Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/04/23 13:12
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #187

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 187

Today's Topics:
  Re: mind/God knows Best
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
  Comment on Tom's list of Remedies for Godsickness...
  Re: Some Ado About Nothing
  Comments on two related posts (Forcing Shakti and another)
  Re: Acupuncture
  (Forcing Shakti,and Promises, Promises, Promises.)
  The Metaphysical Shakespeare
  Re: Some Ado About Nothing
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 11:54:59 +0100
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: mind/God knows Best
Message-Id: <15545980500755ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
>Subject: Re: mind
>Hi, I have two things to add,
>1. What if God has Other fish frying (other Creations like or unlike
our Creation that was started,when our supposed God became to us) That would
 mean God is God before, and after, and did not ever start, or stop, He is not
 dependent on this Creation to exist. He has Being before, during, and after,
He really is beyond all classifications or labels, and may very well exist
independently of this, or any creation, He is unknowable, but can be known
 by us through careful contemplation of this, and any other universes, and
creations which exist, for the creations are a reflection of Him, and so it is
said, you may know Him even through a tiny blade of grass, or a timely
moment of reflection done in synchronististyto the sound of the wind
blowing blowing in the fall leaves of the trees warming up to the morning sun.

2. The other comment is this that everyone makes it, and has already made it
to God, and that all those ways described below are just illusions in time, and
space, for the sake of a drama to entertain God's Creation while they sing and
dance their parts in the best way theycan, so God can be entertained, and forget
Himself, because, He enjoys loving so very much, to dance and jig a song or two,
 while writing the story of Creation and the Truth.

>>On Tue, 22 Apr 1997, E Jason wrote:
>>> David wrote:
>>> > > Ego: "What if All is NOT One?"
>>> This is described in the idea that beyond
>>> the Monad is the Multiplicity
>>> One is dependent on Everything
>>> and Everything on One
>>> In Kabbalah for instance
>>> the moment at which God Creates the Universe
>>> is the precise moment at which God comes into Being
>>> You want to think about such things :)
>>Well let me change my earlier version a little bit.
>>some of the matter or energy through the process of life has reached JUST
>>NEAR (but not exactly) the state of Omnipresent and Omnipotent state of
>>kalapa. The process continues with time because now it is not timeless
>>but just near it.So time moves though very very slowly for that kalapa.
>> Hence not being perfect it is unbecoming.
>> It is becoming thro the process of life but unbecoming with time.
>>Am I right Jason now ????>
>>It is enough to tie a knot in a
>>Serpent :) > In alchemy Uroborous the Serpent that swallows his own tail
>>> also regurgitates at the same time
>>> Becoming and also dissolving
>>> Being and Not Being
>>> And you thought Chakra clearing was fun?
>>> but your question was really about feelings
>>> of seperation or non-unity
>>> The reason is you are trying to get somewhere you already are
>>> How to Be:
>>> Involvement with reality.
>>> Certain forms of excessive meditation
>>> can lead to over emphas
>>is of processing.
>>No no jason. All humans are not same.
>> It is like all humanity is climbing a hill carrying the egos as an
>>offering to the top of the mountain.
>> The process of climbing requires effort and causes pain.
>> Some get tired soon and offer their ego to beloved.
>> Some carry it further and then get tired and offer it to Guru.
>> Some still further to help fill the intermittent staation so that
>> others can go to the top.
>> And some erode away reaching the top with whatever egos they have
>>carried after collecting it from others like Buddha did.
>> No one reaches the top and the process of becoming and unbecoming goes
>> No , not a good story if it never ends.
>> Every one climbs up as per his seed of ego.
>> Those who reach the stage where they shed their ego earlier or later
>> will say what you said above.
>> Some will say it now and some will say the same thing later like me.> > A
>>Zen monk went to see his old Gran > "Gran I
>>can not still my mind?" > "The wood needs chopping," said his Gran.
>>> After finishing the monk said,
>>> "Gran, whilst chopping the wood - I was thinking of the solution . . ."
>>> "That's your problem," interrupted his old Gran,
>>> "Always trying to do two things at once . . . "
>>> Most Kind Regards
>>> Lobster
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 12:01:07 +0100
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Helicopter
Message-Id: <16010747400767ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I get this news re: helicopter, and had to share! ~V~
>>A helicopter was flying around above Seattle yesterday when an
>>electrical malfunction disabled all of the aircraft's electronic
>>navigation and communications equipment. Due to the clouds and haze,
>>the pilot could not determine the helicopter's position and course to
>>steer to the airport.
>>The pilot saw a tall building, flew toward it, circled, drew a
>>handwritten sign, and held it in the helicopter's window. The pilot's
>>sign said "WHERE AM I?" in large letters.
>>People in the tall building quickly responded to the aircraft, drew a
>>large sign, and held it in a building window. Their sign said
>>The pilot smiled, waved, looked at his map, determined the course to
>>steer to SEATAC airport, and landed safely.
>>After they were on the ground, the co-pilot asked the pilot how the
>>"YOU ARE IN A HELICOPTER" sign helped determine their position.
>>The pilot responded "I knew that had to be the MICROSOFT building
>>because, similar to their help-lines, they gave me a technically
>>correct but completely useless answer."
> ________
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 06:11:16 -1000 (HST)
From: David Bozzi <david.bozziATnospammail.snet.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199704231611.GAA15787ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>

