Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/04/20 01:19
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #179

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 179

Today's Topics:
  Notes from the lurker underground
  Re: letting go, picking up, dissolution of labels and attachments
  Re: Who you are-negative contention
  Ground energy/Marco
  Re: the senses & elements
  letting go,picking up,dissolution of labels and affections
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 15:15:52 -0700
From: Eric Kieselhorst <redATnospamearthlink.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Notes from the lurker underground
Message-Id: <>

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Hi everyone,

I´ve been a lurker for quite some time. I have appreciated those
who have taken the time to post, so I thought I´d return the favor
by way of introducing myself and sharing a little of my “kundalini”

I placed quotes around the word kundalini for a reason. My intuition
tells me that´s what it was\is, but I never received a letter of
authenticity from the universe, God or guru to confirm my suspicians.
I did, however, receive a letter from some guy named Ed telling me I
might already be a winner. :)

To make a short story long, a few years back I tried a technique to
raise kundalini that I came across in a book. The author gave all
the customary warnings about the potential dangers involved, but me
being the arrogant, self-centered, “I can handle whatever the Universe can
dish out,” ignorant guy that I was (probably still am, but hopefully to
a lessor degree) jumped right in. Being used to instant gratification
and not feeling any results from the technique I just tried within a day
or so, I went ahead and tried the other techniques mentioned in the book.
My journey into Hell began a few days later.

I awoke from a nightmare in the early morning hours trembling and
in a cold sweat. This was the start of a horrible nightly routine of
going to sleep only to wake up in the above manner. The nightmare was
always a variation of the same theme: My death. Every night I would dream
I was murdered, died of natural causes, or passed on in some new and
intriguing method I hadn´t thought of before. To combat this I decided I
just wouldn´t sleep. That´ll fix it!

During the day the problems were different. It felt like my spine was
constantly vibrating, I was increasingly anxious and ended up having
full-blown panic attacks. I honestly thought I was losing my mind.
Finally, after many tears, too many sleepless nights, a blown-up car,
and feeling like I´d never be “normal” again, I went to the doc and we
medicated the problems away. Valium returned stability to my life.

After a year I slowly weaned myself off. I might add that this was no
walk in the park either. But I managed to get off of it. I wanted to
return to meditating (which I had given up when the above mentioned
problems started) but felt like the medication was interfering.

So how goes it with me now? It goes well, thank you very much for
asking. I meditate often. I practice Kriya Yoga. I´m no longer as afraid
of losing my mind. No longer that afraid of death. It feels like I have
done both of those more times than I can count.

So was this kundalini? I most often believe so. What does that mean
to me? I don´t really know. Sure I´ve read everything I can get my hands
on, but I´m still undecided on its importance. As cliche as it sounds, I
am glad I went through what I did because I think I´m a better person
for it.

That takes me to my last point (sighs of relief are heard from the K-list
at large). Has kundalini actually helped me become a better person? Am
I kinder? More loving? Compassionate? More understanding? This is the area
where my greatest questions arise concerning kundalini. Hopefully
without sounding too arrogant, I think I have improved in these areas. But
has that been helped by kundalini? Or is it simply due to working hard to
improve in those areas? I do have various experiences while meditating that
are intriguing, enlightening etc, but if I´m still a self-centered
jerk, what´s the point?

Thanks for listening. And thanks to all who have contributed to the
K-list. I have learned a great deal from you folks.

Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 22:46:58 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
Subject: Re: letting go, picking up, dissolution of labels and attachments
Message-ID: <8HZ6biAS1TWzEwTdATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

In message <335933A5.70D6ATnospamdial.pipex.com>, E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
>Tom Aston wrote:
>> am i alone in having found tremendous need to let go of friends and
>> family and childhood and parents for a while, only to pick up all these
>> relationships again later on, but with a feeling of non-attachment that
>> took quite a while to get used to....
>On this Tom, I hope very much you are alone . . .
>Non-attachment is inhuman. It is a lack of involvement
>- it is a position of superiority.

not sure about this, non-attachment is not the same as detachment, one
loves and feels compassion, but one doesn't hold on to this love or
compassion, they become ends in themselves that arise spontaeously
depending on one's situation...

so things become very fluid and the idea of fixed entities relating to
one another begins to slip away....

in some ways one can become too involved when these responses to other
arise as they are often filled with heartfelt recognition of the other's
need for spiritual wholeness that is lacking in manipura attachment and
relationship that is "normal".....

