us about the teeth dropping out dream.
I had the same dream about 13 years ago, waking startled by it and feeling it had deep reverbs for me. Often by thinking through and turning over dreams I could untranslate them - feeling my <truth> as I stumbled across the meaning. Remember not really understanding the sense of foreboding I had in the dream. Some quacky dream symbolism book says teeth are friends: you're teeth are falling out and your losing your friends, right? I didn't really feel this was it for me but I think there was something in it....
It coincided with phase of discovering the world within, of spontaneous k-arising whoaness and other unfathomable phenomena. I think I did get lost within in this pursuit - feeling pretty alienated at times and coping with trying to pull together coherent ways of functioning in social situations. Reconciling new perspectives and perceptions against the social mores and the custom & practice of my everyday relationships. Ok, reckon my teeth fell out a bit. Got a bit paro too. A necessary release: letting go, turning within. Self-discovery, then waking to the world... then, maybe, self-knowledge then over again. Image: serpent swallowing its tail then re-emerging. Very poetic. In social terms: so far up your ass, turning insides out.
Anyway, I think I must have been round again by now and no blubbering required as everything is cool.
Those new gnashers of yours sound alright, though, Steph.
For anyone else who's made it this far through the mail:
I posted an intro ('hello out there') about a month ago but never saw in the post, archives or received a response. Out of interest, did it make it?
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 16:45:36 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Akasha <thauglaATnospamonline.no>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Teeths and dreams for all!
Message-ID: <338C531D.8B2ATnospamintercomm.com>
Akasha wrote:
> >for the past year, I have been having these series of dreams where I would
> >loose my teeths. They would slowly brake as I would chew on some gum;
> >sometimes my whole jaws would transform themselves into animal-like
> >features. The first dreams were terrible 'cause I would wake me
> >>sincerely>
> >
> stefan.
> Ahh, there are dreamers here!
> If anyone is interested in a dreamproject where the participants try to meet
> at a set dreaming destination(as the "Sphinx" or "Stonehenge"), please feel
> fre to email me. They did this on the Ixtlan mailing-list with some really
> weird results, so why shouldn't there be a kundalini dream world waiting to
> be explored?
When you have a reoccurring dream like that, it is dealing with
something you are going through in your day to day life. I would have
to talk to you or a few minutes to get the frequency you are working in,
but most likely you have something intense in your life that is out of
balance and you are seeing it through this impression. Something
personal to you is coming through it.
Are you having a problem with anger or rage where you see yourself
become animal like? Teeth represent a symbol to you in your mind, so you
need to meditate and decode your dream formula. It is a negative energy
that tells you are dealing with fear, which is solar plexus related.
And, it is confusing which also tells you it is solar plexus energy.
When you have a heart centered dream it is always clear, and the
message is concise and uplifting, this is not so it is comng through
your lower centers. I call heart centered dreams consciousness dreams,
they always cleanse and uplift. This one is not that frequency. Tell me
more about your life and I will help you if you wish.
One of the people in our group has a reoccuring dream about having her
purse snatched and getting left behind, a bus, train, plane, cruise
line, etc. This is her personality wanting to do everything, her
security is her purse, and she wants to be in flow with what is
happening but is often out of balance due to her undisciplined desires
of doing and being everywhere. As she came to understand this, she becan
to see and understand it and seldom has the dream any more. It is a red
flag to her that she is off center. This may be the same kind of thng to
you. Do you lose control of yourself? Gloria
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 16:49:27 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Stephane Marconi <marconiATnospamschp5.unige.ch>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Teeths!
Message-ID: <338C5404.112DATnospamintercomm.com>
Stephane Marconi wrote:
> hi everyone,
> for the past year, I have been having these series of dreams where I would
> loose my teeths. They would slowly brake as I would chew on some gum;
> sometimes my whole jaws would transform themselves into animal-like
> features. The first dreams were terrible 'cause I would wake me
> up and I really think I was loosing them( which isn't what you'd except
> from a 25 years old!). Eventually I got used to it, detached myself. I
> wondered what it could mean, without too much results except for the
> concept of transformation. Anyway a couple of weeks ago, I had a dream
> where a new set of teeth were fitted to me. The new ones were very strong
> and hard, white with a golden feeling to them( this is the best
> transcript of the feeling and the images). They did'nt really feel as
> they were mine( they had just been fitted in!).
>Little more information here, your animal like features starting to fall away, and your begining to become more refined although your new set don't seem like there yours. In other words you aren't comfortable with communicating and being in your self/ life, whatever you see as changing. Gloria
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 00:40:42 -0700
From: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
To: Jason <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
Cc: "'Kundalini'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: angels of light and darkness
Message-id: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 12:28 AM 5/27/97 +0200, Jason wrote:
>PS. I feel I must expose my ego. It feels so wrapped up in these posts.