E. Jason wrote:
"What about the Truth of Multiplicity?
(God and Illusion for example?)


Multiplicity is not Truth!

Jason also said:"Who knows what God experiences?"

The Universal Being of Oneness Knows,
(not dualtiy).

Perceive red?

You've ignored(ignorence) the yellow, blue and

Know White. Know All.

Ego prism.


See what I mean?


Thank-you Jason,
By pressing me to
explain, it's now even
clearer to me more than
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 12:42:12 +0100
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Comment on Tom's list of Remedies for Godsickness...
Message-Id: <16421216800820ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Tom,
Hi there,

Gosh, When I read your remedies,
 I Am,I Am Reverberating with the
sound of One Hand Clapping,
(our Butts, if you will), because, I too,
Am hanging upside down, by my left toe,
from my Guru's favorite Tree,
of Knowledge, of Good and Evil,
like the Hanging Man Trump of theTarot,
where he will try everything,he reads
in the Book of Life, under the Sun,
to avoid Surrendering, to God's Will and Might.
Struggling to Surrender, to God's Light Processes.

>Er, well, it's amazing what we get up to in the privacy of our front
>rooms and in the name of spiritual practice....virtually anything's
>possible...and in my early days wrestling with shakti i tried many of
>them if only for a short while...as i was pretty desperate to somehow
>control this energy, when the whole point was that it wanted to control
>me and burn up my ego....and all i had to do ultimately was to
>cooperate, not fight it
>one or two methods, which i will not describe here because someone will
>no doubt try them out (!!!), made me very psychic in a rather crazy way
>so i stopped them immediately, the rest were mostly futile and had
>little or no effect or simply wasted time and energy in unnecessary
>in short, kundalini is like mountaineering, there are risks but one
>tries to minimise them through prudence and care...even then, there will
>probably be times of crisis and despair, but how else could it be if we
>are to grow ?
>and on the way up the mountain one may have to use various techniques
>and outside aids and rely on climbers past and present to help and
>a bit of intelligent improvisation can go a long way, so long as it's
>rooted in a firm foundation of the general principles involved with
>i suppose the best thing someone could have told me on starting out was
>that it would be one great therapeutic process of integration,
>purification and transcendence of ego and conditioning...
>and, like being on the psychiatrist's couch, there's not much need to do
>a lot, just let it all come out and understand one's true spiritual
>stillness and non-effort can be the ultimate trip with shakti....
>if one does do something then it's probably best to be very careful to
>start out with and remain flexible as one's conditioning and the shakti
>do not always overlap in their ideas of what our vocation may be....
>i also wish someone had explained about the importance of nurturing and
>acknowledging and integrating the various aspects of the psyche such as
>the inner child, the wise old woman, the sex god and goddess, the king
>and queen, the prince and princess, the warrior and the fool, the beast
>and the devil.....(this is where both psychotherapeutic theories and
>paganism can be useful, as well as the various daka and dakini of
>Buddhism and Hinduism)
>as it took a while to see that all these aspects of one's being could
>co-exist on many levels in many different ways....and there was no need
>to identify with any one particular aspect of being....and again, there
>wasn't much to do, just acknowledge them and let them be, a bit like
>planting and nurturing flowers in a garden - of course shakti eventually
>transfomred the energies of the beast and the devil into something a lot
>nicer !
>there are so many levels of being and worlds to be created and destroy
>with kundalini that i'm loathed to suggest any "dangerous" or even safe
>practices apart from very simple yogic exercises to clear the energy
>flow through the body and perhaps some straightforward awareness and
>centring exercises from martial arts and Oriental healing.
>a pure diet is the easiest way to gradually purify the body, and deep
>sleep and relaxation the simplest ways to integrate the psyche
>i go with the mystics in general...listen to the heart, inquire within
>and without and learn to acknowledge and trust the answers and
>intuitions one discovers as they can often be very subtle in comparison