>(I should know this is a Lobsterian position)
>I believe non involvement - egoic distancing is temporary.

but what about when it is shakti that actually is burning up all the old
ideas and emotions in a mystical fire - so it's actually the ego that is
dying rather than rejecting or distancing.....

>It is very much part of a particular Vedantic-Buddhist tradition of
>emotional independence and detachment.
>However it is a question of degree and maturity.
>In Jewish Kabbalah - mysticism was only taught to mature
>well balanced family men (sadly rarely women - if at all
>- though this is different today in some circles).

but what about the Tree of Life ? this archetype can apply to a mystic
of any kind of social setting....and not sure "mature" and mystic mix
well, especially if shakti is involved when childlike spontaneity is
often the best way to let her have her way...not to say that maturity
and other forms of mysticism are not equally good if not better....

>In Sufism family life and social integration of men and women
>is fundamental to genuine growth.
>Pagan spirituality is grounded in involment with people and life.

but what i'm asking is whether or not it's a question of what is the
nature of the experience that one has in that involvement. should one's
experience discriminate between family and friends and others outside
that circle ? while one can be aware of others, should one hold on to
them in a conventional sense, which as a yogi i'd say tends to be
concentrated in the manipura often, although anahata can be involved too
? after all, as a mystic, must ask who are WE ? and relating in a
conventional way to other may not necessarily be a true expression of

for instance, i like to joke and relate to others, but have problems
(although i can and do do it in practice when called to) in making chat
about the routine of life or potted histories of what i've been doing
etc which i used to be able to do very easily....as none of this life of
"mine" is very important to me and it seems wrong to burden others with
the illusion that i think it is....this is not Tom's ego here, this is
an inner energy that just blocks "me" talking like this....

>We have an emotional body, we are emotional creatures and if this denied
>it will come out in abhorrent attachments.
>You will never see the Gods and Goddesses better than in other people.

of course, you're talking my lingo here....
>> classic dilemma of the nice normal mystic - how to let go and yet
>> maintain appearance of normality at same time ? how to avoid offending
>> others by letting this letting go show ?
>If you are abnormal - do not blame mysticism - you are abnormal - there
>is something abnormal in you or the practise. (I should know I have
>ended up a lobster . . .)

but there is no practice, shakti herself is the practice in the
end....and isn't the whole question of "normality" - like "sanity" - a
can of worms here as it begs so many questions....
>> inner secret process of letting go can require periods of seclusion and
>> medittion which are not always easy to come by if working.....
>Get up earlier - go to bed later. Go on retreats - you have weekends
>and evenings - work shorter hours - come on . . .
this was in retrospect...if only shakti fitted in so neatly to our busy
lives....can recall quite clearly prolonged crisis as throat chakra
opened over several months of own accord even though wanted to stay in
heart and was sometimes unable to talk at all, no matter how early i got
up and meditated or yoga-ed or how many retreats i went on.....

in many ways, if i'd just let go and stopped work altogether along with
social life and just accepted what shakti was doing to "me", everything
would have been much easier for all concerned as certainly puzzled
fellow workers when mouth was clamped firmly shut all day....
>> sometimes one may even need to GO FORTH Buddha style and just walk away
>> from the old life if it won't provide an environment for you to grow and
>> develop spiritually.....but Western culture not keen on this, seen as
>> asocial....
>Tom - if you walk away you are walking the easy path
>- back in there. (I know - I spend a lot of time running away)
not at all, i stayed, and stayed, and stayed with the deepseated fear of
offending others and appearing ungrateful for a great childhood by
conventional standards and in retrospect, again, this did harm to both
myself and others close to me as it was essentially a lie at a deep
level and wasted a lot of time and energy.....

