Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/04/15 23:48
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #168

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 168

Today's Topics:
  Re: Hey folks, we really don't know anything :-)
  the passing of Steve /etc/aliases. Last Post.
  Tantric guru wannabe
  Some quotes on sex
  Re: Some quotes on sex
  Re: Angry with my Guru
  Re: Some quotes on sex
  Re: Tantric guru wannabe
  Re: Some quotes on sex
  Re: [Fwd: Re: Mind]
  Spiritual Realm
  Re: a great tan
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 21:13:56 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: Dominic & Maureen Marando <chelseaATnospamsuperaje.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Hey folks, we really don't know anything :-)
Message-ID: <33545203.4DADATnospamdial.pipex.com>

Dominic & Maureen Marando wrote:

Just a Mo
> Hi all k-ites.....
> You know, sometimes I get real bummed out when I read some of the postings
> about things like UFO conspiracies, cataclysmic events in the future...how
> some of us are "lightworkers" which implies (I know you don't mean to but it
> does) that "others" are not...(there's that separation us versus them thing
> again....that alcoholic bum on the street might be a lightworker you know!)

This may sound strange but some of the street alcoholics
strike me as deeply spiritual - yet unrealised people
In some ways it is the stirring of a sensitive soul
trying to block the rise of the serpent with alcohol
As for the UFO cataclysmic light workers
too profound for me -
I would advocate compulsory abduction
Being bonkers just alienates people
Lobster is of course a bonker
However we must try and make the wayward light worker
realise that they hinder the acceptance of people
including themselves who need the light
and finally to conclude I would say
for no particular reason:


good night

PS - whaddya mean its morning?
Be good but don't expect a medal
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 18:20:08
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: the passing of Steve /etc/aliases. Last Post.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

  Hello Kundalites:
   Yesterday I recieved news of the passing of a former member, Steve Murray.
   Not much news, only of his Funeral, attended by family and friends of
Glasgow University. I am seeking to know more.
  The last post I recieved from Steve was on Dec. 27/96. Then he vanished,
and my inquiries among others who knew him online proved friutless until now.
  Someone commented to me how rare it is we hear of a death in the internet
  I responded that it is true, they happen, but we usually do not hear of
it, because next of kin seldom know to notify the deceased's online family.
People simply disappear without a trace, and we are left to wonder why.

    I was thinking of Steve on March 31, missing his voice...even sent a
post to his old address, knowing it would bounce....the physical
manifestation of a deliberate psychic call.
 Reading through his old mail that day, remembering the amazing close
connection we shared so quickly....the long post of his memories of our
shared past lives he promised, kept editing and never sent...
  I felt very clearly a realization that he would have responded if he
could have...no matter where he was or what he was doing, somehow.....and
he had not, and therefore he could not...therefore likely something sudden
had happened and he was really gone.
  Now, confirmation.