It >wants to say clever things. It wants everyone on the list to think that
I am >an evolved being. It compels me to feverishly check my email to look
for >responses. It feels a great need for love and attention. Why does it
feel it >must expose itself? Just another ploy to draw attention? Do I
dare love that >too?
You have the courage to not only become mindful of your scripts,
but you have the greater courage to put your ego on the line.
Most others, including me, who eagerly give sage advise,
must deny or avoid the existence of such ego driven scripts.
The interesting thing is that when we become aware of our scripts
and understand the purpose they serve,
there is a strong tendency to begin transcending them.
You are already in a higer state.
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 04:30:53 -0700
From: Dan <stampmanATnospamix.netcom.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: TalATnospamCIRA.colostate.edu
Subject: <<<<<Synchronicity
Message-ID: <338D68ED.2D1CATnospamix.netcom.com>
Hellooo (k)ites,
Background: 47 year-old white male, carnivorous, agnostic, skeptic,
absolute non-practitioner of ANY yoga, meditation, religion or new crap
whatsoever. Spontaneous awakening near midnight on June 21, 1996 after
trip to bathroom (prosaic and factual). Kriya-, prana-, hatha-,
kundalini-, chitta-, tantric, etc.- yoga spontaneously, instantaneous
(but not militant) vegetarianism, telepathy, psychometry, channeling,
past life experiences, telekinesis, ya-da-ya-da-ya-da..... ever since
(or a damn convincing likeness thereof =-).
Some months after my 'awakening' I went to a 'shaktipat' initiation
given by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in L.A. As a result of that experience
(or actually, TOTAL lack of experience) I have maintained that shaktipat
is nothing more than a delusion supported by the ego of the dispensing
guru and maintained by the self-hypnosis of the throngs of willing
Recently my awakening has taken a turn in the direction of the second
chakra (I love these goofy terms - they are a useful roadmap in talking
about the otherwise indescribable, though!). Some of the manifestations
have been SO weird that I only recently was able to discuss them with my
Yesterday, my wife spent the day at the library doing some taxonomic
research on lepidoptera and told me she would call me at home when she
was ready to be picked up. I came home after work and for some reason
instead of waiting for her call went immediately to the library. When I
located her she told me she hadn't finished and could I wait; of course
I said yes, I would just look around.
There is, I have learned to recognize, a narrowing of focus; like not
using my eyes, rather my mind or imagination that accompanies these
synchronistic scenarios. And from the moment I decided to not wait, the
'cloud' was there.
I walked directly from the reading table to the library stack to her
left and glancing up at the top shelf spotted a book with the title of
"Kundalini" (how could I NOT look at it!). Taking it down, I flipped it
open and read only one short paragraph; it involved the many possible
symptoms of kundalini awakening and specifically mentioned the
2nd-chakra ones that I had been reluctant to discuss with my wife and it
went on to state that these symptoms are classically the ones that
precede the development of the ability to grant SHAKTIPAT!
Still in my 'haze' I walked down a few stacks, picked another book,
flipped it open and read of the Papal Bull given by Pope Innocent III to
the 4th Lateran Council; the Malleus Malificarum, which unleashed the
most savage orgy of torture the world has ever seen. Then to another
stack ... another book ... and read of the death of Gautama in terms I
had not seen before; "he was served a rich meal that included mushrooms,
which may have contributed to his death." Then on to another stack and
another book ... describing male self-gratification, the 'usual' method
and a recommendation that those who use 'other' methods would benefit by
learning to use the traditional technique (this last is a highly
sanitized version for propriety).
While not readily apparent to the reader who is not familiar with me
personally, these items are redolent of the 'storm of synchronicities'
that are one of the hallmarks of spiritual emergence. There is a reason
these particular ones have come together - usually they are to blow away
my underpinnings of healthy skepticism .... standby for shaktipat???????
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 09:24:53 -0500 (CDT)
From: stampmanATnospamix.netcom.com (Daniel Rusch-Fischer)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: <<<<<Synchronicity
Message-Id: <199705291424.JAA16631ATnospamdfw-ix10.ix.netcom.com>
You wrote:
>your experience with mataji ... a postitive one,?
I know this was a private post, but the unanswered question I left
should be replied to on the list.
