1997/04/11 03:00
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #155
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 155
Today's Topics:
RE: Kundalini SHaktipat
Re: Solar Flare heads Toward Earth.
Re: Cobra Breath
RE: Kundalini SHaktipat/How to!!!
Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Re: EGO, music, Monkees, Diamond and Stevens
RE: Why?
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 97 09:24:00 PDT
From: Manoj Nanda <MNATnospamlangley.softwright.co.uk>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: Kundalini SHaktipat
Message-Id: <334D146BATnospammsmailgate.softwright.co.uk>
Well Jari, I was in the same boat as you
"desperately seeking shaktipat Guru"
what I have managed to find out is
SHaktipat can be given in absentia,
I haven't tried this just found out from the webmaster on
the site contains informations of shaktipat Gurus in the states.
The strange thing is when I asked for this they requseted 108 dollars
which was strange coming from a non-profit organisation.
From: Jari Vanha-Eskola[SMTP:vanhaeskATnospamcc.helsinki.fi]
Sent: 09 April 1997 12:27
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Cobra Breath
> The safest way to approach kundalini if you have the devotion and the
> intellectual yearning.. is through a guru, that can give you shaktipat.
The easiest, the safest... *sigh*
It's just as well if you happen to live in America. But what hope is
there for those of us who happen to reside elsewhere? Do gurus travel
abroad? Even if they did, I doubt they'd visit Finland.
So I'm trying to awaken K on my own through meditation... don't know
anybody who could give me Shaktipat. But if you do have ideas on how to
receive Shaktipat without traveling to the US, I'd gladly hear them!
Walk with Love, Jari
Jari Vanha-Eskola ! Internet: Jari.Vanha-EskolaATnospamhelsinki.fi
University of Helsinki ! WWW: http://www.helsinki.fi/~vanhaesk/
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 07:00:32 -0600
From: JimBATnospampitnet.net (Jim B)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Solar Flare heads Toward Earth.
Message-Id: <v01540b00af72935e9eaeATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hi Jon--
I'm curious to know what it is we're supposed to be waiting for. Would
hate to think my ship had come in, but I didn't recognize it!
:-) Jim
>This was on CNN today. They expect it to arrive at 8 pm tonight est. Is
>this what we've been waiting for? Could be spectacular lights int he sky.
>Keep your eyes open. - Jon
> [CNN logo] [Tech banner] [Lotus SmartSuite '97. Desktop
> Solar flare heading toward Earth
> April 8, 1997 [orange sun]
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 12:44:31 -0400 (EDT)
From: FK3000ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Cobra Breath
Message-ID: <970410124405_-1301807934ATnospamemout01.mail.aol.com>
In a message dated 97-04-10 05:25:54 EDT, you write:
<< >Try Gurumayi.
> You can find more info at:
HEY! Yes that was the Mother Mary I was referring to for Jari, she lives
upstate NY but is reclusive as I was told by my counselor who got Shaktipat
from her. Unfortunately she is not giving any more for understandable
(everybody wants to TOUCH her! That is enough to frighten anyone.
Charles Wildbank >>
But I think she is still giving, I'll try to find out & let you know.
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 13:00:42 +0100
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: RE: Kundalini SHaktipat/How to!!!
Message-Id: <17004236200735ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I feel that we have many gifted shakti-Pat ers ,smile, here maybe even just
lurken around who may be the remote kind, and baby, dont waste your
time, and I mean any of you out there if you want it ask for It, It is
here and keep on keeping asking until a shakti- pat er gets tired
of hearing your request and just Give It to you, you see we all love so
much and we can"t stand you not having it, you see, it hurts, so Do it, and
get it Free, its from God/ess!!! It can bring Pain, but it is also Gain,
in Freedom of your Spiritual Life!!! So think twice, maybe thrice
on whether you want it, for it may eat you alive with Love!
And If you want to stay the same, run far from this list or any
New Age Games for it is all from God/ess.
>Resent-Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 03:52:12 -0500
>From: Manoj Nanda <MNATnospamlangley.softwright.co.uk>
>To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
>Subject: RE: Kundalini SHaktipat
>Date: Thu, 10 Apr 97 09:24:00 PDT
>Encoding: 36 TEXT
>Resent-Message-ID: <"xXK1T2.0.xZ1.yeAJp"ATnospamcomet.execpc.com>
>Resent-From: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
>X-Mailing-List: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com> archive/latest/6117
>X-Loop: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
>Resent-Sender: kundalini-l-requestATnospamexecpc.com
>Well Jari, I was in the same boat as you
>"desperately seeking shaktipat Guru"
>what I have managed to find out is
>SHaktipat can be given in absentia,
>I haven't tried this just found out from the webmaster on
>the site contains informations of shaktipat Gurus in the states.
