Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/04/25 12:03
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #193

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 193

Today's Topics:
  Mr. Wolf Said--- Part 2.
  Re: Reiki
  in search of unity.........i yield to the goddess
  Re: Reiki
  no sleep
  Spiritual Lineage of REIKI
  Re: Healing list
  Re: in search of unity.........i yield to the goddess
  Re: no sleep
  Re: Dear confused in Florida
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 02:47:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: voltronATnospamvoy.net (Jon Locke)
To: voltronATnospamvoy.net
Subject: Mr. Wolf Said--- Part 2.
Message-Id: <v01530505af85bc26869fATnospam[]>

>Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 23:36:42 -0700 (PDT)
>From: johnfwinATnospammlode.com (John F. Winston)
>To: 2 <alinaATnospambsure.com.ph>, deec921ATnospamtom.fe.up.pt, deva777ATnospamdedot.com,
> eaglenet-listATnospamtheta.pair.com, jlevy04ATnospamemory.edu,
> Klara.HankaiATnospamtelos.org, lindajonson1ATnospamjuno.com, martinATnospamsedona.intel.com,
> mchughATnospamwwc.net, obonfimATnospamreed.edu, voltronATnospamvoy.net
>Subject: Mr. Wolf Said--- Part 2.
>Subject: Mr Wolf Said---- Part 2. April 23, 1997.
> Here is some more information. The last part of this posting has
>already been posted by me in a previous posting.
>A: All right. Here's an example: I work a lot with current events. A
>six-year-old is accused of murder, in the Bay area. Of possibly even
>premeditated murder, killing a 30-day-old infant. Two eight-year-olds
>involved, released now just on burglary charges, but out children
>killing our children, in the last decade I should say, Robert,
>children's crime has increased about 300%. The last ten years, Robert.
>Nobody can ignore that. Something's happening!
>GW: Something's DEFINITELY happening! Part of what's happening is that
>we are losing our humanity. We are losing our soul. We are losing our
>spirit. Ten years ago, this was a strange, metaphorical thing to talk
>about. Today, you go to universities & people are spending hundreds,
>if not thousands, of dollars trying to understand it..... including
>scientists. We're starting to understand that everything that is
>going on within the human being.....illness, cancer, all of it.....is
>related to emotional attitude. And, when you're dealing in a world
>where parents no longer have time for their children & children no
>longer have time for their parents, when the entire family structure
>has been basically desecrated, you're dealing with a tremendous sense
>of hopelessness. Hopelessness, in any situation, especially with the
>human being, will result in an outbreak of rage. And, what we're
>seeing is RAGE! It doesn't really matter if it is a six-year-old or a
>fifty-year old, because the human soul itself does not know age.
>A: All right, Robert. I'm going to ask you to hold on. That's a good
>place to hold it right there. Relax, you've got several minutes. We'll
>do the news, our commercial load & we'll get right back to you. My
>guest is Robert Ghost Wolf, a Native American of many tribes & we're
>going to talk a bit more about the Hopi & about the "Quickening" &
>about what's going on in our world. I would suggest you get into an
>easy seat & prepare to listen. For a Sunday night, as always, this is
>Dreamland. I'm Art Bell.
>A: This is Robert Ghost Wolf, a Native American, & we're talking about
>Native American prophecy. We're talking about the "Quickening" & at
>the top of this last hour, no matter what news service you had, I'm
>sure you heard about the killings in Australia. It seems a man took a
>gun & killed, from what I heard, about 32 people. Now, I said
>Australia, not America. Normally you hear about these things in
>America. This time, Australia. Robert, symptomatic of what's going on
>all over the world?
>GW: It's VERY symptomatic, Art. We're dealing with a neurosis that has
>become a psychosis. So, people, again, are releasing their frustration
>through violent means, because it's the way we've been programmed in a
>"Warrior Society."
>A: A Warrior society.
>GW: Yes, we basically have a Warrior society, which is alien to the
>Earth. This is not the way things ARE here, in a natural state. If you
>follow the Native American way or read it, to any degree, you'll
>understand that everything was a matriarchy & not a patriarchy.
>Everything came through the Mother. And, the family was held together
>by the Mother. The Iroquois People based their whole cultural
