Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/04/12 14:27
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #158

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 158

Today's Topics:
  Re: Welcome lurker Diva Leigh
  Re: Welcome lurker Diva Leigh
  the guru's grace, shaktipat and the journey home
  The dissapearance of Dan G.
  Re: Welcome lurker Diva Leigh
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 06:35:22
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Welcome lurker Diva Leigh
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 23:47 09/04/97 -0700, Phillip & Leigh Hurley wrote:
>Hail Mysstresssss SSSSSerpent!
  Hail, Sacred Whore Dive Leigh!

> You are a witch of uncommon insight and wisdom! I enjoyed your
>very much, and would be honored to have it linked to the JTP site!
  Oooooooohhh, verbal adoration gets you anywhere!
  Sorry this response is late...eudora crashed and ate the first one.
 Just my unconscous trying to get me to spend less time on email and more
on updating websites. I like "the Addams Family". I want a dress like
>(many snips)
>> My belief says that all acts of love and pleasure serve the Goddess. But
>> I have a hard time integrating the fact that Nature favors rapists as DNA
>> donors.
>> Any thoughts?
>Well, at the most essential level, everything, both acts of love (and
>acts of hate), everything is just to the purpose - everything is
>somebody's learning process. From my own secondary theology I would ask
>what you mean by "acts of love and pleasure" - do you mean anything
>motivated from the venusian sphere, so to speak, or do you mean
>particular acts - physical sexual acts, sensual acts?

  Well, actually it is a bigger idea. Big, big, big.
  It is a hedonistic idea that we're here for a good time, that life is
meant to be as much joy and love and fun and pleasure as we may allow
ourselves. Goddess loves us, and has given us much power to create our own
lives...some folks like a horror movie, or reruns of "Terms of Endearment"
and a good cry.
  Related to what I like and what I don't like, as orientations of good and
I endeavor to spend as much time as possible doing things I enjoy. It's a
success formula...if I am enjoying what I am doing, I am likely to do it
well. If I do not enjoy it, especialy given a my touch of ADD, I am likely
to not ever do it, or do it badly.

  "Do what you love, the money will follow."
  "Follow your bliss"...Joseph Campbell.
 "In the path of your happiness shall you find the learning for which you
have chosen this lifetime.".....Richard Bach.
  It's also about taking care of oneself first, so as to be strong enough
to extend care to others. All of life is inherently self centred.
  We are each the center of our own universe, so selfishness makes sense.
Not greed, which is a form of scarcity-fear, but selfishness. I am self
absorbed, because seeking to know myself is all I can do, and the universe
mirrors me back to me everywhere I look.
  I am All.
All is self.
Self love is also Love of Goddess,
because I am a manifestation of Her creativeness.
Self love is also love of others, as others mirror self.
Where there is not love and acceptance of others, there is the mirror of
the places where there is not love of self. This means go inside self and
find those rejected pieces and give them love and deeper understanding so
they integrate.
  I remember in High School, explaining to my Religous Studies teacher that
Mother Theresa does what she does because it makes her feel good when she
does it. An Act of Love and Pleasure, for her it is bathing lepers...not my
idea of a good time. Probably her folks were not impressed with her career
choice, either...
  Have have sometimes wondered if my K.A. actually dates back to high
school, and the eruption of my psychic abilities. I worked only with
descending light energy in those days, I did not know to draw energy up
from the earth as well.
...some say awakening works from the top down, then the serpents wake and
start the energy moving back up again. Who knows? I could probably question
my unconscous, but it seems unimportant, in the moment.
  Managing K. list is an act of love and pleasure, for me. I have felt tons
of love,and laughter and the pleasure of learning, the pleasure of like
company from this list, never ending always changing chorus of voices..
  When it's existence was threatened by the departing previous ListMaster,
I moved to make certain such a wonderful source of love and pleasure would
be available to me in perpetuity. Of course I had other reasons, but that
one was most important, because it meant I would do it well.
  As for sexual restrictions, for myself there is what I like...and what I
don't like I don't seek to experience, but if others like it, let each seek
love and pleasure according to thier own needs and love language
  ...and it be for the good of all and harm to none.
   Harm I leave up to the definition of the one who is claiming harm. Harm
is subjective. I have dealt blows, bites, bitching, burns and bruises, to
those who found them to be a blessing, a desired, requested and cherished
experience. They bore the marks with pride in the one who had given them.
Thus, I do no harm.
  Consensuality for me is the rule I use to guide me to do no harm. I
recognize that in the highest sense all acts are consensual on a soul
level...but I am limited by reciprocity.
  I do not wish to experience non consensual harm, so I don't send it out.
  I know too, that in one sense when I ask for the good of all and harm to
none, that that is really the truth in all things of Goddess creation, no
matter how dark they may appear to our limited perception.
  My asking that it be so is truly a measure of my lack of faith that it is
not, and a measure of my fear/mistrust/separation from Goddess. I have
grown past the belief in evil, but I am immature enough yet in my
enlightenment to still believe in harm.