took 13 years to admit this though, and when i did, there was a little
pain at the beginning, then everyone shrugged their shoulders, and
within a few months we were buddies again, but this time the foundations
were truth and openness, and i realised just what a big mistake i'd made
in not articulating the nature of the shakti experience and being honest
and open about it and letting her lead me where she would........
>> soemtimes something has to die for something new to grow, so am wary of
>> laying down the law on whether one should retain conventional
>> relationships......
>Celibacy does not make you spiritual and sexual expression as you know
>is no lack of sacredness. My guess is that you have not quite overcome
>your sexual nature as you believe. I have not mine - and I see little
>merit apart from Siddhas in doing so.
>Incidentally these abilities come anyway, celibate or not . . .
>As for conventional relatioships are you now advocating a hermit

No not at all, just wondered whether anyone had this feeling of just
flowing from person to person without holding onto anyone.....
as said, in some ways one has more to offer in terms of spontaneity and
>> everything has to go in the end...nothing is worth holding onto, but
>> that doesn't mean it is still not possible to love or nurture
>> others....it may just mean one does not necessarily fulfil all that is
>> expected of us by others in fulfilling conditioned behaviour
>My dear Friend I believe we should overfill others expectations where
>this is not
>destructive to either party or the relationship.

i agree absolutely
>> letting go is no sin even when it's the ones we love we're letting go
>> of....
>Who is interested in sin . . .
>If you Love someone you do not let go of them
>you just do not try to keep them . . .
>> sometimes the mystic will face a clearcut choice between the light and
>> obeying family and social conventions, and i would say, go to the light
>> every time and have faith, but do it as gently as possible, like a ship
>> slipping its moorings for the open sea, which takes faith in one's own
>> experience and respect and tolerance for others too......
>You will never be presented with the choice

sorry, but here i must personalise the debate, as in some ways this
decision effected everything in my spiritual development totally, i was
given such a choice, very clearly, and i chose the family rather than
the light......which was a costly mistake and one based on false
premises too - as it seems like one is going forth and leaving everyone
behind, but in many ways one becomes closer to family and friends after
the transformation process than before. It is simply the inner
experience, which, to be honest, i have often thought of in the classic
Sufi term "In the world but not yet of it" ever since coming across it
at school

if there's nothing here to talk about then what was St Clare, St
Francis, Buddha, Jesus doing in their lives when they caused so much
offence to families and social mores ? ok, so we yogis are not saints,
but the same dilemmas can arise for mystics in Western society....and
do...look at the fuss over kidnapping cults and even Buddhism is
sometimes blamed for breaking up families

>Maybe it is time to become more involved with the path of Sufism . . .
>"Be IN the world - not of it" (though I would advocate being in, of and
>> in the long run, you may find everyone comes back to you anyway on a
>> completely new level if you are patient and consistent.....
>> done the right way, letting go can even bring respect from others who
>> may not really understand what's going on because mysticism is beyond
>> their realms of experience....
>Everybody is sacred Tom, everyone is on a path of growth
>"The First shall be Last and the Last shall be first"
yep, but there is surely a dilemma for the mystic in communicating his
or her experience to others who have no reference points here - doesn't
this explain some of the problems and fears of people with kundalini
experiences looking for friendly listeners and advisers

For example, here is a potted version of a conversation with my father
early on in my yogic career many years back:

Dad: "What on earth happened to you in India with your yoga teacher ?"
(referring to letter i had written home describing shaktipat....)

Tom: "....describes shaktipat in straightforward terms as light, bliss,
energy etc..."

Dad: silence....puzzled look...shaktipat never discussed again until

with Mum, the questions amounted to "What did he (the guru) do to you ?"
as if i had been beaten up...attempts to reassure her in vain.....

....it is not a matter of judgement, simply of being true to this
extraordinary energy welling up from the subconscious with an
intelligence all of its own...

the mystic does not necessarily have a choice sometimes - something
bigger than themselves takes control of events that can break every
appearance of normality going.....

my own Sufi Master, Wale Babaji who lived in Pakistan until his death
this year, was discharged from the British Army with a diagnosis of
mental illness after he became very agitated and refused to obey orders
because he had a dream of the divine.

