1997/04/12 01:31
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #156
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 156
Today's Topics:
Re: EGO, music, Monkees, Diamond and Stevens
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
life and taxes
Russkies to nuke NYC, E.T.'s say
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 08:15:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: Charles Burnett <lcburnetATnospampeabody.jhu.edu>
To: J Flarity <joeATnospamflarity.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: EGO, music, Monkees, Diamond and Stevens
Message-Id: <Pine.SUN.3.95.970411081349.22716A-100000ATnospamgigue.peabody.jhu.edu>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Another that is still going strong yet overcame EGO is Donovon.
Chack out Sutras!
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 04:34:55 -1000 (HST)
From: DarkWay{Looking for new nick} <DarkWayATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199704111434.EAA09840ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>
I dreamt this dream in color and Vivid
It started out with ppl we know visiting us.
But in that dream I went to sleep and had a dream.
It started out as me on the computer my parent's left.
Then What felt like a HUge earthQwake happend knocking me out.
later I woke up in the house which was Very COld looking out side the sky was Black and soundless.
I had assumed some war had tooken place,then this gas which burned my eyes and throut came threw the door behind me..
I first opend the window chocking to get air then I was going to leave threw the window when
I remeber my dog so I turn and went threw the door looking for him then I oped a door,
There was a flash and then I fell which seem like forever into a pit when I hit the ground I heard a HORRABLE Vioce{Which scared me more then I have ever been}Say Welcome my Friend,I have been prepareing a room just for you Hahaha{The vioce was undiscribable}Then I prayed in my dream with a dream and was in a hall with ppl.
then I woke up in the the first dream with ppl visiting And prayed To jesus{Since I am a athist I whould never have done this in real life}I felt vibrations and peace.I saw shards of somethng I was older and a healer...I am not sure what to belive.I am not sure if this is
A symbolic dream of myself or inspired by a higher being.Whatever it was it scared me more then I chould say...what really scared me is that I just found out thouse ppl are coming to visit soon....
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 05:43:05 -1000 (HST)
From: DarkWay <DarkWayATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199704111543.FAA27657ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>
I dreamt this dream in color and Vivid
It started out with ppl we know visiting us.
But in that dream I went to sleep and had a dream.
It started out as me on the computer my parent's left.
Then What felt like a HUge earthQwake happend knocking me out.
later I woke up in the house which was Very COld looking out side the sky was Black{even though it was day} and soundless.I had assumed some war had tooken place,then this gas which burned my eyes and throut came threw the door behind me..I first opend the window chocking to get air then I was going to leave threw the window when
I remeber my dog so I turn and went threw the door looking for him then I oped a door,There was a flash and then I fell which seem like forever into a pit when I hit the ground I heard a HORRABLE Vioce{Which scared me more then I have ever been}Say Welcome my Friend,I have been prepareing a room just for you Hahaha{The vioce was undiscribable}Then I prayed in my dream with a dream and was in a hall with ppl. then I woke up in the the first dream with ppl visiting And prayed To jesus{Since I am a athist I whould never have done this in real life}I felt vibrations and peace.I saw shards of somethng I was older and a healer...I am not sure what to belive.I am not sure if this is
A symbolic dream of myself or inspired by a higher being.Whatever it was it scared me more then I chould say...what really scared me is that I just found out thouse ppl are coming to visit soon....
a block and need to kill thAnother thing is after I woke up in the dream...I went back to sleep in the dream againe...This time it wa all nice and blue skys so I went to the front door...Then it came walking in with a Small Black dog that barked at me
the demon just stared so I looked at the barking dog and then I guess pushed
my mind on it if thats what it can be called{More like showed it I was Stronger}Then I looked at the demom/Devil hoping to kill it the same way but It looked and started coming after me....I was not strong anuff to kill it..
I feel this might be related to the Blockage in my heart..Ifelt a better flow and higher too which maybe that I overcomes the dog....But I still have the Huge demon.
I talked to a dream symbolical student who saws a few things
1 the sky{Clouds Black} are the Demons I have.
since I am becoming stronger I{My higher self} is Choosing to have me confront these things in my dreams...