> Nature's a bitch. Nature would have me get pregnant from making
>which is definitely not my idea of a good time. From my secondary
>theological perspective as a vamacarin, nature is an elemental force,
>and one studies it carefully, learns to work with it and to consciously
>direct it, rather than being spun around on the wheel by it. Actually,
>Nature's just us....

  Hmmm. I hear <Love and Rockets>..."you cannot go against nature, becuse
when you do, to go against nature is part of nature too." ...No New Tale To
Tell...Theme song of my presently inactive group, The Tribe of The Fire

  I resonated with the Pleiadean concept that once we are truly reconnected
with our bodies, conception does not take place unless specifically,
conscously desired.
  Every cell of our bodies is under the control of the unconscous,
fertility should be controllable by will. To do this there must be a
tremendous amount of love, respect and attention to the body, it's needs
and signals.
  In a way, this makes sense of the Rape pregnancy stats...the fear energy
of becoming pregnant by a rapist (deeply encultured by most women and
regularly revived by the abortion debate) contributing to create the result.
   We are drawn to that which we fear, so we can release the fear and
ascend. I try to find out my fears and release them so they don't have to
manifest. I try to cooperate with the K. Karma Kleanse, release the stuck
places when I find them quick, before they build up into manifesting
something nasty.
  Which is, as you pointed out, what I do for others, too..
>Yeah, this is a hard one to talk about, because it's an idea that a lot
>of folks would abuse, but there does seem to be a victim/violator
>concinnity at a psychic level. This is why what you do is so powerful -
>by tapping into particular psychic patterns (i.e. a need to be
>punished/enslaved, a need to dominate) and creating a format for them to
>be consciously played out in a controlled, safe way, you're actually
>abreacting (upping, working out) a lot of karma that if allowed to run
>its natural course could very well be rather unpleasant.... This is the
>function of ritual...
  Yes! And the rituals of BDSM are endless and complex. deeply evocative.
  Simple rituals of surrender can have unexpected power, and in such a raw
place, my acceptance and approval resonates.
  Sometimes there are hurt places, I need to be so gentle... I remember a
very light session, no pain and bondage...in negotiation before hand, when
the man told me his powerful submissive needs had been suppressed for 30+
years, marriage and family demands.... I warned him it would be an
emotionally intense session for him. I knew he would require *very*
delicate handling.
  Putting love where there has been only a deep hole is so very beautiful.
  At one point, he knelt before me, naked and collared as I stood towring
over him in 5" stiletto boots and my leather armor.
  I reached out to caress his hair, and told him that he was a good slave,
and I was happy I had collared him. He started crying,(!!!) and
recognizing the powerful emotional release, I stepped closer and held him,
continuing to murmer about my pleasure in owning him, as his body shook
with sobbing for perhaps 10 minutes.
  With my empathy I felt so clearly the release of such a deep huge ache,
that part of him that had waited in shame, silence denial and loneliness
for so many years longing for just these simple words of acceptance,
finally coming home.

