1997/04/24 07:59
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #189
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 189
Today's Topics:
Re: Tantric Kundalini - i bend with the shakti on sex...
Re: Notes from the lurker underground
k-list post
The birth of a Sufi - with love from yogi Tom
Re: Healing list
in search of unity.........
Re: Healing list
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 00:53:00 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, Ed Johnson <orangeATnospamislandnet.com>
Subject: Re: Tantric Kundalini - i bend with the shakti on sex...
Message-ID: <335EA0D0.5392ATnospamintercomm.com>
Tom Aston wrote:
> In message <>, Ed Johnson
> <orangeATnospamislandnet.com> writes
> >
> >I have always felt an inner resistance (some might say laziness!) to study
> >any of the 'esoterics' because I felt the language used to describe the
> >processes alienating to the common experience. And to a degree this
> >is how I feel when people on this list use terms I don't fully understand,
> >most of your yogi terms (and Phil's for that matter!)for example. Can all of
> >these terms (like manipura, anahata for example) be explained in plain english,
> >or is our language insufficient or long-winded?
> well, manipura is the navel chakra and anahata is the heart chakra.
> The Sanskrit terms tend to do a much better job at describing the
> anatomy of the subtle body than English terms.
> it's very hard to understand kundalini experiences without some
> knowledge of yogic terminology and concepts. i try not to use too
> much....they can be found in many books easily available in the West....
> if/once the kundalini climbs from the base of the spine to above the
> heart, then without some esoteric understanding one could get very
> confused very quickly.....
> there are mystical and pagan traditions in the West that offer forms of
> understanding that can help as well as yogic systems....
> and i hope my posts are slightly clearer than Phil's....but i'll try and
> do better in future...sorry
> >
> >Tom further adds:
> >>yep, but there is surely a dilemma for the mystic in communicating his
> >>or her experience to others who have no reference points here
> >
> >Is this ego talking?
> hope not again, but anyone who knows shakti knows it can be hard to
> explain things to others....
> i agree that in the ideal world of faith or Zen awareness, shakti would
> not even be necessary and no explanations or descriptions of inner
> experience would be necessary...indeed, if there is such a thing as
> inner experience at all which can be talked about.....
> but for many there is a transitional process which can be hard to
> comprehend and often requires recognition and nurturing by others if we
> are to successfully see it through.
> kundalini awakening can bring all kinds of traumas and catharsis in the
> short run, at least, and holding it in, or adopting a Zenlike silence is
> not always an option.....and can be disastrous....in that one fails to
> integrate the psychophysical manifestations of this force with one's
> being.....which often manifests as a purifying energy from the depths of
> the subconscious.....which is no respecter of egos or conditioning, be
> they ordinary or Zenlike or both....if the wave breaks on top of the
> surfer it is best simply to ride it in whatever way seems
> appropriate....the wave tends to decide the best course of action, even
> if it is the surfer that wipes out when he or she gets it wrong and
> fails to understand the forces of Nature and the Divine....
> there is also the point that one might actually want to share one's
> experience with others for mutual education and spiritual benefit....so
> communication can be the most altruistic act imaginable....
> except for the Zen Master's enigmatic silence...
> but yogis have so much more fun on the net, because we love to
> talk........
> regards Yogi Tom
> --
> Tom Aston
Tom and All,
The thing that we all can come to accept on the list is that spirit is
composing a very delicate thread of energy if we choose to understand
the process here coming down.
Can I speak about this somewhat from an altered observation point? (I
have a feeling about what it is I'm intuiting but the words will gather
or collect to flow on down to manifest what is coming to me.)
We have people here from every walk of life, religious, experience and
otherwise. We don't know this directly because we are screened by the
computer itself. Yet, if we were to all sit in a room together, we would
certainly become aware of many other aspects of each other that is
purposely screened from the senses.
On one level it appears that certain people from all over the world
have been attracted to something called a kundalini list to experience a
conversation that is taking place over these computers at different
points etc. You would all agree with this, but there is more happening
here if we detach and observe it from a distance or another dimension.
Nothing is ever as it appears. We are all directed here or we wouldn't
be here.