  In Memory, I am reposting his last message to me, and one of his few
posts to the list: his thoughts on a discussion between myself and Philip
St. Romain on whether Faerie were related to Kundalini.
  I would ask that you use the etheric connection to send Goddesspeed to
Steve's spirit on it's journey, and love and peace to his grieving kith and
kin in Glasgow.
  He has been missed, will be missed, by all of us who knew his magic, his
bright spirit, and his vast capacity to love.
 Blessings of Love, And Balance, Angelique.
  >To: mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com
>CC: steveATnospamlinkcafe.co.uk
>Subject: blessings of love
>X-Info: The Internet Cafe Glasgow
>I want to send you this belated blessing of love and balance for
>christmas and 1997; I have been having a tumultous time these last
>few days, my energy going haywire and I have lain immersed in love,
>feeling all of my old contracts and binds of limitation releasing
>and giving way to the powerful flow of pure love....
>I feel that love from you Angelique, and I thank you for sharing your
>wisdom with me once more in this life and in our past; Much of what
>I am going through has been catalysed by yours and S.'s and G.'s
>love and wisdom and I will delight in sharing it once I am able;
>I have tried several times in the last week to post my writeup to you
>and S. and the others, and each time have been prevented in a
>similar way to G.; computers bizarrely not working, warnings and
>stuff; after checking properly with my guides I have been told that
>my information is not complete and must not be posted until it is;
>I have their blessing to write this note now, I did not have it even
>to do that before [I dont think I could have stopped myself from
>telling you the lot if I'd started <G>] and my net access got
>sabotaged in 3 or 4 different ways to stop me;
>Please bear with me, and I know that what I have to share with all of
>you will be worth the wait;
>I bless you with this love, and I look forward to sharing my insights
>with you soon when I have my guides approval for it.
>{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{goddess love and blessings}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
>Return-Path: <kundalini-l-requestATnospamexecpc.com>
>Resent-Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 22:45:51 -0600
>From: /etc/aliases <grkinfo2ATnospamudcf.gla.ac.uk>
>Subject: Re: Defending Faeries and Kundalini
>To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
>Date: Fri, 8 Nov 1996 04:45:33 +0000 (GMT)
>Hi folks,
>I've been lurking on the list for some weeks & intending to post an intro,
>I still havent done that but I cant resist posting on this one though
since it's
>pressed too many coincidental buttons for me <smile> ; so this is my intro
>I guess:
>I've been having a kundalini awakening with lots of coincidences and stuff
>and messages from my spirit guides; help from faeries has been an important
>part of it.
>Angelique, I'm delighted by your posts on the faeries ... I've very recently
>had faery help myself whilst working on my kundalini & I've been enjoying
>your playful descriptions of your own faery experiences...
>Oddly, I was thinking before I logged on today about how important spirit
>guides, angels & faeries are to us in being able to safely awaken our
>and I came in to find your post saying all the same things; <smile>
>A few weeks ago I was being guided by a friend how to complete my aura and
>visualise a protective shell [pink egg with one-way mirrors on the outside
>reflecting back energy as unconditional love] when I was unable to get the
>egg to go down lower than my stomach;
>I needed to get that protection established badly but try as I might I could
>not get it to go down any further. Then my friend who was guiding me through
>the process said that she could see little faeries pulling the bottom edge
>of my pink egg down, tugging it and trying to help me complete my aura... and
>she described them to me. A little sceptical at first, I believed her and
>the edge of my egg went down a bit further. After removing another block to
>it's progress, the faeries got it to go down beneath my feet and tucked it
>in, completing my aura; and my friend said that I might hear a loud crack
>signifying that it had been done. Although I believed her and felt the energy
>of my now-complete aura I didnt really expect the crack; Suddenly above me on
>the ceiling this almighty 'Whack!' noise came from nowhere & I was sceptical
>no longer.
>So that's my faery story... for me personally, they were very helpful and
>important to me at a crucial part of my kundalini awakening and spiritual
>Angelique wrote
>> Hello, Philip:
>> The connection is simple. As part of my meditation and a manifestation of
>> my K. awakening, I have been spending a lot of time channelling my energy
>> into healing the planet, which led to channelling Gaia, which in turn
led to
>> an increased awareness of earth spirits. I write about my K. experience.
>Yes, I've been doing that too, channeling the awakened energy into healing
>the spiritual transformation. Working with spirits and faeries is not an
>optional extra IMO but an integral part of what we do with our awakened
>channeling Gaia! Wow.....! I have read that the Gaia's kundalini energy is
>being awakened too - with the help of the nature spirits; the spirit /
>link seems obvious there; and I think it is important for souls in human
>too to have the assistance and blessing of the spirit kingdoms also - what
>on the collective level for Gaia also happens for us IMO.
>> An important aspect of the millennium is a need to work more closely with
>> nature, to heal the scars of industry. The approaching Millennium is the
>> reason K. awakening has become such a widespread phenomena, as to make this
>> list possible. I believe this to be an opinion widely shared on the list.
>Yes indeed...
>> Now I am proud to be a powerful pagan Witch, fuelled and blesed with
>> Goddess power inside me.
>I sense that love-filled, feminine power from your post, Angelique; it is
>uplifting and pleasant. I believe myself that men can receive the goddess
>that the reemergence of feminine energy on the planet is offering both sexes
>the opportunity to step out of the repression and pain of the male/negative
>imbalance that has prevailed for so long and to use that feminine power
and love
>to heal both ourselves and the planet; I have had so many synchronicities
>this these last couple of weeks [a la 'The Celestine Prophecy'] it's
scary! <smile>
>I take as my personal the symbol of the Serpent in
>> the Holy Garden, but in my world, the Serpent gave the gift of the sacred
>> sexuality to first woman, in the Martriarchal creation myths that long
>> preeceeded the old testament.
>yes, versions of this are emerging in many people's worlds... Barbara
>channeled books & others I've been led to recently bear that out IMO;
>> I will not indulge in Church bashing, but I would like to ask, why is it
>> that a religion purportedly based on love and truth, (truth supposedly
>> self-evident), required so much violence and bloodshed, and oppression, in
>> spreading it's message?
>I believe myself that the male vibration's imbalance is responsible for that
>dichotomy also; if men's feeling centres, their heart chakras had not been
>horrifically shut down they simply could not do these things, murdering
and raping
>etc. If men had had their feeling centres operating properly then this
>could not have taken place; with true love in your heart, you cannot do these
>things. And the re-emergence of the goddess will lead men and women both to
>feel what spiritual love is in their heart chakras and such oppression will
>not be possible: love-filled beings simply cannot do this. And I believe that
>it is that emergence which will expose the religious oppression of the
past as
>being motivated and designed to extinguish love and truth; with a fully
>heart chakra the idea of murdering in the name of truth and love simply
does not
>> Even though my personal life mission is around freedom of sexual
>> expression, and the destruction of any outside restrictions on how adults
>> may choose to consensually express love.
>Have you read the Marciniak books or a book called 'The Oracle of Clarion -
>some wonderful insights on that.
>> Is that not the way of a loving Goddess? My reward, that Faerie are real
>> to me, and their joy and delight fills my life, and I choose to share
that joy.
>> And there are others on this list, that are using my expression to
>> facilitate thier own reconnection to Gaia.
>Yes!!! <smile>
>The Faerie lightness goes a long
>> way to lifting some of the harder aspects of K. awakening.
>Indeed... with charm, laughter and humor even the craggiest mountains can
>easily flattenable molehills.
>This is a
>> blessing, and my expressions, in my view, are sacred work. Work that was,
>> and is, very much inspired by my own awakening years ago.
>Yes... I see love, laughter, light and faery-charm as being a great boon to
>any awakening;
>More Faerie Tales please! <smile>
>Steve Murray
>'My love is like a storybook story
> But it's as real as the feelings I feel' - Theme from the Princess Bride
> [a rather neat faery tale movie]
>"A Goddess speaks from the heart and when she speaks she has no fear; She
>this earth in rainbow colours knowing she is the sun'. -
>[this .sig pinched from the Celestine list ]