>-The Light which shines in Darkness, yet the Darkness comprehendeth It not.
>-Rejoice, for behold, all acts of Love and Pleasure are My rituals.
  Thus, on my Travelling Circus path towards Enlightenment, I seek to make
all of my life into sacred ritual.
   Blessings, Angelique.
>Make Love! Leigh
>PS I love your boa...
  Avalon Queen of Serpents, sends her regards to you and that silver
tongued devil of a SO you call Philip.

Mystress Angelique Serpent,
  Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
     -- Hector Louis Berlioz
Sure, it's going to kill a lot of people, but they may be dying of
something else anyway. -- Othal Brand, member of a Texas pesticide
review board
 Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 07:42:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: PenofLoveATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Welcome lurker Diva Leigh
Message-ID: <970412074220_117993386ATnospamemout16.mail.aol.com>

please take me off your list ..I am not sure I like what I am receiving
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 20:52:46 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: the guru's grace, shaktipat and the journey home
Message-ID: <YJwb8BAOg+TzEwOEATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>


The guru's grace comes from above.
It awakens the sleeping kundalini at the base of the spine.
And so the journey back to the light begins in earnest.
Without the grace and the guru it is hard to see how the darkness of the
mundane understanding can create light.

There are many diversions and hazards along the way, thus the need for a
subtle and profound understanding that is invisible to most people.

One must also realise that the self is not the centre of the process,
but rather an obstacle.

One must learn to cooperate with the process and embrace one's own

Here are some aspects of the journey:

The initial awakening can be both wonderful and disconcerting. Inner
energy can easily get out of control and so careful preparation and
foundation work is needed to minimise the risks.

Faith is needed to do this properly, for there are no guarantees that
the grace will descend. It comes when the time is right. A pure
motivation is good, combined with intuitive understanding and carefully
researched knowledge, it is even better.

The first steps are the most hazardous if the foundation is not right. A
few cracks here or there and one has to rip up the whole edifice and
start all over again. It all demands a purity and integrity and esoteric
understanding that is alien to our culture.

Problems due to weak spiritual foundations do not go away, they just get
worse and worse until one is filled with regret and despair.

Mundane standards do not apply with shakti if one wants a safe journey.

Essentially, if only we could be still, the process could unfold

Unfortunately we tend to interfere and then things get complicated.

Knowledge can be as dangerous as ignorance with kundalini. What is
needed is an understanding which is fluid and intuitive.

It is rooted in deep forms of listening and looking carefully within and

There are no fixed forms, no absolutes.

Nothing and no one can force you to cooperate with this process, and no
one can force you to listen to your inner yearning for wholeness and
liberation that comes only from returning to the light.

When one cooperates with the evolutionary urge, life moves very smoothly
and coherently.

When one ignores the inner yearning and inner experience and outer
signposts, then things can unravel very quickly.

It becomes even worse when this process of unravelling effects others in
one's life.

But forgiveness and healing are always possibilities and almost any
situation can be redeemed with genuine remorse, self-surrender and
understanding rooted in suffering and self-knowledge.

The guru knows who we really are and sends the divine grace to help us
see things as they really are. He never doubts for a moment in our
primordial purity.

The guru can take many forms within and without.

To admit one needs help is to open up a little more to the light.

This journey is an ancient one which has been made by many....there are
reliable maps and guides.....it is just the Westerner who has such a
genius for imagining one should make a song and dance about it as we are
dragged kicking and screaming into the light.


The simplest way to prepare for this process is to eat a pure wholesome
diet - and crap when the body wants to crap. This gets rid of all kinds
of toxins. Holding in waste, drinking, smoking, drugs, all just
complicate matters. Why make things harder than they need to be ?