>to the conventional certainties most of life is based on.
>in general, it's probably not such a good idea to break the more
>conventional spiritual principles unless you have a very good reason to
>do so or have run out of options.....
>in the end you're alone with shakti, or so it seems at times, and only
>you can know if you made the right choices.....so i recommend gently
>acknowledging that one is responsible on a metaphysical level for
>whatever happens, even if we love to be a victim....ignorance is not an
>option with shakti if things start to go wrong....
>commonsense rather than esoteric curiosity can help at the start, but i
>found there was an esoteric understanding i soon had to acquire before
>things could begin to run their course.....
>and where does that understanding come from ? the gurus and the stars,
>my friend, so keep a look out ! but even these ultimately reside in the
>and there is the ultimate kundalini exercise, dwelling in the heart, now
>that i can recommend to you.
>failing that take a long hot bath and just let go.....
>or lie on the floor and let the back melt into the ground.....
>or go see a sympathetic holistic bodyworker....
>or say a sincere and silent prayer to whatever force or deity or
>intelligence is appropriate to your needs...
>or go barefoot in the park...skinny dipping in a cool lake...tai chi on
>a mountain top.....soak up some sun...soak up some pure literature or
>scriptures....read some poetry and weep...acknowledge the true nature of
>other and just witness the wonder of life and death....
>most of my yoga has been done in the bath, in bed (alone with the
>goddess of my dreams !!!) and just sitting Zen style, doing nothing
>the tube and the bus have been good sources of insight and mystical
>experience too.....
>a website will open soon revealing these gems of handling shakti/being
>handled by shakti and cooperating and life in general !!!!
>make it simple, make it sincere and keep listening to the heart....
>and then there's the ultimate spiritual technique which is........
>SPIRITUAL FRIENDSHIP, which is what i regard the list as in some ways,
>a spiritual friend can manifest in many ways, not all of them easy to
>explain, so remain open to many sources but be discriminating in which
>ones you take to heart....
>Yogi "burnt fingers" Tom
>Tom Aston
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 13:17:56 +0100
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Some Ado About Nothing
Message-Id: <17175651200853ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Dan,
There's really Nothing I can add to this collection of Silly Nothings, but
There is Something to be said about Nothing, and that is all I have to say
on this subject of the Spirit, for the Spirit is Nothing, and it is Something,
 and it is Nothing, and it is Something, and it is never at Home, so don't
bother calling...(It is busy making Energy, this Way.)
>Haven't posted in a while ... many things ... reasons ... unimportant.
>Nothing? Singularity? Just the brief observation of the terrifyingly
>awesome POTENTIALITY in 'nothing' is enough to make me break out in a
>sweat. Looking closely at 'space' with my mind's eye revealing a
>seething hell of
>probable-potential-entity-non-entity-existant-non-existant events
>brought to mind the rambling dis-/re-/ex-cursive dialogues of
>Buckminster Fuller.
> Yeah, I thought he was nuts too, until, like him with his lifelong
>severe non-/my-opia, I shut my eyes and looked (actually, due to a
>spontaneous awakening I was involuntarily shown). Words and especially
>mundane language serve as poor vehicles to convey the
>actuality/potentiality/fuzziality of what is
>truly/philosophically/maddeningly-undefinably/ineffably behind the
>mask/words/dance-of-the-nataraja that is
> The buffoon hears that 'nothing' is the goal and when he arrives at the
>quiet mind, sits in ignorant bliss. The
>sterling-thunderbolt/dorje/big-bang that IS the 'nothing' is beyond;
>having shut his eyes, he now looks with a blind 'eye'.
> Just some ignorant ramblings from one who hasn't a mystical-sheepskin
>from the Esoteric School of Enlightenment. Pay no attention to the man
>behind the curtain - I AM THE GREAT OZ!
>Dan-RF (RamblingFuller)
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 10:27:51 PDT
From: "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Comments on two related posts (Forcing Shakti and another)
Message-Id: <199704231728.KAA12807ATnospamf30.hotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