Mystress Angelique Serpent,
  Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
     -- Hector Louis Berlioz
Sure, it's going to kill a lot of people, but they may be dying of
something else anyway. -- Othal Brand, member of a Texas pesticide
review board
 Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 00:16:26 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Tantric guru wannabe
Message-ID: <wUcJPDAKxAVzEw73ATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

OFFENCE AND CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE -----------------------------------

Tantric Yogi's application for job as guru

Have initiated no one,
done nothing,
enlightened nobody,
raised and lowered the lingam
and penetrated the yoni again and again
all for nothing
joined sun and moon
and crossed the river to the other side
drinking milk and honey,
the nectar of the gods that cools the fires of hell

have offended everyone and no one
and slammed door on someone's organ
ouch !
blood, libido and ignorance everywhere
that hurt.....

now, if you don't do as i say i'll just have to resign
the post i do not have
and play with myself
and it's my balls your squeezing
so let go
it takes two to tango
fancy a gangbang with the dakini ?

i await your earliest response,

so long as it is not premature

we come together or not at all

in ecstasy and laughter

Yogi Tom

c/o madhouse

ps fuck your mother and bugger the buddha -

now that's what i call Tantra

but children, please don't try this at home without asking your parents

Tom Aston
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 01:06:02 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Some quotes on sex
Message-ID: <fVkSPFAqfBVzEwvoATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

A Classical Yogic view:

"...Even the correct performance of Mula Bandha has its own dangers. It
 increases sexual retentive power, thereby tempting the practitioner to
 abuse that power. If he succumbs to that temptation, he is lost. All
 his dormant desires are aroused and become lethal like a sleeping
 serpent struck with a stick...the yogi is at the crossroads of his
 destiny. One road leads to bhoga or the enjoyment of worldly pleasures;
 the other to Yoga or union with the Supreme Soul. The attraction of
 worldly plessures is great. The yogi however, feels greater attraction
 for their Creator."

Page 438 From Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar

described as "the finest manual of instruction" Times of India

A Buddhist View:

"As for sexual yoga, there is a tradition that this may be practiced in
 certain very special and controlled circumstances during the Completion
 Stage of Highest Yoga Tantra - but only by advanced practitioners who
 have transcended egotism and generated perfect bodhicitta (will to

Pages 116-7

>From The Buddhist Handbook by John Snelling

What the Buddha said to a wayward monk.....

"Misguided man, it were better for you that your member should enter the
 the mouth of a hideous, venomous viper or cobra than that it should
 enter a woman..."

Page 59

>From The Buddhist Handbook by John Snelling

A view of the Taoist Yogi:

"The holy and wise men have no other way of cultivating their lives
 except by destroying lusts and safeguarding the seed."

Page 63

In chapter entitled A Magic Spell For The Far Journey in The Secret of
 the Golden Flower translated by Richard Wilhelm
Tom Aston
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 20:01:22
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Some quotes on sex
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 01:06 16/04/97 +0100, Tom Aston wrote:

>Pages 116-7
>>From The Buddhist Handbook by John Snelling
>What the Buddha said to a wayward monk.....
>"Misguided man, it were better for you that your member should enter the
> the mouth of a hideous, venomous viper or cobra than that it should
> enter a woman..."
>Page 59
     ***I know some radical feminist Lesbians who feel the same way...I'll
tell them, they'll love it, probably even get it printed on a tee shirt.

>>From The Buddhist Handbook by John Snelling
>A view of the Taoist Yogi:
>"The holy and wise men have no other way of cultivating their lives
> except by destroying lusts and safeguarding the seed."
>Page 63

   How unhappy for them, I hope someone teaches them a better way... .is
that anthing like how modern agriculture has no way of cultivating the
crops except with massive doses of fetilizers and pestcides....?
>In chapter entitled A Magic Spell For The Far Journey in The Secret of
> the Golden Flower translated by Richard Wilhelm
>Tom Aston
  I wanna start another thread!
  101 reasons to kill the buddah if you meet him in the road.....
  Just in case we do and we need motivation....
  "Why don't we do it in the road? No-one will be watching us..."
     (the Beatles, of course..)
  Mystresssssssss SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerpent.

Mystress Angelique Serpent,
  Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
     -- Hector Louis Berlioz
Sure, it's going to kill a lot of people, but they may be dying of
something else anyway. -- Othal Brand, member of a Texas pesticide
review board
 Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 22:28:26 +0100
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Angry with my Guru
Message-Id: <02282659101892ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>Sender: paulATnospamsirius.com
>Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 19:03:19 -0700
>From: Paul Ellis <pauleATnospamsirius.com>
>To: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
>Subject: Re: Angry with my Guru
>References: <20394457701148ATnospampeconic.net>
>Hi vic -
>Really liked the poem. Yours?
>> On the path of Love
>> many throw their mind away
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 02:21:22 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com,
 Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
Subject: Re: Some quotes on sex
Message-ID: <vWquviASmCVzEw5QATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

In message <>, Mystress
Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com> writes
>At 01:06 16/04/97 +0100, Tom Aston wrote:
>>Pages 116-7
>>>From The Buddhist Handbook by John Snelling
>>What the Buddha said to a wayward monk.....
>>"Misguided man, it were better for you that your member should enter the
>> the mouth of a hideous, venomous viper or cobra than that it should
>> enter a woman..."
>>Page 59
> ***I know some radical feminist Lesbians who feel the same way...I'll
>tell them, they'll love it, probably even get it printed on a tee shirt.
how about combining it with BUGGER THE BUDDHA, FUCK YOUR MOTHER ?