I Beat the dog which Distroyed soem fear and such but...This Demon which is more terryfiying then I chould ever say is not affraid and in fact is much bigger....I hope I can over come the big one...But I am not sure how any suggestions please e-mail to DarkWayATnospamhotmail.com
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 10:58:38 -1000 (HST)
From: Terry Satterthwaite <mangkuATnospamix.netcom.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199704112058.KAA14351ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>
My first experiences began as a child and would manifest with high fevers. These would then reside and feelings of great peace would come over me. This lasted until I was about 22 years old, the experiences happened about once a year. From 22 to 36 nothing happened and it was a relief. Then I went to Bali in 1994, there I studied with several mantra and healing masters. The big one came and the experience lasted for almost a year. My teachers would work with me to guide the energy flows. Out of the visions came a mandalic pattern which maps the kundalini to the Sanscrit alphabet. I know use this pattern to tone the system on a regular basis. For anyone interested in checking out the mandala the website address is; http://www2.netcom.com/~mangku
I am interested in getting feedback about the mandala. I have come to see that sound and vision are key tools in the managing and directing of my kundalini forces in daily life.
Light and Compassion,
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 20:36:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: voltronATnospamvoy.net (Jon Locke)
To: voltronATnospamvoy.net
Subject: SEE YOU AT AREA 51!
Message-Id: <v01530511af74423db66fATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Here is a copy of part of News Brief #55. The New Heaven New Earth web
site is one of my favorites. Hope you enjoy it. _ Love and Light, Jon
>> Warning: Dates in Calendar are closer than they appear. <<
Jon Locke
The Philosopher's Stone
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 18:47:21 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: life and taxes
Message-ID: <334EE9A9.47B7ATnospambest.com>
Hi K-ites,
This mail-list is very quiet.....could it be- tax D-day. the tax man
cometh? I picture you all out there having great big energy
transformations while wading through piles of taxese forms. I've been
busy searching for more receipts and papers to throw at my accountant,
whose done my pile of tax forms four times now (who's saying "enough"
and praying for April 15), and begging my financial planner to FIND a
way to set up a keogh at this late date.
The face in my mirror looks strangely unfamiliar these days, as I
search for a glimpse of my essential self and remind myself that life is
not about money or about taxes and quarterly payments. I could use some
inspiration, if anyone has some to spare. About life and money, putting
it all into perspective 'cause I've temporarily lost that perspective.
I still have a sense of humor (so far) and that's usually a good sign.
Morgana in Mire
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 04:26:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: voltronATnospamvoy.net (Jon Locke)
To: voltronATnospamvoy.net
Subject: Russkies to nuke NYC, E.T.'s say
Message-Id: <v01530500af747cedec6eATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
If you consider yourself in the LOVE AND LIGHT group and think they can
change every body's reality like their own. But for the rest of us who
claim the earth under the Biblical promise, "The Meek shall inherit the
earth." Psalms.
So I am am humble communicator and I read what I transmit whether from this
planet or somewhere else, to share with you the experience of all time! And
you have a front row seat. As I speak there are elements of the Archangel
Micahel acting on this message. We are wiring you up to be interactive with
the Hiearchy. To the committee of 300. You input is valuable, and needed.
Sit quietly and give your soul/consciousness to the ideal of you choice.
Whatever cools down your nervous sysetem even if stone or wood or bone or
rock should be worshiped.
So we re relaying the following message on behalf of the Faresight
Institute in Atlanta and pray that a votex of protection and white light
over Atlanta and that Area so than negative forces can give themselves up
and learn what is involved here. I would call it Interdimensional Amnesty.
As Whitley Strieber and Dr. Richard Boylan have said, we should get along
with these so-called bad guys; they can help us in the conversion of the
processs/transition from one of fear into one of love. The process can be
an invisible trransition with enough cooperation. I heartly call on the
U.S. Government issue the "Stand-Down" Order to cover Farsight Institute,
It's officers and all employees; that all hostilities against them be not
only investigated but we call upon the F.B.I. to protect this institution
in the name of the people under national law forbidding bomb threats.
Read and Enjoy, - Jon
P.S. Someone should send thiss to CNN. You?
