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1997/04/15 06:42
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #166

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 166

Today's Topics:
  too much K-energy/Solutions?
  a great tan
  Re: Kundalini Energy
  Fwd: Kundalini and Love
  Re: Mind
  Dorje Ling
  Nothing Is...
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 21:04:18 +0100
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: too much K-energy/Solutions?
Message-Id: <01041859200189ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Hi, Writhing with Bliss and Energy K-ites,
I read one letter in the K-Digest which referred to K-energy flowing
and going all over there body, uncontrollably, in Intensity levels which
blow my mind, and are very high for the person involved. Let me say that this is
 a common experience. I , too, have this problem, and it
can drive me up the wall, and over, and over again to distraction! We have
discussed this and discussed this before, on the K-list. Many symtoms such
as having to stretch, arch the back, over and over, walk and run,
nervousness like a cat, raised, really raised libido, and very Intense
sexuality, are reflections of active, or uncomfortable levels of intense
K-Force. And to relieve these stressful occurances of K- Force/activity,
there seems to be many things one can do, such as going outside (from
with-in), walking around with your Friends, and participating in Fun, very
Fun, Recreation. Also, I find hot baths really help, a good sexual partner
can be grounding, and for those who wish to pursue chastity, there are other
methods of moving the K-Force over and around.

I, personally, am searching for those methods, of shifting and moving
energy with-in the body, including different yogas, different living style.
Something which I am looking at right NOW is;

 these videos on Shamanic Magical Passes, which are intended
to have an overall influence on Awareness and Well-being. The
emphasis being on growing and perfecting Awareness. There
seems to be several videos,called TensegrityVideos.

 I for one am Very motivated to Do it,
I would love to hear any other Ways of manipulation of
energy to provide well-being and enhancing the Awareness.
Any old or new suggestions, smile...

The place I am looking at is:

Your Friend,
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 21:07:31 -0700
From: Phillip & Leigh Hurley <lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: a great tan
Message-ID: <3352FF03.168BATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>

lobster wrote:
> Just To The Purpose
> Strut . . . Strut . . . Strut
> "I am clever than you"
> "I give advice"
> "I take it"
> "I am a doughnut"
> Strut . . . Strut . . . Strut
> If you think you may have been scathing
> change you message (Da da - Lobster sweeps away the
> curtain to reveal the solution
> - and then gets wrapped up in the curtain and falls over)
> You know it makes sense . . .
> And my advice to doughnuts . . . ?
> I would not presume . . .
> but perhaps the illustrious
> two in One
> known as Phillip & Leigh Hurley
> will all give us some advice
> perhaps on their more profound understanding?
> Most Kind Regards
> Lobster (awaiting advice)
OK. I don't usually talk to crustaceans --The reason being that
well--you know--uh-nothing personal-but-like, if you start talking to
them, they tend to get ideas(and there is nothing worse than a thinking
lobster) like-uh-that they can move into your neighborhood, -marry your
daughter etc. Nothing personal you understand, but we had a similar
problem with Brahmacaryan's a while back-they started to move into the
neighborhood. Well, to make a long story short-like a good neighbor I
went over to one of the houses across the street where this Brahmacarya
move in -to kind of welcome him to the neighborhood. As I'm going over
there I'm thinking to myself-Yes-a little humor --that always breaks the
ice well. So I get up to his porch-ring the doorbell-he opens the
door-and I say "Hey Pablo (his name was Tom as I found out later) How
many Brahmacaryans does it take to change a light bulb". Well-would you
believe-he slammed the door in my face. Thats gratitude for you!
Absolutely no sense of humor. So like I say; nothing personal. So,
like--nowadays I basically stay in my own back yard and barbecue my own
Nagas. Know what I mean????? I mean- you seem like a cool lobster
(sometimes). As far as advice is concerned -Well; I personally don't
know too much about Lobsters, but it appears to me that you get wrapped
up in curtains and fall down a lot.The only other time I have seen such
behavior has been at office Christmas parties and Sufi practice sessions
for newbies. I would suggest the Betty Ford clinic. If this doesn't work
for you-get back to me and I'll see what is in my crystal ball for
you--Lobsters aren't afraid of the future-are they?
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 22:19:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: PenofLoveATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini Energy
Message-ID: <970414221534_-435391933ATnospamemout02.mail.aol.com>