>>>From The Buddhist Handbook by John Snelling
>>A view of the Taoist Yogi:
>>"The holy and wise men have no other way of cultivating their lives
>> except by destroying lusts and safeguarding the seed."
>>Page 63
> How unhappy for them, I hope someone teaches them a better way... .is
>that anthing like how modern agriculture has no way of cultivating the
>crops except with massive doses of fetilizers and pestcides....?

hey sister. this is pure spiritual alchemy, i believe they use their own
fresh manure and rotting corpses as they die to the light again and

>>In chapter entitled A Magic Spell For The Far Journey in The Secret of
>> the Golden Flower translated by Richard Wilhelm
>>Tom Aston
> I wanna start another thread!
> 101 reasons to kill the buddah if you meet him in the road.....
> Just in case we do and we need motivation....
> "Why don't we do it in the road? No-one will be watching us..."
> (the Beatles, of course..)
> Mystresssssssss SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerpent.
please, just in case you were thinking of doing so, don't blame little
old me, they said these these things, i'm just the messenger....maybe we
need to be contradicted on sex along with everything else to break down
our conditioning.....just one more fixed form of conditioned mind to be
dissolved in the light.....how can anyone hold "an opinion" on sex ?
it's an experience.....

but the cobra/viper quote is priceless, especially when taken at face
value...what a slogan it could be for misogynists...which actually
reminds of that misogyny is not unheard of amongst Western Buddhists i
have known.....but i guess hating the goddess is their loss.....

> Mystress Angelique Serpent,
> Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
> Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
> *******************
>Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
> -- Hector Louis Berlioz
>Sure, it's going to kill a lot of people, but they may be dying of
>something else anyway. -- Othal Brand, member of a Texas pesticide
>review board
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.

Tom Aston
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 22:44:19 -0700
From: Phillip & Leigh Hurley <lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Tantric guru wannabe
Message-ID: <33546733.214BATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>

Tom Aston wrote:
> OFFENCE AND CONTAINS STRONG LANGUAGE -----------------------------------
> Tantric Yogi's application for job as guru
> Have initiated no one,
> done nothing,
> enlightened nobody,
> raised and lowered the lingam
> and penetrated the yoni again and again
> all for nothing
> joined sun and moon
> and crossed the river to the other side
> drinking milk and honey,
> the nectar of the gods that cools the fires of hell
> have offended everyone and no one
> and slammed door on someone's organ
> ouch !
> blood, libido and ignorance everywhere
> that hurt.....
> now, if you don't do as i say i'll just have to resign
> the post i do not have
> and play with myself
> and it's my balls your squeezing
> so let go
> it takes two to tango
> fancy a gangbang with the dakini ?
> i await your earliest response,
> so long as it is not premature
> we come together or not at all
> in ecstasy and laughter
> Yogi Tom
> c/o madhouse
> ps fuck your mother and bugger the buddha -
> now that's what i call Tantra
> but children, please don't try this at home without asking your parents
> first
> --
> Tom Aston
I'll be frank my friend, this is just too sad to comment on --PLEASE!
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 23:10:14 -0700
From: Phillip & Leigh Hurley <lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Some quotes on sex
Message-ID: <33546D46.5C70ATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>