>Resent-Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 20:45:05 -0700 (PDT)
>X-Authentication-Warning: shellx.best.com: spirit set sender to
>conflight-l-requestATnospamspiritweb.org using -f
>X-Sender: westATnospampop.sonic.net
>Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 19:38:45 +0900
>From: Wes Thomas <westATnospamsonic.net>
>Subject: Russkies to nuke NYC, E.T.'s say
>Resent-From: conflight-lATnospamspiritweb.org
>X-Mailing-List: <conflight-lATnospamspiritweb.org> archive/latest/5579
>X-Loop: conflight-lATnospamspiritweb.org
>Precedence: list
>Resent-Sender: conflight-l-requestATnospamspiritweb.org
>To: Confederation of Light List <conflight-lATnospamspiritweb.org>
>I would be interested in the opinions of people on this list to this:
>To the Government of the United States,
>The information contained in this posting has two purposes. The first is to
>information which is needed immediately to the government of the United
>States and to
>international anti terrorist governmental organizations. Information that
>we have collected
>indicate that a highly destructive terrorist attack against the United
>States is imminent.
>We include all of the information that is available to us at the current
>time in the links
>below. We discuss other information (unrelated to the terrorist attack)
>also below that
>relates to technology transfer. The U.S. government in particular will find
>this information
>to be crucially important to one of its projects.
>The second purpose for this posting directly involves The Farsight
>Institute. The United
>States is at risk of losing an extraordinary national resource that cannot
>be easily
>replaced. Because of this risk, it has become necessary to issue this
>letter, which
>constitutes a formal and official request to the government of the United
>States for
>protection for The Farsight Institute, its principal officers, its
>professional remote
>viewers, and its employees. Please let us explain. Before we do so, let me
>add that we are
>completely aware that the general public has no way to verify the
>information is discussed
>in this note, and that this request and the facts that are contained herein
>will likely be
>publically doubted and ridiculed. But it is completely within the
>capability of the persons
>to whom this letter is actually being addressed to verify each and every
>point made here
>using normal governmental intelligence resources. Should it be necessary,
>we can supply
>information to an appropriate official representative of the government to
>document and/or
>augment all of the claims presented here.
>It has come to our attention that a new group in the government of the
>United States has
>recently begun to closely monitor our activities. This group answers to a
>person who (in
>turn) directly answers to the president of the United States. It is to this
>group that we
>are making our request for protection and to whom this post is directed.
>The Farsight Institute, as well as the professional lives of the principal
>players at the
>Institute, have been under constant attack from a well orchestrated
>campaign against us
>since January of this year. The preparations for these coordinated attacks
>were initiated in
>the latter part of 1996. Those who are executing this concerted opposition
>against us are
>members of a small group in a larger U.S. governmental intelligence agency.
>We can supply
>you with more information about this agency, but we think either you
>already know this
>information or you can find this out by yourselves. This group lacks
>supervisorial oversight, and they are engaged in blatantly illegal activity
>against us. They
>have been assigned the task of disbanding us through whatever means is
>necessary. Their
>initial strategies involved clever operations to discredit us, but they
>have recently
>activated much more serious plans. Again, we can supply a great deal more
>information about
>this agency and its activities to someone in an official capacity should it
>be necessary or
>>From the inception of our organization, we have been in direct contact with
>an outside group
>that has offered us both guidance and protection. (From herein, we will
>refer to this group
>as our "Friends.") We believe you already know who this group is. What you
>may not know is
>that this group may not be able to protect us further should the government
>of the United
>States make an overt decision at the highest levels to disband us. Further
>protection could
>be seen as excessive interference in the affairs of our society, and the
>group may be
>prohibited from doing this by their own internal rules of interaction.
>Thus, the intent from
>the beginning of our interaction with this group was to demonstrate the
>usefulness of our
>activities to the government of the United States so that our own
>government would then both
>sanction our activities and assist in our protection. The time has finally
>arrived for our
>government to make a decision as to whether or not it wants us to exist as
>a national
>Last week on Friday (4 April 1997) we activated our new technology transfer
>protocols. We
>remote viewed an extraterrestrial artifact that is in the possession of the
>United States
>government. The fact that this object was in your possession was told to us
>by our Friends.
>They informed us only that it was rectangular in shape, its approximate
>size, that it was ET
>technology, and that the government did not know the purpose or operation
>of this object.