I believed that shaktipat was not possible and that all genuine
'awakenings' were spontaneous. Note the word believe - it is just an
opinion. I posted to the list when I attended Shri Mataji's darshan and
it is probably in the archives ... but, briefly I stated that I felt
Shri Mataji was herself awakened, a genuine, kindly woman. But, in that
I was at the time well aware of what awakened kundalini was, and that I
received zip, zilch from her shaktipat, I concluded that shaktipat was
not possible. And reasoned that if it wasn't possible, probably the
effects produced in some were the powerful effects of self-hypnotism or
the power of belief. I noted that it seemed that those who
'successfully' received shaktipat often went through the prescribed
symptoms that were outlined in the belief system of the pupil/guru set.
While those who go through spontaneous awakening seem to go through
symptoms of any, all, or none of the belief systems that have described
them. By all means, go, try, above all, listen to Shri Mataji. Her
message is beautiful, somewhat biased, but completely non-invasive.
BTW I have contacted the local Sahaja people over a dozen times and
have never heard back from them ... if they are peddling something,
they ain't doing a very good job! Checking out the cult pages will turn
up very few complaints - and questionable ones at that; in my
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 11:27:05 -0500
From: Max Prescott <sumacATnospamwin.bright.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: help with accepting kundalini
Message-ID: <338DAE59.3BAAATnospamwin.bright.net>
Hi Everyone, It has been awhile since I have posted but I recently had
a dream that got my attention. In this dream I had hundreds of snakes
that were coming out of rocky areas high on a mountain. I was being
taught a lot of information but I could not listen because I was too
scared the snakes were going to come and bite me. When I interpreted
the dream I found how frightened I am of the Kundalini energy. On a
conscious level, I didn't think I was that afraid anymore but my
sub-conscious was really letting me know otherwise. After interpreting
this I knew it was very true.
I am not sure what to do. Last summer I had a spontaneous Kundalini
awakening that destructed my whole nervous system, adrenals, etc. I am
just starting to get out again. I have been doing so well the last
couple of weeks. I guess I have been ignoring or resisting the
Kundalini because I don't want the same thing to happen again. It is so
powerful. But my dream let me know that I am missing the spiritual
teachings and what I am to learn because I am so afraid of it. My focus
is on fear instead of releasing myself to the kundalini.
I don't want to live in fear of this anymore but don't know what to do
either. This last week or so I have also been deathly afraid of snakes
on a physical level even when there aren't any around.
The kundalini has helped my so much in the letting go process and has
changed my life so much, but this dream is letting me know to reach out
and do more work. I am hoping I can receive some help or insight from
the list because I am a little lost right now.
My fear of the kundalini rising again has led me to quit meditating,
doing a lot of spiritual work, and healing work because I don't want to
be hurt anymore. It is pretty crazy to have to fight it this bad. I
know ignoring it isn't going to help, but how can I begin to love,
accept, and begin to work with this energy? I am ready to take the next
step on my journey.
Love and Light,
Colleayn sumacATnospamwin.bright.net
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 18:08:24 +0200
From: Jason <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
To: "'Kundalini'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Lobster's quiz
Message-ID: <01BC6C5B.50813500ATnospamlss16pub163.bluewin.ch>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="---- =_NextPart_000_01BC6C5B.50813500"
From: Jason <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
To: 'E Jason' <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
Subject: RE: angels of light and darkness
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 08:30:56 +0200
<beginsnip: Lobster>
For now it is best to see what comes up without worrying about
"what it means". Meditation is good in this respect.
Yes. Experience now, have revelations later. This is an approach I usually stick to. Unless my experience of now is that of meaning. In this case, the meaning I felt was that I had to learn the lesson twice because I didn't really learn it the first time.
<beginsnip: Lobster>
The greatest "secret" I know is this, do not expect others Love and
attention. Go and grow and bestow yours on them.
Here are some questions just for you (but others may like to answer
1. How can we grow and evolve
2. How can we develop the ability to Love.
3. What is your greatest capacity
Lobster, you have a most astounding ability to correctly read between my lines. I have considered your questions deeply and this has been a wonderful help in uncovering some things within.
1. I feel that there is no mechanism or method for growth and evolution. It is something we experience not something we DO. We grow and evolve by being on a path of growth and evolution. However, consciously being on that path seems to help the process.
2. A most difficult but relevant question for me. I feel that we develop the ability to Love by becoming conscious of and letting go of our Fear. In my experience, Fear feels like a contraction of consciousness and Love like a subtle relaxation or expansion. In this way, Fear can seem more real in the same way that a fist seems more real than a relaxed hand. My way of developing the ability to Love is by consciously and gently relaxing this contraction. (Alternative short answer: By considering the question of how we can develop the ability to Love.)
3. My greatest capacity is my capacity for life and experience. And that capacity is infinite. I can never be full of it (well... sometimes I am "full of it" :)). There is always space to experience the next moment.
I'd love to hear your answers to the questions. And anyone else's answers too!
<beginsnip: Lobster>
Most Kind Regards
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