We didn't just happen to fall into a conversation, spirit doesn't work
that way, especially kundalini and the Holy Spirit in this hour and year
as millenium energies manifest. Let's get clear on this if we can...we
sleep at night, leave our bodies, and have all agreed to carry on this
conversation or it couldn't manifest in our waking state over these
computers. We have to know each other in the spirit world in order to
even manifest this conversation.
So, we are not just having idle conversation, we are creating an
energy field that is empowered by specific frequencies of spirit for a
very unique and specific purpose, what exactly it is at any given moment
is not apparent.
I actually feel it is an experiment in out of body spirit
communication while using the computer as a focus point to create the
illusion of conversation. This doesn't manifest on one level, it
manifests on multiple levels at various points on the time line. It only
appears we are having this conversation at this time, when in fact we
have already had and manifest the communication during our sleep.
Let's say that Divine Will frequencies are dropping down through a
conversation that is going on between two, four or more people. Let's
also say spirit has created this dialoge to teach the pure frequency of
love and to empty it into the earth plane.
What is love, a rather abstract word in itself is it not. And, how do
you get the specific thoughts, questions, and diverse energies to come
together to manifest light. So, even though the actual words in the
conversation doesn't seem to embody love, (since disagreement was an
important element of the shifting energies.) What actually manifest as
fruit, came not from the words but from the shifting energies in the
movement. And out of this after several energies entered each other and
neutralized several aspects of negative/positive frequencies... what
finally came out of this process was a piercing clear light which is
love. All of the surface dialogue was to create the end result.
Do you understand what I'm saying, you cannot judge what is happening
here simply on a shallow bases. Words don't communicate essence or
intent, spirit does this. The fruit of action when from the Holy Spirit
is what creates consciousness. (The teaching comes through essence not
the word or thought forms they project)
I guess what I'm saying is this, we can't be having this conversation
in our bodies if we didn't already have the conversation and experience
it at night in our true soul/spirit forms. The fact that many of us have
connected up so much that we are in each others dreams only show this is
a fact. I have spoken with many of you in my dreams, I know this because
of self remembering. If each of you work at consciously bringing down
your dreams you will see that we aren't just sitting here pusing keys,
but we are manifesting the content of the dream training which actually
occured last night.I have always experienced life in this way, meditate
on it and see what comes to you.
Do I have any takers? Gloria
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 01:16:38 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Eric Kieselhorst <redATnospamearthlink.net>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Notes from the lurker underground
Message-ID: <335EA658.34D8ATnospamintercomm.com>
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by mailgate.execpc.com id KAA13468
Eric Kieselhorst wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I´ve been a lurker for quite some time. I have appreciated those
> who have taken the time to post, so I thought I´d return the favor
> by way of introducing myself and sharing a little of my kundalini
> history.
> I placed quotes around the word kundalini for a reason. My intuition
> tells me that´s what it was\is, but I never received a letter of
> authenticity from the universe, God or guru to confirm my suspicians.
> I did, however, receive a letter from some guy named Ed telling me I
> might already be a winner. :)
> To make a short story long, a few years back I tried a technique to
> raise kundalini that I came across in a book. The author gave all
> the customary warnings about the potential dangers involved, but me
> being the arrogant, self-centered, I can handle whatever the Universe can
> dish out, ignorant guy that I was (probably still am, but hopefully to
> a lessor degree) jumped right in. Being used to instant gratification
> and not feeling any results from the technique I just tried within a day
> or so, I went ahead and tried the other techniques mentioned in the book.
> My journey into Hell began a few days later.
> I awoke from a nightmare in the early morning hours trembling and
> in a cold sweat. This was the start of a horrible nightly routine of
> going to sleep only to wake up in the above manner. The nightmare was
> always a variation of the same theme: My death. Every night I would dream
> I was murdered, died of natural causes, or passed on in some new and
> intriguing method I hadn´t thought of before. To combat this I decided I
> just wouldn´t sleep. That´ll fix it!
> During the day the problems were different. It felt like my spine was
> constantly vibrating, I was increasingly anxious and ended up having
> full-blown panic attacks. I honestly thought I was losing my mind.
