Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/04/27 14:59
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #197

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 197

Today's Topics:
  Yogi Tom
  Re: Notes from the lurker underground
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
  Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
  Re: SIdhha Yoga etc.
  Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
  Re: Notes from the lurker underground
  Re: Yogi Tom
  Re: Yogi Tom
  Re: Philip - another MS sufferer
  RE: No sleep
  Re: SIdhha Yoga etc.
  Re: No sleep
  Re: Energy Grounding?
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 16:54:46 -0400
From: imtgATnospamjuno.com (tg xxx)
To: yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Yogi Tom
Message-ID: <19970426.165446.12910.6.imtgATnospamjuno.com>

Dear Yogi Tom (presently Tom)...

You wimp....
Yogi Tom is who you are
Not Tom
Although your mum might disagree
You'll always be Yogi Tom to me

You explained to me in detail what a yogi was. Does it no longer apply?
Lobster may have castrated your ego, but not your name! Don't wimp out
on us like this. This is how we have come to know and love you. Or
maybe I'm looking at this from the wrong perspective?? (apparently still
confused in florida)... What if Lobster took the Lob out of his name?
Or I took the kisses (xxx) out of mine? Or Mystress was just Angelique?
Most likely not a dang thing would occur, but I would miss it. (now
lacking AND confused in florida). I don't know - it feels kind of like
having to all of a sudden call my mom by her first name.

Just putting my 2 cents in.

Making Mountains Out of Molehills on a Rainy Saturday Afternoon,

ps have added your friend to my healing list...

"If this were a logical world, men would ride sidesaddle."

http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgshome.html <~~~~ on the web now!

On Sat, 26 Apr 1997 12:30:45 +0100 Tom Aston
<yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk> writes:
>dear healers,
>a friend of mine has MS and it has gradually been getting worse for 19
>years until he is now unable to move himself and needs 24 hour
>he too, like BOB DAVIS - KING OF MEN, has a great spirit and a keen
>intellect and many friends
>he has tried all kinds of therapies, two years of acupuncture to no
>avail and we discussed various oriental/yogic therapies but none
>very relevant to his needs...
>he has experimented over the years with every diet under the sun and
>knows the research into MS inside out
>and so in the end i reckoned this was not something i was able to
>intervene in and so we just talked and, since he is a writer (with a
>voice activated computer), we just exchanged writings and gave
>to eachother...
>and then, having kept quiet about my spiritual outlook on life since
>is an atheist and i didn't want an argument (!), i took a chance and
>showed him something i'd written on shakti.....
>and bang ! he's really sick for a few days

 and then he's twice the man
>and has given up smoking and has a new sense of life and independence
>about him even though he's obviously still physically incapacitated...
>so was it chance coincidence ? or was it shakti ? who knows ? but it
>seems to have worked well whatever it was......
>thought you might be interested in this tale
>regards Tom

>a prayer for Philip Smelt in West London would do no harm even
>so....although i suspect he'd be horrified if he found out anyone was
>praying for him.
>Tom Aston
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 14:53:24 -0700
From: Eric Kieselhorst <redATnospamearthlink.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Notes from the lurker underground
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>Eric Kieselhorst wrote:
  <my post snipped - once was enough> :)

Gloria responded:

> HI, glad to meet you. I'm Gloria.

Hi Gloria. Thanks for responding.

> Anyway, what came through your experience that was very important is
>simple. YOu are now conscious of what kundalini is, and I also venture
>to say you have gained respect and awe at what is there. While what
>could have come from this is fear, dread, worry, etc. I don't get that
>from you since you have already started to meditate.

I meditated prior to the kundalini, but that didn't stop me from
"fear, dread and worry" when the kundalini started. But yes, you are
correct, that it is not what I have come away with now. I don't know
if I am conscious as to what kundalini is however. I'm conscious of the
effects that certain practices had on me. Just like I'm not conscious
as to what electricity is (the physical properties, behavior etc), but
I do understand the effects on my body if I stick my finger in an
electrical socket.

> What you went through would have been easily( or perhaps not so easy)
>understood had you been working with a teacher with direct experience
>with kundalini, you would have rode the wave all the way through by
>understanding the nature of the illusion.

I prefer ignorance, or lack of awareness as opposed to illusion. IMHO,
the pain I felt was not illusory, but rather the meaning I bestowed
upon the experiences showed a lack of awareness which contributed to
an increasingly painful situation. I may understand that this body
is not "me", but it is still painful when I fall and break my arm.

> But, since your mind told you this was really happening to you, you
>bought into it and it obtained power to manipulate you. Whenever you
>awaken kundalini energies while all of the lower instincts, thoughts,
>desires, etc are in controll, you are going to experience lower force
>manifesting energies. It is just that simple.

Yes, I would agree with this.