Thanks Tom...my psychic ability has been growing rapidly. I have gone for
massage therapy to help. I am going to New Mexico in June for Summer Solstice
with other kundalini yogi people to understand this destine of mine.
Meditation seems to really help bring happiness into my life..If I miss a day
oh boy ..the energy explodes inside. I thank god when this released I was
around others in spiritual nature to help guide me. Penoflove
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 23:02:11 -0400 (EDT)
From: PenofLoveATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Fwd: Kundalini and Love
Message-ID: <970414215305_1817912615ATnospamemout13.mail.aol.com>

Forwarded message:
Subj: Kundalini and Love
Date: 97-04-14 17:00:32 EDT
From: PenofLove
To: Kundalini-l-requestATnospamexecpc.com

Well folks..when my kundalini was released I would go outside and raise my
arms to God and say let me do something for you..Let me spread love into the
world..So then God struck me with a golden pen and I began to write...This is
for real..the words that come into me are not my voice so here is a little
taste of God. On assignment to sweep my prey
with love he explains. Reply to them with only love as you pursue their
different hue. One essential and one thing which is your love fed with a
worldwide effort. They will receive this strategic prize because you have
been glorified by the light of the governed. When the last movement arrives,
it will be a symphony of tale nevertold. You have the gate of the sun and
gate of the moon he said. They will close with a spectacular memorial to
love. I have this irresistible
journey that came from my spinal column. Energy of soothing love and power.
Every chakra is emotional now and approaches inner peace to others. Enhanced
harmony to take around us and change vital emotional spiritual steps toward
future survival. A state of expanding love to dreams of the world around me.

moon awarded me today with beauty beyond. It glowed over me with a sky so
darkened, not a star could be found. It smiled with a circle of gold around
its neck. Had ultimate light around it showling the third eye of spiritual
nature centered into my path. This nightly experience brought out my dreams
of understanding. A tunnel appeared with my direct contact and connected my
soul with the presence of tomorrow. Do not count the desert grains, time is
short and there are more to give too then you would find. The grave site of
yesterday will be counted with the well known. It is basic as the word love
but currently lost in the stresses of today. You will know these perfect
strangers as they will feel they have known you. Now you felt the moonlight
pass into you with delivery. Go drive this love to the people around and
continue until you come here. That is not predictable but a favor that holds
true. Penoflove
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 01:29:39 -0500 (CDT)
From: Nothing Is <holi0007ATnospamitlabs.umn.edu>
To: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, Sunil R Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
Subject: Re: Mind
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.970415012556.17191B-100000ATnospampiranha.itlabs.umn.edu>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I would recommend reading some of the transpersonal psychologist Ken
Wilber's books, especially 'A Brief History of Everything' to get a
vantage point that most Westerners will most likely be able to
*begin* to understand on such a transcendental subject.

bye, nothing is

 On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, Tom Aston wrote:

> In message <Pine.OSF.3.91.970414160121.9351A-
> 100000ATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>, Sunil R Peswani
> <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in> writes
> >
> > Has the subject of mind cropped up earlier on K list.
> >
> > What is the view of list members regarding mind on following points
> >
> >
> > Its location , size ,working, life ,funcctions etc.
> > How does it keep karmic records if any,or how
> >does it contacts past lives etc. etc.
> > What is its relation with vast amount of energy
> >or other processes that K awakening produces.
> > Its relationship with dreams , with spirits with
> >creativity with memorries, with human evolution
> > Any other information any can give.
> > Ram
> >
> >
> Some thoughts on mind.....
> there are two classic metaphysical conceptions of mind - universal
> consciousness as the ultimate reality - spiritual and material, and mind
> as essentially empty of all essential reality along with everything else
> all spiritual practice is ultimately a means to realising either cosmic
> mind or empty/no mind depending on one's view
> cosmic mind is sometimes equated with universal love and mystical
> experience of primordial unity
> empty/no mind is sometimes also linked with a primordial unity from
> which compassion and transcendental wisdom arises spontaneously
> on the way to these primordial states, which are always open to us
> should we care to listen, we pass through many worlds which reflect
> aspects of our true nature and of our illusory self...which since it's
> illusory...doesn't really exist...so we live in an illusory world best
> described by the mystics of the East
> cosmic mind is often described as the union of the soul with the Godhead
> or divine entity
> while empty mind is sometimes described as the annhilation of all ideas
> and experiences linked to the very notion of such a soul...combined with
> a great primal silence on the question of whether there is a divine
> being at all....
> in the meantime, probably the best bet for those starting out is to get
> to know the chakras and the brain and to integrate and refine and
> balance their energies before seeking to expand and transcend the
> mundane understanding and experience as a means to getting closer to
> either cosmic mind or no mind or both.....but since they're already
> there...well, all this is rather futile...it is something we have to go
> through simply to learn just how futile it all was....
> then there is the physical, subtle and causal anatomy about which many
> of us know already....the causal body in particular stores every aspect
> of our being and consciousness and determines the causal process of our
> lives and deaths
> many people hope to purify the subtle and causal bodies through
> spiritual practice, and often find that life imporoc=ves when they do
> attain deeper levels of purity and skillful states of consciousness
> rooted in positivity, kindness, healing energy etc etc
> so in practice, most mere mortals have to first purify, integrate and
> balance that which they already have, then concentrate, purify, deepen
> and expand and transcend this experience, and then, well, understand its
> true nature and just let it go altogether.....
> again in practice, we tend to distinguish along the way between waking
> consciousness rooted in the five senses and the brain and perhaps the
> chakras too if we have a yogic outlook and the dreaming consciousness of
> sleep in which we can access forms of the primal energies that are in
> fact reflections of our true natures....so when we are dreaming we are
> awakening, and when we are awake we are asleep, until we start to
> manifest and realise the dreams in waking realms of being and a
> primordial unity begins to emerge which Jung described as a process of
> "individuation"...
> however, some people just receive a message or energy from the
> transcendental realms without ever consciously going deep into the
> unconscious and follow that energy or guide and in so doing fully
> integrate all aspects of their experience and so enter into the cosmic
> mind that is always there waiting for us.....
> sometimes one finds one's mundane sense of self being squeezed and
> dissolved by energies emerging from both above - the transcendental -
> and below - the unconscious - and gradually it becomes clear they are
> the same reality, and distinctions like above and below make little
> sense.....in reality....especially when one encounters mystical light
> and energy in the waking realms.....
> as the mind is cleansed of all illusory impurities it manifests as an
> experience of bliss, wholeness, stillness, energy...etc etc which can
> grant boons to others should they be open to them.....
> sometimes one can get a tiny glimpse of some aspects of these realms
> through chemical stimulation of the consciousness with psychedelic drugs
> which can give a sense of expansion, bliss, insight etc that is
> astounding after the mundane world of the senses and ego
> but in some ways this stimulation of the chemical balance of the brain
> and nervous system is just another diversion from the primordial state
> of consciousness/no mind that is our innate character...for it in effect
> colours the stainless waters of the pure mind so should not be mistaken
> for direct knowledge of the cosmic mind.....
> a process of making the psyche whole and rooted in personal reality is
> the safest way of developing a direct experience of the cosmic mind..one
> must integrate all aspects of one's physical, emotional, mental, psychic
> and spiritual nature on the way as a foundation for ultimately, letting
> go of all these aspects of consciousness in favour of
> ...well...nothing...and everything.....and well, not letting go at