> Finally, after many tears, too many sleepless nights, a blown-up car,
> and feeling like I´d never be normal again, I went to the doc and we
> medicated the problems away. Valium returned stability to my life.
> After a year I slowly weaned myself off. I might add that this was no
> walk in the park either. But I managed to get off of it. I wanted to
> return to meditating (which I had given up when the above mentioned
> problems started) but felt like the medication was interfering.
> So how goes it with me now? It goes well, thank you very much for
> asking. I meditate often. I practice Kriya Yoga. I´m no longer as afraid
> of losing my mind. No longer that afraid of death. It feels like I have
> done both of those more times than I can count.
> So was this kundalini? I most often believe so. What does that mean
> to me? I don´t really know. Sure I´ve read everything I can get my hands
> on, but I´m still undecided on its importance. As cliche as it sounds, I
> am glad I went through what I did because I think I´m a better person
> for it.
> That takes me to my last point (sighs of relief are heard from the K-list
> at large). Has kundalini actually helped me become a better person? Am
> I kinder? More loving? Compassionate? More understanding? This is the area
> where my greatest questions arise concerning kundalini. Hopefully
> without sounding too arrogant, I think I have improved in these areas. But
> has that been helped by kundalini? Or is it simply due to working hard to
> improve in those areas? I do have various experiences while meditating that
> are intriguing, enlightening etc, but if I´m still a self-centered
> jerk, what´s the point?
> Thanks for listening. And thanks to all who have contributed to the
> K-list. I have learned a great deal from you folks.
> eric
HI, glad to meet you. I'm Gloria.
Anyway, what came through your experience that was very important is
simple. YOu are now conscious of what kundalini is, and I also venture
to say you have gained respect and awe at what is there. While what
could have come from this is fear, dread, worry, etc. I don't get that
from you since you have already started to meditate.
What you went through would have been easily( or perhaps not so easy)
understood had you been working with a teacher with direct experience
with kundalini, you would have rode the wave all the way through by
understanding the nature of the illusion.
But, since your mind told you this was really happening to you, you
bought into it and it obtained power to manipulate you. Whenever you
awaken kundalini energies while all of the lower instincts, thoughts,
desires, etc are in controll, you are going to experience lower force
manifesting energies. It is just that simple.
What is needed now is to move out of the solar plexus into the heart
center. When you are in the heart center, the mind slows down, the
thoughts are easily seen, detachment becomes awareness, and in all of
this you learn the difference between what you think and believe, and
who you really are. There is a big difference between the illusion and
the reality.
The reality is going to require detachment, and the ability to look at
anything straight in the eye without a flinch. Before you master this
technique however, I suggest you work at reaching into humility, getting
down on your knees inside and asking very sincerely that God comes into
your life in a real and meaningful way that you can experience here and
That God can take the form you need, but it is your creator, and in
that knowing of the father/mother God you will see that what you are
really looking for is union with this Divine Light. And in this union
you find the pure frequency of love, not the human variety, but another
pure essence or presence. When enough love gets to you, then and only
then are you ready to go and clean house. By the way, you will have to
do this. What you hold in your memory bank is very much alive and well
in your lower centers, and in your mind.
The dreams with the death, was only you telling you that your lower
ego/self will die in order for the real you to really understand and
surrender to the power of the serpent within, kundalini. There is much
to experience, must to witness, observe, and let go of. It is all the
quest. And, it is not the outcome that is so important it is the
movement of the dance. Love to you. Gloria
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 08:06:49 -0400
From: LIGHHTNINGRODATnospamwebtv.net (debbie Robinson)
To: pamelaATnospamserv.net, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: k-list post
Message-Id: <199704241206.FAA02998ATnospammailtod-1.alma.webtv.net>
Enjoyed your post . I also have been in similar process for 3-4 yrs now.
One of the most helpful examples I had initially was a Thai
businesswoman that I became friends with.
She and I are in our mid 40s-however, in Thailand, that is considered
old age. She surprised me with the news that she was turning her large
and thriving business over to relatives, placing her nearly grown
children in college and private prep schools, and "leaving" her husband
to join a Buddhist convent. I expressed great interest and not a little
shock-had several questions and marvelled at her resolve and clarity.