>understanding, & their whole history & the teachings of THEIR prophet,
>on the family fire. It ALL comes from the feminine & we're living in a
>world where the feminine & the male are totally out of balance.
>A: Do you view, as many Native Americans do, the Earth to be a living
>GW: I think that that's the problem with people, perhaps,
>understanding what we're discussing here. She is absolutely her own
>being with her own consciousness, her own will, her own desires. We're
>dealing, right now, with a very BIG problem, which, perhaps, should be
>addressed right now, connected to the blast the French have done in
>the Pacific. If people are so concerned about the Earth changes &
>They're worried about it, even the United Nations is getting together
>having meetings about it, even the United Nations has come up with a
>plan called "Biodiversity," which is for control of the population,
>because of the potential overpopulation of the Earth & the situations
>with pollution. Then, why would they, on the other hand, turn around &
>blow up six (6) atomic bombs, in the Pacific Ocean, & go "this has no
>effect?" I think maybe they should ask the whales about that.
>A: [sighing] Yeah, you know, it's funny. I'm very wrapped up in
>technology & I've always thought of myself as very pragmatic, not
>wanting to believe the kinds of things that you're talking about, &
>yet I have this nagging feeling, Robert, that you're right.
>GW: Well, I'll give you a little tactical information.....going to
>minerals. It's very important to have minerals. When we do ceremonies,
>I tie 405 Prayer Ties for each of the elements of the Earth. And, if
>we go to science, everything in our body is made up of all the
>elements of the Earth. We're just basically put together with a
>different recipe. Part of what's going on right now in the
>"Quickening," with the infusion of this energy, which is coming down
>through vibrations & Light to the Earth, from the Earth, from the
>other galactic bodies in space, other planets, other galaxies &
>ships,. What we're dealing with is our ability to assimilate
>knowledge. How many people do we know who are suffering from iron
>eficiency, right now? There's no metal in their blood.....no minerals
>in their blood. And, if we go to "how do we make a simple thing like a
>tape cassette or a CD disk, how does the information of a singer get
>on a disk & then we take it home & play it in our little recorder &
>enjoy the same thing live?" It basically comes off the forming & the
>pattern set forth by the metal on the disk.
>A: It's true.
>GW: If we eliminate the metal from the disk or if we go over the disk
>with a magnet, we're going to alter everything. And, what happens is
>we either get a distortion or we can totally erase the tape. So, if
>everything is coming through us in vibration, like radio waves, then
>if there is not enough mineral substance within the blood to
>assimilate that knowledge, we're going to have gaps. So, maybe
>verybody isn't suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Maybe they're
>simply suffering from a lack of minerals. We're not getting proper
>nutrition from food or the water that we drink. You know.
>A: Yes, I DO know.
>GW: When you're in a state of confusion, uh, anybody in the state of
>confusion goes through a feeling of panic. And, how do we react to
>panic? Unfortunately, we're reacting to panic with violence. What's
>happened in the Pacific, which is quite well-known & well-established
>over in Europe, which is where I heard it from, from Denmark, is
>basically that there is a seven (7) mile hole that was ripped open off
>the coast of South America, in the ocean floor. And, we've got
>millions & millions & millions of gallons literally pouring into
>inner Earth. The Earth is going to do something to rectify that.
>Yes. I've had that feeling, too. Many predicted Earth changes
>coming. Do you KNOW what's coming?
>GW: [clears his throat] I've seen things that are coming. Yes. I think
>that you're going to have something major happen in the beginning to
>the middle of November. Somewhere between Mexico & California. The
>thing that makes it hard to predict, as to the precise longitude &
>latitude, is these fissures are shifting as we are speaking. The
>billowing of heat....there's a volcano that's going off, I think about
>100 miles off the coast of Oregon, that is spewing out sulfur gas, on
>the beaches of Oregon, that's so strong that people can't even stand
>on the beach. But, we're not hearing that on the news. We'll probably
>hear it on YOUR show.