I am afraid I skipped over some of the K-list digests in the last few weeks so I
really don't know who's original comments I am responding to. What I am doing
is responding to the uniquely western ideas about Kundalini being easy and
quick. It usually is neither. Anyone who promises it will be is a bigger danger
to society and to the people in it than some fool with an M-16 on the street
corner. The one with the gun endangers only your life, the one with the promises
endangers your spiritual development and hence your soul, in this and future
lifetimes. (There is an entire field of study on the physical dangers of a bad
Kundalini rising that I didn't include in my consideration of which is the most

>I have "Kundalini and the Chakras: A Practical Manual - Evolution in
>this Lifetime" by Genevieve Paulson. Tried the exercises (for the >same naive
reasons) numerous times over a couple of weeks. Nothing.
>Does this mean I'm not ready? Why is Shakti withholding?

Two weeks!?!?!?! Wow such dedication!! Did you follow the directions? Did you
add water, beat for 5 minutes, pour into a stick-free pan, then bake in an over
for 30 min at 425? And it still didn't work???

Sorry to be so harsh, especially if its your first time to post, but get real.
Good hardworking people have devoted a lifetime to serious practice with
absolutely no observed K movement. (That is not to say they did not get a
benefit, in both this and future lives.) Some have been born with an awakened
Kundalini and still taken years to begin to get some benefit after they began to

Some people do have remarkable results (awakening K and moving it into higher
chakras) with only a few months of practice and effort. They are freaks, freaks
who have found favor with God and been truly blessed, but freaks none the less.

I don't know anything about the book or author you mention so I don't know how
good the instructions were. The general rule is: find a good tradition (not just
a good book), follow the instructions, pray to meet a good teacher, do your
practice, and wait with patience.

There is a story from India that shows the importance of attitude when following
this path we are on:

Two students went to meet and talk with their master's master. Both were
concerned about their spiritual progress and hopes for enlightenment.

The first student asked the old Guru, "Will I even attain enlightenment?" The
teacher replied, "If you work hard, at the moment before your death, many years
from now, you will reach your goal." The first student turned and went away
very sad and angry that it would take his entire life to reach the goal.

The second student asked the old Guru the same question. The teacher replied,
"You have much to repair from mistakes in this and past lives. If you work hard
each lifetime in 1000 lifetimes you will reach your goal." The second student
went away leaping, crying, and shouting with joy, "He said I would make it! He
said I would make it!"