She very simply explained that in her culture it was normal to spend the
1st third of your life growing up, the 2nd in raising a family and
engaging in your life's work, and the last could be devoted to spiritual
growth and preparation for the next life. Thai Buddhists are quite
moderate in all their practice permitting her to be married and yet to
be fully involved with spiritual life in a convent.
The important thing is that her culture provided a framework for this
very natural
progression through life, whereas our
cultural values lead us to question our sanity and stability as we move
into these experiences. I was in the same process but lacked affirmation
and fellowship.
I immediately decided that I would reframe my experience in terms of the
larger human culture and move forward with confidence and grace.
we are in a sense, just the firstfruits in a never-ending cycle of crops
coming to fruition-the rest will follow. All the best,
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 12:47:31 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: colin <colATnospamlakes.u-net.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The birth of a Sufi - with love from yogi Tom
Message-ID: <iw4NGKATh0XzEwqHATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
i thought this might be of interest to anyone who's had powerful
experiences and wondered if they are going crazy.....
this article has been used as a case study in the UK in training student
therapists in questioning notions of sanity and nervous breakdown....
could be seen as a classic case of East meets West.....
with a happy ending too......
regards, Sufi Tom
The following account is based on the published medical reports on
Barkat Ali, a British soldier of Indian birth and Muslim faith, who
migrated to newly formed Pakistan and settled in Faisalabad in 1947,
two years after the apparent mental breakdown diagnosed by doctors
overseeing his case.
Here he eventually became an internationally recognised Sufi spiritual
Barkat Ali - who later became known as Sufi or Wale Babaji - openly
released these reports so as not to deceive anyone about what the
psychiatric profession thought about his religious experiences.
Sufi Babaji has been visited by many dignitaries both from within and
outside Pakistan including Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of
Pakistan, and Nawaz Sharif, current Prime Minister of Pakistan. His
followers run into thousands and are spread around the world, both East
and West.
He has founded a hospital, a large collection of original editions of
the Koran from all over the world and written scores of books on
spiritual life.
He died in Faisalabad during Ramadan in January 1997.
While a soldier, in a confidential report, Barkat Ali's commanding
officer, Brigadier W.L.D.Veitch wrote: "It is no exaggeration to say
that I have never met a man in India to touch him. He is as keen as
mustard. He works like a clock in the office as well as on the parade
On June 22, 1945, at the age of 34, while stationed in Roorkee in India,
Barkat Ali abdicated his position in the army and sent a statement to
Brigadier Veitch renouncing his commission saying: "Believe it or not
this is the true story of my heart. I have finally and firmly resolved
to lead my life as a faqir" - in other words, that he had given up his
life to the spiritual path of Sufism, the mystical tradition within
Islam, which is sometimes described as a journey to one's own heart.
He was immediately placed under military arrest and assessed by two
doctors - Group Medical Officer Major King and the unit Medical Officer
Dr Mitial - for a psychiatric disorder.
His medical report read as follows: "Anxiety severe state unspecified
chronic states he had a disease for the last five or six years to become
a 'dervish' (hermit). This disease increased very much during the last
four months, yesterday the 22.6.1945 he decided not to continue work.
This led to his being put on a military charge.."
He was asked to accompany an officer and former colleague to psychiatric
hospital and, though initially refusing to do so, was eventually
persuaded to go by his friend.
On 25.6.1945 there is a record of a patient statement and complaint:
"The patient thinks that he had some revelation in his dream and he
should now dedicate himself to that. In obedience to that he now wants
to confine his activities to religious duties only."
Ten days later, on 5.7.1945, his doctor notes: "Looks depressed and
extremely asocial. Keeps himself busy in religious duties. Emotionally
unstable and weeps easily. He is docile and gentle in behaviour. He is
clean and regular in his habits. He gives an expression of distaste and
non-adaptability in the present environment."
The diagnosis ? "Anxiety state severe unspecified chronic."
The outlook ? "It is almost impossible to clear him of religious
intoxification and hermitic life. In the present state he is useless as
a soldier. I therefore recommend that he is invalided form the service."