> What is needed now is to move out of the solar plexus into the heart
>center. When you are in the heart center, the mind slows down, the
>thoughts are easily seen, detachment becomes awareness, and in all of
>this you learn the difference between what you think and believe, and
>who you really are. There is a big difference between the illusion and
>the reality.

I have been working on variations of this theme for some time now.

> The reality is going to require detachment, and the ability to look at
>anything straight in the eye without a flinch. Before you master this
>technique however, I suggest you work at reaching into humility, getting
>down on your knees inside and asking very sincerely that God comes into
>your life in a real and meaningful way that you can experience here and

Hmmm. I can't tell you how many times I have done this. There have been
times I have asked God for this with tears running down my face. But alas,
no burning bush, bright light, or voice from heaven. But have I seen my
behavior and attitudes change for the better? You bet. So I continue
meditating, praying, and concentrating on the elements I wish to change -
all the time believing that some higher power is at work in my life, even
if imperceptable to me.

> That God can take the form you need, but it is your creator, and in
>that knowing of the father/mother God you will see that what you are
>really looking for is union with this Divine Light. And in this union
>you find the pure frequency of love, not the human variety, but another
>pure essence or presence. When enough love gets to you, then and only
>then are you ready to go and clean house. By the way, you will have to
>do this. What you hold in your memory bank is very much alive and well
>in your lower centers, and in your mind.

I am looking for union with the "Divine Light", "father\mother God" or
whatever label one might use. There are times while meditating I experience
a closeness to something I label Divine, but it is an experience without
a definition. I can't say what that Divine is, but I can see the effects
of that closeness in my life: peace, an expanding sense of awareness, a
joy I can and want to share with others.

> The dreams with the death, was only you telling you that your lower
>ego/self will die in order for the real you to really understand and
>surrender to the power of the serpent within, kundalini. There is much
>to experience, must to witness, observe, and let go of. It is all the
>quest. And, it is not the outcome that is so important it is the
>movement of the dance. Love to you. Gloria

This is the conclusion I arrived at also. Funny, even while in
the throes of my private little hell, I intellectually concluded
that the dreams were speaking to the eminent death of my ego - but
that "knowledge" was of little use at the time.

Thank you Gloria for your response. Take care

best wishes
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 11:43:38 -1000 (HST)
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospammail.snet.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199704262143.LAA04492ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>

Last night I dreamt I split into
two separate selves.

My other self said to me,
"My, what an interesting place!"

I agreed and replied,"And it seems so
real too!"

My other half remarked,"What do you mean
'seems'? It is real!"

I insisted,"No, it is not real.It is just
a dream, for you and I are really the same."

My other self became flustered."No that is not
so. I am talking to you and you are talking
to me. How can this distance between us be
an illusion.? We are truly separate."

Then I stopped.

I surrendered the dream to the Spirit.

And then,

I woke up.
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 17:19:02 -0500 (CDT)
From: Nothing Is <holi0007ATnospamitlabs.umn.edu>
To: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospammail.snet.net>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.970426171827.4550A-100000ATnospampiranha.itlabs.umn.edu>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

haha, great analagie...!

bye, nothing is

On Sat, 26 Apr 1997, David Bozzi wrote:

> Last night I dreamt I split into
> two separate selves.
> My other self said to me,
> "My, what an interesting place!"
> I agreed and replied,"And it seems so
> real too!"
> My other half remarked,"What do you mean
> 'seems'? It is real!"
> I insisted,"No, it is not real.It is just
> a dream, for you and I are really the same."
> My other self became flustered."No that is not
> so. I am talking to you and you are talking
> to me. How can this distance between us be
> an illusion.? We are truly separate."
> Then I stopped.
> I surrendered the dream to the Spirit.
> And then,
> I woke up.
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 17:32:58 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: "Marco Antonio Galvan Ph.D" <magj1ATnospamibm.net>
CC: Nothing Is <holi0007ATnospamitlabs.umn.edu>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: SIdhha Yoga etc.
Message-ID: <33622E39.77BCATnospamintercomm.com>

Marco is this is true then you don't want to become art of the
vibration, take what you learned as the foundation and understand that
there are many traps in the world even for those who may start out with
the right motives.It is very hard not to get caught up in the world
frequency and loose perspective, this is just another example. By the
fruit you will know them, this is what I always say. If your heart tells
you to be careful and to watch and observe then do. If something flys
like a duck, it is probly a duck. Gloria
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 17:51:27 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: david.bozziATnospammail.snet.net
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <3362328D.56B5ATnospamintercomm.com>

David Bozzi wrote:
> Last night I dreamt I split into
> two separate selves.
> My other self said to me,
> "My, what an interesting place!"
> I agreed and replied,"And it seems so
> real too!"
> My other half remarked,"What do you mean
> 'seems'? It is real!"
> I insisted,"No, it is not real.It is just
> a dream, for you and I are really the same."
> My other self became flustered."No that is not
> so. I am talking to you and you are talking
> to me. How can this distance between us be
> an illusion.? We are truly separate."
> Then I stopped.
> I surrendered the dream to the Spirit.
> And then,
> I woke up.