The form of diet is important too. A little regularly is better than a
lot intermittently or erratically. Munching properly isn't a bad idea

Yoga, non-violent martial arts, holistic bodywork are safe ways of
integrating subtle energies and posture so as to avoid unnecessary
problems later along the way.

Of course, there is the heroic way of indulgence, working directly with
the poisons and desires to transmute them...but why make things so hard
for oneself and risk incurring such serious penalties if things go

The divine grace, is always waiting for us, and is the easy road so why
not take it ? It may take a while, but once it gets to work, the journey
is over and one's life belongs to the Absolute.

The heart and the goddess know what they want. It's our job to listen to
them and respond accordingly.

Once one has started on this journey there can be no forgetting what has
happened or trying to start another journey or somehow reversing the
process. Decisions and actions in these realms can be irrevocable in a
way few other decisions can be.

Bad decisions or inconsistency or lack of perseverance can be profound
causes for regret later on when things are clearer, so tread carefully.

It is likely that kundalini will bring changes in one's body chemistry.
The endocrine glands, the nervous system, the brain, the sexual fluids,
the senses and the vital organs can all be purified, refined and
invigorated along the way.

It is best to cooperate with this process and to pay attention to things
that are hard to comprehend at first. Methods and techniques to help
this process can be hard to fathom and may change without any apparent
rhyme or reason.

It's easy to know when one has done something right for the energy is
blissful, pleasant and free flowing.

When one has got it wrong, the energy contracts, can be painful and may
just seize up the operation of one's whole being.

The fine line between wrong and right handling of energy can be very
fine, so seek out sympathetic environments to explore how one should

Because this can be a subtle and delicate process, be careful who you
talk to about this process and beware of giving the energy away without
having first judged whether this is an appropriate course of spiritual
action. For most Westerners are probably in need of far more practical
help and advice in their lives than this pure and subtle energy which is
wasted on someone who is not receptive to it.

It can be interesting to monitor one's eyes, skin, tongue, sweat glands,
genitalia, chakras, posture and sleep patterns to see how kundalini is
getting to work on one's whole being. A diary can be a useful source of
longer term insight as patterns develop and one learns just what works
and what the shakti wants.

If something bad comes up from the body or mind, let it pass. Thus the
need to learn to relax and to meditate in some way or other. One can
ghet in real trouble very quickly if one constantly responds to the
purification process.

It is not unusual for the bodily mass to vary from time to time, whether
becoming thin or fat as shakti works out one's karma. If one is doing
yuoga or yogic breathing the classic yogic pot belly may become quite
embarrassing in a culture which associates such things with obesity and

It is just the relaxation of the diaphragm and abdomen and general
freeing up of the energy flows through the body.

The classic Western hard muscular physique and hard flat abdomen and
stomach can prevent the free flow of energy and lead to problems if
kundalini awakens.

Psychic abilities are almost bound to arise at some stage. Best to note
them and let them pass without demonstrating them to others. They are
just encouraging signposts along the way.

Perhaps the hardest ability not to exploit is the one that enables one
to heal through touch. This can seem a very natural and compassionate
form of action, but should ultimately be allowed to pass too as it is a
diversion from the main goal of reuniting with the primordial light.

Remember that the light and shakti works within everyone so it is not
necessarily one's spiritual business to start healing everyone who is in
need of spiritual energy.

The shakti can be quite a strange phenomenon sometimes. Burning, energy
blockages, pressure in the skull or on the forehead or in the joints,
strange sensations as various chakras open, are common. Thus the need to
have some form of bodywork as preparation to minimise these possible
problems. Even then, some cathartic pain is inevitable in most cases.

Gradually, one is likely to experience things in the mind and body which
explain all kind of esoteric knowledge. The body and mind become a
microscosm of the universe. This is when one begins to nurture one's own
mastery of the light and energy and the ability to transmit it to tohers
in wahtever form is appropriate emerges.

The cleansing and refining of the brain and nervous system is hard to
accept sometimes as one idetifies so closely with these aspects of the
body and mind.