> all...in other words there is just the great roaring silence into which
> mystics, saints and yogis through the ages have surrendered
> themselves....
> but some beings know they are perfect already, that the mind is already
> pure, that there is an intuitive understanding which is rooted in the
> cosmic mind of which they are simply a reflection and
> manifestation....that their purity defies conventional notions of purity
> and can embrace the impure...
> sometimes one could say "living truth" is a reflection of the cosmic
> mind...thus it is, a lifetime of delusion and deception can be washed
> away by one moment of self-sacrifice, compassionate action, witnessing,
> speaking of truth, confession, forgiveness, remorse, love....that takes
> us beyond our mundane selves
> so any situation can be redeemed, for we are all part of the cosmic
> mind, always, no matter how much our experience might suggest
> otherwise...
> in some ways, there is no situation to be redeemed at all, no matter how
> bad things might seem......
> for as long as we use our minds to understand reality, we understand
> neither
> and as long as the mind reacts to things it imagines to be outside
> itself....well, we remain locked in a ycle of false consciousness... in
> some ways at least...
> when the mind is still, the conditions arise for us to understand our
> true natures
> while the mind may become still naturally, meditation often helps
> there are many apparent forms of mind....
> there is the small mind which many of us know only too well
> this consciousness tends to be scattered and pulled this way and that
> and has no real centre except for a false sense of self
> there is the concentrated mind that is the key to solving so many
> practical and intellectual problems
> there is the vajra-like single-pointed mind that is the key to attaining
> transcendental insight into reality
> there is the expansive mind that opens up to both self and other in all
> their glory and infinitude...in some ways this is the heart, manifesting
> as love, compassion, kindness and wisdom in so many ways
> the ultimate form of the expansive mind is the totally unified mind,
> which is, in some ways, the heart yoked to the totally clear vision of
> the head..which is, well, both cosmic and empty..and beyond any
> distinction between head and heart, but quite happy to embrace both....
> the quickest and simplest way to true mind may be simply to surrender
> totally to the Divine Grace and open up in its light like a flower
> blossoming in sunlight
> but many of us have a long way to go and a lot of work to do before we
> understand this kind of spiritual simplicity
> in practice most people rarely get far beyond the scattered mind or
> moments of concentration of quite a mundane level even though there are
> plenty of teachings and methods for developing beyond this level.
> thus, the highest truths we experience tend to be rooted in intellectual
> or emotional experience, which both raise us above the levels of simply
> following our instincts and being pulled by the senses and driven by
> outer conditioning...yet also become just more baggage between our true
> state of being and our false sense of self.
> yet a world without rationality, ethics, justice, human rights, systems
> of law and accountabilty of those in power....would, well, be a total
> nightmare, even for those in touch with cosmic mind....so it is worth
> holding onto these aspects of civilisation even if we have let them go
> it is not so much the form or nature of the experience, but of our
> relationship to that experience that is often the biggest obstacle to
> our understanding the true nature of mind
> even in conceiving there is some kind of dualistic aspect to our
> experience we create the drama of illusory self which lies at the root
> of the process of seeking outside ourselves that accounts for so much
> spiritual searching.....which can lead to a sense of dilemma...or to
> holding on...or simply limiting and contracting that which cannot be
> limited or contracted.....
> but even expansiveness or letting go can become another form of
> hindrance to realisation of our true mind.....
> the buddha mind holds no position or line or opinions on all this...
> but there is a path, in fact many paths
> and there is a teaching, in fact many teachings
> yet there is no path, no teaching, no path and no buddha
> which all adds up to...well, all this has to be experienced ultimately
> and we can dream up forms of words till the end of time....
> one either knows or one doesn't and nothing i can say can change that...
> and yet one knows often what one doesn't know
> and words can bring understanding
> and understanding can bring words
> and words perhaps help most on the kundalini list simply in providing a
> mirror to extraordinarty experiences that often do approach the cosmic
> mind, but which leave us baffled and can easily be ignored...
> which can be a profound cause for regret later on when the light begins
> to dawn....
> as long as we use outr mind to understand realtiy we will understand
> neither
> Zen calls this the doctrine of no mind
> which sounds like a psychiatric complaint
> but who's sane ? and who's mad ?
> when we're all going to die.....
> and we're dying already....
> or at least we think we are....
> whoever we are
> and whoever may be writing this.....
> regards Yogi Tom xxxxx
> --
> Tom Aston
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 01:36:42 -0500 (CDT)
From: Nothing Is <holi0007ATnospamitlabs.umn.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Dorje Ling
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.970415013133.17191C-100000ATnospampiranha.itlabs.umn.edu>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