This is the way of Kundalini.

On a related note:

> Why is the human race not enlightened already if people have known
>of Kundalini for all this time.

People have know of God for even longer, the world does not live in peace.
People have known how to run and do exercise forever, we still get heart-attacks
due to lack of exercise. The relationship of certain types of sexual activity
and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases has been known for generations,
still new cases are being reported every day. Everyone knows smoking causes
cancer, people start smoking every day. So why do you expect it to be any
different with Kundalini?

Knowledge gains its value only if man, each person individually, seeks it and
acts upon it when he finally obtains it. Much of our knowledge and some of our
wisdom can be handed to our children, but they must pick it up for it to belong
to them. The same was true of the rishis and those of us who came after them,
including us.



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Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 11:00:51 PDT
From: "Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: magj1ATnospamibm.net
Subject: Re: Acupuncture
Message-Id: <199704231800.LAA04814ATnospamf49.hotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

In answer to:
>From: "Marco Antonio Galvan Ph.D" <magj1ATnospamibm.net>
>To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
>Subject: Acupuncture

>Do you see any contraindication to use acupucture when the energy is
>disturbing you very badly?

For this type of treatment in general: Yes and no.

The closer the needles go to the spine and the path of susumna or the head the
more it becomes a pure: "YES, it is totally contraindicated! Don't do it!"

If the needles go in the legs or arms the answer is probably a simple, "Go
ahead, there should be no problem."

The same goes for any operations only the conrtaindications are much stronger
for that.

That would suggest it is _not_ safe to use this treatment for Kundalini
problems, which is correct. Chinese medicine is not aimed at K, it is designed
for chi and physical issues and problems. There are several orders of magnitude
of differences in the subtleness needed when dealing with K that don't exist in
Chinese medicine.

The above comes from my listening to a discussion between my Vedic master and a
doctor of Chinese medicine and their agreed upon conclusion.

It has to do with the channels used by the chi and the nadis used by Kundalini.
Along the spine the nadis can be damaged by any physical intrusion, such as an
accupuncture needle. If these nadis are damaged you can prevent Kundaline from
flowing upward, creating much potential mischief as well as blocking spiritual
progress. If they should be damaged in the arms and legs it is far less likely
to matter.

For treating physical problems, this is not a big issue. A good doctor of
Chinese medicine knows places on the arms, legs, hands, and feet to use for most
all physical problems. Those may not be the points of first choice, and may
take longer to get results, but if you have a Kundalini active, or hope to at
some time, make them use those points for their needles.



Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 14:18:57 +0100
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: (Forcing Shakti,and Promises, Promises, Promises.)
Message-Id: <18185706500951ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

. What I am doing is responding to the uniquely western
 ideas about Kundalini being easy and quick. It usually is neither.

Anyone who PROMISES it, will be is a bigger danger to society,
and to the people in it,
some fool with an M-16 on the street corner.
The one with the gun endangers only your life,
the one with the PROMISES
 endangers your spiritual development,
and hence your soul, in this and future lifetimes.
May I add my two-cents worth?
 The One who DELIVERS his PROMISES is the most
 for he actually CHANGES his world,
 and other's worlds
beyond all conditions expected,
 in the first instance.