He lived as a penniless wanderer for a long time before becoming an
internationally recognised teacher....

i've written a brief article about him which i can send if you're
interested, it's based on his own psychiatric records about his going
forth from the army and domestic life that he released later on when he
became a spiritual teacher.

>> in the end, one can only live in truth, and with shakti, that comes from
>> within, initially at least.....and one ignores her at your peril....
>Do not beat your wife with one hand
>whilst offering alms to the Goddess with the other
>Rather beat the Goddess :0
>> Mystic Tom (who chatted with Dad on phone only this morning.....)
>Our parents have more to teach us then Shakti ever can
>- they are the very embodiment of darkness and light
>and the complete range in between.
>We may hate or Love them, ignore or whatever but we are
>an expression of their Love and however twisted or supportive
>they are the most important people we will ever know . . .
>despite the Guru-Chela sanctity.
Hmmm yes...i think this sums up the situation in that there is no need
for exclusivity here even if in practical terms there may be times when
one has to make some difficult decisions about simply where to be and
with whom, that is, before it makes no difference where one is at all...

we are not really arguing about much here, if anything at all, i really
was interested in just exploring the theme of mystic as family member
and social citizen rather than specifically looking at my own situation
as i have read enough to know my own experience was not unusual and
these are important issues for people on both sides of the

as for hermits, they too have their truth, Milarepa wasn't a bad role
model, for example

it's just possible that maybe we're both projecting a little here in
that i assume you're a householder...and i'm a batchelor, but by no
means a hermit in that i do get out and about a bit around London on
good days...and all three lifestyles have their pros and cons......just
as many others do too....

and i know i made a big thing about celibacy, but that really was almost
a technical point and really as much for information as anything as it
is not a fashionabble topic, and surely that really is irrelevant
here...since whether one discharges sexual energy or not is hardly the
central issue of human relationships, especially when talking about

and siddhas...well they came and went very quickly quite a while back
and seemed rather mundane even though i followed the Buddha's advice and
barely acknowledged them

except for healing by touch, and that energy eventually moved on too,
just as i'd planned a quiet life as a healer and shiatsu masseur in

so,well, apart from a few conceptual distinctions, what i'm really
saying is that we basically agree in terms of core realities, but
perhaps see things from different life experiences......

my Mum and i have just been talking on the phone and we are getting on
fine....so don't get me wrong, there is nothing here against mothers or
fathers, simply an attempt to explore an experience that can be worrying
at times during transition, particularly as shakti moves from manipura
to anahata and beyond....

i think Gopi Krishna describes how he felt very guilty and bewildered
for a while when shakti "transcended" spontaneously, his old attachments
dissolved in the light and fire, and he found his feelings for his
family became similar to his universal feelings for everyone he met and

at first he says it felt like "never being able to love again" until he
realised it was just a wider more "impersonal" (for want of a better
term, meaning non-egotistical rather than cold) less conditioned
experience, but love nevertheless...

ultimately neither better or worse, but impossible to ignore....for who
is it that loves ? and who is it that is loved ? other than the
Beloved.......so our moods and decisions are of little importance in the
order of things.....

>Most Kind Regards,

Thank you Lobster, We have crossed swords in earnest methinks for the
first time in many messages, but only because i did not go to the
trouble to explain myself more fully. i hope we have reconciled our
differences a little now....if not let me know - i always appreciate
your full and frank answers and methinks you have pondered these issues
more deeply than me.

Tom Aston
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 20:43:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: RobynkujATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Who you are-negative contention
Message-ID: <970419204313_1952424822ATnospamemout13.mail.aol.com>