 That's funny, I was listening to "Dorje Ling" tonight and through
most of it I had subtle 3rd eye visuals while relaxing. When the last
song came along the energy seemed to concentrate on my heart area, I
never felt this chakra blast open in such a way, and open so much....too
profound for my poor writing skills =).

bye, nothin' is
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 01:43:29 -0500 (CDT)
From: Nothing Is <holi0007ATnospamitlabs.umn.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Nothing Is...
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.970415013648.17191D-100000ATnospampiranha.itlabs.umn.edu>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

poem by late jazz musician Sun Ra:

Nothing Is...

At first nothing is;
Then nothing transforms itself to be air
Sometimes the air transforms itself to be water;
And the Water becomes rain and falls to earth;
Then again, the air through friction becomes fire.
So the nothing and the air and the water
And the fire are really the same----
Upon different degrees.

bye, nothin' is
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 1997 18:06:58 +0500 (GMT+0500)
From: Sunil R Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
To: kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: mind
Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.91.970415180348.13289A-200000ATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; BOUNDARY="0-1532931969-861109618=:13289"

Thanks Tom Aston, for your views, . I have attached to this document my
first contact with inner voice....


 At my first sitting for vipassana meditation on 6th June 92,I had my first contact with the inner voice(iv)

iv :So now you are sitting for meditation. I will give you company to help you see your mind. What do you see inside yourself.
R :I see darkness with slightly brighter shades in between.
iv :Concentrate hard on any one small point in your body. Smaller the better.
 (After some time)
 what do you see again?
R :Darkness is less and still there are some bright patches.
iv :Infact you are magnifying a smaller area of your body and that makes darkness lighter. Now concentrate still harder to a smaller point and see again.

R :I see bright stars in darkness.
iv :Shift your point of concentration now to some other part of the body
R :I still see bright stars but color is changed.
iv :Each star that you see is a named kalapa of which you have read earlier. This kalapa is having different color from the other one because when this kalapa was being reborn you had a different emotion. In fact each emotion has got its own different color, and the depth of the color also depends upon the intensity of your emotion at the instant of time it was being formed.
 Ok now remember someone whom you intensely hate or love and look at the kalapa.
R :The color of that kalapa is changing to dark dark brown.
iv :So you have remembered a person whom you hate. Orange is the color of hatred, and your ego has black color, so what you are seeing is a mixture. The intensity of ego ie black color and the intensity of hate ie orange color will give this hue.
 Ok now let us see this kalapa without emotion, and with my eyes.

R :Kalapa color is fading.
 It has dissapeared now.
iv :As you are seeing it with my eyes, your ego is not in the picture, so black color is gone, and as there is no emotion in my seeing , so what you are now seeing is a transparent / invisible kalapa.
 Ok now see it without emotion yourself.
R :It is visible now with slight greyish color
iv :The blackish hue is comming in because of your ego and making your kalapa visible again.
 You are able to see all this because I have provided a background of light for the kalapa to be visible to you.
 Next I am withdrawing your concentration from a very small point to a bigger point. What do you now see?
R :I see stars much closer and many of them in a particular formation.
iv :I am shifting you to some other point. Now what do you see?
R :I see stars of different colors in a different formation.
iv :Every moment each kalapa dies, million times and is reborn. This process is continously going on in trillions and trillions of kalapas inside your body. NOrmally a kalapa is born of the same type that it dies as. However a emotion or a thought changes a group of kalapas both in color and formation. These formations are because of different intensities of emotions. Ok now I am withdrawing your concentration still further. Now what do you see?
R :I see different combinations of stars and their formations scattered through out. Infact I feel that there is a same universe inside my body as I see outside in the sky.
iv :Exactly. Like the universe outside, there are galaxys, quasers, nebules, even black holes and white holes. Evolution has followed the same method inside and outside.
 The inside of your body can be compared to a very powerful computer.



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