The cause of the problem ? "In view of his long service I do not find
anything but the special strain and stress of the emergencies of the
present war, as the attributing factor for his disease."
A senior officer, based in Roorkee, wrote: "What he has done was under
the dictate of strong religious belief and in my opinion not with the
intention to deny law and order deliberately." He went on to recommend:
"He is an innocent accused and recommend that the charge for which he is
under open arrest may be washed and the guard withdrawn."
And thus it was that an efficient and seemingly normal British soldier
turned into an asocial God-intoxicated hermit overnight, taking with him
only these insights from the British medical profession as evidence of
what had happened.
Copyright 1997 Tom Aston/Yogi Tom/Silver Dawn Media All Rights Reserved
With thanks to my Sufi friend Ali Shah for introducing me to the facts
of this story.
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 08:17:24 -0700
From: John Halonen <halonenjATnospamix.netcom.com>
To: "Kundalini" <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Healing list
Message-Id: <>
Maybe we could leave the subject "Miraculous Healing"
And in the body give the persons name.
We could all send love and energy.
John Halonen
At 04:31 PM 4/23/97 PDT, Claudia McNeely wrote:
>> Dear people,
>> Why not start a healing list?
>> Just a brief entry of person's name and age would be sufficient, to
>> establish vibration and energy connection.
>> I for one would be delighted to meditate on such names on a regular
>> basis.
>> Don't forget that it is some people's healing to actually die, but the
>> transition can be made so much more comfortable if people send love in
>> their direction.
>> 'Miraculous' healing is an aspect of K power - so why not use it?
>> Experience the joy of helping others become aligned with their highest
>> good.
>> Love and peace
>> jens
>Great idea!!!
>Claudia McNeely
>Facilitating gentle healing on all levels
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 08:23:49 -0500 (CDT)
From: ganesha1ATnospamix.netcom.com (Melissa Shubha Smith)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: gawain1ATnospamix.netcom.com
Cc: spirit-lATnospamspiritweb.org
Subject: Yagnas
Message-Id: <199704241323.IAA02942ATnospamdfw-ix7.ix.netcom.com>
You wrote:
>You know in India they have groups of people whose profession it is to
>perform rites and chantings to help paying"customers".I hear it
works.This is
>called a yagya
>Dear Kundalini List,
I am new to your list and this is my first contribution.
I have been to many Yagnas performed here in the USA at the Siddha
Meditation Ashram in NY.
Brahman Priests from India who have trained thier entire lives learning
the ancient and sacred mantras from thier own fathers, who learned them
from thier fathers before them and so on and so on back to the very
ancient past.
The mantras and prayers are offered to the fire or yagna with other
offerings of ghee, rice, sacred woods, and facilitated by a
representative "couple" man and wife who represent the devine male and
female energies of this Universe. (Shiva & Shakti).
The Offerings are burned in the fire and the smoke from the fire goes
up in to the atmosphere of the earth and actually purifys the earth.
There are many different types of Yagnas, done for different purposes,
using different vedic prayers specifically for those purposes.
We can also have a Yagna inside our hearts and offer our offerings
mentally to the inner fire of yoga.(or the kundalini) This can be
anything. Things we wish to release, surrenders of ego, sacred prayers,
offerings of auspicious things we love. The Inner Sacraficial Fire.
When the fire is over and the Yagna has burnt down the "ashes" or
"Bhasma" is a fine white powder. This is the white ash Yogis smear on
thier bodies to signify going beyond the 3 qualities of life (3 gunas,
tamas-rajas-sattva) and residing in the state of the beyond the beyond
(Nada-Bindu-Kalatitam). This ash acts as spiritual sunglasses for the
energy centers where it is smeared often in 3 lines on the forehead.
It protects, heals, and enlivens. The act of placing it on your body is
also a supreme act of devotion towards the shakti or universal
spiritual energy, reminding oneself of the ultimate rememberence "I am
That" (Tat Twam Asi).
So, when we want to heal...remember that healing ourselves, and healing
our own inner self is the supreme offering to this universe. The Inner
Yagna. The the vibrations of this healing emanate outwards into the
universe like the ripples of water in a pond when a stone is thrown in.