Sometimes it can feel like kundalini is a psychic surgeon cutting away
at the old mentality and emotions. This can go on indefinitely.

If in doubt, do nothing and witness all this from the heart, the true
home of our buddha nature. Patience can be a virtue in these situations
as shakti may take her time readjusting one's mind and body.

Sex can be a real problem with an awakened kundalini and one should
think very carefully before indulging in conventional sex as it may
unleash forces and karma one does not understand and becomes unable to

Brahmacharya (chastity and sublimation of the sexual fluids and energy)
has a long tradition amongst kundalini yogis, Taoist yogis and Tibetan
Tantric monks, for it is safe and provides fuel for the process of
spiritual evolution.

Tantric inner sex can enable one to explore far more aspects of one's
sexuality than one could ever hope to do within a loving relationship of
a conventional nature as one can make love to innumerable daka or gods
and dakini or sky going goddesses, as well as feel at times as if one is
engaging in mutual interpenetration with the cosmic life force itself.

To enter a sexual relationship without love and spiritual connections is
a dangerous road that is not necessary although it has historically had
some adherents.


It is worth getting to know the meridian system of Chinese medicine.

Common sensations as the subtle energy get to work include:

sensations of subtle energy running from groin to lips up spine and
stomach along Governing and Conception Vessels respectively,

soreness in the Gall Bladder meridian (linked to brain and hearing
functions) running beside the ears, across the shoulders and down the
side of the thighs,

soreness in the Stomach meridian due to inappropriate diet, eating
habits or psychosomatic inability to "stomach" one's environment as
shakti requires change.

sensitivty in Bladder meridian running down back next to spine and back
of legs due to toxic drinks such as alcohol or coffee, excessive water
intake or/and emotional blockages. If excessive liquid intake continues
then lower vertebrae can become weakened and poor posture can result
with obvious effect on shakti.

blockages in Heart meridian and Heart Protector meridian due to failure
to express higher emotional nature activated by shakti

excessive Yin in Triple Heater meridian causing coldness in circulation
and poor digestion and generally poor energy flow

excessive Yang in Triple Heater meridian causing excessive warmth in
circulation and excessive flow of psychic energy

sore Large Intestine meridian due to failure to obey instinctive urges
of bowels or psychological failure to cleanse or express emotions and

Without an holistic approach to balancing and clearing these kind of
energy problems, one is unlikely to resolve them on a piecemeal basis,
as with responding to imbalances and blockages in general with shakti.


The lower three chakras, the muladhara, svadhisthana and manipura can
sources of physical, emotional and mental problems, especially if they
are activated excessively before the heart and head chakras have been
brought to bear on them and purify them.

The muladhara can be associated with excessive bodily attachment,
seeking of sensual pleasure and stimulation and excessive appetite. If
its energies are depleted excessively it an undrmine the whole
foundtions of physical health.

The svadhisthana can be associated with sexual lust, crude imagination,
lower desires and the repressed subconscious.

The manipura can be associated with anger, hatred, egotism, narcissism,
violent speech or just physical violence, manipulation of the shakti to
materialistic ends.

As the chakras and brain and nervous system are refined one may find
that at times the tongue clicks or tastes sour as past poisonous words
are cleansed from the karmic store.

Mantra can be particularly useful, both silently spoken within and
chanted, depending on one's needs, to purify one's speech and

Yantra can help to in purifying the mind and one's inner sense of vision
and gaining deeper understanding of the esoteric nature of the kundalini
journey back to the light.

It is best to allow these forms of practice to arise naturally rather
than force or impose them on one's life.

As the subtle energy gets to work on the whole body one may become aware
of an ascending earth energy and descending heaven energy meeting up
either at the heart or the hips and groin. One should learn to mix and
balance these energies and gain a deeper undertanding of the subtle

The pattern of subtle enrgy flow can vary depending on the whims of
shakti, so one's practice, if one has one, should be adaptable to these
changes. Listen to the subtle energy's needs.