>A: You have. We've made people aware of what's going on off the coast
>of Oregon. Coos Bay, actually, I think. Pretty much off Coos Bay.
> (JW The rest of this posting has already been posted previously
>by me).
>[GW: I just came back from doing ceremony with the Hopi, a few weeks
>[ago, & we asked questions, in ceremony, about what we should look for,
>[that could be happening in the immediate future that, we should be
>[concerned with. Much to our surprise, & to the Elders that I was with,
>[a lot of what we got was directed from other-dimensional beings. Not
>[spirits. We're talking about other-dimensional being. We're talking
>[about extraterrestrials. If you're ready, I'll tell you.
>[A: I'm ready!
>[You're going to see a lot more interaction between us &, what I
>[call, the Star Beings. They come from many, many galaxies. The two,
>[probably, most influential, at this point, in protecting us, if you
>[will, have to do with the Sirians, from Sirius A, & the Andromedans.
>[There's a star, that we just all watched over the last few weeks,
>[that's called the "Blue Comet" & everybody was outside looking at it.
>[It sorta goes back to, what was it, the summer of '94 when the comets
>[hit Jupiter? Well, I thought it was rather funny watching TV, as all
>[the scientists were telling us that this has never happened before,
>[they have no idea what's going on, they have no idea what the inner
>[atmosphere of Jupiter is like, but we have absolutely nothing to fear.
>[A: Hyakutake is what you refer to...
>[Yes, I am. Basically, the way the Hopi look at that is, that was
>[the fertilization of the egg. It was the fertilization of Jupiter to
>[become the new sun. And, this Blue Comet is referred to as the Blue
>[achina. The Blue Kachina is bringing forth the transformation. It's
>[the announcement that the transformation, the End Time, is here. Now,
>[what I'm going to tell you about the Blue Comet is that it's not a
>[comet at all. It's a ship. It's a Mother Ship. It's a ship from
>[Andromeda. The ship from Andromeda is here to make sure that others
>[don't interfere with what we're trying to accomplish on this globe.
>[A: Interesting. Scientists, for the first time ever, detected strong
>[x-ray emissions coming from that comet.
>[GW: Correct.
>[A: I stood up at THAT one & said, "Hmmm." And, you're saying that was
>[NOT a comet?
>[GW: No, it's a ship. It's a ship. There's another comet, a red one
>that they reported recently. That comet is what the Hopi call, "The
>[Red Kachina." And, that is part of what will fulfill the prophecies of
>[comet striking the Earth. Now, I'm not going to say that the whole
>[Earth is going to be destroyed. What I'm going to say is that a piece
>[of that is going to break off & cause things to change here. There's
>[another strange thing that's happening, that science is recording
>[right now, & it's all over the newspapers. Sometimes, it's called the
>["Taos Hum." They're reporting strange sounds in space. They're trying
>[to figure out what this emanation is. This is part of what is
>[occurring NOW. What is occurring now is something that has never, ever
>[happened before! It has never, ever happened in our entire history as
>[the human race. The universe itself is giving birth to a new
>[dimensional reality. What it's causing, within all of us, is to be
>[pulled UP. We're literally being pulled up. We're being pulled up in
>[our consciousness, we're being pulled up in our vibration, we're being
>[pulled up into another dimension. And, when people are talking about
>[the shift, what they're really talking about is a total vibrational
>[shift. And, everything in this Earth is absolutely energy. Everything
>[is energy. If you go to any Shaman, they will say, "It's energy." If I
>[emanate a sound & we're chanting a sound, we can literally cause
>[vibrations in the sand to alter. This sound, which is coming now from
>[the black holes, is literally changing the molecular structure of
>[everything. It's bringing everything up, so to speak, to deal with
>[this new dimensional reality. Which is why we are going through SO
>[much agitation & SO much frustration, because we still hold on to a
>[paradigm that we live for ONE lifetime, complete everything within
>[that lifetime, at the end of that lifetime we either go to heaven or
>[h--l. And, yet at the same time, we're spending a lot of money going
>[psychics to have regressions about our past lives. So, if we've had
>[past lives, doesn't it mean there's a continuum going on & that
>[perhaps we are actually eternal?
>Part 2.
>John Winston. johnfwinATnospammlode.com