Then, wherever we go whatever we do, whatever we touch has this very
pure intention. This pure vibration. We do not burden others with our
stuff. We take care of it within. Then we are walking lightly on this
mother earth. Then we are being "in the light".
Thank-you for the gift of sharing about Yagnas.
Melissa Shubha Smith, REIKI Master aka Ganesha
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 13:44:39 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: in search of unity.........
Message-ID: <UxRQWMA3W1XzEwdQATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
In search of unity.....
That which we embrace
loses all power over us
through embrace we yield to the One
through embrace heaven and hell become One
through embrace we are all healed
and transform that which had seemed hopeless
and rediscover that which had seemed lost
and recall that which had seemed forgotten
and recognise the true image of life and the meaning of death
and understand that which had slipped away
and explore depths to that which had seemed shallow
and find time where there was none
and wholeness where there had been only separation
and mysteries where there were only answers
and friendship that allows us to grow
into a trust that somehow there is meaning
in the emptiness into which we all must go
to finally find peace and rest
an embrace has an infinite number of forms
both hidden and seen
dissolving the boundaries between us
unlocking impenetrable secret doors
and acknowledging the conspiracy of love
that is at the heart of it all
and can heal anything
in ways that would amaze us
if only we could discern them.....
resistance is futile in the face of an embrace
for we cannot deny our nature
to enter into relationship
into something greater than ourselves
and so discover the infinite capacity of the heart
to contain and transform all things
and still be able to laugh at the futility of it all
as if we imagined we were going somewhere
and there was something to become apart from what we are
which is a being designed only to embrace
that which we fear most
the sense of other
and so dissolve the delightful pain of separation
and loneliness
from which we imagine there is some kind of problem to be solved
and somewhere else to be
apart from now
and this
Tom Aston
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 10:41:56 -0400
From: imtgATnospamjuno.com (tg xxx)
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Healing list
Message-ID: <19970424.104158.3798.5.imtgATnospamjuno.com>
Hi Folks...
I don't mean to be a party-pooper about this, and believe me, I am ALL
for a miraculous healing list - I'm just having a few reservations
regarding the whole concept.
I guess my question would be is, if someone is to receive a healing,
don't they have to be receptive to it (on a soul level), and if they are
receptive to it, wouldn't the healing occur even if there were no
prayer/healings/love/energy sent forth? Wouldn't the thoughts/energies
sent by us be just to make us feel better? (which is ok in itself as I
always love to feel better). Heck, maybe that's the whole point here.
I've seen the scientific studies by what's-his-name on the effects of
prayers on healing, which were very favorable for prayers vs.
Maybe my whole confusion on this point is between asking for something
(via a prayer healing) and sending love and energy. (??)
Please recall that I just lost my love of my life and he was sent many
many prayers, love, energy, and healings by many people to no avail. In
which others in turn reply, 'well, it was his time', or 'it was his
choice to leave his body.' Understand they said 'his choice', not
mine or yours. Excuses! Bah! Why bother? (I'd really like to
Confused in Florida,
"No matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney."
(having a good time observing my ego bitter thoughts at this time)
http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgshome.html <~~~~ on the web now!
On Thu, 24 Apr 1997 08:17:24 -0700 John Halonen <halonenjATnospamix.netcom.com>
>Maybe we could leave the subject "Miraculous Healing"
>And in the body give the persons name.
>We could all send love and energy.
>John Halonen
>At 04:31 PM 4/23/97 PDT, Claudia McNeely wrote:
>>> Dear people,
>>> Why not start a healing list?
>>> Just a brief entry of person's name and age would be sufficient, to
>>> establish vibration and energy connection.
>>> I for one would be delighted to meditate on such names on a regular
>>> basis.
>>> Don't forget that it is some people's healing to actually die, but
>>> transition can be made so much more comfortable if people send love
>>> their direction.
>>> 'Miraculous' healing is an aspect of K power - so why not use it?
>>> Experience the joy of helping others become aligned with their
>>> good.
>>> Love and peace
>>> jens
>>Great idea!!!
>>Claudia McNeely
>>Facilitating gentle healing on all levels
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