>The strange thing is when I asked for this they requseted 108 dollars
>which was strange coming from a non-profit organisation.
> ----------
>From: Jari Vanha-Eskola[SMTP:vanhaeskATnospamcc.helsinki.fi]
>Sent: 09 April 1997 12:27
>To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
>Subject: Re: Cobra Breath
>> The safest way to approach kundalini if you have the devotion and the
>> intellectual yearning.. is through a guru, that can give you shaktipat.
>The easiest, the safest... *sigh*
>It's just as well if you happen to live in America. But what hope is
>there for those of us who happen to reside elsewhere? Do gurus travel
>abroad? Even if they did, I doubt they'd visit Finland.
>So I'm trying to awaken K on my own through meditation... don't know
>anybody who could give me Shaktipat. But if you do have ideas on how to
>receive Shaktipat without traveling to the US, I'd gladly hear them!
> Walk with Love, Jari
> --
>Jari Vanha-Eskola ! Internet: Jari.Vanha-EskolaATnospamhelsinki.fi
>University of Helsinki ! WWW: http://www.helsinki.fi/~vanhaesk/
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 13:45:58 +0100
From: Charles Wildbank <wildbankATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: RAVEN'MAD GOD/ESS: Shaktipat
Message-Id: <17455826700819ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Here is my request thousandtimes-fold: I wanna shaktipat! I donna wanna
be the same no more! : ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( :
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 22:44:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: DChern1123ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <970410224311_-1403045180ATnospamemout07.mail.aol.com>
swim or do asanas and eat heavy meals for a while
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 19:15:48 -0700
From: J Flarity <joeATnospamflarity.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: EGO, music, Monkees, Diamond and Stevens
Message-Id: <334D9ED3.7F8BATnospamflarity.com>
Peter Norton wrote:
> > This is the list of favorite music.
> ...
> > I'm a Believer, Monkees
> ...
It was also the first commercial hit for Neil Diamond. Who went on to
compose other touching songs such as: Lordy, Holly Holy, Stones, I am I
said, Cante Libre, Soolaimon and my personal favorite, Shilo.
Then he started reading his own press clippings and spun out of the
Then came Cat Stevens with, Moonshadow, The Wind [of my soul], Into
White, Tea For the Tillerman, Monad's Anthem, I Think I see the Light,
Katmandu, Lillywhite and, King of Trees.
And this can be a lesson to us all. The adoration's of millions and
their proclamations of 'prophet' must be a tremendous burden on the
soul's ability to contain the ego. Diamond's ego was victorious. I
think that Stevens sensed failure was imminent and subjugated himself to
the shackle of Islam. Those of you who heard him advocate the death of
Salmon Rushdie on the NPR interview with Bob Edwards, know the depth of
his descent.
I was a little surprised that no one mentioned Cat Stevens in the K
music anthology. I have some of the music mentioned, and I have
purchased some of the recommended music. So far, I have heard nothing
which rivals his inspiration.
Back upon the winding road I pause
taking time to check the doubt
and the Lilly white
I never knew her name
she'll be passing my way sometime again
I raised my hand and touched the wheel of change
taking time to check the dial
thank the Lilly white
I never knew her name
she'll be passing my way sometime again
Cat Stevens, from Lilly White on Mona Bone Jakon, his first album after
recovering from TB. He was in his early twenties.
Check it out. There is also a great Cat Stevens home page and
newsletter. CatStevens.com, I think.
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 08:31:31 +0200
From: Jason <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
To: "'Kundalini'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: Why?
Message-ID: <01BC4652.D78F8120ATnospamlss16pub86.bluewin.ch>
<beginsnip: Teeegeee>
That is the question.
If you look beyond
you get a form of obsession.
If you look back
at what could have been
or what was ....
it's a form of depression.
So what could be,
or what was,
isn't what is.
So what is?
If it's not the past,
and it's not the future,
then what is it?
It is being here NOW,
in the present,
in the moment.
Knowing that whatever will be
will be.
And if we don't fret about the past,
and we don't worry about the future,
then the only thing left
is the NOW.
And without frets or worries,
without pasts or futures,
without obsessions or depressions,
what do you have?
You have BEING.
You have KNOWING.
Knowing that whatever the past was,
has already happened.
Knowing that whatever the future may bring,
hasn't yet happened.
And knowing, as we live in the present,
in this moment in time,
that only the best can come
if you only BE.
To be..... That is the Answer.
-tg langston
Quite well said!
The question WHY? is not a question at all. It is an answer.
Love. Zympht.
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