I just wanted to "delurk" for a moment to share my 2 cents regarding the
"Phil vs the others" thread. You can flame away if you want, but I'm afraid
you will be denied the satisfaction of having hurt my feelings.
I've kind of adopted a simple philosophy about participating in negative
I have a couple of big dogs that hang out in my back yard a good part of the
time. I love them dearly, but they poop a lot. I know it's there, I can smell
it. When it's time, I go around and clean it up. It's just part of life. But
I don't feel the need to step in it, delight in squishing it thru my fingers,
or try and get them to hold it in -that wouldn't be healthy. Not to imply
that there's anything wrong with people who like to do those kind of things-
it's just not how I choose to spend my time these days. When I was younger,
I'm sure I probably stepped in poop a lot and maybe even squished some thru
my fingers before a distracted parent stopped me. OF COURSE negativity serves
a purpose, just as ALL things do. But not everyone needs to learn the SAME
lessons at the SAME time.
I feel I have the free will to choose how I wish to spend my time. As a
single working mother, the reality is there's just so many minutes in a day
to spend on my joyous persuits-one of which is observing the thoughts of like
minds. I have enjoyed this list immensely and certainly don't wish to unsub.
And in fairness, all should be able to express how they see fit. But if I
wanted to spend my time watching an EGO tennis match I would have subscribed
to "the big 12" ego watch me cut you down" list.
(Of course maybe that's just ego envy talking-deep down inside I really just
wish I could flame like those 'other' members of my species? NOT!!)
I don't accept that there's something wrong with me because I don't choose to
expend my energy to hurl insults- nor does that mean that I only feel
comfortable when surrounded with "all sweetness and light".
I just want to pick and choose what I feel is right for me. But some on this
list would have this view mocked - "oh boy if you you can't stand the
heat......." or "you're just afraid of the REAL world, why don't you just go
cower in your sanetarium"
I guess part of the needs of the egos involved is to demonstrate to all on
the list how witty they are at attempting to deflate all the other egos in
the pond. Is that why this petty playground argument wasn't taken offline
long ago? But then that would smack of consideration to others, and big 12"
egos aren't particularly fond of that concept.
But then again, what do I know. If I were as wise as I sometimes fool myself
into thinking I am, I would have ascended long ago.
Just please keep the argumentative posts WELL MARKED so I can avoid the
pile......thanks I appreciate it :)
thanks ALL for providing me with wonderful cyber entertainment and
enlightening input along my journey. Methinks it's just grand that I can
connect with people such as yourselves in such a manner. ( sorry- just a
little newbie wonderment peeking thru)
<delurk off>

Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 21:14:53 +0100
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: magj1ATnospamibm.net
Subject: Ground energy/Marco
Message-Id: <01145330409672ATnospampeconic.net>

Hi Marco,
1. To ground energy from the ground when it overheats head; I find that
my head gets very hot, and burning inside, that it is good for the muse or
 the imagination, and I find that it is great for lucid dreaming, which is
great if you are interested in exploring spiritual worlds, it intensifies
 all sorts of spiritual sensoryperceptions and actually frees you, so that
you can do things in your waking state imagination, such as brainstorming
good ideas. Carlos Castaneda's Tensegrity Videos show magical passes used
to enhance awareness and promote well-being by affecting the energy field of
the body. The information is at http://www.webb.com/Castaneda/video.html



>From: "Marco Antonio Galvan Ph.D" <magj1ATnospamibm.net>
>Subject: Ground energy
>Can you describe your different methods to ground the energy when it goes
>so wild into the head and start to produce heat in the head ?
>Can your describe your indication or contraindication for this practices ?
>Could you describe your own findings?
>Om Shanti
><> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
>Marco A. Galvan J. <;-}
>ph: 525-705-05-04
>Mexico. D.F
><> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
><html><head></head><BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p><font size=2 color="#000000"
face="Arial Narrow"><b><br><font size=2>Can you describe your different
methods to ground the energy when it goes so wild into the head and start to
produce heat in the head ?<br><br>Can your describe your indication or
contraindication for this practices ?<br><br>Could you describe your own
findings?<br><br>Love.<br><br>Om Shanti<br>&lt;&gt; &lt;&gt; &nbsp;&lt;&gt;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;&gt;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;&gt;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;&gt;<br>Marco A. Galvan
J. &nbsp;&lt;;-}<br>ph: 525-705-05-04<br><font size=2>Mexico. D.F<br><font
size=2>&lt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;&gt;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;&gt;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;&gt; &nbsp;&lt;&gt; &lt;&gt;<br>
<br><font size=2 color="#000080"><br></p>
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 1997 22:35:14 -0700
From: S C Stoner <kcstonerATnospammbcomp.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: HHHHMmmmmmmm
Message-ID: <3359AB12.289CATnospammbcomp.com>

dear fellow 'k' listers...