>Using our new technology transfer protocols (which, we admit, were
>partially given to us by
>our Friends), we targeted this object and discerned its purpose, how it
>works, etc. We are
>not reporting all of our findings here because it has come to our attention
>that such
>devices are common to all ships operated by our Friends, and that other
>governments also
>have such devices, or know about them. We want to limit our initial
>dissemination of our
>findings to the U.S. government for now. This will require a visit to our
>facilities in
>Atlanta by an official governmental representative to review our data. We
>expect and hope
>that these findings will be useful to you. We are capable of offering you
>greater detail
>should you want or require it. Also, our technology transfer protocols,
>while already quite
>extensive, will be expanded dramatically shortly to enable us to tackle a
>wide range of very
>difficult problems. Our Friends want you to know that they are willing to
>work with you
>using the means of consciousness. They want to help you, but they want you
>to meet them
>half-way, by allowing us to develop the technologies of consciousness that
>allow for an
>intimate interaction between themselves and humans. We have not been
>informed of any limit
>to the help which they are willing to offer as long as we receive it using
>means with which
>they are comfortable.
>I mention all of this to you so that you can understand the urgency of our
>request for
>protection. Again, we activated our new technology transfer protocols on 4
>April 1997. In
>three days, 7 April 1997, we were visited at our facilities by a group of
>operatives from a foreign country who attempted to obtain information
>regarding these
>protocols. As it happens, these operatives were from a country that has
>friendly relations
>with the United States. But let this be the warning. If a friendly nation
>could find out
>about our activities in just a few days, will it be long before our next
>visitors arrive
>from a nation which we may perceive as harboring terrorist activities?
>Bluntly, we at The
>Farsight Institute cannot protect ourselves against a concerted effort to
>infiltrate us and
>to steal our technology without direct help from the government of the
>United States. We
>need protection not only from the U.S. governmental agency that has been
>tasked with
>destroying us, but we also need protection from foreign interests that may
>be dangerously
>To further demonstrate our usefulness to you, we offer you the information
>linked below
>relating to a planned terrorist attack on what appears to be the city of
>New York. This
>terrorist attack involves a tactical nuclear weapon that was apparently
>stolen from the
>arsenal of the former Soviet Union. We include a sufficient amount of
>information with this
>posting for either the U.S. government or an international anti-terrorist
>(Interpol?) to stop the event, and, hopefully, to arrest the terrorists. We
>have not been
>told to postpone posting this information by our Friends. Thus, we can only
>assume that the
>planned attack is very imminent. If you do nothing else with the
>information posted here,
>please take this information about the terrorist attack very seriously. Our
>default timeline
>includes this attack. You must act to prevent the attack in order for it
>not to happen. Our
>information suggests that you must act quickly. Should you need more
>information, we would
>be willing to supply whatever we can.
>What should you do now? First, please carefully read all of the links
>below. Act first on
>the terrorist threat. Then, as soon as you are able, and only if you want
>to do so, please
>come to our facilities in Atlanta. You will find us waiting for you. We
>will show you our
>technology transfer data, tell you of our plans, of our security needs, of
>how we expect to
>be able to help you in the future with problems that make your current
>needs seem
>insignificant. We will also want to tell you about ourselves, about we are
>advancing the
>development of remote viewing very rapidly, as I explain further below.
>Moreover, you will
>find that we are team players.
>Rather than trying to destroy us, consider protecting us. We offer you a
>resource that we
>believe would be very difficult for you to replicate. Moreover, we are
>certain that our
>Friends began working with us only after failing to work successfully with
>the existent
>institutions of our country and planet. They needed a new institution, a
>big one, one that
>they could help create from scratch, with eager humans who had ideals
>similar to their own.
>We believe they needed The Farsight Institute just as much as you will need
>us in the future
>should you allow us to grow to our full potential. We know you can destroy
>us if you really
>want to make a truly concerted effort to do so. But we believe that all of
>humanity would
>lose if you do this. Nonetheless, we recognize that it is your free will,
>your choice as
>humans, to decide whether or not you wish to interact with the universe
>that surrounds us
>using these scientific means of consciousness. But please consider our
>request to work with
>us, to let us grow, to protect us as a planetary resource, and even to
>assist us in our
>attempts to help you.