Tom Aston wrote:
> A Classical Yogic view:
> "...Even the correct performance of Mula Bandha has its own dangers. It
> increases sexual retentive power, thereby tempting the practitioner to
> abuse that power. If he succumbs to that temptation, he is lost. All
> his dormant desires are aroused and become lethal like a sleeping
> serpent struck with a stick...the yogi is at the crossroads of his
> destiny. One road leads to bhoga or the enjoyment of worldly pleasures;
> the other to Yoga or union with the Supreme Soul. The attraction of
> worldly plessures is great. The yogi however, feels greater attraction
> for their Creator."
> Page 438 From Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar
> described as "the finest manual of instruction" Times of India
> A Buddhist View:
> "As for sexual yoga, there is a tradition that this may be practiced in
> certain very special and controlled circumstances during the Completion
> Stage of Highest Yoga Tantra - but only by advanced practitioners who
> have transcended egotism and generated perfect bodhicitta (will to
> enlightenment)"
> Pages 116-7
> >From The Buddhist Handbook by John Snelling
> What the Buddha said to a wayward monk.....
> "Misguided man, it were better for you that your member should enter the
> the mouth of a hideous, venomous viper or cobra than that it should
> enter a woman..."
> Page 59
> >From The Buddhist Handbook by John Snelling
> A view of the Taoist Yogi:
> "The holy and wise men have no other way of cultivating their lives
> except by destroying lusts and safeguarding the seed."
> Page 63
> In chapter entitled A Magic Spell For The Far Journey in The Secret of
> the Golden Flower translated by Richard Wilhelm
> --
> Tom Aston
So, Mr. Aston; What is the next step for you--Internment camps for
women? Perhaps the ovens?-Seek professional help-PLEASE!-Aum
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 21:28:31 -0700
From: Learner <learner1ATnospamgeocities.com>
To: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: Mind]
Message-ID: <3354556F.6D59ATnospamgeocities.com>

E Jason wrote:

> Sunil R Peswani wrote:
> > Has the subject of mind cropped up earlier on K list.
> > How does it keep karmic records if any,or how
> > does it contacts past lives etc. etc.
> Oh I see you mean the Soul maybe . . .
> The Soul does not exist but maybe created
> However such questions are too deep for me even to contemplate

> Most Kind Regards
> the Mindless Lobster

According to my humble opinion....soul *does* exist.
I also think that "mind" or whatever, is what carries our experiences
from one life to the other !
This I believe is shown in that some people seem to be closer to say
Truth than the others..and through different births you learn different

again i was just an ex-lurker...

Just another Learner
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 23:34:20 -0500 (CDT)
From: Nothing Is <holi0007ATnospamitlabs.umn.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Spiritual Realm
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.970415233201.18671C-100000ATnospampiranha.itlabs.umn.edu>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

"The wide open spiritual realm is very observant of the wide open earth
realms. I notice that San Francisco has bottomless and topless revues.
You can't have bottomless and topless things and not have bottomless and
topless spiritual things because the spiritual world is sometimes ironic,
and in a sense imitates the physical world. So there can be some kind of
communication and understanding through words as far as the bottomless
ignorance and the topless wisdom . . . is concerned. Perhaps humanity
should get interested: pragmatically concerned. There stands the world
and here stand I. Perhaps the world should understand rather than
overstand its position." (Sun Ra quoted in Tam Fiofori, "Sun Ra's Space
Odyssey", Downbeat, May 14, 1970, p. 17)
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 23:21:50 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: a great tan
Message-ID: <33546FFE.56FCATnospambest.com>

Phillip & Leigh Hurley wrote:
> lobster wrote:
> > Just To The Purpose
> >
> > Strut . . . Strut . . . Strut
> > "I am clever than you"
> > "I give advice"
> > "I take it"
> > "I am a doughnut"
> > Strut . . . Strut . . . Strut

The only other time I have seen such
> behavior has been at office Christmas parties and Sufi practice sessions
> for newbies. I would suggest the Betty Ford clinic. If this doesn't work
> for you-get back to me and I'll see what is in my crystal ball for
> you--Lobsters aren't afraid of the future-are they?
> Phil

My, touchy aren't we? Perhaps the only object in your crystal ball is a
large reflection?


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