"May there be peace, love, beauty, trust and harmony throughout the
cosmos." - Drunvalo Melchizedek
Jon Locke
The Philosopher's Stone
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 00:08:03 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: lissetteATnospambridge.net
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Reiki
Message-ID: <33605853.107FATnospambest.com>

I was
> told at this place that the lady teaches, but I am a bit afraid of
> messing with the k energy mixing practices and of also getting into it
> with someone that is not qualified. How would I know?
> Thanks in advance.
> Love always,
> Lissette

Hi Lisette,
You'll probably hear from a lot of Reiki practitioners. I don't use
Reiki in my healing work, but I loved the purges that came with
initiation, they were long and intense and wow! Reiki made my
channeling a lot easier- I took it because my intuition kept telling me
to, also.
Look for a teacher that takes her time and demonstrates a lot. Reiki is
as much a transmission of energy as anything else, so I don't believe
that you could get a BAD teacher, just an indifferent one. Make certain
the teacher only opens your right hand.
 It's a lot to expect a teacher to know about Kundalini. You're fine
with it if you take your time. Don't do levels close to each other. Many
courses initiate levels one and two at the same time. This isn't a good
idea with K because your experience, especially of the purge, the
cleansing energies, will likely be more intense. Begin with level one,
then do level two about six months later.
I think Reiki is for everyone, not just for healers. It's such a
life-affirming energy.
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 11:26:29 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: in search of unity.........i yield to the goddess
Message-ID: <bsmDhFAVbIYzEwU2ATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

In message <336019A6.3A68ATnospamdial.pipex.com>, E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
>Someone recently suggested a less authoritarian
>viwpoint and the resolving of sexual verbosity
>will you agree with them
>for the sake of unity?

i agree with them, they are quite right, and i have promised to them to
shut up about sex....and to endeavour to switch from authority to
love....heart is learning fast on list...nice place to be...learning to
relax...cos it's allright to be human !!! all criticism most appreciated
when sincere and genuine.

Humbled, Tom
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 07:12:16 -0500
From: Michael Bown <pmbownATnospammc.net>
To: morganaATnospambest.com
CC: lissetteATnospambridge.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Reiki
Message-ID: <33609FA0.66BFATnospammc.net>

Morgana Wyze wrote:
> I was
> > told at this place that the lady teaches, but I am a bit afraid of
> > messing with the k energy mixing practices and of also getting into it
> > with someone that is not qualified. How would I know?
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Love always,
> > Lissette
> Hi Lisette,
> You'll probably hear from a lot of Reiki practitioners. I don't use
> Reiki in my healing work, but I loved the purges that came with
> initiation, they were long and intense and wow! Reiki made my
> channeling a lot easier- I took it because my intuition kept telling me
> to, also.
> Look for a teacher that takes her time and demonstrates a lot. Reiki is
> as much a transmission of energy as anything else, so I don't believe
> that you could get a BAD teacher, just an indifferent one. Make certain
> the teacher only opens your right hand.
> It's a lot to expect a teacher to know about Kundalini. You're fine
> with it if you take your time. Don't do levels close to each other. Many
> courses initiate levels one and two at the same time. This isn't a good
> idea with K because your experience, especially of the purge, the
> cleansing energies, will likely be more intense. Begin with level one,
> then do level two about six months later.
> I think Reiki is for everyone, not just for healers. It's such a
> life-affirming energy.
> Morgana

 Why only initiate the right hand? What do you htink happens when both
hands are initiated?

Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 15:01:39 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Frans Storms <fransATnospamtelebyte.nl>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: no sleep
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.95.970425145611.22684A-100000ATnospammonet.telebyte.nl>

Hello All, last night in bed i had an idea, couldn't sleep.
After reading thousands of moving stories, deep opinions,
shocking experiences, wonderfull advices and childish quarrels
i am often curious about the faces behind the posts. What about
pictures??? I could publish them on the web under an adress ONLY WE
know of. (i host mirror sites about Kundalini in Europe).
People who already have electronic pictures of themselves
could send them to me per e-mail as an attachment, i could also digitalize
paper pictures sent to me by regular post. Idea?

Frans, on a sunny friday in Holland...
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 08:12:00 -0500 (CDT)
From: ganesha1ATnospamix.netcom.com (Melissa Shubha Smith)
To: lissetteATnospambridge.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: gawain1ATnospamix.netcom.com
Subject: Spiritual Lineage of REIKI
Message-Id: <199704251312.IAA10675ATnospamdfw-ix3.ix.netcom.com>

You wrote:
>Hi Melissa,
>I am a siddha yogini, I visited the ashram in Ny last summer for the
>first time and I am invited to the Global conference comming up, are
>going to that event?
>I have been receiving messages, that I should look into Reiki, when I
>meditate.I never heard of it before and I visited a new age store in
>South Beach, in Miami where they give Reiki once a week. I went there
>for the first time with a friend that recently got paralyzed from a
>strange illness, lou gehrigs disease. I would like very much to study
>reiki. How would you know who is a good teacher, a legitimate one. I
>told at this place that the lady teaches, but I am a bit afraid of
>messing with the k energy mixing practices and of also getting into it
>with someone that is not qualified. How would I know?
>Thanks in advance.
>Love always,

Dear Lissette,

Its wonderful to meet another Siddha Yogini on the Kundalini List.