>To be sure, by helping us, you will be helping our Friends. We know them
>more intimately
>than many humans know their own family members. We understand why they want
>to interact with
>us using trained skills of consciousness. We know them, and yes, we love
>them as beings who
>share this universe with us. They want to be useful to humans. They want to
>help us help
>ourselves. We need only meet them half-way. We need to learn how to
>communicate with them in
>ways that are compatible with their existence. Believe us when we say this,
>we know that the
>future that humanity faces is more laced with danger than nearly anyone on
>this planet could
>possibly imagine. Our Friends know that their future is tied to ours, and
>that our survival
>is crucial to their future evolution. We need humans who can perceive the
>universe as our
>Friends perceive the universe. We need The Farsight Institute and all that
>it represents
>because we humans will need to have a means of discerning that which is
>real in the times
>that are soon to be upon us. We need to be able to KNOW our universe, all
>of it, near and
>far. Our Friends will not, or perhaps cannot, do this for us. But they are
>willing to help
>us do this. If you allow us, and them, to help, we can succeed in giving
>this planet an
>informational resource that is more valuable than physical sight itself.
>Finally, we want to tell you something special about ourselves. We are
>rapidly expanding the
>capabilities and the rigor of our remote viewing protocols. We are achieving a
>standardization of trained remote viewing capabilities that has never
>before been achieved
>by humans. We have a long term plan for the enhancement of our
>technologies. In truth, as
>impressive as our results are at the current time, they are a distant
>shadow relative to
>they we will achieve in the near future. We have instituted a performance
>professionalization program that is linked to all of our development plans.
>Our viewers now
>advance in our ranks based on how they perform as viewers and monitors. We
>give them goals,
>and we help them achieve these goals using rigorous methods and standards.
>Nearly all of our
>new standards and procedures are completely new to the remote viewing
>field. In addition, we
>have already developed entirely new protocols for the use of remote viewing
>in medicine and
>with technology transfer. We can even now solve one of our government's own
>problems relating to ET technology, and we can similarly address other
>problems at will.
>Moreover, as new problems arise, we are geared up to develop new
>enhancements in our
>procedures and to integrate that which we learn into the development of our
>new science in
>order to address these problems.
>Our goal is to establish a large institute in remote viewing here in
>Atlanta. We will need a
>campus, facilities, and funding for research and teaching. We are willing
>to develop our
>technology transfer protocols along any highly specialized lines as a means
>of benefitting
>our planetary governments and societies. We have tremendous technological
>needs, and the
>events that you know are soon to happen with regard to ET/human
>interactions will make it
>necessary for humans to understand the technologies that are associated
>with these
>phenomena. If we do not do this, humans will view these phenomena as
>magical, and with great
>fear. It is even possible that the masses may not be easily controlled
>should events cause
>panic with many. The antidote to this is knowledge that is controlled by
>humans. The planet
>needs to know that humans can understand that which is happening; all that
>is happening,
>from the technology involved to the motivations of the groups behind the
>events. Our Friends
>want us to have this capability. Indeed, they appear desperate for us to
>grow quickly in
>this regard. They want you to want us to succeed, and they want your help
>in making this
>happen. Apparently, it is easier for them to assist with the development of
>a new
>institution from scratch, including a fully expanded research and
>development program, than
>it is to transform an existing institution. We are now ready to make this a
>reality. Our
>next class in Advanced Training will be taking place this month. At that
>time we will double
>our already large group of professionals who can be the core of this
>institution. We are
>working with all of our professionals continually, always enhancing their
>growth, never
>allowing a plateau of capability to become established. As we grow, we demand
>performance-based results. This is a new science, and we treat it as such.
>Due to the
>seriousness of our efforts, we already have the capability to address many
>of society's
>important problems, if only you will work with us, and allow others to know
>that what we do
>is real.
>We offer the information that is linked below without any strings attached.
>You may use it
>for whatever purpose. We hope you will view it as a small gift reflecting a
>much greater
>prize that is possible should you desire to pursue it. God's speed to you,
>and all of us.
>God be with you in your deliberations.
>Dr. Courtney Brown, Ph.D.
>President The Farsight Institute
>* Member Info and Un-/Subscription Info about 'Confederation of Light List':
>* http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/conflight-l.html
>* Total 211 members subscribed. Archive Password: radiance
"Everyone has Eternal Life. Some just don't know it."
Jon Locke
The Philosopher's Stone
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