Great Dream David, you are detached enough to observe daulity, which
means you are becoming aware of the illsuion.That is a consciousness
dream. Gloria
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 18:07:40 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Eric Kieselhorst <redATnospamearthlink.net>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Notes from the lurker underground
Message-ID: <33623659.5B4AATnospamintercomm.com>

Eric Kieselhorst wrote:
> This is the conclusion I arrived at also. Funny, even while in
> the throes of my private little hell, I intellectually concluded
> that the dreams were speaking to the eminent death of my ego - but
> that "knowledge" was of little use at the time.
> Thank you Gloria for your response. Take care
> best wishes
> eric

HI Eric,
 I would say you have a very good handle on things, now it is just a
matter of proving your commitment by taking your words and sincereity
and producing action fruit with it. I think some times people think they
thought something and already did what was required, and therefore
expect a reward.While it is the consistant action without thought ...
but from total faith which will produce fruit.
  You have to get past the thinking/trying stage into the natural flow,
total knowing place within. This is going to take a very deep knowledge
of your creator so much that you lose yourself in that frequency. When
you are no longer left with any feeling from this union because it just
simply is...then the burning bush can be experienced. Until you no
longer exist as a separation from God, I wouldn't expect anything other
then a growing awareness of your grace an blessings. Kundalini will
continue to manifest but detach from it and look at it has direct grace
released in the body.Gloria
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 03:08:05 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: tg xxx <imtgATnospamjuno.com>
Cc: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Yogi Tom
Message-ID: <WPywpMAFUrYzEwH9ATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

In message <19970426.165446.12910.6.imtgATnospamjuno.com>, tg xxx
<imtgATnospamjuno.com> writes
>Dear Yogi Tom (presently Tom)...
>You wimp....
>Yogi Tom is who you are
>Not Tom
>Although your mum might disagree
>You'll always be Yogi Tom to me

great ! it's good to know you are appreciated !

but i am also a Tantric Yogi though so i can dematerialise in a flash
and take many forms.....and no form whatsoever.....do not look for
reasons where there are none....let the Yogi die..and let the yogi arise
from the dead.....

also, Tantric Yogis are not worried about holding positions on things,
expecially sex, for instance, or obeying conventional rules so long as
no one gets hurt in the process....

some points were made and well, some people liked them and found them
useful, others didn't, i can handle that okay ! this is a broad audience
with many angles and interests and needs, so having passed on some
information and experiences i let go and slip into the void...wherein
lies Mad Tom, Yogi Tom, Tantric Tom, Sufi Tom, burnt fingers Tom and
many others.....i have always revelled in crossing and uniting many
worlds that do not often meet in one life....as far as i know....

also, on a purely practical note, some of the posts on sex were
longwinded and verbose and could have been more succinct with a little
care and attention....

any clearer ?

Just Plain Old Tom xxxxx

ps my Mum has difficulties with accepting my relationship with my guru
and with yoga, but that's not unusual and hardly surprising given her
Western background, but we get on and connect okay other than that
because she can relate to other aspects of my being which the list would
not be so interested in methinks....and she's getting interested in
Buddhism too.
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 22:10:45 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
CC: tg xxx <imtgATnospamjuno.com>, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Yogi Tom
Message-ID: <33626F54.4883ATnospamintercomm.com>

Tom Aston wrote:
> In message <19970426.165446.12910.6.imtgATnospamjuno.com>, tg xxx
> <imtgATnospamjuno.com> writes
> >Dear Yogi Tom (presently Tom)...
> >
> >You wimp....
> >Yogi Tom is who you are
> >Not Tom
> >Although your mum might disagree
> >You'll always be Yogi Tom to me
> great ! it's good to know you are appreciated !
> but i am also a Tantric Yogi though so i can dematerialise in a flash
> and take many forms.....and no form whatsoever.....do not look for
> reasons where there are none....let the Yogi die..and let the yogi arise
> from the dead.....
> also, Tantric Yogis are not worried about holding positions on things,
> expecially sex, for instance, or obeying conventional rules so long as
> no one gets hurt in the process....
> some points were made and well, some people liked them and found them
> useful, others didn't, i can handle that okay ! this is a broad audience
> with many angles and interests and needs, so having passed on some
> information and experiences i let go and slip into the void...wherein
> lies Mad Tom, Yogi Tom, Tantric Tom, Sufi Tom, burnt fingers Tom and
> many others.....i have always revelled in crossing and uniting many
> worlds that do not often meet in one life....as far as i know....