am sitting here, trying to print directions for unsubcribing/subcribing.
due to an up-coming move...this lurker must remove himself from this
gloriuos list...

and in doing so without recieving our dear list mystress's anger an
wrath...or having the lobster and his 'k' patrol track me down...i am
doing it properly and unsubcribing myself and not leaving it up to my
server to notify via returned mail...

but alas...both times i went to print...it would not work...HONEST!

so, spirit tells me to lurk till the last possible moment before i pack
up my pc for parts un-known...so someone/all has something important to
say to me/us, prior to my impending move...am patiently waiting for
this to appear...time is wasting...and i am...

...lurking still...
    the Madman

ever notice how quiet this list is during the weekend, and how one's box
runneth over during the week?

makes one wonder what america's work force is up too on the job...hope no
one has a finger next to a nuke and also on a mouse at the same time...
hate to have those clicks mixed up...
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 02:15:23 -0700
From: Phillip & Leigh Hurley <lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: the senses & elements
Message-ID: <3359DEAB.6FE0ATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>

Jim B wrote:
> a week ago, Phil Hurley wrote:
> >balancing the Gunas within the psyche has a somatic effect on
> >the three sheaths which in turn (if you will) transmute the
> >octave of your perceptions through the five elements which are
> >related to your five senses
> Hi Phil--
> Would you mind elaborating some on the process by which the sheaths
> "transmute the octave of your perceptions through the five elements" etc.?

  These are complicated questions. Basically each Loka has a Causal
sphere wherein the five elements or senses literally become one in
perception as well as action. This is the horizontal. These sheaths have
to do with that. There are three sheaths and thus three rings pass not.
The sheaths need a key- The key when applied allow information and
perceptions to be synthesised in chitrini. The outermost layer has the
longer period of oscilation the inner canal has about zero. The process
of transmutation occurs via device-I.E. Mantra -Pranayama etc. On a
lower octave these three sheaths have to do with the etheric, astral and
mental sphere for this plane called "Smad" by the Tibetin Vajrayana.
Again this is a complicated topic. If I am not giving you what you need
- ask again and I will give you more info.
> What is the accepted correspondence between the senses and elements?


> what ways does this transmutation change the senses?

It synthesizes the input-you would know this experience by the name -
Intuition.At the highest octaves it relates to the three sunyatas or
voids that you will exerience if you are really looking for trouble-Heh
Finally, where do the
> senses reside on the full, multi-octave scale that is the Goddess?

 The senses reside in the Koshas
> in advance to Phil, others, and both.
> Jim
Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 13:39:19 +0500 (GMT+0500)
From: Sunil R Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
To: kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: letting go,picking up,dissolution of labels and affections
Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.91.970420130949.12503A-100000ATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>

 A good discussion between Tom Yogi and E.Jason.
 I think....whole issui is of Shakti and its meaning.
 In my opinion arrising energy if looked as contamination would
lead one to different path than treating Energy as Shakti and with reverence.
 Though Tom mentions again and again that Shakti is not to be
meddled in, but subconsciously his ego is boosted .
 I am sure this is tough path.
 It would be simpler if this energy is looked at inneutral mood

 Neither with hate nor with respect, but as past karma
contamination to be cleared by SAMTA OR BALANCE.
 Positive emotions like love , devotion etc. should natuarally
arise as per your seed of evolution. Otherwise it is a ego energy copying
the Suniata for its survival.
 A person with Wisdom or Creativity SEED will not be in natural
growth if he he develops devotion or love or any other positive emotion.
 His past karmas will not come out and he will be adding other
ones . This will go on increasing in him Split personality or mind dualism.
Any outside incident or thought will be reacted by both SUB CONSCIOUS
and CONSCIOUS mind differenty thereby strenthening one or the other ego
 A difficult road.


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