The nadis and meridians may appear separate at first, but will later
become similar in quality. All one needs to do is fine tune them with
breathing and physical exercises, (often, just doing what feels right
intuitively is best) if at all, given one has done the groundwork in
integrating one's subtle energy and freeing up its flow.

The buttocks are often the hiding place of all kinds of repressed lower
emotions and sexual energies, especially if one works in an office, and
some yoga or just consciously relaxing them can help the free flow of
energy through the whole body.

The standing postures of hatha yoga as well as the freeflowing moves of
tai chi are also good at cleaning out the animal chakras in the legs and
clearing the karmic residue in the feet by firmly grounding the whole

The two most common forms of yogic injuries are knee strains from
forcing oneself into lotus posture, and back strains and damage to the
vertebrae from excessive willfulness in stretching and bending
exercises. So watch out for these particularly.

The other commonly reported danger with yoga is manipualtion of the
breath which can produce all kinds of psychic phenomena which can be
psychotic in nature and hard to resolve peacefully.

Never manipulate the breath unless one is being guided by a spiritual
teacher and evn then it may not be a good idea.

Much better to just watch the breath or even let the breath manipulate

In general, the best rule of thumb is simply to cooperate with the
shakti and be her faithful, loyal and attentive servant rather than try
to control the situation and impose practices and methods on this
extraordinary energy which merely create resistance and become obstacles
in themselves.

Improvisation and imagination are often as useful as conventional
discipline and orderliness. One has to learn to nurture and maintain an
exceptional level of awareness and sensitivity if shakti's true needs
are to be met with the minimum of fuss and pain.

Hope all this helps. Regards, Yogi Tom
Tom Aston
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 06:58:00
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: <kenmATnospamoregon.uoregon.edu>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The dissapearance of Dan G.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

  Some have been inquiring as to the whereabouts of Dan G.

  The last time I heard from him, he said he was going into lurker mode
awhile, to integrate. However, his mail has been getting returned since
April 1, and I am going to have to unsub him, if the computer has not done
so automatically already. I get every piece of bounced list mail back from
the computer. K.list x 2 or 3, just to my mailbox, evryone who posts gts
thier mail back too...
  I hope Dan G. is doing well with his integration and evolution.
  Dan G. lives in Toronto, if anyone wishes to look him up.
 Blessings, Angelique.

At 09:37 10/04/97 -0500, PMDF e-Mail Interconnect wrote:
>This report relates to a message you sent with the following header fields:
> Message-id: <>
> Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 14:30:16 -0700
> From: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
> To: Dan Gahlinger <danATnospamvrx.net>
> Subject: Re: Return From Afar
>Your message has been enqueued and undeliverable for 3 days
>to the following recipients:
> Recipient address: danATnospamvrx.net
> Reason: unable to deliver this message after 3 days
>Delivery attempt history for your mail:
>>Dear Dan,
>>I was new the the K-list when on 3/19/97 you described your experiences with
>>enlightenment to the list members.
>>I was looking forward to communicating with you in the hope of learning how
>>to achieve what you have, or at least move in that direction.
>>As I watched the list dynamics, you seemed to be getting a lot of heat from
>>others on the list. I am wondering how you are doing and whether you might
>Does anyone know what happen to Dan?
>Tell him he is loved.
>Tell him to come back.
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 17:04:19 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: PenofLoveATnospamaol.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Welcome lurker Diva Leigh
Message-ID: <33502303.12BBATnospamdial.pipex.com>

PenofLoveATnospamaol.com wrote:
> please take me off your list ..I am not sure I like what I am receiving

I do not like people leaving the list
just because they do not like what they are receiving
Why go somewhere safe?
You will soon enough . . .
You say
"I am"
"I like"
"I am"
Your one message is full of the egoism
you doubtless did not like in the above post
We see ourselves in others
and then have the audacity
to say *I* do not like what *I* am receiving . . .
God Bless You - elsewhere if that is your choice.

Most Kind Regards


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