  Just be you as it cmes to you, ok. Folks on the list will learn to go
with the flow and to deal with Tom in his ever changing awareness of
spirit. Isn't it a glorious journey? And wihtout a dull moment really
since God loves himself in many forms, so well that we being that love
... love all. Gloria
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 22:13:10 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Philip - another MS sufferer
Message-ID: <3362E066.1997ATnospambest.com>


Well your opinion is certainly well thought-out, and I never argue
opinion (waste of time, neh?).
I won't speak for Gloria either....but
this method works for many people. Sufering is, after all, optional.
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 23:37:05 -0700
From: Pamela <pamelaATnospamserv.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: No sleep
Message-ID: <3362F411.1CE9ATnospamserv.net>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Frans said:
i am often curious about the faces behind the posts. What about
pictures??? I could publish them on the web under an adress ONLY WE know

This is interesting. I guess it would be fine. How does everyone else
feel about this?
"Life does not happen to us, it happens from within us."
    ---------- Mike Wickett

Date: Sat, 26 Apr 1997 14:26:48 -0400
From: Dolce Vita <lissetteATnospambridge.net>
To: "Marco Antonio Galvan Ph.D" <magj1ATnospamibm.net>
CC: Nothing Is <holi0007ATnospamitlabs.umn.edu>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: SIdhha Yoga etc.
Message-ID: <336248E7.3DBFATnospambridge.net>

Marco Antonio,

I had read that letter against Siddha Yoga way before I got into it, and
I want to let whoever reads this that ANYONE can write whatever they
please in the internet, that is not necessarily TRUE!

What I can tell you about Siddha Yoga and their lineage is only good,
that is what I have observed and felt. I had shaktipat from Gurumayi and
Baba Muktananda, I go to centers all over the US that don't charge you
anything for services, (except for intensives which they have to, to be
able to mantain their spaces) and it operates with voluntaries doing
seva, selfless service. There are wonderful people in Siddha yoga,
intelligent, kind, talented....important...that I met at the ashram and
the Miami center. Baba Muktananda was a glorious guru, who brought
giving shaktipat in groups to the west. Gurumayi was his translator for
years and his disciple. Before Baba left his body he passed the lineage
to Gurumayi and her brother. The work of siddha yoga throught the world
is wonderful, they have the Prasad project in India and Africa where
they operate children with eyes problems and create ambulatory hospitals
to treat the sick, feed the poor and help the needy.

As I said before, ANYONE can write whatever they want in the Net but you
can't believe everything they say without finding out for yourself, or
talking to other people that have the other side of the story. I know of
people that have done harmful acts against someone, but yet they talk
horrible things about that person to justify their actions, to make them
ok... since so and so is a bastard, whatever I did to him is alright, he
deserves it..

I would check out whatever Gurumayi and Muktananda stand for, their
teachings and their actions, before I believed in gossip... after all
most of these people dont even have the guts to sign these accusations.

In Love always,

Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 12:29:30 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Pamela <pamelaATnospamserv.net>
CC: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: No sleep
Message-ID: <33633899.7D4CATnospamintercomm.com>

Pamela wrote:
> Frans said:
> <snip>
> i am often curious about the faces behind the posts. What about
> pictures??? I could publish them on the web under an adress ONLY WE know
> of.
> <snip>
> Frans,
> This is interesting. I guess it would be fine. How does everyone else
> feel about this?
> Pamela
> --
> .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.
> "Life does not happen to us, it happens from within us."
> ---------- Mike Wickett
> .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.

 My partner in publishing is going to scan mine, and the do we just mail
it as usual, we just need your e-mail that to sent it on. Gloria
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 14:56:09 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: Atrious77ATnospamaol.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Energy Grounding?
Message-ID: <3363CB79.4D56ATnospambest.com>

Atrious77ATnospamaol.com wrote:
> Slightly back and up of were my third eye chakra would be is were i feel the
> energy swarm i have tried to move it or balance it but it seems blocked? If
> you could help i would greatly appreciate it! Thank You.
> Atrious

I've decribed in previous posts the technique of visualizing a brilliant
white flame in the chakra to "burn" it clean. The white flame must be
maintained until the chakra softens and opens.
  Three inches from the crown chakra toward the face is the "divine"
chakra. Two inches above the ears are chakras. There is a chakra in the
hollow at the back of the head where the spine meets the skull.
  These chakras must be cleansed before cleansing the third eye. Tow
inches above the third eye is the fifth eye, very important. Cleanse
this chakra also.
  Cleanse also the chakra in the hollow of the throat in front and at
the base of the tongue.
   When all are cleansed, meditate for several hours on a beautiful
lotus made of light floating above your crown.
   I believe that this process will take two weeks of focused
meditation, and that you wil be very pleased with the results.


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