>>I have "Kundalini and the Chakras: A Practical Manual - Evolution in
>>this Lifetime" by Genevieve Paulson. Tried the exercises (for the >same
>reasons) numerous times over a couple of weeks. Nothing.
>>Does this mean I'm not ready? Why is Shakti withholding?
>Two weeks!?!?!?! Wow such dedication!! Did you follow the directions? Did you
>add water, beat for 5 minutes, pour into a stick-free pan, then bake in an
>for 30 min at 425? And it still didn't work???
>Sorry to be so harsh, especially if its your first time to post, but get real.
>Good hardworking people have devoted a lifetime to serious practice with
>absolutely no observed K movement. (That is not to say they did not get a
>benefit, in both this and future lives.) Some have been born with an awakened
>Kundalini and still taken years to begin to get some benefit after they
began to
>Some people do have remarkable results (awakening K and moving it into higher
>chakras) with only a few months of practice and effort. They are freaks,
>who have found favor with God and been truly blessed, but freaks none the less.
>I don't know anything about the book or author you mention so I don't know how
>good the instructions were. The general rule is: find a good tradition (not
>a good book), follow the instructions, pray to meet a good teacher, do your
>practice, and wait with patience.
>There is a story from India that shows the importance of attitude when
>this path we are on:
>Two students went to meet and talk with their master's master. Both were
>concerned about their spiritual progress and hopes for enlightenment.
>The first student asked the old Guru, "Will I even attain enlightenment?" The
>teacher replied, "If you work hard, at the moment before your death, many
>from now, you will reach your goal." The first student turned and went away
>very sad and angry that it would take his entire life to reach the goal.
>The second student asked the old Guru the same question. The teacher replied,
>"You have much to repair from mistakes in this and past lives. If you work
>each lifetime in 1000 lifetimes you will reach your goal." The second student
>went away leaping, crying, and shouting with joy, "He said I would make it!
>said I would make it!"
>This is the way of Kundalini.
>On a related note:
>> Why is the human race not enlightened already if people have known
>>of Kundalini for all this time.
>People have know of God for even longer, the world does not live in peace.
>People have known how to run and do exercise forever, we still get
>due to lack of exercise. The relationship of certain types of sexual activity
>and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases has been known for
>still new cases are being reported every day. Everyone knows smoking causes
>cancer, people start smoking every day. So why do you expect it to be any
>different with Kundalini?
>Knowledge gains its value only if man, each person individually, seeks it and
>acts upon it when he finally obtains it. Much of our knowledge and some of our
>wisdom can be handed to our children, but they must pick it up for it to
>to them. The same was true of the rishis and those of us who came after them,
>including us.
>Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 12:34:57 -0700
From: Paul Ellis <pauleATnospamsirius.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The Metaphysical Shakespeare
Message-ID: <335E6461.56540847ATnospamsirius.com>

Since John Halonen said -

> Another neet clip I saw was in a Steve Martin movie where he's talking
> to a street sign and the sign displays, "There are more things in Heaven
> and Earth than you can dream in your philosophies."

I'll mention -

Did you know that's a quote from _Hamlet_? Shakespeare (it's the arriversary of
his birthday today) had some cool things to say along these lines. Also some
neat stuff in _The Tempest_. The context of this quote in the play _Hamlet_ is
that Hamlet and his friend Horatio have just seen the ghost of Hamlet's father:

Horatio: O day and night, but this is wonderous strange!

Hamlet: And therefore as a stranger give it welcome. There are more things in
heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

[Act I, scene v]

And one could even say, re: the recent detachment thread, that Hamlet is
encouraging Horatio ('therefore as a stranger give it welcome') not to be
attached to his current worldview, which holds such ghostly events as

Best to you,
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 12:54:31 -0700
From: Peter Norton <pnortonATnospamatwc.teradyne.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Some Ado About Nothing
Message-ID: <335E68F7.13ACATnospamatwc.teradyne.com>

funnily enough, nihilism is actually an official heresy in some
zen schools, (funny to think about 'heresy' in zen, but there it is).
for me, the Hsin Hsin Ming zen poem says it best:

Live neither in the entanglements of outer things,
nor in inner feelings of emptiness.
be serene in the oneness of things
and such erroneous views will disappear by themselves.
To deny the reality of things
is to miss their reality;
to assert the emptiness of things
is to miss their reality.

> Nothing? Singularity? Just the brief observation of the terrifyingly
> awesome POTENTIALITY in 'nothing' is enough to make me break out in a
> sweat.


"We are each in the midst of many worlds." - Suzuki Roshi


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