It is good to practice decernment and to find a qualified teacher of
REIKI. Especially one who adhere's to the traditional teachings as
taught by the spiritual lineage of REIKI. The energy is passed thru the
spiritual lineage similar to the way it is passed in Siddha Yoga. The
present Living Grandmaster of REIKI is Phyllis Lei Furumoto. She teachs
REIKI congruent with her grandmother Hawayo Takatas Traditional
Background (Hawayo Takata is the woman who brought REIKI to the West).
Many Masters are aligned with her teachings but you are right...there
are many many more who don't have the same respect and honor for the
teachings or even thier own Masters and change them to suit thier
purposes sometimes only thru shear lack of knowledge. Masters who
belong to the REIKI Alliance are often a good bet. I am presently in St
Louis, having come here to do the Whole Health Expo and visit friends
(including Siddha Yoga Friends) and I will be back in Boston on Mon. I
can look on my lists for a qualified teacher in your area if you like.
My Web Page tells you about the REIKI Lineage and also has a link to
the REIKI Alliance. http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/3035

I would look for a master who teachs slowly and who takes the time to
work with you. In my practice in Boston, I have weekly healing groups
where my students can come and practice REIKI with me on an ongoing
basis after the seminars. Many of my students have been practicing with
me for years.

There are many teachers who have awakened kundalini as well, and for
you , I think it best to find yourself attracted to one of these
teachers...there are many REIKI teachers doing service in the world who
are also on the Siddha Path or similar yogic paths.

It is such a Blessing that REIKI, a beautiful and upliftung Healing
Energy has been speading thoughout the world at such a rapid rate.
The REIKI energy is very useful for Spiritual Acceleration, Human
Potential, Healing, and alignment with Mystic Order. Whatever reason
you want to learn it and have its blessings in your life as a tool to
love yourself and to love others, know that incredible growth and
opening await your you after REIKI Initiation.

Healing ourselves = Enlightenment
Heal Yourself, Heal The World

Thank-you for your question and good luck on your meditation path. I
will be in South Fallsburg Ashram this summer. Perhaps we will meet. I
look forward to it.

Love and Light on the Path of Conciousness in this World with Highest
Respect. Thank-you for the Opportunity to Share this.

Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 12:59:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: DChern1123ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Healing list
Message-ID: <970425125903_673601732ATnospamemout05.mail.aol.com>

Thanks for the great idea! I've got a friend in Grand Isle Vermont who has
M.S.He's the most outgoing , big hearted person I've ever met. His nick-name
from the old hippie days in the 60's is Mystic,when people who encountered
him agreed THIS was one hell of a character.Generous with his attention
people still love to hang around him cause it's so much fun. He's sliding
into the wheelchair soon but doesn't want his friends to be bummed out "or
anything".Send him your light.... Please . He's BOB DAVIS (KING OF MEN)
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:07:31 -0700
From: Pamela <pamelaATnospamserv.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Geography
Message-ID: <3360E4D2.2723ATnospamserv.net>

X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by mailgate.execpc.com id OAA29124

Gloria said:
 I've heard folks think something bad happened to them because
they were in the dark state of Nevada,
I believed that for a long time. I was happily living in California
until my husband got a job at a machine shop in Nevada. I was against
moving there. But eventually I did and my decent into hell started. I
won't go into the details but for the three years I lived there I
wouldn't wish on anyone.

I know now that it was my kundalni. I also believe it was sparked by the
geographical position of the state and the fact that there are things
like Crystal Mountain and other types of minerals there. (I lived on
Zeolite street) Isn't mining a big industry there? Anyway until
I figured out years later what actually happened I had nothing but bad
memories about Nevada.

Yep, you're right about the rednecks! Anyway I too look forward to
getting to know you and others on this list a lot better.

"Life does not happen to us, it happens from within us."
    ---------- Mike Wickett

Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:22:26 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
CC: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: in search of unity.........i yield to the goddess
Message-ID: <336077D1.6909ATnospamintercomm.com>

Tom Aston wrote:
> In message <336019A6.3A68ATnospamdial.pipex.com>, E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
> writes
> >Someone recently suggested a less authoritarian
> >viwpoint and the resolving of sexual verbosity
> >
> >will you agree with them
> >for the sake of unity?
> i agree with them, they are quite right, and i have promised to them to
> shut up about sex....and to endeavour to switch from authority to
> love....heart is learning fast on list...nice place to be...learning to
> relax...cos it's allright to be human !!! all criticism most appreciated
> when sincere and genuine.
> Humbled, Tom

HI all,
 I think it is so important to recognize that we have many soul/spirits
coming together with major differences in memories being carried forth.
Whenever someone shares as strong as Tom has, it is something very
pertinent to what is coming to him. If it isn't for others, that is ok,
but always keep the information in your memory bank inside in case there
is need. It is valueable insight into a deeply devotional life. Gloria
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 10:24:45 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Frans Storms <fransATnospamtelebyte.nl>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, LarryN3515ATnospamaol.com
Subject: Re: no sleep
Message-ID: <3360785C.4C55ATnospamintercomm.com>

Frans Storms wrote:
> Hello All, last night in bed i had an idea, couldn't sleep.
> After reading thousands of moving stories, deep opinions,
> shocking experiences, wonderfull advices and childish quarrels
> i am often curious about the faces behind the posts. What about
> pictures??? I could publish them on the web under an adress ONLY WE
> know of. (i host mirror sites about Kundalini in Europe).
> People who already have electronic pictures of themselves
> could send them to me per e-mail as an attachment, i could also digitalize
> paper pictures sent to me by regular post. Idea?
> Frans, on a sunny friday in Holland...

Sounds like a great idea, I will work on getting mine scanned. Thanks.
Larry isn't this just what we were talking about.
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 08:20:53 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: jan.watsonATnospamsympatico.ca
Subject: Re: Dear confused in Florida
Message-ID: <3360CBD5.237AATnospamdial.pipex.com>

Gloria Greco wrote:

> About six months ago now I met a man by the name of Doc Marquis. Doc
> was a third degree witch and direct ascendent of the Illumaniti, known
> as a eighth generation witch. He describes it as 186 years of service to
> the dark forces, since he was born into it he was trained as a witch
> from childhood, initiated at the age of 3 into the membership of the
> cult.

I myself know of the dangers of this cult.
I was initiated into a far more insidious cult at an even earlier
age. An iniation that caused me great distress and nearly resulted in
drowning . . .
We were forced to drink human blood and eat human flesh that had been
magically potentised by ritual.
Yes I was a baptised catholic . . .

> Anyway, at the age of 21 I believe after becoming a third degree
> witch while in the service he met a man and his support group that began
> to pray for him. He says his demon trap quit working, and all of the
> things he did which were successful all of a sudden quit working,
> everything just unraveled. It took him three years t surrender to it,
> when he did he became born again and now is one of the wold experts on
> Satanic worship and cults. I met Doc in Las Vegas a few months ago and
> he is quite real.

You know I once met a Transvestite Hight Priestess of Freemasonary
called Juanita
who made me an incense for time travel (this is all true - Juanita still
runs a
voudon supply service and shop - The Jupiter Emporium - as far as I
Most people who use her services are unaware that even in
High Priestesses of Freemasonary are a great rarity . . .
- If they exist anywhere - please let me know.
Similarly your 3rd degree worlock is making a fat living from promoting
fake ideas
to gullible Christians, care agents who prefer ignorance to genuine
Real evil is ignorance.
This person is under this influence . . .
Paganism is not something I would encourage (nor is exoteric
but this man is a ludicrous example of how easy it is to fool the
Dark forces and Illuminati?
Born Again Christian and Intolerance - I would say.
There are such gross dangers from the immature dabbling in Cult
main stream twaddle, fringe occultism and "Kundalini in two weeks" that
deserve more serious attention than a 3rd Dan Illuminati, ex satanic,
born again, cult basher can possibly give it.
His demon trap seems to be still working and catching
those who should know better . . . :)

Incidently I intend to go and collect the incense a week before ordering
it :)

May the Dark Forces
Keep and Protect you
Just as Light and Love
enflames the Christ Heart

Most Fond and Kind Regards
(tried to buy the devils soul
- ended up with God)

Esoteric Satanism
(read it - understand it - and then make up your mind)


 Why were you in the hospital? You sound like you are enjoying it
fine, that is the way to go. I've always really blown people away since
I find those times as special times in my life. I don't have sympathy
for so much of the illness stuff because it can be used for the best
awakening experienceses when you are ready to ride it out. God Bless
YOu. Gloria

will pass on your message to my cousin . . . thank you.


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